/* cloud.js a backend API for SNAP! written by Jens Mönig Copyright (C) 2013 by Jens Mönig This file is part of Snap!. Snap! is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ // Global settings ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*global modules, IDE_Morph, SnapSerializer, hex_sha512, alert, nop*/ modules.cloud = '2013-May-10'; // Global stuff var Cloud; var SnapCloud = new Cloud( 'https://snapcloud.miosoft.com/miocon/app/login?_app=SnapCloud' //'' //'' // 'localhost/miocon/app/login?_app=SnapCloud' ); // Cloud ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function Cloud(url) { this.username = null; this.password = null; // hex_sha512 hashed this.url = url; this.session = null; this.api = {}; } Cloud.prototype.clear = function () { this.username = null; this.password = null; this.session = null; this.api = {}; }; Cloud.prototype.hasProtocol = function () { return this.url.toLowerCase().indexOf('http') === 0; }; // Cloud: Snap! API Cloud.prototype.signup = function ( username, email, callBack, errorCall ) { // both callBack and errorCall are two-argument functions var request = new XMLHttpRequest(), myself = this; try { request.open( "GET", (this.hasProtocol() ? '' : 'http://') + this.url + 'SignUp' + '&Username=' + encodeURIComponent(username) + '&Email=' + email, true ); request.setRequestHeader( "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ); request.withCredentials = true; request.onreadystatechange = function () { if (request.readyState === 4) { if (request.responseText) { if (request.responseText.indexOf('ERROR') === 0) { errorCall.call( this, request.responseText, 'Signup' ); } else { callBack.call( null, request.responseText, 'Signup' ); } } else { errorCall.call( null, myself.url + 'SignUp', 'could not connect to:' ); } } }; request.send(null); } catch (err) { errorCall.call(this, err.toString(), 'Snap!Cloud'); } }; Cloud.prototype.getPublicProject = function ( id, callBack, errorCall ) { // id is Username=username&projectName=projectname, // where the values are url-component encoded // callBack is a single argument function, errorCall take two args var request = new XMLHttpRequest(), responseList, myself = this; try { request.open( "GET", (this.hasProtocol() ? '' : 'http://') + this.url + 'Public' + '&' + id, true ); request.setRequestHeader( "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ); request.withCredentials = true; request.onreadystatechange = function () { if (request.readyState === 4) { if (request.responseText) { if (request.responseText.indexOf('ERROR') === 0) { errorCall.call( this, request.responseText ); } else { responseList = myself.parseResponse( request.responseText ); callBack.call( null, responseList[0].SourceCode ); } } else { errorCall.call( null, myself.url + 'Public', 'could not connect to:' ); } } }; request.send(null); } catch (err) { errorCall.call(this, err.toString(), 'Snap!Cloud'); } }; Cloud.prototype.resetPassword = function ( username, callBack, errorCall ) { // both callBack and errorCall are two-argument functions var request = new XMLHttpRequest(), myself = this; try { request.open( "GET", (this.hasProtocol() ? '' : 'http://') + this.url + 'ResetPW' + '&Username=' + encodeURIComponent(username), true ); request.setRequestHeader( "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ); request.withCredentials = true; request.onreadystatechange = function () { if (request.readyState === 4) { if (request.responseText) { if (request.responseText.indexOf('ERROR') === 0) { errorCall.call( this, request.responseText, 'Reset Password' ); } else { callBack.call( null, request.responseText, 'Reset Password' ); } } else { errorCall.call( null, myself.url + 'ResetPW', 'could not connect to:' ); } } }; request.send(null); } catch (err) { errorCall.call(this, err.toString(), 'Snap!Cloud'); } }; Cloud.prototype.connect = function ( callBack, errorCall ) { // both callBack and errorCall are two-argument functions var request = new XMLHttpRequest(), myself = this; try { request.open( "GET", (this.hasProtocol() ? '' : 'http://') + this.url, true ); request.setRequestHeader( "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ); request.withCredentials = true; request.onreadystatechange = function () { if (request.readyState === 4) { if (request.responseText) { myself.api = myself.parseAPI(request.responseText); myself.session = request.getResponseHeader('MioCracker') .split(';')[0]; if (myself.api.login) { callBack.call(null, myself.api, 'Snap!Cloud'); } else { errorCall.call( null, 'connection failed' ); } } else { errorCall.call( null, myself.url, 'could not connect to:' ); } } }; request.send(null); } catch (err) { errorCall.call(this, err.toString(), 'Snap!Cloud'); } }; Cloud.prototype.login = function ( username, password, callBack, errorCall ) { var myself = this; this.connect( function () { myself.rawLogin(username, password, callBack, errorCall); myself.disconnect(); }, errorCall ); }; Cloud.prototype.rawLogin = function ( username, password, callBack, errorCall ) { // both callBack and errorCall are two-argument functions var myself = this, pwHash = hex_sha512("miosoft%20miocon," + this.session.split('=')[1] + "," + encodeURIComponent(username.toLowerCase()) + "," + password // alreadey hex_sha512 hashed ); this.callService( 'login', function (response, url) { if (myself.api.logout) { myself.username = username; myself.password = password; callBack.call(null, response, url); } else { errorCall.call( null, 'Service catalog is not available,\nplease retry', 'Connection Error:' ); } }, errorCall, [username, pwHash] ); }; Cloud.prototype.reconnect = function ( callBack, errorCall ) { if (!