/* blocks.js a programming construction kit based on morphic.js inspired by Scratch written by Jens Mönig jens@moenig.org Copyright (C) 2019 by Jens Mönig This file is part of Snap!. Snap! is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . prerequisites: -------------- needs morphic.js and symbols.js hierarchy --------- the following tree lists all constructors hierarchically, indentation indicating inheritance. Refer to this list to get a contextual overview: Morph* ArrowMorph BlockHighlightMorph ScriptsMorph SyntaxElementMorph ArgMorph ArgLabelMorph BooleanSlotMorph ColorSlotMorph CommandSlotMorph CSlotMorph RingCommandSlotMorph FunctionSlotMorph ReporterSlotMorph RingReporterSlotMorph InputSlotMorph TextSlotMorph MultiArgMorph TemplateSlotMorph BlockMorph CommandBlockMorph HatBlockMorph ReporterBlockMorph RingMorph BoxMorph* CommentMorph ScriptFocusMorph * from morphic.js toc --- the following list shows the order in which all constructors are defined. Use this list to locate code in this document: SyntaxElementMorph BlockMorph CommandBlockMorph HatBlockMorph ReporterBlockMorph RingMorph ScriptsMorph ArgMorph CommandSlotMorph RingCommandSlotMorph CSlotMorph InputSlotMorph BooleanSlotMorph ArrowMorph TextSlotMorph ColorSlotMorph TemplateSlotMorph BlockHighlightMorph MultiArgMorph ArgLabelMorph FunctionSlotMorph ReporterSlotMorph RingReporterSlotMorph CommentMorph structure of syntax elements ---------------------------- the structure of syntax elements is identical with their morphic tree. There are, however, accessor methods to get (only) the parts which are relevant for evaluation wherever appropriate. In Scratch/BYOB every sprite and the stage has its own "blocks bin", an instance of ScriptsMorph (we're going to name it differently in Snap, probably just "scripts"). At the top most level blocks are assembled into stacks in ScriptsMorph instances. A ScriptsMorph contains nothing but blocks, therefore every child of a ScriptsMorph is expected to be a block. Each block contains: selector - indicating the name of the function it triggers, Its arguments are first evaluated and then passed along as the selector is called. Arguments can be either instances of ArgMorph or ReporterBlockMorph. The getter method for a block's arguments is inputs() - gets an array of arg morphs and/or reporter blocks in addition to inputs, command blocks also know their nextBlock() - gets the block attached to the receiver's bottom and the block they're attached to - if any: Their parent. please also refer to the high-level comment at the beginning of each constructor for further details. */ /*global Array, BoxMorph, Color, ColorPaletteMorph, FrameMorph, Function, HandleMorph, Math, MenuMorph, Morph, MorphicPreferences, Object, Point, ScrollFrameMorph, ShadowMorph, String, StringMorph, TextMorph, contains, degrees, detect, PianoMenuMorph, document, getDocumentPositionOf, isNaN, isString, newCanvas, nop, parseFloat, radians, useBlurredShadows, SpeechBubbleMorph, modules, StageMorph, Sound, fontHeight, TableFrameMorph, SpriteMorph, Context, ListWatcherMorph, CellMorph, DialogBoxMorph, BlockInputFragmentMorph, PrototypeHatBlockMorph, Costume, IDE_Morph, BlockDialogMorph, BlockEditorMorph, localize, isNil, isSnapObject, PushButtonMorph, SpriteIconMorph, Process, AlignmentMorph, CustomCommandBlockMorph, SymbolMorph, ToggleButtonMorph, DialMorph*/ // Global stuff //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// modules.blocks = '2019-April-11'; var SyntaxElementMorph; var BlockMorph; var CommandBlockMorph; var ReporterBlockMorph; var ScriptsMorph; var ArgMorph; var CommandSlotMorph; var CSlotMorph; var InputSlotMorph; var BooleanSlotMorph; var ArrowMorph; var ColorSlotMorph; var HatBlockMorph; var BlockHighlightMorph; var MultiArgMorph; var TemplateSlotMorph; var FunctionSlotMorph; var ReporterSlotMorph; var RingMorph; var RingCommandSlotMorph; var RingReporterSlotMorph; var CommentMorph; var ArgLabelMorph; var TextSlotMorph; var ScriptFocusMorph; // SyntaxElementMorph ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // I am the ancestor of all blocks and input slots // SyntaxElementMorph inherits from Morph: SyntaxElementMorph.prototype = new Morph(); SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.constructor = SyntaxElementMorph; SyntaxElementMorph.uber = Morph.prototype; // SyntaxElementMorph preferences settings: /* the following settings govern the appearance of all syntax elements (blocks and slots) where applicable: outline: corner - radius of command block rounding rounding - radius of reporter block rounding edge - width of 3D-ish shading box hatHeight - additional top space for hat blocks hatWidth - minimum width for hat blocks rfBorder - pixel width of reification border (grey outline) minWidth - minimum width for any syntax element's contents jigsaw shape: inset - distance from indentation to left edge dent - width of indentation bottom paddings: bottomPadding - adds to the width of the bottom most c-slot cSlotPadding - adds to the width of the open "C" in c-slots typeInPadding - adds pixels between text and edge in input slots labelPadding - adds left/right pixels to block labels label: labelFontName - specific font family name labelFontStyle - generic font family name, cascaded fontSize - duh embossing - offset for embossing effect labelWidth - column width, used for word wrapping labelWordWrap - if true labels can break after each word dynamicInputLabels - if true inputs can have dynamic labels snapping: feedbackColor - for displaying drop feedbacks feedbackMinHeight - height of white line for command block snaps minSnapDistance - threshold when commands start snapping reporterDropFeedbackPadding - increases reporter drop feedback color gradients: contrast - 3D-ish shading gradient contrast labelContrast - 3D-ish label shading contrast activeHighlight - for stack highlighting when active errorHighlight - for error highlighting activeBlur - shadow for blurred activeHighlight activeBorder - unblurred activeHighlight rfColor - for reified outlines and slot backgrounds */ SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.setScale = function (num) { var scale = Math.min(Math.max(num, 1), 25); this.scale = scale; this.corner = 3 * scale; this.rounding = 9 * scale; this.edge = 1.000001 * scale; this.inset = 6 * scale; this.hatHeight = 12 * scale; this.hatWidth = 70 * scale; this.rfBorder = 3 * scale; this.minWidth = 0; this.dent = 8 * scale; this.bottomPadding = 3 * scale; this.cSlotPadding = 4 * scale; this.typeInPadding = scale; this.labelPadding = 4 * scale; this.labelFontName = 'Verdana'; this.labelFontStyle = 'sans-serif'; this.fontSize = 10 * scale; this.embossing = new Point( -1 * Math.max(scale / 2, 1), -1 * Math.max(scale / 2, 1) ); this.labelWidth = 450 * scale; this.labelWordWrap = true; this.dynamicInputLabels = true; this.feedbackColor = new Color(255, 255, 255); this.feedbackMinHeight = 5; this.minSnapDistance = 20; this.reporterDropFeedbackPadding = 10 * scale; this.contrast = 65; this.labelContrast = 25; this.activeHighlight = new Color(153, 255, 213); this.errorHighlight = new Color(173, 15, 0); this.activeBlur = 20; this.activeBorder = 4; this.rfColor = new Color(120, 120, 120); }; SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.setScale(1); SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.isCachingInputs = false; // SyntaxElementMorph instance creation: function SyntaxElementMorph() { this.init(); } SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.init = function (silently) { this.cachedClr = null; this.cachedClrBright = null; this.cachedClrDark = null; this.cachedNormalColor = null; // for single-stepping this.isStatic = false; // if true, I cannot be exchanged SyntaxElementMorph.uber.init.call(this, silently); this.defaults = []; this.cachedInputs = null; }; // SyntaxElementMorph accessing: SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.parts = function () { // answer my non-crontrol submorphs var nb = null; if (this.nextBlock) { // if I am a CommandBlock or a HatBlock nb = this.nextBlock(); } return this.children.filter(function (child) { return (child !== nb) && !(child instanceof ShadowMorph) && !(child instanceof BlockHighlightMorph); }); }; SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.inputs = function () { // answer my arguments and nested reporters if (isNil(this.cachedInputs) || !this.isCachingInputs) { this.cachedInputs = this.parts().filter(function (part) { return part instanceof SyntaxElementMorph; }); } // this.debugCachedInputs(); return this.cachedInputs; }; SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.debugCachedInputs = function () { // private - only used for manually debugging inputs caching var realInputs, i; if (!isNil(this.cachedInputs)) { realInputs = this.parts().filter(function (part) { return part instanceof SyntaxElementMorph; }); } if (this.cachedInputs.length !== realInputs.length) { throw new Error('cached inputs size do not match: ' + this.constructor.name); } for (i = 0; i < realInputs.length; i += 1) { if (this.cachedInputs[i] !== realInputs[i]) { throw new Error('cached input does not match: ' + this.constructor.name + ' #' + i + ' ' + this.cachedInputs[i].constructor.name + ' != ' + realInputs[i].constructor.name); } } }; SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.allInputs = function () { // answer arguments and nested reporters of all children var myself = this; return this.allChildren().slice(0).reverse().filter( function (child) { return (child instanceof ArgMorph) || (child instanceof ReporterBlockMorph && child !== myself); } ); }; SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.allEmptySlots = function () { // answer empty input slots of all children excluding myself, // but omit those in nested rings (lambdas) and JS-Function primitives. // Used by the evaluator when binding implicit formal parameters // to empty input slots var empty = []; if (!(this instanceof RingMorph) && (this.selector !== 'reportJSFunction')) { this.children.forEach(function (morph) { if (morph.isEmptySlot && morph.isEmptySlot()) { empty.push(morph); } else if (morph.allEmptySlots) { empty = empty.concat(morph.allEmptySlots()); } }); } return empty; }; SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.tagExitBlocks = function (stopTag, isCommand) { // tag 'report' and 'stop this block' blocks of all children including // myself, with either a stopTag (for "stop" blocks) or an indicator of // being inside a command block definition, but omit those in nested // rings (lambdas. Used by the evaluator when entering a procedure if (this.selector === 'doReport') { this.partOfCustomCommand = isCommand; } else if (this.selector === 'doStopThis') { this.exitTag = stopTag; } else { if (!(this instanceof RingMorph)) { this.children.forEach(function (morph) { if (morph.tagExitBlocks) { morph.tagExitBlocks(stopTag, isCommand); } }); } } }; SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.replaceInput = function (oldArg, newArg) { var scripts = this.parentThatIsA(ScriptsMorph), replacement = newArg, idx = this.children.indexOf(oldArg), i = 0; // try to find the ArgLabel embedding the newArg, // used for the undrop() feature if (idx === -1 && newArg instanceof MultiArgMorph) { this.children.forEach(function (morph) { if (morph instanceof ArgLabelMorph && morph.argMorph() === oldArg) { idx = i; } i += 1; }); } if ((idx === -1) || (scripts === null)) { return null; } if (oldArg.cachedSlotSpec) {oldArg.cachedSlotSpec = null; } if (newArg.cachedSlotSpec) {newArg.cachedSlotSpec = null; } this.startLayout(); if (newArg.parent) { newArg.parent.removeChild(newArg); } if (oldArg instanceof MultiArgMorph) { oldArg.inputs().forEach(function (inp) { // preserve nested reporters oldArg.replaceInput(inp, new InputSlotMorph()); }); if (this.dynamicInputLabels) { replacement = new ArgLabelMorph(newArg); } } replacement.parent = this; this.children[idx] = replacement; if (oldArg instanceof ReporterBlockMorph) { if (!(oldArg instanceof RingMorph) || (oldArg instanceof RingMorph && oldArg.contents())) { scripts.add(oldArg); oldArg.moveBy(replacement.extent()); oldArg.fixBlockColor(); } } if (replacement instanceof MultiArgMorph || replacement instanceof ArgLabelMorph || replacement.constructor === CommandSlotMorph) { replacement.fixLayout(); if (this.fixLabelColor) { // special case for variadic continuations this.fixLabelColor(); } } else { replacement.drawNew(); this.fixLayout(); } this.cachedInputs = null; this.endLayout(); }; SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.silentReplaceInput = function (oldArg, newArg) { // used by the Serializer or when programatically // changing blocks var i = this.children.indexOf(oldArg), replacement; if (i === -1) { return; } if (oldArg.cachedSlotSpec) {oldArg.cachedSlotSpec = null; } if (newArg.cachedSlotSpec) {newArg.cachedSlotSpec = null; } if (newArg.parent) { newArg.parent.removeChild(newArg); } if (oldArg instanceof MultiArgMorph && this.dynamicInputLabels) { replacement = new ArgLabelMorph(newArg); } else { replacement = newArg; } replacement.parent = this; this.children[i] = replacement; if (replacement instanceof MultiArgMorph || replacement instanceof ArgLabelMorph || replacement.constructor === CommandSlotMorph) { replacement.fixLayout(); if (this.fixLabelColor) { // special case for variadic continuations this.fixLabelColor(); } } else { replacement.drawNew(); this.fixLayout(); } this.cachedInputs = null; }; SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.revertToDefaultInput = function (arg, noValues) { var idx = this.parts().indexOf(arg), inp = this.inputs().indexOf(arg), deflt = new InputSlotMorph(), def; if (idx !== -1) { if (this instanceof BlockMorph) { deflt = this.labelPart(this.parseSpec(this.blockSpec)[idx]); if (this.isCustomBlock) { def = this.isGlobal ? this.definition : this.scriptTarget().getMethod(this.blockSpec); if (deflt instanceof InputSlotMorph) { deflt.setChoices.apply( deflt, def.inputOptionsOfIdx(inp) ); } if (deflt instanceof InputSlotMorph || (deflt instanceof BooleanSlotMorph) ) { deflt.setContents( def.defaultValueOfInputIdx(inp) ); } } } else if (this instanceof MultiArgMorph) { deflt = this.labelPart(this.slotSpec); } else if (this instanceof ReporterSlotMorph) { deflt = this.emptySlot(); } } // set default value if (!noValues) { if (inp !== -1) { if (deflt instanceof MultiArgMorph) { deflt.setContents(this.defaults); deflt.defaults = this.defaults; } else if (!isNil(this.defaults[inp])) { deflt.setContents(this.defaults[inp]); } } } this.silentReplaceInput(arg, deflt); if (deflt instanceof MultiArgMorph) { deflt.refresh(); } else if (deflt instanceof RingMorph) { deflt.fixBlockColor(); } this.cachedInputs = null; }; SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.isLocked = function () { // answer true if I can be exchanged by a dropped reporter return this.isStatic; }; // SyntaxElementMorph enumerating: SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.topBlock = function () { if (this.parent && this.parent.topBlock) { return this.parent.topBlock(); } return this; }; // SyntaxElementMorph reachable variables SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.getVarNamesDict = function () { var block = this.parentThatIsA(BlockMorph), rcvr, tempVars = [], dict; if (!block) { return {}; } rcvr = block.scriptTarget(); block.allParents().forEach(function (morph) { if (morph instanceof PrototypeHatBlockMorph) { tempVars.push.apply( tempVars, morph.variableNames() ); tempVars.push.apply( tempVars, morph.inputs()[0].inputFragmentNames() ); } else if (morph instanceof BlockMorph) { morph.inputs().forEach(function (inp) { inp.allChildren().forEach(function (child){ if (child instanceof TemplateSlotMorph) { tempVars.push(child.contents()); } else if (child instanceof MultiArgMorph) { child.children.forEach(function (m) { if (m instanceof TemplateSlotMorph) { tempVars.push(m.contents()); } }); } }); }); } }); if (rcvr) { dict = rcvr.variables.allNamesDict(); tempVars.forEach(function (name) { dict[name] = name; }); if (block.selector === 'doSetVar') { // add settable object attributes dict['~'] = null; dict.my = { 'anchor' : ['anchor'], 'parent' : ['parent'], // 'temporary?' : ['temporary?'], 'dangling?' : ['dangling?'], 'draggable?' : ['draggable?'], 'rotation style' : ['rotation style'], 'rotation x' : ['rotation x'], 'rotation y' : ['rotation y'] }; if (this.world().currentKey === 16) { // shift dict.my['~'] = null; dict.my['microphone modifier'] = ['microphone modifier']; } } return dict; } return {}; }; // Variable refactoring SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.refactorVarInStack = function ( oldName, newName, isScriptVar ) { // Rename all oldName var occurrences found in this block stack into newName // taking care of not being too greedy if ((this instanceof RingMorph && contains(this.inputNames(), oldName)) || (!isScriptVar && this.definesScriptVariable(oldName))) { return; } if (this.selector === 'reportGetVar' && this.blockSpec === oldName) { this.setSpec(newName); this.fullChanged(); this.fixLabelColor(); } if (this.choices === 'getVarNamesDict' && this.contents().text === oldName) { this.setContents(newName); } if (this instanceof CustomCommandBlockMorph && this.definition.body && isNil(this.definition.declarations.get(oldName)) && !contains(this.definition.variableNames, oldName)) { this.definition.body.expression.refactorVarInStack(oldName, newName); } this.inputs().forEach(function (input) { input.refactorVarInStack(oldName, newName); }); if (this.nextBlock) { var nb = this.nextBlock(); if (nb) { nb.refactorVarInStack(oldName, newName); } } }; SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.definesScriptVariable = function (name) { // Returns true if this block is defining either a script local var or // an upVar called `name` return ((this.selector === 'doDeclareVariables' || (this.blockSpec && this.blockSpec.match('%upvar'))) && (detect(this.inputs()[0].allInputs(), function (input) { return (input.selector === 'reportGetVar' && input.blockSpec === name); }))); }; // SyntaxElementMorph copy-on-write support: SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.selectForEdit = function () { var scripts = this.parentThatIsA(ScriptsMorph), ide = this.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph), rcvr = ide ? ide.currentSprite : null, selected; if (scripts && rcvr && rcvr.inheritsAttribute('scripts')) { // copy on write: this.selectionID = true; rcvr.shadowAttribute('scripts'); selected = detect(rcvr.scripts.allChildren(), function (m) { return m.selectionID; }); delete this.selectionID; delete selected.selectionID; return selected; } return this; }; // SyntaxElementMorph drag & drop: SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.reactToGrabOf = function (grabbedMorph) { var topBlock = this.topBlock(), affected; if (grabbedMorph instanceof CommandBlockMorph) { affected = this.parentThatIsA(CommandSlotMorph, ReporterSlotMorph); if (affected) { this.startLayout(); affected.fixLayout(); this.endLayout(); } } if (topBlock) { topBlock.allComments().forEach(function (comment) { comment.align(topBlock); }); if (topBlock.getHighlight()) { topBlock.addHighlight(topBlock.removeHighlight()); } } }; // SyntaxElementMorph 3D - border color rendering: SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.bright = function () { return this.color.lighter(this.contrast).toString(); }; SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.dark = function () { return this.color.darker(this.contrast).toString(); }; // SyntaxElementMorph color changing: SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.setColor = function (aColor, silently) { if (aColor) { if (!this.color.eq(aColor)) { this.color = aColor; if (!silently) {this.drawNew(); } this.children.forEach(function (child) { if ((!silently || child instanceof TemplateSlotMorph) && !(child instanceof BlockHighlightMorph)) { child.drawNew(); child.changed(); } }); this.changed(); } } }; SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.setLabelColor = function ( textColor, shadowColor, shadowOffset ) { this.children.forEach(function (morph) { if (morph instanceof StringMorph && !morph.isProtectedLabel) { morph.shadowOffset = shadowOffset || morph.shadowOffset; morph.shadowColor = shadowColor || morph.shadowColor; morph.setColor(textColor); } else if (morph instanceof MultiArgMorph || morph instanceof ArgLabelMorph || (morph instanceof SymbolMorph && !morph.isProtectedLabel) || (morph instanceof InputSlotMorph && morph.isReadOnly)) { morph.setLabelColor(textColor, shadowColor, shadowOffset); } else if (morph.isLoop) { // C-shaped slot with loop arrow symbol morph.loop().setLabelColor(textColor, shadowColor, shadowOffset); } }); }; SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.flash = function () { if (!this.cachedNormalColor) { this.cachedNormalColor = this.color; this.setColor(this.activeHighlight); } }; SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.unflash = function () { if (this.cachedNormalColor) { var clr = this.cachedNormalColor; this.cachedNormalColor = null; this.setColor(clr); } }; // SyntaxElementMorph zebra coloring SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.fixBlockColor = function ( nearestBlock, isForced ) { this.children.forEach(function (morph) { if (morph instanceof SyntaxElementMorph) { morph.fixBlockColor(nearestBlock, isForced); } }); }; // SyntaxElementMorph label parts: SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.labelPart = function (spec) { var part, tokens; if (spec[0] === '%' && spec.length > 1 && (this.selector !== 'reportGetVar' || (spec === '%turtleOutline' && this.isObjInputFragment()))) { // check for variable multi-arg-slot: if ((spec.length > 5) && (spec.slice(0, 5) === '%mult')) { part = new MultiArgMorph(spec.slice(5)); part.addInput(); return part; } // single-arg and specialized multi-arg slots: switch (spec) { case '%imgsource': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, // text false, // non-numeric { 'pen trails': ['pen trails'], 'stage image': ['stage image'] }, true ); part.setContents(['pen trails']); break; case '%inputs': part = new MultiArgMorph('%s', 'with inputs'); part.isStatic = false; part.canBeEmpty = false; break; case '%scriptVars': part = new MultiArgMorph('%t', null, 1, spec); part.canBeEmpty = false; break; case '%blockVars': part = new MultiArgMorph('%t', 'block variables', 0, spec); part.canBeEmpty = false; break; case '%parms': part = new MultiArgMorph('%t', 'Input Names:', 0, spec); part.canBeEmpty = false; break; case '%ringparms': part = new MultiArgMorph( '%t', 'input names:', 0, spec ); break; case '%cmdRing': part = new RingMorph(); part.color = SpriteMorph.prototype.blockColor.other; part.selector = 'reifyScript'; part.setSpec('%rc %ringparms'); part.isDraggable = true; break; case '%repRing': part = new RingMorph(); part.color = SpriteMorph.prototype.blockColor.other; part.selector = 'reifyReporter'; part.setSpec('%rr %ringparms'); part.isDraggable = true; part.isStatic = true; break; case '%predRing': part = new RingMorph(true); part.color = SpriteMorph.prototype.blockColor.other; part.selector = 'reifyPredicate'; part.setSpec('%rp %ringparms'); part.isDraggable = true; part.isStatic = true; break; case '%words': part = new MultiArgMorph('%s', null, 0); part.addInput(); // allow for default value setting part.addInput(); // allow for default value setting part.isStatic = false; break; case '%exp': part = new MultiArgMorph('%s', null, 0); part.addInput(); part.isStatic = true; part.canBeEmpty = false; break; case '%br': part = new Morph(); part.setExtent(new Point(0, 0)); part.isBlockLabelBreak = true; part.getSpec = function () { return '%br'; }; break; case '%inputName': part = new ReporterBlockMorph(); part.category = 'variables'; part.color = SpriteMorph.prototype.blockColor.variables; part.setSpec(localize('Input name')); break; case '%s': part = new InputSlotMorph(); break; case '%anyUE': part = new InputSlotMorph(); part.isUnevaluated = true; break; case '%txt': part = new InputSlotMorph(); // supports whitespace dots // part = new TextSlotMorph(); // multi-line, no whitespace dots part.minWidth = part.height() * 1.7; // "landscape" part.fixLayout(); break; case '%mlt': part = new TextSlotMorph(); part.fixLayout(); break; case '%code': part = new TextSlotMorph(); part.contents().fontName = 'monospace'; part.contents().fontStyle = 'monospace'; part.fixLayout(); break; case '%obj': part = new ArgMorph('object'); break; case '%n': part = new InputSlotMorph(null, true); break; case '%dir': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, true, { '§_dir': null, '(90) right' : 90, '(-90) left' : -90, '(0) up' : '0', '(180) down' : 180, 'random' : ['random'] } ); part.setContents(90); break; case '%note': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, // test true, // numeric 'pianoKeyboardMenu', false // read-only ); break; case '%inst': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, true, { '(1) sine' : 1, '(2) square' : 2, '(3) sawtooth' : 3, '(4) triangle' : 4 } ); part.setContents(1); break; case '%audio': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, // text false, // numeric? 'audioMenu', true // read-only ); break; case '%aa': // audio attributes part = new InputSlotMorph( null, // text false, // numeric? { 'name' : ['name'], 'duration' : ['duration'], 'length' : ['length'], 'number of channels' : ['number of channels'], 'sample rate' : ['sample rate'], 'samples' : ['samples'] }, true // read-only ); break; case '%img': // image attributes part = new InputSlotMorph( null, // text false, // numeric? { 'name' : ['name'], 'width' : ['width'], 'height' : ['height'], 'pixels' : ['pixels'] }, true // read-only ); break; case '%rate': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, true, { '22.05 kHz' : 22050, '44.1 kHz' : 44100, '88.2 kHz' : 88200, '96 kHz' : 96000 } ); part.setContents(1); break; case '%month': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, // text false, // numeric? { 'January' : ['January'], 'February' : ['February'], 'March' : ['March'], 'April' : ['April'], 'May' : ['May'], 'June' : ['June'], 'July' : ['July'], 'August' : ['August'], 'September' : ['September'], 'October' : ['October'], 'November' : ['November'], 'December' : ['December'] }, true // read-only ); break; case '%interaction': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, // text false, // numeric? { 'clicked' : ['clicked'], 'pressed' : ['pressed'], 'dropped' : ['dropped'], 'mouse-entered' : ['mouse-entered'], 'mouse-departed' : ['mouse-departed'], 'scrolled-up' : ['scrolled-up'], 'scrolled-down' : ['scrolled-down'], 'stopped' : ['stopped'] // experimental }, true // read-only ); part.isStatic = true; break; case '%dates': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, // text false, // non-numeric { 'year' : ['year'], 'month' : ['month'], 'date' : ['date'], 'day of week' : ['day of week'], 'hour' : ['hour'], 'minute' : ['minute'], 'second' : ['second'], 'time in milliseconds' : ['time in milliseconds'] }, true // read-only ); part.setContents(['date']); break; case '%delim': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, // text false, // numeric? { 'letter' : ['letter'], 'whitespace' : ['whitespace'], 'line' : ['line'], 'tab' : ['tab'], 'cr' : ['cr'], 'csv' : ['csv'], 'json' : ['json'] /* 'csv records' : ['csv records'], 'csv fields' : ['csv fields'] */ }, false // read-only ); break; case '%ida': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, true, { '1' : 1, last : ['last'], '~' : null, all : ['all'] } ); part.setContents(1); break; case '%idx': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, true, { '1' : 1, last : ['last'], any : ['any'] } ); part.setContents(1); break; case '%rel': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, // text false, // numeric? { 'distance' : ['distance'], 'direction' : ['direction'] }, true // read-only ); break; case '%loc': // location part = new InputSlotMorph( null, false, 'locationMenu', true ); break; case '%spr': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, false, 'objectsMenu', true ); break; case '%col': // collision detection part = new InputSlotMorph( null, false, 'collidablesMenu', true ); break; case '%dst': // distance measuring part = new InputSlotMorph( null, false, 'distancesMenu', true ); break; case '%cln': // clones part = new InputSlotMorph( null, false, 'clonablesMenu', true ); break; case '%get': // sprites, parts, speciment, clones part = new InputSlotMorph( null, false, 'gettablesMenu', true ); part.isStatic = true; break; case '%cst': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, false, 'costumesMenu', true ); break; case '%eff': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, false, { color: ['color'], saturation: ['saturation'], brightness : ['brightness'], ghost: ['ghost'], fisheye: ['fisheye'], whirl: ['whirl'], pixelate: ['pixelate'], mosaic: ['mosaic'], negative : ['negative'] // duplicate: ['duplicate'], // comic: ['comic'], // confetti: ['confetti'] }, true ); part.setContents(['ghost']); break; case '%snd': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, false, 'soundsMenu', true ); break; case '%key': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, false, { 'any key' : ['any key'], 'up arrow': ['up arrow'], 'down arrow': ['down arrow'], 'right arrow': ['right arrow'], 'left arrow': ['left arrow'], space : ['space'], a : ['a'], b : ['b'], c : ['c'], d : ['d'], e : ['e'], f : ['f'], g : ['g'], h : ['h'], i : ['i'], j : ['j'], k : ['k'], l : ['l'], m : ['m'], n : ['n'], o : ['o'], p : ['p'], q : ['q'], r : ['r'], s : ['s'], t : ['t'], u : ['u'], v : ['v'], w : ['w'], x : ['x'], y : ['y'], z : ['z'], '0' : ['0'], '1' : ['1'], '2' : ['2'], '3' : ['3'], '4' : ['4'], '5' : ['5'], '6' : ['6'], '7' : ['7'], '8' : ['8'], '9' : ['9'] }, true ); part.setContents(['space']); break; case '%keyHat': part = this.labelPart('%key'); part.isStatic = true; break; case '%msg': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, false, 'messagesMenu', true ); break; case '%msgHat': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, false, 'messagesReceivedMenu', true ); part.isStatic = true; break; case '%att': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, false, 'attributesMenu', true ); break; case '%fun': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, false, { abs : ['abs'], // '\u2212' : ['\u2212'], // minus-sign neg : ['neg'], ceiling : ['ceiling'], floor : ['floor'], sqrt : ['sqrt'], sin : ['sin'], cos : ['cos'], tan : ['tan'], asin : ['asin'], acos : ['acos'], atan : ['atan'], ln : ['ln'], log : ['log'], lg : ['lg'], 'e^' : ['e^'], '10^' : ['10^'], '2^' : ['2^'], }, true ); part.setContents(['sqrt']); break; case '%layer': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, false, { front : ['front'], back : ['back'] }, true ); part.setContents(['front']); break; case '%hsva': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, false, { hue : ['hue'], saturation : ['saturation'], brightness : ['brightness'], transparency : ['transparency'] }, true ); part.setContents(['hue']); break; case '%pen': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, false, { size : ['size'], hue : ['hue'], saturation : ['saturation'], brightness : ['brightness'], transparency : ['transparency'] }, true ); part.setContents(['hue']); break; case '%asp': // aspect part = new InputSlotMorph( null, false, { hue : ['hue'], saturation : ['saturation'], brightness : ['brightness'], transparency : ['transparency'], '~' : null, sprites : ['sprites'], }, true ); part.setContents(['hue']); break; case '%txtfun': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, false, { 'encode URI' : ['encode URI'], 'decode URI' : ['decode URI'], 'encode URI component' : ['encode URI component'], 'decode URI component' : ['decode URI component'], 'XML escape' : ['XML escape'], 'XML unescape' : ['XML unescape'], 'hex sha512 hash' : ['hex sha512 hash'] }, true ); part.setContents(['encode URI']); break; case '%stopChoices': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, false, { 'all' : ['all'], 'this script' : ['this script'], 'this block' : ['this block'], 'all but this script' : ['all but this script'], 'other scripts in sprite' : ['other scripts in sprite'] }, true ); part.setContents(['all']); part.isStatic = true; break; case '%setting': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, false, { 'turbo mode' : ['turbo mode'], 'flat line ends' : ['flat line ends'] }, true ); part.setContents(['turbo mode']); part.isStatic = true; break; case '%typ': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, false, 'typesMenu', true ); part.setContents(['number']); break; case '%mapValue': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, false, { String : ['String'], Number : ['Number'], 'true' : ['true'], 'false' : ['false'] }, true ); part.setContents(['String']); part.isStatic = true; break; case '%var': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, false, 'getVarNamesDict', true ); part.isStatic = true; break; case '%shd': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, false, 'shadowedVariablesMenu', true ); // part.isStatic = true; break; case '%lst': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, false, { list1 : 'list1', list2 : 'list2', list3 : 'list3' }, true ); break; case '%codeKind': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, false, { code : ['code'], header : ['header'] }, true ); part.setContents(['code']); break; case '%l': part = new ArgMorph('list'); break; case '%b': part = new BooleanSlotMorph(); break; case '%boolUE': part = new BooleanSlotMorph(); part.isUnevaluated = true; break; case '%bool': part = new BooleanSlotMorph(true); part.isStatic = true; break; case '%cmd': part = new CommandSlotMorph(); break; case '%rc': part = new RingCommandSlotMorph(); part.isStatic = true; break; case '%rr': part = new RingReporterSlotMorph(); part.isStatic = true; break; case '%rp': part = new RingReporterSlotMorph(true); part.isStatic = true; break; case '%c': part = new CSlotMorph(); part.isStatic = true; break; case '%cs': part = new CSlotMorph(); // non-static break; case '%ca': part = new CSlotMorph(); // non-static part.isLoop = true; // has a loop symbol part.add(this.labelPart('%loopArrow')); break; case '%cl': part = new CSlotMorph(); part.isStatic = true; // rejects reporter drops part.isLambda = true; // auto-reifies nested script break; case '%cla': part = new CSlotMorph(); part.isStatic = true; // rejects reporter drops part.isLambda = true; // auto-reifies nested script part.isLoop = true; // has a loop symbol part.add(this.labelPart('%loopArrow')); break; case '%loop': part = new CSlotMorph(); part.isStatic = true; part.isLoop = true; // has a loop symbol part.add(this.labelPart('%loopArrow')); break; case '%loopArrow': part = new SymbolMorph('loop'); part.size = this.fontSize * 0.7; part.color = new Color(255, 255, 255); part.shadowColor = this.color.darker(this.labelContrast); part.shadowOffset = MorphicPreferences.isFlat ? new Point() : this.embossing; part.drawNew(); break; case '%clr': part = new ColorSlotMorph(); part.isStatic = true; break; case '%t': part = new TemplateSlotMorph('a'); break; case '%upvar': part = new TemplateSlotMorph('\u2191'); // up-arrow break; case '%f': part = new FunctionSlotMorph(); break; case '%r': part = new ReporterSlotMorph(); break; case '%p': part = new ReporterSlotMorph(true); break; // code mapping (experimental) case '%codeListPart': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, // text false, // numeric? { 'list' : ['list'], 'item' : ['item'], 'delimiter' : ['delimiter'] }, true // read-only ); break; case '%codeListKind': part = new InputSlotMorph( null, // text false, // numeric? { 'collection' : ['collection'], 'variables' : ['variables'], 'parameters' : ['parameters'] }, true // read-only ); break; // symbols: case '%turtle': part = new SymbolMorph('turtle'); part.size = this.fontSize * 1.2; part.color = new Color(255, 255, 255); part.shadowColor = this.color.darker(this.labelContrast); part.shadowOffset = MorphicPreferences.isFlat ? new Point() : this.embossing; part.drawNew(); break; case '%turtleOutline': part = new SymbolMorph('turtleOutline'); part.size = this.fontSize; part.color = new Color(255, 255, 255); part.isProtectedLabel = true; // doesn't participate in zebraing part.shadowColor = this.color.darker(this.labelContrast); part.shadowOffset = MorphicPreferences.isFlat ? new Point() : this.embossing; part.drawNew(); break; case '%clockwise': part = new SymbolMorph('turnRight'); part.size = this.fontSize * 1.5; part.color = new Color(255, 255, 255); part.isProtectedLabel = false; // zebra colors part.shadowColor = this.color.darker(this.labelContrast); part.shadowOffset = MorphicPreferences.isFlat ? new Point() : this.embossing; part.drawNew(); break; case '%counterclockwise': part = new SymbolMorph('turnLeft'); part.size = this.fontSize * 1.5; part.color = new Color(255, 255, 255); part.isProtectedLabel = false; // zebra colors part.shadowColor = this.color.darker(this.labelContrast); part.shadowOffset = MorphicPreferences.isFlat ? new Point() : this.embossing; part.drawNew(); break; case '%greenflag': part = new SymbolMorph('flag'); part.size = this.fontSize * 1.5; part.color = new Color(0, 200, 0); part.isProtectedLabel = true; // doesn't participate in zebraing part.shadowColor = this.color.darker(this.labelContrast); part.shadowOffset = MorphicPreferences.isFlat ? new Point() : this.embossing; part.drawNew(); break; case '%stop': part = new SymbolMorph('octagon'); part.size = this.fontSize * 1.5; part.color = new Color(200, 0, 0); part.isProtectedLabel = true; // doesn't participate in zebraing part.shadowColor = this.color.darker(this.labelContrast); part.shadowOffset = MorphicPreferences.isFlat ? new Point() : this.embossing; part.drawNew(); break; case '%pause': part = new SymbolMorph('pause'); part.size = this.fontSize; part.color = new Color(255, 220, 0); part.isProtectedLabel = true; // doesn't participate in zebraing part.shadowColor = this.color.darker(this.labelContrast); part.shadowOffset = MorphicPreferences.isFlat ? new Point() : this.embossing; part.drawNew(); break; default: nop(); } } else if (spec[0] === '$' && spec.length > 1 && this.selector !