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This file contains invisible Unicode characters!

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that may be processed differently from what appears below. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal hidden characters.

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

Simplified Chinese translation for SNAP!
written by 五百刀/邓江华
Copyright (C) 2016 by Jens Mönig
This file is part of Snap!.
Snap! is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Note to Translators:
At this stage of development, Snap! can be translated to any LTR language
maintaining the current order of inputs (formal parameters in blocks).
Translating Snap! is easy:
1. Download
Download the sources and extract them into a local folder on your
Use the German translation file (named 'lang-de.js') as template for your
own translations. Start with editing the original file, because that way
you will be able to immediately check the results in your browsers while
you're working on your translation (keep the local copy of snap.html open
in your web browser, and refresh it as you progress with your
2. Edit
Edit the translation file with a regular text editor, or with your
favorite JavaScript editor.
In the first non-commented line (the one right below this
note) replace "de" with the two-letter ISO 639-1 code for your language,
fr - French => SnapTranslator.dict.fr = {
it - Italian => SnapTranslator.dict.it = {
pl - Polish => SnapTranslator.dict.pl = {
pt - Portuguese => SnapTranslator.dict.pt = {
es - Spanish => SnapTranslator.dict.es = {
el - Greek => => SnapTranslator.dict.el = {
etc. (see <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_639-1>)
3. Translate
Then work through the dictionary, replacing the German strings against
your translations. The dictionary is a straight-forward JavaScript ad-hoc
object, for review purposes it should be formatted as follows:
'English string':
'Translation string',
'last key':
} 'last value'
and you only edit the indented value strings. Note that each key-value
pair needs to be delimited by a comma, but that there shouldn't be a comma
after the last pair (again, just overwrite the template file and you'll be
If something doesn't work, or if you're unsure about the formalities you
should check your file with
This will inform you about any missed commas etc.
4. Accented characters
Depending on which text editor and which file encoding you use you can
directly enter special characters (e.g. Umlaut, accented characters) on
your keyboard. However, I've noticed that some browsers may not display
special characters correctly, even if other browsers do. So it's best to
check your results in several browsers. If you want to be on the safe
side, it's even better to escape these characters using Unicode.
see: <http://0xcc.net/jsescape/>
5. Block specs:
At this time your translation of block specs will only work
correctly, if the order of formal parameters and their types
are unchanged. Placeholders for inputs (formal parameters) are
indicated by a preceding % prefix and followed by a type
For example:
'say %s for %n secs'
can currently not be changed into
'say %n secs long %s'
and still work as intended.
'point towards %dst'
cannot be changed into
'point towards %cst'
without breaking its functionality.
6. Submit
When you're done, rename the edited file by replacing the "de" part of the
filename with the two-letter ISO 639-1 code for your language, e.g.
fr - French => lang-fr.js
it - Italian => lang-it.js
pl - Polish => lang-pl.js
pt - Portuguese => lang-pt.js
es - Spanish => lang-es.js
el - Greek => => lang-el.js
and send it to me for inclusion in the official Snap! distribution.
Once your translation has been included, Your name will the shown in the
"Translators" tab in the "About Snap!" dialog box, and you will be able to
directly launch a translated version of Snap! in your browser by appending
to the URL, xx representing your translations two-letter code.
7. Known issues
In some browsers accents or ornaments located in typographic ascenders
above the cap height are currently (partially) cut-off.
/*global SnapTranslator*/
SnapTranslator.dict.zh = {
Special characters: (see <http://0xcc.net/jsescape/>)
Ä, ä \u00c4, \u00e4
Ö, ö \u00d6, \u00f6
Ü, ü \u00dc, \u00fc
ß \u00df
// translations meta information
// GUI
// control bar:
'development mode':
// categories:
// editor:
// tabs:
// names:
// rotation styles:
'don\'t rotate':
'can rotate':
'only face left/right':
// new sprite button:
'add a new sprite':
'add a new Turtle sprite':
// tab help
'costumes tab help':
'import a sound from your computer\nby dragging it into here':
// primitive blocks:
Attention Translators:
At this time your translation of block specs will only work
correctly, if the order of formal parameters and their types
are unchanged. Placeholders for inputs (formal parameters) are
indicated by a preceding % prefix and followed by a type
For example:
'say %s for %n secs'
can currently not be changed into
'say %n secs long %s'
and still work as intended.
