/* xml.js a simple XML DOM, encoder and parser for morphic.js written by Jens Mönig jens@moenig.org Copyright (C) 2013 by Jens Mönig This file is part of Snap!. Snap! is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . prerequisites: -------------- needs morphic.js hierarchy --------- the following tree lists all constructors hierarchically, indentation indicating inheritance. Refer to this list to get a contextual overview: Node* XML_Element ReadStream * defined in morphic.js toc --- the following list shows the order in which all constructors are defined. Use this list to locate code in this document: ReadStream XML_Element credits ------- Nathan Dinsmore contributed to the design and implemented a first working version of a complete XMLSerializer. I have taken much of the overall design and many of the functions and methods in this file from Nathan's fine original prototype. */ /*global modules, isString, detect, Node, isNil*/ // Global stuff //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// modules.xml = '2013-April-19'; // Declarations var ReadStream; var XML_Element; // ReadStream //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // I am a sequential reading interface to an Array or String // ReadStream instance creation: function ReadStream(arrayOrString) { this.contents = arrayOrString || ''; this.index = 0; } // ReadStream constants: ReadStream.prototype.space = /[\s]/; // ReadStream accessing: ReadStream.prototype.next = function (count) { var element; if (count === undefined) { element = this.contents[this.index]; this.index += 1; return element; } return this.contents.slice(this.index, this.index += count); }; ReadStream.prototype.peek = function () { return this.contents[this.index]; }; ReadStream.prototype.skip = function (count) { this.index += count || 1; }; ReadStream.prototype.atEnd = function () { return this.index > (this.contents.length - 1); }; // ReadStream accessing String contents: ReadStream.prototype.upTo = function (regex) { if (!isString(this.contents)) {return ''; } var i = this.contents.substr(this.index).search(regex); if (i === -1) { return ''; } return this.contents.substring(this.index, this.index += i); }; ReadStream.prototype.peekUpTo = function (regex) { if (!isString(this.contents)) {return ''; } var i = this.contents.substr(this.index).search(regex); if (i === -1) { return ''; } return this.contents.substring(this.index, this.index + i); }; ReadStream.prototype.skipSpace = function () { if (!isString(this.contents)) {return ''; } var ch; while (this.space.test(ch = this.peek()) && ch !== '') { this.skip(); } }; ReadStream.prototype.word = function () { if (!isString(this.contents)) {return ''; } var i = this.contents.substr(this.index).search(/[\s\>\/\=]|$/); if (i === -1) { return ''; } return this.contents.substring(this.index, this.index += i); }; // XML_Element /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* I am a DOM-Node which can encode itself to as well as parse itself from a well-formed XML string. Note that there is no separate parser object, all the parsing can be done in a single object. */ // XML_Element inherits from Node: XML_Element.prototype = new Node(); XML_Element.prototype.constructor = XML_Element; XML_Element.uber = Node.prototype; // XML_Element preferences settings: XML_Element.prototype.indentation = ' '; // XML_Element instance creation: function XML_Element(tag, contents, parent) { this.init(tag, contents, parent); } XML_Element.prototype.init = function (tag, contents, parent) { // additional properties: this.tag = tag || 'unnamed'; this.attributes = {}; this.contents = contents || ''; // initialize inherited properties: XML_Element.uber.init.call(this); // override inherited properties if (parent instanceof XML_Element) { parent.addChild(this); } }; // XML_Element DOM navigation: (aside from what's inherited from Node) XML_Element.prototype.require = function (tagName) { // answer the first direct child with the specified tagName, or throw // an error if it doesn't exist var child = this.childNamed(tagName); if (!child) { throw new Error('Missing required element <' + tagName + '>!'); } return