== 'reportGetVar') { /* // allow costumes as label symbols // has issues when loading costumes (asynchronously) // commented out for now var rcvr = this.definition.receiver || this.scriptTarget(), id = spec.slice(1), cst; if (!rcvr) {return this.labelPart('%stop'); } cst = detect( rcvr.costumes.asArray(), function (each) {return each.name === id; } ); part = new SymbolMorph(cst); part.size = this.fontSize * 1.5; part.color = new Color(255, 255, 255); part.isProtectedLabel = true; // doesn't participate in zebraing part.drawNew(); */ // allow GUI symbols as label icons // usage: $symbolName[-size-r-g-b], size and color values are optional // If there isn't a symbol under that name, it just styles whatever is // after "$", so you can add unicode icons to your blocks, for example // ☺️ tokens = spec.slice(1).split('-'); if (!contains(SymbolMorph.prototype.names, tokens[0])) { part = new StringMorph(tokens[0]); part.fontName = this.labelFontName; part.fontStyle = this.labelFontStyle; part.fontSize = this.fontSize * (+tokens[1] || 1); } else { part = new SymbolMorph(tokens[0]); part.size = this.fontSize * (+tokens[1] || 1.2); } part.color = new Color( +tokens[2] === 0 ? 0 : +tokens[2] || 255, +tokens[3] === 0 ? 0 : +tokens[3] || 255, +tokens[4] === 0 ? 0 : +tokens[4] || 255 ); part.isProtectedLabel = tokens.length > 2; // zebra colors part.shadowColor = this.color.darker(this.labelContrast); part.shadowOffset = MorphicPreferences.isFlat ? new Point() : this.embossing; part.drawNew(); } else { part = new StringMorph( spec, // text this.fontSize, // fontSize this.labelFontStyle, // fontStyle true, // bold false, // italic false, // isNumeric MorphicPreferences.isFlat ? new Point() : this.embossing, // shadowOffset this.color.darker(this.labelContrast), // shadowColor new Color(255, 255, 255), // color this.labelFontName // fontName ); } return part; }; SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.isObjInputFragment = function () { // private - for displaying a symbol in a variable block template return (this.selector === 'reportGetVar') && (this.getSlotSpec() === '%t') && (this.parent.fragment.type === '%obj'); }; // SyntaxElementMorph layout: SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.fixLayout = function (silently) { var nb, parts = this.parts(), myself = this, x = 0, y, lineHeight = 0, maxX = 0, blockWidth = this.minWidth, blockHeight, affected, l = [], lines = [], space = this.isPrototype ? 1 : Math.floor(fontHeight(this.fontSize) / 3), ico = this instanceof BlockMorph && this.hasLocationPin() ? this.methodIconExtent().x + space : 0, bottomCorrection, hasLoopCSlot = false, hasLoopArrow = false, initialExtent = this.extent(); if ((this instanceof MultiArgMorph) && (this.slotSpec !== '%cs')) { blockWidth += this.arrows().width(); } else if (this instanceof ReporterBlockMorph) { blockWidth += (this.rounding * 2) + (this.edge * 2); } else { blockWidth += (this.corner * 4) + (this.edge * 2) + (this.inset * 3) + this.dent; } if (this.nextBlock) { nb = this.nextBlock(); } // determine lines parts.forEach(function (part) { if ((part instanceof CSlotMorph) || (part.slotSpec === '%cs')) { if (l.length > 0) { lines.push(l); lines.push([part]); l = []; x = 0; } else { lines.push([part]); } } else if (part instanceof BlockHighlightMorph) { nop(); // should be redundant now // myself.fullChanged(); // myself.removeChild(part); } else { if (part.isVisible) { x += part.fullBounds().width() + space; } if ((x > myself.labelWidth) || part.isBlockLabelBreak) { if (l.length > 0) { lines.push(l); l = []; x = part.fullBounds().width() + space; } } l.push(part); if (part.isBlockLabelBreak) { x = 0; } } }); if (l.length > 0) { lines.push(l); } // distribute parts on lines if (this instanceof CommandBlockMorph) { y = this.top() + this.corner + this.edge; if (this instanceof HatBlockMorph) { y += this.hatHeight; } } else if (this instanceof ReporterBlockMorph) { y = this.top() + (this.edge * 2); } else if (this instanceof MultiArgMorph || this instanceof ArgLabelMorph) { y = this.top(); if (this.slotSpec === '%cs' && this.inputs().length > 0) { y -= this.rounding; } } lines.forEach(function (line) { if (hasLoopCSlot) { hasLoopArrow = true; hasLoopCSlot = false; } x = myself.left() + ico + myself.edge + myself.labelPadding; if (myself instanceof RingMorph) { x = myself.left() + space; //myself.labelPadding; } else if (myself.isPredicate) { x = myself.left() + ico + myself.rounding; } else if (myself instanceof MultiArgMorph || myself instanceof ArgLabelMorph) { x = myself.left(); } y += lineHeight; lineHeight = 0; line.forEach(function (part) { if (part.isLoop) { hasLoopCSlot = true; } if (part instanceof CSlotMorph) { x -= myself.labelPadding; if (myself.isPredicate) { x = myself.left() + ico + myself.rounding; } part.setColor(myself.color); part.setPosition(new Point(x, y)); lineHeight = part.height(); } else if (part instanceof MultiArgMorph && (part.slotSpec === '%cs')) { if (myself.isPredicate) { x += myself.corner; } part.setPosition(new Point(x, y)); lineHeight = part.height(); } else { part.setPosition(new Point(x, y)); if (!part.isBlockLabelBreak) { if (part.slotSpec === '%c' || part.slotSpec === '%loop') { x += part.width(); } else if (part.isVisible) { x += part.fullBounds().width() + space; } } maxX = Math.max(maxX, x); lineHeight = Math.max( lineHeight, part instanceof StringMorph ? part.rawHeight() : part.height() ); } }); // adjust label row below a loop-arrow C-slot to accomodate the loop icon if (hasLoopArrow) { x += myself.fontSize * 1.5; maxX = Math.max(maxX, x); hasLoopArrow = false; } // center parts vertically on each line: line.forEach(function (part) { part.moveBy(new Point( 0, Math.floor((lineHeight - part.height()) / 2) )); }); }); // determine my height: y += lineHeight; if (this.children.some(function (any) { return any instanceof CSlotMorph; })) { bottomCorrection = this.bottomPadding; if (this instanceof ReporterBlockMorph && !this.isPredicate) { bottomCorrection = Math.max( this.bottomPadding, this.rounding - this.bottomPadding ); } y += bottomCorrection; } if (this instanceof CommandBlockMorph) { blockHeight = y - this.top() + (this.corner * 2); } else if (this instanceof ReporterBlockMorph) { blockHeight = y - this.top() + (this.edge * 2); } else if (this instanceof MultiArgMorph || this instanceof ArgLabelMorph) { blockHeight = y - this.top(); } // determine my width: if (this.isPredicate) { blockWidth = Math.max( blockWidth, maxX - this.left() + this.rounding ); } else if ((this instanceof MultiArgMorph && this.slotSpec !== '%cs') || this instanceof ArgLabelMorph) { blockWidth = Math.max( blockWidth, maxX - this.left() - space ); } else { blockWidth = Math.max( blockWidth, maxX - this.left() + this.labelPadding - this.edge ); // adjust right padding if rightmost input has arrows if (parts[parts.length - 1] instanceof MultiArgMorph && (lines.length === 1)) { blockWidth -= space; } // adjust width to hat width if (this instanceof HatBlockMorph) { blockWidth = Math.max(blockWidth, this.hatWidth * 1.5); } } // set my extent (silently, because we'll redraw later anyway): this.silentSetExtent(new Point(blockWidth, blockHeight)); // adjust CSlots parts.forEach(function (part) { var adjustMultiWidth = 0; if (part instanceof CSlotMorph || (part.slotSpec === '%cs')) { if (myself.isPredicate) { part.setWidth( blockWidth - ico - myself.rounding - myself.inset - myself.corner ); adjustMultiWidth = myself.corner; } else { part.setWidth(blockWidth - myself.edge - ico); adjustMultiWidth = myself.corner + myself.edge; } } if (part.slotSpec === '%cs') { part.inputs().forEach(function (slot) { slot.setWidth(part.right() - slot.left() - adjustMultiWidth); }); } }); // redraw in order to erase CSlot backgrounds if (!silently) {this.drawNew(); } // position next block: if (nb) { nb.setPosition( new Point( this.left(), this.bottom() - (this.corner) ) ); } // find out if one of my parents needs to be fixed if (this instanceof CommandBlockMorph) { if (this.height() !== initialExtent.y) { affected = this.parentThatIsA(CommandSlotMorph, ReporterSlotMorph); if (affected) { affected.fixLayout(); } } if (this.width() !== initialExtent.x) { affected = this.parentThatIsA( ReporterBlockMorph, CommandSlotMorph, RingCommandSlotMorph, ReporterSlotMorph ); if (affected) { affected.fixLayout(); } } if (affected) { return; } } else if (this instanceof ReporterBlockMorph) { if (this.parent) { if (this.parent.fixLayout) { return this.parent.fixLayout(); } } } this.fixHighlight(); }; SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.fixHighlight = function () { var top = this.topBlock(); if (top.getHighlight && top.getHighlight()) { top.addHighlight(top.removeHighlight()); } }; SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.methodIconExtent = function () { // answer the span of the icon for the "local method" indicator var ico = this.fontSize * 1.2; return this.hasLocationPin() ? new Point(ico * 0.66, ico) : new Point(0, 0); }; // SyntaxElementMorph evaluating: SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.evaluate = function () { // responsibility of my children, default is to answer null return null; }; SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.isEmptySlot = function () { // responsibility of my children, default is to answer false return false; }; // SyntaxElementMorph speech bubble feedback: SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.showBubble = function (value, exportPic, target) { var bubble, txt, img, morphToShow, isClickable = false, ide = this.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph), anchor = this, pos = this.rightCenter().add(new Point(2, 0)), sf = this.parentThatIsA(ScrollFrameMorph), wrrld = this.world(); if ((value === undefined) || !wrrld) { return null; } if (value instanceof ListWatcherMorph) { morphToShow = value; morphToShow.update(true); morphToShow.step = value.update; morphToShow.isDraggable = false; morphToShow.expand(this.parentThatIsA(ScrollFrameMorph).extent()); isClickable = true; } else if (value instanceof TableFrameMorph) { morphToShow = value; morphToShow.isDraggable = false; morphToShow.expand(this.parentThatIsA(ScrollFrameMorph).extent()); isClickable = true; } else if (value instanceof Morph) { if (isSnapObject(value)) { img = value.thumbnail(new Point(40, 40)); morphToShow = new Morph(); morphToShow.silentSetWidth(img.width); morphToShow.silentSetHeight(img.height); morphToShow.image = img; morphToShow.version = value.version; morphToShow.step = function () { if (this.version !== value.version) { img = value.thumbnail(new Point(40, 40)); this.image = img; this.version = value.version; this.changed(); } }; } else { img = value.fullImage(); morphToShow = new Morph(); morphToShow.silentSetWidth(img.width); morphToShow.silentSetHeight(img.height); morphToShow.image = img; } } else if (value instanceof Costume) { img = value.thumbnail(new Point(40, 40)); morphToShow = new Morph(); morphToShow.silentSetWidth(img.width); morphToShow.silentSetHeight(img.height); morphToShow.image = img; } else if (value instanceof Sound) { morphToShow = new SymbolMorph('notes', 30); } else if (value instanceof Context) { img = value.image(); morphToShow = new Morph(); morphToShow.silentSetWidth(img.width); morphToShow.silentSetHeight(img.height); morphToShow.image = img; } else if (typeof value === 'boolean') { morphToShow = SpriteMorph.prototype.booleanMorph.call( null, value ); } else if (isString(value)) { txt = value.length > 500 ? value.slice(0, 500) + '...' : value; morphToShow = new TextMorph( txt, this.fontSize ); } else if (value === null) { morphToShow = new TextMorph( '', this.fontSize ); } else if (value === 0) { morphToShow = new TextMorph( '0', this.fontSize ); } else if (value.toString) { morphToShow = new TextMorph( value.toString(), this.fontSize ); } if (ide && (ide.currentSprite !== target)) { if (target instanceof StageMorph) { anchor = ide.corral.stageIcon; } else if (target) { if (target.isTemporary) { target = detect( target.allExemplars(), function (each) {return !each.isTemporary; } ); } anchor = detect( ide.corral.frame.contents.children, function (icon) {return icon.object === target; } ); } else { target = ide; } pos = anchor.center(); } bubble = new SpeechBubbleMorph( morphToShow, null, Math.max(this.rounding - 2, 6), 0 ); bubble.popUp( wrrld, pos, isClickable ); if (exportPic) { this.exportPictureWithResult(bubble); } if (anchor instanceof SpriteIconMorph) { bubble.keepWithin(ide.corral); } else if (sf) { bubble.keepWithin(sf); } }; SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.exportPictureWithResult = function (aBubble) { var ide = this.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph), scr = this.fullImage(), bub = aBubble.fullImageClassic(), taller = Math.max(0, bub.height - scr.height), pic = newCanvas(new Point( scr.width + bub.width + 2, scr.height + taller )), ctx = pic.getContext('2d'); ctx.drawImage(scr, 0, pic.height - scr.height); ctx.drawImage(bub, scr.width + 2, 0); // request to open pic in new window. ide.saveCanvasAs( pic, (ide.projectName || localize('untitled')) + ' ' + localize('script pic') ); }; // SyntaxElementMorph code mapping /* code mapping lets you use blocks to generate arbitrary text-based source code that can be exported and compiled / embedded elsewhere, it's not part of Snap's evaluator and not needed for Snap itself */ SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.mappedCode = function (definitions) { var result = this.evaluate(); if (result instanceof BlockMorph) { return result.mappedCode(definitions); } return result; }; // SyntaxElementMorph layout update optimization SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.startLayout = function () { this.topBlock().fullChanged(); Morph.prototype.trackChanges = false; }; SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.endLayout = function () { Morph.prototype.trackChanges = true; this.topBlock().fullChanged(); }; // BlockMorph ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* I am an abstraction of all blocks (commands, reporters, hats). Aside from the visual settings inherited from Morph and SyntaxElementMorph my most important attributes and public accessors are: selector - (string) name of method to be triggered scriptTarget() - answer the object (sprite) to which I apply inputs() - answer an array with my arg slots and nested reporters defaults - an optional Array containing default input values topBlock() - answer the top block of the stack I'm attached to blockSpec - a formalized description of my label parts setSpec() - force me to change my label structure evaluate() - answer the result of my evaluation isUnevaluated() - answer whether I am part of a special form Zebra coloring provides a mechanism to alternate brightness of nested, same colored blocks (of the same category). The deviation of alternating brightness is set in the preferences setting: zebraContrast - percentage of brightness deviation attribute. If the attribute is set to zero, zebra coloring is turned off. If it is a positive number, nested blocks will be colored in a brighter shade of the same hue and the label color (for texts) alternates between white and black. If the attribute is set to a negative number, nested blocks are colored in a darker shade of the same hue with no alternating label colors. Note: Some of these methods are inherited from SyntaxElementMorph for technical reasons, because they are shared among Block and MultiArgMorph (e.g. topBlock()). blockSpec is a formatted string consisting of plain words and reserved words starting with the percent character (%), which represent the following pre-defined input slots and/or label features: arity: single %br - user-forced line break %s - white rectangular type-in slot ("string-type") %txt - white rectangular type-in slot ("text-type") %mlt - white rectangular type-in slot ("multi-line-text-type") %code - white rectangular type-in slot, monospaced font %n - white roundish type-in slot ("numerical") %dir - white roundish type-in slot with drop-down for directions %inst - white roundish type-in slot with drop-down for instruments %ida - white roundish type-in slot with drop-down for list indices %idx - white roundish type-in slot for indices incl. "any" %obj - specially drawn slot for object reporters %rel - chameleon colored rectangular drop-down for relation options %spr - chameleon colored rectangular drop-down for object-names %col - chameleon colored rectangular drop-down for collidables %dst - chameleon colored rectangular drop-down for distances %cst - chameleon colored rectangular drop-down for costume-names %eff - chameleon colored rectangular drop-down for graphic effects %snd - chameleon colored rectangular drop-down for sound names %key - chameleon colored rectangular drop-down for keyboard keys %msg - chameleon colored rectangular drop-down for messages %att - chameleon colored rectangular drop-down for attributes %fun - chameleon colored rectangular drop-down for math functions %typ - chameleon colored rectangular drop-down for data types %var - chameleon colored rectangular drop-down for variable names %shd - Chameleon colored rectuangular drop-down for shadowed var names %lst - chameleon colored rectangular drop-down for list names %b - chameleon colored hexagonal slot (for predicates) %bool - chameleon colored hexagonal slot (for predicates), static %l - list icon %c - C-shaped command slot, special form for primitives %loop - C-shaped with loop arrow, special form for certain primitives %ca - C-shaped with loop arrow, for custom blocks %cs - C-shaped, auto-reifying, accepts reporter drops %cl - C-shaped, auto-reifying, rejects reporters %cla - C-shaped with loop arrows, auto-reifying, rejects reporters %clr - interactive color slot %t - inline variable reporter template %anyUE - white rectangular type-in slot, unevaluated if replaced %boolUE - chameleon colored hexagonal slot, unevaluated if replaced %f - round function slot, unevaluated if replaced, %r - round reporter slot %p - hexagonal predicate slot rings: %cmdRing - command slotted ring with %ringparms %repRing - round slotted ringn with %ringparms %predRing - diamond slotted ring with %ringparms arity: multiple %mult%x - where %x stands for any of the above single inputs %inputs - for an additional text label 'with inputs' %words - for an expandable list of default 2 (used in JOIN) %exp - for a static expandable list of minimum 0 (used in LIST) %scriptVars - for an expandable list of variable reporter templates %parms - for an expandable list of formal parameters %ringparms - the same for use inside Rings special form: upvar %upvar - same as %t (inline variable reporter template) special form: input name %inputName - variable blob (used in input type dialog) examples: 'if %b %c else %c' - creates Scratch's If/Else block 'set pen color to %clr' - creates Scratch's Pen color block 'list %mult%s' - creates BYOB's list reporter block 'call %n %inputs' - creates BYOB's Call block 'the script %parms %c' - creates BYOB's THE SCRIPT block */ // BlockMorph inherits from SyntaxElementMorph: BlockMorph.prototype = new SyntaxElementMorph(); BlockMorph.prototype.constructor = BlockMorph; BlockMorph.uber = SyntaxElementMorph.prototype; // BlockMorph preferences settings: BlockMorph.prototype.isCachingInputs = true; BlockMorph.prototype.zebraContrast = 40; // alternating color brightness // BlockMorph sound feedback: BlockMorph.prototype.snapSound = null; BlockMorph.prototype.toggleSnapSound = function () { if (this.snapSound !== null) { this.snapSound = null; } else { BlockMorph.prototype.snapSound = document.createElement('audio'); BlockMorph.prototype.snapSound.src = 'src/click.wav'; } CommentMorph.prototype.snapSound = BlockMorph.prototype.snapSound; }; // BlockMorph instance creation: function BlockMorph() { this.init(); } BlockMorph.prototype.init = function (silently) { this.selector = null; // name of method to be triggered this.blockSpec = ''; // formal description of label and arguments this.comment = null; // optional "sticky" comment morph // not to be persisted: this.instantiationSpec = null; // spec to set upon fullCopy() of template this.category = null; // for zebra coloring (non persistent) this.isCorpse = false; // marked for deletion fom a custom block definition BlockMorph.uber.init.call(this, silently); this.color = new Color(0, 17, 173); this.cachedInputs = null; }; BlockMorph.prototype.scriptTarget = function () { // answer the sprite or stage that this block acts on, // if the user clicks on it. // NOTE: since scripts can be shared by more than a single sprite // this method only gives the desired result within the context of // the user actively clicking on a block inside the IDE // there is no direct relationship between a block and a sprite. var scripts = this.parentThatIsA(ScriptsMorph), ide; if (scripts) { return scripts.scriptTarget(); } ide = this.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph); if (ide) { return ide.currentSprite; } throw new Error('script target cannot be found for orphaned block'); }; BlockMorph.prototype.toString = function () { return 'a ' + (this.constructor.name || this.constructor.toString().split(' ')[1].split('(')[0]) + ' ("' + this.blockSpec.slice(0, 30) + '...")'; }; // BlockMorph spec: BlockMorph.prototype.parseSpec = function (spec) { var result = [], words, word = ''; words = isString(spec) ? spec.split(' ') : []; if (words.length === 0) { words = [spec]; } if (this.labelWordWrap) { return words; } function addWord(w) { if ((w[0] === '%') && (w.length > 1)) { if (word !== '') { result.push(word); word = ''; } result.push(w); } else { if (word !== '') { word += ' ' + w; } else { word = w; } } } words.forEach(function (each) { addWord(each); }); if (word !== '') { result.push(word); } return result; }; BlockMorph.prototype.setSpec = function (spec, silently, definition) { var myself = this, part, inputIdx = -1; if (!spec) {return; } this.parts().forEach(function (part) { part.destroy(); }); if (this.isPrototype) { this.add(this.placeHolder()); } this.parseSpec(spec).forEach(function (word, idx, arr) { if (word[0] === '%' && (word !== '%br')) { inputIdx += 1; } part = myself.labelPart(word); if (isNil(part)) { // console.log('could not create label part', word); return; } myself.add(part); if (!(part instanceof CommandSlotMorph || part instanceof StringMorph)) { part.drawNew(); } if (part instanceof RingMorph) { part.fixBlockColor(); } if (part instanceof MultiArgMorph || part.constructor === CommandSlotMorph || part.constructor === RingCommandSlotMorph) { part.fixLayout(); } if (myself.isPrototype) { myself.add(myself.placeHolder()); } if (part instanceof InputSlotMorph && myself.isCustomBlock) { part.setChoices.apply( part, (definition || myself.definition).inputOptionsOfIdx(inputIdx) ); } }); this.blockSpec = spec; this.fixLayout(silently); this.cachedInputs = null; }; BlockMorph.prototype.userSetSpec = function (spec) { var tb = this.topBlock(); tb.fullChanged(); this.setSpec(spec); tb.fullChanged(); }; BlockMorph.prototype.buildSpec = function () { // create my blockSpec from my parts - for demo purposes only var myself = this; this.blockSpec = ''; this.parts().forEach(function (part) { if (part instanceof StringMorph) { myself.blockSpec += part.text; } else if (part instanceof ArgMorph) { myself.blockSpec += part.getSpec(); } else if (part.isBlockLabelBreak) { myself.blockSpec += part.getSpec(); } else { myself.blockSpec += '[undefined]'; } myself.blockSpec += ' '; }); this.blockSpec = this.blockSpec.trim(); }; BlockMorph.prototype.rebuild = function (contrast) { // rebuild my label fragments, for use in ToggleElementMorphs this.setSpec(this.blockSpec); if (contrast) { this.inputs().forEach(function (input) { if (input instanceof ReporterBlockMorph) { input.setColor(input.color.lighter(contrast)); input.setSpec(input.blockSpec); } }); } }; // BlockMorph menu: BlockMorph.prototype.userMenu = function () { var menu = new MenuMorph(this), world = this.world(), myself = this, shiftClicked = world.currentKey === 16, proc = this.activeProcess(), vNames = proc && proc.context && proc.context.outerContext ? proc.context.outerContext.variables.names() : [], alternatives, field, rcvr, top; function addOption(label, toggle, test, onHint, offHint) { var on = '\u2611 ', off = '\u2610 '; menu.addItem( (test ? on : off) + localize(label), toggle, test ? onHint : offHint ); } function renameVar() { var blck = myself.fullCopy(); blck.addShadow(); new DialogBoxMorph( myself, myself.userSetSpec, myself ).prompt( "Variable name", myself.blockSpec, world, blck.fullImage(), // pic InputSlotMorph.prototype.getVarNamesDict.call(myself) ); } menu.addItem( "help...", 'showHelp' ); if (shiftClicked) { top = this.topBlock(); if (top instanceof ReporterBlockMorph) { menu.addItem( "script pic with result...", function () { top.exportResultPic(); }, 'open a new window\n' + 'with a picture of both\nthis script and its result', new Color(100, 0, 0) ); } } if (this.isTemplate) { if (this.parent instanceof SyntaxElementMorph) { // in-line if (this.selector === 'reportGetVar') { // script var definition menu.addLine(); menu.addItem( 'rename...', function () { myself.refactorThisVar(true); // just the template }, 'rename only\nthis reporter' ); menu.addItem( 'rename all...', 'refactorThisVar', 'rename all blocks that\naccess this variable' ); } } else { // in palette if (this.selector === 'reportGetVar') { rcvr = this.scriptTarget(); if (this.isInheritedVariable(false)) { // fully inherited addOption( 'inherited', function () { rcvr.toggleInheritedVariable(myself.blockSpec); }, true, 'uncheck to\ndisinherit', null ); } else { // not inherited if (this.isInheritedVariable(true)) { // shadowed addOption( 'inherited', function () { rcvr.toggleInheritedVariable(myself.blockSpec); }, false, null, localize('check to inherit\nfrom') + ' ' + rcvr.exemplar.name ); } addOption( 'transient', 'toggleTransientVariable', myself.isTransientVariable(), 'uncheck to save contents\nin the project', 'check to prevent contents\nfrom being saved' ); menu.addLine(); menu.addItem( 'rename...', function () { myself.refactorThisVar(true); // just the template }, 'rename only\nthis reporter' ); menu.addItem( 'rename all...', 'refactorThisVar', 'rename all blocks that\naccess this variable' ); } } else if (this.selector !== 'evaluateCustomBlock') { menu.addItem( "hide", 'hidePrimitive' ); } // allow toggling inheritable attributes if (StageMorph.prototype.enableInheritance) { rcvr = this.scriptTarget(); field = { xPosition: 'x position', yPosition: 'y position', direction: 'direction', getScale: 'size', getCostumeIdx: 'costume #', getVolume: 'volume', getPan: 'balance' }[this.selector]; if (field && rcvr && rcvr.exemplar) { menu.addLine(); addOption( 'inherited', function () { rcvr.toggleInheritanceForAttribute(field); }, rcvr.inheritsAttribute(field), 'uncheck to\ndisinherit', localize('check to inherit\nfrom') + ' ' + rcvr.exemplar.name ); } } if (StageMorph.prototype.enableCodeMapping) { menu.addLine(); menu.addItem( 'header mapping...', 'mapToHeader' ); menu.addItem( 'code mapping...', 'mapToCode' ); } } return menu; } menu.addLine(); if (this.selector === 'reportGetVar') { menu.addItem( 'rename...', renameVar, 'rename only\nthis reporter' ); } else if (SpriteMorph.prototype.blockAlternatives[this.selector]) { menu.addItem( 'relabel...', function () { myself.relabel( SpriteMorph.prototype.blockAlternatives[myself.selector] ); } ); } else if (this.isCustomBlock && this.alternatives) { alternatives = this.alternatives(); if (alternatives.length > 0) { menu.addItem( 'relabel...', function () {myself.relabel(alternatives); } ); } } menu.addItem( "duplicate", function () { var dup = myself.fullCopy(), ide = myself.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph), blockEditor = myself.parentThatIsA(BlockEditorMorph); dup.pickUp(world); // register the drop-origin, so the block can // slide back to its former situation if dropped // somewhere where it gets rejected if (!ide && blockEditor) { ide = blockEditor.target.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph); } if (ide) { world.hand.grabOrigin = { origin: ide.palette, position: ide.palette.center() }; } }, 'make a copy\nand pick it up' ); if (this instanceof CommandBlockMorph && this.nextBlock()) { menu.addItem( (proc ? this.fullCopy() : this).thumbnail(0.5, 60), function () { var cpy = myself.fullCopy(), nb = cpy.nextBlock(), ide = myself.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph), blockEditor = myself.parentThatIsA(BlockEditorMorph); if (nb) {nb.destroy(); } cpy.pickUp(world); if (!ide && blockEditor) { ide = blockEditor.target.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph); } if (ide) { world.hand.grabOrigin = { origin: ide.palette, position: ide.palette.center() }; } }, 'only duplicate this block' ); } menu.addItem( "delete", 'userDestroy' ); menu.addItem( "script pic...", function () { var ide = myself.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph) || myself.parentThatIsA(BlockEditorMorph).target.parentThatIsA( IDE_Morph ); ide.saveCanvasAs( myself.topBlock().scriptPic(), (ide.projectName || localize('untitled')) + ' ' + localize('script pic') ); }, 'open a new window\nwith a picture of this script' ); if (shiftClicked) { menu.addItem( 'download script', function () { var ide = myself.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph), blockEditor = myself.parentThatIsA(BlockEditorMorph); if (!ide && blockEditor) { ide = blockEditor.target.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph); } if (ide) { ide.saveXMLAs( ide.serializer.serialize(myself), myself.selector + ' script', false); } }, 'download this script\nas an XML file', new Color(100, 0, 0) ); } if (proc) { if (vNames.length) { menu.addLine(); vNames.forEach(function (vn) { menu.addItem( vn + '...', function () { proc.doShowVar(vn); } ); }); } proc.homeContext.variables.names().forEach(function (vn) { if (!contains(vNames, vn)) { menu.addItem( vn + '...', function () { proc.doShowVar(vn); } ); } }); return menu; } if (this.parent.parentThatIsA(RingMorph)) { menu.addLine(); menu.addItem("unringify", 'unringify'); top = this.topBlock(); if (this instanceof ReporterBlockMorph || (!(top instanceof HatBlockMorph))) { menu.addItem("ringify", 'ringify'); } return menu; } if (this.parent instanceof ReporterSlotMorph || (this.parent instanceof CommandSlotMorph) || (this instanceof HatBlockMorph) || (this instanceof CommandBlockMorph && (this.topBlock() instanceof HatBlockMorph))) { return menu; } menu.addLine(); menu.addItem("ringify", 'ringify'); if (StageMorph.prototype.enableCodeMapping) { menu.addLine(); menu.addItem( 'header mapping...', 'mapToHeader' ); menu.addItem( 'code mapping...', 'mapToCode' ); } return menu; }; BlockMorph.prototype.developersMenu = function () { var menu = BlockMorph.uber.developersMenu.call(this); menu.addLine(); menu.addItem("delete block", 'deleteBlock'); menu.addItem("spec...", function () { new DialogBoxMorph( this, this.userSetSpec, this ).prompt( menu.title + '\nspec', this.blockSpec, this.world() ); }); return menu; }; BlockMorph.prototype.hidePrimitive = function () { var ide = this.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph), dict, cat; if (!ide) {return; } StageMorph.prototype.hiddenPrimitives[this.selector] = true; dict = { doWarp: 'control', reifyScript: 'operators', reifyReporter: 'operators', reifyPredicate: 'operators', doDeclareVariables: 'variables' }; cat = dict[this.selector] || this.category; if (cat === 'lists') {cat = 'variables'; } ide.flushBlocksCache(cat); ide.refreshPalette(); }; BlockMorph.prototype.isInheritedVariable = function (shadowedOnly) { // private - only for variable getter template inside the palette if (this.isTemplate && (this.selector === 'reportGetVar') && (this.parent instanceof FrameMorph)) { return contains( this.scriptTarget().inheritedVariableNames(shadowedOnly), this.blockSpec ); } return false; }; BlockMorph.prototype.isTransientVariable = function () { // private - only for variable getter template inside the palette var varFrame = this.scriptTarget().variables.silentFind(this.blockSpec); return varFrame ? varFrame.vars[this.blockSpec].isTransient : false; }; BlockMorph.prototype.toggleTransientVariable = function () { // private - only for variable getter template inside the palette var varFrame = this.scriptTarget().variables.silentFind(this.blockSpec); if (!varFrame) {return; } varFrame.vars[this.blockSpec].isTransient = !(varFrame.vars[this.blockSpec].isTransient); }; BlockMorph.prototype.deleteBlock = function () { // delete just this one block, keep inputs and next block around var scripts = this.parentThatIsA(ScriptsMorph), nb = this.nextBlock ? this.nextBlock() : null, tobefixed, isindef; if (scripts) { if (nb) { scripts.add(nb); } this.inputs().forEach(function (inp) { if (inp instanceof BlockMorph) { scripts.add(inp); } }); } if (this instanceof ReporterBlockMorph && ((this.parent instanceof BlockMorph) || (this.parent instanceof MultiArgMorph) || (this.parent instanceof ReporterSlotMorph))) { this.parent.revertToDefaultInput(this); } else { // CommandBlockMorph if (this.parent && this.parent.fixLayout) { tobefixed = this.parentThatIsA(ArgMorph); } else { // must be in a custom block definition isindef = true; } } this.destroy(); if (isindef) { /* since the definition's body still points to this block even after it has been destroyed, mark it to be deleted later. */ this.isCorpse = true; } if (tobefixed) { tobefixed.fixLayout(); } }; BlockMorph.prototype.ringify = function () { // wrap a Ring around me var ring, top, center, target = this.selectForEdit(); // copy-on-edit if (target !== this) { return this.ringify.call(target); } ring = new RingMorph(); top = this.topBlock(); center = top.fullBounds().center(); if (this.parent === null) {return null; } top.fullChanged(); if (this.parent instanceof SyntaxElementMorph) { if (this instanceof ReporterBlockMorph) { this.parent.silentReplaceInput(this, ring); ring.embed(this); } else if (top) { // command if (top instanceof HatBlockMorph) { return; } top.parent.add(ring); ring.embed(top); ring.setCenter(center); } } else { this.parent.add(ring); ring.embed(this); ring.setCenter(center); } this.fixBlockColor(null, true); top.fullChanged(); }; BlockMorph.prototype.unringify = function () { // remove a Ring around me, if any var ring, top, center, scripts, block, target = this.selectForEdit(); // copy-on-edit if (target !== this) { return this.unringify.call(target); } ring = this.parent.parentThatIsA(RingMorph); top = this.topBlock(); scripts = this.parentThatIsA(ScriptsMorph); if (ring === null) {return null; } block = ring.contents(); center = ring.center(); top.fullChanged(); if (ring.parent instanceof SyntaxElementMorph) { if (block instanceof ReporterBlockMorph) { ring.parent.silentReplaceInput(ring, block); } else if (scripts) { scripts.add(block); block.setFullCenter(center); block.moveBy(20); ring.parent.revertToDefaultInput(ring); } } else { ring.parent.add(block); block.setFullCenter(center); ring.destroy(); } this.fixBlockColor(null, true); top.fullChanged(); }; BlockMorph.prototype.relabel = function (alternativeSelectors) { var menu, oldInputs, myself, target = this.selectForEdit(); // copy-on-edit if (target !== this) { return this.relabel.call(target, alternativeSelectors); } menu = new MenuMorph(this); oldInputs = this.inputs(); myself = this; alternativeSelectors.forEach(function (sel) { var block = SpriteMorph.prototype.blockForSelector(sel); block.restoreInputs(oldInputs); block.fixBlockColor(null, true); block.addShadow(new Point(3, 3)); menu.addItem( block, function () { myself.setSelector(sel); } ); }); menu.popup(this.world(), this.bottomLeft().subtract(new Point( 8, this instanceof CommandBlockMorph ? this.corner : 0 ))); }; BlockMorph.prototype.setSelector = function (aSelector) { // private - used only for relabel() var oldInputs = this.inputs(), scripts = this.parentThatIsA(ScriptsMorph), surplus, info; info = SpriteMorph.prototype.blocks[aSelector]; this.setCategory(info.category); this.selector = aSelector; this.setSpec(localize(info.spec)); surplus = this.restoreInputs(oldInputs); this.fixLabelColor(); // place surplus blocks on scipts if (scripts && surplus.length) { surplus.forEach(function (blk) { blk.moveBy(10); scripts.add(blk); }); } }; BlockMorph.prototype.restoreInputs = function (oldInputs) { // private - used only for relabel() // try to restore my previous inputs when my spec has been changed // return an Array of left-over blocks, if any var i = 0, old, nb, leftOver = [], myself = this; this.inputs().forEach(function (inp) { old = oldInputs[i]; if (old instanceof ReporterBlockMorph) { myself.silentReplaceInput(inp, old.fullCopy()); } else if (old && inp instanceof InputSlotMorph) { // original - turns empty numberslots to 0: // inp.setContents(old.evaluate()); // "fix" may be wrong b/c constants if (old.contents) { inp.setContents(old.contents().text); if (old.constant) { inp.constant = old.constant; } } } else if (old instanceof CSlotMorph && inp instanceof CSlotMorph) { nb = old.nestedBlock(); if (nb) { inp.nestedBlock(nb.fullCopy()); } } i += 1; }); // gather surplus blocks for (i; i < oldInputs.length; i += 1) { old = oldInputs[i]; if (old instanceof ReporterBlockMorph) { leftOver.push(old); } else if (old instanceof CommandSlotMorph) { nb = old.nestedBlock(); if (nb) { leftOver.push(nb); } } } this.cachedInputs = null; return leftOver; }; BlockMorph.prototype.showHelp = function () { var myself = this, ide = this.