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package com.twitter.tweetypie.matching
import com.twitter.common.text.pipeline.TwitterLanguageIdentifier
import com.twitter.common_internal.text.version.PenguinVersion
import java.util.Locale
import scala.collection.JavaConversions.asScalaBuffer
object UserMutesBuilder {
private[matching] val Default =
new UserMutesBuilder(Tokenizer.DefaultPenguinVersion, None)
private val queryLangIdentifier =
(new TwitterLanguageIdentifier.Builder).buildForQuery()
class UserMutesBuilder private (penguinVersion: PenguinVersion, localeOpt: Option[Locale]) {
* Use the specified Penguin version when tokenizing a keyword mute
* string. In general, use the default version, unless you need to
* specify a particular version for compatibility with another system
* that is using that version.
def withPenguinVersion(ver: PenguinVersion): UserMutesBuilder =
if (ver == penguinVersion) this
else new UserMutesBuilder(ver, localeOpt)
* Use the specified locale when tokenizing a keyword mute string.
def withLocale(locale: Locale): UserMutesBuilder =
if (localeOpt.contains(locale)) this
else new UserMutesBuilder(penguinVersion, Some(locale))
* When tokenizing a user mute list, detect the language of the
* text. This is significantly more expensive than using a predefined
* locale, but is appropriate when the locale is not yet known.
def detectLocale(): UserMutesBuilder =
if (localeOpt.isEmpty) this
else new UserMutesBuilder(penguinVersion, localeOpt)
private[this] lazy val tokenizer =
localeOpt match {
case None =>
// No locale was specified, so use a Tokenizer that performs
// language detection before tokenizing.
new Tokenizer {
override def tokenize(text: String): TokenSequence = {
val locale = UserMutesBuilder.queryLangIdentifier.identify(text).getLocale
Tokenizer.get(locale, penguinVersion).tokenize(text)
case Some(locale) =>
Tokenizer.get(locale, penguinVersion)
* Given a list of the user's raw keyword mutes, return a preprocessed
* set of mutes suitable for matching against tweet text. If the input
* contains any phrases that fail validation, then they will be
* dropped.
def build(rawInput: Seq[String]): UserMutes =
* Java-friendly API for processing a user's list of raw keyword mutes
* into a preprocessed form suitable for matching against text.
def fromJavaList(rawInput: java.util.List[String]): UserMutes =
* Validate the raw user input muted phrase. Currently, the only
* inputs that are not valid for keyword muting are those inputs that
* do not contain any keywords, because those inputs would match all
* tweets.
def validate(mutedPhrase: String): Either[UserMutes.ValidationError, TokenSequence] = {
val keywords = tokenizer.tokenize(mutedPhrase)
if (keywords.isEmpty) UserMutes.EmptyPhraseError else Right(keywords)
object UserMutes {
sealed trait ValidationError
* The phrase's tokenization did not produce any tokens
case object EmptyPhrase extends ValidationError
private[matching] val EmptyPhraseError = Left(EmptyPhrase)
* Get a [[UserMutesBuilder]] that uses the default Penguin version and
* performs language identification to choose a locale.
def builder(): UserMutesBuilder = UserMutesBuilder.Default
* A user's muted keyword list, preprocessed into token sequences.
case class UserMutes private[matching] (toSeq: Seq[TokenSequence]) {
* Do any of the users' muted keyword sequences occur within the
* supplied text?
def matches(text: TokenSequence): Boolean =
* Find all positions of matching muted keyword from the user's
* muted keyword list
def find(text: TokenSequence): Seq[Int] =
toSeq.zipWithIndex.collect {
case (token, index) if text.containsKeywordSequence(token) => index
def isEmpty: Boolean = toSeq.isEmpty
def nonEmpty: Boolean = toSeq.nonEmpty