Allows reading global settings programmatically. Eisenberg's Law: Anything you can do from the user interface you should be able to do in your program, and vice versa. This library is just a beginning; there are many UI controls outside of the Settings menu.
pt:o valor da configuração _ Project notes Project name User Presentation mode Language Zoom blocks Stage size Stage scale Retina display support Long form input dialog Plain prototype labels Input sliders Execute on slider change Clicking sound Turbo mode Flat design Keyboard editing Visible stepping Thread safe scripts Prefer smooth animations Flat line ends Codification support Inheritance support Hyper blocks support Visible palette
Allows changing global settings programmatically. This block is for Boolean (checkbox) settings; use SET VALUE for numeric or text values. Eisenberg's Law: Anything you can do from the user interface you should be able to do in your program, and vice versa. This library is just a beginning; there are many UI controls outside of the Settings menu.
pt:altera o valor da configuração _ para _ Presentation mode Retina display support Long form input dialog Plain prototype labels Input sliders Execute on slider change Clicking sound Turbo mode Flat design Keyboard editing Visible stepping Thread safe scripts Prefer smooth animations Flat line ends Codification support Inheritance support Hyper blocks support
Allows changing global settings programmatically. This block is for numeric or text settings; use SET FLAG for Boolean (checkbox) values. Eisenberg's Law: Anything you can do from the user interface you should be able to do in your program, and vice versa. This library is just a beginning; there are many UI controls outside of the Settings menu.
pt:altera o valor da configuração _ para _ Project notes Project name Language Zoom blocks Stage size Stage scale Visible palette