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package com.twitter.tweetypie
package repository
import com.twitter.service.talon.thriftscala._
import com.twitter.stitch.SeqGroup
import com.twitter.stitch.Stitch
import com.twitter.stitch.compat.LegacySeqGroup
import com.twitter.tweetypie.backends.Talon
import com.twitter.tweetypie.client_id.ClientIdHelper
import com.twitter.tweetypie.core.OverCapacity
case class UrlSlug(text: String) extends AnyVal
case class ExpandedUrl(text: String) extends AnyVal
object UrlRepository {
type Type = UrlSlug => Stitch[ExpandedUrl]
* Builds a UrlRepository from a Talon.Expand arrow.
def apply(
talonExpand: Talon.Expand,
tweetypieClientId: String,
statsReceiver: StatsReceiver,
clientIdHelper: ClientIdHelper,
): Type = {
val observedTalonExpand: Talon.Expand =
.trackOutcome(statsReceiver, _ => clientIdHelper.effectiveClientId.getOrElse("unknown"))
val expandGroup = SeqGroup[ExpandRequest, Try[ExpandResponse]] { requests =>
Future.collect( => observedTalonExpand(r).liftToTry)))
slug =>
val request = toExpandRequest(slug, auditMessage(tweetypieClientId, clientIdHelper))
.call(request, expandGroup)
.flatMap(toExpandedUrl(slug, _))
def auditMessage(tweetypieClientId: String, clientIdHelper: ClientIdHelper): String = {
tweetypieClientId + clientIdHelper.effectiveClientId.mkString(":", "", "")
def toExpandRequest(slug: UrlSlug, auditMessage: String): ExpandRequest =
ExpandRequest(userId = 0, shortUrl = slug.text, fromUser = false, auditMsg = Some(auditMessage))
def toExpandedUrl(slug: UrlSlug, res: ExpandResponse): Stitch[ExpandedUrl] =
res.responseCode match {
case ResponseCode.Ok =>
// use Option(res.longUrl) because res.longUrl can be null
Option(res.longUrl) match {
case None => Stitch.NotFound
case Some(longUrl) => Stitch.value(ExpandedUrl(longUrl))
case ResponseCode.BadInput =>
// we shouldn't see other ResponseCodes, because Talon.Expand translates them to
// exceptions, but we have this catch-all just in case.
case _ =>