/* threads.js a tail call optimized blocks-based programming language interpreter based on morphic.js and blocks.js inspired by Scratch, Scheme and Squeak written by Jens Mönig jens@moenig.org Copyright (C) 2013 by Jens Mönig This file is part of Snap!. Snap! is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . prerequisites: -------------- needs blocks.js and objects.js toc --- the following list shows the order in which all constructors are defined. Use this list to locate code in this document: ThreadManager Process Context VariableFrame UpvarReference credits ------- John Maloney and Dave Feinberg designed the original Scratch evaluator Ivan Motyashov contributed initial porting from Squeak */ // globals from blocks.js: /*global ArgMorph, ArrowMorph, BlockHighlightMorph, BlockMorph, BooleanSlotMorph, BoxMorph, Color, ColorPaletteMorph, ColorSlotMorph, CommandBlockMorph, CommandSlotMorph, FrameMorph, HatBlockMorph, InputSlotMorph, MenuMorph, Morph, MultiArgMorph, Point, ReporterBlockMorph, ScriptsMorph, ShadowMorph, StringMorph, SyntaxElementMorph, TextMorph, WorldMorph, blocksVersion, contains, degrees, detect, getDocumentPositionOf, newCanvas, nop, radians, useBlurredShadows, ReporterSlotMorph, CSlotMorph, RingMorph, IDE_Morph, ArgLabelMorph, localize, XML_Element, hex_sha512*/ // globals from objects.js: /*global StageMorph, SpriteMorph, StagePrompterMorph, Note*/ // globals from morphic.js: /*global modules, isString, copy, isNil*/ // globals from gui.js: /*global WatcherMorph*/ // globals from lists.js: /*global List, ListWatcherMorph*/ /*global alert, console*/ // Global stuff //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// modules.threads = '2013-December-11'; var ThreadManager; var Process; var Context; var VariableFrame; var UpvarReference; function snapEquals(a, b) { if (a instanceof List || (b instanceof List)) { if (a instanceof List && (b instanceof List)) { return a.equalTo(b); } return false; } var x = +a, y = +b, specials = [true, false, '']; // check for special values before coercing to numbers if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y) || [a, b].some(function (any) {return contains(specials, any) || (isString(any) && (any.indexOf(' ') > -1)); })) { x = a; y = b; } // handle text comparision text-insensitive. if (isString(x) && isString(y)) { return x.toLowerCase() === y.toLowerCase(); } return x === y; } // ThreadManager /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function ThreadManager() { this.processes = []; } ThreadManager.prototype.toggleProcess = function (block) { var active = this.findProcess(block); if (active) { active.stop(); } else { return this.startProcess(block); } }; ThreadManager.prototype.startProcess = function (block, isThreadSafe) { var active = this.findProcess(block), top = block.topBlock(), newProc; if (active) { if (isThreadSafe) { return active; } active.stop(); this.removeTerminatedProcesses(); } top.addHighlight(); newProc = new Process(block.topBlock()); this.processes.push(newProc); return newProc; }; ThreadManager.prototype.stopAll = function () { this.processes.forEach(function (proc) { proc.stop(); }); }; ThreadManager.prototype.stopAllForReceiver = function (rcvr) { this.processes.forEach(function (proc) { if (proc.homeContext.receiver === rcvr) { proc.stop(); if (rcvr.isClone) { proc.isDead = true; } } }); }; ThreadManager.prototype.stopProcess = function (block) { var active = this.findProcess(block); if (active) { active.stop(); } }; ThreadManager.prototype.pauseAll = function (stage) { this.processes.forEach(function (proc) { proc.pause(); }); if (stage) { stage.pauseAllActiveSounds(); } }; ThreadManager.prototype.isPaused = function () { return detect(this.processes, function (proc) {return proc.isPaused; }) !== null; }; ThreadManager.prototype.resumeAll = function (stage) { this.processes.forEach(function (proc) { proc.resume(); }); if (stage) { stage.resumeAllActiveSounds(); } }; ThreadManager.prototype.step = function () { /* run each process until it gives up control, skipping processes for sprites that are currently picked up, then filter out any processes that have been terminated */ this.processes.forEach(function (proc) { if (!proc.homeContext.receiver.isPickedUp() && !proc.isDead) { proc.runStep(); } }); this.removeTerminatedProcesses(); }; ThreadManager.prototype.removeTerminatedProcesses = function () { // and un-highlight their scripts var remaining = []; this.processes.forEach(function (proc) { if (!proc.isRunning() && !proc.errorFlag && !proc.isDead) { proc.topBlock.removeHighlight(); if (proc.prompter) { proc.prompter.destroy(); if (proc.homeContext.receiver.stopTalking) { proc.homeContext.receiver.stopTalking(); } } if (proc.topBlock instanceof ReporterBlockMorph) { if (proc.homeContext.inputs[0] instanceof List) { proc.topBlock.showBubble(new ListWatcherMorph( proc.homeContext.inputs[0] )); } else { proc.topBlock.showBubble(proc.homeContext.inputs[0]); } } } else { remaining.push(proc); } }); this.processes = remaining; }; ThreadManager.prototype.findProcess = function (block) { var top = block.topBlock(); return detect( this.processes, function (each) { return each.topBlock === top; } ); }; // Process ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* A Process is what brings a stack of blocks to life. The process keeps track of which block to run next, evaluates block arguments, handles control structures, and so forth. The ThreadManager is the (passive) scheduler, telling each process when to run by calling its runStep() method. The runStep() method will execute some number of blocks, then voluntarily yield control so that the ThreadManager can run another process. The Scratch etiquette is that a process should yield control at the end of every loop iteration, and while it is running a timed command (e.g. "wait 5 secs") or a synchronous command (e.g. "broadcast xxx and wait"). Since Snap also has lambda and custom blocks Snap adds yields at the beginning of each non-atomic custom command block execution, and - to let users escape infinite loops and recursion - whenever the process runs into a timeout. a Process runs for a receiver, i.e. a sprite or the stage or any blocks-scriptable object that we'll introduce. structure: topBlock the stack's first block, of which all others are children receiver object (sprite) to which the process applies, cached from the top block context the Context describing the current state of this process homeContext stores information relevant to the whole process, i.e. its receiver, result etc. isPaused boolean indicating whether to pause readyToYield boolean indicating whether to yield control to another process readyToTerminate boolean indicating whether the stop method has been called isDead boolean indicating a terminated clone process timeout msecs after which to force yield lastYield msecs when the process last yielded errorFlag boolean indicating whether an error was encountered prompter active instance of StagePrompterMorph httpRequest active instance of an HttpRequest or null pauseOffset msecs between the start of an interpolated operation and when the process was paused */ Process.prototype = {}; Process.prototype.contructor = Process; Process.prototype.timeout = 500; // msecs after which to force yield Process.prototype.isCatchingErrors = true; function Process(topBlock) { this.topBlock = topBlock || null; this.readyToYield = false; this.readyToTerminate = false; this.isDead = false; this.errorFlag = false; this.context = null; this.homeContext = new Context(); this.lastYield = Date.now(); this.isAtomic = false; this.prompter = null; this.httpRequest = null; this.isPaused = false; this.pauseOffset = null; this.frameCount = 0; if (topBlock) { this.homeContext.receiver = topBlock.receiver(); this.homeContext.variables.parentFrame = this.homeContext.receiver.variables; this.context = new Context( null, topBlock.blockSequence(), this.homeContext ); this.pushContext('doYield'); // highlight top block } } // Process accessing Process.prototype.isRunning = function () { return (this.context !