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph), blockEditor, pic = new Image(), help, def, comment, block, spec, ctx; if (this.isCustomBlock) { if (this.isGlobal) { spec = this.definition.helpSpec(); } else { spec = this.scriptTarget().getMethod(this.blockSpec).helpSpec(); } } else { spec = this.selector; } if (!ide) { blockEditor = this.parentThatIsA(BlockEditorMorph); if (blockEditor) { ide = blockEditor.target.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph); } } pic.onload = function () { help = newCanvas(new Point(pic.width, pic.height), true); // nonRetina ctx = help.getContext('2d'); ctx.drawImage(pic, 0, 0); new DialogBoxMorph().inform( 'Help', null, myself.world(), help ); }; if (this.isCustomBlock) { def = this.isGlobal ? this.definition : this.scriptTarget().getMethod(this.blockSpec); comment = def.comment; if (comment) { block = def.blockInstance(); block.refreshDefaults(def); block.addShadow(); comment = comment.fullCopy(); comment.contents.parse(); help = ''; comment.contents.lines.forEach(function (line) { help = help + '\n' + line; }); new DialogBoxMorph().inform( 'Help', help.substr(1), myself.world(), block.fullImage() ); return; } } pic.src = ide.resourceURL('help', spec + '.png'); }; // BlockMorph code mapping /* code mapping lets you use blocks to generate arbitrary text-based source code that can be exported and compiled / embedded elsewhere, it's not part of Snap's evaluator and not needed for Snap itself */ BlockMorph.prototype.mapToHeader = function () { // open a dialog box letting the user map header code via the GUI var key = this.selector.substr(0, 5) === 'reify' ? 'reify' : this.selector, block = this.codeDefinitionHeader(), myself = this, help, pic; block.addShadow(new Point(3, 3)); pic = block.fullImageClassic(); if (this.isCustomBlock) { help = 'Enter code that corresponds to the block\'s definition. ' + 'Use the formal parameter\nnames as shown and to ' + 'reference the definition body\'s generated text code.'; } else { help = 'Enter code that corresponds to the block\'s definition. ' + 'Choose your own\nformal parameter names (ignoring the ones ' + 'shown).'; } new DialogBoxMorph( this, function (code) { if (key === 'evaluateCustomBlock') { myself.definition.codeHeader = code; } else { StageMorph.prototype.codeHeaders[key] = code; } }, this ).promptCode( 'Header mapping', key === 'evaluateCustomBlock' ? this.definition.codeHeader || '' : StageMorph.prototype.codeHeaders[key] || '', this.world(), pic, help ); }; BlockMorph.prototype.mapToCode = function () { // open a dialog box letting the user map code via the GUI var key = this.selector.substr(0, 5) === 'reify' ? 'reify' : this.selector, block = this.codeMappingHeader(), myself = this, pic; block.addShadow(new Point(3, 3)); pic = block.fullImageClassic(); new DialogBoxMorph( this, function (code) { if (key === 'evaluateCustomBlock') { myself.definition.codeMapping = code; } else { StageMorph.prototype.codeMappings[key] = code; } }, this ).promptCode( 'Code mapping', key === 'evaluateCustomBlock' ? this.definition.codeMapping || '' : StageMorph.prototype.codeMappings[key] || '', this.world(), pic, 'Enter code that corresponds to the block\'s operation ' + '(usually a single\nfunction invocation). Use <#n> to ' + 'reference actual arguments as shown.' ); }; BlockMorph.prototype.mapHeader = function (aString, key) { // primitive for programatically mapping header code var sel = key || this.selector.substr(0, 5) === 'reify' ? 'reify' : this.selector; if (aString) { if (this.isCustomBlock) { this.definition.codeHeader = aString; } else { StageMorph.prototype.codeHeaders[sel] = aString; } } }; BlockMorph.prototype.mapCode = function (aString, key) { // primitive for programatically mapping code var sel = key || this.selector.substr(0, 5) === 'reify' ? 'reify' : this.selector; if (aString) { if (this.isCustomBlock) { this.definition.codeMapping = aString; } else { StageMorph.prototype.codeMappings[sel] = aString; } } }; BlockMorph.prototype.mappedCode = function (definitions) { var key = this.selector.substr(0, 5) === 'reify' ? 'reify' : this.selector, code, codeLines, count = 1, header, headers, headerLines, body, bodyLines, defKey = this.isCustomBlock ? this.definition.spec : key, defs = definitions || {}, parts = []; code = key === 'reportGetVar' ? this.blockSpec : this.isCustomBlock ? this.definition.codeMapping || '' : StageMorph.prototype.codeMappings[key] || ''; // map header if (key !== 'reportGetVar' && !defs.hasOwnProperty(defKey)) { defs[defKey] = null; // create the property for recursive definitions if (this.isCustomBlock) { header = this.definition.codeHeader || ''; if (header.indexOf(''), bodyLines.join('\n' + prefix) ); headerLines[idx] = headerLines[idx].replace( new RegExp('', 'g'), bodyLines.join('\n') ); }); header = headerLines.join('\n'); } defs[defKey] = header; } else { defs[defKey] = StageMorph.prototype.codeHeaders[defKey]; } } codeLines = code.split('\n'); this.inputs().forEach(function (input) { parts.push(input.mappedCode(defs).toString()); }); parts.forEach(function (part) { var partLines = part.split('\n'), placeHolder = '<#' + count + '>', rx = new RegExp(placeHolder, 'g'); codeLines.forEach(function (codeLine, idx) { var prefix = '', indent; if (codeLine.trimLeft().indexOf(placeHolder) === 0) { indent = codeLine.indexOf(placeHolder); prefix = codeLine.slice(0, indent); } codeLines[idx] = codeLine.replace( new RegExp(placeHolder), partLines.join('\n' + prefix) ); codeLines[idx] = codeLines[idx].replace(rx, partLines.join('\n')); }); count += 1; }); code = codeLines.join('\n'); if (this.nextBlock && this.nextBlock()) { // Command code += ('\n' + this.nextBlock().mappedCode(defs)); } if (!definitions) { // top-level, add headers headers = []; Object.keys(defs).forEach(function (each) { if (defs[each]) { headers.push(defs[each]); } }); if (headers.length) { return headers.join('\n\n') + '\n\n' + code; } } return code; }; BlockMorph.prototype.codeDefinitionHeader = function () { var block = this.isCustomBlock ? new PrototypeHatBlockMorph(this.definition) : SpriteMorph.prototype.blockForSelector(this.selector), hat = new HatBlockMorph(), count = 1; if (this.isCustomBlock) {return block; } block.inputs().forEach(function (input) { var part = new TemplateSlotMorph('#' + count); block.silentReplaceInput(input, part); count += 1; }); block.isPrototype = true; hat.setCategory("control"); hat.setSpec('%s'); hat.silentReplaceInput(hat.inputs()[0], block); if (this.category === 'control') { hat.alternateBlockColor(); } return hat; }; BlockMorph.prototype.codeMappingHeader = function () { var block = this.isCustomBlock ? this.definition.blockInstance() : SpriteMorph.prototype.blockForSelector(this.selector), hat = new HatBlockMorph(), count = 1; block.inputs().forEach(function (input) { var part = new TemplateSlotMorph('<#' + count + '>'); block.silentReplaceInput(input, part); count += 1; }); block.isPrototype = true; hat.setCategory("control"); hat.setSpec('%s'); hat.silentReplaceInput(hat.inputs()[0], block); if (this.category === 'control') { hat.alternateBlockColor(); } return hat; }; // Variable refactoring BlockMorph.prototype.refactorThisVar = function (justTheTemplate) { // Rename all occurrences of the variable this block is holding, // taking care of its lexical scope var receiver = this.scriptTarget(), oldName = this.instantiationSpec || this.blockSpec, cpy = this.fullCopy(); cpy.addShadow(); new DialogBoxMorph(this, renameVarTo, this).prompt( 'Variable name', oldName, this.world(), cpy.fullImage(), // pic InputSlotMorph.prototype.getVarNamesDict.call(this) ); function renameVarTo (newName) { if (this.parent instanceof SyntaxElementMorph) { if (this.parentThatIsA(BlockEditorMorph)) { this.doRefactorBlockParameter( oldName, newName, justTheTemplate ); } else if (this.parentThatIsA(RingMorph)) { this.doRefactorRingParameter(oldName, newName, justTheTemplate); } else { this.doRefactorScriptVar(oldName, newName, justTheTemplate); } } else if (receiver.hasSpriteVariable(oldName)) { this.doRefactorSpriteVar(oldName, newName, justTheTemplate); } else { this.doRefactorGlobalVar(oldName, newName, justTheTemplate); } } }; BlockMorph.prototype.varExistsError = function (ide, where) { ide.inform( 'Variable exists', 'A variable with this name already exists ' + (where || 'in this context') + '.' ); }; BlockMorph.prototype.doRefactorBlockParameter = function ( oldName, newName, justTheTemplate ) { var fragMorph = this.parentThatIsA(BlockInputFragmentMorph), fragment = fragMorph.fragment.copy(), definer = fragMorph.parent, editor = this.parentThatIsA(BlockEditorMorph), scripts = editor.body.contents; if (definer.anyChild(function (any) { return (any.blockSpec === newName); })) { this.varExistsError(editor.target.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph)); return; } fragment.labelString = newName; fragMorph.updateBlockLabel(fragment); if (justTheTemplate) { return; } scripts.children.forEach(function (script) { script.refactorVarInStack(oldName, newName); }); }; BlockMorph.prototype.doRefactorRingParameter = function ( oldName, newName, justTheTemplate ) { var ring = this.parentThatIsA(RingMorph), script = ring.contents(), tb = this.topBlock(); if (contains(ring.inputNames(), newName)) { this.varExistsError(this.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph)); return; } tb.fullChanged(); this.setSpec(newName); if (justTheTemplate) { tb.fullChanged(); return; } if (script) { script.refactorVarInStack(oldName, newName); } tb.fullChanged(); }; BlockMorph.prototype.doRefactorScriptVar = function ( oldName, newName, justTheTemplate ) { var definer = this.parentThatIsA(CommandBlockMorph), receiver, ide; if (definer.definesScriptVariable(newName)) { receiver = this.scriptTarget(); ide = receiver.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph); this.varExistsError(ide); return; } this.userSetSpec(newName); if (justTheTemplate) { return; } definer.refactorVarInStack(oldName, newName, true); }; BlockMorph.prototype.doRefactorSpriteVar = function ( oldName, newName, justTheTemplate ) { var receiver = this.scriptTarget(), ide = receiver.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph), oldWatcher = receiver.findVariableWatcher(oldName), oldValue, newWatcher; if (receiver.hasSpriteVariable(newName)) { this.varExistsError(ide); return; } else if (!isNil(ide.globalVariables.vars[newName])) { this.varExistsError(ide, 'as a global variable'); return; } else { oldValue = receiver.variables.getVar(oldName); receiver.deleteVariable(oldName); receiver.addVariable(newName, false); receiver.variables.setVar(newName, oldValue); if (oldWatcher && oldWatcher.isVisible) { newWatcher = receiver.toggleVariableWatcher( newName, false ); newWatcher.setPosition(oldWatcher.position()); } if (!justTheTemplate) { receiver.refactorVariableInstances( oldName, newName, false ); receiver.customBlocks.forEach(function (eachBlock) { eachBlock.body.expression.refactorVarInStack( oldName, newName ); }); } } ide.flushBlocksCache('variables'); ide.refreshPalette(); }; BlockMorph.prototype.doRefactorGlobalVar = function ( oldName, newName, justTheTemplate ) { var receiver = this.scriptTarget(), ide = receiver.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph), stage = ide ? ide.stage : null, oldWatcher = receiver.findVariableWatcher(oldName), oldValue, newWatcher; if (!isNil(ide.globalVariables.vars[newName])) { this.varExistsError(ide); return; } else if ( detect( stage.children, function (any) { return any instanceof SpriteMorph && any.hasSpriteVariable(newName); }) ) { this.varExistsError(ide, 'as a sprite local variable'); return; } else { oldValue = ide.globalVariables.getVar(oldName); stage.deleteVariable(oldName); stage.addVariable(newName, true); ide.globalVariables.setVar(newName, oldValue); if (oldWatcher && oldWatcher.isVisible) { newWatcher = receiver.toggleVariableWatcher( newName, true ); newWatcher.setPosition(oldWatcher.position()); } if (!justTheTemplate) { stage.refactorVariableInstances( oldName, newName, true ); stage.globalBlocks.forEach(function (eachBlock) { if (eachBlock.body) { eachBlock.body.expression.refactorVarInStack( oldName, newName ); } }); stage.forAllChildren(function (child) { if (child instanceof SpriteMorph) { child.refactorVariableInstances( oldName, newName, true ); child.customBlocks.forEach( function (eachBlock) { eachBlock.body.expression .refactorVarInStack( oldName, newName ); } ); } }); } } ide.flushBlocksCache('variables'); ide.refreshPalette(); }; // BlockMorph drawing BlockMorph.prototype.eraseHoles = function (context) { var myself = this, isRing = this instanceof RingMorph, shift = this.edge * 0.5, gradient, rightX, holes = []; this.parts().forEach(function (part) { if (part.isHole) { holes.push(part); } else if (part instanceof MultiArgMorph) { holes.push.apply(holes, part.inputs().filter(function (inp) { return inp.isHole; })); } }); if (this.isPredicate && (holes.length > 0)) { rightX = this.width() - this.rounding; context.clearRect( rightX, 0, this.width(), this.height() ); // draw a 3D-ish vertical right edge gradient = context.createLinearGradient( rightX - this.edge, 0, this.width(), 0 ); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.color.toString()); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.dark()); context.lineWidth = this.edge; context.lineJoin = 'round'; context.lineCap = 'round'; context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(rightX - shift, this.edge + shift); context.lineTo(rightX - shift, this.height() - this.edge - shift); context.stroke(); } holes.forEach(function (hole) { var w = hole.width(), h = Math.floor(hole.height()) - 2; // Opera needs this context.clearRect( hole.bounds.origin.x - myself.bounds.origin.x + 1, hole.bounds.origin.y - myself.bounds.origin.y + 1, isRing ? w - 2 : w + 1, h ); }); }; BlockMorph.prototype.hasLocationPin = function () { return (this.isCustomBlock && !this.isGlobal) || this.isLocalVarTemplate; }; // BlockMorph highlighting BlockMorph.prototype.addHighlight = function (oldHighlight) { var isHidden = !this.isVisible, highlight; if (isHidden) {this.show(); } highlight = this.highlight( oldHighlight ? oldHighlight.color : this.activeHighlight, this.activeBlur, this.activeBorder ); this.addBack(highlight); this.fullChanged(); if (isHidden) {this.hide(); } return highlight; }; BlockMorph.prototype.addErrorHighlight = function () { var isHidden = !this.isVisible, highlight; if (isHidden) {this.show(); } this.removeHighlight(); highlight = this.highlight( this.errorHighlight, this.activeBlur, this.activeBorder ); this.addBack(highlight); this.fullChanged(); if (isHidden) {this.hide(); } return highlight; }; BlockMorph.prototype.removeHighlight = function () { var highlight = this.getHighlight(); if (highlight !== null) { this.fullChanged(); this.removeChild(highlight); } return highlight; }; BlockMorph.prototype.toggleHighlight = function () { if (this.getHighlight()) { this.removeHighlight(); } else { this.addHighlight(); } }; BlockMorph.prototype.highlight = function (color, blur, border) { var highlight = new BlockHighlightMorph(), fb = this.fullBounds(), edge = useBlurredShadows && !MorphicPreferences.isFlat ? blur : border; highlight.setExtent(fb.extent().add(edge * 2)); highlight.color = color; highlight.image = useBlurredShadows && !MorphicPreferences.isFlat ? this.highlightImageBlurred(color, blur) : this.highlightImage(color, border); highlight.setPosition(fb.origin.subtract(new Point(edge, edge))); return highlight; }; BlockMorph.prototype.highlightImage = function (color, border) { var fb, img, hi, ctx, out; fb = this.fullBounds().extent(); img = this.fullImage(); hi = newCanvas(fb.add(border * 2)); ctx = hi.getContext('2d'); ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); ctx.drawImage(img, border, 0); ctx.drawImage(img, border * 2, 0); ctx.drawImage(img, border * 2, border); ctx.drawImage(img, border * 2, border * 2); ctx.drawImage(img, border, border * 2); ctx.drawImage(img, 0, border * 2); ctx.drawImage(img, 0, border); ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-out'; ctx.drawImage(img, border, border); out = newCanvas(fb.add(border * 2)); ctx = out.getContext('2d'); ctx.drawImage(hi, 0, 0); ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-atop'; ctx.fillStyle = color.toString(); ctx.fillRect(0, 0, out.width, out.height); return out; }; BlockMorph.prototype.highlightImageBlurred = function (color, blur) { var fb, img, hi, ctx; fb = this.fullBounds().extent(); img = this.fullImage(); hi = newCanvas(fb.add(blur * 2)); ctx = hi.getContext('2d'); ctx.shadowBlur = blur; ctx.shadowColor = color.toString(); ctx.drawImage(img, blur, blur); ctx.shadowBlur = 0; ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-out'; ctx.drawImage(img, blur, blur); return hi; }; BlockMorph.prototype.getHighlight = function () { var highlights; highlights = this.children.slice(0).reverse().filter( function (child) { return child instanceof BlockHighlightMorph; } ); if (highlights.length !== 0) { return highlights[0]; } return null; }; BlockMorph.prototype.outline = function (color, border) { var highlight = new BlockHighlightMorph(), fb = this.fullBounds(), edge = border; highlight.setExtent(fb.extent().add(edge * 2)); highlight.color = color; highlight.image = this.highlightImage(color, border); highlight.setPosition(fb.origin.subtract(new Point(edge, edge))); return highlight; }; // BlockMorph zebra coloring BlockMorph.prototype.fixBlockColor = function (nearestBlock, isForced) { var nearest = nearestBlock, clr, cslot; if (!this.zebraContrast && !isForced) { return; } if (!this.zebraContrast && isForced) { return this.forceNormalColoring(true); } if (!nearest) { if (this.parent) { if (this.isPrototype) { nearest = null; // this.parent; // the PrototypeHatBlockMorph } else if (this instanceof ReporterBlockMorph) { nearest = this.parent.parentThatIsA(BlockMorph); } else { // command cslot = this.parentThatIsA(CommandSlotMorph, ReporterSlotMorph); if (cslot) { nearest = cslot.parentThatIsA(BlockMorph); } } } } if (!nearest) { // top block clr = SpriteMorph.prototype.blockColor[this.category]; if (!this.color.eq(clr)) { this.alternateBlockColor(); } } else if (nearest.category === this.category) { if (nearest.color.eq(this.color)) { this.alternateBlockColor(); } } else if (this.category && !this.color.eq( SpriteMorph.prototype.blockColor[this.category] )) { this.alternateBlockColor(); } if (isForced) { this.fixChildrensBlockColor(true); } }; BlockMorph.prototype.forceNormalColoring = function (silently) { var clr = SpriteMorph.prototype.blockColor[this.category]; this.setColor(clr, silently); this.setLabelColor( new Color(255, 255, 255), clr.darker(this.labelContrast), new Point(-1, -1) ); this.fixChildrensBlockColor(true); }; BlockMorph.prototype.alternateBlockColor = function () { var clr = SpriteMorph.prototype.blockColor[this.category]; if (this.color.eq(clr)) { this.setColor( this.zebraContrast < 0 ? clr.darker(Math.abs(this.zebraContrast)) : clr.lighter(this.zebraContrast), this.hasLabels() // silently ); } else { this.setColor(clr, this.hasLabels()); // silently } this.fixLabelColor(); this.fixChildrensBlockColor(true); // has issues if not forced }; BlockMorph.prototype.ghost = function () { this.setColor( SpriteMorph.prototype.blockColor[this.category].lighter(35) ); }; BlockMorph.prototype.fixLabelColor = function () { if (this.zebraContrast > 0 && this.category) { var clr = SpriteMorph.prototype.blockColor[this.category]; if (this.color.eq(clr)) { this.setLabelColor( new Color(255, 255, 255), clr.darker(this.labelContrast), MorphicPreferences.isFlat ? null : new Point(-1, -1) ); } else { this.setLabelColor( new Color(0, 0, 0), clr.lighter(this.zebraContrast) .lighter(this.labelContrast * 2), MorphicPreferences.isFlat ? null : new Point(1, 1) ); } } }; BlockMorph.prototype.fixChildrensBlockColor = function (isForced) { var myself = this; this.children.forEach(function (morph) { if (morph instanceof CommandBlockMorph) { morph.fixBlockColor(null, isForced); } else if (morph instanceof SyntaxElementMorph) { morph.fixBlockColor(myself, isForced); if (morph instanceof BooleanSlotMorph) { morph.drawNew(); } } }); }; BlockMorph.prototype.setCategory = function (aString) { this.category = aString; this.startLayout(); this.fixBlockColor(); this.endLayout(); }; BlockMorph.prototype.hasLabels = function () { return this.children.some(function (any) { return any instanceof StringMorph; }); }; // BlockMorph copying BlockMorph.prototype.fullCopy = function () { var ans = BlockMorph.uber.fullCopy.call(this); ans.removeHighlight(); ans.isDraggable = true; if (this.instantiationSpec) { ans.setSpec(this.instantiationSpec); } ans.allChildren().filter(function (block) { if (block instanceof SyntaxElementMorph) { block.cachedInputs = null; if (block.isCustomBlock) { block.initializeVariables(); } } return !isNil(block.comment); }).forEach(function (block) { var cmnt = block.comment.fullCopy(); block.comment = cmnt; cmnt.block = block; }); ans.cachedInputs = null; return ans; }; BlockMorph.prototype.reactToTemplateCopy = function () { if (this.isLocalVarTemplate) { this.isLocalVarTemplate = null; this.drawNew(); this.fixLayout(); } this.forceNormalColoring(); }; BlockMorph.prototype.hasBlockVars = function () { return this.anyChild(function (any) { return any.isCustomBlock && any.isGlobal && any.definition.variableNames.length; }); }; // BlockMorph events BlockMorph.prototype.mouseClickLeft = function () { var top = this.topBlock(), receiver = top.scriptTarget(), shiftClicked = this.world().currentKey === 16, stage; if (shiftClicked && !this.isTemplate) { return this.selectForEdit().focus(); // enable coopy-on-edit } if (top instanceof PrototypeHatBlockMorph) { return; // top.mouseClickLeft(); } if (receiver) { stage = receiver.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); if (stage) { stage.threads.toggleProcess(top, receiver); } } }; BlockMorph.prototype.focus = function () { var scripts = this.parentThatIsA(ScriptsMorph), world = this.world(), focus; if (!scripts || !ScriptsMorph.prototype.enableKeyboard) {return; } if (scripts.focus) {scripts.focus.stopEditing(); } world.stopEditing(); focus = new ScriptFocusMorph(scripts, this); scripts.focus = focus; focus.getFocus(world); if (this instanceof HatBlockMorph) { focus.nextCommand(); } }; BlockMorph.prototype.activeProcess = function () { var top = this.topBlock(), receiver = top.scriptTarget(), stage; if (top instanceof PrototypeHatBlockMorph) { return null; } if (receiver) { stage = receiver.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); if (stage) { return stage.threads.findProcess(top, receiver); } } return null; }; // BlockMorph thumbnail and script pic BlockMorph.prototype.thumbnail = function (scale, clipWidth) { var nb = this.nextBlock(), fadeout = 12, ext, trgt, ctx, gradient; if (nb) {nb.isVisible = false; } ext = this.fullBounds().extent(); trgt = newCanvas(new Point( clipWidth ? Math.min(ext.x * scale, clipWidth) : ext.x * scale, ext.y * scale )); ctx = trgt.getContext('2d'); ctx.scale(scale, scale); ctx.drawImage(this.fullImage(), 0, 0); // draw fade-out if (clipWidth && ext.x * scale > clipWidth) { gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient( trgt.width / scale - fadeout, 0, trgt.width / scale, 0 ); gradient.addColorStop(0, 'transparent'); gradient.addColorStop(1, 'black'); ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-out'; ctx.fillStyle = gradient; ctx.fillRect( trgt.width / scale - fadeout, 0, trgt.width / scale, trgt.height / scale ); } if (nb) {nb.isVisible = true; } return trgt; }; BlockMorph.prototype.scriptPic = function () { // answer a canvas image that also includes comments var scr = this.fullImage(), fb = this.stackFullBounds(), pic = newCanvas(fb.extent()), ctx = pic.getContext('2d'); this.allComments().forEach(function (comment) { ctx.drawImage( comment.fullImageClassic(), comment.fullBounds().left() - fb.left(), comment.top() - fb.top() ); }); ctx.drawImage(scr, 0, 0); return pic; }; // BlockMorph local method indicator drawing BlockMorph.prototype.drawMethodIcon = function (context) { var ext = this.methodIconExtent(), w = ext.x, h = ext.y, r = w / 2, x = this.edge + this.labelPadding, y = this.edge, isNormal = this.color === SpriteMorph.prototype.blockColor[this.category]; if (this.isPredicate) { x = this.rounding; } if (this instanceof CommandBlockMorph) { y += this.corner; } context.fillStyle = isNormal ? this.cachedClrBright : this.cachedClrDark; // pin context.beginPath(); context.arc(x + r, y + r, r, radians(-210), radians(30), false); context.lineTo(x + r, y + h); context.closePath(); context.fill(); // hole context.fillStyle = this.cachedClr; context.beginPath(); context.arc(x + r, y + r, r * 0.4, radians(0), radians(360), false); context.closePath(); context.fill(); }; // BlockMorph dragging and dropping BlockMorph.prototype.rootForGrab = function () { return this; }; /* for demo purposes, allows you to drop arg morphs onto blocks and forces a layout update. This section has no relevance in end user mode. */ BlockMorph.prototype.wantsDropOf = function (aMorph) { // override the inherited method return (aMorph instanceof ArgMorph || aMorph instanceof StringMorph || aMorph instanceof TextMorph ) && !this.isTemplate; }; BlockMorph.prototype.reactToDropOf = function (droppedMorph) { droppedMorph.isDraggable = false; if (droppedMorph instanceof InputSlotMorph) { droppedMorph.drawNew(); } else if (droppedMorph instanceof MultiArgMorph) { droppedMorph.fixLayout(); } this.fixLayout(); this.buildSpec(); }; BlockMorph.prototype.situation = function () { // answer a dictionary specifying where I am right now, so // I can slide back to it if I'm dropped somewhere else if (!(this.parent instanceof TemplateSlotMorph)) { var scripts = this.parentThatIsA(ScriptsMorph); if (scripts) { return { origin: scripts, position: this.position().subtract(scripts.position()) }; } } return BlockMorph.uber.situation.call(this); }; // BlockMorph sticky comments BlockMorph.prototype.prepareToBeGrabbed = function (hand) { var myself = this; this.allInputs().forEach(function (input) { delete input.bindingID; }); this.allComments().forEach(function (comment) { comment.startFollowing(myself, hand.world); }); }; BlockMorph.prototype.justDropped = function () { this.alpha = 1; this.allComments().forEach(function (comment) { comment.stopFollowing(); }); }; BlockMorph.prototype.allComments = function () { return this.allChildren().filter(function (block) { return !isNil(block.comment); }).map(function (block) { return block.comment; }); }; BlockMorph.prototype.destroy = function (justThis) { // private - use IDE_Morph.removeBlock() to first stop all my processes if (justThis) { if (!isNil(this.comment)) { this.comment.destroy(); } } else { this.allComments().forEach(function (comment) { comment.destroy(); }); } BlockMorph.uber.destroy.call(this); }; BlockMorph.prototype.stackHeight = function () { var fb = this.fullBounds(), commentsBottom = Math.max(this.allComments().map( function (comment) {return comment.bottom(); } )) || this.bottom(); return Math.max(fb.bottom(), commentsBottom) - fb.top(); }; BlockMorph.prototype.stackFullBounds = function () { var fb = this.fullBounds(); this.allComments().forEach(function (comment) { fb.mergeWith(comment.bounds); }); return fb; }; BlockMorph.prototype.stackWidth = function () { var fb = this.fullBounds(), commentsRight = Math.max(this.allComments().map( function (comment) {return comment.right(); } )) || this.right(); return Math.max(fb.right(), commentsRight) - fb.left(); }; BlockMorph.prototype.snap = function () { var top = this.topBlock(), receiver, stage, ide; top.allComments().forEach(function (comment) { comment.align(top); }); // fix highlights, if any if (this.getHighlight() && (this !== top)) { this.removeHighlight(); } if (top.getHighlight()) { top.addHighlight(top.removeHighlight()); } // register generic hat blocks if (this.selector === 'receiveCondition') { receiver = top.scriptTarget(); if (receiver) { stage = receiver.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); if (stage) { stage.enableCustomHatBlocks = true; stage.threads.pauseCustomHatBlocks = false; ide = stage.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph); if (ide) { ide.controlBar.stopButton.refresh(); } } } } }; // CommandBlockMorph /////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* I am a stackable jigsaw-shaped block. I inherit from BlockMorph adding the following most important public accessors: nextBlock() - set / get the block attached to my bottom bottomBlock() - answer the bottom block of my stack blockSequence() - answer an array of blocks starting with myself and the following "lexical awareness" indicators: partOfCustomCommand - temporary bool set by the evaluator exitTag - temporary string or number set by the evaluator */ // CommandBlockMorph inherits from BlockMorph: CommandBlockMorph.prototype = new BlockMorph(); CommandBlockMorph.prototype.constructor = CommandBlockMorph; CommandBlockMorph.uber = BlockMorph.prototype; // CommandBlockMorph instance creation: function CommandBlockMorph() { this.init(); } CommandBlockMorph.prototype.init = function (silently) { CommandBlockMorph.uber.init.call(this, silently); this.setExtent(new Point(200, 100), silently); this.partOfCustomCommand = false; this.exitTag = null; // this.cachedNextBlock = null; // don't serialize }; // CommandBlockMorph enumerating: CommandBlockMorph.prototype.blockSequence = function () { var nb = this.nextBlock(), result = [this]; if (nb) { result = result.concat(nb.blockSequence()); } return result; }; CommandBlockMorph.prototype.bottomBlock = function () { // topBlock() also exists - inherited from SyntaxElementMorph if (this.nextBlock()) { return this.nextBlock().bottomBlock(); } return this; }; CommandBlockMorph.prototype.nextBlock = function (block) { // set / get the block attached to my bottom if (block) { var nb = this.nextBlock(), affected = this.parentThatIsA(CommandSlotMorph, ReporterSlotMorph); this.add(block); // this.cachedNextBlock = block; if (nb) { block.bottomBlock().nextBlock(nb); } block.setPosition( new Point( this.left(), this.bottom() - (this.corner) ) ); if (affected) { affected.fixLayout(); } } else { /* cachedNextBlock - has issues, disabled for now if (!this.cachedNextBlock) { this.cachedNextBlock = detect( this.children, function (child) { return child instanceof CommandBlockMorph && !child.isPrototype; } ); } return this.cachedNextBlock; */ return detect( this.children, function (child) { return child instanceof CommandBlockMorph && !child.isPrototype; } ); } }; // CommandBlockMorph attach targets: CommandBlockMorph.prototype.topAttachPoint = function () { return new Point( this.dentCenter(), this.top() ); }; CommandBlockMorph.prototype.bottomAttachPoint = function () { return new Point( this.dentCenter(), this.bottom() ); }; CommandBlockMorph.prototype.wrapAttachPoint = function () { var cslot = detect( // could be a method making uses of caching... this.inputs(), // ... although these already are cached function (each) {return each instanceof CSlotMorph; } ); if (cslot && !cslot.nestedBlock()) { return new Point( cslot.left() + (cslot.inset * 2) + cslot.corner, cslot.top() + (cslot.corner * 2) ); } return null; }; CommandBlockMorph.prototype.dentLeft = function () { return this.left() + this.corner + this.inset; }; CommandBlockMorph.prototype.dentCenter = function () { return this.dentLeft() + this.corner + (this.dent * 0.5); }; CommandBlockMorph.prototype.attachTargets = function () { var answer = [], tp; if (!(this instanceof HatBlockMorph)) { tp = this.topAttachPoint(); if (!(this.parent instanceof SyntaxElementMorph)) { answer.push({ point: tp, element: this, loc: 'top', type: 'block' }); } if (ScriptsMorph.prototype.enableNestedAutoWrapping || !this.parentThatIsA(CommandSlotMorph)) { answer.push({ point: tp, element: this, loc: 'wrap', type: 'block' }); } } if (!this.isStop()) { answer.push({ point: this.bottomAttachPoint(), element: this, loc: 'bottom', type: 'block' }); } return answer; }; CommandBlockMorph.prototype.allAttachTargets = function (newParent) { var myself = this, target = newParent || this.parent, answer = [], topBlocks; if (this instanceof HatBlockMorph && newParent.rejectsHats) { return answer; } topBlocks = target.children.filter(function (child) { return (child !== myself) && child instanceof SyntaxElementMorph && !child.isTemplate; }); topBlocks.forEach(function (block) { block.forAllChildren(function (child) { if (child.attachTargets) { child.attachTargets().forEach(function (at) { answer.push(at); }); } }); }); return answer; }; CommandBlockMorph.prototype.closestAttachTarget = function (newParent) { var target = newParent || this.parent, bottomBlock = this.bottomBlock(), answer = null, thresh = Math.max( this.corner * 2 + this.dent, this.minSnapDistance ), dist, ref = [], minDist = 1000, wrap; if (!(this instanceof HatBlockMorph)) { ref.push( { point: this.topAttachPoint(), loc: 'top' } ); wrap = this.wrapAttachPoint(); if (wrap) { ref.push( { point: wrap, loc: 'wrap' } ); } } if (!bottomBlock.isStop()) { ref.push( { point: bottomBlock.bottomAttachPoint(), loc: 'bottom' } ); } this.allAttachTargets(target).forEach(function (eachTarget) { ref.forEach(function (eachRef) { // match: either both locs are 'wrap' or both are different, // none being 'wrap' (can this be expressed any better?) if ((eachRef.loc === 'wrap' && (eachTarget.loc === 'wrap')) || ((eachRef.loc !== eachTarget.loc) && (eachRef.loc !== 'wrap') && (eachTarget.loc !== 'wrap')) ) { dist = eachRef.point.distanceTo(eachTarget.point); if ((dist < thresh) && (dist < minDist)) { minDist = dist; answer = eachTarget; } } }); }); return answer; }; CommandBlockMorph.prototype.snap = function (hand) { var target = this.closestAttachTarget(), scripts = this.parentThatIsA(ScriptsMorph), before, next, offsetY, cslot, affected; scripts.clearDropInfo(); scripts.lastDroppedBlock = this; if (target === null) { this.startLayout(); this.fixBlockColor(); this.endLayout(); CommandBlockMorph.uber.snap.call(this); // align stuck comments if (hand) { scripts.recordDrop(hand.grabOrigin); } return; } scripts.lastDropTarget = target; this.startLayout(); if (target.loc === 'bottom') { if (target.type === 'slot') { this.removeHighlight(); scripts.lastNextBlock = target.element.nestedBlock(); target.element.nestedBlock(this); } else { scripts.lastNextBlock = target.element.nextBlock(); target.element.nextBlock(this); } if (this.isStop()) { next = this.nextBlock(); if (next) { scripts.add(next); next.moveBy(this.extent().floorDivideBy(2)); affected = this.parentThatIsA( CommandSlotMorph, ReporterSlotMorph ); if (affected) { affected.fixLayout(); } } } } else if (target.loc === 'top') { target.element.removeHighlight(); offsetY = this.bottomBlock().bottom() - this.bottom(); this.setBottom(target.element.top() + this.corner - offsetY); this.setLeft(target.element.left()); this.bottomBlock().nextBlock(target.element); } else if (target.loc === 'wrap') { cslot = detect( // this should be a method making use of caching this.inputs(), // these are already cached, so maybe it's okay function (each) {return each instanceof CSlotMorph; } ); // assume the cslot is (still) empty, was checked determining the target before = (target.element.parent); scripts.lastWrapParent = before; // adjust position of wrapping block this.moveBy(target.point.subtract(cslot.slotAttachPoint())); // wrap c-slot around target cslot.nestedBlock(target.element); if (before instanceof CommandBlockMorph) { before.nextBlock(this); } else if (before instanceof CommandSlotMorph) { before.nestedBlock(this); } else if (before instanceof RingReporterSlotMorph) { before.add(this); before.fixLayout(); } // fix zebra coloring. // this could probably be generalized into the fixBlockColor mechanism target.element.blockSequence().forEach( function (cmd) {cmd.fixBlockColor(); } ); } this.fixBlockColor(); this.endLayout(); CommandBlockMorph.uber.snap.call(this); // align stuck comments if (hand) { scripts.recordDrop(hand.grabOrigin); } if (this.snapSound) { this.snapSound.play(); } }; CommandBlockMorph.prototype.prepareToBeGrabbed = function (handMorph) { var oldPos = this.position(); nop(handMorph); if (this.parent instanceof RingReporterSlotMorph) { this.parent.revertToDefaultInput(this); this.setPosition(oldPos); } CommandBlockMorph.uber.prepareToBeGrabbed.call(this, handMorph); }; CommandBlockMorph.prototype.isStop = function () { var choice; if (this.selector === 'doStopThis') { // this could be cached... choice = this.inputs()[0].evaluate(); return choice instanceof Array && choice[0].length < 12; } return ([ 'doForever', 'doReport', 'removeClone' ].indexOf(this.selector) > -1); }; // CommandBlockMorph deleting CommandBlockMorph.prototype.userDestroy = function () { var target = this.selectForEdit(); // enable copy-on-edit if (target !