child; }; XML_Element.prototype.childNamed = function (tagName) { // answer the first direct child with the specified tagName, or null return detect( this.children, function (child) {return child.tag === tagName; } ); }; XML_Element.prototype.childrenNamed = function (tagName) { // answer all direct children with the specified tagName return this.children.filter( function (child) {return child.tag === tagName; } ); }; XML_Element.prototype.parentNamed = function (tagName) { // including myself if (this.tag === tagName) { return this; } if (!this.parent) { return null; } return this.parent.parentNamed(tagName); }; // XML_Element output: XML_Element.prototype.toString = function (isFormatted, indentationLevel) { var result = '', indent = '', level = indentationLevel || 0, key, i; // spaces for indentation, if any if (isFormatted) { for (i = 0; i < level; i += 1) { indent += this.indentation; } result += indent; } // opening tag result += ('<' + this.tag); // attributes, if any for (key in this.attributes) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.attributes, key) && this.attributes[key]) { result += ' ' + key + '="' + this.attributes[key] + '"'; } } // contents, subnodes, and closing tag if (!this.contents.length && !this.children.length) { result += '/>'; } else { result += '>'; result += this.contents; this.children.forEach(function (element) { if (isFormatted) { result += '\n'; } result += element.toString(isFormatted, level + 1); }); if (isFormatted && this.children.length) { result += ('\n' + indent); } result += ''; } return result; }; XML_Element.prototype.escape = function (string, ignoreQuotes) { var src = isNil(string) ? '' : string.toString(), result = '', i, ch; for (i = 0; i < src.length; i += 1) { ch = src[i]; switch (ch) { case '\'': result += '''; break; case '\"': result += ignoreQuotes ? ch : '"'; break; case '<': result += '<'; break; case '>': result += '>'; break; case '&': result += '&'; break; case '\n': // escape CR b/c of export to URL feature result += ' '; break; case '~': // escape tilde b/c it's overloaded in serializer.store() result += '~'; break; default: result += ch; } } return result; }; XML_Element.prototype.unescape = function (string) { var stream = new ReadStream(string), result = '', ch, esc; function nextPut(str) { result += str; stream.upTo(';'); stream.skip(); } while (!stream.atEnd()) { ch = stream.next(); if (ch === '&') { esc = stream.peekUpTo(';'); switch (esc) { case 'apos': nextPut('\''); break; case 'quot': nextPut('\"'); break; case 'lt': nextPut('<'); break; case 'gt': nextPut('>'); break; case 'amp': nextPut('&'); break; case '#xD': nextPut('\n'); break; case '#126': nextPut('~'); break; default: result += ch; } } else { result += ch; } } return result; }; // XML_Element parsing: XML_Element.prototype.parseString = function (string) { var stream = new ReadStream(string); stream.upTo('<'); stream.skip(); this.parseStream(stream); }; XML_Element.prototype.parseStream = function (stream) { var key, value, ch, child; // tag: this.tag = stream.word(); stream.skipSpace(); // attributes: while ((ch = stream.peek()) !== '>' && ch !== '/') { key = stream.word(); stream.skipSpace(); if (stream.next() !== '=') { throw new Error('Expected "=" after attribute name'); } stream.skipSpace(); if ((ch = stream.next()) !== '"' && ch !== "'") { throw new Error( 'Expected single- or double-quoted attribute value' ); } value = stream.upTo(ch); stream.skip(1); stream.skipSpace(); this.attributes[key] = this.unescape(value); } // empty tag: if (stream.peek() === '/') { stream.skip(); if (stream.next() !== '>') { throw new Error('Expected ">" after "/" in empty tag'); } return; } if (stream.next() !== '>') { throw new Error('Expected ">" after tag name and attributes'); } // contents and children while (!stream.atEnd()) { ch = stream.next(); if (ch === '<') { if (stream.peek() === '/') { // closing tag stream.skip(); if (stream.word() !== this.tag) { throw new Error('Expected to close ' + this.tag); } stream.upTo('>'); stream.skip(); this.contents = this.unescape(this.contents); return; } child = new XML_Element(null, null, this); child.parseStream(stream); } else { this.contents += ch; } } };