== null) && (!this.readyToTerminate); }; // Process entry points Process.prototype.runStep = function () { /* a step is an an uninterruptable 'atom', it can consist of several contexts, even of several blocks */ if (this.isPaused) { // allow pausing in between atomic steps: return this.pauseStep(); } this.readyToYield = false; while (!this.readyToYield && this.context && (this.isAtomic ? (Date.now() - this.lastYield < this.timeout) : true) ) { // also allow pausing inside atomic steps - for PAUSE block primitive: if (this.isPaused) { return this.pauseStep(); } this.evaluateContext(); } this.lastYield = Date.now(); // make sure to redraw atomic things if (this.isAtomic && this.homeContext.receiver && this.homeContext.receiver.endWarp) { this.homeContext.receiver.endWarp(); this.homeContext.receiver.startWarp(); } if (this.readyToTerminate) { while (this.context) { this.popContext(); } if (this.homeContext.receiver) { if (this.homeContext.receiver.endWarp) { // pen optimization this.homeContext.receiver.endWarp(); } } } }; Process.prototype.stop = function () { this.readyToYield = true; this.readyToTerminate = true; this.errorFlag = false; if (this.context) { this.context.stopMusic(); } }; Process.prototype.pause = function () { this.isPaused = true; if (this.context && this.context.startTime) { this.pauseOffset = Date.now() - this.context.startTime; } }; Process.prototype.resume = function () { this.isPaused = false; this.pauseOffset = null; }; Process.prototype.pauseStep = function () { this.lastYield = Date.now(); if (this.context && this.context.startTime) { this.context.startTime = this.lastYield - this.pauseOffset; } }; // Process evaluation Process.prototype.evaluateContext = function () { var exp = this.context.expression; this.frameCount += 1; if (exp instanceof Array) { return this.evaluateSequence(exp); } if (exp instanceof MultiArgMorph) { return this.evaluateMultiSlot(exp, exp.inputs().length); } if (exp instanceof ArgLabelMorph) { return this.evaluateArgLabel(exp); } if (exp instanceof ArgMorph || exp.bindingID) { return this.evaluateInput(exp); } if (exp instanceof BlockMorph) { return this.evaluateBlock(exp, exp.inputs().length); } if (isString(exp)) { return this[exp](); } this.popContext(); // default: just ignore it }; Process.prototype.evaluateBlock = function (block, argCount) { // check for special forms if (contains(['reportOr', 'reportAnd'], block.selector)) { return this[block.selector](block); } // first evaluate all inputs, then apply the primitive var rcvr = this.context.receiver || this.topBlock.receiver(), inputs = this.context.inputs; if (argCount > inputs.length) { this.evaluateNextInput(block); } else { if (this[block.selector]) { rcvr = this; } if (this.isCatchingErrors) { try { this.returnValueToParentContext( rcvr[block.selector].apply(rcvr, inputs) ); this.popContext(); } catch (error) { this.handleError(error, block); } } else { this.returnValueToParentContext( rcvr[block.selector].apply(rcvr, inputs) ); this.popContext(); } } }; // Process: Special Forms Blocks Primitives Process.prototype.reportOr = function (block) { var inputs = this.context.inputs; if (inputs.length < 1) { this.evaluateNextInput(block); } else if (inputs[0]) { this.returnValueToParentContext(true); this.popContext(); } else if (inputs.length < 2) { this.evaluateNextInput(block); } else { this.returnValueToParentContext(inputs[1] === true); this.popContext(); } }; Process.prototype.reportAnd = function (block) { var inputs = this.context.inputs; if (inputs.length < 1) { this.evaluateNextInput(block); } else if (!inputs[0]) { this.returnValueToParentContext(false); this.popContext(); } else if (inputs.length < 2) { this.evaluateNextInput(block); } else { this.returnValueToParentContext(inputs[1] === true); this.popContext(); } }; // Process: Non-Block evaluation Process.prototype.evaluateMultiSlot = function (multiSlot, argCount) { // first evaluate all subslots, then return a list of their values var inputs = this.context.inputs, ans; if (multiSlot.bindingID) { if (this.isCatchingErrors) { try { ans = this.context.variables.getVar(multiSlot.bindingID); } catch (error) { this.handleError(error, multiSlot); } } else { ans = this.context.variables.getVar(multiSlot.bindingID); } this.returnValueToParentContext(ans); this.popContext(); } else { if (argCount > inputs.length) { this.evaluateNextInput(multiSlot); } else { this.returnValueToParentContext(new List(inputs)); this.popContext(); } } }; Process.prototype.evaluateArgLabel = function (argLabel) { // perform the ID function on an ArgLabelMorph element var inputs = this.context.inputs; if (inputs.length < 1) { this.evaluateNextInput(argLabel); } else { this.returnValueToParentContext(inputs[0]); this.popContext(); } }; Process.prototype.evaluateInput = function (input) { // evaluate the input unless it is bound to an implicit parameter var ans; if (input.bindingID) { if (this.isCatchingErrors) { try { ans = this.context.variables.getVar(input.bindingID); } catch (error) { this.handleError(error, input); } } else { ans = this.context.variables.getVar(input.bindingID); } } else { ans = input.evaluate(); if (ans) { if (contains( [CommandSlotMorph, ReporterSlotMorph], input.constructor ) || (input instanceof CSlotMorph && !input.isStatic)) { // I know, this still needs yet to be done right.... ans = this.reify(ans, new List()); ans.isImplicitLambda = true; } } } this.returnValueToParentContext(ans); this.popContext(); }; Process.prototype.evaluateSequence = function (arr) { var pc = this.context.pc, outer = this.context.outerContext, isLambda = this.context.isLambda, isImplicitLambda = this.context.isImplicitLambda, isCustomBlock = this.context.isCustomBlock, upvars = this.context.upvars; if (pc === (arr.length - 1)) { // tail call elimination this.context = new Context( this.context.parentContext, arr[pc], this.context.outerContext, this.context.receiver ); this.context.isLambda = isLambda; this.context.isImplicitLambda = isImplicitLambda; this.context.isCustomBlock = isCustomBlock; if (upvars) { this.context.upvars = new UpvarReference(upvars); } } else { if (pc >= arr.length) { this.popContext(); } else { this.context.pc += 1; this.pushContext(arr[pc], outer); } } }; /* // version w/o tail call optimization: -------------------------------------- Caution: we cannot just revert to this version of the method, because to make tail call elimination work many tweaks had to be done to various primitives. For the most part these tweaks are about schlepping the outer context (for the variable bindings) and the isLambda flag along, and are indicated by a short comment in the code. But to really revert would take a good measure of trial and error as well as debugging. In the developers file archive there is a version of threads.js dated 120119(2) which basically resembles the last version before introducing tail call optimization on 120123. Process.prototype.evaluateSequence = function (arr) { var pc = this.context.pc; if (pc >= arr.length) { this.popContext(); } else { this.context.pc += 1; this.pushContext(arr[pc]); } }; */ Process.prototype.evaluateNextInput = function (element) { var nxt = this.context.inputs.length, args = element.inputs(), exp = args[nxt], outer = this.context.outerContext; // for tail call elimination if (exp.isUnevaluated) { if (exp.isUnevaluated === true || exp.isUnevaluated()) { // just return the input as-is /* Note: we only reify the input here, if it's not an input to a reification primitive itself (THE BLOCK, THE SCRIPT), because those allow for additional explicit parameter bindings. */ if (contains(['reify', 'reportScript'], this.context.expression.selector)) { this.context.addInput(exp); } else { this.context.addInput(this.reify(exp, new List())); } } else { this.pushContext(exp, outer); } } else { this.pushContext(exp, outer); } }; Process.prototype.doYield = function () { this.popContext(); if (!this.isAtomic) { this.readyToYield = true; } }; // Process Exception Handling Process.prototype.handleError = function (error, element) { this.stop(); this.errorFlag = true; this.topBlock.addErrorHighlight(); (element || this.topBlock).showBubble( (element ? '' : 'Inside: ') + error.name + '\n' + error.message ); }; // Process Lambda primitives Process.prototype.reify = function (topBlock, parameterNames, isCustomBlock) { var context = new Context( null, null, this.context ? this.context.outerContext : null ), i = 0; if (topBlock) { context.expression = topBlock.fullCopy(); context.expression.show(); // be sure to make visible if in app mode if (!isCustomBlock) { // mark all empty slots with an identifier context.expression.allEmptySlots().forEach(function (slot) { i += 1; if (slot instanceof MultiArgMorph) { slot.bindingID = ['arguments']; } else { slot.bindingID = i; } }); // and remember the number of detected empty slots context.emptySlots = i; } } else { context.expression = [this.context.expression.fullCopy()]; } context.inputs = parameterNames.asArray(); context.receiver = this.context ? this.context.receiver : topBlock.receiver(); return context; }; Process.prototype.reportScript = function (parameterNames, topBlock) { return this.reify(topBlock, parameterNames); }; Process.prototype.reifyScript = function (topBlock, parameterNames) { return this.reify(topBlock, parameterNames); }; Process.prototype.reifyReporter = function (topBlock, parameterNames) { return this.reify(topBlock, parameterNames); }; Process.prototype.reifyPredicate = function (topBlock, parameterNames) { return this.reify(topBlock, parameterNames); }; Process.prototype.doRun = function (context, args, isCustomBlock) { return this.evaluate(context, args, true, isCustomBlock); }; Process.prototype.evaluate = function ( context, args, isCommand ) { if (!context) {return null; } if (context.isContinuation) { return this.runContinuation(context, args); } if (!