package import com.twitter.servo.util.FutureEffect import com.twitter.finagle.stats.StatsReceiver import com.twitter.logging._ import com.twitter.scrooge.BinaryThriftStructSerializer import com.twitter.servo.util.{Scribe => ServoScribe} import com.twitter.tweetypie.storage_internal.thriftscala._ import com.twitter.tbird.thriftscala.Added import com.twitter.tbird.thriftscala.Removed import com.twitter.tbird.thriftscala.Scrubbed import com.twitter.util.Time /** * Scribe is used to log tweet writes which are used to generate /tables/statuses in HDFS. * * Write Scribe Category Message * ----- --------------- ------- * add tbird_add_status [[com.twitter.tbird.thriftscala.Added]] * remove tbird_remove_status [[com.twitter.tbird.thriftscala.Removed]] * scrub tbird_scrub_status [[com.twitter.tbird.thriftscala.Scrubbed]] * * The thrift representation is encoded using binary thrift protocol format, followed by base64 * encoding and converted to string using default character set (utf8). The logger uses BareFormatter. * * The thrift ops are scribed only after the write API call has succeeded. * * The class is thread safe except initial configuration and registration routines, * and no exception is expected unless java heap is out of memory. * * If exception does get thrown, add/remove/scrub operations will fail and * client will have to retry */ class Scribe(factory: Scribe.ScribeHandlerFactory, statsReceiver: StatsReceiver) { import Scribe._ private val AddedSerializer = BinaryThriftStructSerializer(Added) private val RemovedSerializer = BinaryThriftStructSerializer(Removed) private val ScrubbedSerializer = BinaryThriftStructSerializer(Scrubbed) private val addCounter = statsReceiver.counter("scribe/add/count") private val removeCounter = statsReceiver.counter("scribe/remove/count") private val scrubCounter = statsReceiver.counter("scribe/scrub/count") val addHandler: FutureEffect[String] = ServoScribe(factory(scribeAddedCategory)()) val removeHandler: FutureEffect[String] = ServoScribe(factory(scribeRemovedCategory)()) val scrubHandler: FutureEffect[String] = ServoScribe(factory(scribeScrubbedCategory)()) private def addedToString(tweet: StoredTweet): String = AddedSerializer.toString( Added(StatusConversions.toTBirdStatus(tweet),, Some(false)) ) private def removedToString(id: Long, at: Time, isSoftDeleted: Boolean): String = RemovedSerializer.toString(Removed(id, at.inMilliseconds, Some(isSoftDeleted))) private def scrubbedToString(id: Long, cols: Seq[Int], at: Time): String = ScrubbedSerializer.toString(Scrubbed(id, cols, at.inMilliseconds)) def logAdded(tweet: StoredTweet): Unit = { addHandler(addedToString(tweet)) addCounter.incr() } def logRemoved(id: Long, at: Time, isSoftDeleted: Boolean): Unit = { removeHandler(removedToString(id, at, isSoftDeleted)) removeCounter.incr() } def logScrubbed(id: Long, cols: Seq[Int], at: Time): Unit = { scrubHandler(scrubbedToString(id, cols, at)) scrubCounter.incr() } } object Scribe { type ScribeHandlerFactory = (String) => HandlerFactory /** WARNING: These categories are white-listed. If you are changing them, the new categories should be white-listed. * You should followup with CoreWorkflows team (CW) for that. */ private val scribeAddedCategory = "tbird_add_status" private val scribeRemovedCategory = "tbird_remove_status" private val scribeScrubbedCategory = "tbird_scrub_status" }