'point towards %dst'
cannot be changed into
'point towards %cst'
without breaking its functionality.
// motion:
'Stage selected:\nno motion primitives':
'move %n steps':
'移动 %n 歩',
'turn %clockwise %n degrees':
'旋转 %clockwise %n 度',
'turn %counterclockwise %n degrees':
'旋转 %counterclockwise %n 度',
'point in direction %dir':
'面向 %dir 度',
'point towards %dst':
'面向 %dst',
'go to x: %n y: %n':
'移到 x: %n y: %n',
'go to %dst':
'移到 %dst',
'glide %n secs to x: %n y: %n':
'在 %n 秒钟内滑到 x: %n y: %n',
'change x by %n':
'把x坐标增加 %n',
'set x to %n':
'把x坐标设定为 %n',
'change y by %n':
'把y坐标增加 %n',
'set y to %n':
'把y坐标设定为 %n',
'if on edge, bounce':
'x position':
'y position':
// looks:
'switch to costume %cst':
'换成 %cst 造型',
'next costume':
'costume #':
'costume name':
'say %s for %n secs':
'说 %s %n 秒',
'say %s':
'说 %s',
'think %s for %n secs':
'思考 %s %n 秒',
'think %s':
'思考 %s',
'change %eff effect by %n':
'把 %eff 效果增加 %n',
'set %eff effect to %n':
'把 %eff 效果设定为 %n',
'clear graphic effects':
'change size by %n':
'把角色的大小增加 %n',
'set size to %n %':
'把角色的大小设定为 %n %',
'go to front':
'go back %n layers':
'下移 %n 层',
// development mode
'development mode \ndebugging primitives:':
'console log %mult%s':
'控制台日志 %mult%s',
'alert %mult%s':
'警告: %mult%s',
'save %imgsource as costume named %s':
'把 %imgsource 保存为造型,命名为 %s',
'stage image':
'%txtfun of %s':
'%txtfun %s',
'map %repRing over %l':
'map %repRing over %l',
'for %upvar in %l %cl':
'for %upvar in %l %cl',
'each item':
'show table %l':
'显示表格 %l',
'entering development mode.\n\nerror catching is turned off,\nuse the browser\'s web console\nto see error messages.':
'entering user mode':
// development mode: morph context menu
'user features...':
'choose another color \nfor this morph':
'set this morph\'s\nalpha value':
'show a handle\nwhich can be dragged\nto change this morph\'s extent':
'pick up':
'disattach and put \ninto the hand':
'stick this morph\nto another one':
'show a handle\nwhich can be dragged\nto move this morph':
'open a window\non all properties':
'open a new window\nwith a picture of this morph': // pick up
'make this morph\nunmovable':
'make this morph\nmovable':
'World…', // don't translate "World"
'show the\nWorld\'s menu':
'font size...':
'set this String\'s\nfont point size':
'align left':
'align right':
'align center':
'normal style':
'normal weight':
'show blanks':
'hide blanks':
'hide characters':
'show characters':
'delete block':
'border width...':
'set the border\'s\nline size':
'border color...':
'set the border\'s\nline color':
'corner size...':
'set the corner\'s\nradius':
// development mode: morph inspector
'mark own':
'un-mark own':
'add property...':
'new property name:':
'property name:':
'in new inspector...':
// development mode: WorldMorph context menu
'sample morphs':
'hide all...':
'show all...':
'move all inside...':
'keep all submorphs\nwithin and visible':
'auto line wrap on...':
'enable automatic\nline wrapping':
'auto line wrap off...':
'turn automatic\nline wrapping\noff':
'restore display':
'redraw the\nscreen once':
'fill page...':
'let the World automatically\nadjust to browser resizings':
'sharp shadows...':
'sharp drop shadows\nuse for old browsers':
'blurred shadows...':
'blurry shades,\n use for new browsers':
'choose the World\'s\nbackground color':
'touch screen settings':
'bigger menu fonts\nand sliders':
'standard settings':
'smaller menu fonts\nand sliders':
'user mode...':
'disable developers\'\ncontext menus':
'about morphic.js...':
'development mode...':
// development mode: World's demo context menu
'make a morph':
'circle box':
'scroll frame':
'speech bubble':
'gray scale palette':
'color palette':
'color picker':
'sensor demo':
'animation demo':
// sound:
'play sound %snd':
