/* gui.js a programming environment based on morphic.js, blocks.js, threads.js and objects.js inspired by Scratch written by Jens Mönig jens@moenig.org Copyright (C) 2015 by Jens Mönig This file is part of Snap!. Snap! is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . prerequisites: -------------- needs blocks.js, threads.js, objects.js and morphic.js toc --- the following list shows the order in which all constructors are defined. Use this list to locate code in this document: IDE_Morph ProjectDialogMorph SpriteIconMorph TurtleIconMorph CostumeIconMorph WardrobeMorph StageHandleMorph; credits ------- Nathan Dinsmore contributed saving and loading of projects, ypr-Snap! project conversion and countless bugfixes Ian Reynolds contributed handling and visualization of sounds */ /*global modules, Morph, SpriteMorph, BoxMorph, SyntaxElementMorph, Color, ListWatcherMorph, isString, TextMorph, newCanvas, useBlurredShadows, radians, VariableFrame, StringMorph, Point, SliderMorph, MenuMorph, morphicVersion, DialogBoxMorph, ToggleButtonMorph, contains, ScrollFrameMorph, StageMorph, PushButtonMorph, InputFieldMorph, FrameMorph, Process, nop, SnapSerializer, ListMorph, detect, AlignmentMorph, TabMorph, Costume, CostumeEditorMorph, MorphicPreferences, touchScreenSettings, standardSettings, Sound, BlockMorph, ToggleMorph, InputSlotDialogMorph, ScriptsMorph, isNil, SymbolMorph, BlockExportDialogMorph, BlockImportDialogMorph, SnapTranslator, localize, List, InputSlotMorph, SnapCloud, Uint8Array, HandleMorph, SVG_Costume, fontHeight, hex_sha512, sb, CommentMorph, CommandBlockMorph, BlockLabelPlaceHolderMorph, Audio, SpeechBubbleMorph, ScriptFocusMorph, XML_Element, WatcherMorph, BlockRemovalDialogMorph*/ // Global stuff //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// modules.gui = '2015-October-07'; // Declarations var IDE_Morph; var ProjectDialogMorph; var SpriteIconMorph; var CostumeIconMorph; var TurtleIconMorph; var WardrobeMorph; var SoundIconMorph; var JukeboxMorph; var StageHandleMorph; // Get the full url without "snap.html" var baseURL = (function getPath(location) { var origin, path, slash; path = location.pathname; // starts with a / origin = location.origin; // has no trailing / slash = path.lastIndexOf('/'); path = path.slice(0, slash + 1); // keep a trailing / return origin + path; }(window.location)); // IDE_Morph /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // I am SNAP's top-level frame, the Editor window // IDE_Morph inherits from Morph: IDE_Morph.prototype = new Morph(); IDE_Morph.prototype.constructor = IDE_Morph; IDE_Morph.uber = Morph.prototype; // IDE_Morph preferences settings and skins IDE_Morph.prototype.setDefaultDesign = function () { MorphicPreferences.isFlat = false; SpriteMorph.prototype.paletteColor = new Color(55, 55, 55); SpriteMorph.prototype.paletteTextColor = new Color(230, 230, 230); StageMorph.prototype.paletteTextColor = SpriteMorph.prototype.paletteTextColor; StageMorph.prototype.paletteColor = SpriteMorph.prototype.paletteColor; SpriteMorph.prototype.sliderColor = SpriteMorph.prototype.paletteColor.lighter(30); IDE_Morph.prototype.buttonContrast = 30; IDE_Morph.prototype.backgroundColor = new Color(40, 40, 40); IDE_Morph.prototype.frameColor = SpriteMorph.prototype.paletteColor; IDE_Morph.prototype.groupColor = SpriteMorph.prototype.paletteColor.lighter(8); IDE_Morph.prototype.sliderColor = SpriteMorph.prototype.sliderColor; IDE_Morph.prototype.buttonLabelColor = new Color(255, 255, 255); IDE_Morph.prototype.tabColors = [ IDE_Morph.prototype.groupColor.darker(40), IDE_Morph.prototype.groupColor.darker(60), IDE_Morph.prototype.groupColor ]; IDE_Morph.prototype.rotationStyleColors = IDE_Morph.prototype.tabColors; IDE_Morph.prototype.appModeColor = new Color(); IDE_Morph.prototype.scriptsPaneTexture = this.scriptsTexture(); IDE_Morph.prototype.padding = 5; SpriteIconMorph.prototype.labelColor = IDE_Morph.prototype.buttonLabelColor; CostumeIconMorph.prototype.labelColor = IDE_Morph.prototype.buttonLabelColor; SoundIconMorph.prototype.labelColor = IDE_Morph.prototype.buttonLabelColor; TurtleIconMorph.prototype.labelColor = IDE_Morph.prototype.buttonLabelColor; }; IDE_Morph.prototype.setFlatDesign = function () { MorphicPreferences.isFlat = true; SpriteMorph.prototype.paletteColor = new Color(255, 255, 255); SpriteMorph.prototype.paletteTextColor = new Color(70, 70, 70); StageMorph.prototype.paletteTextColor = SpriteMorph.prototype.paletteTextColor; StageMorph.prototype.paletteColor = SpriteMorph.prototype.paletteColor; SpriteMorph.prototype.sliderColor = SpriteMorph.prototype.paletteColor; IDE_Morph.prototype.buttonContrast = 30; IDE_Morph.prototype.backgroundColor = new Color(200, 200, 200); IDE_Morph.prototype.frameColor = new Color(255, 255, 255); IDE_Morph.prototype.groupColor = new Color(230, 230, 230); IDE_Morph.prototype.sliderColor = SpriteMorph.prototype.sliderColor; IDE_Morph.prototype.buttonLabelColor = new Color(70, 70, 70); IDE_Morph.prototype.tabColors = [ IDE_Morph.prototype.groupColor.lighter(60), IDE_Morph.prototype.groupColor.darker(10), IDE_Morph.prototype.groupColor ]; IDE_Morph.prototype.rotationStyleColors = [ IDE_Morph.prototype.groupColor, IDE_Morph.prototype.groupColor.darker(10), IDE_Morph.prototype.groupColor.darker(30) ]; IDE_Morph.prototype.appModeColor = IDE_Morph.prototype.frameColor; IDE_Morph.prototype.scriptsPaneTexture = null; IDE_Morph.prototype.padding = 1; SpriteIconMorph.prototype.labelColor = IDE_Morph.prototype.buttonLabelColor; CostumeIconMorph.prototype.labelColor = IDE_Morph.prototype.buttonLabelColor; SoundIconMorph.prototype.labelColor = IDE_Morph.prototype.buttonLabelColor; TurtleIconMorph.prototype.labelColor = IDE_Morph.prototype.buttonLabelColor; }; IDE_Morph.prototype.scriptsTexture = function () { var pic = newCanvas(new Point(100, 100)), // bigger scales faster ctx = pic.getContext('2d'), i; for (i = 0; i < 100; i += 4) { ctx.fillStyle = this.frameColor.toString(); ctx.fillRect(i, 0, 1, 100); ctx.fillStyle = this.groupColor.lighter(6).toString(); ctx.fillRect(i + 1, 0, 1, 100); ctx.fillRect(i + 3, 0, 1, 100); ctx.fillStyle = this.groupColor.toString(); ctx.fillRect(i + 2, 0, 1, 100); } return pic; }; IDE_Morph.prototype.setDefaultDesign(); // IDE_Morph instance creation: function IDE_Morph(isAutoFill) { this.init(isAutoFill); } IDE_Morph.prototype.init = function (isAutoFill) { // global font setting MorphicPreferences.globalFontFamily = 'Helvetica, Arial'; // restore saved user preferences this.userLanguage = null; // user language preference for startup this.projectsInURLs = false; this.applySavedSettings(); // additional properties: this.cloudMsg = null; this.source = 'local'; this.serializer = new SnapSerializer(); this.globalVariables = new VariableFrame(); this.currentSprite = new SpriteMorph(this.globalVariables); this.sprites = new List([this.currentSprite]); this.currentCategory = 'motion'; this.currentTab = 'scripts'; this.projectName = ''; this.projectNotes = ''; this.logo = null; this.controlBar = null; this.categories = null; this.palette = null; this.spriteBar = null; this.spriteEditor = null; this.stage = null; this.stageHandle = null; this.corralBar = null; this.corral = null; this.isAutoFill = isAutoFill || true; this.isAppMode = false; this.isSmallStage = false; this.filePicker = null; this.hasChangedMedia = false; this.isAnimating = true; this.stageRatio = 1; // for IDE animations, e.g. when zooming this.loadNewProject = false; // flag when starting up translated this.shield = null; // initialize inherited properties: IDE_Morph.uber.init.call(this); // override inherited properites: this.color = this.backgroundColor; }; IDE_Morph.prototype.openIn = function (world) { var hash, usr, myself = this, urlLanguage = null; // get persistent user data, if any if (localStorage) { usr = localStorage['-snap-user']; if (usr) { usr = SnapCloud.parseResponse(usr)[0]; if (usr) { SnapCloud.username = usr.username || null; SnapCloud.password = usr.password || null; if (SnapCloud.username) { this.source = 'cloud'; } } } } this.buildPanes(); world.add(this); world.userMenu = this.userMenu; // override SnapCloud's user message with Morphic SnapCloud.message = function (string) { var m = new MenuMorph(null, string), intervalHandle; m.popUpCenteredInWorld(world); intervalHandle = setInterval(function () { m.destroy(); clearInterval(intervalHandle); }, 2000); }; // prevent non-DialogBoxMorphs from being dropped // onto the World in user-mode world.reactToDropOf = function (morph) { if (!(morph instanceof DialogBoxMorph)) { if (world.hand.grabOrigin) { morph.slideBackTo(world.hand.grabOrigin); } else { world.hand.grab(morph); } } }; this.reactToWorldResize(world.bounds); function getURL(url) { try { var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.open('GET', url, false); request.send(); if (request.status === 200) { return request.responseText; } throw new Error('unable to retrieve ' + url); } catch (err) { myself.showMessage('unable to retrieve project'); return ''; } } // dynamic notifications from non-source text files // has some issues, commented out for now /* this.cloudMsg = getURL('http://snap.berkeley.edu/cloudmsg.txt'); motd = getURL('http://snap.berkeley.edu/motd.txt'); if (motd) { this.inform('Snap!', motd); } */ function interpretUrlAnchors() { var dict; if (location.hash.substr(0, 6) === '#open:') { hash = location.hash.substr(6); if (hash.charAt(0) === '%' || hash.search(/\%(?:[0-9a-f]{2})/i) > -1) { hash = decodeURIComponent(hash); } if (contains( ['project', 'blocks', 'sprites', 'snapdata'].map( function (each) { return hash.substr(0, 8).indexOf(each); } ), 1 )) { this.droppedText(hash); } else { this.droppedText(getURL(hash)); } } else if (location.hash.substr(0, 5) === '#run:') { hash = location.hash.substr(5); if (hash.charAt(0) === '%' || hash.search(/\%(?:[0-9a-f]{2})/i) > -1) { hash = decodeURIComponent(hash); } if (hash.substr(0, 8) === '') { this.rawOpenProjectString(hash); } else { this.rawOpenProjectString(getURL(hash)); } this.toggleAppMode(true); this.runScripts(); } else if (location.hash.substr(0, 9) === '#present:') { this.shield = new Morph(); this.shield.color = this.color; this.shield.setExtent(this.parent.extent()); this.parent.add(this.shield); myself.showMessage('Fetching project\nfrom the cloud...'); // make sure to lowercase the username dict = SnapCloud.parseDict(location.hash.substr(9)); dict.Username = dict.Username.toLowerCase(); SnapCloud.getPublicProject( SnapCloud.encodeDict(dict), function (projectData) { var msg; myself.nextSteps([ function () { msg = myself.showMessage('Opening project...'); }, function () {nop(); }, // yield (bug in Chrome) function () { if (projectData.indexOf(' max) { x = start; y += icon.height(); // they're all the same } icon.setPosition(new Point(x, y)); x += w; }); this.frame.contents.adjustBounds(); }; this.corral.addSprite = function (sprite) { this.frame.contents.add(new SpriteIconMorph(sprite)); this.fixLayout(); }; this.corral.refresh = function () { this.stageIcon.refresh(); this.frame.contents.children.forEach(function (icon) { icon.refresh(); }); }; this.corral.wantsDropOf = function (morph) { return morph instanceof SpriteIconMorph; }; this.corral.reactToDropOf = function (spriteIcon) { var idx = 1, pos = spriteIcon.position(); spriteIcon.destroy(); this.frame.contents.children.forEach(function (icon) { if (pos.gt(icon.position()) || pos.y > icon.bottom()) { idx += 1; } }); myself.sprites.add(spriteIcon.object, idx); myself.createCorral(); myself.fixLayout(); }; }; // IDE_Morph layout IDE_Morph.prototype.fixLayout = function (situation) { // situation is a string, i.e. // 'selectSprite' or 'refreshPalette' or 'tabEditor' var padding = this.padding; Morph.prototype.trackChanges = false; if (situation !== 'refreshPalette') { // controlBar this.controlBar.setPosition(this.logo.topRight()); this.controlBar.setWidth(this.right() - this.controlBar.left()); this.controlBar.fixLayout(); // categories this.categories.setLeft(this.logo.left()); this.categories.setTop(this.logo.bottom()); } // palette this.palette.setLeft(this.logo.left()); this.palette.setTop(this.categories.bottom()); this.palette.setHeight(this.bottom() - this.palette.top()); if (situation !== 'refreshPalette') { // stage if (this.isAppMode) { this.stage.setScale(Math.floor(Math.min( (this.width() - padding * 2) / this.stage.dimensions.x, (this.height() - this.controlBar.height() * 2 - padding * 2) / this.stage.dimensions.y ) * 10) / 10); this.stage.setCenter(this.center()); } else { this.stage.setScale(this.isSmallStage ? this.stageRatio : 1); this.stage.setTop(this.logo.bottom() + padding); this.stage.setRight(this.right()); this.stageHandle.fixLayout(); } // spriteBar this.spriteBar.setPosition(this.logo.bottomRight().add(padding)); this.spriteBar.setExtent(new Point( Math.max(0, this.stage.left() - padding - this.spriteBar.left()), this.categories.bottom() - this.spriteBar.top() - padding )); this.spriteBar.fixLayout(); // spriteEditor if (this.spriteEditor.isVisible) { this.spriteEditor.setPosition(this.spriteBar.bottomLeft()); this.spriteEditor.setExtent(new Point( this.spriteBar.width(), this.bottom() - this.spriteEditor.top() )); } // corralBar this.corralBar.setLeft(this.stage.left()); this.corralBar.setTop(this.stage.bottom() + padding); this.corralBar.setWidth(this.stage.width()); // corral if (!contains(['selectSprite', 'tabEditor'], situation)) { this.corral.setPosition(this.corralBar.bottomLeft()); this.corral.setWidth(this.stage.width()); this.corral.setHeight(this.bottom() - this.corral.top()); this.corral.fixLayout(); } } Morph.prototype.trackChanges = true; this.changed(); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.setProjectName = function (string) { this.projectName = string.replace(/['"]/g, ''); // filter quotation marks this.hasChangedMedia = true; this.controlBar.updateLabel(); }; // IDE_Morph resizing IDE_Morph.prototype.setExtent = function (point) { var padding = new Point(430, 110), minExt, ext, maxWidth, minWidth, maxHeight, minRatio, maxRatio; // determine the minimum dimensions making sense for the current mode if (this.isAppMode) { minExt = StageMorph.prototype.dimensions.add( this.controlBar.height() + 10 ); } else { if (this.stageRatio > 1) { minExt = padding.add(StageMorph.prototype.dimensions); } else { minExt = padding.add( StageMorph.prototype.dimensions.multiplyBy(this.stageRatio) ); } } ext = point.max(minExt); // adjust stage ratio if necessary maxWidth = ext.x - (this.spriteBar.tabBar.fullBounds().right() - this.left()); minWidth = SpriteIconMorph.prototype.thumbSize.x * 3; maxHeight = (ext.y - SpriteIconMorph.prototype.thumbSize.y * 3.5); minRatio = minWidth / this.stage.dimensions.x; maxRatio = Math.min( (maxWidth / this.stage.dimensions.x), (maxHeight / this.stage.dimensions.y) ); this.stageRatio = Math.min(maxRatio, Math.max(minRatio, this.stageRatio)); // apply IDE_Morph.uber.setExtent.call(this, ext); this.fixLayout(); }; // IDE_Morph events IDE_Morph.prototype.reactToWorldResize = function (rect) { if (this.isAutoFill) { this.setPosition(rect.origin); this.setExtent(rect.extent()); } if (this.filePicker) { document.body.removeChild(this.filePicker); this.filePicker = null; } }; IDE_Morph.prototype.droppedImage = function (aCanvas, name) { var costume = new Costume( aCanvas, this.currentSprite.newCostumeName( name ? name.split('.')