(context instanceof Context)) { throw new Error('expecting a ring but getting ' + context); } var outer = new Context(null, null, context.outerContext), runnable, extra, parms = args.asArray(), i, value; if (!outer.receiver) { outer.receiver = context.receiver; // for custom blocks } runnable = new Context( this.context.parentContext, context.expression, outer, context.receiver ); extra = new Context(runnable, 'doYield'); /* Note: if the context's expression is a ReporterBlockMorph, the extra context gets popped off immediately without taking effect (i.e. it doesn't yield within evaluating a stack of nested reporters) */ if (isCommand || (context.expression instanceof ReporterBlockMorph)) { this.context.parentContext = extra; } else { this.context.parentContext = runnable; } runnable.isLambda = true; runnable.isImplicitLambda = context.isImplicitLambda; runnable.isCustomBlock = false; // assign parameters if any were passed if (parms.length > 0) { // assign formal parameters for (i = 0; i < context.inputs.length; i += 1) { value = 0; if (!isNil(parms[i])) { value = parms[i]; } outer.variables.addVar(context.inputs[i], value); } // assign implicit parameters if there are no formal ones if (context.inputs.length === 0) { // assign the actual arguments list to the special // parameter ID ['arguments'], to be used for variadic inputs outer.variables.addVar(['arguments'], args); // in case there is only one input // assign it to all empty slots if (parms.length === 1) { for (i = 1; i <= context.emptySlots; i += 1) { outer.variables.addVar(i, parms[0]); } // if the number of inputs matches the number // of empty slots distribute them sequentially } else if (parms.length === context.emptySlots) { for (i = 1; i <= parms.length; i += 1) { outer.variables.addVar(i, parms[i - 1]); } } else if (context.emptySlots !== 1) { throw new Error( 'expecting ' + context.emptySlots + ' input(s), ' + 'but getting ' + parms.length ); } } } if (this.context.upvars) { runnable.upvars = new UpvarReference(this.context.upvars); } if (runnable.expression instanceof CommandBlockMorph) { runnable.expression = runnable.expression.blockSequence(); } }; Process.prototype.fork = function (context, args) { if (context.isContinuation) { throw new Error( 'continuations cannot be forked' ); } var outer = new Context(null, null, context.outerContext), runnable = new Context(null, context.expression, outer ), parms = args.asArray(), i, value, stage = this.homeContext.receiver.parentThatIsA(StageMorph), proc = new Process(); runnable.isLambda = true; // assign parameters if any were passed if (parms.length > 0) { // assign formal parameters for (i = 0; i < context.inputs.length; i += 1) { value = 0; if (!isNil(parms[i])) { value = parms[i]; } outer.variables.addVar(context.inputs[i], value); } // assign implicit parameters if there are no formal ones if (context.inputs.length === 0) { // assign the actual arguments list to the special // parameter ID ['arguments'], to be used for variadic inputs outer.variables.addVar(['arguments'], args); // in case there is only one input // assign it to all empty slots if (parms.length === 1) { for (i = 1; i <= context.emptySlots; i += 1) { outer.variables.addVar(i, parms[0]); } // if the number of inputs matches the number // of empty slots distribute them sequentially } else if (parms.length === context.emptySlots) { for (i = 1; i <= parms.length; i += 1) { outer.variables.addVar(i, parms[i - 1]); } } else if (context.emptySlots !== 1) { throw new Error( 'expecting ' + context.emptySlots + ' input(s), ' + 'but getting ' + parms.length ); } } } if (runnable.expression instanceof CommandBlockMorph) { runnable.expression = runnable.expression.blockSequence(); } proc.homeContext = context.outerContext; proc.topBlock = context.expression; proc.context = runnable; proc.pushContext('doYield'); stage.threads.processes.push(proc); }; Process.prototype.doReport = function (value, isCSlot) { while (this.context && !this.context.isLambda) { if (this.context.expression === 'doStopWarping') { this.doStopWarping(); } else { this.popContext(); } } if (this.context && this.context.isImplicitLambda) { if (this.context.expression === 'doStopWarping') { this.doStopWarping(); } else { this.popContext(); } return this.doReport(value, true); } if (this.context && this.context.isCustomBlock) { // now I'm back at the custom block sequence. // advance my pc to my expression's length this.context.pc = this.context.expression.length - 1; } if (isCSlot) { if (this.context.parentContext.expression instanceof Array) { this.popContext(); } } return value; }; Process.prototype.doStopBlock = function () { this.doReport(); }; // Process evaluation variants, commented out for now (redundant) /* Process.prototype.doRunWithInputList = function (context, args) { // provide an extra selector for the palette return this.doRun(context, args); }; Process.prototype.evaluateWithInputList = function (context, args) { // provide an extra selector for the palette return this.evaluate(context, args); }; Process.prototype.forkWithInputList = function (context, args) { // provide an extra selector for the palette return this.fork(context, args); }; */ // Process continuations primitives Process.prototype.doCallCC = function (aContext) { this.evaluate(aContext, new List([this.context.continuation()])); }; Process.prototype.reportCallCC = function (aContext) { this.doCallCC(aContext); }; Process.prototype.runContinuation = function (aContext, args) { var parms = args.asArray(); this.context.parentContext = aContext.copyForContinuationCall(); // passing parameter if any was passed if (parms.length === 1) { this.context.parentContext.outerContext.variables.addVar( 1, parms[0] ); } }; // Process custom block primitives Process.prototype.evaluateCustomBlock = function () { var context = this.context.expression.definition.body, declarations = this.context.expression.definition.declarations, args = new List(this.context.inputs), parms = args.asArray(), runnable, extra, i, value, upvars, outer; if (!context) {return null; } outer = new Context(); outer.receiver = this.context.receiver; // || this.homeContext.receiver; outer.variables.parentFrame = outer.receiver ? outer.receiver.variables : null; runnable = new Context( this.context.parentContext, context.expression, outer, outer.receiver, true // is custom block ); extra = new Context(runnable, 'doYield'); this.context.parentContext = extra; runnable.isLambda = true; runnable.isCustomBlock = true; // passing parameters if any were passed if (parms.length > 0) { // assign formal parameters for (i = 0; i < context.inputs.length; i += 1) { value = 0; if (!isNil(parms[i])) { value = parms[i]; } outer.variables.addVar(context.inputs[i], value); // if the parameter is an upvar, // create an UpvarReference to it if (declarations[context.inputs[i]][0] === '%upvar') { if (!upvars) { // lazy initialization upvars = new UpvarReference(this.context.upvars); } upvars.addReference( value, context.inputs[i], outer.variables ); } } } if (upvars) { runnable.upvars = upvars; } else if (this.context.upvars) { runnable.upvars = new UpvarReference(this.context.upvars); } if (runnable.expression instanceof CommandBlockMorph) { runnable.expression = runnable.expression.blockSequence(); } }; // Process variables primitives Process.prototype.doDeclareVariables = function (varNames) { var varFrame = this.context.outerContext.variables; varNames.asArray().forEach(function (name) { varFrame.addVar(name); }); }; Process.prototype.doSetVar = function (varName, value) { var varFrame = this.context.variables, name = varName; if (name instanceof Context) { if (name.expression.selector === 'reportGetVar') { name = name.expression.blockSpec; } } varFrame.setVar(name, value); }; Process.prototype.doChangeVar = function (varName, value) { var varFrame = this.context.variables, name = varName; if (name instanceof Context) { if (name.expression.selector === 'reportGetVar') { name = name.expression.blockSpec; } } varFrame.changeVar(name, value); }; Process.prototype.reportGetVar = function () { // assumes a getter block whose blockSpec is a variable name var varName = this.context.expression.blockSpec; return this.context.variables.getVar( varName, this.context.upvars ); }; Process.prototype.doShowVar = function (varName) { var varFrame = this.context.variables, stage, watcher, target, label, others, name = varName; if (name instanceof Context) { if (name.expression.selector === 'reportGetVar') { name = name.expression.blockSpec; } } if (this.homeContext.receiver) { stage = this.homeContext.receiver.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); if (stage) { target = varFrame.find(name); // first try to find an existing (hidden) watcher watcher = detect( stage.children, function (morph) { return morph instanceof WatcherMorph && morph.target === target && morph.getter === name; } ); if (watcher !