(this.username && this.password)) { this.message('You are not logged in'); return; } this.login( this.username, this.password, callBack, errorCall ); }; Cloud.prototype.saveProject = function (ide, callBack, errorCall) { var myself = this, pdata, media; ide.serializer.isCollectingMedia = true; pdata = ide.serializer.serialize(ide.stage); media = ide.hasChangedMedia ? ide.serializer.mediaXML(ide.projectName) : null; ide.serializer.isCollectingMedia = false; ide.serializer.flushMedia(); myself.reconnect( function () { myself.callService( 'saveProject', function (response, url) { callBack.call(null, response, url); myself.disconnect(); ide.hasChangedMedia = false; }, errorCall, [ide.projectName, pdata, media] ); }, errorCall ); }; Cloud.prototype.getProjectList = function (callBack, errorCall) { var myself = this; this.reconnect( function () { myself.callService( 'getProjectList', function (response, url) { callBack.call(null, response, url); myself.disconnect(); }, errorCall ); }, errorCall ); }; Cloud.prototype.changePassword = function ( oldPW, newPW, callBack, errorCall ) { var myself = this; this.reconnect( function () { myself.callService( 'changePassword', function (response, url) { callBack.call(null, response, url); myself.disconnect(); }, errorCall, [oldPW, newPW] ); }, errorCall ); }; Cloud.prototype.logout = function (callBack, errorCall) { this.clear(); this.callService( 'logout', callBack, errorCall ); }; Cloud.prototype.disconnect = function () { this.callService( 'logout', nop, nop ); }; // Cloud: backend communication Cloud.prototype.callURL = function (url, callBack, errorCall) { // both callBack and errorCall are optional two-argument functions var request = new XMLHttpRequest(), myself = this; try { request.open('GET', url, true); request.withCredentials = true; request.setRequestHeader( "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ); request.setRequestHeader('MioCracker', this.session); request.onreadystatechange = function () { if (request.readyState === 4) { if (request.responseText) { var responseList = myself.parseResponse( request.responseText ); callBack.call(null, responseList, url); } else { errorCall.call( null, url, 'no response from:' ); } } }; request.send(null); } catch (err) { errorCall.call(this, err.toString(), url); } }; Cloud.prototype.callService = function ( serviceName, callBack, errorCall, args ) { // both callBack and errorCall are optional two-argument functions var request = new XMLHttpRequest(), service = this.api[serviceName], myself = this, postDict; if (!this.session) { errorCall.call(null, 'You are not connected', 'Cloud'); return; } if (!service) { errorCall.call( null, 'service ' + serviceName + ' is not available', 'API' ); return; } if (args && args.length > 0) { postDict = {}; service.parameters.forEach(function (parm, idx) { postDict[parm] = args[idx]; }); } try { request.open(service.method, service.url, true); request.withCredentials = true; request.setRequestHeader( "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ); request.setRequestHeader('MioCracker', this.session); request.onreadystatechange = function () { if (request.readyState === 4) { var responseList = []; if (request.responseText && request.responseText.indexOf('ERROR') === 0) { errorCall.call( this, request.responseText, 'Service: ' + serviceName ); return; } if (serviceName === 'login') { myself.api = myself.parseAPI(request.responseText); } responseList = myself.parseResponse( request.responseText ); callBack.call(null, responseList, service.url); } }; request.send(this.encodeDict(postDict)); } catch (err) { errorCall.call(this, err.toString(), service.url); } }; // Cloud: payload transformation Cloud.prototype.parseAPI = function (src) { var api = {}, services; services = src.split(" "); services.forEach(function (service) { var entries = service.split("&"), serviceDescription = {}, parms; entries.forEach(function (entry) { var pair = entry.split("="), key = decodeURIComponent(pair[0]).toLowerCase(), val = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]); if (key === "service") { api[val] = serviceDescription; } else if (key === "parameters") { parms = val.split(","); if (!(parms.length === 1 && !parms[0])) { serviceDescription.parameters = parms; } } else { serviceDescription[key] = val; } }); }); return api; }; Cloud.prototype.parseResponse = function (src) { var ans = [], lines; if (!src) {return ans; } lines = src.split(" "); lines.forEach(function (service) { var entries = service.split("&"), dict = {}; entries.forEach(function (entry) { var pair = entry.split("="), key = decodeURIComponent(pair[0]), val = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]); dict[key] = val; }); ans.push(dict); }); return ans; }; Cloud.prototype.encodeDict = function (dict) { var str = '', pair, key; if (!dict) {return null; } for (key in dict) { if (dict.hasOwnProperty(key)) { pair = encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(dict[key]); if (pair.length > 0) { str += '&'; } str += pair; } } return str; }; // Cloud: user messages (to be overridden) Cloud.prototype.message = function (string) { alert(string); };