'播放声音 %snd',
'play sound %snd until done':
'播放声音 %snd 直到播放完毕',
'stop all sounds':
'rest for %n beats':
'停止 %n 拍',
'play note %n for %n beats':
'弹奏 %n %n 拍',
'change tempo by %n':
'把节奏加快 %n',
'set tempo to %n bpm':
'把节奏设定为 %n',
// pen:
'pen down':
'pen up':
'set pen color to %clr':
'把画笔的颜色设定为 %clr',
'change pen color by %n':
'把画笔的颜色值增加 %n',
'set pen color to %n':
'把画笔的颜色值设定为 %n',
'change pen shade by %n':
'把画笔的色度增加 %n',
'set pen shade to %n':
'把画笔的色度设定为 %n',
'change pen size by %n':
'把画笔的大小增加 %n',
'set pen size to %n':
'把画笔的大小设定为 %n',
// control:
'when %greenflag clicked':
'当 %greenflag 被点击',
'when %keyHat key pressed':
'当按下 %keyHat 键',
'when I am %interaction':
'当 %interaction 我',
'when %b':
'当 %b',
'when I receive %msgHat':
'当接收到 %msgHat',
'broadcast %msg':
'广播 %msg',
'broadcast %msg and wait':
'广播 %msg 并等待',
'Message name':
'any message':
'wait %n secs':
'等待 %n 秒',
'wait until %b':
'直到 %b 前都等待阗',
'forever %c':
'重复执行 %c',
'repeat %n %c':
'重复执行 %n %c',
'repeat until %b %c':
'重复执行直到 %b %c',
'if %b %c':
'如果 %b %c',
'if %b %c else %c':
'如果 %b %c 否则 %c',
'report %s':
'报告 %s',
'stop %stopChoices':
'停止 %stopChoices',
'this script':
'this block':
'stop %stopOthersChoices':
'停止 %stopOthersChoices',
'all but this script':
'other scripts in sprite':
'pause all %pause':
'暂停所有的 %pause',
'run %cmdRing %inputs':
'运行 %cmdRing %inputs',
'launch %cmdRing %inputs':
'启动 %cmdRing %inputs',
'call %repRing %inputs':
'调用 %repRing %inputs',
'run %cmdRing w/continuation':
'持续运行 %cmdRing',
'call %cmdRing w/continuation':
'持续调用 %cmdRing',
'warp %c':
'一步完成 %c',
'when I start as a clone':
'create a clone of %cln':
'克隆一个 %cln',
'delete this clone':
// sensing:
'touching %col ?':
'碰到 %col ',
'touching %clr ?':
'碰到颜色 %clr ',
'color %clr is touching %clr ?':
'颜色 %clr 碰到颜色 %clr ',
'ask %s and wait':
'询问 %s 并等待',
'what\'s your name?':
'mouse x':
'mouse y':
'mouse down?':
'key %key pressed?':
'按下了 %key 键?',
'distance to %dst':
'到 %dst 的距离',
'reset timer':
'%att of %spr':
'取 %att 于 %spr',
'my %get':
'我的 %get',
'http:// %s':
'http:// %s',
'turbo mode?':
'set turbo mode to %b':
'设置加速开关为 %b',
'filtered for %clr':
'用 %clr 过滤造型',
'stack size':
'current %dates':
'当前的 %dates',
'time in milliseconds':
'day of week':
// operators:
'%n mod %n':
'%n 除以 %n 的余数',
'round %n':
'把 %n 四舍五入',
'%fun of %n':
'%fun %n',
'pick random %n to %n':
'在 %n 到 %n 间随机选一个数',
'%b and %b':
'%b 且 %b',
'%b or %b':
'%b 或 %b',
'not %b':
'%b 不成立',
'join %words':
'把 %words 连起来',
'split %s by %delim':
'把 %s 按 %delim 分开',
'letter %n of %s':
'第 %n 个字符在文字 %s 中',
'length of %s':
'%s 的长度',
'unicode of %s':
'字符 %s 的Unicode码',
'unicode %n as letter':
'Unicode码为 %n 的字符',
'is %s a %typ ?':
'%s 的类型是 %typ ',
'is %s identical to %s ?':
'%s 与 %s 相同?',
'type of %s':
'%s 的类型',
// variables:
'Make a variable':
'Variable name':
'Script variable name':
'Delete a variable':
'set %var to %s':
'把 %var 设定为 %s',
'change %var by %n':
'把 %var 增加 %n',
'show variable %var':
'显示变量 %var',
'hide variable %var':
'隐藏变量 %var',
'script variables %scriptVars':
'脚本变量 %scriptVars',
// lists:
'list %exp':
'列表 %exp',
'%s in front of %l':
'%s 放在 %l 前面',
'item %idx of %l':
'第 %idx 项 %l',
'all but first of %l':
'%l 第一项以外',
'length of %l':
'%l 的长度',
'%l contains %s':
'%l 含有 %s',
'add %s to %l':
'把 %s 放到 %l 后面',
'delete %ida of %l':
'删除第 %ida 项 %l',
'insert %s at %idx of %l':
'把 %s 插入到第 %idx 项 %l',
'replace item %idx of %l with %s':
'把第 %idx 项 %l 替换为 %s',
// other
'Make a block':
// menus
// snap menu
'Reference manual':
'Snap! website':
'Download source':
'Switch back to user mode':
'disable deep-Morphic\ncontext menus\nand show user-friendly ones':
'Switch to dev mode':
'enable Morphic\ncontext menus\nand inspectors,\nnot user-friendly!':
// project menu
'Project notes...':