[0] : '' // up to period ) ); if (costume.isTainted()) { this.inform( 'Unable to import this image', 'The picture you wish to import has been\n' + 'tainted by a restrictive cross-origin policy\n' + 'making it unusable for costumes in Snap!. \n\n' + 'Try downloading this picture first to your\n' + 'computer, and import it from there.' ); return; } this.currentSprite.addCostume(costume); this.currentSprite.wearCostume(costume); this.spriteBar.tabBar.tabTo('costumes'); this.hasChangedMedia = true; }; IDE_Morph.prototype.droppedSVG = function (anImage, name) { var costume = new SVG_Costume(anImage, name.split('.')[0]); this.currentSprite.addCostume(costume); this.currentSprite.wearCostume(costume); this.spriteBar.tabBar.tabTo('costumes'); this.hasChangedMedia = true; this.showMessage( 'SVG costumes are\nnot yet fully supported\nin every browser', 2 ); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.droppedAudio = function (anAudio, name) { this.currentSprite.addSound(anAudio, name.split('.')[0]); // up to period this.spriteBar.tabBar.tabTo('sounds'); this.hasChangedMedia = true; }; IDE_Morph.prototype.droppedText = function (aString, name) { var lbl = name ? name.split('.')[0] : ''; if (aString.indexOf('Snap! var ypr = document.getElementById('ypr'), myself = this, suffix = name.substring(name.length - 3); if (suffix.toLowerCase() !== 'ypr') {return; } function loadYPR(buffer, lbl) { var reader = new sb.Reader(), pname = lbl.split('.')[0]; // up to period reader.onload = function (info) { myself.droppedText(new sb.XMLWriter().write(pname, info)); }; reader.readYPR(new Uint8Array(buffer)); } if (!ypr) { ypr = document.createElement('script'); ypr.id = 'ypr'; ypr.onload = function () {loadYPR(anArrayBuffer, name); }; document.head.appendChild(ypr); ypr.src = 'ypr.js'; } else { loadYPR(anArrayBuffer, name); } }; // IDE_Morph button actions IDE_Morph.prototype.refreshPalette = function (shouldIgnorePosition) { var oldTop = this.palette.contents.top(); this.createPalette(); this.fixLayout('refreshPalette'); if (!shouldIgnorePosition) { this.palette.contents.setTop(oldTop); } }; IDE_Morph.prototype.pressStart = function () { if (this.world().currentKey === 16) { // shiftClicked this.toggleFastTracking(); } else { this.runScripts(); } }; IDE_Morph.prototype.toggleFastTracking = function () { if (this.stage.isFastTracked) { this.stopFastTracking(); } else { this.startFastTracking(); } }; IDE_Morph.prototype.toggleVariableFrameRate = function () { if (StageMorph.prototype.frameRate) { StageMorph.prototype.frameRate = 0; this.stage.fps = 0; } else { StageMorph.prototype.frameRate = 30; this.stage.fps = 30; } }; IDE_Morph.prototype.startFastTracking = function () { this.stage.isFastTracked = true; this.stage.fps = 0; this.controlBar.startButton.labelString = new SymbolMorph('flash', 14); this.controlBar.startButton.drawNew(); this.controlBar.startButton.fixLayout(); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.stopFastTracking = function () { this.stage.isFastTracked = false; this.stage.fps = this.stage.frameRate; this.controlBar.startButton.labelString = new SymbolMorph('flag', 14); this.controlBar.startButton.drawNew(); this.controlBar.startButton.fixLayout(); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.runScripts = function () { this.stage.fireGreenFlagEvent(); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.togglePauseResume = function () { if (this.stage.threads.isPaused()) { this.stage.threads.resumeAll(this.stage); } else { this.stage.threads.pauseAll(this.stage); } this.controlBar.pauseButton.refresh(); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.isPaused = function () { if (!this.stage) {return false; } return this.stage.threads.isPaused(); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.stopAllScripts = function () { this.stage.fireStopAllEvent(); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.selectSprite = function (sprite) { if (this.currentSprite && this.currentSprite.scripts.focus) { this.currentSprite.scripts.focus.stopEditing(); } this.currentSprite = sprite; this.createPalette(); this.createSpriteBar(); this.createSpriteEditor(); this.corral.refresh(); this.fixLayout('selectSprite'); this.currentSprite.scripts.fixMultiArgs(); }; // IDE_Morph skins IDE_Morph.prototype.defaultDesign = function () { this.setDefaultDesign(); this.refreshIDE(); this.removeSetting('design'); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.flatDesign = function () { this.setFlatDesign(); this.refreshIDE(); this.saveSetting('design', 'flat'); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.refreshIDE = function () { var projectData; if (Process.prototype.isCatchingErrors) { try { projectData = this.serializer.serialize(this.stage); } catch (err) { this.showMessage('Serialization failed: ' + err); } } else { projectData = this.serializer.serialize(this.stage); } SpriteMorph.prototype.initBlocks(); this.buildPanes(); this.fixLayout(); if (this.loadNewProject) { this.newProject(); } else { this.openProjectString(projectData); } }; // IDE_Morph settings persistance IDE_Morph.prototype.applySavedSettings = function () { var design = this.getSetting('design'), zoom = this.getSetting('zoom'), language = this.getSetting('language'), click = this.getSetting('click'), longform = this.getSetting('longform'), longurls = this.getSetting('longurls'), plainprototype = this.getSetting('plainprototype'), keyboard = this.getSetting('keyboard'); // design if (design === 'flat') { this.setFlatDesign(); } else { this.setDefaultDesign(); } // blocks zoom if (zoom) { SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.setScale(Math.min(zoom, 12)); CommentMorph.prototype.refreshScale(); SpriteMorph.prototype.initBlocks(); } // language if (language && language !== 'en') { this.userLanguage = language; } else { this.userLanguage = null; } // click if (click && !BlockMorph.prototype.snapSound) { BlockMorph.prototype.toggleSnapSound(); } // long form if (longform) { InputSlotDialogMorph.prototype.isLaunchingExpanded = true; } // project data in URLs if (longurls) { this.projectsInURLs = true; } else { this.projectsInURLs = false; } // keyboard editing if (keyboard) { ScriptsMorph.prototype.enableKeyboard = true; } else { ScriptsMorph.prototype.enableKeyboard = false; } // plain prototype labels if (plainprototype) { BlockLabelPlaceHolderMorph.prototype.plainLabel = true; } }; IDE_Morph.prototype.saveSetting = function (key, value) { if (localStorage) { localStorage['-snap-setting-' + key] = value; } }; IDE_Morph.prototype.getSetting = function (key) { if (localStorage) { return localStorage['-snap-setting-' + key]; } return null; }; IDE_Morph.prototype.removeSetting = function (key) { if (localStorage) { delete localStorage['-snap-setting-' + key]; } }; // IDE_Morph sprite list access IDE_Morph.prototype.addNewSprite = function () { var sprite = new SpriteMorph(this.globalVariables), rnd = Process.prototype.reportRandom; sprite.name = this.newSpriteName(sprite.name); sprite.setCenter(this.stage.center()); this.stage.add(sprite); // randomize sprite properties sprite.setHue(rnd.call(this, 0, 100)); sprite.setBrightness(rnd.call(this, 50, 100)); sprite.turn(rnd.call(this, 1, 360)); sprite.setXPosition(rnd.call(this, -220, 220)); sprite.setYPosition(rnd.call(this, -160, 160)); this.sprites.add(sprite); this.corral.addSprite(sprite); this.selectSprite(sprite); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.paintNewSprite = function () { var sprite = new SpriteMorph(this.globalVariables), cos = new Costume(), myself = this; sprite.name = this.newSpriteName(sprite.name); sprite.setCenter(this.stage.center()); this.stage.add(sprite); this.sprites.add(sprite); this.corral.addSprite(sprite); this.selectSprite(sprite); cos.edit( this.world(), this, true, function () {myself.removeSprite(sprite); }, function () { sprite.addCostume(cos); sprite.wearCostume(cos); } ); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.duplicateSprite = function (sprite) { var duplicate = sprite.fullCopy(); duplicate.setPosition(this.world().hand.position()); duplicate.appearIn(this); duplicate.keepWithin(this.stage); this.selectSprite(duplicate); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.removeSprite = function (sprite) { var idx, myself = this; sprite.parts.forEach(function (part) {myself.removeSprite(part); }); idx = this.sprites.asArray().indexOf(sprite) + 1; this.stage.threads.stopAllForReceiver(sprite); sprite.destroy(); this.stage.watchers().forEach(function (watcher) { if (watcher.object() === sprite) { watcher.destroy(); } }); if (idx > 0) { this.sprites.remove(idx); } this.createCorral(); this.fixLayout(); this.currentSprite = detect( this.stage.children, function (morph) {return morph instanceof SpriteMorph; } ) || this.stage; this.selectSprite(this.currentSprite); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.newSpriteName = function (name, ignoredSprite) { var ix = name.indexOf('('), stem = (ix < 0) ? name : name.substring(0, ix), count = 1, newName = stem, all = this.sprites.asArray().concat(this.stage).filter( function (each) {return each !== ignoredSprite; } ).map( function (each) {return each.name; } ); while (contains(all, newName)) { count += 1; newName = stem + '(' + count + ')'; } return newName; }; // IDE_Morph menus IDE_Morph.prototype.userMenu = function () { var menu = new MenuMorph(this); // menu.addItem('help', 'nop'); return menu; }; IDE_Morph.prototype.snapMenu = function () { var menu, world = this.world(); menu = new MenuMorph(this); menu.addItem('About...', 'aboutSnap'); menu.addLine(); menu.addItem( 'Reference manual', function () { window.open('help/SnapManual.pdf', 'SnapReferenceManual'); } ); menu.addItem( 'Snap! website', function () { window.open('http://snap.berkeley.edu/', 'SnapWebsite'); } ); menu.addItem( 'Download source', function () { window.open( 'http://snap.berkeley.edu/snapsource/snap.zip', 'SnapSource' ); } ); if (world.isDevMode) { menu.addLine(); menu.addItem( 'Switch back to user mode', 'switchToUserMode', 'disable deep-Morphic\ncontext menus' + '\nand show user-friendly ones', new Color(0, 100, 0) ); } else if (world.currentKey === 16) { // shift-click menu.addLine(); menu.addItem( 'Switch to dev mode', 'switchToDevMode', 'enable Morphic\ncontext menus\nand inspectors,' + '\nnot user-friendly!', new Color(100, 0, 0) ); } menu.popup(world, this.logo.bottomLeft()); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.cloudMenu = function () { var menu, myself = this, world = this.world(), pos = this.controlBar.cloudButton.bottomLeft(), shiftClicked = (world.currentKey === 16); menu = new MenuMorph(this); if (shiftClicked) { menu.addItem( 'url...', 'setCloudURL', null, new Color(100, 0, 0) ); menu.addLine(); } if (!SnapCloud.username) { menu.addItem( 'Login...', 'initializeCloud' ); menu.addItem( 'Signup...', 'createCloudAccount' ); menu.addItem( 'Reset Password...', 'resetCloudPassword' ); } else { menu.addItem( localize('Logout') + ' ' + SnapCloud.username, 'logout' ); menu.addItem( 'Change Password...', 'changeCloudPassword' ); } if (shiftClicked) { menu.addLine(); menu.addItem( 'export project media only...', function () { if (myself.projectName) { myself.exportProjectMedia(myself.projectName); } else { myself.prompt('Export Project As...', function (name) { myself.exportProjectMedia(name); }, null, 'exportProject'); } }, null, this.hasChangedMedia ? new Color(100, 0, 0) : new Color(0, 100, 0) ); menu.addItem( 'export project without media...', function () { if (myself.projectName) { myself.exportProjectNoMedia(myself.projectName); } else { myself.prompt('Export Project As...', function (name) { myself.exportProjectNoMedia(name); }, null, 'exportProject'); } }, null, new Color(100, 0, 0) ); menu.addItem( 'export project as cloud data...', function () { if (myself.projectName) { myself.exportProjectAsCloudData(myself.projectName); } else { myself.prompt('Export Project As...', function (name) { myself.exportProjectAsCloudData(name); }, null, 'exportProject'); } }, null, new Color(100, 0, 0) ); menu.addLine(); menu.addItem( 'open shared project from cloud...', function () { myself.prompt('Author name…', function (usr) { myself.prompt('Project name...', function (prj) { var id = 'Username=' + encodeURIComponent(usr.toLowerCase()) + '&ProjectName=' + encodeURIComponent(prj); myself.showMessage( 'Fetching project\nfrom the cloud...' ); SnapCloud.getPublicProject( id, function (projectData) { var msg; if (!Process.prototype.isCatchingErrors) { window.open( 'data:text/xml,' + projectData ); } myself.nextSteps([ function () { msg = myself.showMessage( 'Opening project...' ); }, function () {nop(); }, // yield (Chrome) function () { myself.rawOpenCloudDataString( projectData ); }, function () { msg.destroy(); } ]); }, myself.cloudError() ); }, null, 'project'); }, null, 'project'); }, null, new Color(100, 0, 0) ); } menu.popup(world, pos); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.settingsMenu = function () { var menu, stage = this.stage, world = this.world(), myself = this, pos = this.controlBar.settingsButton.bottomLeft(), shiftClicked = (world.currentKey === 16); function addPreference(label, toggle, test, onHint, offHint, hide) { var on = '\u2611 ', off = '\u2610 '; if (!hide || shiftClicked) { menu.addItem( (test ? on : off) + localize(label), toggle, test ? onHint : offHint, hide ? new Color(100, 0, 0) : null ); } } menu = new MenuMorph(this); menu.addItem('Language...', 'languageMenu'); menu.addItem( 'Zoom blocks...', 'userSetBlocksScale' ); menu.addItem( 'Stage size...', 'userSetStageSize' ); menu.addLine(); addPreference( 'Blurred shadows', 'toggleBlurredShadows', useBlurredShadows, 'uncheck to use solid drop\nshadows and highlights', 'check to use blurred drop\nshadows and highlights', true ); addPreference( 'Zebra coloring', 'toggleZebraColoring', BlockMorph.prototype.zebraContrast, 'uncheck to disable alternating\ncolors for nested block', 'check to enable alternating\ncolors for nested blocks', true ); addPreference( 'Dynamic input labels', 'toggleDynamicInputLabels', SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.dynamicInputLabels, 'uncheck to disable dynamic\nlabels for variadic inputs', 'check to enable dynamic\nlabels for variadic inputs', true ); addPreference( 'Prefer empty slot drops', 'togglePreferEmptySlotDrops', ScriptsMorph.prototype.isPreferringEmptySlots, 'uncheck to allow dropped\nreporters to kick out others', 'settings menu prefer empty slots hint', true ); addPreference( 'Long form input