== null) { watcher.show(); watcher.fixLayout(); // re-hide hidden parts return; } // if no watcher exists, create a new one if (target.owner) { label = name; } else { label = name + ' (temporary)'; } watcher = new WatcherMorph( label, SpriteMorph.prototype.blockColor.variables, target, name ); watcher.setPosition(stage.position().add(10)); others = stage.watchers(watcher.left()); if (others.length > 0) { watcher.setTop(others[others.length - 1].bottom()); } stage.add(watcher); watcher.fixLayout(); } } }; Process.prototype.doHideVar = function (varName) { // if no varName is specified delete all watchers on temporaries var varFrame = this.context.variables, stage, watcher, target, name = varName; if (name instanceof Context) { if (name.expression.selector === 'reportGetVar') { name = name.expression.blockSpec; } } if (!name) { this.doRemoveTemporaries(); return; } if (this.homeContext.receiver) { stage = this.homeContext.receiver.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); if (stage) { target = varFrame.find(name); watcher = detect( stage.children, function (morph) { return morph instanceof WatcherMorph && morph.target === target && morph.getter === name; } ); if (watcher !== null) { if (watcher.isTemporary()) { watcher.destroy(); } else { watcher.hide(); } } } } }; Process.prototype.doRemoveTemporaries = function () { var stage; if (this.homeContext.receiver) { stage = this.homeContext.receiver.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); if (stage) { stage.watchers().forEach(function (watcher) { if (watcher.isTemporary()) { watcher.destroy(); } }); } } }; // Process lists primitives Process.prototype.reportNewList = function (elements) { return elements; }; Process.prototype.reportCONS = function (car, cdr) { return new List().cons(car, cdr); }; Process.prototype.reportCDR = function (list) { return list.cdr(); }; Process.prototype.doAddToList = function (element, list) { list.add(element); }; Process.prototype.doDeleteFromList = function (index, list) { var idx = index; if (this.inputOption(index) === 'all') { return list.clear(); } if (index === '') { return null; } if (this.inputOption(index) === 'last') { idx = list.length(); } list.remove(idx); }; Process.prototype.doInsertInList = function (element, index, list) { var idx = index; if (index === '') { return null; } if (this.inputOption(index) === 'any') { idx = this.reportRandom(1, list.length()); } if (this.inputOption(index) === 'last') { idx = list.length() + 1; } list.add(element, idx); }; Process.prototype.doReplaceInList = function (index, list, element) { var idx = index; if (index === '') { return null; } if (this.inputOption(index) === 'any') { idx = this.reportRandom(1, list.length()); } if (this.inputOption(index) === 'last') { idx = list.length(); } list.put(element, idx); }; Process.prototype.reportListItem = function (index, list) { var idx = index; if (index === '') { return ''; } if (this.inputOption(index) === 'any') { idx = this.reportRandom(1, list.length()); } if (this.inputOption(index) === 'last') { idx = list.length(); } return list.at(idx); }; Process.prototype.reportListLength = function (list) { return list.length(); }; Process.prototype.reportListContainsItem = function (list, element) { return list.contains(element); }; // Process conditionals primitives Process.prototype.doIf = function () { var args = this.context.inputs, outer = this.context.outerContext, // for tail call elimination isLambda = this.context.isLambda, isImplicitLambda = this.context.isImplicitLambda, isCustomBlock = this.context.isCustomBlock, upvars = this.context.upvars; this.popContext(); if (args[0]) { if (args[1]) { this.pushContext(args[1].blockSequence(), outer); this.context.isLambda = isLambda; this.context.isImplicitLambda = isImplicitLambda; this.context.isCustomBlock = isCustomBlock; this.context.upvars = new UpvarReference(upvars); } } this.pushContext(); }; Process.prototype.doIfElse = function () { var args = this.context.inputs, outer = this.context.outerContext, // for tail call elimination isLambda = this.context.isLambda, isImplicitLambda = this.context.isImplicitLambda, isCustomBlock = this.context.isCustomBlock, upvars = this.context.upvars; this.popContext(); if (args[0]) { if (args[1]) { this.pushContext(args[1].blockSequence(), outer); } } else { if (args[2]) { this.pushContext(args[2].blockSequence(), outer); } else { this.pushContext('doYield'); } } if (this.context) { this.context.isLambda = isLambda; this.context.isImplicitLambda = isImplicitLambda; this.context.isCustomBlock = isCustomBlock; this.context.upvars = new UpvarReference(upvars); } this.pushContext(); }; // Process process related primitives Process.prototype.doStop = function () { this.stop(); }; Process.prototype.doStopAll = function () { var stage, ide; if (this.homeContext.receiver) { stage = this.homeContext.receiver.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); if (stage) { stage.threads.resumeAll(stage); stage.keysPressed = {}; stage.threads.stopAll(); stage.stopAllActiveSounds(); stage.children.forEach(function (morph) { if (morph.stopTalking) { morph.stopTalking(); } }); stage.removeAllClones(); } ide = stage.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph); if (ide) {ide.controlBar.pauseButton.refresh(); } } }; Process.prototype.doWarp = function (body) { // execute my contents block atomically (more or less) var outer = this.context.outerContext, // for tail call elimination isLambda = this.context.isLambda, isImplicitLambda = this.context.isImplicitLambda, isCustomBlock = this.context.isCustomBlock, stage; this.popContext(); if (body) { if (this.homeContext.receiver) { if (this.homeContext.receiver.startWarp) { // pen optimization this.homeContext.receiver.startWarp(); } stage = this.homeContext.receiver.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); if (stage) { stage.fps = 0; // variable frame rate } } this.pushContext('doYield'); this.context.isLambda = isLambda; this.context.isImplicitLambda = isImplicitLambda; this.context.isCustomBlock = isCustomBlock; if (!this.isAtomic) { this.pushContext('doStopWarping'); } this.pushContext(body.blockSequence(), outer); this.isAtomic = true; } this.pushContext(); }; Process.prototype.doStopWarping = function () { var stage; this.popContext(); this.isAtomic = false; if (this.homeContext.receiver) { if (this.homeContext.receiver.endWarp) { // pen optimization this.homeContext.receiver.endWarp(); } stage = this.homeContext.receiver.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); if (stage) { stage.fps = stage.frameRate; // back to fixed frame rate } } }; Process.prototype.reportIsFastTracking = function () { var ide; if (this.homeContext.receiver) { ide = this.homeContext.receiver.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph); if (ide) { return ide.stage.isFastTracked; } } return false; }; Process.prototype.doSetFastTracking = function (bool) { var ide; if (!this.reportIsA(bool, 'Boolean')) { return; } if (this.homeContext.receiver) { ide = this.homeContext.receiver.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph); if (ide) { if (ide.stage.isFastTracked) { ide.stopFastTracking(); } else { ide.startFastTracking(); } } } }; Process.prototype.doPauseAll = function () { var stage, ide; if (this.homeContext.receiver) { stage = this.homeContext.receiver.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); if (stage) { stage.threads.pauseAll(stage); } ide = stage.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph); if (ide) {ide.controlBar.pauseButton.refresh(); } } }; // Process loop primitives Process.prototype.doForever = function (body) { this.pushContext('doYield'); if (body) { this.pushContext(body.blockSequence()); } this.pushContext(); }; Process.prototype.doRepeat = function (counter, body) { var block = this.context.expression, outer = this.context.outerContext, // for tail call elimination isLambda = this.context.isLambda, isImplicitLambda = this.context.isImplicitLambda, isCustomBlock = this.context.isCustomBlock, upvars = this.context.upvars; if (counter < 1) { // was '=== 0', which caused infinite loops on non-ints return null; } this.popContext(); this.pushContext(block, outer); this.context.isLambda = isLambda; this.context.isImplicitLambda = isImplicitLambda; this.context.isCustomBlock = isCustomBlock; this.context.upvars = new UpvarReference(upvars); this.context.addInput(counter - 1); this.pushContext('doYield'); if (body) { this.pushContext(body.blockSequence()); } this.pushContext(); }; Process.prototype.doUntil = function (goalCondition, body) { if (goalCondition) { this.popContext(); this.pushContext('doYield'); return null; } this.context.inputs = []; this.pushContext('doYield'); if (body) { this.pushContext(body.blockSequence()); } this.pushContext(); }; Process.prototype.doWaitUntil = function (goalCondition) { if (goalCondition) { this.popContext(); this.pushContext('doYield'); return null; } this.context.inputs = []; this.pushContext('doYield'); this.pushContext(); }; Process.prototype.reportMap = function (reporter, list) { // answer a new list containing the results of the reporter applied // to each value of the given list. Distinguish between linked and // arrayed lists. // Note: This method utilizes the current context's inputs array to // manage temporary variables, whose allocation to which slot are // documented in each of the variants' code (linked or arrayed) below var next; if (list.isLinked) { // this.context.inputs: // [0] - reporter // [1] - list (original source) // ----------------------------- // [2] - result list (target) // [3] - currently last element of result list // [4] - current source list (what's left to map) // [5] - current value of last function call if (this.context.inputs.length < 3) { this.context.addInput(new List()); this.context.inputs[2].isLinked = true; this.context.addInput(this.context.inputs[2]); this.context.addInput(list); } if (this.context.inputs[4].length() === 0) { this.context.inputs[3].rest = list.cons(this.context.inputs[5]); this.returnValueToParentContext(this.context.inputs[2].cdr()); return; } if (this.context.inputs.length > 5) { this.context.inputs[3].rest = list.cons(this.context.inputs[5]); this.context.inputs[3] = this.context.inputs[3].rest; this.context.inputs.splice(5); } next = this.context.inputs[4].at(1); this.context.inputs[4] = this.context.inputs[4].cdr(); this.pushContext(); this.evaluate(reporter, new List([next])); } else { // arrayed // this.context.inputs: // [0] - reporter // [1] - list (original source) // ----------------------------- // [2..n] - result values (target) if (this.context.inputs.length - 2 === list.length()) { this.returnValueToParentContext( new List(this.context.inputs.slice(2)) ); return; } next = list.at(this.context.inputs.length - 1); this.pushContext(); this.evaluate(reporter, new List([next])); } }; // Process interpolated primitives Process.prototype.doWait = function (secs) { if (!this.context.startTime) { this.context.startTime = Date.now(); } if ((Date.now() - this.context.startTime) >= (secs * 1000)) { return null; } this.pushContext('doYield'); this.pushContext(); }; Process.prototype.doGlide = function (secs, endX, endY) { if (!this.context.startTime) { this.context.startTime = Date.now(); this.context.startValue = new Point( this.homeContext.receiver.xPosition(), this.homeContext.receiver.yPosition() ); } if ((Date.now() - this.context.startTime) >= (secs * 1000)) { this.homeContext.receiver.gotoXY(endX, endY); return null; } this.homeContext.receiver.glide( secs * 1000, endX, endY, Date.now() - this.context.startTime, this.context.startValue ); this.pushContext('doYield'); this.pushContext(); }; Process.prototype.doSayFor = function (data, secs) { if (!this.context.startTime) { this.context.startTime = Date.now(); this.homeContext.receiver.bubble(data); } if ((Date.now() - this.context.startTime) >= (secs * 1000)) { this.homeContext.receiver.stopTalking(); return null; } this.pushContext('doYield'); this.pushContext(); }; Process.prototype.doThinkFor = function (data, secs) { if (!this.context.startTime) { this.context.startTime = Date.now(); this.homeContext.receiver.doThink(data); } if ((Date.now() - this.context.startTime) >= (secs * 1000)) { this.homeContext.receiver.stopTalking(); return null; } this.pushContext('doYield'); this.pushContext(); }; // Process sound primitives (interpolated) Process.prototype.doPlaySoundUntilDone = function (name) { var sprite = this.homeContext.receiver; if (this.context.activeAudio === null) { this.context.activeAudio = sprite.playSound(name); } if (this.context.activeAudio.ended || this.context.activeAudio.terminated) { return null; } this.pushContext('doYield'); this.pushContext(); }; Process.prototype.doStopAllSounds = function () { var stage = this.homeContext.receiver.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); if (stage) { stage.threads.processes.forEach(function (thread) { if (thread.context) { thread.context.stopMusic(); if (thread.context.activeAudio) { thread.popContext(); } } }); stage.stopAllActiveSounds(); } }; // Process user prompting primitives (interpolated) Process.prototype.doAsk = function (data) { var stage = this.homeContext.receiver.parentThatIsA(StageMorph), isStage = this.homeContext.receiver instanceof StageMorph, activePrompter; if (!this.prompter) { activePrompter = detect( stage.children, function (morph) {return morph instanceof StagePrompterMorph; } ); if (!activePrompter) { if (!isStage) { this.homeContext.receiver.bubble(data, false, true); } this.prompter = new StagePrompterMorph(isStage ? data : null); if (stage.scale < 1) { this.prompter.setWidth(stage.width() - 10); } else { this.prompter.setWidth(stage.dimensions.x - 20); } this.prompter.fixLayout(); this.prompter.setCenter(stage.center()); this.prompter.setBottom(stage.bottom() - this.prompter.border); stage.add(this.prompter); this.prompter.inputField.edit(); stage.changed(); } } else { if (this.prompter.isDone) { stage.lastAnswer = this.prompter.inputField.getValue(); this.prompter.destroy(); this.prompter = null; if (!isStage) {this.homeContext.receiver.stopTalking(); } return null; } } this.pushContext('doYield'); this.pushContext(); }; Process.prototype.reportLastAnswer = function () { return this.homeContext.receiver.parentThatIsA(StageMorph).lastAnswer; }; // Process URI retrieval (interpolated) Process.prototype.reportURL = function (url) { var response; if (!this.httpRequest) { this.httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); this.httpRequest.open("GET", 'http://' + url, true); this.httpRequest.send(null); } else if (this.httpRequest.readyState === 4) { response = this.httpRequest.responseText; this.httpRequest = null; return response; } this.pushContext('doYield'); this.pushContext(); }; // Process event messages primitives Process.prototype.doBroadcast = function (message) { var stage = this.homeContext.receiver.parentThatIsA(StageMorph), hats = [], procs = []; if (message !== '') { stage.lastMessage = message; stage.children.concat(stage).forEach(function (morph) { if (morph instanceof SpriteMorph || morph instanceof StageMorph) { hats = hats.concat(morph.allHatBlocksFor(message)); } }); hats.forEach(function (block) { procs.push(stage.threads.startProcess(block, stage.isThreadSafe)); }); } return procs; }; Process.prototype.doBroadcastAndWait = function (message) { if (!this.context.activeSends) { this.context.activeSends = this.doBroadcast(message); } this.context.activeSends = this.context.activeSends.filter( function (proc) { return proc.isRunning(); } ); if (this.context.activeSends.length === 0) { return null; } this.pushContext('doYield'); this.pushContext(); }; Process.prototype.getLastMessage = function () { var stage; if (this.homeContext.receiver) { stage = this.homeContext.receiver.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); if (stage) { return stage.getLastMessage(); } } return ''; }; // Process type inference Process.prototype.reportIsA = function (thing, typeString) { return this.reportTypeOf(thing) === this.inputOption(typeString); }; Process.prototype.reportTypeOf = function (thing) { // answer a string denoting the argument's type var exp; if (thing === null || (thing === undefined)) { return 'nothing'; } if (thing === true || (thing === false)) { return 'Boolean'; } if (!isNaN(parseFloat(thing))) { return 'number'; } if (isString(thing)) { return 'text'; } if (thing instanceof List) { return 'list'; } if (thing instanceof Context) { if (thing.expression instanceof RingMorph) { return thing.expression.dataType(); } if (thing.expression instanceof ReporterBlockMorph) { if (thing.expression.isPredicate) { return 'predicate'; } return 'reporter'; } if (thing.expression instanceof Array) { exp = thing.expression[thing.pc || 0]; if (exp.isPredicate) { return 'predicate'; } if (exp instanceof RingMorph) { return exp.dataType(); } if (exp instanceof ReporterBlockMorph) { return 'reporter'; } if (exp instanceof CommandBlockMorph) { return 'command'; } return 'reporter'; // 'ring'; } if (thing.expression instanceof CommandBlockMorph) { return 'command'; } return 'reporter'; // 'ring'; } return 'undefined'; }; // Process math primtives Process.prototype.reportSum = function (a, b) { return +a + (+b); }; Process.prototype.reportDifference = function (a, b) { return +a - +b; }; Process.prototype.reportProduct = function (a, b) { return +a * +b; }; Process.prototype.reportQuotient = function (a, b) { return +a / +b; }; Process.prototype.reportModulus = function (a, b) { var x = +a, y = +b; return ((x % y) + y) % y; }; Process.prototype.reportRandom = function (min, max) { var floor = +min, ceil = +max; if ((floor % 1 !== 0) || (ceil % 1 !