== this) { return this.userDestroy.call(target); } if (this.nextBlock()) { this.userDestroyJustThis(); return; } var scripts = this.parentThatIsA(ScriptsMorph), ide = this.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph), parent = this.parentThatIsA(SyntaxElementMorph), cslot = this.parentThatIsA(CSlotMorph); // for undrop / redrop if (scripts) { scripts.clearDropInfo(); scripts.lastDroppedBlock = this; scripts.recordDrop(this.situation()); scripts.dropRecord.action = 'delete'; } this.prepareToBeGrabbed(); // fix outer ring reporter slot if (ide) { // also stop all active processes hatted by this block ide.removeBlock(this); } else { this.destroy(); } if (cslot) { cslot.fixLayout(); } if (parent) { parent.reactToGrabOf(this); // fix highlight } }; CommandBlockMorph.prototype.userDestroyJustThis = function () { // delete just this one block, reattach next block to the previous one, var scripts = this.parentThatIsA(ScriptsMorph), ide = this.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph), cs = this.parentThatIsA(CommandSlotMorph, RingReporterSlotMorph), pb, nb = this.nextBlock(), above, parent = this.parentThatIsA(SyntaxElementMorph), cslot = this.parentThatIsA(CSlotMorph, RingReporterSlotMorph); // for undrop / redrop if (scripts) { scripts.clearDropInfo(); scripts.lastDroppedBlock = this; scripts.recordDrop(this.situation()); scripts.dropRecord.lastNextBlock = nb; scripts.dropRecord.action = 'delete'; } this.topBlock().fullChanged(); if (this.parent) { pb = this.parent.parentThatIsA(CommandBlockMorph); } if (pb && (pb.nextBlock() === this)) { above = pb; } else if (cs && (cs.nestedBlock() === this)) { above = cs; this.prepareToBeGrabbed(); // restore ring reporter slot, if any } if (ide) { // also stop all active processes hatted by this block ide.removeBlock(this, true); // just this block } else { this.destroy(true); // just this block } if (nb) { if (above instanceof CommandSlotMorph || above instanceof RingReporterSlotMorph ) { above.nestedBlock(nb); } else if (above instanceof CommandBlockMorph) { above.nextBlock(nb); } else { scripts.add(nb); } } else if (cslot) { cslot.fixLayout(); } if (parent) { parent.reactToGrabOf(this); // fix highlight } }; // CommandBlockMorph drawing: CommandBlockMorph.prototype.drawNew = function () { var context; this.cachedClr = this.color.toString(); this.cachedClrBright = this.bright(); this.cachedClrDark = this.dark(); this.image = newCanvas(this.extent()); context = this.image.getContext('2d'); context.fillStyle = this.cachedClr; // draw the 'flat' shape: this.drawTop(context); this.drawBody(context); this.drawBottom(context); // add 3D-Effect: if (!MorphicPreferences.isFlat) { this.drawTopDentEdge(context, 0, 0); this.drawBottomDentEdge(context, 0, this.height() - this.corner); this.drawLeftEdge(context); this.drawRightEdge(context); this.drawTopLeftEdge(context); this.drawBottomRightEdge(context); } else { nop(); /* this.drawFlatBottomDentEdge( context, 0, this.height() - this.corner ); */ } // draw location pin icon if applicable if (this.hasLocationPin()) { this.drawMethodIcon(context); } // erase CommandSlots this.eraseHoles(context); }; CommandBlockMorph.prototype.drawBody = function (context) { context.fillRect( 0, Math.floor(this.corner), this.width(), this.height() - Math.floor(this.corner * 3) + 1 ); }; CommandBlockMorph.prototype.drawTop = function (context) { context.beginPath(); // top left: context.arc( this.corner, this.corner, this.corner, radians(-180), radians(-90), false ); // dent: this.drawDent(context, 0, 0); // top right: context.arc( this.width() - this.corner, this.corner, this.corner, radians(-90), radians(-0), false ); context.closePath(); context.fill(); }; CommandBlockMorph.prototype.drawBottom = function (context) { var y = this.height() - (this.corner * 2); context.beginPath(); // bottom left: context.arc( this.corner, y, this.corner, radians(180), radians(90), true ); if (!this.isStop()) { this.drawDent(context, 0, this.height() - this.corner); } // bottom right: context.arc( this.width() - this.corner, y, this.corner, radians(90), radians(0), true ); context.closePath(); context.fill(); }; CommandBlockMorph.prototype.drawDent = function (context, x, y) { var indent = x + this.corner * 2 + this.inset; context.lineTo(x + this.corner + this.inset, y); context.lineTo(indent, y + this.corner); context.lineTo(indent + this.dent, y + this.corner); context.lineTo(x + this.corner * 3 + this.inset + this.dent, y); context.lineTo(this.width() - this.corner, y); }; CommandBlockMorph.prototype.drawTopDentEdge = function (context, x, y) { var shift = this.edge * 0.5, indent = x + this.corner * 2 + this.inset, upperGradient, lowerGradient, leftGradient, lgx; context.lineWidth = this.edge; context.lineJoin = 'round'; context.lineCap = 'round'; upperGradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, y, 0, y + this.edge ); upperGradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrBright); upperGradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); context.strokeStyle = upperGradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(this.corner, y + shift); context.lineTo(x + this.corner + this.inset, y + shift); context.stroke(); context.strokeStyle = upperGradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo( x + this.corner * 3 + this.inset + this.dent + shift, y + shift ); context.lineTo(this.width() - this.corner, y + shift); context.stroke(); lgx = x + this.corner + this.inset; leftGradient = context.createLinearGradient( lgx - this.edge, y + this.edge, lgx, y ); leftGradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); leftGradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrBright); context.strokeStyle = leftGradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x + this.corner + this.inset, y + shift); context.lineTo(indent, y + this.corner + shift); context.stroke(); lowerGradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, y + this.corner, 0, y + this.corner + this.edge ); lowerGradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrBright); lowerGradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); context.strokeStyle = lowerGradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(indent, y + this.corner + shift); context.lineTo(indent + this.dent, y + this.corner + shift); context.stroke(); }; CommandBlockMorph.prototype.drawBottomDentEdge = function (context, x, y) { var shift = this.edge * 0.5, indent = x + this.corner * 2 + this.inset, upperGradient, lowerGradient, rightGradient; context.lineWidth = this.edge; context.lineJoin = 'round'; context.lineCap = 'round'; upperGradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, y - this.edge, 0, y ); upperGradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); upperGradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrDark); context.strokeStyle = upperGradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(this.corner, y - shift); if (this.isStop()) { context.lineTo(this.width() - this.corner, y - shift); } else { context.lineTo(x + this.corner + this.inset - shift, y - shift); } context.stroke(); if (this.isStop()) { // draw straight bottom edge return null; } lowerGradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, y + this.corner - this.edge, 0, y + this.corner ); lowerGradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); lowerGradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrDark); context.strokeStyle = lowerGradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(indent + shift, y + this.corner - shift); context.lineTo(indent + this.dent, y + this.corner - shift); context.stroke(); rightGradient = context.createLinearGradient( x + indent + this.dent - this.edge, y + this.corner - this.edge, x + indent + this.dent, y + this.corner ); rightGradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); rightGradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrDark); context.strokeStyle = rightGradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x + indent + this.dent, y + this.corner - shift); context.lineTo( x + this.corner * 3 + this.inset + this.dent, y - shift ); context.stroke(); context.strokeStyle = upperGradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo( x + this.corner * 3 + this.inset + this.dent, y - shift ); context.lineTo(this.width() - this.corner, y - shift); context.stroke(); }; CommandBlockMorph.prototype.drawFlatBottomDentEdge = function (context) { if (!this.isStop()) { context.fillStyle = this.color.darker(this.contrast / 2).toString(); context.beginPath(); this.drawDent(context, 0, this.height() - this.corner); context.closePath(); context.fill(); } }; CommandBlockMorph.prototype.drawLeftEdge = function (context) { var shift = this.edge * 0.5, gradient = context.createLinearGradient(0, 0, this.edge, 0); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrBright); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); context.lineWidth = this.edge; context.lineJoin = 'round'; context.lineCap = 'round'; context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(shift, this.corner); context.lineTo(shift, this.height() - this.corner * 2 - shift); context.stroke(); }; CommandBlockMorph.prototype.drawRightEdge = function (context) { var shift = this.edge * 0.5, x = this.width(), gradient; gradient = context.createLinearGradient(x - this.edge, 0, x, 0); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrDark); context.lineWidth = this.edge; context.lineJoin = 'round'; context.lineCap = 'round'; context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x - shift, this.corner + shift); context.lineTo(x - shift, this.height() - this.corner * 2); context.stroke(); }; CommandBlockMorph.prototype.drawTopLeftEdge = function (context) { var shift = this.edge * 0.5, gradient; gradient = context.createRadialGradient( this.corner, this.corner, this.corner, this.corner, this.corner, this.corner - this.edge ); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrBright); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); context.lineWidth = this.edge; context.lineJoin = 'round'; context.lineCap = 'round'; context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.arc( this.corner, this.corner, this.corner - shift, radians(-180), radians(-90), false ); context.stroke(); }; CommandBlockMorph.prototype.drawBottomRightEdge = function (context) { var shift = this.edge * 0.5, x = this.width() - this.corner, y = this.height() - this.corner * 2, gradient; gradient = context.createRadialGradient( x, y, this.corner, x, y, this.corner - this.edge ); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrDark); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); context.lineWidth = this.edge; context.lineJoin = 'round'; context.lineCap = 'round'; context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.arc( x, y, this.corner - shift, radians(90), radians(0), true ); context.stroke(); }; // HatBlockMorph /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* I am a script's top most block. I can attach command blocks at my bottom, but not on top. */ // HatBlockMorph inherits from CommandBlockMorph: HatBlockMorph.prototype = new CommandBlockMorph(); HatBlockMorph.prototype.constructor = HatBlockMorph; HatBlockMorph.uber = CommandBlockMorph.prototype; // HatBlockMorph instance creation: function HatBlockMorph() { this.init(); } HatBlockMorph.prototype.init = function () { HatBlockMorph.uber.init.call(this, true); // silently this.setExtent(new Point(300, 150)); }; // HatBlockMorph enumerating: HatBlockMorph.prototype.blockSequence = function () { // override my inherited method so that I am not part of my sequence var result = HatBlockMorph.uber.blockSequence.call(this); result.shift(); return result; }; // HatBlockMorph drawing: HatBlockMorph.prototype.drawTop = function (context) { var s = this.hatWidth, h = this.hatHeight, r = ((4 * h * h) + (s * s)) / (8 * h), a = degrees(4 * Math.atan(2 * h / s)), sa = a / 2, sp = Math.min(s * 1.7, this.width() - this.corner); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(0, h + this.corner); // top arc: context.arc( s / 2, r, r, radians(-sa - 90), radians(-90), false ); context.bezierCurveTo( s, 0, s, h, sp, h ); // top right: context.arc( this.width() - this.corner, h + this.corner, this.corner, radians(-90), radians(-0), false ); context.closePath(); context.fill(); }; HatBlockMorph.prototype.drawBody = function (context) { context.fillRect( 0, this.hatHeight + Math.floor(this.corner) - 1, this.width(), this.height() - Math.floor(this.corner * 3) - this.hatHeight + 2 ); }; HatBlockMorph.prototype.drawLeftEdge = function (context) { var shift = this.edge * 0.5, gradient = context.createLinearGradient(0, 0, this.edge, 0); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrBright); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); context.lineWidth = this.edge; context.lineJoin = 'round'; context.lineCap = 'round'; context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(shift, this.hatHeight + shift); context.lineTo(shift, this.height() - this.corner * 2 - shift); context.stroke(); }; HatBlockMorph.prototype.drawRightEdge = function (context) { var shift = this.edge * 0.5, x = this.width(), gradient; gradient = context.createLinearGradient(x - this.edge, 0, x, 0); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrDark); context.lineWidth = this.edge; context.lineJoin = 'round'; context.lineCap = 'round'; context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x - shift, this.corner + this.hatHeight + shift); context.lineTo(x - shift, this.height() - this.corner * 2); context.stroke(); }; HatBlockMorph.prototype.drawTopDentEdge = function () { return null; }; HatBlockMorph.prototype.drawTopLeftEdge = function (context) { var shift = this.edge * 0.5, s = this.hatWidth, h = this.hatHeight, r = ((4 * h * h) + (s * s)) / (8 * h), a = degrees(4 * Math.atan(2 * h / s)), sa = a / 2, sp = Math.min(s * 1.7, this.width() - this.corner), gradient; gradient = context.createRadialGradient( s / 2, r, r - this.edge, s / 2, r, r ); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrBright); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); context.lineWidth = this.edge; context.lineJoin = 'round'; context.lineCap = 'round'; context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.arc( Math.round(s / 2), r, r - shift, radians(-sa - 90), radians(-90), false ); context.moveTo(s / 2, shift); context.bezierCurveTo( s, shift, s, h + shift, sp, h + shift ); context.lineTo(this.width() - this.corner, h + shift); context.stroke(); }; // ReporterBlockMorph ////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* I am a block with a return value, either round-ish or diamond shaped I inherit all my important accessors from BlockMorph */ // ReporterBlockMorph inherits from BlockMorph: ReporterBlockMorph.prototype = new BlockMorph(); ReporterBlockMorph.prototype.constructor = ReporterBlockMorph; ReporterBlockMorph.uber = BlockMorph.prototype; // ReporterBlockMorph instance creation: function ReporterBlockMorph(isPredicate) { this.init(isPredicate); } ReporterBlockMorph.prototype.init = function (isPredicate, silently) { ReporterBlockMorph.uber.init.call(this, silently); this.isPredicate = isPredicate || false; this.setExtent(new Point(200, 80), silently); this.cachedSlotSpec = null; // don't serialize this.isLocalVarTemplate = null; // don't serialize }; // ReporterBlockMorph drag & drop: ReporterBlockMorph.prototype.snap = function (hand) { // passing the hand is optional (for when blocks are dragged & dropped) var scripts = this.parent, nb, target; this.cachedSlotSpec = null; if (!(scripts instanceof ScriptsMorph)) { return null; } scripts.clearDropInfo(); scripts.lastDroppedBlock = this; target = scripts.closestInput(this, hand); if (target !== null) { scripts.lastReplacedInput = target; scripts.lastDropTarget = target.parent; if (target instanceof MultiArgMorph) { scripts.lastPreservedBlocks = target.inputs(); scripts.lastReplacedInput = target.fullCopy(); } else if (target instanceof CommandSlotMorph) { scripts.lastReplacedInput = target; nb = target.nestedBlock(); if (nb) { nb = nb.fullCopy(); scripts.add(nb); nb.moveBy(nb.extent()); nb.fixBlockColor(); scripts.lastPreservedBlocks = [nb]; } } target.parent.replaceInput(target, this); if (this.snapSound) { this.snapSound.play(); } } this.startLayout(); this.fixBlockColor(); this.endLayout(); ReporterBlockMorph.uber.snap.call(this); if (hand) { scripts.recordDrop(hand.grabOrigin); } }; ReporterBlockMorph.prototype.prepareToBeGrabbed = function (handMorph) { var oldPos = this.position(); nop(handMorph); if ((this.parent instanceof BlockMorph) || (this.parent instanceof MultiArgMorph) || (this.parent instanceof ReporterSlotMorph)) { this.parent.revertToDefaultInput(this); this.setPosition(oldPos); } ReporterBlockMorph.uber.prepareToBeGrabbed.call(this, handMorph); this.alpha = 0.85; this.cachedSlotSpec = null; }; // ReporterBlockMorph enumerating ReporterBlockMorph.prototype.blockSequence = function () { // reporters don't have a sequence, answer myself return this; }; // ReporterBlockMorph evaluating ReporterBlockMorph.prototype.isUnevaluated = function () { // answer whether my parent block's slot is designated to be of an // 'unevaluated' kind, denoting a spedial form var spec = this.getSlotSpec(); return spec === '%anyUE' || spec === '%boolUE' || spec === '%f'; }; ReporterBlockMorph.prototype.isLocked = function () { // answer true if I can be exchanged by a dropped reporter return this.isStatic || (this.getSlotSpec() === '%t'); }; ReporterBlockMorph.prototype.getSlotSpec = function () { // answer the spec of the slot I'm in, if any // cached for performance if (!this.cachedSlotSpec) { this.cachedSlotSpec = this.determineSlotSpec(); /* } else { // debug slot spec caching var real = this.determineSlotSpec(); if (real !== this.cachedSlotSpec) { throw new Error( 'cached slot spec ' + this.cachedSlotSpec + ' does not match: ' + real ); } */ } return this.cachedSlotSpec; }; ReporterBlockMorph.prototype.determineSlotSpec = function () { // private - answer the spec of the slot I'm in, if any var parts, idx; if (this.parent instanceof BlockMorph) { parts = this.parent.parts().filter( function (part) { return !(part instanceof BlockHighlightMorph); } ); idx = parts.indexOf(this); if (idx !== -1) { if (this.parent.blockSpec) { return this.parseSpec(this.parent.blockSpec)[idx]; } } } if (this.parent instanceof MultiArgMorph) { return this.parent.slotSpec; } if (this.parent instanceof TemplateSlotMorph) { return this.parent.getSpec(); } return null; }; // ReporterBlockMorph events ReporterBlockMorph.prototype.mouseClickLeft = function (pos) { var label; if (this.parent instanceof BlockInputFragmentMorph) { return this.parent.mouseClickLeft(); } if (this.parent instanceof TemplateSlotMorph) { if (this.parent.parent && this.parent.parent.parent && this.parent.parent.parent instanceof RingMorph) { label = "Input name"; } else if (this.parent.parent.elementSpec === '%blockVars') { label = "Block variable name"; } else { label = "Script variable name"; } new DialogBoxMorph( this, this.userSetSpec, this ).prompt( label, this.blockSpec, this.world() ); } else { ReporterBlockMorph.uber.mouseClickLeft.call(this, pos); } }; // ReporterBlock exporting picture with result bubble ReporterBlockMorph.prototype.exportResultPic = function () { var top = this.topBlock(), receiver = top.scriptTarget(), stage; if (top !== this) {return; } if (receiver) { stage = receiver.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); if (stage) { stage.threads.stopProcess(top); stage.threads.startProcess(top, receiver, false, true); } } }; // ReporterBlockMorph deleting ReporterBlockMorph.prototype.userDestroy = function () { // make sure to restore default slot of parent block var target = this.selectForEdit(); // enable copy-on-edit if (target !== this) { return this.userDestroy.call(target); } // for undrop / redrop var scripts = this.parentThatIsA(ScriptsMorph); if (scripts) { scripts.clearDropInfo(); scripts.lastDroppedBlock = this; scripts.recordDrop(this.situation()); scripts.dropRecord.action = 'delete'; } this.topBlock().fullChanged(); this.prepareToBeGrabbed(this.world().hand); this.destroy(); }; // ReporterBlockMorph drawing: ReporterBlockMorph.prototype.drawNew = function () { var context; this.cachedClr = this.color.toString(); this.cachedClrBright = this.bright(); this.cachedClrDark = this.dark(); this.image = newCanvas(this.extent()); context = this.image.getContext('2d'); context.fillStyle = this.cachedClr; if (this.isPredicate) { this.drawDiamond(context); } else { this.drawRounded(context); } // draw location pin icon if applicable if (this.hasLocationPin()) { this.drawMethodIcon(context); } // erase CommandSlots this.eraseHoles(context); }; ReporterBlockMorph.prototype.drawRounded = function (context) { var h = this.height(), r = Math.min(this.rounding, h / 2), w = this.width(), shift = this.edge / 2, gradient; // draw the 'flat' shape: context.fillStyle = this.cachedClr; context.beginPath(); // top left: context.arc( r, r, r, radians(-180), radians(-90), false ); // top right: context.arc( w - r, r, r, radians(-90), radians(-0), false ); // bottom right: context.arc( w - r, h - r, r, radians(0), radians(90), false ); // bottom left: context.arc( r, h - r, r, radians(90), radians(180), false ); context.closePath(); context.fill(); if (MorphicPreferences.isFlat) {return; } // add 3D-Effect: context.lineWidth = this.edge; context.lineJoin = 'round'; context.lineCap = 'round'; // half-tone edges // bottem left corner gradient = context.createRadialGradient( r, h - r, r - this.edge, r, h - r, r + this.edge ); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrBright); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.arc( r, h - r, r - shift, radians(90), radians(180), false ); context.stroke(); // top right corner gradient = context.createRadialGradient( w - r, r, r - this.edge, w - r, r, r + this.edge ); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrDark); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.arc( w - r, r, r - shift, radians(-90), radians(0), false ); context.stroke(); // normal gradient edges // top edge: straight line gradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, 0, 0, this.edge ); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrBright); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(r - shift, shift); context.lineTo(w - r + shift, shift); context.stroke(); // top edge: left corner gradient = context.createRadialGradient( r, r, r - this.edge, r, r, r ); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrBright); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.arc( r, r, r - shift, radians(180), radians(270), false ); context.stroke(); // bottom edge: right corner gradient = context.createRadialGradient( w - r, h - r, r - this.edge, w - r, h - r, r ); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrDark); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.arc( w - r, h - r, r - shift, radians(0), radians(90), false ); context.stroke(); // bottom edge: straight line gradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, h - this.edge, 0, h ); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrDark); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(r - shift, h - shift); context.lineTo(w - r + shift, h - shift); context.stroke(); // left edge: straight vertical line gradient = context.createLinearGradient(0, 0, this.edge, 0); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrBright); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(shift, r); context.lineTo(shift, h - r); context.stroke(); // right edge: straight vertical line gradient = context.createLinearGradient(w - this.edge, 0, w, 0); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrDark); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(w - shift, r + shift); context.lineTo(w - shift, h - r); context.stroke(); }; ReporterBlockMorph.prototype.drawDiamond = function (context) { var w = this.width(), h = this.height(), h2 = Math.floor(h / 2), r = this.rounding, shift = this.edge / 2, gradient; // draw the 'flat' shape: context.fillStyle = this.cachedClr; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(0, h2); context.lineTo(r, 0); context.lineTo(w - r, 0); context.lineTo(w, h2); context.lineTo(w - r, h); context.lineTo(r, h); context.closePath(); context.fill(); if (MorphicPreferences.isFlat) {return; } // add 3D-Effect: context.lineWidth = this.edge; context.lineJoin = 'round'; context.lineCap = 'round'; // half-tone edges // bottom left corner gradient = context.createLinearGradient( -r, 0, r, 0 ); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrBright); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(shift, h2); context.lineTo(r, h - shift); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); // top right corner gradient = context.createLinearGradient( w - r, 0, w + r, 0 ); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrDark); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(w - shift, h2); context.lineTo(w - r, shift); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); // normal gradient edges // top edge: left corner gradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, 0, r, 0 ); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrBright); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(shift, h2); context.lineTo(r, shift); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); // top edge: straight line gradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, 0, 0, this.edge ); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrBright); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(r, shift); context.lineTo(w - r, shift); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); // bottom edge: right corner gradient = context.createLinearGradient( w - r, 0, w, 0 ); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrDark); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(w - r, h - shift); context.lineTo(w - shift, h2); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); // bottom edge: straight line gradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, h - this.edge, 0, h ); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrDark); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(r + shift, h - shift); context.lineTo(w - r - shift, h - shift); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); }; // RingMorph ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* I am a reporter block which reifies its contents, my outer shape is always roundish (never diamond) */ // RingMorph inherits from ReporterBlockMorph: RingMorph.prototype = new ReporterBlockMorph(); RingMorph.prototype.constructor = RingMorph; RingMorph.uber = ReporterBlockMorph.prototype; // RingMorph preferences settings: RingMorph.prototype.isCachingInputs = false; // RingMorph.prototype.edge = 2; // RingMorph.prototype.rounding = 9; // RingMorph.prototype.alpha = 0.8; // RingMorph.prototype.contrast = 85; // RingMorph instance creation: function RingMorph() { this.init(); } RingMorph.prototype.init = function () { RingMorph.uber.init.call(this); this.category = 'other'; this.alpha = RingMorph.prototype.alpha; this.contrast = RingMorph.prototype.contrast; this.setExtent(new Point(200, 80)); }; // RingMorph dragging and dropping RingMorph.prototype.rootForGrab = function () { if (this.isDraggable) { return this; } return BlockMorph.uber.rootForGrab.call(this); }; // RingMorph ops - Note: these assume certain layouts defined elsewhere - RingMorph.prototype.embed = function (aBlock, inputNames) { var slot; // set my color this.color = SpriteMorph.prototype.blockColor.other; this.isDraggable = true; // set my type, selector, and nested block: if (aBlock instanceof CommandBlockMorph) { this.isStatic = false; this.setSpec('%rc %ringparms'); this.selector = 'reifyScript'; slot = this.parts()[0]; slot.nestedBlock(aBlock); } else if (aBlock.isPredicate) { this.isStatic = true; this.setSpec('%rp %ringparms'); this.selector = 'reifyPredicate'; slot = this.parts()[0]; slot.silentReplaceInput(slot.contents(), aBlock); } else if (aBlock instanceof BooleanSlotMorph) { this.isStatic = false; this.setSpec('%rp %ringparms'); this.selector = 'reifyPredicate'; slot = this.parts()[0]; slot.silentReplaceInput(slot.contents(), aBlock); } else { // reporter or input slot) this.isStatic = false; this.setSpec('%rr %ringparms'); this.selector = 'reifyReporter'; slot = this.parts()[0]; slot.silentReplaceInput(slot.contents(), aBlock); } // set my inputs, if any slot = this.parts()[1]; if (inputNames) { inputNames.forEach(function (name) { slot.addInput(name); }); } // ensure zebra coloring this.fixBlockColor(null, true); }; RingMorph.prototype.vanishForSimilar = function () { // let me disappear if I am nesting a variable getter or Ring // but only if I'm not already inside another ring var slot = this.parts()[0], block = slot.nestedBlock(); if (!block) {return null; } if (!(this.parent instanceof SyntaxElementMorph)) {return null; } if (this.parent instanceof RingReporterSlotMorph || (this.parent instanceof RingCommandSlotMorph)) { return null; } if (block.selector === 'reportGetVar' || // block.selector === 'reportListItem' || block.selector === 'reportJSFunction' || block.selector === 'reportAttributeOf' || block.selector === 'reportCompiled' || (block instanceof RingMorph) ) { this.parent.silentReplaceInput(this, block); } }; RingMorph.prototype.contents = function () { return this.parts()[0].nestedBlock(); }; RingMorph.prototype.inputNames = function () { return this.parts()[1].evaluate(); }; RingMorph.prototype.dataType = function () { switch (this.selector) { case 'reifyScript': return 'command'; case 'reifyPredicate': return 'predicate'; default: return 'reporter'; } }; // RingMorph zebra coloring RingMorph.prototype.fixBlockColor = function (nearest, isForced) { var slot = this.parts()[0]; RingMorph.uber.fixBlockColor.call(this, nearest, isForced); slot.fixLayout(); }; // ScriptsMorph //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* I give feedback about possible drop targets and am in charge of actually snapping blocks together. My children are the top blocks of scripts. I store a back-pointer to my owner, i.e. the object (sprite) to whom my scripts apply. */ // ScriptsMorph inherits from FrameMorph: ScriptsMorph.prototype = new FrameMorph(); ScriptsMorph.prototype.constructor = ScriptsMorph; ScriptsMorph.uber = FrameMorph.prototype; // ScriptsMorph preference settings ScriptsMorph.prototype.cleanUpMargin = 20; ScriptsMorph.prototype.cleanUpSpacing = 15; ScriptsMorph.prototype.isPreferringEmptySlots = true; ScriptsMorph.prototype.enableKeyboard = true; ScriptsMorph.prototype.enableNestedAutoWrapping = true; // ScriptsMorph instance creation: function ScriptsMorph() { this.init(); } ScriptsMorph.prototype.init = function () { this.feedbackColor = SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.feedbackColor; this.feedbackMorph = new BoxMorph(); this.rejectsHats = false; // "undrop" attributes: this.lastDroppedBlock = null; this.lastReplacedInput = null; this.lastDropTarget = null; this.lastPreservedBlocks = null; this.lastNextBlock = null; this.lastWrapParent = null; // keyboard editing support: this.focus = null; ScriptsMorph.uber.init.call(this); this.setColor(new Color(70, 70, 70)); this.noticesTransparentClick = true; // initialize "undrop" queue this.isAnimating = false; this.dropRecord = null; this.recordDrop(); }; // ScriptsMorph deep copying: ScriptsMorph.prototype.fullCopy = function () { var cpy = new ScriptsMorph(), pos = this.position(), child; if (this.focus) { this.focus.stopEditing(); } this.children.forEach(function (morph) { if (!morph.block) { // omit anchored comments child = morph.fullCopy(); cpy.add(child); child.setPosition(morph.position().subtract(pos)); if (child instanceof BlockMorph) { child.allComments().forEach(function (comment) { comment.align(child); }); } } }); cpy.adjustBounds(); return cpy; }; // ScriptsMorph stepping: ScriptsMorph.prototype.step = function () { var world = this.world(), hand = world.hand, block; if (this.feedbackMorph.parent) { this.feedbackMorph.destroy(); this.feedbackMorph.parent = null; } if (this.focus && (!world.keyboardReceiver || world.keyboardReceiver instanceof StageMorph)) { this.focus.getFocus(world); } if (hand.children.length === 0) { return null; } if (!this.bounds.containsPoint(hand.bounds.origin)) { return null; } block = hand.children[0]; if (!(block instanceof BlockMorph) && !(block instanceof CommentMorph)) { return null; } if (!contains(hand.morphAtPointer().allParents(), this)) { return null; } if (block instanceof CommentMorph) { this.showCommentDropFeedback(block, hand); } else if (block instanceof ReporterBlockMorph) { this.showReporterDropFeedback(block, hand); } else { this.showCommandDropFeedback(block); } }; ScriptsMorph.prototype.showReporterDropFeedback = function (block, hand) { var target = this.closestInput(block, hand); if (target === null) { return null; } this.feedbackMorph.bounds = target.fullBounds() .expandBy(Math.max( block.edge * 2, block.reporterDropFeedbackPadding )); this.feedbackMorph.edge = SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.rounding; this.feedbackMorph.border = Math.max( SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.edge, 3 ); this.add(this.feedbackMorph); if (target instanceof MultiArgMorph) { this.feedbackMorph.color = SpriteMorph.prototype.blockColor.lists.copy(); this.feedbackMorph.borderColor = SpriteMorph.prototype.blockColor.lists; } else { this.feedbackMorph.color = this.feedbackColor.copy(); this.feedbackMorph.borderColor = this.feedbackColor; } this.feedbackMorph.color.a = 0.5; this.feedbackMorph.drawNew(); this.feedbackMorph.changed(); }; ScriptsMorph.prototype.showCommandDropFeedback = function (block) { var y, target; target = block.closestAttachTarget(this); if (!target) { return null; } if (target.loc === 'wrap') { this.showCSlotWrapFeedback(block, target.element); return; } this.add(this.feedbackMorph); this.feedbackMorph.border = 0; this.feedbackMorph.edge = 0; this.feedbackMorph.alpha = 1; this.feedbackMorph.setExtent(new Point( target.element.width(), Math.max( SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.corner, SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.feedbackMinHeight ) )); this.feedbackMorph.color = this.feedbackColor; this.feedbackMorph.drawNew(); this.feedbackMorph.changed(); y = target.point.y; if (target.loc === 'bottom') { if (target.type === 'block') { if (target.element.nextBlock()) { y -= SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.corner; } } else if (target.type === 'slot') { if (target.element.nestedBlock()) { y -= SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.corner; } } } this.feedbackMorph.setPosition(new Point( target.element.left(), y )); }; ScriptsMorph.prototype.showCommentDropFeedback = function (comment, hand) { var target = this.closestBlock(comment, hand); if (!target) { return null; } this.feedbackMorph.bounds = target.bounds .expandBy(Math.max( BlockMorph.prototype.edge * 2, BlockMorph.prototype.reporterDropFeedbackPadding )); this.feedbackMorph.edge = SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.rounding; this.feedbackMorph.border = Math.max( SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.edge, 3 ); this.add(this.feedbackMorph); this.feedbackMorph.color = comment.color.copy(); this.feedbackMorph.color.a = 0.25; this.feedbackMorph.borderColor = comment.titleBar.color; this.feedbackMorph.drawNew(); this.feedbackMorph.changed(); }; ScriptsMorph.prototype.showCSlotWrapFeedback = function (srcBlock, trgBlock) { var clr; this.feedbackMorph.bounds = trgBlock.fullBounds() .expandBy(BlockMorph.prototype.corner); this.feedbackMorph.edge = SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.corner; this.feedbackMorph.border = Math.max( SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.edge, 3 ); this.add(this.feedbackMorph); clr = srcBlock.color.lighter(40); this.feedbackMorph.color = clr.copy(); this.feedbackMorph.color.a = 0.1; this.feedbackMorph.borderColor = clr; this.feedbackMorph.drawNew(); this.feedbackMorph.changed(); }; ScriptsMorph.prototype.closestInput = function (reporter, hand) { // passing the hand is optional (when dragging reporters) var fb = reporter.fullBoundsNoShadow(), stacks = this.children.filter(function (child) { return (child instanceof BlockMorph) && (child.fullBounds().intersects(fb)); }), blackList = reporter.allInputs(), handPos, target, all; all = []; stacks.forEach(function (stack) { all = all.concat(stack.allInputs()); }); if (all.length === 0) {return null; } function touchingVariadicArrowsIfAny(inp, point) { if (inp instanceof MultiArgMorph) { if (point) { return inp.arrows().bounds.containsPoint(point); } return inp.arrows().bounds.intersects(fb); } return true; } if (this.isPreferringEmptySlots) { if (hand) { handPos = hand.position(); target = detect( all, function (input) { return (input instanceof InputSlotMorph || (input instanceof ArgMorph && !(input instanceof CommandSlotMorph) && !(input instanceof MultiArgMorph)) || (input instanceof RingMorph && !input.contents()) || input.isEmptySlot()) && !input.isLocked() && input.bounds.containsPoint(handPos) && !contains(blackList, input); } ); if (target) { return target; } } target = detect( all, function (input) { return (input instanceof InputSlotMorph || input instanceof ArgMorph || (input instanceof RingMorph && !input.contents()) || input.isEmptySlot()) && !input.isLocked() && input.bounds.intersects(fb) && !contains(blackList, input) && touchingVariadicArrowsIfAny(input); } ); if (target) { return target; } } if (hand) { handPos = hand.position(); target = detect( all, function (input) { return (input !