dialog', 'toggleLongFormInputDialog', InputSlotDialogMorph.prototype.isLaunchingExpanded, 'uncheck to use the input\ndialog in short form', 'check to always show slot\ntypes in the input dialog' ); addPreference( 'Plain prototype labels', 'togglePlainPrototypeLabels', BlockLabelPlaceHolderMorph.prototype.plainLabel, 'uncheck to always show (+) symbols\nin block prototype labels', 'check to hide (+) symbols\nin block prototype labels' ); addPreference( 'Virtual keyboard', 'toggleVirtualKeyboard', MorphicPreferences.useVirtualKeyboard, 'uncheck to disable\nvirtual keyboard support\nfor mobile devices', 'check to enable\nvirtual keyboard support\nfor mobile devices', true ); addPreference( 'Input sliders', 'toggleInputSliders', MorphicPreferences.useSliderForInput, 'uncheck to disable\ninput sliders for\nentry fields', 'check to enable\ninput sliders for\nentry fields' ); if (MorphicPreferences.useSliderForInput) { addPreference( 'Execute on slider change', 'toggleSliderExecute', InputSlotMorph.prototype.executeOnSliderEdit, 'uncheck to supress\nrunning scripts\nwhen moving the slider', 'check to run\nthe edited script\nwhen moving the slider' ); } addPreference( 'Clicking sound', function () { BlockMorph.prototype.toggleSnapSound(); if (BlockMorph.prototype.snapSound) { myself.saveSetting('click', true); } else { myself.removeSetting('click'); } }, BlockMorph.prototype.snapSound, 'uncheck to turn\nblock clicking\nsound off', 'check to turn\nblock clicking\nsound on' ); addPreference( 'Animations', function () {myself.isAnimating = !myself.isAnimating; }, myself.isAnimating, 'uncheck to disable\nIDE animations', 'check to enable\nIDE animations', true ); addPreference( 'Turbo mode', 'toggleFastTracking', this.stage.isFastTracked, 'uncheck to run scripts\nat normal speed', 'check to prioritize\nscript execution' ); addPreference( 'Cache Inputs', function () { BlockMorph.prototype.isCachingInputs = !BlockMorph.prototype.isCachingInputs; }, BlockMorph.prototype.isCachingInputs, 'uncheck to stop caching\ninputs (for debugging the evaluator)', 'check to cache inputs\nboosts recursion', true ); addPreference( 'Rasterize SVGs', function () { MorphicPreferences.rasterizeSVGs = !MorphicPreferences.rasterizeSVGs; }, MorphicPreferences.rasterizeSVGs, 'uncheck for smooth\nscaling of vector costumes', 'check to rasterize\nSVGs on import', true ); addPreference( 'Flat design', function () { if (MorphicPreferences.isFlat) { return myself.defaultDesign(); } myself.flatDesign(); }, MorphicPreferences.isFlat, 'uncheck for default\nGUI design', 'check for alternative\nGUI design', false ); addPreference( 'Project URLs', function () { myself.projectsInURLs = !myself.projectsInURLs; if (myself.projectsInURLs) { myself.saveSetting('longurls', true); } else { myself.removeSetting('longurls'); } }, myself.projectsInURLs, 'uncheck to disable\nproject data in URLs', 'check to enable\nproject data in URLs', true ); addPreference( 'Sprite Nesting', function () { SpriteMorph.prototype.enableNesting = !SpriteMorph.prototype.enableNesting; }, SpriteMorph.prototype.enableNesting, 'uncheck to disable\nsprite composition', 'check to enable\nsprite composition', true ); addPreference( 'Keyboard Editing', function () { ScriptsMorph.prototype.enableKeyboard = !ScriptsMorph.prototype.enableKeyboard; if (ScriptsMorph.prototype.enableKeyboard) { myself.saveSetting('keyboard', true); } else { myself.removeSetting('keyboard'); } }, ScriptsMorph.prototype.enableKeyboard, 'uncheck to disable\nkeyboard editing support', 'check to enable\nkeyboard editing support', false ); menu.addLine(); // everything below this line is stored in the project addPreference( 'Thread safe scripts', function () {stage.isThreadSafe = !stage.isThreadSafe; }, this.stage.isThreadSafe, 'uncheck to allow\nscript reentrance', 'check to disallow\nscript reentrance' ); addPreference( 'Prefer smooth animations', 'toggleVariableFrameRate', StageMorph.prototype.frameRate, 'uncheck for greater speed\nat variable frame rates', 'check for smooth, predictable\nanimations across computers' ); addPreference( 'Flat line ends', function () { SpriteMorph.prototype.useFlatLineEnds = !SpriteMorph.prototype.useFlatLineEnds; }, SpriteMorph.prototype.useFlatLineEnds, 'uncheck for round ends of lines', 'check for flat ends of lines' ); addPreference( 'Codification support', function () { StageMorph.prototype.enableCodeMapping = !StageMorph.prototype.enableCodeMapping; myself.currentSprite.blocksCache.variables = null; myself.currentSprite.paletteCache.variables = null; myself.refreshPalette(); }, StageMorph.prototype.enableCodeMapping, 'uncheck to disable\nblock to text mapping features', 'check for block\nto text mapping features', false ); addPreference( 'Inheritance support', function () { StageMorph.prototype.enableInheritance = !StageMorph.prototype.enableInheritance; myself.currentSprite.blocksCache.variables = null; myself.currentSprite.paletteCache.variables = null; myself.refreshPalette(); }, StageMorph.prototype.enableInheritance, 'uncheck to disable\nsprite inheritance features', 'check for sprite\ninheritance features', false ); menu.popup(world, pos); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.projectMenu = function () { var menu, myself = this, world = this.world(), pos = this.controlBar.projectButton.bottomLeft(), graphicsName = this.currentSprite instanceof SpriteMorph ? 'Costumes' : 'Backgrounds', shiftClicked = (world.currentKey === 16); menu = new MenuMorph(this); menu.addItem('Project notes...', 'editProjectNotes'); menu.addLine(); menu.addItem('New', 'createNewProject'); menu.addItem('Open...', 'openProjectsBrowser'); menu.addItem('Save', "save"); if (shiftClicked) { menu.addItem( 'Save to disk', 'saveProjectToDisk', 'store this project\nin the downloads folder\n' + '(in supporting browsers)', new Color(100, 0, 0) ); } menu.addItem('Save As...', 'saveProjectsBrowser'); menu.addLine(); menu.addItem( 'Import...', function () { var inp = document.createElement('input'); if (myself.filePicker) { document.body.removeChild(myself.filePicker); myself.filePicker = null; } inp.type = 'file'; inp.style.color = "transparent"; inp.style.backgroundColor = "transparent"; inp.style.border = "none"; inp.style.outline = "none"; inp.style.position = "absolute"; inp.style.top = "0px"; inp.style.left = "0px"; inp.style.width = "0px"; inp.style.height = "0px"; inp.addEventListener( "change", function () { document.body.removeChild(inp); myself.filePicker = null; world.hand.processDrop(inp.files); }, false ); document.body.appendChild(inp); myself.filePicker = inp; inp.click(); }, 'file menu import hint' // looks up the actual text in the translator ); menu.addItem( shiftClicked ? 'Export project as plain text...' : 'Export project...', function () { if (myself.projectName) { myself.exportProject(myself.projectName, shiftClicked); } else { myself.prompt('Export Project As...', function (name) { myself.exportProject(name); }, null, 'exportProject'); } }, 'show project data as XML\nin a new browser window', shiftClicked ? new Color(100, 0, 0) : null ); if (this.stage.globalBlocks.length) { menu.addItem( 'Export blocks...', function () {myself.exportGlobalBlocks(); }, 'show global custom block definitions as XML' + '\nin a new browser window' ); menu.addItem( 'Unused blocks...', function () {myself.removeUnusedBlocks(); }, 'find unused global custom blocks' + '\nand remove their definitions' ); } menu.addItem( 'Export summary...', function () {myself.exportProjectSummary(); }, 'open a new browser browser window\n with a summary of this project' ); if (shiftClicked) { menu.addItem( 'Export summary with drop-shadows...', function () {myself.exportProjectSummary(true); }, 'open a new browser browser window' + '\n with a summary of this project' + '\nwith drop-shadows on all pictures.' + '\nnot supported by all browsers', new Color(100, 0, 0) ); menu.addItem( 'Export all scripts as pic...', function () {myself.exportScriptsPicture(); }, 'show a picture of all scripts\nand block definitions', new Color(100, 0, 0) ); } menu.addLine(); menu.addItem( 'Import tools', function () { myself.droppedText( myself.getURLsbeOrRelative( 'tools.xml' ), 'tools' ); }, 'load the official library of\npowerful blocks' ); menu.addItem( 'Libraries...', function () { // read a list of libraries from an external file, var libMenu = new MenuMorph(this, 'Import library'), libUrl = baseURL + 'libraries/' + 'LIBRARIES'; function loadLib(name) { var url = baseURL + 'libraries/' + name + '.xml'; myself.droppedText(myself.getURL(url), name); } myself.getURL(libUrl).split('\n').forEach(function (line) { if (line.length > 0) { libMenu.addItem( line.substring(line.indexOf('\t') + 1), function () { loadLib( line.substring(0, line.indexOf('\t')) ); } ); } }); libMenu.popup(world, pos); }, 'Select categories of additional blocks to add to this project.' ); menu.addItem( localize(graphicsName) + '...', function () { var dir = graphicsName, names = myself.getCostumesList(dir), libMenu = new MenuMorph( myself, localize('Import') + ' ' + localize(dir) ); function loadCostume(name) { var url = dir + '/' + name, img = new Image(); img.onload = function () { var canvas = newCanvas(new Point(img.width, img.height)); canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(img, 0, 0); myself.droppedImage(canvas, name); }; img.src = url; } names.forEach(function (line) { if (line.length > 0) { libMenu.addItem( line, function () {loadCostume(line); } ); } }); libMenu.popup(world, pos); }, 'Select a costume from the media library' ); menu.addItem( localize('Sounds') + '...', function () { var names = this.getCostumesList('Sounds'), libMenu = new MenuMorph(this, 'Import sound'); function loadSound(name) { var url = 'Sounds/' + name, audio = new Audio(); audio.src = url; audio.load(); myself.droppedAudio(audio, name); } names.forEach(function (line) { if (line.length > 0) { libMenu.addItem( line, function () {loadSound(line); } ); } }); libMenu.popup(world, pos); }, 'Select a sound from the media library' ); menu.popup(world, pos); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.getCostumesList = function (dirname) { var dir, costumes = []; dir = this.getURL(dirname); dir.split('\n').forEach( function (line) { var startIdx = line.search(new RegExp('href="[^./?].*"')), endIdx, name; if (startIdx > 0) { name = line.substring(startIdx + 6); endIdx = name.search(new RegExp('"')); name = name.substring(0, endIdx); costumes.push(name); } } ); costumes.sort(function (x, y) { return x < y ? -1 : 1; }); return costumes; }; // IDE_Morph menu actions IDE_Morph.prototype.aboutSnap = function () { var dlg, aboutTxt, noticeTxt, creditsTxt, versions = '', translations, module, btn1, btn2, btn3, btn4, licenseBtn, translatorsBtn, world = this.world(); aboutTxt = 'Snap! 4.0.2\nBuild Your Own Blocks\n\n' + 'Copyright \u24B8 2015 Jens M\u00F6nig and ' + 'Brian Harvey\n' + 'jens@moenig.org, bh@cs.berkeley.edu\n\n' + 'Snap! is developed by the University of California, Berkeley\n' + ' with support from the National Science Foundation, ' + 'MioSoft, \n' + 'and the Communications Design Group at SAP Labs. \n' + 'The design of Snap! is influenced and inspired by Scratch,\n' + 'from the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab\n\n' + 'for more information see http://snap.berkeley.edu\n' + 'and http://scratch.mit.edu'; noticeTxt = localize('License') + '\n\n' + 'Snap! is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n' + 'it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as\n' + 'published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of\n' + 'the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n\n' + 'This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n' + 'but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n' + 'MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n' + 'GNU Affero General Public License for more details.\n\n' + 'You should have received a copy of the\n' + 'GNU Affero General Public License along with this program.\n' + 'If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/'; creditsTxt = localize('Contributors') + '\n\nNathan Dinsmore: Saving/Loading, Snap-Logo Design, ' + '\ncountless bugfixes and optimizations' + '\nKartik Chandra: Paint Editor' + '\nMichael Ball: Time/Date UI, many bugfixes' + '\n"Ava" Yuan Yuan: Graphic Effects' + '\nKyle Hotchkiss: Block search design' + '\nIan Reynolds: UI Design, Event Bindings, ' + 'Sound primitives' + '\nIvan Motyashov: Initial Squeak Porting' + '\nDavide Della Casa: Morphic Optimizations' + '\nAchal Dave: Web Audio' + '\nJoe Otto: Morphic Testing and Debugging'; for (module in modules) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(modules, module)) { versions += ('\n' + module + ' (' + modules[module] + ')'); } } if (versions !== '') { versions = localize('current module versions:') + ' \n\n' + 'morphic (' + morphicVersion + ')' + versions; } translations = localize('Translations') + '\n' + SnapTranslator.credits(); dlg = new DialogBoxMorph(); dlg.inform('About Snap', aboutTxt, world); btn1 = dlg.buttons.children[0]; translatorsBtn = dlg.addButton( function () { dlg.body.text = translations; dlg.body.drawNew(); btn1.show(); btn2.show(); btn3.hide(); btn4.hide(); licenseBtn.hide(); translatorsBtn.hide(); dlg.fixLayout(); dlg.drawNew(); dlg.setCenter(world.center()); }, 'Translators...' ); btn2 = dlg.addButton( function () { dlg.body.text = aboutTxt; dlg.body.drawNew(); btn1.show(); btn2.hide(); btn3.show(); btn4.show(); licenseBtn.show(); translatorsBtn.hide(); dlg.fixLayout(); dlg.drawNew(); dlg.setCenter(world.center()); }, 'Back...' ); btn2.hide(); licenseBtn = dlg.addButton( function () { dlg.body.text = noticeTxt; dlg.body.drawNew(); btn1.show(); btn2.show(); btn3.hide(); btn4.hide(); licenseBtn.hide(); translatorsBtn.hide(); dlg.fixLayout(); dlg.drawNew(); dlg.setCenter(world.center()); }, 'License...' ); btn3 = dlg.addButton( function () { dlg.body.text = versions; dlg.body.drawNew(); btn1.show(); btn2.show(); btn3.hide(); btn4.hide(); licenseBtn.hide(); translatorsBtn.hide(); dlg.fixLayout(); dlg.drawNew(); dlg.setCenter(world.center()); }, 'Modules...' ); btn4 = dlg.addButton( function () { dlg.body.text = creditsTxt; dlg.body.drawNew(); btn1.show(); btn2.show(); translatorsBtn.show(); btn3.hide(); btn4.hide(); licenseBtn.hide(); dlg.fixLayout(); dlg.drawNew(); dlg.setCenter(world.center()); }, 'Credits...' ); translatorsBtn.hide(); dlg.fixLayout(); dlg.drawNew(); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.editProjectNotes = function () { var dialog = new DialogBoxMorph().withKey('projectNotes'), frame = new ScrollFrameMorph(), text = new TextMorph(this.projectNotes || ''), ok = dialog.ok, myself = this, size = 250, world = this.world(); frame.padding = 6; frame.setWidth(size); frame.acceptsDrops = false; frame.contents.acceptsDrops = false; text.setWidth(size - frame.padding * 2); text.setPosition(frame.topLeft().add(frame.padding)); text.enableSelecting(); text.isEditable = true; frame.setHeight(size); frame.fixLayout = nop; frame.edge = InputFieldMorph.prototype.edge; frame.fontSize = InputFieldMorph.prototype.fontSize; frame.typeInPadding = InputFieldMorph.prototype.typeInPadding; frame.contrast = InputFieldMorph.prototype.contrast; frame.drawNew = InputFieldMorph.prototype.drawNew; frame.drawRectBorder = InputFieldMorph.prototype.drawRectBorder; frame.addContents(text); text.drawNew(); dialog.ok = function () { myself.projectNotes = text.text; ok.call(this); }; dialog.justDropped = function () { text.edit(); }; dialog.labelString = 'Project Notes'; dialog.createLabel(); dialog.addBody(frame); frame.drawNew(); dialog.addButton('ok', 'OK'); dialog.addButton('cancel', 'Cancel'); dialog.fixLayout(); dialog.drawNew(); dialog.popUp(world); dialog.setCenter(world.center()); text.edit(); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.newProject = function () { this.source = SnapCloud.username ? 