== 0)) { return Math.random() * (ceil - floor) + floor; } return Math.floor(Math.random() * (ceil - floor + 1)) + floor; }; Process.prototype.reportLessThan = function (a, b) { var x = +a, y = +b; if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) { x = a; y = b; } return x < y; }; Process.prototype.reportNot = function (bool) { return !bool; }; Process.prototype.reportGreaterThan = function (a, b) { var x = +a, y = +b; if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) { x = a; y = b; } return x > y; }; Process.prototype.reportEquals = function (a, b) { return snapEquals(a, b); }; Process.prototype.reportIsIdentical = function (a, b) { var tag = 'idTag'; if (this.isImmutable(a) || this.isImmutable(b)) { return snapEquals(a, b); } function clear() { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, tag)) { delete a[tag]; } if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b, tag)) { delete b[tag]; } } clear(); a[tag] = Date.now(); if (b[tag] === a[tag]) { clear(); return true; } clear(); return false; }; Process.prototype.isImmutable = function (obj) { // private return contains( ['nothing', 'Boolean', 'text', 'number', 'undefined'], this.reportTypeOf(obj) ); }; Process.prototype.reportTrue = function () { return true; }; Process.prototype.reportFalse = function () { return false; }; Process.prototype.reportRound = function (n) { return Math.round(+n); }; Process.prototype.reportMonadic = function (fname, n) { var x = +n, result = 0; switch (this.inputOption(fname)) { case 'abs': result = Math.abs(x); break; case 'floor': result = Math.floor(x); break; case 'sqrt': result = Math.sqrt(x); break; case 'sin': result = Math.sin(radians(x)); break; case 'cos': result = Math.cos(radians(x)); break; case 'tan': result = Math.tan(radians(x)); break; case 'asin': result = degrees(Math.asin(x)); break; case 'acos': result = degrees(Math.acos(x)); break; case 'atan': result = degrees(Math.atan(x)); break; case 'ln': result = Math.log(x); break; case 'log': result = 0; break; case 'e^': result = Math.exp(x); break; case '10^': result = 0; break; default: nop(); } return result; }; Process.prototype.reportTextFunction = function (fname, string) { var x = (isNil(string) ? '' : string).toString(), result = ''; switch (this.inputOption(fname)) { case 'encode URI': result = encodeURI(x); break; case 'decode URI': result = decodeURI(x); break; case 'encode URI component': result = encodeURIComponent(x); break; case 'decode URI component': result = decodeURIComponent(x); break; case 'XML escape': result = new XML_Element().escape(x); break; case 'XML unescape': result = new XML_Element().unescape(x); break; case 'hex sha512 hash': result = hex_sha512(x); break; default: nop(); } return result; }; Process.prototype.reportJoin = function (a, b) { var x = (isNil(a) ? '' : a).toString(), y = (isNil(b) ? '' : b).toString(); return x.concat(y); }; Process.prototype.reportJoinWords = function (aList) { if (aList instanceof List) { return aList.asText(); } return (aList || '').toString(); }; // Process string ops Process.prototype.reportLetter = function (idx, string) { var i = +(idx || 0), str = (string || '').toString(); return str[i - 1] || ''; }; Process.prototype.reportStringSize = function (string) { if (string instanceof List) { // catch a common user error return string.length(); } var str = (string || '').toString(); return str.length; }; Process.prototype.reportUnicode = function (string) { var str = (string || '').toString()[0]; return str ? str.charCodeAt(0) : 0; }; Process.prototype.reportUnicodeAsLetter = function (num) { var code = +(num || 0); return String.fromCharCode(code); }; Process.prototype.reportTextSplit = function (string, delimiter) { var types = ['text', 'number'], strType = this.reportTypeOf(string), delType = this.reportTypeOf(this.inputOption(delimiter)), str, del; if (!contains(types, strType)) { throw new Error('expecting a text instad of a ' + strType); } if (!contains(types, delType)) { throw new Error('expecting a text delimiter instad of a ' + delType); } str = (string || '').toString(); switch (this.inputOption(delimiter)) { case 'line': del = '\n'; break; case 'tab': del = '\t'; break; case 'cr': del = '\r'; break; case 'whitespace': return new List(str.trim().split(/[\t\r\n ]+/)); default: del = (delimiter || '').toString(); } return new List(str.split(del)); }; // Process debugging Process.prototype.alert = function (data) { // debugging primitives only work in dev mode, otherwise they're nop var world; if (this.homeContext.receiver) { world = this.homeContext.receiver.world(); if (world.isDevMode) { alert('Snap! ' + data.asArray()); } } }; Process.prototype.log = function (data) { // debugging primitives only work in dev mode, otherwise they're nop var world; if (this.homeContext.receiver) { world = this.homeContext.receiver.world(); if (world.isDevMode) { console.log('Snap! ' + data.asArray()); } } }; // Process motion primitives Process.prototype.getOtherObject = function (name, thisObj, stageObj) { // private, find the sprite indicated by the given name // either onstage or in the World's hand var stage = isNil(stageObj) ? thisObj.parentThatIsA(StageMorph) : stageObj, thatObj = null; if (stage) { // find the corresponding sprite on the stage thatObj = detect( stage.children, function (morph) {return morph.name === name; } ); if (!thatObj) { // check if the sprite in question is currently being // dragged around thatObj = detect( stage.world().hand.children, function (morph) { return morph instanceof SpriteMorph && morph.name === name; } ); } } return thatObj; }; Process.prototype.getObjectsNamed = function (name, thisObj, stageObj) { // private, find all sprites and their clones indicated // by the given name either onstage or in the World's hand var stage = isNil(stageObj) ? thisObj.parentThatIsA(StageMorph) : stageObj, those = []; function check(obj) { return obj instanceof SpriteMorph && obj.isClone ? obj.cloneOriginName === name : obj.name === name; } if (stage) { // find the corresponding sprite on the stage those = stage.children.filter(check); if (!those.length) { // check if a sprite in question is currently being // dragged around those = stage.world().hand.children.filter(check); } } return those; }; Process.prototype.doFaceTowards = function (name) { var thisObj = this.homeContext.receiver, thatObj; if (thisObj) { if (this.inputOption(name) === 'mouse-pointer') { thisObj.faceToXY(this.reportMouseX(), this.reportMouseY()); } else { thatObj = this.getOtherObject(name, thisObj); if (thatObj) { thisObj.faceToXY( thatObj.xPosition(), thatObj.yPosition() ); } } } }; Process.prototype.doGotoObject = function (name) { var thisObj = this.homeContext.receiver, thatObj; if (thisObj) { if (this.inputOption(name) === 'mouse-pointer') { thisObj.gotoXY(this.reportMouseX(), this.reportMouseY()); } else { thatObj = this.getOtherObject(name, thisObj); if (thatObj) { thisObj.gotoXY( thatObj.xPosition(), thatObj.yPosition() ); } } } }; // Process temporary cloning (Scratch-style) Process.prototype.createClone = function (name) { var thisObj = this.homeContext.receiver, thatObj; if (!name) {return; } if (thisObj) { if (this.inputOption(name) === 'myself') { thisObj.createClone(); } else { thatObj = this.getOtherObject(name, thisObj); if (thatObj) { thatObj.createClone(); } } } }; // Process sensing primitives Process.prototype.reportTouchingObject = function (name) { var thisObj = this.homeContext.receiver; if (thisObj) { return this.objectTouchingObject(thisObj, name); } return false; }; Process.prototype.objectTouchingObject = function (thisObj, name) { // helper function for reportTouchingObject() // also check for temparary clones, as in Scratch 2.0, // and for any parts (subsprites) var myself = this, those, stage, mouse; if (this.inputOption(name) === 'mouse-pointer') { mouse = thisObj.world().hand.position(); if (thisObj.bounds.containsPoint(mouse) && !thisObj.isTransparentAt(mouse)) { return true; } } else { stage = thisObj.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); if (stage) { if (this.inputOption(name) === 'edge' && !stage.bounds.containsRectangle(thisObj.bounds)) { return true; } if (this.inputOption(name) === 'pen trails' && thisObj.isTouching(stage.penTrailsMorph())) { return true; } those = this.getObjectsNamed(name, thisObj, stage); // clones if (those.some(function (any) { return thisObj.isTouching(any); })) { return true; } } } return thisObj.parts.some( function (any) { return myself.objectTouchingObject(any, name); } ); }; Process.prototype.reportTouchingColor = function (aColor) { // also check for any parts (subsprites) var thisObj = this.homeContext.receiver, stage; if (thisObj) { stage = thisObj.