== reporter) && !input.isLocked() && input.bounds.containsPoint(handPos) && !(input.parent instanceof PrototypeHatBlockMorph) && !contains(blackList, input); } ); if (target) { return target; } } return detect( all, function (input) { return (input !== reporter) && !input.isLocked() && input.fullBounds().intersects(fb) && !(input.parent instanceof PrototypeHatBlockMorph) && !contains(blackList, input); } ); }; ScriptsMorph.prototype.closestBlock = function (comment, hand) { // passing the hand is optional (when dragging comments) var fb = comment.bounds, stacks = this.children.filter(function (child) { return (child instanceof BlockMorph) && (child.fullBounds().intersects(fb)); }), handPos, target, all; all = []; stacks.forEach(function (stack) { all = all.concat(stack.allChildren().slice(0).reverse().filter( function (child) {return child instanceof BlockMorph && !child.isTemplate; } )); }); if (all.length === 0) {return null; } if (hand) { handPos = hand.position(); target = detect( all, function (block) { return !block.comment && !block.isPrototype && block.bounds.containsPoint(handPos); } ); if (target) { return target; } } return detect( all, function (block) { return !block.comment && !block.isPrototype && block.bounds.intersects(fb); } ); }; // ScriptsMorph user menu ScriptsMorph.prototype.userMenu = function () { var menu = new MenuMorph(this), ide = this.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph), shiftClicked = this.world().currentKey === 16, blockEditor, myself = this, obj = this.scriptTarget(), hasUndropQueue, stage = obj.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); function addOption(label, toggle, test, onHint, offHint) { var on = '\u2611 ', off = '\u2610 '; menu.addItem( (test ? on : off) + localize(label), toggle, test ? onHint : offHint ); } if (!ide) { blockEditor = this.parentThatIsA(BlockEditorMorph); if (blockEditor) { ide = blockEditor.target.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph); } } if (this.dropRecord) { if (this.dropRecord.lastRecord) { hasUndropQueue = true; menu.addPair( [ new SymbolMorph( 'turnBack', MorphicPreferences.menuFontSize ), localize('undrop') ], 'undrop', '^Z', 'undo the last\nblock drop\nin this pane' ); } if (this.dropRecord.nextRecord) { hasUndropQueue = true; menu.addPair( [ new SymbolMorph( 'turnForward', MorphicPreferences.menuFontSize ), localize('redrop') ], 'redrop', '^Y', 'redo the last undone\nblock drop\nin this pane' ); } if (hasUndropQueue) { if (shiftClicked) { menu.addItem( "clear undrop queue", function () { myself.dropRecord = null; myself.clearDropInfo(); myself.recordDrop(); }, 'forget recorded block drops\non this pane', new Color(100, 0, 0) ); } menu.addLine(); } } menu.addItem('clean up', 'cleanUp', 'arrange scripts\nvertically'); menu.addItem('add comment', 'addComment'); menu.addItem( 'scripts pic...', 'exportScriptsPicture', 'open a new window\nwith a picture of all scripts' ); if (ide) { menu.addLine(); if (!blockEditor && obj.exemplar) { addOption( 'inherited', function () { obj.toggleInheritanceForAttribute('scripts'); }, obj.inheritsAttribute('scripts'), 'uncheck to\ndisinherit', localize('check to inherit\nfrom') + ' ' + obj.exemplar.name ); } menu.addItem( 'make a block...', function () { new BlockDialogMorph( null, function (definition) { if (definition.spec !== '') { if (definition.isGlobal) { stage.globalBlocks.push(definition); } else { obj.customBlocks.push(definition); } ide.flushPaletteCache(); ide.refreshPalette(); new BlockEditorMorph(definition, obj).popUp(); } }, myself ).prompt( 'Make a block', null, myself.world() ); } ); } return menu; }; // ScriptsMorph user menu features: ScriptsMorph.prototype.cleanUp = function () { var target = this.selectForEdit(), // enable copy-on-edit origin = target.topLeft(), y = target.cleanUpMargin; target.children.sort(function (a, b) { // make sure the prototype hat block always stays on top return a instanceof PrototypeHatBlockMorph ? 0 : a.top() - b.top(); }).forEach(function (child) { if (child instanceof CommentMorph && child.block) { return; // skip anchored comments } child.setPosition(origin.add(new Point(target.cleanUpMargin, y))); if (child instanceof BlockMorph) { child.allComments().forEach(function (comment) { comment.align(child, true); // ignore layer }); } y += child.stackHeight() + target.cleanUpSpacing; }); if (target.parent) { target.setPosition(target.parent.topLeft()); } target.adjustBounds(); }; ScriptsMorph.prototype.exportScriptsPicture = function () { var pic = this.scriptsPicture(), ide = this.world().children[0]; if (pic) { ide.saveCanvasAs( pic, (ide.projectName || localize('untitled')) + ' ' + localize('script pic') ); } }; ScriptsMorph.prototype.scriptsPicture = function () { // private - answer a canvas containing the pictures of all scripts var boundingBox, pic, ctx; if (this.children.length === 0) {return; } boundingBox = this.children[0].fullBounds(); this.children.forEach(function (child) { if (child.isVisible) { boundingBox = boundingBox.merge(child.fullBounds()); } }); pic = newCanvas(boundingBox.extent()); ctx = pic.getContext('2d'); this.children.forEach(function (child) { var pos = child.fullBounds().origin; if (child.isVisible) { ctx.drawImage( child.fullImageClassic(), pos.x - boundingBox.origin.x, pos.y - boundingBox.origin.y ); } }); return pic; }; ScriptsMorph.prototype.addComment = function () { var ide = this.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph), blockEditor = this.parentThatIsA(BlockEditorMorph), world = this.world(); new CommentMorph().pickUp(world); // register the drop-origin, so the element can // slide back to its former situation if dropped // somewhere where it gets rejected if (!ide && blockEditor) { ide = blockEditor.target.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph); } if (ide) { world.hand.grabOrigin = { origin: ide.palette, position: ide.palette.center() }; } }; // ScriptsMorph undrop / redrop ScriptsMorph.prototype.undrop = function () { var myself = this; if (this.isAnimating) {return; } if (!this.dropRecord || !this.dropRecord.lastRecord) {return; } if (!this.dropRecord.situation) { this.dropRecord.situation = this.dropRecord.lastDroppedBlock.situation(); } this.isAnimating = true; this.dropRecord.lastDroppedBlock.slideBackTo( this.dropRecord.lastOrigin, null, this.recoverLastDrop(), function () { myself.updateToolbar(); myself.isAnimating = false; } ); this.dropRecord = this.dropRecord.lastRecord; }; ScriptsMorph.prototype.redrop = function () { var myself = this; if (this.isAnimating) {return; } if (!this.dropRecord || !this.dropRecord.nextRecord) {return; } this.dropRecord = this.dropRecord.nextRecord; if (this.dropRecord.action === 'delete') { this.recoverLastDrop(true); this.dropRecord.lastDroppedBlock.destroy(); this.updateToolbar(); } else { this.isAnimating = true; this.dropRecord.lastDroppedBlock.slideBackTo( this.dropRecord.situation, null, this.recoverLastDrop(true), function () { myself.updateToolbar(); myself.isAnimating = false; } ); } }; ScriptsMorph.prototype.recoverLastDrop = function (forRedrop) { // retrieve the block last touched by the user and answer a function // to be called after the animation that moves it back right before // dropping it into its former situation var rec = this.dropRecord, dropped, onBeforeDrop, parent; if (!rec || !rec.lastDroppedBlock) { throw new Error('nothing to undrop'); } dropped = rec.lastDroppedBlock; parent = dropped.parent; if (dropped instanceof CommandBlockMorph) { if (rec.lastNextBlock) { if (rec.action === 'delete') { if (forRedrop) { this.add(rec.lastNextBlock); } } else { this.add(rec.lastNextBlock); } } if (rec.lastDropTarget) { if (rec.lastDropTarget.loc === 'bottom') { if (rec.lastDropTarget.type === 'slot') { if (rec.lastNextBlock) { rec.lastDropTarget.element.nestedBlock( rec.lastNextBlock ); } } else { // 'block' if (rec.lastNextBlock) { rec.lastDropTarget.element.nextBlock( rec.lastNextBlock ); } } } else if (rec.lastDropTarget.loc === 'top') { this.add(rec.lastDropTarget.element); } else if (rec.lastDropTarget.loc === 'wrap') { var cslot = detect( // could be cached... rec.lastDroppedBlock.inputs(), // ...although these are function (each) {return each instanceof CSlotMorph; } ); if (rec.lastWrapParent instanceof CommandBlockMorph) { if (forRedrop) { onBeforeDrop = function () { cslot.nestedBlock(rec.lastDropTarget.element); }; } else { rec.lastWrapParent.nextBlock( rec.lastDropTarget.element ); } } else if (rec.lastWrapParent instanceof CommandSlotMorph) { if (forRedrop) { onBeforeDrop = function () { cslot.nestedBlock(rec.lastDropTarget.element); }; } else { rec.lastWrapParent.nestedBlock( rec.lastDropTarget.element ); } } else { this.add(rec.lastDropTarget.element); } // fix zebra coloring. // this could be generalized into the fixBlockColor mechanism rec.lastDropTarget.element.blockSequence().forEach( function (cmd) {cmd.fixBlockColor(); } ); cslot.fixLayout(); } } } else if (dropped instanceof ReporterBlockMorph) { if (rec.lastDropTarget) { rec.lastDropTarget.replaceInput( rec.lastDroppedBlock, rec.lastReplacedInput ); rec.lastDropTarget.fixBlockColor(null, true); if (rec.lastPreservedBlocks) { rec.lastPreservedBlocks.forEach(function (morph) { morph.destroy(); }); } } } else if (dropped instanceof CommentMorph) { if (forRedrop && rec.lastDropTarget) { onBeforeDrop = function () { rec.lastDropTarget.element.comment = dropped; dropped.block = rec.lastDropTarget.element; dropped.align(); }; } } else { throw new Error('unsupported action for ' + dropped); } this.clearDropInfo(); dropped.prepareToBeGrabbed(this.world().hand); if (dropped instanceof CommentMorph) { dropped.removeShadow(); } this.add(dropped); parent.reactToGrabOf(dropped); if (dropped instanceof ReporterBlockMorph && parent instanceof BlockMorph) { parent.changed(); } if (rec.action === 'delete') { if (forRedrop && rec.lastNextBlock) { if (parent instanceof CommandBlockMorph) { parent.nextBlock(rec.lastNextBlock); } else if (parent instanceof CommandSlotMorph) { parent.nestedBlock(rec.lastNextBlock); } } // animate "undelete" if (!forRedrop) { dropped.moveBy(new Point(-100, -20)); } } return onBeforeDrop; }; ScriptsMorph.prototype.clearDropInfo = function () { this.lastDroppedBlock = null; this.lastReplacedInput = null; this.lastDropTarget = null; this.lastPreservedBlocks = null; this.lastNextBlock = null; this.lastWrapParent = null; }; ScriptsMorph.prototype.recordDrop = function (lastGrabOrigin) { // support for "undrop" / "redrop" var record = { lastDroppedBlock: this.lastDroppedBlock, lastReplacedInput: this.lastReplacedInput, lastDropTarget: this.lastDropTarget, lastPreservedBlocks: this.lastPreservedBlocks, lastNextBlock: this.lastNextBlock, lastWrapParent: this.lastWrapParent, lastOrigin: lastGrabOrigin, action: null, situation: null, lastRecord: this.dropRecord, nextRecord: null }; if (this.dropRecord) { this.dropRecord.nextRecord = record; } this.dropRecord = record; this.updateToolbar(); }; ScriptsMorph.prototype.addToolbar = function () { var toolBar = new AlignmentMorph(), myself = this, shade = new Color(140, 140, 140); toolBar.respectHiddens = true; toolBar.undoButton = new PushButtonMorph( this, "undrop", new SymbolMorph("turnBack", 12) ); toolBar.undoButton.alpha = 0.2; toolBar.undoButton.padding = 2; // toolBar.undoButton.hint = 'undo the last\nblock drop\nin this pane'; toolBar.undoButton.labelShadowColor = shade; toolBar.undoButton.drawNew(); toolBar.undoButton.fixLayout(); toolBar.add(toolBar.undoButton); toolBar.redoButton = new PushButtonMorph( this, "redrop", new SymbolMorph("turnForward", 12) ); toolBar.redoButton.alpha = 0.2; toolBar.redoButton.padding = 2; // toolBar.redoButton.hint = 'redo the last undone\nblock drop\nin this pane'; toolBar.redoButton.labelShadowColor = shade; toolBar.redoButton.drawNew(); toolBar.redoButton.fixLayout(); toolBar.add(toolBar.redoButton); toolBar.keyboardButton = new ToggleButtonMorph( null, // colors this, // target "toggleKeyboardEntry", [ new SymbolMorph('keyboard', 12), new SymbolMorph('keyboardFilled', 12) ], function () { // query return !isNil(myself.focus); } ); toolBar.keyboardButton.alpha = 0.2; toolBar.keyboardButton.padding = 2; toolBar.keyboardButton.hint = 'use the keyboard\nto enter blocks'; //toolBar.keyboardButton.pressColor = new Color(40, 40, 40); toolBar.keyboardButton.labelShadowColor = shade; toolBar.keyboardButton.drawNew(); toolBar.keyboardButton.fixLayout(); toolBar.add(toolBar.keyboardButton); return toolBar; }; ScriptsMorph.prototype.updateToolbar = function () { var sf = this.parentThatIsA(ScrollFrameMorph); if (!sf) {return; } if (!sf.toolBar) { sf.toolBar = this.addToolbar(); sf.add(sf.toolBar); } if (this.enableKeyboard) { sf.toolBar.keyboardButton.show(); sf.toolBar.keyboardButton.refresh(); } else { sf.toolBar.keyboardButton.hide(); } if (this.dropRecord) { if (this.dropRecord.lastRecord) { if (!sf.toolBar.undoButton.isVisible) { sf.toolBar.undoButton.show(); } } else { if (sf.toolBar.undoButton.isVisible) { sf.toolBar.undoButton.hide(); } } if (this.dropRecord.nextRecord) { if (!sf.toolBar.redoButton.isVisible) { sf.toolBar.redoButton.show(); sf.toolBar.undoButton.mouseLeave(); } } else { if (sf.toolBar.redoButton.isVisible) { sf.toolBar.redoButton.hide(); } } } if (detect( sf.toolBar.children, function (each) {return each.isVisible; } )) { sf.toolBar.fixLayout(); sf.adjustToolBar(); } }; // ScriptsMorph sorting blocks and comments ScriptsMorph.prototype.sortedElements = function () { // return all scripts and unattached comments var scripts = this.children.filter(function (each) { return each instanceof CommentMorph ? !each.block : true; }); scripts.sort(function (a, b) { // make sure the prototype hat block always stays on top return a instanceof PrototypeHatBlockMorph ? 0 : a.top() - b.top(); }); return scripts; }; // ScriptsMorph blocks layout fix ScriptsMorph.prototype.fixMultiArgs = function () { var oldFlag = Morph.prototype.trackChanges; Morph.prototype.trackChanges = false; this.forAllChildren(function (morph) { if (morph instanceof MultiArgMorph) { morph.fixLayout(); } }); Morph.prototype.trackChanges = oldFlag; }; // ScriptsMorph drag & drop: ScriptsMorph.prototype.wantsDropOf = function (aMorph) { // override the inherited method if (aMorph instanceof HatBlockMorph) { return !this.rejectsHats; } return aMorph instanceof SyntaxElementMorph || aMorph instanceof CommentMorph; }; ScriptsMorph.prototype.reactToDropOf = function (droppedMorph, hand) { if (droppedMorph instanceof BlockMorph || droppedMorph instanceof CommentMorph) { droppedMorph.snap(hand); } this.adjustBounds(); }; // ScriptsMorph events ScriptsMorph.prototype.mouseClickLeft = function (pos) { var shiftClicked = this.world().currentKey === 16; if (shiftClicked) { return this.edit(pos); } if (this.focus) {this.focus.stopEditing(); } }; ScriptsMorph.prototype.selectForEdit = function () { var ide = this.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph), rcvr = ide ? ide.currentSprite : null; if (rcvr && rcvr.inheritsAttribute('scripts')) { // copy on write: this.feedbackMorph.destroy(); rcvr.shadowAttribute('scripts'); return rcvr.scripts; } return this; }; // ScriptsMorph keyboard support ScriptsMorph.prototype.edit = function (pos) { var target, world = this.world(); if (this.focus) {this.focus.stopEditing(); } world.stopEditing(); if (!ScriptsMorph.prototype.enableKeyboard) {return; } target = this.selectForEdit(); // enable copy-on-edit target.focus = new ScriptFocusMorph(target, target, pos); target.focus.getFocus(world); }; ScriptsMorph.prototype.toggleKeyboardEntry = function () { // when the user clicks the keyboard button in the toolbar var target, sorted, world = this.world(); if (this.focus) { this.focus.stopEditing(); return; } world.stopEditing(); if (!ScriptsMorph.prototype.enableKeyboard) {return; } target = this.selectForEdit(); // enable copy-on-edit target.focus = new ScriptFocusMorph(target, target, target.position()); target.focus.getFocus(world); sorted = target.focus.sortedScripts(); if (sorted.length) { target.focus.element = sorted[0]; if (target.focus.element instanceof HatBlockMorph) { target.focus.nextCommand(); } } else { target.focus.moveBy(new Point(50, 50)); } target.focus.fixLayout(); }; // ScriptsMorph context - scripts target ScriptsMorph.prototype.scriptTarget = function () { // answer the sprite or stage that this script editor acts on, // if the user clicks on a block. // NOTE: since scripts can be shared by more than a single sprite // this method only gives the desired result within the context of // the user actively clicking on a block inside the IDE // there is no direct relationship between a block or a scripts editor // and a sprite. var editor = this.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph); if (editor) { return editor.currentSprite; } editor = this.parentThatIsA(BlockEditorMorph); if (editor) { return editor.target; } throw new Error('script target bannot be found for orphaned scripts'); }; // ArgMorph ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* I am a syntax element and the ancestor of all block inputs. I am present in block labels. Usually I am just a receptacle for inherited methods and attributes, however, if my 'type' attribute is set to one of the following values, I act as an iconic slot myself: 'list' - a list symbol */ // ArgMorph inherits from SyntaxElementMorph: ArgMorph.prototype = new SyntaxElementMorph(); ArgMorph.prototype.constructor = ArgMorph; ArgMorph.uber = SyntaxElementMorph.prototype; // ArgMorph instance creation: function ArgMorph(type) { this.init(type); } ArgMorph.prototype.init = function (type, silently) { this.type = type || null; this.isHole = false; ArgMorph.uber.init.call(this, silently); this.color = new Color(0, 17, 173); this.setExtent(new Point(50, 50), silently); }; // ArgMorph preferences settings: ArgMorph.prototype.executeOnSliderEdit = false; // ArgMorph events: ArgMorph.prototype.reactToSliderEdit = function () { /* directly execute the stack of blocks I'm part of if my "executeOnSliderEdit" setting is turned on, obeying the stage's thread safety setting. This feature allows for "Bret Victor" style interactive coding. */ var block, top, receiver, stage; if (!this.executeOnSliderEdit) {return; } block = this.parentThatIsA(BlockMorph); if (block) { top = block.topBlock(); receiver = top.scriptTarget(); if (top instanceof PrototypeHatBlockMorph) { return; } if (receiver) { stage = receiver.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); if (stage && (stage.isThreadSafe || Process.prototype.enableSingleStepping)) { stage.threads.startProcess(top, receiver, stage.isThreadSafe); } else { top.mouseClickLeft(); } } } }; // ArgMorph drag & drop: for demo puposes only ArgMorph.prototype.justDropped = function () { if (!(this instanceof CommandSlotMorph)) { this.drawNew(); this.changed(); } }; // ArgMorph spec extrapolation (for demo purposes) ArgMorph.prototype.getSpec = function () { return '%s'; // default }; // ArgMorph drawing ArgMorph.prototype.drawNew = function () { if (this.type === 'list') { this.image = this.listIcon(); this.silentSetExtent(new Point( this.image.width, this.image.height )); } else if (this.type === 'object') { this.image = this.objectIcon(); this.silentSetExtent(new Point( this.image.width, this.image.height )); } else { ArgMorph.uber.drawNew.call(this); } }; ArgMorph.prototype.listIcon = function () { var frame = new Morph(), first = new CellMorph(), second = new CellMorph(), source, icon, context, ratio; frame.color = new Color(255, 255, 255); second.setPosition(first.bottomLeft().add(new Point( 0, this.fontSize / 3 ))); first.add(second); first.setPosition(frame.position().add(this.fontSize)); frame.add(first); frame.bounds.corner = second.bounds.corner.add(this.fontSize); frame.drawNew(); source = frame.fullImage(); ratio = (this.fontSize + this.edge) / source.height; icon = newCanvas(new Point( Math.ceil(source.width * ratio) + 1, Math.ceil(source.height * ratio) + 1 )); context = icon.getContext('2d'); context.fillStyle = 'black'; context.fillRect(0, 0, icon.width, icon.height); context.scale(ratio, ratio); context.drawImage(source, 1 / ratio, 1 / ratio); return icon; }; ArgMorph.prototype.objectIcon = function () { return this.labelPart('%turtle').image; }; // ArgMorph evaluation ArgMorph.prototype.isEmptySlot = function () { return this.type !== null; }; // CommandSlotMorph //////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* I am a CommandBlock-shaped input slot. I can nest command blocks and also accept reporters (containing reified scripts). my most important accessor is nestedBlock() - answer the command block I encompass, if any My command spec is %cmd evaluate() returns my nested block or null */ // CommandSlotMorph inherits from ArgMorph: CommandSlotMorph.prototype = new ArgMorph(); CommandSlotMorph.prototype.constructor = CommandSlotMorph; CommandSlotMorph.uber = ArgMorph.prototype; // CommandSlotMorph instance creation: function CommandSlotMorph() { this.init(); } CommandSlotMorph.prototype.init = function (silently) { CommandSlotMorph.uber.init.call(this, null, true); // silently this.color = new Color(0, 17, 173); this.setExtent( new Point(230, this.corner * 4 + this.cSlotPadding), silently ); }; CommandSlotMorph.prototype.getSpec = function () { return '%cmd'; }; // CommandSlotMorph enumerating: CommandSlotMorph.prototype.topBlock = function () { if (this.parent.topBlock) { return this.parent.topBlock(); } return this.nestedBlock(); }; // CommandSlotMorph nesting: CommandSlotMorph.prototype.nestedBlock = function (block) { if (block) { var nb = this.nestedBlock(); this.add(block); if (nb) { block.bottomBlock().nextBlock(nb); } this.fixLayout(); } else { return detect( this.children, function (child) { return child instanceof CommandBlockMorph; } ); } }; // CommandSlotMorph attach targets: CommandSlotMorph.prototype.slotAttachPoint = function () { return new Point( this.dentCenter(), this.top() + this.corner * 2 ); }; CommandSlotMorph.prototype.dentLeft = function () { return this.left() + this.corner + this.inset * 2; }; CommandSlotMorph.prototype.dentCenter = function () { return this.dentLeft() + this.corner + (this.dent * 0.5); }; CommandSlotMorph.prototype.attachTargets = function () { var answer = []; answer.push({ point: this.slotAttachPoint(), element: this, loc: 'bottom', type: 'slot' }); return answer; }; // CommandSlotMorph layout: CommandSlotMorph.prototype.fixLayout = function () { var nb = this.nestedBlock(); if (this.parent) { if (!this.color.eq(this.parent.color)) { this.setColor(this.parent.color); } } if (nb) { nb.setPosition( new Point( this.left() + this.edge + this.rfBorder, this.top() + this.edge + this.rfBorder ) ); this.setWidth(nb.fullBounds().width() + (this.edge + this.rfBorder) * 2 ); this.setHeight(nb.fullBounds().height() + this.edge + (this.rfBorder * 2) - (this.corner - this.edge) ); } else { this.setHeight(this.corner * 4); this.setWidth( this.corner * 4 + this.inset + this.dent ); } if (this.parent.fixLayout) { this.parent.fixLayout(); } }; // CommandSlotMorph evaluating: CommandSlotMorph.prototype.evaluate = function () { return this.nestedBlock(); }; CommandSlotMorph.prototype.isEmptySlot = function () { return !this.isStatic && (this.nestedBlock() === null); }; // CommandSlotMorph context menu ops CommandSlotMorph.prototype.attach = function () { // for context menu demo and testing purposes // override inherited version to adjust new owner's layout var choices = this.overlappedMorphs(), menu = new MenuMorph(this, 'choose new parent:'), myself = this; choices.forEach(function (each) { menu.addItem(each.toString().slice(0, 50), function () { each.add(myself); myself.isDraggable = false; if (each.fixLayout) { each.fixLayout(); } }); }); if (choices.length > 0) { menu.popUpAtHand(this.world()); } }; // CommandSlotMorph drawing: CommandSlotMorph.prototype.drawNew = function () { var context; this.cachedClr = this.color.toString(); this.cachedClrBright = this.bright(); this.cachedClrDark = this.dark(); this.image = newCanvas(this.extent()); context = this.image.getContext('2d'); context.fillStyle = this.cachedClr; context.fillRect(0, 0, this.width(), this.height()); // draw the 'flat' shape: context.fillStyle = this.rfColor.toString(); this.drawFlat(context); if (MorphicPreferences.isFlat) {return; } // add 3D-Effect: this.drawEdges(context); }; CommandSlotMorph.prototype.drawFlat = function (context) { var isFilled = this.nestedBlock() !== null, ins = (isFilled ? this.inset : this.inset / 2), dent = (isFilled ? this.dent : this.dent / 2), indent = this.corner * 2 + ins, edge = this.edge, rf = (isFilled ? this.rfBorder : 0), y = this.height() - this.corner - edge; context.beginPath(); // top left: context.arc( this.corner + edge, this.corner + edge, this.corner, radians(-180), radians(-90), false ); // dent: context.lineTo(this.corner + ins + edge + rf * 2, edge); context.lineTo(indent + edge + rf * 2, this.corner + edge); context.lineTo( indent + edge + rf * 2 + (dent - rf * 2), this.corner + edge ); context.lineTo( indent + edge + rf * 2 + (dent - rf * 2) + this.corner, edge ); context.lineTo(this.width() - this.corner - edge, edge); // top right: context.arc( this.width() - this.corner - edge, this.corner + edge, this.corner, radians(-90), radians(-0), false ); // bottom right: context.arc( this.width() - this.corner - edge, y, this.corner, radians(0), radians(90), false ); // bottom left: context.arc( this.corner + edge, y, this.corner, radians(90), radians(180), false ); context.closePath(); context.fill(); }; CommandSlotMorph.prototype.drawEdges = function (context) { var isFilled = this.nestedBlock() !== null, ins = (isFilled ? this.inset : this.inset / 2), dent = (isFilled ? this.dent : this.dent / 2), indent = this.corner * 2 + ins, edge = this.edge, rf = (isFilled ? this.rfBorder : 0), shift = this.edge * 0.5, gradient, upperGradient, lowerGradient, rightGradient; context.lineWidth = this.edge; context.lineJoin = 'round'; context.lineCap = 'round'; // bright: // bottom horizontal line gradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, this.height(), 0, this.height() - this.edge ); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrBright); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(this.corner + edge, this.height() - shift); context.lineTo( this.width() - this.corner - edge, this.height() - shift ); context.stroke(); // bottom right corner gradient = context.createRadialGradient( this.width() - (this.corner + edge), this.height() - (this.corner + edge), this.corner, this.width() - (this.corner + edge), this.height() - (this.corner + edge), this.corner + edge ); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrBright); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.arc( this.width() - (this.corner + edge), this.height() - (this.corner + edge), this.corner + shift, radians(0), radians(90), false ); context.stroke(); // right vertical line gradient = context.createLinearGradient( this.width(), 0, this.width() - this.edge, 0 ); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrBright); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo( this.width() - shift, this.height() - this.corner - this.edge ); context.lineTo(this.width() - shift, edge + this.corner); context.stroke(); context.shadowOffsetY = shift; context.shadowBlur = this.edge; context.shadowColor = this.rfColor.darker(80).toString(); // left vertical side gradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, 0, edge, 0 ); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrDark); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(shift, edge + this.corner); context.lineTo(shift, this.height() - edge - this.corner); context.stroke(); // upper left corner gradient = context.createRadialGradient( this.corner + edge, this.corner + edge, this.corner, this.corner + edge, this.corner + edge, this.corner + edge ); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrDark); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.arc( this.corner + edge, this.corner + edge, this.corner + shift, radians(-180), radians(-90), false ); context.stroke(); // upper edge (left side) upperGradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, 0, 0, this.edge ); upperGradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); upperGradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrDark); context.strokeStyle = upperGradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(this.corner + edge, shift); context.lineTo( this.corner + ins + edge + rf * 2 - shift, shift ); context.stroke(); // dent bottom lowerGradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, this.corner, 0, this.corner + edge ); lowerGradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); lowerGradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrDark); context.strokeStyle = lowerGradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(indent + edge + rf * 2 + shift, this.corner + shift); context.lineTo( indent + edge + rf * 2 + (dent - rf * 2), this.corner + shift ); context.stroke(); // dent right edge rightGradient = context.createLinearGradient( indent + edge + rf * 2 + (dent - rf * 2) - shift, this.corner, indent + edge + rf * 2 + (dent - rf * 2) + shift * 0.7, this.corner + shift + shift * 0.7 ); rightGradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); rightGradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrDark); context.strokeStyle = rightGradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo( indent + edge + rf * 2 + (dent - rf * 2), this.corner + shift ); context.lineTo( indent + edge + rf * 2 + (dent - rf * 2) + this.corner, shift ); context.stroke(); // upper edge (right side) context.strokeStyle = upperGradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo( indent + edge + rf * 2 + (dent - rf * 2) + this.corner, shift ); context.lineTo(this.width() - this.corner - edge, shift); context.stroke(); }; // RingCommandSlotMorph /////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* I am a CommandBlock-shaped input slot for use in RingMorphs. I can only nest command blocks, not reporters. My command spec is %rc evaluate() returns my nested block or null (inherited from CommandSlotMorph) */ // RingCommandSlotMorph inherits from CommandSlotMorph: RingCommandSlotMorph.prototype = new CommandSlotMorph(); RingCommandSlotMorph.prototype.constructor = RingCommandSlotMorph; RingCommandSlotMorph.uber = CommandSlotMorph.prototype; // RingCommandSlotMorph preferences settings RingCommandSlotMorph.prototype.rfBorder = 0; RingCommandSlotMorph.prototype.edge = RingMorph.prototype.edge; // RingCommandSlotMorph instance creation: function RingCommandSlotMorph() { this.init(); } RingCommandSlotMorph.prototype.init = function (silently) { RingCommandSlotMorph.uber.init.call(this, silently); this.isHole = true; this.noticesTransparentClick = true; this.color = new Color(0, 17, 173); this.alpha = RingMorph.prototype.alpha; this.contrast = RingMorph.prototype.contrast; }; RingCommandSlotMorph.prototype.getSpec = function () { return '%rc'; }; // RingCommandSlotMorph drawing: RingCommandSlotMorph.prototype.drawNew = function () { var context; this.cachedClr = this.color.toString(); this.cachedClrBright = this.bright(); this.cachedClrDark = this.dark(); this.image = newCanvas(this.extent()); context = this.image.getContext('2d'); context.fillStyle = this.cachedClr; // draw the 'flat' shape: this.drawFlat(context); if (MorphicPreferences.isFlat) {return; } // add 3D-Effect: this.drawEdges(context); }; RingCommandSlotMorph.prototype.drawFlat = function (context) { var isFilled = this.nestedBlock() !== null, ins = (isFilled ? this.inset : this.inset / 2), dent = (isFilled ? this.dent : this.dent / 2), indent = this.corner * 2 + ins, edge = this.edge, w = this.width(), h = this.height(), rf = (isFilled ? this.rfBorder : 0), y = h - this.corner - edge; // top half: context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(0, h / 2); context.lineTo(edge, h / 2); // top left: context.arc( this.corner + edge, this.corner + edge, this.corner, radians(-180), radians(-90), false ); // dent: context.lineTo(this.corner + ins + edge + rf * 2, edge); context.lineTo(indent + edge + rf * 2, this.corner + edge); context.lineTo( indent + edge + rf * 2 + (dent - rf * 2), this.corner + edge ); context.lineTo( indent + edge + rf * 2 + (dent - rf * 2) + this.corner, edge ); context.lineTo(this.width() - this.corner - edge, edge); // top right: context.arc( w - this.corner - edge, this.corner + edge, this.corner, radians(-90), radians(-0), false ); context.lineTo(w - this.edge, h / 2); context.lineTo(w, h / 2); context.lineTo(w, 0); context.lineTo(0, 0); context.closePath(); context.fill(); // bottom half: context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(w, h / 2); context.lineTo(w - edge, h / 2); // bottom right: context.arc( this.width() - this.corner - edge, y, this.corner, radians(0), radians(90), false ); // bottom left: context.arc( this.corner + edge, y, this.corner, radians(90), radians(180), false ); context.lineTo(edge, h / 2); context.lineTo(0, h / 2); context.lineTo(0, h); context.lineTo(w, h); context.closePath(); context.fill(); }; // CSlotMorph //////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* I am a C-shaped input slot. I can nest command blocks and also accept reporters (containing reified scripts). my most important accessor is nestedBlock() - the command block I encompass, if any (inherited) My command spec is %c evaluate() returns my nested block or null */ // CSlotMorph inherits from CommandSlotMorph: CSlotMorph.prototype = new CommandSlotMorph(); CSlotMorph.prototype.constructor = CSlotMorph; CSlotMorph.uber = CommandSlotMorph.prototype; // CSlotMorph instance creation: function CSlotMorph() { this.init(); } CSlotMorph.prototype.init = function (silently) { CommandSlotMorph.uber.init.call(this, null, true); // silently this.isHole = true; this.isLambda = false; // see Process.prototype.evaluateInput this.isLoop = false; // has a loop arrow symbol this.color = new Color(0, 17, 173); this.setExtent( new Point(230, this.corner * 4 + this.cSlotPadding), silently ); }; CSlotMorph.prototype.getSpec = function () { return this.isLoop? '%loop' : '%c'; }; CSlotMorph.prototype.mappedCode = function (definitions) { var code = StageMorph.prototype.codeMappings.reify || '<#1>', codeLines = code.split('\n'), nested = this.nestedBlock(), part = nested ? nested.mappedCode(definitions) : '', partLines = (part.toString()).split('\n'), rx = new RegExp('<#1>', 'g'); codeLines.forEach(function (codeLine, idx) { var prefix = '', indent; if (codeLine.trimLeft().indexOf('<#1>') === 0) { indent = codeLine.indexOf('<#1>'); prefix = codeLine.slice(0, indent); } codeLines[idx] = codeLine.replace( new RegExp('<#1>'), partLines.join('\n' + prefix) ); codeLines[idx] = codeLines[idx].replace(rx, partLines.join('\n')); }); return codeLines.join('\n'); }; // CSlotMorph layout: CSlotMorph.prototype.fixLayout = function () { var nb = this.nestedBlock(); if (nb) { nb.setPosition( new Point( this.left() + this.inset, this.top() + this.corner ) ); this.setHeight(nb.fullBounds().height() + this.corner); this.setWidth(nb.fullBounds().width() + (this.cSlotPadding * 2)); } else { this.setHeight(this.corner * 4 + this.cSlotPadding); // default this.setWidth( this.corner * 4 + (this.inset * 2) + this.dent + (this.cSlotPadding * 2) ); // default } if (this.parent.fixLayout) { this.parent.fixLayout(); } }; CSlotMorph.prototype.fixLoopLayout = function () { var loop; if (this.isLoop) { loop = this.loop(); if (loop) { loop.setRight(this.right() - this.corner); loop.setBottom(this.bottom() + this.cSlotPadding + this.edge); } } }; CSlotMorph.prototype.loop = function () { if (this.isLoop) { return detect( this.children, function (child) { return child instanceof SymbolMorph; } ); } return null; }; // CSlotMorph drawing: CSlotMorph.prototype.drawNew = function () { var context; // position loop symbol, if any this.fixLoopLayout(); // init this.cachedClr = this.color.toString(); this.cachedClrBright = this.bright(); this.cachedClrDark = this.dark(); this.image = newCanvas(this.extent()); context = this.image.getContext('2d'); context.fillStyle = this.cachedClr; // draw the 'flat' shape: this.drawFlat(context); if (MorphicPreferences.isFlat) {return; } // add 3D-Effect: this.drawTopRightEdge(context); this.drawTopEdge(context, this.inset, this.corner); this.drawTopLeftEdge(context); this.drawBottomEdge(context); this.drawRightEdge(context); }; CSlotMorph.prototype.drawFlat = function (context) { context.beginPath(); // top line: context.moveTo(0, 0); context.lineTo(this.width(), 0); // top right: context.arc( this.width() - this.corner, 0, this.corner, radians(90), radians(0), true ); // jigsaw shape: context.lineTo(this.width() - this.corner, this.corner); context.lineTo( (this.inset * 2) + (this.corner * 3) + this.dent, this.corner ); context.lineTo( (this.inset * 2) + (this.corner * 2) + this.dent, this.corner * 2 ); context.lineTo( (this.inset * 2) + (this.corner * 2), this.corner * 2 ); context.lineTo( (this.inset * 2) + this.corner, this.corner ); context.lineTo( this.inset + this.corner, this.corner ); context.arc( this.inset + this.corner, this.corner * 