'Save to disk':
'store this project\nin the downloads folder\n(in supporting browsers)':
'Save As...':
'file menu import hint':
'Export project as plain text...':
'Export project...':
'(in a new window)':
'save project data as XML\nto your downloads folder':
'show project data as XML\nin a new browser window':
'Export Project As...':
'Export blocks...':
'show global custom block definitions as XML\nin a new browser window':
'Unused blocks...':
'find unused global custom blocks\nand remove their definitions':
'Remove unused blocks':
'there are currently no unused\nglobal custom blocks in this project':
'unused block(s) removed':
'Export summary...':
'open a new browser browser window\n with a summary of this project':
'Export summary with drop-shadows...':
'open a new browser browser window\nwith a summary of this project\nwith drop-shadows on all pictures.\nnot supported by all browsers':
'Kind of':
'Part of':
'For all Sprites':
'Import tools':
'load the official library of\npowerful blocks':
'Select categories of additional blocks to add to this project.':
'Select a costume from the media library':
'Select a sound from the media library':
'Import library':
// cloud menu
'Reset Password...':
'Change Password...':
'Change Password':
'password has been changed.':
'Export all scripts as pic...':
'show a picture of all scripts\nand block definitions':
'Reset Password':
'An e-mail with a link to\nreset your password\nhas been sent to the address provided':
'export project media only...':
'export project without media...':
'export project as cloud data...':
'open shared project from cloud...':
// Sign up dialog
'Sign up':
'User name:':
'Birth date:':
'E-mail address:':
'E-mail address of parent or guardian:':
'Terms of Service...':
'I have read and agree\nto the Terms of Service':
'or before':
'please fill out\nthis field':
'User name must be four\ncharacters or longer':
'please provide a valid\nemail address':
'password must be six\ncharacters or longer':
'passwords do\nnot match':
'please agree to\nthe TOS':
'Sign in':
'stay signed in on this computer\nuntil logging out':
'Reset password':
'could not connect to:':
'now connected.':
'Old password:':
'New password:':
'Repeat new password:':
// settings menu
'Zoom blocks...':
'Stage size...':
'Stage size':
'Stage width':
'Stage height':
'Blurred shadows':
'uncheck to use solid drop\nshadows and highlights':
'check to use blurred drop\nshadows and highlights':
'Zebra coloring':
'check to enable alternating\ncolors for nested blocks':
'uncheck to disable alternating\ncolors for nested block':
'Dynamic input labels':
'uncheck to disable dynamic\nlabels for variadic inputs':
'check to enable dynamic\nlabels for variadic inputs':
'Prefer empty slot drops':
'settings menu prefer empty slots hint':
'uncheck to allow dropped\nreporters to kick out others':
'Long form input dialog':
'check to always show slot\ntypes in the input dialog':
'uncheck to use the input\ndialog in short form':
'Plain prototype labels':
'uncheck to always show (+) symbols\nin block prototype labels':
'check to hide (+) symbols\nin block prototype labels':
'Virtual keyboard':
'uncheck to disable\nvirtual keyboard support\nfor mobile devices':
'check to enable\nvirtual keyboard support\nfor mobile devices':
'Input sliders':
'uncheck to disable\ninput sliders for\nentry fields':
'check to enable\ninput sliders for\nentry fields':
'Execute on slider change':
'uncheck to supress\nrunning scripts\nwhen moving the slider':
'check to run\nthe edited script\nwhen moving the slider':
'Clicking sound':
'uncheck to turn\nblock clicking\nsound off':
'check to turn\nblock clicking\nsound on':
'uncheck to disable\nIDE animations':
'Turbo mode':
'check to prioritize\nscript execution':