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); if (stage) { if (thisObj.isTouching(stage.colorFiltered(aColor, thisObj))) { return true; } return thisObj.parts.some( function (any) { return any.isTouching(stage.colorFiltered(aColor, any)); } ); } } return false; }; Process.prototype.reportColorIsTouchingColor = function (color1, color2) { // also check for any parts (subsprites) var thisObj = this.homeContext.receiver, stage; if (thisObj) { stage = thisObj.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); if (stage) { if (thisObj.colorFiltered(color1).isTouching( stage.colorFiltered(color2, thisObj) )) { return true; } return thisObj.parts.some( function (any) { return any.colorFiltered(color1).isTouching( stage.colorFiltered(color2, any) ); } ); } } return false; }; Process.prototype.reportDistanceTo = function (name) { var thisObj = this.homeContext.receiver, thatObj, stage, rc, point; if (thisObj) { rc = thisObj.rotationCenter(); point = rc; if (this.inputOption(name) === 'mouse-pointer') { point = thisObj.world().hand.position(); } stage = thisObj.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); thatObj = this.getOtherObject(name, thisObj, stage); if (thatObj) { point = thatObj.rotationCenter(); } return rc.distanceTo(point) / stage.scale; } return 0; }; Process.prototype.reportAttributeOf = function (attribute, name) { var thisObj = this.homeContext.receiver, thatObj, stage; if (thisObj) { stage = thisObj.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); if (stage.name === name) { thatObj = stage; } else { thatObj = this.getOtherObject(name, thisObj, stage); } if (thatObj) { if (isString(attribute)) { return thatObj.variables.getVar(attribute); } switch (this.inputOption(attribute)) { case 'x position': return thatObj.xPosition ? thatObj.xPosition() : ''; case 'y position': return thatObj.yPosition ? thatObj.yPosition() : ''; case 'direction': return thatObj.direction ? thatObj.direction() : ''; case 'costume #': return thatObj.getCostumeIdx(); case 'costume name': return thatObj.costume ? thatObj.costume.name : thatObj instanceof SpriteMorph ? localize('Turtle') : localize('Empty'); case 'size': return thatObj.getScale ? thatObj.getScale() : ''; } } } return ''; }; Process.prototype.reportMouseX = function () { var stage, world; if (this.homeContext.receiver) { stage = this.homeContext.receiver.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); if (stage) { world = stage.world(); if (world) { return (world.hand.position().x - stage.center().x) / stage.scale; } } } return 0; }; Process.prototype.reportMouseY = function () { var stage, world; if (this.homeContext.receiver) { stage = this.homeContext.receiver.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); if (stage) { world = stage.world(); if (world) { return (stage.center().y - world.hand.position().y) / stage.scale; } } } return 0; }; Process.prototype.reportMouseDown = function () { var world; if (this.homeContext.receiver) { world = this.homeContext.receiver.world(); if (world) { return world.hand.mouseButton === 'left'; } } return false; }; Process.prototype.reportKeyPressed = function (keyString) { var stage; if (this.homeContext.receiver) { stage = this.homeContext.receiver.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); if (stage) { return stage.keysPressed[keyString] !== undefined; } } return false; }; Process.prototype.doResetTimer = function () { var stage; if (this.homeContext.receiver) { stage = this.homeContext.receiver.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); if (stage) { stage.resetTimer(); } } }; Process.prototype.reportTimer = function () { var stage; if (this.homeContext.receiver) { stage = this.homeContext.receiver.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); if (stage) { return stage.getTimer(); } } return 0; }; // Process code mapping /* for generating textual source code using blocks - not needed to run or debug Snap */ Process.prototype.doMapCodeOrHeader = function (aContext, anOption, aString) { if (this.inputOption(anOption) === 'code') { return this.doMapCode(aContext, aString); } if (this.inputOption(anOption) === 'header') { return this.doMapHeader(aContext, aString); } throw new Error( ' \'' + anOption + '\'\nis not a valid option' ); }; Process.prototype.doMapHeader = function (aContext, aString) { if (aContext instanceof Context) { if (aContext.expression instanceof SyntaxElementMorph) { return aContext.expression.mapHeader(aString || ''); } } }; Process.prototype.doMapCode = function (aContext, aString) { if (aContext instanceof Context) { if (aContext.expression instanceof SyntaxElementMorph) { return aContext.expression.mapCode(aString || ''); } } }; Process.prototype.doMapStringCode = function (aString) { StageMorph.prototype.codeMappings.string = aString || '<#1>'; }; Process.prototype.doMapListCode = function (part, kind, aString) { var key1 = '', key2 = 'delim'; if (this.inputOption(kind) === 'parameters') { key1 = 'parms_'; } else if (this.inputOption(kind) === 'variables') { key1 = 'tempvars_'; } if (this.inputOption(part) === 'list') { key2 = 'list'; } else if (this.inputOption(part) === 'item') { key2 = 'item'; } StageMorph.prototype.codeMappings[key1 + key2] = aString || ''; }; Process.prototype.reportMappedCode = function (aContext) { if (aContext instanceof Context) { if (aContext.expression instanceof SyntaxElementMorph) { return aContext.expression.mappedCode(); } } return ''; }; // Process music primitives Process.prototype.doRest = function (beats) { var tempo = this.reportTempo(); this.doWait(60 / tempo * beats); }; Process.prototype.reportTempo = function () { var stage; if (this.homeContext.receiver) { stage = this.homeContext.receiver.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); if (stage) { return stage.getTempo(); } } return 0; }; Process.prototype.doChangeTempo = function (delta) { var stage; if (this.homeContext.receiver) { stage = this.homeContext.receiver.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); if (stage) { stage.changeTempo(delta); } } }; Process.prototype.doSetTempo = function (bpm) { var stage; if (this.homeContext.receiver) { stage = this.homeContext.receiver.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); if (stage) { stage.setTempo(bpm); } } }; Process.prototype.doPlayNote = function (pitch, beats) { var tempo = this.reportTempo(); this.doPlayNoteForSecs( parseFloat(pitch || '0'), 60 / tempo * parseFloat(beats || '0') ); }; Process.prototype.doPlayNoteForSecs = function (pitch, secs) { // interpolated if (!this.context.startTime) { this.context.startTime = Date.now(); this.context.activeNote = new Note(pitch); this.context.activeNote.play(); } if ((Date.now() - this.context.startTime) >= (secs * 1000)) { if (this.context.activeNote) { this.context.activeNote.stop(); this.context.activeNote = null; } return null; } this.pushContext('doYield'); this.pushContext(); }; // Process constant input options Process.prototype.inputOption = function (dta) { // private - for localization return dta instanceof Array ? dta[0] : dta; }; // Process stack Process.prototype.pushContext = function (expression, outerContext) { var upvars = this.context ? this.context.upvars : null; this.context = new Context( this.context, expression, outerContext || (this.context ? this.context.outerContext : null), // for tail call elimination this.context ? // check needed due to tail call elimination this.context.receiver : this.homeContext.receiver ); if (upvars) { this.context.upvars = new UpvarReference(upvars); } }; Process.prototype.popContext = function () { if (this.context) { this.context.stopMusic(); } this.context = this.context ? this.context.parentContext : null; }; Process.prototype.returnValueToParentContext = function (value) { // if no parent context exists treat value as result if (value !== undefined) { var target = this.context ? // in case of tail call elimination this.context.parentContext || this.homeContext : this.homeContext; target.addInput(value); } }; Process.prototype.reportStackSize = function () { return this.context ? this.context.stackSize() : 0; }; Process.prototype.reportFrameCount = function () { return this.frameCount; }; // Context ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* A Context describes the state of a Process. Each Process has a pointer to a Context containing its state. Whenever the Process yields control, its Context tells it exactly where it left off. structure: parentContext the Context to return to when this one has been evaluated. outerContext the Context holding my lexical scope expression SyntaxElementMorph, an array of blocks to evaluate, null or a String denoting a selector, e.g. 