'cloud' : 'local'; if (this.stage) { this.stage.destroy(); } if (location.hash.substr(0, 6) !== '#lang:') { location.hash = ''; } this.globalVariables = new VariableFrame(); this.currentSprite = new SpriteMorph(this.globalVariables); this.sprites = new List([this.currentSprite]); StageMorph.prototype.dimensions = new Point(480, 360); StageMorph.prototype.hiddenPrimitives = {}; StageMorph.prototype.codeMappings = {}; StageMorph.prototype.codeHeaders = {}; StageMorph.prototype.enableCodeMapping = false; StageMorph.prototype.enableInheritance = false; SpriteMorph.prototype.useFlatLineEnds = false; this.setProjectName(''); this.projectNotes = ''; this.createStage(); this.add(this.stage); this.createCorral(); this.selectSprite(this.stage.children[0]); this.fixLayout(); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.save = function () { if (this.source === 'examples') { this.source = 'local'; // cannot save to examples } if (this.projectName) { if (this.source === 'local') { // as well as 'examples' this.saveProject(this.projectName); } else { // 'cloud' this.saveProjectToCloud(this.projectName); } } else { this.saveProjectsBrowser(); } }; IDE_Morph.prototype.saveProject = function (name) { var myself = this; this.nextSteps([ function () { myself.showMessage('Saving...'); }, function () { myself.rawSaveProject(name); } ]); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.rawSaveProject = function (name) { var str; if (name) { this.setProjectName(name); if (Process.prototype.isCatchingErrors) { try { localStorage['-snap-project-' + name] = str = this.serializer.serialize(this.stage); this.setURL('#open:' + str); this.showMessage('Saved!', 1); } catch (err) { this.showMessage('Save failed: ' + err); } } else { localStorage['-snap-project-' + name] = str = this.serializer.serialize(this.stage); this.setURL('#open:' + str); this.showMessage('Saved!', 1); } } }; IDE_Morph.prototype.saveProjectToDisk = function () { var data, link = document.createElement('a'); if (Process.prototype.isCatchingErrors) { try { data = this.serializer.serialize(this.stage); link.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/xml,' + data); link.setAttribute('download', this.projectName + '.xml'); document.body.appendChild(link); link.click(); document.body.removeChild(link); } catch (err) { this.showMessage('Saving failed: ' + err); } } else { data = this.serializer.serialize(this.stage); link.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/xml,' + data); link.setAttribute('download', this.projectName + '.xml'); document.body.appendChild(link); link.click(); document.body.removeChild(link); } }; IDE_Morph.prototype.exportProject = function (name, plain) { var menu, str; if (name) { this.setProjectName(name); if (Process.prototype.isCatchingErrors) { try { menu = this.showMessage('Exporting'); str = encodeURIComponent( this.serializer.serialize(this.stage) ); this.setURL('#open:' + str); window.open('data:text/' + (plain ? 'plain,' + str : 'xml,' + str)); menu.destroy(); this.showMessage('Exported!', 1); } catch (err) { this.showMessage('Export failed: ' + err); } } else { menu = this.showMessage('Exporting'); str = encodeURIComponent( this.serializer.serialize(this.stage) ); this.setURL('#open:' + str); window.open('data:text/' + (plain ? 'plain,' + str : 'xml,' + str)); menu.destroy(); this.showMessage('Exported!', 1); } } }; IDE_Morph.prototype.exportGlobalBlocks = function () { if (this.stage.globalBlocks.length > 0) { new BlockExportDialogMorph( this.serializer, this.stage.globalBlocks ).popUp(this.world()); } else { this.inform( 'Export blocks', 'this project doesn\'t have any\n' + 'custom global blocks yet' ); } }; IDE_Morph.prototype.removeUnusedBlocks = function () { var targets = this.sprites.asArray().concat([this.stage]), globalBlocks = this.stage.globalBlocks, unused = [], isDone = false, found; function scan() { return globalBlocks.filter(function (def) { if (contains(unused, def)) {return false; } return targets.every(function (each, trgIdx) { return !(each.usesBlockInstance(def, true, trgIdx, unused)); }); }); } while (!isDone) { found = scan(); if (found.length) { unused = unused.concat(found); } else { isDone = true; } } if (unused.length > 0) { new BlockRemovalDialogMorph( unused, this.stage ).popUp(this.world()); } else { this.inform( 'Remove unused blocks', 'there are currently no unused\n' + 'global custom blocks in this project' ); } }; IDE_Morph.prototype.exportSprite = function (sprite) { var str = encodeURIComponent( this.serializer.serialize(sprite.allParts()) ); window.open('data:text/xml,' + str + ''); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.exportScriptsPicture = function () { var pics = [], pic, padding = 20, w = 0, h = 0, y = 0, ctx; // collect all script pics this.sprites.asArray().forEach(function (sprite) { pics.push(sprite.image); pics.push(sprite.scripts.scriptsPicture()); sprite.customBlocks.forEach(function (def) { pics.push(def.scriptsPicture()); }); }); pics.push(this.stage.image); pics.push(this.stage.scripts.scriptsPicture()); this.stage.customBlocks.forEach(function (def) { pics.push(def.scriptsPicture()); }); // collect global block pics this.stage.globalBlocks.forEach(function (def) { pics.push(def.scriptsPicture()); }); pics = pics.filter(function (each) {return !isNil(each); }); // determine dimensions of composite pics.forEach(function (each) { w = Math.max(w, each.width); h += (each.height); h += padding; }); h -= padding; pic = newCanvas(new Point(w, h)); ctx = pic.getContext('2d'); // draw all parts pics.forEach(function (each) { ctx.drawImage(each, 0, y); y += padding; y += each.height; }); window.open(pic.toDataURL()); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.exportProjectSummary = function (useDropShadows) { var html, head, meta, css, body, pname, notes, toc, globalVars, stage = this.stage; function addNode(tag, node, contents) { if (!node) {node = body; } return new XML_Element(tag, contents, node); } function add(contents, tag, node) { if (!tag) {tag = 'p'; } if (!node) {node = body; } return new XML_Element(tag, contents, node); } function addImage(canvas, node, inline) { if (!node) {node = body; } var para = !inline ? addNode('p', node) : null, pic = addNode('img', para || node); pic.attributes.src = canvas.toDataURL(); return pic; } function addVariables(varFrame) { var names = varFrame.names().sort(), isFirst = true, ul; if (names.length) { add(localize('Variables'), 'h3'); names.forEach(function (name) { /* addImage( SpriteMorph.prototype.variableBlock(name).scriptPic() ); */ var watcher, listMorph, li, img; if (isFirst) { ul = addNode('ul'); isFirst = false; } li = addNode('li', ul); watcher = new WatcherMorph( name, SpriteMorph.prototype.blockColor.variables, varFrame, name ); listMorph = watcher.cellMorph.contentsMorph; if (listMorph instanceof ListWatcherMorph) { listMorph.expand(); } img = addImage(watcher.fullImageClassic(), li); img.attributes.class = 'script'; }); } } function addBlocks(definitions) { if (definitions.length) { add(localize('Blocks'), 'h3'); SpriteMorph.prototype.categories.forEach(function (category) { var isFirst = true, ul; definitions.forEach(function (def) { var li, blockImg; if (def.category === category) { if (isFirst) { add( localize( category[0].toUpperCase().concat( category.slice(1) ) ), 'h4' ); ul = addNode('ul'); isFirst = false; } li = addNode('li', ul); blockImg = addImage( def.templateInstance().scriptPic(), li ); blockImg.attributes.class = 'script'; def.sortedElements().forEach(function (script) { var defImg = addImage( script instanceof BlockMorph ? script.scriptPic() : script.fullImageClassic(), li ); defImg.attributes.class = 'script'; }); } }); }); } } pname = this.projectName || localize('untitled'); html = new XML_Element('html'); // html.attributes.contenteditable = 'true'; head = addNode('head', html); meta = addNode('meta', head); meta.attributes['http-equiv'] = 'Content-Type'; meta.attributes.content = 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'; if (useDropShadows) { css = 'img {' + 'vertical-align: top;' + 'filter: drop-shadow(2px 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.5));' + '-webkit-filter: drop-shadow(2px 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.5));' + '-ms-filter: drop-shadow(2px 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.5));' + '}' + '.toc {' + 'vertical-align: middle;' + 'padding: 2px 1em 2px 1em;' + '}'; } else { css = 'img {' + 'vertical-align: top;' + '}' + '.toc {' + 'vertical-align: middle;' + 'padding: 2px 1em 2px 1em;' + '}' + '.sprite {' + 'border: 1px solid lightgray;' + '}'; } addNode('style', head, css); add(pname, 'title', head); body = addNode('body', html); add(pname, 'h1'); /* if (SnapCloud.username) { add(localize('by ') + SnapCloud.username); } */ if (location.hash.indexOf('#present:') === 0) { add(location.toString(), 'a', body).attributes.href = location.toString(); addImage( stage.thumbnail(stage.dimensions) ).attributes.class = 'sprite'; add(this.serializer.app, 'h4'); } else { add(this.serializer.app, 'h4'); addImage( stage.thumbnail(stage.dimensions) ).attributes.class = 'sprite'; } // project notes notes = Process.prototype.reportTextSplit(this.projectNotes, 'line'); notes.asArray().forEach( function (paragraph) {add(paragraph); } ); // table of contents add(localize('Contents'), 'h4'); toc = addNode('ul'); // sprites & stage this.sprites.asArray().concat([stage]).forEach(function (sprite) { var tocEntry = addNode('li', toc), scripts = sprite.scripts.sortedElements(), cl = sprite.costumes.length(), pic, ol; addNode('hr'); addImage( sprite.thumbnail(new Point(40, 40)), tocEntry, true ).attributes.class = 'toc'; add(sprite.name, 'a', tocEntry).attributes.href = '#' + sprite.name; add(sprite.name, 'h2').attributes.id = sprite.name; // if (sprite instanceof SpriteMorph || sprite.costume) { pic = addImage( sprite.thumbnail(sprite.extent().divideBy(stage.scale)) ); pic.attributes.class = 'sprite'; if (sprite instanceof SpriteMorph) { if (sprite.exemplar) { addImage( sprite.exemplar.thumbnail(new Point(40, 40)), add(localize('Kind of') + ' ' + sprite.exemplar.name), true ).attributes.class = 'toc'; } if (sprite.anchor) { addImage( sprite.anchor.thumbnail(new Point(40, 40)), add(localize('Part of') + ' ' + sprite.anchor.name), true ).attributes.class = 'toc'; } if (sprite.parts.length) { add(localize('Parts'), 'h3'); ol = addNode('ul'); sprite.parts.forEach(function (part) { var li = addNode('li', ol, part.name); addImage(part.thumbnail(new Point(40, 40)), li, true) .attributes.class = 'toc'; }); } } // costumes if (cl > 1 || (sprite.getCostumeIdx() !== cl)) { add(localize('Costumes'), 'h3'); ol = addNode('ol'); sprite.costumes.asArray().forEach(function (costume) { var li = addNode('li', ol, costume.name); addImage(costume.thumbnail(new Point(40, 40)), li, true) .attributes.class = 'toc'; }); } // sounds if (sprite.sounds.length()) { add(localize('Sounds'), 'h3'); ol = addNode('ol'); sprite.sounds.asArray().forEach(function (sound) { add(sound.name, 'li', ol); }); } // variables addVariables(sprite.variables); // scripts if (scripts.length) { add(localize('Scripts'), 'h3'); scripts.forEach(function (script) { var img = addImage(script instanceof BlockMorph ? script.scriptPic() : script.fullImageClassic()); img.attributes.class = 'script'; }); } // custom blocks addBlocks(sprite.customBlocks); }); // globals globalVars = stage.globalVariables(); if (Object.keys(globalVars.vars).length || stage.globalBlocks.length) { addNode('hr'); add( localize('For all Sprites'), 'a', addNode('li', toc) ).attributes.href = '#global'; add(localize('For all Sprites'), 'h2').attributes.id = 'global'; // variables addVariables(globalVars); // custom blocks addBlocks(stage.globalBlocks); } window.open('data:text/html;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent( '' + html.toString() )); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.openProjectString = function (str) { var msg, myself = this; this.nextSteps([ function () { msg = myself.showMessage('Opening project...'); }, function () {nop(); }, // yield (bug in Chrome) function () { myself.rawOpenProjectString(str); }, function () { msg.destroy(); } ]); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.rawOpenProjectString = function (str) { this.toggleAppMode(false); this.spriteBar.tabBar.tabTo('scripts'); StageMorph.prototype.hiddenPrimitives = {}; StageMorph.prototype.codeMappings = {}; StageMorph.prototype.codeHeaders = {}; StageMorph.prototype.enableCodeMapping = false; StageMorph.prototype.enableInheritance = false; if (Process.prototype.isCatchingErrors) { try { this.serializer.openProject( this.serializer.load(str, this), this ); } catch (err) { this.showMessage('Load failed: ' + err); } } else { this.serializer.openProject( this.serializer.load(str, this), this ); } this.stopFastTracking(); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.openCloudDataString = function (str) { var msg, myself = this; this.nextSteps([ function () { msg = myself.showMessage('Opening project...'); }, function () {nop(); }, // yield (bug in Chrome) function () { myself.rawOpenCloudDataString(str); }, function () { msg.destroy(); } ]); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.rawOpenCloudDataString = function (str) { var model; StageMorph.prototype.hiddenPrimitives = {}; StageMorph.prototype.codeMappings = {}; StageMorph.prototype.codeHeaders = {}; StageMorph.prototype.enableCodeMapping = false; StageMorph.prototype.enableInheritance = false; if (Process.prototype.isCatchingErrors) { try { model = this.serializer.parse(str); this.serializer.loadMediaModel(model.childNamed('media')); this.serializer.openProject( this.serializer.loadProjectModel( model.childNamed('project'), this ), this ); } catch (err) { this.showMessage('Load failed: ' + err); } } else { model = this.serializer.parse(str); this.serializer.loadMediaModel(model.childNamed('media')); this.serializer.openProject( this.serializer.loadProjectModel( model.childNamed('project'), this ), this ); } this.stopFastTracking(); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.openBlocksString = function (str, name, silently) { var msg, myself = this; this.nextSteps([ function () { msg = myself.showMessage('Opening blocks...'); }, function () {nop(); }, // yield (bug in Chrome) function () { myself.rawOpenBlocksString(str, name, silently); }, function () { msg.destroy(); } ]); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.rawOpenBlocksString = function (str, name, silently) { // name is optional (string), so is silently (bool) var blocks, myself = this; if (Process.prototype.isCatchingErrors) { try { blocks = this.serializer.loadBlocks(str, myself.stage); } catch (err) { this.showMessage('Load failed: ' + err); } } else { blocks = this.serializer.loadBlocks(str, myself.stage); } if (silently) { blocks.forEach(function (def) { def.receiver = myself.stage; myself.stage.globalBlocks.push(def); myself.stage.replaceDoubleDefinitionsFor(def); }); this.flushPaletteCache(); this.refreshPalette(); this.showMessage( 'Imported Blocks Module' + (name ? ': ' + name : '') + '.', 2 ); } else { new BlockImportDialogMorph(blocks, this.stage, name).popUp(); } }; IDE_Morph.prototype.openSpritesString = function (str) { var msg, myself = this; this.nextSteps([ function () { msg = myself.showMessage('Opening sprite...'); }, function () {nop(); }, // yield (bug in Chrome) function () { myself.rawOpenSpritesString(str); }, function () { msg.destroy(); } ]); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.rawOpenSpritesString = function (str) { if (Process.prototype.isCatchingErrors) { try { this.serializer.loadSprites(str, this); } catch (err) { this.showMessage('Load failed: ' + err); } } else { this.serializer.loadSprites(str, this); } }; IDE_Morph.prototype.openMediaString = function (str) { if (Process.prototype.isCatchingErrors) { try { this.serializer.loadMedia(str); } catch (err) { this.showMessage('Load failed: ' + err); } } else { this.serializer.loadMedia(str); } this.showMessage('Imported Media Module.', 2); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.openProject = function (name) { var str; if (name) { this.showMessage('opening project\n' + name); this.setProjectName(name); str = localStorage['-snap-project-' + name]; this.openProjectString(str); this.setURL('#open:' + str); } }; IDE_Morph.prototype.setURL = function (str) { if (this.projectsInURLs) { location.hash = str; } }; IDE_Morph.prototype.switchToUserMode = function () { var world = this.world(); world.isDevMode = false; Process.prototype.isCatchingErrors = true; this.controlBar.updateLabel(); this.isAutoFill = true; this.isDraggable = false; this.reactToWorldResize(world.bounds.copy()); this.siblings().forEach(function (morph) { if (morph instanceof DialogBoxMorph) { world.add(morph); // bring to front } else { morph.destroy(); } }); this.flushBlocksCache(); this.refreshPalette(); // prevent non-DialogBoxMorphs from being dropped // onto the World in user-mode world.reactToDropOf = function (morph) { if (!(morph instanceof DialogBoxMorph)) { world.hand.grab(morph); } }; this.showMessage('entering user mode', 1); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.switchToDevMode = function () { var world = this.world(); world.isDevMode = true; Process.prototype.isCatchingErrors = false; this.controlBar.updateLabel(); this.isAutoFill = false; this.isDraggable = true; this.setExtent(world.extent().subtract(100)); this.setPosition(world.position().add(20)); this.flushBlocksCache(); this.refreshPalette(); // enable non-DialogBoxMorphs to be dropped // onto the World in dev-mode delete world.reactToDropOf; this.showMessage( 'entering development mode.\n\n' + 'error catching is turned off,\n' + 'use the browser\'s web console\n' + 'to see error messages.' ); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.flushBlocksCache = function (category) { // if no category is specified, the whole cache gets flushed if (category) { this.stage.blocksCache[category] = null; this.stage.children.forEach(function (m) { if (m instanceof SpriteMorph) { m.blocksCache[category] = null; } }); } else { this.stage.blocksCache = {}; this.stage.children.forEach(function (m) { if (m instanceof SpriteMorph) { m.blocksCache = {}; } }); } this.flushPaletteCache(category); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.flushPaletteCache = function (category) { // if no category is specified, the whole cache gets flushed if (category) { this.stage.paletteCache[category] = null; this.stage.children.forEach(function (m) { if (m instanceof SpriteMorph) { m.paletteCache[category] = null; } }); } else { this.stage.paletteCache = {}; this.stage.children.forEach(function (m) { if (m instanceof SpriteMorph) { m.paletteCache = {}; } }); } }; IDE_Morph.prototype.toggleZebraColoring = function () { var scripts = []; if (!BlockMorph.prototype.zebraContrast) { BlockMorph.prototype.zebraContrast = 40; } else { BlockMorph.prototype.zebraContrast = 0; } // select all scripts: this.stage.children.concat(this.stage).forEach(function (morph) { if (morph instanceof SpriteMorph || morph instanceof StageMorph) { scripts = scripts.concat( morph.scripts.children.filter(function (morph) { return morph instanceof BlockMorph; }) ); } }); // force-update all scripts: scripts.forEach(function (topBlock) { topBlock.fixBlockColor(null, true); }); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.toggleDynamicInputLabels = function () { var projectData; SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.dynamicInputLabels = !SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.dynamicInputLabels; if (Process.prototype.isCatchingErrors) { try { projectData = this.serializer.serialize(this.stage); } catch (err) { this.showMessage('Serialization failed: ' + err); } } else { projectData = this.serializer.serialize(this.stage); } SpriteMorph.prototype.initBlocks(); this.spriteBar.tabBar.tabTo('scripts'); this.createCategories(); this.createCorralBar(); this.openProjectString(projectData); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.toggleBlurredShadows = function () { window.useBlurredShadows = !useBlurredShadows; }; IDE_Morph.prototype.toggleLongFormInputDialog = function () { InputSlotDialogMorph.prototype.isLaunchingExpanded = !InputSlotDialogMorph.prototype.isLaunchingExpanded; if (InputSlotDialogMorph.prototype.isLaunchingExpanded) { this.saveSetting('longform', true); } else { this.removeSetting('longform'); } }; IDE_Morph.prototype.togglePlainPrototypeLabels = function () { BlockLabelPlaceHolderMorph.prototype.plainLabel = !BlockLabelPlaceHolderMorph.prototype.plainLabel; if (BlockLabelPlaceHolderMorph.prototype.plainLabel) { this.saveSetting('plainprototype', true); } else { this.removeSetting('plainprototype'); } }; IDE_Morph.prototype.togglePreferEmptySlotDrops = function () { ScriptsMorph.prototype.isPreferringEmptySlots = !ScriptsMorph.prototype.isPreferringEmptySlots; }; IDE_Morph.prototype.toggleVirtualKeyboard = function () { MorphicPreferences.useVirtualKeyboard = !MorphicPreferences.useVirtualKeyboard; }; IDE_Morph.prototype.toggleInputSliders = function () { MorphicPreferences.useSliderForInput = !MorphicPreferences.useSliderForInput; }; IDE_Morph.prototype.toggleSliderExecute = function () { InputSlotMorph.prototype.executeOnSliderEdit = !InputSlotMorph.prototype.executeOnSliderEdit; }; IDE_Morph.prototype.toggleAppMode = function (appMode) { var world = this.world(), elements = [ this.logo, this.controlBar.cloudButton, this.controlBar.projectButton, this.controlBar.settingsButton, this.controlBar.stageSizeButton, this.stageHandle, this.corral, this.corralBar, this.spriteEditor, this.spriteBar, this.palette, this.categories ]; this.isAppMode = isNil(appMode) ? !this.isAppMode : appMode; Morph.prototype.trackChanges = false; if (this.isAppMode) { this.setColor(this.appModeColor); this.controlBar.setColor(this.color); this.controlBar.appModeButton.refresh(); elements.forEach(function (e) { e.hide(); }); world.children.forEach(function (morph) { if (morph instanceof DialogBoxMorph) { morph.hide(); } }); if (world.keyboardReceiver instanceof ScriptFocusMorph) { world.keyboardReceiver.stopEditing(); } } else { this.setColor(this.backgroundColor); this.controlBar.setColor(this.frameColor); elements.forEach(function (e) { e.show(); }); this.stage.setScale(1); // show all hidden dialogs world.children.forEach(function (morph) { if (morph instanceof DialogBoxMorph) { morph.show(); } }); // prevent scrollbars from showing when morph appears world.allChildren().filter(function (c) { return c instanceof ScrollFrameMorph; }).forEach(function (s) { s.adjustScrollBars(); }); // prevent rotation and draggability controls from // showing for the stage if (this.currentSprite === this.stage) { this.spriteBar.children.forEach(function (child) { if (child instanceof PushButtonMorph) { child.hide(); } }); } } this.setExtent(this.world().extent()); // resume trackChanges }; IDE_Morph.prototype.toggleStageSize = function (isSmall) { var myself = this, smallRatio = 0.5, world = this.world(), shiftClicked = (world.currentKey === 16), altClicked = (world.currentKey === 18); function toggle() { myself.isSmallStage = isNil(isSmall) ? !myself.isSmallStage : isSmall; } function zoomTo(targetRatio) { var count = 1, steps = 5; myself.fps = 30; myself.isSmallStage = true; myself.step = function () { var diff; if (count >= steps) { myself.stageRatio = targetRatio; delete myself.step; myself.fps = 0; myself.isSmallStage = !(targetRatio === 1); myself.controlBar.stageSizeButton.refresh(); } else { count += 1; diff = (targetRatio - myself.stageRatio) / 2; myself.stageRatio += diff; } myself.setExtent(world.extent()); }; } if (shiftClicked) { smallRatio = SpriteIconMorph.prototype.thumbSize.x * 3 / this.stage.dimensions.x; if (!this.isSmallStage || (smallRatio === this.stageRatio)) { toggle(); } } else if (altClicked) { smallRatio = this.width() / 2 / this.stage.dimensions.x; if (!this.isSmallStage || (smallRatio === this.stageRatio)) { toggle(); } } else { toggle(); } if (this.isAnimating) { if (this.isSmallStage) { zoomTo(smallRatio); } else { zoomTo(1); } } else { if (this.isSmallStage) {this.stageRatio = smallRatio; } this.setExtent(world.extent()); } }; IDE_Morph.prototype.createNewProject = function () { var myself = this; this.confirm( 'Replace the current project with a new one?', 'New Project', function () {myself.newProject(); } ); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.openProjectsBrowser = function () { new ProjectDialogMorph(this, 'open').popUp(); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.saveProjectsBrowser = function () { if (this.source === 'examples') { this.source = 'local'; // cannot save to examples } new ProjectDialogMorph(this, 'save').popUp(); }; // IDE_Morph localization IDE_Morph.prototype.languageMenu = function () { var menu = new MenuMorph(this), world = this.world(), pos = this.controlBar.settingsButton.bottomLeft(), myself = this; SnapTranslator.languages().forEach(function (lang) { menu.addItem( (SnapTranslator.language === lang ? '\u2713 ' : ' ') + SnapTranslator.languageName(lang), function () {myself.setLanguage(lang); } ); }); menu.popup(world, pos); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.setLanguage = function (lang, callback) { var translation = document.getElementById('language'), src = 'lang-' + lang + '.js', myself = this; SnapTranslator.unload(); if (translation) { document.head.removeChild(translation); } if (lang === 'en') { return this.reflectLanguage('en', callback); } translation = document.createElement('script'); translation.id = 'language'; translation.onload = function () { myself.reflectLanguage(lang, callback); }; document.head.appendChild(translation); translation.src = src; }; IDE_Morph.prototype.reflectLanguage = function (lang, callback) { var projectData; SnapTranslator.language = lang; if (!this.loadNewProject) { if (Process.prototype.isCatchingErrors) { try { projectData = this.serializer.serialize(this.stage); } catch (err) { this.showMessage('Serialization failed: ' + err); } } else { projectData = this.serializer.serialize(this.stage); } } SpriteMorph.prototype.initBlocks(); this.spriteBar.tabBar.tabTo('scripts'); this.createCategories(); this.createCorralBar(); this.fixLayout(); if (this.loadNewProject) { this.newProject(); } else { this.openProjectString(projectData); } this.saveSetting('language', lang); if (callback) {callback.call(this); } }; // IDE_Morph blocks scaling IDE_Morph.prototype.userSetBlocksScale = function () { var myself = this, scrpt, blck, shield, sample, action; scrpt = new CommandBlockMorph(); scrpt.color = SpriteMorph.prototype.blockColor.motion; scrpt.setSpec(localize('build')); blck = new CommandBlockMorph(); blck.color = SpriteMorph.prototype.blockColor.sound; blck.setSpec(localize('your own')); scrpt.nextBlock(blck); blck = new CommandBlockMorph(); blck.color = SpriteMorph.prototype.blockColor.operators; blck.setSpec(localize('blocks')); scrpt.bottomBlock().nextBlock(blck); /* blck = SpriteMorph.prototype.blockForSelector('doForever'); blck.inputs()[0].nestedBlock(scrpt); */ sample = new FrameMorph(); sample.acceptsDrops = false; sample.color = IDE_Morph.prototype.groupColor; sample.cachedTexture = this.scriptsPaneTexture; sample.setExtent(new Point(250, 180)); scrpt.setPosition(sample.position().add(10)); sample.add(scrpt); shield = new Morph(); shield.alpha = 0; shield.setExtent(sample.extent()); shield.setPosition(sample.position()); sample.add(shield); action = function (num) { /* var c; blck.setScale(num); blck.drawNew(); blck.setSpec(blck.blockSpec); c = blck.inputs()[0]; c.setScale(num); c.nestedBlock(scrpt); */ scrpt.blockSequence().forEach(function (block) { block.setScale(num); block.drawNew(); block.setSpec(block.blockSpec); }); }; new DialogBoxMorph( null, function (num) { myself.setBlocksScale(Math.min(num, 12)); } ).withKey('zoomBlocks').prompt( 'Zoom blocks', SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.scale.toString(), this.world(), sample, // pic { 'normal (1x)' : 1, 'demo (1.2x)' : 1.2, 'presentation (1.4x)' : 1.4, 'big (2x)' : 2, 'huge (4x)' : 4, 'giant (8x)' : 8, 'monstrous (10x)' : 10 }, false, // read only? true, // numeric 1, // slider min 12, // slider max action // slider action ); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.setBlocksScale = function (num) { var projectData; if (Process.prototype.isCatchingErrors) { try { projectData = this.serializer.serialize(this.stage); } catch (err) { this.showMessage('Serialization failed: ' + err); } } else { projectData = this.serializer.serialize(this.stage); } SyntaxElementMorph.prototype.setScale(num); CommentMorph.prototype.refreshScale(); SpriteMorph.prototype.initBlocks(); this.spriteBar.tabBar.tabTo('scripts'); this.createCategories(); this.createCorralBar(); this.fixLayout(); this.openProjectString(projectData); this.saveSetting('zoom', num); }; // IDE_Morph