Accepts any number of scripts as inputs. Launches a separate thread for each of them, so they are done in parallel, then waits for them all to complete. This doesn't change how the Snap! scheduler works; the threads are not truly asynchronous. And there is no increase in speed. Rather, the point of this block is to allow starting synchronized but independent scripts.
pt:executa _ em paralelo e espera ca:executa en paral·lel _ i espera each scripttest
Accepts any number of scripts as inputs. Launches a separate thread for each of them, so they are done in parallel, then continues with the current script while they all run. This doesn't change how the Snap! scheduler works; the threads are not truly asynchronous. And there is no increase in speed. Rather, the point of this block is to allow starting synchronized but independent scripts.
pt:executa _ em paralelo ca:executa en paral·lel _