'doYield' receiver the object to which the expression applies, if any variables the current VariableFrame, if any upvars the current UpvarReference, if any (default: null) inputs an array of input values computed so far (if expression is a BlockMorph) pc the index of the next block to evaluate (if expression is an array) startTime time when the context was first evaluated startValue initial value for interpolated operations activeAudio audio buffer for interpolated operations, don't persist activeNote audio oscillator for interpolated ops, don't persist isLambda marker for return ops isImplicitLambda marker for return ops isCustomBlock marker for return ops emptySlots caches the number of empty slots for reification */ function Context( parentContext, expression, outerContext, receiver ) { this.outerContext = outerContext || null; this.parentContext = parentContext || null; this.expression = expression || null; this.receiver = receiver || null; this.variables = new VariableFrame(); if (this.outerContext) { this.variables.parentFrame = this.outerContext.variables; this.receiver = this.outerContext.receiver; } this.upvars = null; // set to an UpvarReference in custom blocks this.inputs = []; this.pc = 0; this.startTime = null; this.activeAudio = null; this.activeNote = null; this.isLambda = false; // marks the end of a lambda this.isImplicitLambda = false; // marks the end of a C-shaped slot this.isCustomBlock = false; // marks the end of a custom block's stack this.emptySlots = 0; // used for block reification } Context.prototype.toString = function () { var pref = this.isLambda ? '\u03BB-' : '', expr = this.expression; if (expr instanceof Array) { if (expr.length > 0) { expr = '[' + expr[0] + ']'; } } return pref + 'Context >> ' + expr + ' ' + this.variables; }; Context.prototype.image = function () { var ring = new RingMorph(), block, cont; if (this.expression instanceof Morph) { block = this.expression.fullCopy(); // replace marked call/cc block with empty slot if (this.isContinuation) { cont = detect(block.allInputs(), function (inp) { return inp.bindingID === 1; }); if (cont) { block.revertToDefaultInput(cont, true); } } ring.embed(block, this.inputs); return ring.fullImage(); } if (this.expression instanceof Array) { block = this.expression[this.pc].fullCopy(); if (block instanceof RingMorph && !block.contents()) { // empty ring return block.fullImage(); } ring.embed(block, this.isContinuation ? [] : this.inputs); return ring.fullImage(); } return newCanvas(); }; // Context continuations: Context.prototype.continuation = function () { var cont; if (this.expression instanceof Array) { cont = this; } else if (this.parentContext) { cont = this.parentContext; } else { return new Context(null, 'doStop'); } cont = cont.copyForContinuation(); cont.isContinuation = true; return cont; }; Context.prototype.copyForContinuation = function () { var cpy = copy(this), cur = cpy, isReporter = !(this.expression instanceof Array); if (isReporter) { cur.prepareContinuationForBinding(); while (cur.parentContext) { cur.parentContext = copy(cur.parentContext); cur = cur.parentContext; cur.inputs = []; } } return cpy; }; Context.prototype.copyForContinuationCall = function () { var cpy = copy(this), cur = cpy, isReporter = !(this.expression instanceof Array); if (isReporter) { this.expression = this.expression.fullCopy(); this.inputs = []; while (cur.parentContext) { cur.parentContext = copy(cur.parentContext); cur = cur.parentContext; cur.inputs = []; } } return cpy; }; Context.prototype.prepareContinuationForBinding = function () { var pos = this.inputs.length, slot; this.expression = this.expression.fullCopy(); slot = this.expression.inputs()[pos]; if (slot) { this.inputs = []; // mark slot containing the call/cc reporter with an identifier slot.bindingID = 1; // and remember the number of detected empty slots this.emptySlots = 1; } }; // Context accessing: Context.prototype.addInput = function (input) { this.inputs.push(input); }; // Context music Context.prototype.stopMusic = function () { if (this.activeNote) { this.activeNote.stop(); this.activeNote = null; } }; // Context debugging Context.prototype.stackSize = function () { if (!this.parentContext) { return 1; } return 1 + this.parentContext.stackSize(); }; // VariableFrame /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function VariableFrame(parentFrame, owner) { this.vars = {}; this.parentFrame = parentFrame || null; this.owner = owner || null; } VariableFrame.prototype.toString = function () { return 'a VariableFrame {' + this.names() + '}'; }; VariableFrame.prototype.copy = function () { var frame = new VariableFrame(this.parentFrame); frame.vars = copy(this.vars); return frame; }; VariableFrame.prototype.deepCopy = function () { // currently unused var frame; if (this.parentFrame) { frame = new VariableFrame(this.parentFrame.deepCopy()); } else { frame = new VariableFrame(this.parentFrame); } frame.vars = copy(this.vars); return frame; }; VariableFrame.prototype.find = function (name) { /* answer the closest variable frame containing the specified variable. otherwise throw an exception. */ var frame = this.silentFind(name); if (frame) {return frame; } throw new Error( 'a variable of name \'' + name + '\'\ndoes not exist in this context' ); }; VariableFrame.prototype.silentFind = function (name) { /* answer the closest variable frame containing the specified variable. Otherwise return null. */ if (this.vars[name] !== undefined) { return this; } if (this.parentFrame) { return this.parentFrame.silentFind(name); } return null; }; VariableFrame.prototype.setVar = function (name, value) { /* change the specified variable if it exists else throw an error, because variables need to be declared explicitly (e.g. through a "script variables" block), before they can be accessed. */ var frame = this.find(name); if (frame) { frame.vars[name] = value; } }; VariableFrame.prototype.changeVar = function (name, delta) { /* change the specified variable if it exists else throw an error, because variables need to be declared explicitly (e.g. through a "script variables" block, before they can be accessed. */ var frame = this.find(name), value; if (frame) { value = parseFloat(frame.vars[name]); if (isNaN(value)) { frame.vars[name] = delta; } else { frame.vars[name] = value + parseFloat(delta); } } }; VariableFrame.prototype.getVar = function (name, upvars) { var frame = this.silentFind(name), value, upvarReference; if (frame) { value = frame.vars[name]; return (value === 0 ? 0 : value === false ? false : value === '' ? '' : value || 0); // don't return null } if (typeof name === 'number') { // empty input with a Binding-ID called without an argument return ''; } if (upvars) { upvarReference = upvars.find(name); if (upvarReference) { return upvarReference.getVar(name); } } throw new Error( 'a variable of name \'' + name + '\'\ndoes not exist in this context' ); }; VariableFrame.prototype.addVar = function (name, value) { this.vars[name] = (value === 0 ? 0 : value === false ? false : value === '' ? '' : value || null); }; VariableFrame.prototype.deleteVar = function (name) { var frame = this.find(name); if (frame) { delete frame.vars[name]; } }; // VariableFrame tools VariableFrame.prototype.names = function () { var each, names = []; for (each in this.vars) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.vars, each)) { names.push(each); } } return names; }; VariableFrame.prototype.allNamesDict = function () { var dict = {}, current = this; function addKeysToDict(srcDict, trgtDict) { var eachKey; for (eachKey in srcDict) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(srcDict, eachKey)) { trgtDict[eachKey] = eachKey; } } } while (current) { addKeysToDict(current.vars, dict); current = current.parentFrame; } return dict; }; VariableFrame.prototype.allNames = function () { /* only show the names of the lexical scope, hybrid scoping is reserved to the daring ;-) */ var answer = [], each, dict = this.allNamesDict(); for (each in dict) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(dict, each)) { answer.push(each); } } return answer; }; // UpvarReference /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ... quasi-inherits some features from VariableFrame function UpvarReference(parent) { this.vars = {}; // structure: {upvarName : [varName, varFrame]} this.parentFrame = parent || null; } UpvarReference.prototype.addReference = function ( upvarName, varName, varFrame ) { this.vars[upvarName] = [varName, varFrame]; }; UpvarReference.prototype.find = function (name) { /* answer the closest upvar reference containing the specified variable, or answer null. */ if (this.vars[name] !== undefined) { return this; } if (this.parentFrame) { return this.parentFrame.find(name); } return null; }; UpvarReference.prototype.getVar = function (name) { var varName = this.vars[name][0], varFrame = this.vars[name][1], value = varFrame.vars[varName]; return (value === 0 ? 0 : value || 0); // don't return null }; // UpvarReference tools UpvarReference.prototype.toString = function () { return 'an UpvarReference {' + this.names() + '}'; }; // UpvarReference quasi-inheritance from VariableFrame UpvarReference.prototype.names = VariableFrame.prototype.names; UpvarReference.prototype.allNames = VariableFrame.prototype.allNames; UpvarReference.prototype.allNamesDict = VariableFrame.prototype.allNamesDict;