2, this.corner, radians(270), radians(180), true ); // bottom: context.lineTo( this.inset, this.height() - (this.corner * 2) ); context.arc( this.inset + this.corner, this.height() - (this.corner * 2), this.corner, radians(180), radians(90), true ); context.lineTo( this.width() - this.corner, this.height() - this.corner ); context.arc( this.width() - this.corner, this.height(), this.corner, radians(-90), radians(-0), false ); context.lineTo(0, this.height()); // fill: context.closePath(); context.fill(); }; CSlotMorph.prototype.drawTopRightEdge = function (context) { var shift = this.edge * 0.5, x = this.width() - this.corner, y = 0, gradient; gradient = context.createRadialGradient( x, y, this.corner, x, y, this.corner - this.edge ); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrDark); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); context.lineWidth = this.edge; context.lineJoin = 'round'; context.lineCap = 'round'; context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.arc( x, y, this.corner - shift, radians(90), radians(0), true ); context.stroke(); }; CSlotMorph.prototype.drawTopEdge = function (context, x, y) { var shift = this.edge * 0.5, indent = x + this.corner * 2 + this.inset, upperGradient, lowerGradient, rightGradient; context.lineWidth = this.edge; context.lineJoin = 'round'; context.lineCap = 'round'; upperGradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, y - this.edge, 0, y ); upperGradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); upperGradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrDark); context.strokeStyle = upperGradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x + this.corner, y - shift); context.lineTo(x + this.corner + this.inset - shift, y - shift); context.stroke(); lowerGradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, y + this.corner - this.edge, 0, y + this.corner ); lowerGradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); lowerGradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrDark); context.strokeStyle = lowerGradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(indent + shift, y + this.corner - shift); context.lineTo(indent + this.dent, y + this.corner - shift); context.stroke(); rightGradient = context.createLinearGradient( (x + this.inset + (this.corner * 2) + this.dent) - shift, (y + this.corner - shift) - shift, (x + this.inset + (this.corner * 2) + this.dent) + (shift * 0.7), (y + this.corner - shift) + (shift * 0.7) ); rightGradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); rightGradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrDark); context.strokeStyle = rightGradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo( x + this.inset + (this.corner * 2) + this.dent, y + this.corner - shift ); context.lineTo( x + this.corner * 3 + this.inset + this.dent, y - shift ); context.stroke(); context.strokeStyle = upperGradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo( x + this.corner * 3 + this.inset + this.dent, y - shift ); context.lineTo(this.width() - this.corner, y - shift); context.stroke(); }; CSlotMorph.prototype.drawTopLeftEdge = function (context) { var shift = this.edge * 0.5, gradient; gradient = context.createRadialGradient( this.corner + this.inset, this.corner * 2, this.corner, this.corner + this.inset, this.corner * 2, this.corner + this.edge ); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrDark); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); context.lineWidth = this.edge; context.lineJoin = 'round'; context.lineCap = 'round'; context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.arc( this.corner + this.inset, this.corner * 2, this.corner + shift, radians(-180), radians(-90), false ); context.stroke(); }; CSlotMorph.prototype.drawRightEdge = function (context) { var shift = this.edge * 0.5, x = this.inset, gradient; gradient = context.createLinearGradient(x - this.edge, 0, x, 0); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrDark); context.lineWidth = this.edge; context.lineJoin = 'round'; context.lineCap = 'round'; context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x - shift, this.corner * 2); context.lineTo(x - shift, this.height() - this.corner * 2); context.stroke(); }; CSlotMorph.prototype.drawBottomEdge = function (context) { var shift = this.edge * 0.5, gradient, upperGradient; context.lineWidth = this.edge; context.lineJoin = 'round'; context.lineCap = 'round'; upperGradient = context.createRadialGradient( this.corner + this.inset, this.height() - (this.corner * 2), this.corner, /*- this.edge*/ // uncomment for half-tone this.corner + this.inset, this.height() - (this.corner * 2), this.corner + this.edge ); upperGradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrBright); upperGradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); context.strokeStyle = upperGradient; context.beginPath(); context.arc( this.corner + this.inset, this.height() - (this.corner * 2), this.corner + shift, radians(180), radians(90), true ); context.stroke(); gradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, this.height() - this.corner, 0, this.height() - this.corner + this.edge ); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrBright); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo( this.inset + this.corner, this.height() - this.corner + shift ); context.lineTo( this.width() - this.corner, this.height() - this.corner + shift ); context.stroke(); }; // InputSlotMorph ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* I am an editable text input slot. I can be either rectangular or rounded, and can have an optional drop-down menu. If I'm set to read-only I must have a drop-down menu and will assume a darker shade of my parent's color. my most important public attributes and accessors are: setContents(str/float) - display the argument (string or float) contents().text - get the displayed string choices - a key/value list for my optional drop-down isReadOnly - governs whether I am editable or not isNumeric - governs my outer shape (round or rect) my block specs are: %s - string input, rectangular %n - numerical input, semi-circular vertical edges %anyUE - any unevaluated evaluate() returns my displayed string, cast to float if I'm numerical there are also a number of specialized drop-down menu presets, refer to BlockMorph for details. */ // InputSlotMorph inherits from ArgMorph: InputSlotMorph.prototype = new ArgMorph(); InputSlotMorph.prototype.constructor = InputSlotMorph; InputSlotMorph.uber = ArgMorph.prototype; // InputSlotMorph instance creation: function InputSlotMorph(text, isNumeric, choiceDict, isReadOnly) { this.init(text, isNumeric, choiceDict, isReadOnly); } InputSlotMorph.prototype.init = function ( text, isNumeric, choiceDict, isReadOnly ) { var contents = new StringMorph(''), arrow = new ArrowMorph( 'down', 0, Math.max(Math.floor(this.fontSize / 6), 1) ); contents.fontSize = this.fontSize; contents.isShowingBlanks = true; contents.drawNew(); this.selectedBlock = null; this.isUnevaluated = false; this.choices = choiceDict || null; // object, function or selector this.oldContentsExtent = contents.extent(); this.isNumeric = isNumeric || false; this.isReadOnly = isReadOnly || false; this.minWidth = 0; // can be chaged for text-type inputs ("landscape") this.constant = null; InputSlotMorph.uber.init.call(this, null, true); this.color = new Color(255, 255, 255); this.add(contents); this.add(arrow); contents.isEditable = true; contents.isDraggable = false; contents.enableSelecting(); this.setContents(text); }; // InputSlotMorph accessing: InputSlotMorph.prototype.getSpec = function () { if (this.isNumeric) { return '%n'; } return '%s'; // default }; InputSlotMorph.prototype.contents = function () { return detect( this.children, function (child) { return (child instanceof StringMorph); } ); }; InputSlotMorph.prototype.arrow = function () { return detect( this.children, function (child) { return (child instanceof ArrowMorph); } ); }; InputSlotMorph.prototype.setContents = function (data) { // data can be a String, Float, or "wish" Block var cnts = this.contents(), dta = data, isConstant = dta instanceof Array; if (this.selectedBlock) { this.selectedBlock = null; } if (isConstant) { dta = localize(dta[0]); cnts.isItalic = !this.isReadOnly; } else if (dta instanceof BlockMorph) { this.selectedBlock = dta; dta = ''; // make sure the contents text emptied } else { // assume dta is a localizable choice if it's a key in my choices cnts.isItalic = false; if (!isNil(this.choices) && this.choices[dta] instanceof Array) { return this.setContents(this.choices[dta]); } } cnts.text = dta; if (isNil(dta)) { cnts.text = ''; } else if (dta.toString) { cnts.text = dta.toString(); } cnts.drawNew(); // remember the constant, if any this.constant = isConstant ? data : null; // adjust to zebra coloring: if (this.isReadOnly && (this.parent instanceof BlockMorph)) { this.parent.fixLabelColor(); } }; InputSlotMorph.prototype.userSetContents = function (aStringOrFloat) { // enable copy-on-edit for inherited scripts this.selectForEdit().setContents(aStringOrFloat); }; // InputSlotMorph drop-down menu: InputSlotMorph.prototype.dropDownMenu = function (enableKeyboard) { var menu = this.menuFromDict(this.choices, null, enableKeyboard); if (!menu) { // has already happened return; } if (menu.items.length > 0) { if (enableKeyboard) { menu.popup(this.world(), this.bottomLeft()); menu.getFocus(); } else { menu.popUpAtHand(this.world()); } } }; InputSlotMorph.prototype.menuFromDict = function ( choices, noEmptyOption, enableKeyboard) { var key, dial, myself = this, menu = new MenuMorph( this.userSetContents, null, this, this.fontSize ); function update (num) { myself.setContents(num); myself.reactToSliderEdit(); } if (choices instanceof Function) { choices = choices.call(this); } else if (isString(choices)) { choices = this[choices](enableKeyboard); if (!choices) { // menu has already happened return; } } if (!noEmptyOption) { menu.addItem(' ', null); } for (key in choices) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(choices, key)) { if (key[0] === '~') { menu.addLine(); } else if (key.indexOf('§_def') === 0) { menu.addItem(choices[key], choices[key]); } else if (key.indexOf('§_dir') === 0) { dial = new DialMorph(); dial.rootForGrab = function () {return this; }; dial.target = this; dial.action = update; dial.fillColor = this.parent.color; dial.setRadius(this.fontSize * 3); dial.setValue(+this.evaluate(), false, true); menu.addLine(); menu.items.push(dial); menu.addLine(); } else if (choices[key] instanceof Object && !(choices[key] instanceof Array) && (typeof choices[key] !== 'function')) { menu.addMenu(key, this.menuFromDict(choices[key], true)); } else { menu.addItem(key, choices[key]); } } } return menu; }; InputSlotMorph.prototype.messagesMenu = function () { var dict = {}, rcvr = this.parentThatIsA(BlockMorph).scriptTarget(), stage = rcvr.parentThatIsA(StageMorph), myself = this, allNames = []; stage.children.concat(stage).forEach(function (morph) { if (isSnapObject(morph)) { allNames = allNames.concat(morph.allMessageNames()); } }); allNames.forEach(function (name) { dict[name] = name; }); if (allNames.length > 0) { dict['~'] = null; } dict['new...'] = function () { new DialogBoxMorph( myself, myself.setContents, myself ).prompt( 'Message name', null, myself.world() ); }; return dict; }; InputSlotMorph.prototype.messagesReceivedMenu = function () { var dict = {'any message': ['any message']}, rcvr = this.parentThatIsA(BlockMorph).scriptTarget(), stage = rcvr.parentThatIsA(StageMorph), myself = this, allNames = []; stage.children.concat(stage).forEach(function (morph) { if (isSnapObject(morph)) { allNames = allNames.concat(morph.allMessageNames()); } }); allNames.forEach(function (name) { dict[name] = name; }); dict['~'] = null; dict['new...'] = function () { new DialogBoxMorph( myself, myself.setContents, myself ).prompt( 'Message name', null, myself.world() ); }; return dict; }; InputSlotMorph.prototype.collidablesMenu = function () { var dict = { 'mouse-pointer' : ['mouse-pointer'], edge : ['edge'], 'pen trails' : ['pen trails'] }, rcvr = this.parentThatIsA(BlockMorph).scriptTarget(), stage = rcvr.parentThatIsA(StageMorph), allNames = []; stage.children.forEach(function (morph) { if (morph instanceof SpriteMorph && !morph.isTemporary) { if (morph.name !== rcvr.name) { allNames = allNames.concat(morph.name); } } }); if (allNames.length > 0) { dict['~'] = null; allNames.forEach(function (name) { dict[name] = name; }); } return dict; }; InputSlotMorph.prototype.locationMenu = function () { var dict = { 'mouse-pointer' : ['mouse-pointer'], 'myself' : ['myself'] }, rcvr = this.parentThatIsA(BlockMorph).scriptTarget(), stage = rcvr.parentThatIsA(StageMorph), allNames = []; stage.children.forEach(function (morph) { if (morph instanceof SpriteMorph && !morph.isTemporary) { if (morph.name !== rcvr.name) { allNames = allNames.concat(morph.name); } } }); if (allNames.length > 0) { dict['~'] = null; allNames.forEach(function (name) { dict[name] = name; }); } return dict; }; InputSlotMorph.prototype.distancesMenu = function () { var block = this.parentThatIsA(BlockMorph), dict = {}, rcvr = this.parentThatIsA(BlockMorph).scriptTarget(), stage = rcvr.parentThatIsA(StageMorph), allNames = []; if (block && (block.selector !== 'reportRelationTo')) { dict['random position'] = ['random position']; } dict['mouse-pointer'] = ['mouse-pointer']; dict.center = ['center']; stage.children.forEach(function (morph) { if (morph instanceof SpriteMorph && !morph.isTemporary) { if (morph.name !== rcvr.name) { allNames = allNames.concat(morph.name); } } }); if (allNames.length > 0) { dict['~'] = null; allNames.forEach(function (name) { dict[name] = name; }); } return dict; }; InputSlotMorph.prototype.clonablesMenu = function () { var dict = {}, rcvr = this.parentThatIsA(BlockMorph).scriptTarget(), stage = rcvr.parentThatIsA(StageMorph), allNames = []; if (rcvr instanceof SpriteMorph) { dict.myself = ['myself']; } stage.children.forEach(function (morph) { if (morph instanceof SpriteMorph && !morph.isTemporary) { allNames = allNames.concat(morph.name); } }); if (allNames.length > 0) { dict['~'] = null; allNames.forEach(function (name) { dict[name] = name; }); } return dict; }; InputSlotMorph.prototype.objectsMenu = function () { var rcvr = this.parentThatIsA(BlockMorph).scriptTarget(), stage = rcvr.parentThatIsA(StageMorph), dict = {}, allNames = []; dict[stage.name] = stage.name; stage.children.forEach(function (morph) { if (morph instanceof SpriteMorph && !morph.isTemporary) { allNames.push(morph.name); } }); if (allNames.length > 0) { dict['~'] = null; allNames.forEach(function (name) { dict[name] = name; }); } return dict; }; InputSlotMorph.prototype.typesMenu = function () { var dict = { number : ['number'], text : ['text'], Boolean : ['Boolean'], list : ['list'] }; if (SpriteMorph.prototype.enableFirstClass) { dict.sprite = ['sprite']; } dict.costume = ['costume']; dict.sound = ['sound']; dict.command = ['command']; dict.reporter = ['reporter']; dict.predicate = ['predicate']; return dict; }; InputSlotMorph.prototype.gettablesMenu = function () { var dict = { neighbors : ['neighbors'], self : ['self'], 'other sprites' : ['other sprites'], clones : ['clones'], 'other clones' : ['other clones'] }; if (SpriteMorph.prototype.enableNesting) { dict.parts = ['parts']; dict.anchor = ['anchor']; } dict.stage = ['stage']; if (StageMorph.prototype.enableInheritance) { dict.children = ['children']; dict.parent = ['parent']; if (this.world().isDevMode) { dict['temporary?'] = ['temporary?']; } } dict.name = ['name']; dict.costumes = ['costumes']; dict.sounds = ['sounds']; dict['dangling?'] = ['dangling?']; dict['draggable?'] = ['draggable?']; dict['rotation style'] = ['rotation style']; dict['rotation x'] = ['rotation x']; dict['rotation y'] = ['rotation y']; dict['center x'] = ['center x']; dict['center y'] = ['center y']; return dict; }; InputSlotMorph.prototype.attributesMenu = function () { var block = this.parentThatIsA(BlockMorph), objName = block.inputs()[1].evaluate(), rcvr = block.scriptTarget(), stage = rcvr.parentThatIsA(StageMorph), obj, dict = {}, varNames = []; if (objName === stage.name) { obj = stage; } else { obj = detect( stage.children, function (morph) { return morph.name === objName; } ); } if (!obj) { return dict; } if (obj instanceof SpriteMorph) { dict = { 'x position' : ['x position'], 'y position' : ['y position'], 'direction' : ['direction'], 'costume #' : ['costume #'], 'costume name' : ['costume name'], 'size' : ['size'], 'volume' : ['volume'], 'balance' : ['balance'] }; } else { // the stage dict = { 'costume #' : ['costume #'], 'costume name' : ['costume name'], 'volume' : ['volume'], 'balance' : ['balance'], 'width': ['width'], 'height': ['height'] }; } varNames = obj.variables.names(); if (varNames.length > 0) { dict['~'] = null; varNames.forEach(function (name) { dict[name] = name; }); } obj.allBlocks(true).forEach(function (def, i) { dict['§_def' + i] = def.blockInstance(true); // include translations }); return dict; }; InputSlotMorph.prototype.costumesMenu = function () { var rcvr = this.parentThatIsA(BlockMorph).scriptTarget(), dict, allNames = []; if (rcvr instanceof SpriteMorph) { dict = {Turtle : ['Turtle']}; } else { // stage dict = {Empty : ['Empty']}; } dict.current = ['current']; rcvr.costumes.asArray().forEach(function (costume) { allNames = allNames.concat(costume.name); }); if (allNames.length > 0) { dict['~'] = null; allNames.forEach(function (name) { dict[name] = name; }); } return dict; }; InputSlotMorph.prototype.soundsMenu = function () { var rcvr = this.parentThatIsA(BlockMorph).scriptTarget(), allNames = [], dict = {}; rcvr.sounds.asArray().forEach(function (sound) { allNames = allNames.concat(sound.name); }); if (allNames.length > 0) { allNames.forEach(function (name) { dict[name] = name; }); } return dict; }; InputSlotMorph.prototype.shadowedVariablesMenu = function () { var block = this.parentThatIsA(BlockMorph), vars, attribs, rcvr, dict = {}; if (!block) {return dict; } rcvr = block.scriptTarget(); if (this.parentThatIsA(RingMorph) || this.topBlock().selector === 'receiveOnClone') { // show own local vars and attributes, because this is likely to be // inside TELL, ASK or OF or when initializing a new clone vars = rcvr.variables.names(); vars.forEach(function (name) { dict[name] = name; }); attribs = rcvr.attributes; /* if (vars.length && attribs.length) { dict['~'] = null; // add line } */ attribs.forEach(function (name) { dict[name] = [name]; }); } else if (rcvr && rcvr.exemplar) { // only show shadowed vars and attributes vars = rcvr.inheritedVariableNames(true); vars.forEach(function (name) { dict[name] = name; }); attribs = rcvr.shadowedAttributes(); /* if (vars.length && attribs.length) { dict['~'] = null; // add line } */ attribs.forEach(function (name) { dict[name] = [name]; }); } return dict; }; InputSlotMorph.prototype.pianoKeyboardMenu = function () { var menu, block, instrument; block = this.parentThatIsA(BlockMorph); if (block) { instrument = block.scriptTarget().instrument; } menu = new PianoMenuMorph( this.setContents, this, this.fontSize, instrument ); menu.popup(this.world(), new Point( this.right() - (menu.width() / 2), this.bottom() )); menu.selectKey(+this.evaluate()); }; InputSlotMorph.prototype.directionDialMenu = function () { return {'§_dir': null}; }; InputSlotMorph.prototype.audioMenu = function () { var dict = { 'volume' : ['volume'], 'note' : ['note'], 'frequency' : ['frequency'], 'samples' : ['samples'], 'sample rate' : ['sample rate'], 'spectrum' : ['spectrum'], 'resolution' : ['resolution'] }; if (this.world().currentKey === 16) { // shift dict['~'] = null; dict.modifier = ['modifier']; dict.output = ['output']; } return dict; }; InputSlotMorph.prototype.setChoices = function (dict, readonly) { // externally specify choices and read-only status, // used for custom blocks var cnts = this.contents(); this.choices = dict; this.isReadOnly = readonly || false; if (this.parent instanceof BlockMorph) { this.parent.fixLabelColor(); if (!readonly) { cnts.shadowOffset = new Point(); cnts.shadowColor = null; cnts.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 0)); } } this.fixLayout(); }; // InputSlotMorph layout: InputSlotMorph.prototype.fixLayout = function () { var width, height, arrowWidth, contents = this.contents(), arrow = this.arrow(); contents.isNumeric = this.isNumeric; contents.isEditable = (!this.isReadOnly); if (this.isReadOnly) { contents.disableSelecting(); contents.color = new Color(254, 254, 254); } else { contents.enableSelecting(); contents.color = new Color(0, 0, 0); } if (this.choices) { arrow.setSize(this.fontSize); arrow.show(); } else { arrow.hide(); } arrowWidth = arrow.isVisible ? arrow.width() : 0; // determine slot dimensions if (this.selectedBlock) { // a "wish" in the OF-block's left slot height = this.selectedBlock.height() + this.edge * 2; width = this.selectedBlock.width() + arrowWidth + this.edge * 2 + this.typeInPadding * 2; } else { height = contents.height() + this.edge * 2; // + this.typeInPadding * 2 if (this.isNumeric) { width = contents.width() + Math.floor(arrowWidth * 0.5) + height + this.typeInPadding * 2; } else { width = Math.max( contents.width() + arrowWidth + this.edge * 2 + this.typeInPadding * 2, contents.rawHeight ? // single vs. multi-line contents contents.rawHeight() + arrowWidth : fontHeight(contents.fontSize) / 1.3 + arrowWidth, this.minWidth // for text-type slots ); } } this.setExtent(new Point(width, height)); if (this.isNumeric) { contents.setPosition(new Point( Math.floor(height / 2), this.edge ).add(new Point(this.typeInPadding, 0)).add(this.position())); } else { contents.setPosition(new Point( this.edge, this.edge ).add(new Point(this.typeInPadding, 0)).add(this.position())); } if (arrow.isVisible) { arrow.setPosition(new Point( this.right() - arrowWidth - this.edge, contents.top() )); } if (this.parent) { if (this.parent.fixLayout) { if (this.world()) { this.startLayout(); this.parent.fixLayout(); this.endLayout(); } else { this.parent.fixLayout(); } } } }; // InputSlotMorph events: InputSlotMorph.prototype.mouseDownLeft = function (pos) { var world; if (this.isReadOnly || this.arrow().bounds.containsPoint(pos)) { this.escalateEvent('mouseDownLeft', pos); } else { world = this.world(); if (world) { world.stopEditing(); } this.selectForEdit().contents().edit(); } }; InputSlotMorph.prototype.mouseClickLeft = function (pos) { if (this.arrow().bounds.containsPoint(pos)) { this.dropDownMenu(); } else if (this.isReadOnly) { this.dropDownMenu(); } else { this.contents().edit(); } }; InputSlotMorph.prototype.reactToKeystroke = function () { var cnts; if (this.constant) { cnts = this.contents(); this.constant = null; cnts.isItalic = false; cnts.drawNew(); } }; InputSlotMorph.prototype.reactToEdit = function () { this.contents().clearSelection(); }; InputSlotMorph.prototype.freshTextEdit = function (aStringOrTextMorph) { this.onNextStep = function () { aStringOrTextMorph.selectAll(); }; }; // InputSlotMorph menu: InputSlotMorph.prototype.userMenu = function () { var menu = new MenuMorph(this); if (!StageMorph.prototype.enableCodeMapping) { return this.parent.userMenu(); } if (this.isNumeric) { menu.addItem( 'code number mapping...', 'mapNumberToCode' ); } else { menu.addItem( 'code string mapping...', 'mapStringToCode' ); } return menu; }; // InputSlotMorph code mapping /* code mapping lets you use blocks to generate arbitrary text-based source code that can be exported and compiled / embedded elsewhere, it's not part of Snap's evaluator and not needed for Snap itself */ InputSlotMorph.prototype.mapStringToCode = function () { // private - open a dialog box letting the user map code via the GUI new DialogBoxMorph( this, function (code) { StageMorph.prototype.codeMappings.string = code; }, this ).promptCode( 'Code mapping - String <#1>', StageMorph.prototype.codeMappings.string || '', this.world() ); }; InputSlotMorph.prototype.mapNumberToCode = function () { // private - open a dialog box letting the user map code via the GUI new DialogBoxMorph( this, function (code) { StageMorph.prototype.codeMappings.number = code; }, this ).promptCode( 'Code mapping - Number <#1>', StageMorph.prototype.codeMappings.number || '', this.world() ); }; InputSlotMorph.prototype.mappedCode = function () { var block = this.parentThatIsA(BlockMorph), val = this.evaluate(), code; if (this.isNumeric) { code = StageMorph.prototype.codeMappings.number || '<#1>'; return code.replace(/<#1>/g, val); } if (!isNaN(parseFloat(val))) {return val; } if (!isString(val)) {return val; } if (block && contains( ['doSetVar', 'doChangeVar', 'doShowVar', 'doHideVar'], block.selector )) { return val; } code = StageMorph.prototype.codeMappings.string || '<#1>'; return code.replace(/<#1>/g, val); }; // InputSlotMorph evaluating: InputSlotMorph.prototype.evaluate = function () { /* answer my contents, which can be a "wish", i.e. a block that refers to another sprite's local method, or a text string. If I am numerical convert that string to a number. If the conversion fails answer the string (e.g. for special choices like 'any', 'all' or 'last') otherwise the numerical value. */ var num, contents; if (this.selectedBlock) { return this.selectedBlock; } if (this.constant) { return this.constant; } contents = this.contents(); if (this.isNumeric) { num = parseFloat(contents.text || '0'); if (!isNaN(num)) { return num; } } return contents.text; }; InputSlotMorph.prototype.isEmptySlot = function () { return this.contents().text === '' && !this.selectedBlock; }; // InputSlotMorph single-stepping: InputSlotMorph.prototype.flash = function () { // don't redraw the label b/c zebra coloring if (!this.cachedNormalColor) { this.cachedNormalColor = this.color; this.color = this.activeHighlight; this.drawNew(); this.changed(); } }; InputSlotMorph.prototype.unflash = function () { // don't redraw the label b/c zebra coloring if (this.cachedNormalColor) { var clr = this.cachedNormalColor; this.cachedNormalColor = null; this.color = clr; this.drawNew(); this.changed(); } }; // InputSlotMorph drawing: InputSlotMorph.prototype.drawNew = function () { var context, borderColor, r; // initialize my surface property this.image = newCanvas(this.extent()); context = this.image.getContext('2d'); if (this.cachedNormalColor) { // if flashing borderColor = this.color; } else if (this.parent) { borderColor = this.parent.color; } else { borderColor = new Color(120, 120, 120); } context.fillStyle = this.color.toString(); if (this.isReadOnly && !this.cachedNormalColor) { // unless flashing context.fillStyle = borderColor.darker().toString(); } // cache my border colors this.cachedClr = borderColor.toString(); this.cachedClrBright = borderColor.lighter(this.contrast) .toString(); this.cachedClrDark = borderColor.darker(this.contrast).toString(); if (!this.isNumeric) { context.fillRect( this.edge, this.edge, this.width() - this.edge * 2, this.height() - this.edge * 2 ); if (!MorphicPreferences.isFlat) { this.drawRectBorder(context); } } else { r = (this.height() - (this.edge * 2)) / 2; context.beginPath(); context.arc( r + this.edge, r + this.edge, r, radians(90), radians(-90), false ); context.arc( this.width() - r - this.edge, r + this.edge, r, radians(-90), radians(90), false ); context.closePath(); context.fill(); if (!MorphicPreferences.isFlat) { this.drawRoundBorder(context); } } // draw my "wish" block, if any if (this.selectedBlock) { context.drawImage( this.selectedBlock.fullImageClassic(), this.edge + this.typeInPadding, this.edge ); } }; InputSlotMorph.prototype.drawRectBorder = function (context) { var shift = this.edge * 0.5, gradient; context.lineWidth = this.edge; context.lineJoin = 'round'; context.lineCap = 'round'; context.shadowOffsetY = shift; context.shadowBlur = this.edge; context.shadowColor = this.color.darker(80).toString(); gradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, 0, 0, this.edge ); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrDark); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(this.edge, shift); context.lineTo(this.width() - this.edge - shift, shift); context.stroke(); context.shadowOffsetY = 0; gradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, 0, this.edge, 0 ); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrDark); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(shift, this.edge); context.lineTo(shift, this.height() - this.edge - shift); context.stroke(); context.shadowOffsetX = 0; context.shadowOffsetY = 0; context.shadowBlur = 0; gradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, this.height() - this.edge, 0, this.height() ); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrBright); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(this.edge, this.height() - shift); context.lineTo(this.width() - this.edge, this.height() - shift); context.stroke(); gradient = context.createLinearGradient( this.width() - this.edge, 0, this.width(), 0 ); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrBright); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(this.width() - shift, this.edge); context.lineTo(this.width() - shift, this.height() - this.edge); context.stroke(); }; InputSlotMorph.prototype.drawRoundBorder = function (context) { var shift = this.edge * 0.5, r = (this.height() - (this.edge * 2)) / 2, start, end, gradient; context.lineWidth = this.edge; context.lineJoin = 'round'; context.lineCap = 'round'; // straight top edge: start = r + this.edge; end = this.width() - r - this.edge; if (end > start) { context.shadowOffsetX = shift; context.shadowOffsetY = shift; context.shadowBlur = this.edge; context.shadowColor = this.color.darker(80).toString(); gradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, 0, 0, this.edge ); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrDark); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(start, shift); context.lineTo(end, shift); context.stroke(); context.shadowOffsetX = 0; context.shadowOffsetY = 0; context.shadowBlur = 0; } // straight bottom edge: gradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, this.height() - this.edge, 0, this.height() ); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrBright); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(r + this.edge, this.height() - shift); context.lineTo(this.width() - r - this.edge, this.height() - shift); context.stroke(); r = this.height() / 2; context.shadowOffsetX = shift; context.shadowOffsetY = shift; context.shadowBlur = this.edge; context.shadowColor = this.color.darker(80).toString(); // top edge: left corner gradient = context.createRadialGradient( r, r, r - this.edge, r, r, r ); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrDark); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.arc( r, r, r - shift, radians(180), radians(270), false ); context.stroke(); context.shadowOffsetX = 0; context.shadowOffsetY = 0; context.shadowBlur = 0; // bottom edge: right corner gradient = context.createRadialGradient( this.width() - r, r, r - this.edge, this.width() - r, r, r ); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrBright); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.arc( this.width() - r, r, r - shift, radians(0), radians(90), false ); context.stroke(); }; // TemplateSlotMorph /////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* I am a reporter block template sitting on a pedestal. My block spec is %t - template evaluate returns the embedded reporter template's label string */ // TemplateSlotMorph inherits from ArgMorph: TemplateSlotMorph.prototype = new ArgMorph(); TemplateSlotMorph.prototype.constructor = TemplateSlotMorph; TemplateSlotMorph.uber = ArgMorph.prototype; // TemplateSlotMorph instance creation: function TemplateSlotMorph(name) { this.init(name); } TemplateSlotMorph.prototype.init = function (name) { var template = new ReporterBlockMorph(); this.labelString = name || ''; template.isDraggable = false; template.isTemplate = true; if (modules.objects !== undefined) { template.color = SpriteMorph.prototype.blockColor.variables; template.category = 'variables'; } else { template.color = new Color(243, 118, 29); template.category = null; } template.setSpec(this.labelString); template.selector = 'reportGetVar'; TemplateSlotMorph.uber.init.call(this); this.add(template); this.fixLayout(); this.isDraggable = false; this.isStatic = true; // I cannot be exchanged }; // TemplateSlotMorph accessing: TemplateSlotMorph.prototype.getSpec = function () { return '%t'; }; TemplateSlotMorph.prototype.template = function () { return this.children[0]; }; TemplateSlotMorph.prototype.contents = function () { return this.template().blockSpec; }; TemplateSlotMorph.prototype.setContents = function (aString) { var tmp = this.template(); tmp.setSpec(aString); tmp.fixBlockColor(); // fix zebra coloring tmp.fixLabelColor(); }; // TemplateSlotMorph evaluating: TemplateSlotMorph.prototype.evaluate = function () { return this.contents(); }; // TemplateSlotMorph layout: TemplateSlotMorph.prototype.fixLayout = function () { var template = this.template(); this.setExtent(template.extent().add(this.edge * 2 + 2)); template.setPosition(this.position().add(this.edge + 1)); if (this.parent) { if (this.parent.fixLayout) { this.parent.fixLayout(); } } }; // TemplateSlotMorph drop behavior: TemplateSlotMorph.prototype.wantsDropOf = function (aMorph) { return aMorph.selector === 'reportGetVar'; }; TemplateSlotMorph.prototype.reactToDropOf = function (droppedMorph) { if (droppedMorph.selector === 'reportGetVar') { droppedMorph.destroy(); } }; // TemplateSlotMorph drawing: TemplateSlotMorph.prototype.drawNew = function () { var context; if (this.parent instanceof Morph) { this.color = this.parent.color.copy(); } this.cachedClr = this.color.toString(); this.cachedClrBright = this.bright(); this.cachedClrDark = this.dark(); this.image = newCanvas(this.extent()); context = this.image.getContext('2d'); context.fillStyle = this.cachedClr; this.drawRounded(context); }; TemplateSlotMorph.prototype.drawRounded = ReporterBlockMorph .prototype.drawRounded; // TemplateSlotMorph single-stepping TemplateSlotMorph.prototype.flash = function () { this.template().flash(); }; TemplateSlotMorph.prototype.unflash = function () { this.template().unflash(); }; // BooleanSlotMorph //////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* I am a diamond-shaped argument slot. My block spec is %b - Boolean %boolUE - Boolean unevaluated I can be directly edited. When the user clicks on me I toggle between , and values. evaluate() returns my value. my most important public attributes and accessors are: value - user editable contents (Boolean or null) setContents(Boolean/null) - display the argument (Boolean or null) */ // BooleanSlotMorph inherits from ArgMorph: BooleanSlotMorph.prototype = new ArgMorph(); BooleanSlotMorph.prototype.constructor = BooleanSlotMorph; BooleanSlotMorph.uber = ArgMorph.prototype; // BooleanSlotMorph preferences settings BooleanSlotMorph.prototype.isTernary = false; // BooleanSlotMorph instance creation: function BooleanSlotMorph(initialValue) { this.init(initialValue); } BooleanSlotMorph.prototype.init = function (initialValue) { this.value = (typeof initialValue === 'boolean') ? initialValue : null; this.isUnevaluated = false; BooleanSlotMorph.uber.init.call(this); }; BooleanSlotMorph.prototype.getSpec = function () { return this.isUnevaluated ? '%boolUE' : '%b'; }; // BooleanSlotMorph accessing: BooleanSlotMorph.prototype.evaluate = function () { return this.value; }; BooleanSlotMorph.prototype.isEmptySlot = function () { return this.value === null; }; BooleanSlotMorph.prototype.isBinary = function () { return !this.isTernary && isNil(this.parentThatIsA(RingMorph)) && !isNil(this.parentThatIsA(ScriptsMorph)); }; BooleanSlotMorph.prototype.setContents = function (boolOrNull, silently) { this.value = (typeof boolOrNull === 'boolean') ? boolOrNull : null; if (silently) {return; } this.drawNew(); this.changed(); }; BooleanSlotMorph.prototype.toggleValue = function () { var target = this.selectForEdit(), ide; if (target !== this) { return this.toggleValue.call(target); } ide = this.