'uncheck to run scripts\nat normal speed':
'check to enable\nIDE animations':
'Flat design':
'check for alternative\nGUI design':
'uncheck for default\nGUI design':
'Keyboard Editing':
'uncheck to disable\nkeyboard editing support':
'check to enable\nkeyboard editing support':
'Table support':
'uncheck to disable\nmulti-column list views':
'check for multi-column\nlist view support':
'Table lines':
'uncheck for less contrast\nmulti-column list views':
'check for higher contrast\ntable views':
'Thread safe scripts':
'uncheck to allow\nscript reentrance':
'check to disallow\nscript reentrance':
'Prefer smooth animations':
'uncheck for greater speed\nat variable frame rates':
'check for smooth, predictable\nanimations across computers':
'Flat line ends':
'check for flat ends of lines':
'uncheck for round ends of lines':
'Codification support':
'uncheck to disable\nblock to text mapping features':
'check for block\nto text mapping features':
'Inheritance support':
'uncheck to disable\nsprite inheritance features':
'check for sprite\ninheritance features':
'Sprite Nesting':
'check to enable\nsprite composition':
'uncheck to disable\nsprite composition':
'First-Class Sprites':
'uncheck to disable support\nfor first-class sprites':
'check to enable support\n for first-class sprite':
'Dragging threshold...':
'specify the distance the hand has to move\nbefore it picks up an object':
'Cache Inputs':
'uncheck to stop caching\ninputs (for debugging the evaluator)':
'check to cache inputs\nboosts recursion':
'Project URLs':
'check to enable\nproject data in URLs':
'uncheck to disable\nproject data in URLs':
'Rasterize SVGs':
'uncheck for smooth\nscaling of vector costumes':
'check to rasterize\nSVGs on import':
'Persist linked sublist IDs':
'uncheck to disable\nsaving linked sublist identities':
'check to enable\nsaving linked sublist identities':
// inputs
'with inputs':
'input names:':
'Input Names:':
'input list:':
'Input Slot Options':
'Enter one option per line.Optionally use "=" as key/value delimiter\ne.g.\n the answer=42':
'每行一个选项。可使用“=”作为键和值的分隔符。例如:\n    答案=42',
// context menus:
// palette:
'hide primitives':
'show primitives':
'header mapping...':
'code mapping...':
'code list mapping...':
'code item mapping...':
'code delimiter mapping...':
// codification dialog:
'Header mapping':
'Code mapping':
'Code mapping - ':
'对应的代码 -',
'Code mapping - String <#1>':
'对应的代码 - 字符串 <#1>',
'Code mapping - list contents <#1>':
'对应的代码 - 列表内容 <#1>',
'Code mapping - list item <#1>':
'对应的代码 - 列表项',
'Code mapping - list item delimiter':
'对应的代码 - 列表项分隔符',
'Enter code that corresponds to the block\'s definition. Use the formal parameter\nnames as shown and <body> to reference the definition body\'s generated text code.':
'Enter code that corresponds to the block\'s definition. Choose your own\nformal parameter names (ignoring the ones shown).':
'Enter code that corresponds to the block\'s operation (usually a single\nfunction invocation). Use <#n> to reference actual arguments as shown.':
// codification blocks
'map %cmdRing to %codeKind %code':
'把 %cmdRing 转换成 %codeKind %code',
'map String to code %code':
'把字符串转成代码 %code',
'map %codeListPart of %codeListKind to code %code':
'把 %codeListKind 的 %codeListPart 转成代码 %code',
'code of %cmdRing':
'%cmdRing 的代码',
'code string mapping...':
// sprites:
'current parent':
// blocks:
'make a copy\nand pick it up':
'only duplicate this block':
'script pic...':
'open a new window\nwith a picture of this script':
'script pic with result...':
'open a new window\nwith a picture of both\nthis script and its result':
'uncheck to save contents\nin the project':
'check to prevent contents\nfrom being saved':
'find blocks...':
// custom blocks:
'delete block definition...':
// sprites:
'detach from':
'detach all parts':
'paint a new sprite':
// stage:
'show all':
'open a new window\nwith a picture of the stage':
'turn pen trails into new costume...':
'turn all pen trails and stamps\ninto a new costume for the\ncurrently selected sprite':
// scripting area
'clean up':
'arrange scripts\nvertically':
'add comment':
'undo the last\nblock drop\nin this pane':
'scripts pic...':
'open a new window\nwith a picture of all scripts':
'make a block...':
// costumes
'rename costume':
'Paint a new costume':
'edit rotation point only...':
// sounds
'Play sound':
'Stop sound':
'rename sound':
// lists and tables
'list view...':
'table view...':
'open in dialog...':
'open in another dialog...':
'reset columns':
'Table view':
// dialogs
// buttons
// help
// zoom blocks
'Zoom blocks':
'your own':
'normal (1x)':
'标准 (1x)',
'demo (1.2x)':
'演示 (1.2倍)',
'presentation (1.4x)':
'幻灯片 (1.4x)',
'big (2x)':
'huge (4x)':
'超大 (4x)',
'giant (8x)':
'巨大 (8x)',
'monstrous (10x)':
'无敌 (10x)',
// Project Manager
'Open Project':
'Delete Project':
'Are you sure you want to delete':
'You are not logged in':
'Updating\nproject list...':
'last changed':
'Share Project':
'Unshare Project':
'Are you sure you want to publish':
'Are you sure you want to unpublish':
'Fetching project\nfrom the cloud...':
'Opening project...':
'Save Project':
'Saving project\nto the cloud...':
// costume editor
'Costume Editor':
'click or drag crosshairs to move the rotation center':
// project notes
'Project Notes':
// new project
'New Project':
'Replace the current project with a new one?':
// save project
'Save Project As...':
// export blocks
'Export blocks':
'Import blocks':
'this project doesn\'t have any\ncustom global blocks yet':
// variable dialog
'for all sprites':
'for this sprite only':
// block dialog
'Change block':
// block editor
'Block Editor':
// block deletion dialog
'Delete Custom Block':
'block deletion dialog text':
'block variables...':
'block variables':
'Block variable name':
'remove block variables...':
// input dialog
'Create input name':
'Edit input name':
'Edit label fragment':
'Title text':
'Input name':
'Any type':
'Boolean (T/F)':
'Single input.':
'Default Value:':
'Multiple inputs (value is list of inputs)':
'Upvar - make internal variable visible to caller':
'回传变量 - 让调用者可以使用这个变量',
// About Snap
'About Snap':
'关于 Snap',
'current module versions:':
// variable watchers
'slider min...':
'slider max...':
'Slider minimum value':
'Slider maximum value':
// list watchers
'length: ':
// coments
'add comment here...':
'comment pic...':
'open a new window\nwith a picture of this comment':
// drow downs
// directions
'(90) right':
'(-90) left':
'(0) up':
'(180) down':
// collision detection
'pen trails':
// costumes
// graphical effects
// keys
'up arrow':
'down arrow':
'right arrow':
'left arrow':
'any key':
// messages
// math functions
// delimiters
// data types
// list indices
// attributes
'other sprites':
'other clones':
'rotation x':
'rotation y':
'center x':
'center y':
// Paint.js
'Paint Editor':
'Paintbrush tool\n(free draw)':
'Stroked Rectangle\n(shift: square)':
'矩形框\n(shift: 正方形)',
'Stroked Ellipse\n(shift: circle)':
'椭圆圈\n(shift: 圆圈)',
'Eraser tool':
'Set the rotation center':
'Line tool\n(shift: vertical/horizontal)':
'直线\n(shift: 垂直或水平)',
'Filled Rectangle\n(shift: square)':
'实心矩形\n(shift: 正方形)',
'Filled Ellipse\n(shift: circle)':
'实心椭圆形\n(shift: 圆形)',
'Fill a region':
'Pipette tool\n(pick a color anywhere)':
'flip \u2194':
'↔ 翻',
'flip \u2195':
'↕ 翻',
'Brush size':
'Constrain proportions of shapes?\n(you can also hold shift)':
// thread.js
'a variable of name \'':
'\'\ndoes not exist in this context':
'input(s), but getting':