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph); if (this.isStatic || this.isBinary()) { this.setContents(!this.value, true); } else { switch (this.value) { case true: this.value = false; break; case false: this.value = null; break; default: this.value = true; } } if (ide && !ide.isAnimating) { this.drawNew(); this.changed(); return; } this.drawNew(3); this.changed(); this.nextSteps ([ function () { this.drawNew(2); this.changed(); }, function () { this.drawNew(1); this.changed(); }, function () { this.drawNew(); this.changed(); }, ]); }; // BooleanSlotMorph events: BooleanSlotMorph.prototype.mouseClickLeft = function () { this.toggleValue(); if (isNil(this.value)) {return; } this.reactToSliderEdit(); }; BooleanSlotMorph.prototype.mouseEnter = function () { if (this.isStatic) {return; } if (this.value === false && !this.isBinary()) { var oldValue = this.value; this.value = null; this.drawNew(3); this.changed(); this.value = oldValue; return; } this.drawNew(1); this.changed(); }; BooleanSlotMorph.prototype.mouseLeave = function () { if (this.isStatic) {return; } this.drawNew(); this.changed(); }; // BooleanSlotMorph menu: BooleanSlotMorph.prototype.userMenu = function () { var menu = new MenuMorph(this); if (!StageMorph.prototype.enableCodeMapping) { return this.parent.userMenu(); } if (this.evaluate() === true) { menu.addItem( 'code true mapping...', 'mapTrueToCode' ); } else { menu.addItem( 'code false mapping...', 'mapFalseToCode' ); } return menu; }; // BooleanSlotMorph code mapping /* code mapping lets you use blocks to generate arbitrary text-based source code that can be exported and compiled / embedded elsewhere, it's not part of Snap's evaluator and not needed for Snap itself */ BooleanSlotMorph.prototype.mapTrueToCode = function () { // private - open a dialog box letting the user map code via the GUI new DialogBoxMorph( this, function (code) { StageMorph.prototype.codeMappings['true'] = code; }, this ).promptCode( 'Code mapping - true', StageMorph.prototype.codeMappings['true'] || 'true', this.world() ); }; BooleanSlotMorph.prototype.mapFalseToCode = function () { // private - open a dialog box letting the user map code via the GUI new DialogBoxMorph( this, function (code) { StageMorph.prototype.codeMappings['false'] = code; }, this ).promptCode( 'Code mapping - false', StageMorph.prototype.codeMappings['false'] || 'false', this.world() ); }; BooleanSlotMorph.prototype.mappedCode = function () { if (this.evaluate() === true) { return StageMorph.prototype.codeMappings.boolTrue || 'true'; } return StageMorph.prototype.codeMappings.boolFalse || 'false'; }; // BooleanSlotMorph drawing: BooleanSlotMorph.prototype.drawNew = function (progress) { // "progress" is an optional number sliding the knob // on a range between 0 and 4 var context, textLabel = this.isStatic ? this.textLabel() : null, h; if (textLabel) { h = textLabel.height + (this.edge * 3); this.silentSetExtent(new Point( textLabel.width + (h * 1.5) + (this.edge * 2), h )); } else { this.silentSetExtent(new Point( (this.fontSize + this.edge * 2) * 2, this.fontSize + this.edge * 2 )); } if (!(this.cachedNormalColor)) { // unless flashing this.color = this.parent ? this.parent.color : new Color(200, 200, 200); } this.cachedClr = this.color.toString(); this.cachedClrBright = this.bright(); this.cachedClrDark = this.dark(); this.image = newCanvas(this.extent()); context = this.image.getContext('2d'); this.drawDiamond(context, progress); this.drawLabel(context, textLabel); this.drawKnob(context, progress); }; BooleanSlotMorph.prototype.drawDiamond = function (context, progress) { var w = this.width(), h = this.height(), r = h / 2, w2 = w / 2, shift = this.edge / 2, gradient; // draw the 'flat' shape: if (this.cachedNormalColor) { // if flashing context.fillStyle = this.color.toString(); } else { switch (this.value) { case true: context.fillStyle = 'rgb(0, 200, 0)'; break; case false: context.fillStyle = 'rgb(200, 0, 0)'; break; default: context.fillStyle = this.color.darker(25).toString(); } } if (progress && !this.isEmptySlot()) { // left half: context.fillStyle = 'rgb(0, 200, 0)'; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(0, r); context.lineTo(r, 0); context.lineTo(w2, 0); context.lineTo(w2, h); context.lineTo(r, h); context.closePath(); context.fill(); // right half: context.fillStyle = 'rgb(200, 0, 0)'; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(w2, 0); context.lineTo(w - r, 0); context.lineTo(w, r); context.lineTo(w - r, h); context.lineTo(w2, h); context.closePath(); context.fill(); } else { context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(0, r); context.lineTo(r, 0); context.lineTo(w - r, 0); context.lineTo(w, r); context.lineTo(w - r, h); context.lineTo(r, h); context.closePath(); context.fill(); } if (MorphicPreferences.isFlat) {return; } // add 3D-Effect: context.lineWidth = this.edge; context.lineJoin = 'round'; context.lineCap = 'round'; context.shadowOffsetX = shift; context.shadowBlur = shift; context.shadowColor = 'black'; // top edge: left corner gradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, r, this.edge * 0.6, r + (this.edge * 0.6) ); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrDark); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(shift, r); context.lineTo(r, shift); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); // top edge: straight line context.shadowOffsetX = 0; context.shadowOffsetY = shift; context.shadowBlur = this.edge; gradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, 0, 0, this.edge ); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrDark); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(r, shift); context.lineTo(w - r, shift); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); context.shadowOffsetY = 0; context.shadowBlur = 0; // bottom edge: right corner gradient = context.createLinearGradient( w - r - (this.edge * 0.6), h - (this.edge * 0.6), w - r, h ); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrBright); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(w - r, h - shift); context.lineTo(w - shift, r); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); // bottom edge: straight line gradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, h - this.edge, 0, h ); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrBright); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(r, h - shift); context.lineTo(w - r - shift, h - shift); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); }; BooleanSlotMorph.prototype.drawLabel = function (context, textLabel) { var w = this.width(), r = this.height() / 2 - this.edge, r2 = r / 2, shift = this.edge / 2, x, y = this.height() / 2; if (this.isEmptySlot()) { return; } if (textLabel) { y = (this.height() - textLabel.height) / 2; if (this.value) { x = this.height() / 2; } else { x = this.width() - (this.height() / 2) - textLabel.width; } if (!MorphicPreferences.isFlat) { context.shadowOffsetX = -shift; context.shadowOffsetY = -shift; context.shadowBlur = shift; context.shadowColor = this.value ? 'rgb(0, 100, 0)' : 'rgb(100, 0, 0)'; } context.drawImage(textLabel, x, y); return; } // "tick:" x = r + (this.edge * 2) + shift; if (!MorphicPreferences.isFlat) { context.shadowOffsetX = -shift; context.shadowOffsetY = -shift; context.shadowBlur = shift; context.shadowColor = 'rgb(0, 100, 0)'; } context.strokeStyle = 'white'; context.lineWidth = this.edge + shift; context.lineCap = 'round'; context.lineJoin = 'miter'; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x - r2, y); context.lineTo(x, y + r2); context.lineTo(x + r2, r2 + this.edge); context.stroke(); // "cross:" x = w - y - (this.edge * 2); if (!MorphicPreferences.isFlat) { context.shadowOffsetX = -shift; context.shadowOffsetY = -shift; context.shadowBlur = shift; context.shadowColor = 'rgb(100, 0, 0)'; } context.strokeStyle = 'white'; context.lineWidth = this.edge; context.lineCap = 'butt'; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x - r2, y - r2); context.lineTo(x + r2, y + r2); context.moveTo(x - r2, y + r2); context.lineTo(x + r2, y - r2); context.stroke(); }; BooleanSlotMorph.prototype.drawKnob = function (context, progress) { var w = this.width(), r = this.height() / 2, shift = this.edge / 2, slideStep = (this.width() - this.height()) / 4 * (progress || 0), gradient, x, y = r, outline = PushButtonMorph.prototype.outline / 2, outlineColor = PushButtonMorph.prototype.outlineColor, color = PushButtonMorph.prototype.color, contrast = PushButtonMorph.prototype.contrast, topColor = color.lighter(contrast), bottomColor = color.darker(contrast); // draw the 'flat' shape: switch (this.value) { case false: x = r + slideStep; if (!MorphicPreferences.isFlat) { context.shadowOffsetX = shift; context.shadowOffsetY = 0; context.shadowBlur = shift; context.shadowColor = 'black'; } break; case true: x = w - r - slideStep; if (!MorphicPreferences.isFlat) { context.shadowOffsetX = 0; context.shadowOffsetY = 0; context.shadowBlur = 0; } break; default: if (!progress) {return; } x = r; if (!MorphicPreferences.isFlat) { context.shadowOffsetX = shift; context.shadowOffsetY = 0; context.shadowBlur = shift; context.shadowColor = 'black'; } context.globalAlpha = 0.2 * ((progress || 0) + 1); } context.fillStyle = color.toString(); context.beginPath(); context.arc(x, y, r, radians(0), radians(360)); context.closePath(); context.fill(); if (MorphicPreferences.isFlat) {return; } // add 3D-Effect // outline: context.shadowOffsetX = 0; context.shadowBlur = 0; context.shadowColor = 'black'; context.lineWidth = outline; context.strokeStyle = outlineColor.toString(); context.beginPath(); context.arc(x, y, r - (outline / 2), radians(0), radians(360)); context.stroke(); // top-left: gradient = context.createRadialGradient( x, y, r - outline - this.edge, x, y, r - outline ); gradient.addColorStop(1, topColor.toString()); gradient.addColorStop(0, color.toString()); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.lineCap = 'round'; context.lineWidth = this.edge; context.beginPath(); context.arc( x, y, r - outline - this.edge / 2, radians(180), radians(270), false ); context.stroke(); // bottom-right: gradient = context.createRadialGradient( x, y, r - outline - this.edge, x, y, r - outline ); gradient.addColorStop(1, bottomColor.toString()); gradient.addColorStop(0, color.toString()); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.lineCap = 'round'; context.lineWidth = this.edge; context.beginPath(); context.arc( x, y, r - outline - this.edge / 2, radians(0), radians(90), false ); context.stroke(); }; BooleanSlotMorph.prototype.textLabel = function () { if (this.isEmptySlot()) {return null; } var t, f, img, lbl, x, y; t = new StringMorph( localize('true'), this.fontSize, null, true, // bold null, null, null, null, new Color(255, 255, 255) ).image; f = new StringMorph( localize('false'), this.fontSize, null, true, // bold null, null, null, null, new Color(255, 255, 255) ).image; img = newCanvas(new Point( Math.max(t.width, f.width), Math.max(t.height, f.height) )); lbl = this.value ? t : f; x = (img.width - lbl.width) / 2; y = (img.height - lbl.height) / 2; img.getContext('2d').drawImage(lbl, x, y); return img; }; // ArrowMorph ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* I am a triangular arrow shape, for use in drop-down menus etc. My orientation is governed by my 'direction' property, which can be 'down', 'up', 'left' or 'right'. */ // ArrowMorph inherits from Morph: ArrowMorph.prototype = new Morph(); ArrowMorph.prototype.constructor = ArrowMorph; ArrowMorph.uber = Morph.prototype; // ArrowMorph instance creation: function ArrowMorph(direction, size, padding, color) { this.init(direction, size, padding, color); } ArrowMorph.prototype.init = function (direction, size, padding, color) { this.direction = direction || 'down'; this.size = size || ((size === 0) ? 0 : 50); this.padding = padding || 0; ArrowMorph.uber.init.call(this, true); // silently this.color = color || new Color(0, 0, 0); this.setExtent(new Point(this.size, this.size)); }; ArrowMorph.prototype.setSize = function (size) { var min = Math.max(size, 1); this.size = size; this.setExtent(new Point(min, min)); }; // ArrowMorph displaying: ArrowMorph.prototype.drawNew = function () { // initialize my surface property this.image = newCanvas(this.extent()); var context = this.image.getContext('2d'), pad = this.padding, h = this.height(), h2 = Math.floor(h / 2), w = this.width(), w2 = Math.floor(w / 2); context.fillStyle = this.color.toString(); context.beginPath(); if (this.direction === 'down') { context.moveTo(pad, h2); context.lineTo(w - pad, h2); context.lineTo(w2, h - pad); } else if (this.direction === 'up') { context.moveTo(pad, h2); context.lineTo(w - pad, h2); context.lineTo(w2, pad); } else if (this.direction === 'left') { context.moveTo(pad, h2); context.lineTo(w2, pad); context.lineTo(w2, h - pad); } else { // 'right' context.moveTo(w2, pad); context.lineTo(w - pad, h2); context.lineTo(w2, h - pad); } context.closePath(); context.fill(); }; // TextSlotMorph ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* I am a multi-line input slot, primarily used in Snap's code-mapping blocks. */ // TextSlotMorph inherits from InputSlotMorph: TextSlotMorph.prototype = new InputSlotMorph(); TextSlotMorph.prototype.constructor = TextSlotMorph; TextSlotMorph.uber = InputSlotMorph.prototype; // TextSlotMorph instance creation: function TextSlotMorph(text, isNumeric, choiceDict, isReadOnly) { this.init(text, isNumeric, choiceDict, isReadOnly); } TextSlotMorph.prototype.init = function ( text, isNumeric, choiceDict, isReadOnly ) { var contents = new TextMorph(''), arrow = new ArrowMorph( 'down', 0, Math.max(Math.floor(this.fontSize / 6), 1) ); contents.fontSize = this.fontSize; contents.drawNew(); this.isUnevaluated = false; this.choices = choiceDict || null; // object, function or selector this.oldContentsExtent = contents.extent(); this.isNumeric = isNumeric || false; this.isReadOnly = isReadOnly || false; this.minWidth = 0; // can be chaged for text-type inputs ("landscape") this.constant = null; InputSlotMorph.uber.init.call(this, null, null, null, null, true); // sil. this.color = new Color(255, 255, 255); this.add(contents); this.add(arrow); contents.isEditable = true; contents.isDraggable = false; contents.enableSelecting(); this.setContents(text); }; // TextSlotMorph accessing: TextSlotMorph.prototype.getSpec = function () { if (this.isNumeric) { return '%mln'; } return '%mlt'; // default }; TextSlotMorph.prototype.contents = function () { return detect( this.children, function (child) { return (child instanceof TextMorph); } ); }; // TextSlotMorph events: TextSlotMorph.prototype.layoutChanged = function () { this.fixLayout(); }; // ColorSlotMorph ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* I am an editable input slot for a color. Users can edit my color by clicking on me, in which case a display a color gradient palette and let the user select another color. Note that the user isn't restricted to selecting a color from the palette, any color from anywhere within the World can be chosen. my block spec is %clr evaluate() returns my color */ // ColorSlotMorph inherits from ArgMorph: ColorSlotMorph.prototype = new ArgMorph(); ColorSlotMorph.prototype.constructor = ColorSlotMorph; ColorSlotMorph.uber = ArgMorph.prototype; // ColorSlotMorph instance creation: function ColorSlotMorph(clr) { this.init(clr); } ColorSlotMorph.prototype.init = function (clr) { ColorSlotMorph.uber.init.call(this, null, true); // silently this.setColor(clr || new Color(145, 26, 68)); }; ColorSlotMorph.prototype.getSpec = function () { return '%clr'; }; // ColorSlotMorph color sensing: ColorSlotMorph.prototype.getUserColor = function () { var myself = this, world = this.world(), hand = world.hand, posInDocument = getDocumentPositionOf(world.worldCanvas), mouseMoveBak = hand.processMouseMove, mouseDownBak = hand.processMouseDown, mouseUpBak = hand.processMouseUp, pal = new ColorPaletteMorph(null, new Point( this.fontSize * 16, this.fontSize * 10 )); world.add(pal); pal.setPosition(this.bottomLeft().add(new Point(0, this.edge))); hand.processMouseMove = function (event) { var clr = world.getGlobalPixelColor(hand.position()); hand.setPosition(new Point( event.pageX - posInDocument.x, event.pageY - posInDocument.y )); if (!clr.a) { // ignore transparent, // needed for retina-display support return; } myself.setColor(clr); }; hand.processMouseDown = nop; hand.processMouseUp = function () { pal.destroy(); hand.processMouseMove = mouseMoveBak; hand.processMouseDown = mouseDownBak; hand.processMouseUp = mouseUpBak; }; }; // ColorSlotMorph events: ColorSlotMorph.prototype.mouseClickLeft = function () { this.selectForEdit().getUserColor(); }; // ColorSlotMorph evaluating: ColorSlotMorph.prototype.evaluate = function () { return this.color; }; // ColorSlotMorph drawing: ColorSlotMorph.prototype.drawNew = function () { var context, borderColor, side; side = this.fontSize + this.edge * 2 + this.typeInPadding * 2; this.silentSetExtent(new Point(side, side)); // initialize my surface property this.image = newCanvas(this.extent()); context = this.image.getContext('2d'); if (this.parent) { borderColor = this.parent.color; } else { borderColor = new Color(120, 120, 120); } context.fillStyle = this.color.toString(); // cache my border colors this.cachedClr = borderColor.toString(); this.cachedClrBright = borderColor.lighter(this.contrast) .toString(); this.cachedClrDark = borderColor.darker(this.contrast).toString(); context.fillRect( this.edge, this.edge, this.width() - this.edge * 2, this.height() - this.edge * 2 ); if (!MorphicPreferences.isFlat) { this.drawRectBorder(context); } }; ColorSlotMorph.prototype.drawRectBorder = InputSlotMorph.prototype.drawRectBorder; // BlockHighlightMorph ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /* I am a glowing halo around a block or stack of blocks indicating that a script is currently active or has encountered an error. I halso have an optional readout that can display a thread count if more than one process shares the same script */ // BlockHighlightMorph inherits from Morph: BlockHighlightMorph.prototype = new Morph(); BlockHighlightMorph.prototype.constructor = BlockHighlightMorph; BlockHighlightMorph.uber = Morph.prototype; // BlockHighlightMorph instance creation: function BlockHighlightMorph() { this.threadCount = 0; this.init(); } // BlockHighlightMorph thread count readout BlockHighlightMorph.prototype.readout = function () { return this.children.length ? this.children[0] : null; }; BlockHighlightMorph.prototype.updateReadout = function () { var readout = this.readout(), inset = useBlurredShadows && !MorphicPreferences.isFlat ? SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.activeBlur * 0.4 : SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.activeBorder * -2; if (this.threadCount < 2) { if (readout) { readout.destroy(); } return; } if (readout) { readout.contents = this.threadCount.toString(); readout.fullChanged(); readout.drawNew(); readout.fullChanged(); } else { readout = new SpeechBubbleMorph( this.threadCount.toString(), this.color, // color, null, // edge, null, // border, this.color.darker(), // borderColor, null, // padding, 1 // isThought - don't draw a hook ); this.add(readout); } readout.setPosition(this.position().add(inset)); }; // MultiArgMorph /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* I am an arity controlled list of input slots my block specs are %mult%x - where x is any single input slot %inputs - for an additional text label 'with inputs' evaluation is handles by the interpreter */ // MultiArgMorph inherits from ArgMorph: MultiArgMorph.prototype = new ArgMorph(); MultiArgMorph.prototype.constructor = MultiArgMorph; MultiArgMorph.uber = ArgMorph.prototype; // MultiArgMorph instance creation: function MultiArgMorph( slotSpec, labelTxt, min, eSpec, arrowColor, labelColor, shadowColor, shadowOffset, isTransparent ) { this.init( slotSpec, labelTxt, min, eSpec, arrowColor, labelColor, shadowColor, shadowOffset, isTransparent ); } MultiArgMorph.prototype.init = function ( slotSpec, labelTxt, min, eSpec, arrowColor, labelColor, shadowColor, shadowOffset, isTransparent ) { var label, arrows = new FrameMorph(), leftArrow, rightArrow, i; this.slotSpec = slotSpec || '%s'; this.labelText = localize(labelTxt || ''); this.minInputs = min || 0; this.elementSpec = eSpec || null; this.labelColor = labelColor || null; this.shadowColor = shadowColor || null; this.shadowOffset = shadowOffset || null; this.canBeEmpty = true; MultiArgMorph.uber.init.call(this, null, true); // silently // MultiArgMorphs are transparent by default b/c of zebra coloring this.alpha = isTransparent === false ? 1 : 0; arrows.alpha = isTransparent === false ? 1 : 0; arrows.noticesTransparentClick = true; this.noticesTransparentclick = true; // label text: label = this.labelPart(this.labelText); this.add(label); label.hide(); // left arrow: leftArrow = new ArrowMorph( 'left', this.fontSize, Math.max(Math.floor(this.fontSize / 6), 1), arrowColor ); // right arrow: rightArrow = new ArrowMorph( 'right', this.fontSize, Math.max(Math.floor(this.fontSize / 6), 1), arrowColor ); // control panel: arrows.add(leftArrow); arrows.add(rightArrow); arrows.drawNew(); arrows.acceptsDrops = false; this.add(arrows); // create the minimum number of inputs for (i = 0; i < this.minInputs; i += 1) { this.addInput(); } }; MultiArgMorph.prototype.label = function () { return this.children[0]; }; MultiArgMorph.prototype.arrows = function () { return this.children[this.children.length - 1]; }; MultiArgMorph.prototype.getSpec = function () { return '%mult' + this.slotSpec; }; // MultiArgMorph defaults: MultiArgMorph.prototype.setContents = function (anArray) { var inputs = this.inputs(), i; for (i = 0; i < anArray.length; i += 1) { if (anArray[i] !== null && (inputs[i])) { inputs[i].setContents(anArray[i]); } } }; // MultiArgMorph hiding and showing: /* override the inherited behavior to recursively hide/show all children, so that my instances get restored correctly when switching back out of app mode. */ MultiArgMorph.prototype.hide = function () { this.isVisible = false; this.changed(); }; MultiArgMorph.prototype.show = function () { this.isVisible = true; this.changed(); }; // MultiArgMorph coloring: MultiArgMorph.prototype.setLabelColor = function ( textColor, shadowColor, shadowOffset ) { this.textColor = textColor; this.shadowColor = shadowColor; this.shadowOffset = shadowOffset; MultiArgMorph.uber.setLabelColor.call( this, textColor, shadowColor, shadowOffset ); }; // MultiArgMorph layout: MultiArgMorph.prototype.fixLayout = function () { if (this.slotSpec === '%t') { this.isStatic = true; // in this case I cannot be exchanged } if (this.parent) { var label = this.label(), shadowColor, shadowOffset; this.color = this.parent.color; shadowColor = this.shadowColor || this.parent.color.darker(this.labelContrast); shadowOffset = this.shadowOffset || label.shadowOffset; this.arrows().color = this.color; if (this.labelText !== '') { if (!label.shadowColor.eq(shadowColor)) { label.shadowColor = shadowColor; label.shadowOffset = shadowOffset; label.drawNew(); } } } this.fixArrowsLayout(); MultiArgMorph.uber.fixLayout.call(this); if (this.parent) { this.parent.fixLayout(); } }; MultiArgMorph.prototype.fixArrowsLayout = function () { var label = this.label(), arrows = this.arrows(), leftArrow = arrows.children[0], rightArrow = arrows.children[1], dim = new Point(rightArrow.width() / 2, rightArrow.height()); if (this.inputs().length < (this.minInputs + 1)) { label.hide(); leftArrow.hide(); rightArrow.setPosition( arrows.position().subtract(new Point(dim.x, 0)) ); arrows.setExtent(dim); } else { if (this.labelText !== '') { label.show(); } leftArrow.show(); rightArrow.setPosition(leftArrow.topCenter()); arrows.bounds.corner = rightArrow.bottomRight().copy(); } arrows.drawNew(); }; MultiArgMorph.prototype.refresh = function () { this.inputs().forEach(function (input) { input.drawNew(); }); }; MultiArgMorph.prototype.drawNew = function () { MultiArgMorph.uber.drawNew.call(this); this.refresh(); }; // MultiArgMorph arity control: MultiArgMorph.prototype.addInput = function (contents) { var i, name, newPart = this.labelPart(this.slotSpec), idx = this.children.length - 1; // newPart.alpha = this.alpha ? 1 : (1 - this.alpha) / 2; if (contents) { newPart.setContents(contents); } else if (this.elementSpec === '%scriptVars' || this.elementSpec === '%blockVars') { name = ''; i = idx; while (i > 0) { name = String.fromCharCode(97 + (i - 1) % 26) + name; i = Math.floor((i - 1) / 26); } newPart.setContents(name); } else if (contains(['%parms', '%ringparms'], this.elementSpec)) { newPart.setContents('#' + idx); } newPart.parent = this; this.children.splice(idx, 0, newPart); newPart.drawNew(); this.fixLayout(); }; MultiArgMorph.prototype.removeInput = function () { var oldPart, scripts; if (this.children.length > 1) { oldPart = this.children[this.children.length - 2]; this.removeChild(oldPart); if (oldPart instanceof BlockMorph && !(oldPart instanceof RingMorph && !oldPart.contents())) { scripts = this.parentThatIsA(ScriptsMorph); if (scripts) { scripts.add(oldPart); } } } this.fixLayout(); }; // MultiArgMorph events: MultiArgMorph.prototype.mouseClickLeft = function (pos) { // prevent expansion in the palette // (because it can be hard or impossible to collapse again) if (!this.parentThatIsA(ScriptsMorph)) { this.escalateEvent('mouseClickLeft', pos); return; } // if the key is pressed, repeat action 3 times var target = this.selectForEdit(), arrows = target.arrows(), leftArrow = arrows.children[0], rightArrow = arrows.children[1], repetition = target.world().currentKey === 16 ? 3 : 1, i; target.startLayout(); if (rightArrow.bounds.containsPoint(pos)) { for (i = 0; i < repetition; i += 1) { if (rightArrow.isVisible) { target.addInput(); } } } else if (leftArrow.bounds.containsPoint(pos)) { for (i = 0; i < repetition; i += 1) { if (leftArrow.isVisible) { target.removeInput(); } } } else { target.escalateEvent('mouseClickLeft', pos); } target.endLayout(); }; // MultiArgMorph menu: MultiArgMorph.prototype.userMenu = function () { var menu = new MenuMorph(this), block = this.parentThatIsA(BlockMorph), key = '', myself = this; if (!StageMorph.prototype.enableCodeMapping) { return this.parent.userMenu(); } if (block) { if (block instanceof RingMorph) { key = 'parms_'; } else if (block.selector === 'doDeclareVariables') { key = 'tempvars_'; } } menu.addItem( 'code list mapping...', function () {myself.mapCodeList(key); } ); menu.addItem( 'code item mapping...', function () {myself.mapCodeItem(key); } ); menu.addItem( 'code delimiter mapping...', function () {myself.mapCodeDelimiter(key); } ); return menu; }; // MultiArgMorph code mapping /* code mapping lets you use blocks to generate arbitrary text-based source code that can be exported and compiled / embedded elsewhere, it's not part of Snap's evaluator and not needed for Snap itself */ MultiArgMorph.prototype.mapCodeDelimiter = function (key) { this.mapToCode(key + 'delim', 'list item delimiter'); }; MultiArgMorph.prototype.mapCodeList = function (key) { this.mapToCode(key + 'list', 'list contents <#1>'); }; MultiArgMorph.prototype.mapCodeItem = function (key) { this.mapToCode(key + 'item', 'list item <#1>'); }; MultiArgMorph.prototype.mapToCode = function (key, label) { // private - open a dialog box letting the user map code via the GUI new DialogBoxMorph( this, function (code) { StageMorph.prototype.codeMappings[key] = code; }, this ).promptCode( 'Code mapping - ' + label, StageMorph.prototype.codeMappings[key] || '', this.world() ); }; MultiArgMorph.prototype.mappedCode = function (definitions) { var block = this.parentThatIsA(BlockMorph), key = '', code, items = '', itemCode, delim, count = 0, parts = []; if (block) { if (block instanceof RingMorph) { key = 'parms_'; } else if (block.selector === 'doDeclareVariables') { key = 'tempvars_'; } } code = StageMorph.prototype.codeMappings[key + 'list'] || '<#1>'; itemCode = StageMorph.prototype.codeMappings[key + 'item'] || '<#1>'; delim = StageMorph.prototype.codeMappings[key + 'delim'] || ' '; this.inputs().forEach(function (input) { parts.push(itemCode.replace(/<#1>/g, input.mappedCode(definitions))); }); parts.forEach(function (part) { if (count) { items += delim; } items += part; count += 1; }); code = code.replace(/<#1>/g, items); return code; }; // MultiArgMorph arity evaluating: MultiArgMorph.prototype.evaluate = function () { // this is usually overridden by the interpreter. This method is only // called (and needed) for the variables menu. var result = []; this.inputs().forEach(function (slot) { result.push(slot.evaluate()); }); return result; }; MultiArgMorph.prototype.isEmptySlot = function () { return this.canBeEmpty ? this.inputs().length === 0 : false; }; // ArgLabelMorph /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* I am a label string that is wrapped around an ArgMorph, usually a MultiArgMorph, so to indicate that it has been replaced entirely for an embedded reporter block I don't have a block spec, I get embedded automatically by the parent block's argument replacement mechanism My evaluation method is the identity function, i.e. I simply pass my input's value along. */ // ArgLabelMorph inherits from ArgMorph: ArgLabelMorph.prototype = new ArgMorph(); ArgLabelMorph.prototype.constructor = ArgLabelMorph; ArgLabelMorph.uber = ArgMorph.prototype; // MultiArgMorph instance creation: function ArgLabelMorph(argMorph, labelTxt) { this.init(argMorph, labelTxt); } ArgLabelMorph.prototype.init = function (argMorph, labelTxt) { var label; this.labelText = localize(labelTxt || 'input list:'); ArgLabelMorph.uber.init.call(this, null, true); // silently this.isStatic = true; // I cannot be exchanged // ArgLabelMorphs are transparent this.alpha = 0; this.noticesTransparentclick = true; // label text: label = this.labelPart(this.labelText); this.add(label); // argMorph this.add(argMorph); }; ArgLabelMorph.prototype.label = function () { return this.children[0]; }; ArgLabelMorph.prototype.argMorph = function () { return this.children[1]; }; // ArgLabelMorph layout: ArgLabelMorph.prototype.fixLayout = function () { var label = this.label(), shadowColor, shadowOffset; if (this.parent) { this.color = this.parent.color; shadowOffset = label.shadowOffset || new Point(); // determine the shadow color for zebra coloring: if (shadowOffset.x < 0) { shadowColor = this.parent.color.darker(this.labelContrast); } else { shadowColor = this.parent.color.lighter(this.labelContrast); } if (this.labelText !== '') { if (!label.shadowColor.eq(shadowColor)) { label.shadowColor = shadowColor; label.shadowOffset = shadowOffset; label.drawNew(); } } } ArgLabelMorph.uber.fixLayout.call(this); if (this.parent) { this.parent.fixLayout(); } }; ArgLabelMorph.prototype.refresh = function () { this.inputs().forEach(function (input) { input.drawNew(); }); }; ArgLabelMorph.prototype.drawNew = function () { ArgLabelMorph.uber.drawNew.call(this); this.refresh(); }; // ArgLabelMorph label color: ArgLabelMorph.prototype.setLabelColor = function ( textColor, shadowColor, shadowOffset ) { if (this.labelText !== '') { var label = this.label(); label.color = textColor; label.shadowColor = shadowColor; label.shadowOffset = shadowOffset; label.drawNew(); } }; // ArgLabelMorph events: ArgLabelMorph.prototype.reactToGrabOf = function () { if (this.parent instanceof SyntaxElementMorph) { this.parent.revertToDefaultInput(this); } }; // ArgLabelMorph evaluating: ArgLabelMorph.prototype.evaluate = function () { // this is usually overridden by the interpreter. This method is only // called (and needed) for the variables menu. return this.argMorph().evaluate(); }; ArgLabelMorph.prototype.isEmptySlot = function () { return false; }; // FunctionSlotMorph /////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* I am an unevaluated, non-editable, rf-colored, rounded or diamond input slot. My current (only) use is in the THE BLOCK block. My command spec is %f */ // FunctionSlotMorph inherits from ArgMorph: FunctionSlotMorph.prototype = new ArgMorph(); FunctionSlotMorph.prototype.constructor = FunctionSlotMorph; FunctionSlotMorph.uber = ArgMorph.prototype; // FunctionSlotMorph instance creation: function FunctionSlotMorph(isPredicate) { this.init(isPredicate); } FunctionSlotMorph.prototype.init = function (isPredicate, silently) { FunctionSlotMorph.uber.init.call(this, null, true); // silently this.isPredicate = isPredicate || false; this.color = this.rfColor; this.setExtent( new Point( (this.fontSize + this.edge * 2) * 2, this.fontSize + this.edge * 2 ), silently ); }; FunctionSlotMorph.prototype.getSpec = function () { return '%f'; }; // FunctionSlotMorph drawing: FunctionSlotMorph.prototype.drawNew = function () { var context, borderColor; // initialize my surface property this.image = newCanvas(this.extent()); context = this.image.getContext('2d'); if (this.parent) { borderColor = this.parent.color; } else { borderColor = new Color(120, 120, 120); } // cache my border colors this.cachedClr = borderColor.toString(); this.cachedClrBright = borderColor.lighter(this.contrast) .toString(); this.cachedClrDark = borderColor.darker(this.contrast).toString(); if (this.isPredicate) { this.drawDiamond(context); } else { this.drawRounded(context); } }; FunctionSlotMorph.prototype.drawRounded = function (context) { var h = this.height(), r = Math.min(this.rounding, h / 2), w = this.width(), shift = this.edge / 2, gradient; // draw the 'flat' shape: context.fillStyle = this.color.toString(); context.beginPath(); // top left: context.arc( r, r, r, radians(-180), radians(-90), false ); // top right: context.arc( w - r, r, r, radians(-90), radians(-0), false ); // bottom right: context.arc( w - r, h - r, r, radians(0), radians(90), false ); // bottom left: context.arc( r, h - r, r, radians(90), radians(180), false ); context.closePath(); context.fill(); if (MorphicPreferences.isFlat) {return; } // add 3D-Effect: context.lineWidth = this.edge; context.lineJoin = 'round'; context.lineCap = 'round'; // bottom left corner context.strokeStyle = this.cachedClr; //gradient; context.beginPath(); context.arc( r, h - r, r - shift, radians(90), radians(180), false ); context.stroke(); // top right corner context.strokeStyle = this.cachedClr; //gradient; context.beginPath(); context.arc( w - r, r, r - shift, radians(-90), radians(0), false ); context.stroke(); // normal gradient edges context.shadowOffsetX = shift; context.shadowOffsetY = shift; context.shadowBlur = this.edge; context.shadowColor = this.color.darker(80).toString(); // top edge: straight line gradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, 0, 0, this.edge ); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrDark); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(r - shift, shift); context.lineTo(w - r + shift, shift); context.stroke(); // top edge: left corner gradient = context.createRadialGradient( r, r, r - this.edge, r, r, r ); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrDark); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.arc( r, r, r - shift, radians(180), radians(270), false ); context.stroke(); // left edge: straight vertical line gradient = context.createLinearGradient(0, 0, this.edge, 0); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrDark); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(shift, r); context.lineTo(shift, h - r); context.stroke(); context.shadowOffsetX = 0; context.shadowOffsetY = 0; context.shadowBlur = 0; // bottom edge: right corner gradient = context.createRadialGradient( w - r, h - r, r - this.edge, w - r, h - r, r ); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrBright); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.arc( w - r, h - r, r - shift, radians(0), radians(90), false ); context.stroke(); // bottom edge: straight line gradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, h - this.edge, 0, h ); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrBright); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(r - shift, h - shift); context.lineTo(w - r + shift, h - shift); context.stroke(); // right edge: straight vertical line gradient = context.createLinearGradient(w - this.edge, 0, w, 0); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrBright); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(w - shift, r + shift); context.lineTo(w - shift, h - r); context.stroke(); }; FunctionSlotMorph.prototype.drawDiamond = function (context) { var w = this.width(), h = this.height(), h2 = Math.floor(h / 2), r = Math.min(this.rounding, h2), shift = this.edge / 2, gradient; // draw the 'flat' shape: context.fillStyle = this.color.toString(); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(0, h2); context.lineTo(r, 0); context.lineTo(w - r, 0); context.lineTo(w, h2); context.lineTo(w - r, h); context.lineTo(r, h); context.closePath(); context.fill(); if (MorphicPreferences.isFlat) {return; } // add 3D-Effect: context.lineWidth = this.edge; context.lineJoin = 'round'; context.lineCap = 'round'; // half-tone edges // bottom left corner context.strokeStyle = this.cachedClr; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(shift, h2); context.lineTo(r, h - shift); context.stroke(); // top right corner context.strokeStyle = this.cachedClr; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(w - shift, h2); context.lineTo(w - r, shift); context.stroke(); // normal gradient edges // top edge: left corner context.shadowOffsetX = shift; context.shadowOffsetY = shift; context.shadowBlur = this.edge; context.shadowColor = this.color.darker(80).toString(); gradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, 0, r, 0 ); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrDark); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(shift, h2); context.lineTo(r, shift); context.stroke(); // top edge: straight line gradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, 0, 0, this.edge ); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrDark); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(r, shift); context.lineTo(w - r, shift); context.stroke(); context.shadowOffsetX = 0; context.shadowOffsetY = 0; context.shadowBlur = 0; // bottom edge: right corner gradient = context.createLinearGradient( w - r, 0, w, 0 ); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrBright); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(w - r, h - shift); context.lineTo(w - shift, h2); context.stroke(); // bottom edge: straight line gradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, h - this.edge, 0, h ); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrBright); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(r + shift, h - shift); context.lineTo(w - r - shift, h - shift); context.stroke(); }; // ReporterSlotMorph /////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* I am a ReporterBlock-shaped input slot. I can nest as well as accept reporter blocks (containing reified scripts). my most important accessor is nestedBlock() - answer the reporter block I encompass, if any My command spec is %r for reporters (round) and %p for predicates (diamond) evaluate() returns my nested block or null */ // ReporterSlotMorph inherits from FunctionSlotMorph: ReporterSlotMorph.prototype = new FunctionSlotMorph(); ReporterSlotMorph.prototype.constructor = ReporterSlotMorph; ReporterSlotMorph.uber = FunctionSlotMorph.prototype; // ReporterSlotMorph instance creation: function ReporterSlotMorph(isPredicate) { this.init(isPredicate); } ReporterSlotMorph.prototype.init = function (isPredicate) { ReporterSlotMorph.uber.init.call(this, isPredicate, true); this.add(this.emptySlot()); this.fixLayout(); }; ReporterSlotMorph.prototype.emptySlot = function () { var empty = new ArgMorph(), shrink = this.rfBorder * 2 + this.edge * 2; empty.color = this.rfColor; empty.alpha = 0; empty.setExtent(new Point( (this.fontSize + this.edge * 2) * 2 - shrink, this.fontSize + this.edge * 2 - shrink )); return empty; }; // ReporterSlotMorph accessing: ReporterSlotMorph.prototype.getSpec = function () { return '%r'; }; ReporterSlotMorph.prototype.contents = function () { return this.children[0]; }; ReporterSlotMorph.prototype.nestedBlock = function () { var contents = this.contents(); return contents instanceof ReporterBlockMorph ? contents : null; }; // ReporterSlotMorph evaluating: ReporterSlotMorph.prototype.evaluate = function () { return this.nestedBlock(); }; ReporterSlotMorph.prototype.isEmptySlot = function () { return this.nestedBlock() === null; }; // ReporterSlotMorph layout: ReporterSlotMorph.prototype.fixLayout = function () { var contents = this.contents(); this.setExtent(contents.extent().add( this.edge * 2 + this.rfBorder * 2 )); contents.setCenter(this.center()); if (this.parent) { if (this.parent.fixLayout) { this.parent.fixLayout(); } } }; // RingReporterSlotMorph /////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* I am a ReporterBlock-shaped input slot for use in RingMorphs. I can only nest reporter blocks (both round and diamond). My command spec is %rr for reporters (round) and %rp for predicates (diamond) evaluate() returns my nested block or null (inherited from ReporterSlotMorph */ // ReporterSlotMorph inherits from FunctionSlotMorph: RingReporterSlotMorph.prototype = new ReporterSlotMorph(); RingReporterSlotMorph.prototype.constructor = RingReporterSlotMorph; RingReporterSlotMorph.uber = ReporterSlotMorph.prototype; // ReporterSlotMorph preferences settings: RingReporterSlotMorph.prototype.rfBorder = RingCommandSlotMorph.prototype.rfBorder; RingReporterSlotMorph.prototype.edge = RingCommandSlotMorph.prototype.edge; RingReporterSlotMorph.prototype.enableCommandDrops = true; // RingReporterSlotMorph instance creation: function RingReporterSlotMorph(isPredicate) { this.init(isPredicate); } RingReporterSlotMorph.prototype.init = function (isPredicate) { RingReporterSlotMorph.uber.init.call(this, isPredicate, true); this.alpha = RingMorph.prototype.alpha; this.contrast = RingMorph.prototype.contrast; this.isHole = true; }; // RingReporterSlotMorph accessing: RingReporterSlotMorph.prototype.getSpec = function () { return '%rr'; }; RingReporterSlotMorph.prototype.replaceInput = function (source, target) { RingReporterSlotMorph.uber.replaceInput.call(this, source, target); if (this.parent instanceof RingMorph) { this.parent.vanishForSimilar(); } }; // RingReporterSlotMorph attach targets for commands: RingReporterSlotMorph.prototype.slotAttachPoint = CommandSlotMorph.prototype.slotAttachPoint; RingReporterSlotMorph.prototype.dentLeft = CommandSlotMorph.prototype.dentLeft; RingReporterSlotMorph.prototype.dentCenter = CommandSlotMorph.prototype.dentCenter; RingReporterSlotMorph.prototype.attachTargets = function () { if (!RingReporterSlotMorph.prototype.enableCommandDrops || this.contents() instanceof ReporterBlockMorph ) { // don't let commands "kick out" embedded reporters return []; } return CommandSlotMorph.prototype.attachTargets.call(this); }; // RingReporterSlotMorph nesting for commands: RingReporterSlotMorph.prototype.nestedBlock = function (block) { if (block) { var nb = this.nestedBlock(); this.silentReplaceInput(this.children[0], block); if (nb) { block.bottomBlock().nextBlock(nb); } this.fixLayout(); } else { return detect( this.children, function (child) { return child instanceof BlockMorph; } ); } }; // RingReporterSlotMorph layout: RingReporterSlotMorph.prototype.fixLayout = function () { if (this.contents() instanceof CommandBlockMorph) { CommandSlotMorph.prototype.fixLayout.call(this); } else { RingReporterSlotMorph.uber.fixLayout.call(this); } }; // RingReporterSlotMorph drawing: RingReporterSlotMorph.prototype.drawRounded = function (context) { var h = this.height(), r = Math.min(this.rounding, h / 2), w = this.width(), shift = this.edge / 2, gradient; // draw the 'flat' shape: context.fillStyle = this.cachedClr; //this.color.toString(); // top half: context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(0, h / 2); // top left: context.arc( r, r, r, radians(-180), radians(-90), false ); // top right: context.arc( w - r, r, r, radians(-90), radians(-0), false ); context.lineTo(w, h / 2); context.lineTo(w, 0); context.lineTo(0, 0); context.closePath(); context.fill(); // bottom half: context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(w, h / 2); // bottom right: context.arc( w - r, h - r, r, radians(0), radians(90), false ); // bottom left: context.arc( r, h - r, r, radians(90), radians(180), false ); context.lineTo(0, h / 2); context.lineTo(0, h); context.lineTo(w, h); context.closePath(); context.fill(); if (MorphicPreferences.isFlat) {return; } // add 3D-Effect: context.lineWidth = this.edge; context.lineJoin = 'round'; context.lineCap = 'round'; // bottom left corner context.strokeStyle = this.cachedClr; //gradient; context.beginPath(); context.arc( r, h - r, r - shift, radians(90), radians(180), false ); context.stroke(); // top right corner context.strokeStyle = this.cachedClr; //gradient; context.beginPath(); context.arc( w - r, r, r - shift, radians(-90), radians(0), false ); context.stroke(); // normal gradient edges context.shadowOffsetX = shift; context.shadowOffsetY = shift; context.shadowBlur = this.edge; context.shadowColor = this.color.darker(80).toString(); // top edge: straight line gradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, 0, 0, this.edge ); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrDark); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(r - shift, shift); context.lineTo(w - r + shift, shift); context.stroke(); // top edge: left corner gradient = context.createRadialGradient( r, r, r - this.edge, r, r, r ); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrDark); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.arc( r, r, r - shift, radians(180), radians(270), false ); context.stroke(); // left edge: straight vertical line gradient = context.createLinearGradient(0, 0, this.edge, 0); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrDark); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(shift, r); context.lineTo(shift, h - r); context.stroke(); context.shadowOffsetX = 0; context.shadowOffsetY = 0; context.shadowBlur = 0; // bottom edge: right corner gradient = context.createRadialGradient( w - r, h - r, r - this.edge, w - r, h - r, r ); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrBright); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.arc( w - r, h - r, r - shift, radians(0), radians(90), false ); context.stroke(); // bottom edge: straight line gradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, h - this.edge, 0, h ); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrBright); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(r - shift, h - shift); context.lineTo(w - r + shift, h - shift); context.stroke(); // right edge: straight vertical line gradient = context.createLinearGradient(w - this.edge, 0, w, 0); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrBright); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(w - shift, r + shift); context.lineTo(w - shift, h - r); context.stroke(); }; RingReporterSlotMorph.prototype.drawDiamond = function (context) { var w = this.width(), h = this.height(), h2 = Math.floor(h / 2), r = Math.min(this.rounding, h2), shift = this.edge / 2, gradient; // draw the 'flat' shape: context.fillStyle = this.cachedClr; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(0, 0); context.lineTo(0, h2); context.lineTo(r, 0); context.lineTo(w - r, 0); context.lineTo(w, h2); context.lineTo(w, 0); context.closePath(); context.fill(); context.moveTo(w, h2); context.lineTo(w - r, h); context.lineTo(r, h); context.lineTo(0, h2); context.lineTo(0, h); context.lineTo(w, h); context.closePath(); context.fill(); if (MorphicPreferences.isFlat) {return; } // add 3D-Effect: context.lineWidth = this.edge; context.lineJoin = 'round'; context.lineCap = 'round'; // half-tone edges // bottom left corner context.strokeStyle = this.cachedClr; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(shift, h2); context.lineTo(r, h - shift); context.stroke(); // top right corner context.strokeStyle = this.cachedClr; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(w - shift, h2); context.lineTo(w - r, shift); context.stroke(); // normal gradient edges // top edge: left corner context.shadowOffsetX = shift; context.shadowOffsetY = shift; context.shadowBlur = this.edge; context.shadowColor = this.color.darker(80).toString(); gradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, 0, r, 0 ); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrDark); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(shift, h2); context.lineTo(r, shift); context.stroke(); // top edge: straight line gradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, 0, 0, this.edge ); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClrDark); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClr); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(r, shift); context.lineTo(w - r, shift); context.stroke(); context.shadowOffsetX = 0; context.shadowOffsetY = 0; context.shadowBlur = 0; // bottom edge: right corner gradient = context.createLinearGradient( w - r, 0, w, 0 ); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrBright); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(w - r, h - shift); context.lineTo(w - shift, h2); context.stroke(); // bottom edge: straight line gradient = context.createLinearGradient( 0, h - this.edge, 0, h ); gradient.addColorStop(1, this.cachedClr); gradient.addColorStop(0, this.cachedClrBright); context.strokeStyle = gradient; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(r + shift, h - shift); context.lineTo(w - r - shift, h - shift); context.stroke(); }; // CommentMorph ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* I am an editable, multi-line non-scrolling text window. I can be collapsed to a single abbreviated line or expanded to full. My width can be adjusted by the user, by height is determined by the size of my text body. I can be either placed in a scripting area or "stuck" to a block. */ // CommentMorph inherits from BoxMorph: CommentMorph.prototype = new BoxMorph(); CommentMorph.prototype.constructor = CommentMorph; CommentMorph.uber = BoxMorph.prototype; // CommentMorph preferences settings (pseudo-inherited from SyntaxElement): CommentMorph.prototype.refreshScale = function () { CommentMorph.prototype.fontSize = SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.fontSize; CommentMorph.prototype.padding = 5 * SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.scale; CommentMorph.prototype.rounding = 8 * SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.scale; }; CommentMorph.prototype.refreshScale(); // CommentMorph instance creation: function CommentMorph(contents) { this.init(contents); } CommentMorph.prototype.init = function (contents) { var myself = this, scale = SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.scale; this.block = null; // optional anchor block this.stickyOffset = null; // not to be persisted this.isCollapsed = false; this.titleBar = new BoxMorph( this.rounding, 1.000001 * scale, // shadow bug in Chrome, new Color(255, 255, 180) ); this.titleBar.color = new Color(255, 255, 180); this.titleBar.setHeight(fontHeight(this.fontSize) + this.padding); this.title = null; this.arrow = new ArrowMorph( 'down', this.fontSize ); this.arrow.noticesTransparentClick = true; this.arrow.mouseClickLeft = function () {myself.toggleExpand(); }; this.contents = new TextMorph( contents || localize('add comment here...'), this.fontSize ); this.contents.isEditable = true; this.contents.enableSelecting(); this.contents.maxWidth = 90 * scale; this.contents.drawNew(); this.handle = new HandleMorph( this.contents, 80, this.fontSize * 2, -2, -2 ); this.handle.setExtent(new Point(11 * scale, 11 * scale)); this.anchor = null; CommentMorph.uber.init.call( this, this.rounding, 1.000001 * scale, // shadow bug in Chrome, new Color(255, 255, 180) ); this.color = new Color(255, 255, 220); this.isDraggable = true; this.add(this.titleBar); this.add(this.arrow); this.add(this.contents); this.add(this.handle); this.fixLayout(); }; // CommentMorph ops: CommentMorph.prototype.fullCopy = function () { var cpy = new CommentMorph(this.contents.text); cpy.isCollapsed = this.isCollapsed; cpy.setTextWidth(this.textWidth()); if (this.selectionID) { // for copy on write cpy.selectionID = true; } return cpy; }; CommentMorph.prototype.setTextWidth = function (pixels) { this.contents.maxWidth = pixels; this.contents.drawNew(); this.fixLayout(); }; CommentMorph.prototype.textWidth = function () { return this.contents.maxWidth; }; CommentMorph.prototype.text = function () { return this.contents.text; }; CommentMorph.prototype.toggleExpand = function () { this.isCollapsed = !this.isCollapsed; this.fixLayout(); this.align(); }; // CommentMorph layout: CommentMorph.prototype.layoutChanged = function () { // react to a change of the contents area this.fixLayout(); this.align(); }; CommentMorph.prototype.fixLayout = function () { var label, tw = this.contents.width() + 2 * this.padding, myself = this, oldFlag = Morph.prototype.trackChanges; Morph.prototype.trackChanges = false; if (this.title) { this.title.destroy(); this.title = null; } if (this.isCollapsed) { this.contents.hide(); this.title = new FrameMorph(); this.title.alpha = 0; this.title.acceptsDrops = false; label = new StringMorph( this.contents.text, this.fontSize, null, // style (sans-serif) true // bold ); label.rootForGrab = function () { return myself; }; this.title.add(label); this.title.setHeight(label.height()); this.title.setWidth( tw - this.arrow.width() - this.padding * 2 - this.rounding ); this.add(this.title); } else { this.contents.show(); } this.titleBar.setWidth(tw); this.contents.setLeft(this.titleBar.left() + this.padding); this.contents.setTop(this.titleBar.bottom() + this.padding); this.arrow.direction = this.isCollapsed ? 'right' : 'down'; this.arrow.drawNew(); this.arrow.setCenter(this.titleBar.center()); this.arrow.setLeft(this.titleBar.left() + this.padding); if (this.title) { this.title.setPosition( this.arrow.topRight().add(new Point(this.padding, 0)) ); } Morph.prototype.trackChanges = oldFlag; this.changed(); this.silentSetHeight( this.titleBar.height() + (this.isCollapsed ? 0 : this.padding + this.contents.height() + this.padding) ); this.silentSetWidth(this.titleBar.width()); this.drawNew(); this.handle.drawNew(); this.changed(); }; // CommentMorph menu: CommentMorph.prototype.userMenu = function () { var menu = new MenuMorph(this), myself = this; menu.addItem( "duplicate", function () { myself.fullCopy().pickUp(myself.world()); }, 'make a copy\nand pick it up' ); menu.addItem("delete", 'userDestroy'); menu.addItem( "comment pic...", function () { var ide = myself.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph); ide.saveCanvasAs( myself.fullImageClassic(), (ide.projectName || localize('untitled')) + ' ' + localize('comment pic') ); }, 'open a new window\nwith a picture of this comment' ); return menu; }; CommentMorph.prototype.userDestroy = function () { this.selectForEdit().destroy(); // enable copy-on-edit }; // CommentMorph hiding and showing: /* override the inherited behavior to recursively hide/show all children, so that my instances get restored correctly when switching back out of app mode. */ CommentMorph.prototype.hide = function () { this.isVisible = false; this.changed(); }; CommentMorph.prototype.show = function () { this.isVisible = true; this.changed(); }; // CommentMorph dragging & dropping CommentMorph.prototype.prepareToBeGrabbed = function (hand) { // disassociate from the block I'm posted to if (this.block) { this.block.comment = null; this.block = null; } if (this.anchor) { this.anchor.destroy(); this.anchor = null; // fix shadow, because it was added earlier this.removeShadow(); this.addShadow(); } }; CommentMorph.prototype.selectForEdit = SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.selectForEdit; CommentMorph.prototype.snap = function (hand) { // passing the hand is optional (for when blocks are dragged & dropped) var scripts = this.parent, target; if (!(scripts instanceof ScriptsMorph)) { return null; } scripts.clearDropInfo(); target = scripts.closestBlock(this, hand); if (target !== null) { target.comment = this; this.block = target; if (this.snapSound) { this.snapSound.play(); } scripts.lastDropTarget = {element: target}; } this.align(); scripts.lastDroppedBlock = this; if (hand) { scripts.recordDrop(hand.grabOrigin); } }; // CommentMorph sticking to blocks CommentMorph.prototype.align = function (topBlock, ignoreLayer) { if (this.block) { var top = topBlock || this.block.topBlock(), affectedBlocks, tp, bottom, rightMost, scripts = top.parentThatIsA(ScriptsMorph); this.setTop(this.block.top() + this.block.corner); tp = this.top(); bottom = this.bottom(); affectedBlocks = top.allChildren().filter(function (child) { return child instanceof BlockMorph && child.bottom() > tp && child.top() < bottom; }); rightMost = Math.max.apply( null, affectedBlocks.map(function (block) {return block.right(); }) ); this.setLeft(rightMost + 5); if (!ignoreLayer && scripts) { scripts.addBack(this); // push to back and show } if (!this.anchor) { this.anchor = new Morph(); this.anchor.color = this.titleBar.color; } this.anchor.silentSetPosition(new Point( this.block.right(), this.top() + this.edge )); this.anchor.bounds.corner = new Point( this.left(), this.top() + this.edge + 1 ); this.anchor.drawNew(); this.addBack(this.anchor); this.anchor.changed(); } }; CommentMorph.prototype.startFollowing = function (topBlock, world) { this.align(topBlock); world.add(this); this.addShadow(); this.stickyOffset = this.position().subtract(this.block.position()); this.step = function () { if (!this.block) { // kludge - only needed for "redo" this.stopFollowing(); return; } this.setPosition(this.block.position().add(this.stickyOffset)); }; }; CommentMorph.prototype.stopFollowing = function () { this.removeShadow(); delete this.step; }; CommentMorph.prototype.destroy = function () { if (this.block) { this.block.comment = null; } CommentMorph.uber.destroy.call(this); }; CommentMorph.prototype.stackHeight = function () { return this.height(); }; // ScriptFocusMorph ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* I offer keyboard navigation for syntax elements, blocks and scripts: activate: - shift + click on a scripting pane's background - shift + click on any block - shift + enter in the IDE's edit mode stop editing: - left-click on scripting pane's background - esc navigate among scripts: - tab: next script - backtab (shift + tab): last script start editing a new script: - shift + enter navigate among commands within a script: - down arrow: next command - up arrow: last command navigate among all elements within a script: - right arrow: next element (block or input) - left arrow: last element move the currently edited script (stack of blocks): - shift + arrow keys (left, right, up, down) editing scripts: - backspace: * delete currently focused reporter * delete command above current insertion mark (blinking) * collapse currently focused variadic input by one element - enter: * edit currently focused input slot * expand currently focused variadic input by one element - space: * activate currently focused input slot's pull-down menu, if any * show a menu of reachable variables for the focused input or reporter - any other key: start searching for insertable matching blocks - in menus triggered by this feature: * navigate with up / down arrow keys * trigger selection with enter * cancel menu with esc - in the search bar triggered b this feature: * keep typing / deleting to narrow and update matches * navigate among shown matches with up / down arrow keys * insert selected match at the focus' position with enter * cancel searching and inserting with esc running the currently edited script: * shift+ctrl+enter simulates clicking the edited script with the mouse */ // ScriptFocusMorph inherits from BoxMorph: ScriptFocusMorph.prototype = new BoxMorph(); ScriptFocusMorph.prototype.constructor = ScriptFocusMorph; ScriptFocusMorph.uber = BoxMorph.prototype; // ScriptFocusMorph instance creation: function ScriptFocusMorph(editor, initialElement, position) { this.init(editor, initialElement, position); } ScriptFocusMorph.prototype.init = function ( editor, initialElement, position ) { this.editor = editor; // a ScriptsMorph this.element = initialElement; this.atEnd = false; ScriptFocusMorph.uber.init.call(this); if (this.element instanceof ScriptsMorph) { this.setPosition(position); } }; // ScriptFocusMorph keyboard focus: ScriptFocusMorph.prototype.getFocus = function (world) { if (!world) {world = this.world(); } if (world && world.keyboardReceiver !== this) { world.stopEditing(); } world.keyboardReceiver = this; this.fixLayout(); this.editor.updateToolbar(); }; // ScriptFocusMorph layout: ScriptFocusMorph.prototype.fixLayout = function () { this.changed(); if (this.element instanceof CommandBlockMorph || this.element instanceof CommandSlotMorph || this.element instanceof ScriptsMorph) { this.manifestStatement(); } else { this.manifestExpression(); } this.editor.add(this); // come to front this.scrollIntoView(); this.changed(); }; ScriptFocusMorph.prototype.manifestStatement = function () { var newScript = this.element instanceof ScriptsMorph, y = this.element.top(); this.border = 0; this.edge = 0; this.alpha = 1; this.color = this.editor.feedbackColor; this.setExtent(new Point( newScript ? SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.hatWidth : this.element.width(), Math.max( SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.corner, SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.feedbackMinHeight ) )); if (this.element instanceof CommandSlotMorph) { y += SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.corner; } else if (this.atEnd) { y = this.element.bottom(); } if (!newScript) { this.setPosition(new Point( this.element.left(), y )); } this.fps = 2; this.show(); this.step = function () { this.toggleVisibility(); }; }; ScriptFocusMorph.prototype.manifestExpression = function () { this.edge = SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.rounding; this.border = Math.max( SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.edge, 3 ); this.color = this.editor.feedbackColor.copy(); this.color.a = 0.5; this.borderColor = this.editor.feedbackColor; this.bounds = this.element.fullBounds() .expandBy(Math.max( SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.edge * 2, SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.reporterDropFeedbackPadding )); this.drawNew(); delete this.fps; delete this.step; this.show(); }; // ScriptFocusMorph editing ScriptFocusMorph.prototype.trigger = function () { var current = this.element; if (current instanceof MultiArgMorph) { if (current.arrows().children[1].isVisible) { current.addInput(); this.fixLayout(); } return; } if (current.parent instanceof TemplateSlotMorph) { current.mouseClickLeft(); return; } if (current instanceof BooleanSlotMorph) { current.toggleValue(); return; } if (current instanceof InputSlotMorph) { if (!current.isReadOnly) { delete this.fps; delete this.step; this.hide(); this.world().onNextStep = function () { current.contents().edit(); current.contents().selectAll(); }; } else if (current.choices) { current.dropDownMenu(true); delete this.fps; delete this.step; this.hide(); } } }; ScriptFocusMorph.prototype.menu = function () { var current = this.element; if (current instanceof InputSlotMorph && current.choices) { current.dropDownMenu(true); delete this.fps; delete this.step; this.hide(); } else { this.insertVariableGetter(); } }; ScriptFocusMorph.prototype.deleteLastElement = function () { var current = this.element; if (current.parent instanceof ScriptsMorph) { if (this.atEnd || current instanceof ReporterBlockMorph) { current.destroy(); this.element = this.editor; this.atEnd = false; } } else if (current instanceof MultiArgMorph) { if (current.arrows().children[0].isVisible) { current.removeInput(); } } else if (current instanceof BooleanSlotMorph) { if (!current.isStatic) { current.setContents(null); } } else if (current instanceof ReporterBlockMorph) { if (!current.isTemplate) { this.lastElement(); current.prepareToBeGrabbed(); current.destroy(); } } else if (current instanceof CommandBlockMorph) { if (this.atEnd) { this.element = current.parent; current.userDestroy(); } else { if (current.parent instanceof CommandBlockMorph) { current.parent.userDestroy(); } } } this.editor.adjustBounds(); this.fixLayout(); }; ScriptFocusMorph.prototype.insertBlock = function (block) { var pb, stage, ide, rcvr; block.isTemplate = false; block.isDraggable = true; if (block.snapSound) { block.snapSound.play(); } if (this.element instanceof ScriptsMorph) { this.editor.add(block); this.element = block; if (block instanceof CommandBlockMorph) { block.setLeft(this.left()); if (block.isStop()) { block.setTop(this.top()); } else { block.setBottom(this.top()); this.atEnd = true; } } else { block.setCenter(this.center()); block.setLeft(this.left()); } } else if (this.element instanceof CommandBlockMorph) { if (this.atEnd) { this.element.nextBlock(block); this.element = block; this.fixLayout(); } else { // to be done: special case if block.isStop() pb = this.element.parent; if (pb instanceof ScriptsMorph) { // top block block.setLeft(this.element.left()); block.setBottom(this.element.top() + this.element.corner); this.editor.add(block); block.nextBlock(this.element); this.fixLayout(); } else if (pb instanceof CommandSlotMorph) { pb.nestedBlock(block); } else if (pb instanceof RingReporterSlotMorph) { block.nextBlock(pb.nestedBlock()); pb.add(block); pb.fixLayout(); } else if (pb instanceof CommandBlockMorph) { pb.nextBlock(block); } } } else if (this.element instanceof CommandSlotMorph) { // to be done: special case if block.isStop() this.element.nestedBlock(block); this.element = block; this.atEnd = true; } else { pb = this.element.parent; if (pb instanceof ScriptsMorph) { this.editor.add(block); block.setPosition(this.element.position()); this.element.destroy(); } else { pb.replaceInput(this.element, block); } this.element = block; } block.fixBlockColor(); this.editor.adjustBounds(); // block.scrollIntoView(); this.fixLayout(); // register generic hat blocks if (block.selector === 'receiveCondition') { rcvr = this.editor.scriptTarget(); if (rcvr) { stage = rcvr.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); if (stage) { stage.enableCustomHatBlocks = true; stage.threads.pauseCustomHatBlocks = false; ide = stage.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph); if (ide) { ide.controlBar.stopButton.refresh(); } } } } // experimental: if the inserted block has inputs, go to the first one if (block.inputs && block.inputs().length) { this.element = block; this.atEnd = false; this.nextElement(); } }; ScriptFocusMorph.prototype.insertVariableGetter = function () { var types = this.blockTypes(), vars, myself = this, menu = new MenuMorph(); if (!types || !contains(types, 'reporter')) { return; } vars = InputSlotMorph.prototype.getVarNamesDict.call(this.element); Object.keys(vars).forEach(function (vName) { var block = SpriteMorph.prototype.variableBlock(vName); block.addShadow(new Point(3, 3)); menu.addItem( block, function () { block.removeShadow(); myself.insertBlock(block); } ); }); if (menu.items.length > 0) { menu.popup(this.world(), this.element.bottomLeft()); menu.getFocus(); } }; ScriptFocusMorph.prototype.stopEditing = function () { this.editor.focus = null; this.editor.updateToolbar(); this.world().keyboardReceiver = null; this.destroy(); }; // ScriptFocusMorph navigation ScriptFocusMorph.prototype.lastElement = function () { var items = this.items(), idx; if (!items.length) { this.shiftScript(new Point(-50, 0)); return; } if (this.atEnd) { this.element = items[items.length - 1]; this.atEnd = false; } else { idx = items.indexOf(this.element) - 1; if (idx < 0) {idx = items.length - 1; } this.element = items[idx]; } if (this.element instanceof CommandSlotMorph && this.element.nestedBlock()) { this.lastElement(); } else if (this.element instanceof HatBlockMorph) { if (items.length > 1) { this.lastElement(); } else { this.atEnd = true; } } this.fixLayout(); }; ScriptFocusMorph.prototype.nextElement = function () { var items = this.items(), idx, nb; if (!items.length) { this.shiftScript(new Point(50, 0)); return; } idx = items.indexOf(this.element) + 1; if (idx >= items.length) { idx = 0; } this.atEnd = false; this.element = items[idx]; if (this.element instanceof CommandSlotMorph) { nb = this.element.nestedBlock(); if (nb) {this.element = nb; } } else if (this.element instanceof HatBlockMorph) { if (items.length === 1) { this.atEnd = true; } else { this.nextElement(); } } this.fixLayout(); }; ScriptFocusMorph.prototype.lastCommand = function () { var cm = this.element.parentThatIsA(CommandBlockMorph), pb; if (!cm) { if (this.element instanceof ScriptsMorph) { this.shiftScript(new Point(0, -50)); } return; } if (this.element instanceof CommandBlockMorph) { if (this.atEnd) { this.atEnd = false; } else { pb = cm.parent.parentThatIsA(CommandBlockMorph); if (pb) { this.element = pb; } else { pb = cm.topBlock().bottomBlock(); if (pb) { this.element = pb; this.atEnd = true; } } } } else { this.element = cm; this.atEnd = false; } if (this.element instanceof HatBlockMorph && !this.atEnd) { this.lastCommand(); } this.fixLayout(); }; ScriptFocusMorph.prototype.nextCommand = function () { var cm = this.element, tb, nb, cs; if (cm instanceof ScriptsMorph) { this.shiftScript(new Point(0, 50)); return; } while (!(cm instanceof CommandBlockMorph)) { cm = cm.parent; if (cm instanceof ScriptsMorph) { return; } } if (this.atEnd) { cs = cm.parentThatIsA(CommandSlotMorph); if (cs) { this.element = cs.parentThatIsA(CommandBlockMorph); this.atEnd = false; this.nextCommand(); } else { tb = cm.topBlock().parentThatIsA(CommandBlockMorph); if (tb) { this.element = tb; this.atEnd = false; if (this.element instanceof HatBlockMorph) { this.nextCommand(); } } } } else { nb = cm.nextBlock(); if (nb) { this.element = nb; } else { this.element = cm; this.atEnd = true; } } this.fixLayout(); }; ScriptFocusMorph.prototype.nextScript = function () { var scripts = this.sortedScripts(), idx; if (scripts.length < 1) {return; } if (this.element instanceof ScriptsMorph) { this.element = scripts[0]; } idx = scripts.indexOf(this.element.topBlock()) + 1; if (idx >= scripts.length) {idx = 0; } this.element = scripts[idx]; this.element.scrollIntoView(); this.atEnd = false; if (this.element instanceof HatBlockMorph) { return this.nextElement(); } this.fixLayout(); }; ScriptFocusMorph.prototype.lastScript = function () { var scripts = this.sortedScripts(), idx; if (scripts.length < 1) {return; } if (this.element instanceof ScriptsMorph) { this.element = scripts[0]; } idx = scripts.indexOf(this.element.topBlock()) - 1; if (idx < 0) {idx = scripts.length - 1; } this.element = scripts[idx]; this.element.scrollIntoView(); this.atEnd = false; if (this.element instanceof HatBlockMorph) { return this.nextElement(); } this.fixLayout(); }; ScriptFocusMorph.prototype.shiftScript = function (deltaPoint) { var tb; if (this.element instanceof ScriptsMorph) { this.moveBy(deltaPoint); } else { tb = this.element.topBlock(); if (tb && !(tb instanceof PrototypeHatBlockMorph)) { tb.moveBy(deltaPoint); } } this.editor.adjustBounds(); this.fixLayout(); }; ScriptFocusMorph.prototype.newScript = function () { var pos = this.position(); if (!(this.element instanceof ScriptsMorph)) { pos = this.element.topBlock().fullBounds().bottomLeft().add( new Point(0, 50) ); } this.setPosition(pos); this.element = this.editor; this.editor.adjustBounds(); this.fixLayout(); }; ScriptFocusMorph.prototype.runScript = function () { if (this.element instanceof ScriptsMorph) {return; } this.element.topBlock().mouseClickLeft(); }; ScriptFocusMorph.prototype.items = function () { if (this.element instanceof ScriptsMorph) {return []; } var script = this.element.topBlock(); return script.allChildren().filter(function (each) { return each instanceof SyntaxElementMorph && !(each instanceof TemplateSlotMorph) && (!each.isStatic || each.choices || each instanceof BooleanSlotMorph || each instanceof RingMorph || each instanceof MultiArgMorph || each instanceof CommandSlotMorph); }); }; ScriptFocusMorph.prototype.sortedScripts = function () { var scripts = this.editor.children.filter(function (each) { return each instanceof BlockMorph; }); scripts.sort(function (a, b) { // make sure the prototype hat block always stays on top return a instanceof PrototypeHatBlockMorph ? 0 : a.top() - b.top(); }); return scripts; }; // ScriptFocusMorph undo / redo ScriptFocusMorph.prototype.undrop = function () { this.editor.undrop(); }; ScriptFocusMorph.prototype.redrop = function () { this.editor.redrop(); }; // ScriptFocusMorph block types ScriptFocusMorph.prototype.blockTypes = function () { // answer an array of possible block types that fit into // the current situation, NULL if no block can be inserted if (this.element.isTemplate) {return null; } if (this.element instanceof ScriptsMorph) { return ['hat', 'command', 'reporter', 'predicate', 'ring']; } if (this.element instanceof HatBlockMorph || this.element instanceof CommandSlotMorph) { return ['command']; } if (this.element instanceof CommandBlockMorph) { if (this.atEnd && this.element.isStop()) { return null; } if (this.element.parent instanceof ScriptsMorph) { return ['hat', 'command']; } return ['command']; } if (this.element instanceof ReporterBlockMorph) { if (this.element.getSlotSpec() === '%n') { return ['reporter']; } return ['reporter', 'predicate', 'ring']; } if (this.element.getSpec() === '%n') { return ['reporter']; } if (this.element.isStatic) { return null; } return ['reporter', 'predicate', 'ring']; }; // ScriptFocusMorph keyboard events ScriptFocusMorph.prototype.processKeyDown = function (event) { this.processKeyEvent( event, this.reactToKeyEvent ); }; ScriptFocusMorph.prototype.processKeyUp = function (event) { nop(event); }; ScriptFocusMorph.prototype.processKeyPress = function (event) { nop(event); }; ScriptFocusMorph.prototype.processKeyEvent = function (event, action) { var keyName, ctrl, shift; //console.log(event.keyCode); this.world().hand.destroyTemporaries(); // remove result bubbles, if any switch (event.keyCode) { case 8: keyName = 'backspace'; break; case 9: keyName = 'tab'; break; case 13: keyName = 'enter'; break; case 16: case 17: case 18: return; case 27: keyName = 'esc'; break; case 32: keyName = 'space'; break; case 37: keyName = 'left arrow'; break; case 39: keyName = 'right arrow'; break; case 38: keyName = 'up arrow'; break; case 40: keyName = 'down arrow'; break; default: keyName = String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode || event.charCode); } ctrl = (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) ? 'ctrl ' : ''; shift = event.shiftKey ? 'shift ' : ''; keyName = ctrl + shift + keyName; action.call(this, keyName); }; ScriptFocusMorph.prototype.reactToKeyEvent = function (key) { var evt = key.toLowerCase(), shift = 50, types, vNames; // console.log(evt); switch (evt) { case 'esc': return this.stopEditing(); case 'enter': return this.trigger(); case 'shift enter': return this.newScript(); case 'ctrl shift enter': return this.runScript(); case 'space': return this.menu(); case 'left arrow': return this.lastElement(); case 'shift left arrow': return this.shiftScript(new Point(-shift, 0)); case 'right arrow': return this.nextElement(); case 'shift right arrow': return this.shiftScript(new Point(shift, 0)); case 'up arrow': return this.lastCommand(); case 'shift up arrow': return this.shiftScript(new Point(0, -shift)); case 'down arrow': return this.nextCommand(); case 'shift down arrow': return this.shiftScript(new Point(0, shift)); case 'tab': return this.nextScript(); case 'shift tab': return this.lastScript(); case 'backspace': return this.deleteLastElement(); case 'ctrl z': return this.undrop(); case 'ctrl y': case 'ctrl shift z': return this.redrop(); case 'ctrl [': // ignore the first press of the Mac cmd key return; default: types = this.blockTypes(); if (!(this.element instanceof ScriptsMorph) && types && contains(types, 'reporter')) { vNames = Object.keys(this.element.getVarNamesDict()); } if (types) { delete this.fps; delete this.step; this.show(); this.editor.scriptTarget().searchBlocks( key, types, vNames, this ); } } };