stage size manipulation IDE_Morph.prototype.userSetStageSize = function () { new DialogBoxMorph( this, this.setStageExtent, this ).promptVector( "Stage size", StageMorph.prototype.dimensions, new Point(480, 360), 'Stage width', 'Stage height', this.world(), null, // pic null // msg ); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.setStageExtent = function (aPoint) { var myself = this, world = this.world(), ext = aPoint.max(new Point(480, 180)); function zoom() { myself.step = function () { var delta = ext.subtract( StageMorph.prototype.dimensions ).divideBy(2); if (delta.abs().lt(new Point(5, 5))) { StageMorph.prototype.dimensions = ext; delete myself.step; } else { StageMorph.prototype.dimensions = StageMorph.prototype.dimensions.add(delta); } myself.stage.setExtent(StageMorph.prototype.dimensions); myself.stage.clearPenTrails(); myself.fixLayout(); this.setExtent(world.extent()); }; } this.stageRatio = 1; this.isSmallStage = false; this.controlBar.stageSizeButton.refresh(); this.setExtent(world.extent()); if (this.isAnimating) { zoom(); } else { StageMorph.prototype.dimensions = ext; this.stage.setExtent(StageMorph.prototype.dimensions); this.stage.clearPenTrails(); this.fixLayout(); this.setExtent(world.extent()); } }; // IDE_Morph cloud interface IDE_Morph.prototype.initializeCloud = function () { var myself = this, world = this.world(); new DialogBoxMorph( null, function (user) { var pwh = hex_sha512(user.password), str; SnapCloud.login( user.username, pwh, function () { if (user.choice) { str = SnapCloud.encodeDict( { username: user.username, password: pwh } ); localStorage['-snap-user'] = str; } myself.source = 'cloud'; myself.showMessage('now connected.', 2); }, myself.cloudError() ); } ).withKey('cloudlogin').promptCredentials( 'Sign in', 'login', null, null, null, null, 'stay signed in on this computer\nuntil logging out', world, myself.cloudIcon(), myself.cloudMsg ); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.createCloudAccount = function () { var myself = this, world = this.world(); /* // force-logout, commented out for now: delete localStorage['-snap-user']; SnapCloud.clear(); */ new DialogBoxMorph( null, function (user) { SnapCloud.signup( user.username, user.email, function (txt, title) { new DialogBoxMorph().inform( title, txt + '.\n\nAn e-mail with your password\n' + 'has been sent to the address provided', world, myself.cloudIcon(null, new Color(0, 180, 0)) ); }, myself.cloudError() ); } ).withKey('cloudsignup').promptCredentials( 'Sign up', 'signup', 'http://snap.berkeley.edu/tos.html', 'Terms of Service...', 'http://snap.berkeley.edu/privacy.html', 'Privacy...', 'I have read and agree\nto the Terms of Service', world, myself.cloudIcon(), myself.cloudMsg ); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.resetCloudPassword = function () { var myself = this, world = this.world(); /* // force-logout, commented out for now: delete localStorage['-snap-user']; SnapCloud.clear(); */ new DialogBoxMorph( null, function (user) { SnapCloud.resetPassword( user.username, function (txt, title) { new DialogBoxMorph().inform( title, txt + '.\n\nAn e-mail with a link to\n' + 'reset your password\n' + 'has been sent to the address provided', world, myself.cloudIcon(null, new Color(0, 180, 0)) ); }, myself.cloudError() ); } ).withKey('cloudresetpassword').promptCredentials( 'Reset password', 'resetPassword', null, null, null, null, null, world, myself.cloudIcon(), myself.cloudMsg ); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.changeCloudPassword = function () { var myself = this, world = this.world(); new DialogBoxMorph( null, function (user) { SnapCloud.changePassword( user.oldpassword, user.password, function () { myself.logout(); myself.showMessage('password has been changed.', 2); }, myself.cloudError() ); } ).withKey('cloudpassword').promptCredentials( 'Change Password', 'changePassword', null, null, null, null, null, world, myself.cloudIcon(), myself.cloudMsg ); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.logout = function () { var myself = this; delete localStorage['-snap-user']; SnapCloud.logout( function () { SnapCloud.clear(); myself.showMessage('disconnected.', 2); }, function () { SnapCloud.clear(); myself.showMessage('disconnected.', 2); } ); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.saveProjectToCloud = function (name) { var myself = this; if (name) { this.showMessage('Saving project\nto the cloud...'); this.setProjectName(name); SnapCloud.saveProject( this, function () {myself.showMessage('saved.', 2); }, this.cloudError() ); } }; IDE_Morph.prototype.exportProjectMedia = function (name) { var menu, media; this.serializer.isCollectingMedia = true; if (name) { this.setProjectName(name); if (Process.prototype.isCatchingErrors) { try { menu = this.showMessage('Exporting'); encodeURIComponent( this.serializer.serialize(this.stage) ); media = encodeURIComponent( this.serializer.mediaXML(name) ); window.open('data:text/xml,' + media); menu.destroy(); this.showMessage('Exported!', 1); } catch (err) { this.serializer.isCollectingMedia = false; this.showMessage('Export failed: ' + err); } } else { menu = this.showMessage('Exporting'); encodeURIComponent( this.serializer.serialize(this.stage) ); media = encodeURIComponent( this.serializer.mediaXML() ); window.open('data:text/xml,' + media); menu.destroy(); this.showMessage('Exported!', 1); } } this.serializer.isCollectingMedia = false; this.serializer.flushMedia(); // this.hasChangedMedia = false; }; IDE_Morph.prototype.exportProjectNoMedia = function (name) { var menu, str; this.serializer.isCollectingMedia = true; if (name) { this.setProjectName(name); if (Process.prototype.isCatchingErrors) { try { menu = this.showMessage('Exporting'); str = encodeURIComponent( this.serializer.serialize(this.stage) ); window.open('data:text/xml,' + str); menu.destroy(); this.showMessage('Exported!', 1); } catch (err) { this.serializer.isCollectingMedia = false; this.showMessage('Export failed: ' + err); } } else { menu = this.showMessage('Exporting'); str = encodeURIComponent( this.serializer.serialize(this.stage) ); window.open('data:text/xml,' + str); menu.destroy(); this.showMessage('Exported!', 1); } } this.serializer.isCollectingMedia = false; this.serializer.flushMedia(); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.exportProjectAsCloudData = function (name) { var menu, str, media, dta; this.serializer.isCollectingMedia = true; if (name) { this.setProjectName(name); if (Process.prototype.isCatchingErrors) { try { menu = this.showMessage('Exporting'); str = encodeURIComponent( this.serializer.serialize(this.stage) ); media = encodeURIComponent( this.serializer.mediaXML(name) ); dta = encodeURIComponent('') + str + media + encodeURIComponent(''); window.open('data:text/xml,' + dta); menu.destroy(); this.showMessage('Exported!', 1); } catch (err) { this.serializer.isCollectingMedia = false; this.showMessage('Export failed: ' + err); } } else { menu = this.showMessage('Exporting'); str = encodeURIComponent( this.serializer.serialize(this.stage) ); media = encodeURIComponent( this.serializer.mediaXML() ); dta = encodeURIComponent('') + str + media + encodeURIComponent(''); window.open('data:text/xml,' + dta); menu.destroy(); this.showMessage('Exported!', 1); } } this.serializer.isCollectingMedia = false; this.serializer.flushMedia(); // this.hasChangedMedia = false; }; IDE_Morph.prototype.cloudAcknowledge = function () { var myself = this; return function (responseText, url) { nop(responseText); new DialogBoxMorph().inform( 'Cloud Connection', 'Successfully connected to:\n' + 'http://' + url, myself.world(), myself.cloudIcon(null, new Color(0, 180, 0)) ); }; }; IDE_Morph.prototype.cloudResponse = function () { var myself = this; return function (responseText, url) { var response = responseText; if (response.length > 50) { response = response.substring(0, 50) + '...'; } new DialogBoxMorph().inform( 'Snap!Cloud', 'http://' + url + ':\n\n' + 'responds:\n' + response, myself.world(), myself.cloudIcon(null, new Color(0, 180, 0)) ); }; }; IDE_Morph.prototype.cloudError = function () { var myself = this; // try finding an eplanation what's going on // has some issues, commented out for now /* function getURL(url) { try { var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.open('GET', url, false); request.send(); if (request.status === 200) { return request.responseText; } return null; } catch (err) { return null; } } */ return function (responseText, url) { // first, try to find out an explanation for the error // and notify the user about it, // if none is found, show an error dialog box var response = responseText, // explanation = getURL('http://snap.berkeley.edu/cloudmsg.txt'), explanation = null; if (myself.shield) { myself.shield.destroy(); myself.shield = null; } if (explanation) { myself.showMessage(explanation); return; } if (response.length > 50) { response = response.substring(0, 50) + '...'; } new DialogBoxMorph().inform( 'Snap!Cloud', (url ? url + '\n' : '') + response, myself.world(), myself.cloudIcon(null, new Color(180, 0, 0)) ); }; }; IDE_Morph.prototype.cloudIcon = function (height, color) { var clr = color || DialogBoxMorph.prototype.titleBarColor, isFlat = MorphicPreferences.isFlat, icon = new SymbolMorph( isFlat ? 'cloud' : 'cloudGradient', height || 50, clr, isFlat ? null : new Point(-1, -1), clr.darker(50) ); if (!isFlat) { icon.addShadow(new Point(1, 1), 1, clr.lighter(95)); } return icon; }; IDE_Morph.prototype.setCloudURL = function () { new DialogBoxMorph( null, function (url) { SnapCloud.url = url; } ).withKey('cloudURL').prompt( 'Cloud URL', SnapCloud.url, this.world(), null, { 'Snap!Cloud' : 'https://snap.apps.miosoft.com/SnapCloud' } ); }; // IDE_Morph synchronous Http data fetching IDE_Morph.prototype.getURL = function (url) { var request = new XMLHttpRequest(), myself = this; try { request.open('GET', url, false); request.send(); if (request.status === 200) { return request.responseText; } throw new Error('unable to retrieve ' + url); } catch (err) { myself.showMessage(err); return; } }; IDE_Morph.prototype.getURLsbeOrRelative = function (url) { var request = new XMLHttpRequest(), myself = this; try { request.open('GET', baseURL + url, false); request.send(); if (request.status === 200) { return request.responseText; } return myself.getURL(url); } catch (err) { myself.showMessage(err); return; } }; // IDE_Morph user dialog shortcuts IDE_Morph.prototype.showMessage = function (message, secs) { var m = new MenuMorph(null, message), intervalHandle; m.popUpCenteredInWorld(this.world()); if (secs) { intervalHandle = setInterval(function () { m.destroy(); clearInterval(intervalHandle); }, secs * 1000); } return m; }; IDE_Morph.prototype.inform = function (title, message) { new DialogBoxMorph().inform( title, localize(message), this.world() ); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.confirm = function (message, title, action) { new DialogBoxMorph(null, action).askYesNo( title, localize(message), this.world() ); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.prompt = function (message, callback, choices, key) { (new DialogBoxMorph(null, callback)).withKey(key).prompt( message, '', this.world(), null, choices ); }; // ProjectDialogMorph //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ProjectDialogMorph inherits from DialogBoxMorph: ProjectDialogMorph.prototype = new DialogBoxMorph(); ProjectDialogMorph.prototype.constructor = ProjectDialogMorph; ProjectDialogMorph.uber = DialogBoxMorph.prototype; // ProjectDialogMorph instance creation: function ProjectDialogMorph(ide, label) { this.init(ide, label); } ProjectDialogMorph.prototype.init = function (ide, task) { var myself = this; // additional properties: this.ide = ide; this.task = task || 'open'; // String describing what do do (open, save) this.source = ide.source || 'local'; // or 'cloud' or 'examples' this.projectList = []; // [{name: , thumb: , notes:}] this.handle = null; this.srcBar = null; this.nameField = null; this.listField = null; this.preview = null; this.notesText = null; this.notesField = null; this.deleteButton = null; this.shareButton = null; this.unshareButton = null; // initialize inherited properties: ProjectDialogMorph.uber.init.call( this, this, // target null, // function null // environment ); // override inherited properites: this.labelString = this.task === 'save' ? 'Save Project' : 'Open Project'; this.createLabel(); this.key = 'project' + task; // build contents this.buildContents(); this.onNextStep = function () { // yield to show "updating" message myself.setSource(myself.source); }; }; ProjectDialogMorph.prototype.buildContents = function () { var thumbnail, notification; this.addBody(new Morph()); this.body.color = this.color; this.srcBar = new AlignmentMorph('column', this.padding / 2); if (this.ide.cloudMsg) { notification = new TextMorph( this.ide.cloudMsg, 10, null, // style false, // bold null, // italic null, // alignment null, // width null, // font name new Point(1, 1), // shadow offset new Color(255, 255, 255) // shadowColor ); notification.refresh = nop; this.srcBar.add(notification); } this.addSourceButton('cloud', localize('Cloud'), 'cloud'); this.addSourceButton('local', localize('Browser'), 'storage'); if (this.task === 'open') { this.addSourceButton('examples', localize('Examples'), 'poster'); } this.srcBar.fixLayout(); this.body.add(this.srcBar); if (this.task === 'save') { this.nameField = new InputFieldMorph(this.ide.projectName); this.body.add(this.nameField); } this.listField = new ListMorph([]); this.fixListFieldItemColors(); this.listField.fixLayout = nop; this.listField.edge = InputFieldMorph.prototype.edge; this.listField.fontSize = InputFieldMorph.prototype.fontSize; this.listField.typeInPadding = InputFieldMorph.prototype.typeInPadding; this.listField.contrast = InputFieldMorph.prototype.contrast; this.listField.drawNew = InputFieldMorph.prototype.drawNew; this.listField.drawRectBorder = InputFieldMorph.prototype.drawRectBorder; this.body.add(this.listField); this.preview = new Morph(); this.preview.fixLayout = nop; this.preview.edge = InputFieldMorph.prototype.edge; this.preview.fontSize = InputFieldMorph.prototype.fontSize; this.preview.typeInPadding = InputFieldMorph.prototype.typeInPadding; this.preview.contrast = InputFieldMorph.prototype.contrast; this.preview.drawNew = function () { InputFieldMorph.prototype.drawNew.call(this); if (this.texture) { this.drawTexture(this.texture); } }; this.preview.drawCachedTexture = function () { var context = this.image.getContext('2d'); context.drawImage(this.cachedTexture, this.edge, this.edge); this.changed(); }; this.preview.drawRectBorder = InputFieldMorph.prototype.drawRectBorder; this.preview.setExtent( this.ide.serializer.thumbnailSize.add(this.preview.edge * 2) ); this.body.add(this.preview); this.preview.drawNew(); if (this.task === 'save') { thumbnail = this.ide.stage.thumbnail( SnapSerializer.prototype.thumbnailSize ); this.preview.texture = null; this.preview.cachedTexture = thumbnail; this.preview.drawCachedTexture(); } this.notesField = new ScrollFrameMorph(); this.notesField.fixLayout = nop; this.notesField.edge = InputFieldMorph.prototype.edge; this.notesField.fontSize = InputFieldMorph.prototype.fontSize; this.notesField.typeInPadding = InputFieldMorph.prototype.typeInPadding; this.notesField.contrast = InputFieldMorph.prototype.contrast; this.notesField.drawNew = InputFieldMorph.prototype.drawNew; this.notesField.drawRectBorder = InputFieldMorph.prototype.drawRectBorder; this.notesField.acceptsDrops = false; this.notesField.contents.acceptsDrops = false; if (this.task === 'open') { this.notesText = new TextMorph(''); } else { // 'save' this.notesText = new TextMorph(this.ide.projectNotes); this.notesText.isEditable = true; this.notesText.enableSelecting(); } this.notesField.isTextLineWrapping = true; this.notesField.padding = 3; this.notesField.setContents(this.notesText); this.notesField.setWidth(this.preview.width()); this.body.add(this.notesField); if (this.task === 'open') { this.addButton('openProject', 'Open'); this.action = 'openProject'; } else { // 'save' this.addButton('saveProject', 'Save'); this.action = 'saveProject'; } this.shareButton = this.addButton('shareProject', 'Share'); this.unshareButton = this.addButton('unshareProject', 'Unshare'); this.shareButton.hide(); this.unshareButton.hide(); this.deleteButton = this.addButton('deleteProject', 'Delete'); this.addButton('cancel', 'Cancel'); if (notification) { this.setExtent(new Point(455, 335).add(notification.extent())); } else { this.setExtent(new Point(455, 335)); } this.fixLayout(); }; ProjectDialogMorph.prototype.popUp = function (wrrld) { var world = wrrld || this.ide.world(); if (world) { ProjectDialogMorph.uber.popUp.call(this, world); this.handle = new HandleMorph( this, 350, 300, this.corner, this.corner ); } }; // ProjectDialogMorph source buttons ProjectDialogMorph.prototype.addSourceButton = function ( source, label, symbol ) { var myself = this, lbl1 = new StringMorph( label, 10, null, true, null, null, new Point(1, 1), new Color(255, 255, 255) ), lbl2 = new StringMorph( label, 10, null, true, null, null, new Point(-1, -1), this.titleBarColor.darker(50), new Color(255, 255, 255) ), l1 = new Morph(), l2 = new Morph(), button; lbl1.add(new SymbolMorph( symbol, 24, this.titleBarColor.darker(20), new Point(1, 1), this.titleBarColor.darker(50) )); lbl1.children[0].setCenter(lbl1.center()); lbl1.children[0].setBottom(lbl1.top() - this.padding / 2); l1.image = lbl1.fullImage(); l1.bounds = lbl1.fullBounds(); lbl2.add(new SymbolMorph( symbol, 24, new Color(255, 255, 255), new Point(-1, -1), this.titleBarColor.darker(50) )); lbl2.children[0].setCenter(lbl2.center()); lbl2.children[0].setBottom(lbl2.top() - this.padding / 2); l2.image = lbl2.fullImage(); l2.bounds = lbl2.fullBounds(); button = new ToggleButtonMorph( null, //colors, myself, // the ProjectDialog is the target function () { // action myself.setSource(source); }, [l1, l2], function () { // query return myself.source === source; } ); button.corner = this.buttonCorner; button.edge = this.buttonEdge; button.outline = this.buttonOutline; button.outlineColor = this.buttonOutlineColor; button.outlineGradient = this.buttonOutlineGradient; button.labelMinExtent = new Point(60, 0); button.padding = this.buttonPadding; button.contrast = this.buttonContrast; button.pressColor = this.titleBarColor.darker(20); button.drawNew(); button.fixLayout(); button.refresh(); this.srcBar.add(button); }; // ProjectDialogMorph list field control ProjectDialogMorph.prototype.fixListFieldItemColors = function () { // remember to always fixLayout() afterwards for the changes // to take effect var myself = this; this.listField.contents.children[0].alpha = 0; this.listField.contents.children[0].children.forEach(function (item) { item.pressColor = myself.titleBarColor.darker(20); item.color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0); item.noticesTransparentClick = true; }); }; // ProjectDialogMorph ops ProjectDialogMorph.prototype.setSource = function (source) { var myself = this, msg; this.source = source; //this.task === 'save' ? 'local' : source; this.srcBar.children.forEach(function (button) { button.refresh(); }); switch (this.source) { case 'cloud': msg = myself.ide.showMessage('Updating\nproject list...'); this.projectList = []; SnapCloud.getProjectList( function (projectList) { myself.installCloudProjectList(projectList); msg.destroy(); }, function (err, lbl) { msg.destroy(); myself.ide.cloudError().call(null, err, lbl); } ); return; case 'examples': this.projectList = this.getExamplesProjectList(); break; case 'local': this.projectList = this.getLocalProjectList(); break; } this.listField.destroy(); this.listField = new ListMorph( this.projectList, this.projectList.length > 0 ? function (element) { return element.name; } : null, null, function () {myself.ok(); } ); this.fixListFieldItemColors(); this.listField.fixLayout = nop; this.listField.edge = InputFieldMorph.prototype.edge; this.listField.fontSize = InputFieldMorph.prototype.fontSize; this.listField.typeInPadding = InputFieldMorph.prototype.typeInPadding; this.listField.contrast = InputFieldMorph.prototype.contrast; this.listField.drawNew = InputFieldMorph.prototype.drawNew; this.listField.drawRectBorder = InputFieldMorph.prototype.drawRectBorder; if (this.source === 'local') { this.listField.action = function (item) { var src, xml; if (item === undefined) {return; } if (myself.nameField) { myself.nameField.setContents(item.name || ''); } if (myself.task === 'open') { src = localStorage['-snap-project-' + item.name]; xml = myself.ide.serializer.parse(src); myself.notesText.text = xml.childNamed('notes').contents || ''; myself.notesText.drawNew(); myself.notesField.contents.adjustBounds(); myself.preview.texture = xml.childNamed('thumbnail').contents || null; myself.preview.cachedTexture = null; myself.preview.drawNew(); } myself.edit(); }; } else { // 'examples', 'cloud' is initialized elsewhere this.listField.action = function (item) { var src, xml; if (item === undefined) {return; } if (myself.nameField) { myself.nameField.setContents(item.name || ''); } src = myself.ide.getURL( baseURL + 'Examples/' + item.name + '.xml' ); xml = myself.ide.serializer.parse(src); myself.notesText.text = xml.childNamed('notes').contents || ''; myself.notesText.drawNew(); myself.notesField.contents.adjustBounds(); myself.preview.texture = xml.childNamed('thumbnail').contents || null; myself.preview.cachedTexture = null; myself.preview.drawNew(); myself.edit(); }; } this.body.add(this.listField); this.shareButton.hide(); this.unshareButton.hide(); if (this.source === 'local') { this.deleteButton.show(); } else { // examples this.deleteButton.hide(); } this.buttons.fixLayout(); this.fixLayout(); if (this.task === 'open') { this.clearDetails(); } }; ProjectDialogMorph.prototype.getLocalProjectList = function () { var stored, name, dta, projects = []; for (stored in localStorage) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(localStorage, stored) && stored.substr(0, 14) === '-snap-project-') { name = stored.substr(14); dta = { name: name, thumb: null, notes: null }; projects.push(dta); } } projects.sort(function (x, y) { return x.name < y.name ? -1 : 1; }); return projects; }; ProjectDialogMorph.prototype.getExamplesProjectList = function () { var dir, projects = []; //alert(baseURL); dir = this.ide.getURL(baseURL + 'Examples/'); dir.split('\n').forEach( function (line) { var startIdx = line.search(new RegExp('href=".*xml"')), endIdx, name, dta; if (startIdx > 0) { endIdx = line.search(new RegExp('.xml')); name = line.substring(startIdx + 6, endIdx); dta = { name: name, thumb: null, notes: null }; projects.push(dta); } } ); projects = projects.sort(function (x, y) { return x.name.toLowerCase() < y.name.toLowerCase() ? -1 : 1; }); return projects; }; ProjectDialogMorph.prototype.installCloudProjectList = function (pl) { var myself = this; this.projectList = pl || []; this.projectList.sort(function (x, y) { return x.ProjectName < y.ProjectName ? -1 : 1; }); this.listField.destroy(); this.listField = new ListMorph( this.projectList, this.projectList.length > 0 ? function (element) { return element.ProjectName; } : null, [ // format: display shared project names bold [ 'bold', function (proj) {return proj.Public === 'true'; } ] ], function () {myself.ok(); } ); this.fixListFieldItemColors(); this.listField.fixLayout = nop; this.listField.edge = InputFieldMorph.prototype.edge; this.listField.fontSize = InputFieldMorph.prototype.fontSize; this.listField.typeInPadding = InputFieldMorph.prototype.typeInPadding; this.listField.contrast = InputFieldMorph.prototype.contrast; this.listField.drawNew = InputFieldMorph.prototype.drawNew; this.listField.drawRectBorder = InputFieldMorph.prototype.drawRectBorder; this.listField.action = function (item) { if (item === undefined) {return; } if (myself.nameField) { myself.nameField.setContents(item.ProjectName || ''); } if (myself.task === 'open') { myself.notesText.text = item.Notes || ''; myself.notesText.drawNew(); myself.notesField.contents.adjustBounds(); myself.preview.texture = item.Thumbnail || null; myself.preview.cachedTexture = null; myself.preview.drawNew(); (new SpeechBubbleMorph(new TextMorph( localize('last changed') + '\n' + item.Updated, null, null, null, null, 'center' ))).popUp( myself.world(), myself.preview.rightCenter().add(new Point(2, 0)) ); } if (item.Public === 'true') { myself.shareButton.hide(); myself.unshareButton.show(); } else { myself.unshareButton.hide(); myself.shareButton.show(); } myself.buttons.fixLayout(); myself.fixLayout(); myself.edit(); }; this.body.add(this.listField); this.shareButton.show(); this.unshareButton.hide(); this.deleteButton.show(); this.buttons.fixLayout(); this.fixLayout(); if (this.task === 'open') { this.clearDetails(); } }; ProjectDialogMorph.prototype.clearDetails = function () { this.notesText.text = ''; this.notesText.drawNew(); this.notesField.contents.adjustBounds(); this.preview.texture = null; this.preview.cachedTexture = null; this.preview.drawNew(); }; ProjectDialogMorph.prototype.openProject = function () { var proj = this.listField.selected, src; if (!proj) {return; } this.ide.source = this.source; if (this.source === 'cloud') { this.openCloudProject(proj); } else if (this.source === 'examples') { src = this.ide.getURL(baseURL + 'Examples/' + proj.name + '.xml'); this.ide.openProjectString(src); this.destroy(); } else { // 'local' this.ide.openProject(proj.name); this.destroy(); } }; ProjectDialogMorph.prototype.openCloudProject = function (project) { var myself = this; myself.ide.nextSteps([ function () { myself.ide.showMessage('Fetching project\nfrom the cloud...'); }, function () { myself.rawOpenCloudProject(project); } ]); }; ProjectDialogMorph.prototype.rawOpenCloudProject = function (proj) { var myself = this; SnapCloud.reconnect( function () { SnapCloud.callService( 'getProject', function (response) { SnapCloud.disconnect(); myself.ide.source = 'cloud'; myself.ide.droppedText(response[0].SourceCode); if (proj.Public === 'true') { location.hash = '#present:Username=' + encodeURIComponent(SnapCloud.username) + '&ProjectName=' + encodeURIComponent(proj.ProjectName); } }, myself.ide.cloudError(), [proj.ProjectName] ); }, myself.ide.cloudError() ); this.destroy(); }; ProjectDialogMorph.prototype.saveProject = function () { var name = this.nameField.contents().text.text, notes = this.notesText.text, myself = this; this.ide.projectNotes = notes || this.ide.projectNotes; if (name) { if (this.source === 'cloud') { if (detect( this.projectList, function (item) {return item.ProjectName === name; } )) { this.ide.confirm( localize( 'Are you sure you want to replace' ) + '\n"' + name + '"?', 'Replace Project', function () { myself.ide.setProjectName(name); myself.saveCloudProject(); } ); } else { this.ide.setProjectName(name); myself.saveCloudProject(); } } else { // 'local' if (detect( this.projectList, function (item) {return item.name === name; } )) { this.ide.confirm( localize( 'Are you sure you want to replace' ) + '\n"' + name + '"?', 'Replace Project', function () { myself.ide.setProjectName(name); myself.ide.source = 'local'; myself.ide.saveProject(name); myself.destroy(); } ); } else { this.ide.setProjectName(name); myself.ide.source = 'local'; this.ide.saveProject(name); this.destroy(); } } } }; ProjectDialogMorph.prototype.saveCloudProject = function () { var myself = this; this.ide.showMessage('Saving project\nto the cloud...'); SnapCloud.saveProject( this.ide, function () { myself.ide.source = 'cloud'; myself.ide.showMessage('saved.', 2); }, this.ide.cloudError() ); this.destroy(); }; ProjectDialogMorph.prototype.deleteProject = function () { var myself = this, proj, idx, name; if (this.source === 'cloud') { proj = this.listField.selected; if (proj) { this.ide.confirm( localize( 'Are you sure you want to delete' ) + '\n"' + proj.ProjectName + '"?', 'Delete Project', function () { SnapCloud.reconnect( function () { SnapCloud.callService( 'deleteProject', function () { SnapCloud.disconnect(); myself.ide.hasChangedMedia = true; idx = myself.projectList.indexOf(proj); myself.projectList.splice(idx, 1); myself.installCloudProjectList( myself.projectList ); // refresh list }, myself.ide.cloudError(), [proj.ProjectName] ); }, myself.ide.cloudError() ); } ); } } else { // 'local, examples' if (this.listField.selected) { name = this.listField.selected.name; this.ide.confirm( localize( 'Are you sure you want to delete' ) + '\n"' + name + '"?', 'Delete Project', function () { delete localStorage['-snap-project-' + name]; myself.setSource(myself.source); // refresh list } ); } } }; ProjectDialogMorph.prototype.shareProject = function () { var myself = this, ide = this.ide, proj = this.listField.selected, entry = this.listField.active; if (proj) { this.ide.confirm( localize( 'Are you sure you want to publish' ) + '\n"' + proj.ProjectName + '"?', 'Share Project', function () { myself.ide.showMessage('sharing\nproject...'); SnapCloud.reconnect( function () { SnapCloud.callService( 'publishProject', function () { SnapCloud.disconnect(); proj.Public = 'true'; myself.unshareButton.show(); myself.shareButton.hide(); entry.label.isBold = true; entry.label.drawNew(); entry.label.changed(); myself.buttons.fixLayout(); myself.drawNew(); myself.ide.showMessage('shared.', 2); }, myself.ide.cloudError(), [proj.ProjectName] ); // Set the Shared URL if the project is currently open if (proj.ProjectName === ide.projectName) { var usr = SnapCloud.username, projectId = 'Username=' + encodeURIComponent(usr.toLowerCase()) + '&ProjectName=' + encodeURIComponent(proj.ProjectName); location.hash = 'present:' + projectId; } }, myself.ide.cloudError() ); } ); } }; ProjectDialogMorph.prototype.unshareProject = function () { var myself = this, ide = this.ide, proj = this.listField.selected, entry = this.listField.active; if (proj) { this.ide.confirm( localize( 'Are you sure you want to unpublish' ) + '\n"' + proj.ProjectName + '"?', 'Unshare Project', function () { myself.ide.showMessage('unsharing\nproject...'); SnapCloud.reconnect( function () { SnapCloud.callService( 'unpublishProject', function () { SnapCloud.disconnect(); proj.Public = 'false'; myself.shareButton.show(); myself.unshareButton.hide(); entry.label.isBold = false; entry.label.drawNew(); entry.label.changed(); myself.buttons.fixLayout(); myself.drawNew(); myself.ide.showMessage('unshared.', 2); }, myself.ide.cloudError(), [proj.ProjectName] ); // Remove the shared URL if the project is open. if (proj.ProjectName === ide.projectName) { location.hash = ''; } }, myself.ide.cloudError() ); } ); } }; ProjectDialogMorph.prototype.edit = function () { if (this.nameField) { this.nameField.edit(); } }; // ProjectDialogMorph layout ProjectDialogMorph.prototype.fixLayout = function () { var th = fontHeight(this.titleFontSize) + this.titlePadding * 2, thin = this.padding / 2, oldFlag = Morph.prototype.trackChanges; Morph.prototype.trackChanges = false; if (this.buttons && (this.buttons.children.length > 0)) { this.buttons.fixLayout(); } if (this.body) { this.body.setPosition(this.position().add(new Point( this.padding, th + this.padding ))); this.body.setExtent(new Point( this.width() - this.padding * 2, this.height() - this.padding * 3 - th - this.buttons.height() )); this.srcBar.setPosition(this.body.position()); if (this.nameField) { this.nameField.setWidth( this.body.width() - this.srcBar.width() - this.padding * 6 ); this.nameField.setLeft(this.srcBar.right() + this.padding * 3); this.nameField.setTop(this.srcBar.top()); this.nameField.drawNew(); } this.listField.setLeft(this.srcBar.right() + this.padding); this.listField.setWidth( this.body.width() - this.srcBar.width() - this.preview.width() - this.padding - thin ); this.listField.contents.children[0].adjustWidths(); if (this.nameField) { this.listField.setTop(this.nameField.bottom() + this.padding); this.listField.setHeight( this.body.height() - this.nameField.height() - this.padding ); } else { this.listField.setTop(this.body.top()); this.listField.setHeight(this.body.height()); } this.preview.setRight(this.body.right()); if (this.nameField) { this.preview.setTop(this.nameField.bottom() + this.padding); } else { this.preview.setTop(this.body.top()); } this.notesField.setTop(this.preview.bottom() + thin); this.notesField.setLeft(this.preview.left()); this.notesField.setHeight( this.body.bottom() - this.preview.bottom() - thin ); } if (this.label) { this.label.setCenter(this.center()); this.label.setTop(this.top() + (th - this.label.height()) / 2); } if (this.buttons && (this.buttons.children.length > 0)) { this.buttons.setCenter(this.center()); this.buttons.setBottom(this.bottom() - this.padding); } Morph.prototype.trackChanges = oldFlag; this.changed(); }; // SpriteIconMorph //////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* I am a selectable element in the Sprite corral, keeping a self-updating thumbnail of the sprite I'm respresenting, and a self-updating label of the sprite's name (in case it is changed elsewhere) */ // SpriteIconMorph inherits from ToggleButtonMorph (Widgets) SpriteIconMorph.prototype = new ToggleButtonMorph(); SpriteIconMorph.prototype.constructor = SpriteIconMorph; SpriteIconMorph.uber = ToggleButtonMorph.prototype; // SpriteIconMorph settings SpriteIconMorph.prototype.thumbSize = new Point(40, 40); SpriteIconMorph.prototype.labelShadowOffset = null; SpriteIconMorph.prototype.labelShadowColor = null; SpriteIconMorph.prototype.labelColor = new Color(255, 255, 255); SpriteIconMorph.prototype.fontSize = 9; // SpriteIconMorph instance creation: function SpriteIconMorph(aSprite, aTemplate) { this.init(aSprite, aTemplate); } SpriteIconMorph.prototype.init = function (aSprite, aTemplate) { var colors, action, query, hover, myself = this; if (!aTemplate) { colors = [ IDE_Morph.prototype.groupColor, IDE_Morph.prototype.frameColor, IDE_Morph.prototype.frameColor ]; } action = function () { // make my sprite the current one var ide = myself.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph); if (ide) { ide.selectSprite(myself.object); } }; query = function () { // answer true if my sprite is the current one var ide = myself.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph); if (ide) { return ide.currentSprite === myself.object; } return false; }; hover = function () { if (!aSprite.exemplar) {return null; } return (localize('parent' + ':\n' + aSprite.exemplar.name)); }; // additional properties: this.object = aSprite || new SpriteMorph(); // mandatory, actually this.version = this.object.version; this.thumbnail = null; this.rotationButton = null; // synchronous rotation of nested sprites // initialize inherited properties: SpriteIconMorph.uber.init.call( this, colors, // color overrides, : [normal, highlight, pressed] null, // target - not needed here action, // a toggle function this.object.name, // label string query, // predicate/selector null, // environment hover, // hint aTemplate // optional, for cached background images ); // override defaults and build additional components this.isDraggable = true; this.createThumbnail(); this.padding = 2; this.corner = 8; this.fixLayout(); this.fps = 1; }; SpriteIconMorph.prototype.createThumbnail = function () { if (this.thumbnail) { this.thumbnail.destroy(); } this.thumbnail = new Morph(); this.thumbnail.setExtent(this.thumbSize); if (this.object instanceof SpriteMorph) { // support nested sprites this.thumbnail.image = this.object.fullThumbnail(this.thumbSize); this.createRotationButton(); } else { this.thumbnail.image = this.object.thumbnail(this.thumbSize); } this.add(this.thumbnail); }; SpriteIconMorph.prototype.createLabel = function () { var txt; if (this.label) { this.label.destroy(); } txt = new StringMorph( this.object.name, this.fontSize, this.fontStyle, true, false, false, this.labelShadowOffset, this.labelShadowColor, this.labelColor ); this.label = new FrameMorph(); this.label.acceptsDrops = false; this.label.alpha = 0; this.label.setExtent(txt.extent()); txt.setPosition(this.label.position()); this.label.add(txt); this.add(this.label); }; SpriteIconMorph.prototype.createRotationButton = function () { var button, myself = this; if (this.rotationButton) { this.rotationButton.destroy(); this.roationButton = null; } if (!this.object.anchor) { return; } button = new ToggleButtonMorph( null, // colors, null, // target function () { myself.object.rotatesWithAnchor = !myself.object.rotatesWithAnchor; }, [ '\u2192', '\u21BB' ], function () { // query return myself.object.rotatesWithAnchor; } ); button.corner = 8; button.labelMinExtent = new Point(11, 11); button.padding = 0; button.pressColor = button.color; button.drawNew(); // button.hint = 'rotate synchronously\nwith anchor'; button.fixLayout(); button.refresh(); button.changed(); this.rotationButton = button; this.add(this.rotationButton); }; // SpriteIconMorph stepping SpriteIconMorph.prototype.step = function () { if (this.version !== this.object.version) { this.createThumbnail(); this.createLabel(); this.fixLayout(); this.version = this.object.version; this.refresh(); } }; // SpriteIconMorph layout SpriteIconMorph.prototype.fixLayout = function () { if (!this.thumbnail || !this.label) {return null; } this.setWidth( this.thumbnail.width() + this.outline * 2 + this.edge * 2 + this.padding * 2 ); this.setHeight( this.thumbnail.height() + this.outline * 2 + this.edge * 2 + this.padding * 3 + this.label.height() ); this.thumbnail.setCenter(this.center()); this.thumbnail.setTop( this.top() + this.outline + this.edge + this.padding ); if (this.rotationButton) { this.rotationButton.setTop(this.top()); this.rotationButton.setRight(this.right()); } this.label.setWidth( Math.min( this.label.children[0].width(), // the actual text this.thumbnail.width() ) ); this.label.setCenter(this.center()); this.label.setTop( this.thumbnail.bottom() + this.padding ); }; // SpriteIconMorph menu SpriteIconMorph.prototype.userMenu = function () { var menu = new MenuMorph(this), myself = this; if (this.object instanceof StageMorph) { menu.addItem( 'pic...', function () { window.open(myself.object.fullImageClassic().toDataURL()); }, 'open a new window\nwith a picture of the stage' ); return menu; } if (!(this.object instanceof SpriteMorph)) {return null; } menu.addItem("show", 'showSpriteOnStage'); menu.addLine(); menu.addItem("duplicate", 'duplicateSprite'); menu.addItem("delete", 'removeSprite'); menu.addLine(); if (StageMorph.prototype.enableInheritance) { menu.addItem("parent...", 'chooseExemplar'); } if (this.object.anchor) { menu.addItem( localize('detach from') + ' ' + this.object.anchor.name, function () {myself.object.detachFromAnchor(); } ); } if (this.object.parts.length) { menu.addItem( 'detach all parts', function () {myself.object.detachAllParts(); } ); } menu.addItem("export...", 'exportSprite'); return menu; }; SpriteIconMorph.prototype.duplicateSprite = function () { var ide = this.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph); if (ide) { ide.duplicateSprite(this.object); } }; SpriteIconMorph.prototype.removeSprite = function () { var ide = this.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph); if (ide) { ide.removeSprite(this.object); } }; SpriteIconMorph.prototype.exportSprite = function () { this.object.exportSprite(); }; SpriteIconMorph.prototype.chooseExemplar = function () { this.object.chooseExemplar(); }; SpriteIconMorph.prototype.showSpriteOnStage = function () { this.object.showOnStage(); }; // SpriteIconMorph drawing SpriteIconMorph.prototype.createBackgrounds = function () { // only draw the edges if I am selected var context, ext = this.extent(); if (this.template) { // take the backgrounds images from the template this.image = this.template.image; this.normalImage = this.template.normalImage; this.highlightImage = this.template.highlightImage; this.pressImage = this.template.pressImage; return null; } this.normalImage = newCanvas(ext); context = this.normalImage.getContext('2d'); this.drawBackground(context, this.color); this.highlightImage = newCanvas(ext); context = this.highlightImage.getContext('2d'); this.drawBackground(context, this.highlightColor); this.pressImage = newCanvas(ext); context = this.pressImage.getContext('2d'); this.drawOutline(context); this.drawBackground(context, this.pressColor); this.drawEdges( context, this.pressColor, this.pressColor.lighter(this.contrast), this.pressColor.darker(this.contrast) ); this.image = this.normalImage; }; // SpriteIconMorph drag & drop SpriteIconMorph.prototype.prepareToBeGrabbed = function () { var ide = this.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph), idx; this.mouseClickLeft(); // select me if (ide) { idx = ide.sprites.asArray().indexOf(this.object); ide.sprites.remove(idx + 1); ide.createCorral(); ide.fixLayout(); } }; SpriteIconMorph.prototype.wantsDropOf = function (morph) { // allow scripts & media to be copied from one sprite to another // by drag & drop return morph instanceof BlockMorph || (morph instanceof CostumeIconMorph) || (morph instanceof SoundIconMorph); }; SpriteIconMorph.prototype.reactToDropOf = function (morph, hand) { if (morph instanceof BlockMorph) { this.copyStack(morph); } else if (morph instanceof CostumeIconMorph) { this.copyCostume(morph.object); } else if (morph instanceof SoundIconMorph) { this.copySound(morph.object); } this.world().add(morph); morph.slideBackTo(hand.grabOrigin); }; SpriteIconMorph.prototype.copyStack = function (block) { var dup = block.fullCopy(), y = Math.max(this.object.scripts.children.map(function (stack) { return stack.fullBounds().bottom(); }).concat([this.object.scripts.top()])); dup.setPosition(new Point(this.object.scripts.left() + 20, y + 20)); this.object.scripts.add(dup); dup.allComments().forEach(function (comment) { comment.align(dup); }); this.object.scripts.adjustBounds(); // delete all custom blocks pointing to local definitions // under construction... dup.allChildren().forEach(function (morph) { if (morph.definition && !morph.definition.isGlobal) { morph.deleteBlock(); } }); }; SpriteIconMorph.prototype.copyCostume = function (costume) { var dup = costume.copy(); dup.name = this.object.newCostumeName(dup.name); this.object.addCostume(dup); this.object.wearCostume(dup); }; SpriteIconMorph.prototype.copySound = function (sound) { var dup = sound.copy(); this.object.addSound(dup.audio, dup.name); }; // CostumeIconMorph //////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* I am a selectable element in the SpriteEditor's "Costumes" tab, keeping a self-updating thumbnail of the costume I'm respresenting, and a self-updating label of the costume's name (in case it is changed elsewhere) */ // CostumeIconMorph inherits from ToggleButtonMorph (Widgets) // ... and copies methods from SpriteIconMorph CostumeIconMorph.prototype = new ToggleButtonMorph(); CostumeIconMorph.prototype.constructor = CostumeIconMorph; CostumeIconMorph.uber = ToggleButtonMorph.prototype; // CostumeIconMorph settings CostumeIconMorph.prototype.thumbSize = new Point(80, 60); CostumeIconMorph.prototype.labelShadowOffset = null; CostumeIconMorph.prototype.labelShadowColor = null; CostumeIconMorph.prototype.labelColor = new Color(255, 255, 255); CostumeIconMorph.prototype.fontSize = 9; // CostumeIconMorph instance creation: function CostumeIconMorph(aCostume, aTemplate) { this.init(aCostume, aTemplate); } CostumeIconMorph.prototype.init = function (aCostume, aTemplate) { var colors, action, query, myself = this; if (!aTemplate) { colors = [ IDE_Morph.prototype.groupColor, IDE_Morph.prototype.frameColor, IDE_Morph.prototype.frameColor ]; } action = function () { // make my costume the current one var ide = myself.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph), wardrobe = myself.parentThatIsA(WardrobeMorph); if (ide) { ide.currentSprite.wearCostume(myself.object); } if (wardrobe) { wardrobe.updateSelection(); } }; query = function () { // answer true if my costume is the current one var ide = myself.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph); if (ide) { return ide.currentSprite.costume === myself.object; } return false; }; // additional properties: this.object = aCostume || new Costume(); // mandatory, actually this.version = this.object.version; this.thumbnail = null; // initialize inherited properties: CostumeIconMorph.uber.init.call( this, colors, // color overrides, : [normal, highlight, pressed] null, // target - not needed here action, // a toggle function this.object.name, // label string query, // predicate/selector null, // environment null, // hint aTemplate // optional, for cached background images ); // override defaults and build additional components this.isDraggable = true; this.createThumbnail(); this.padding = 2; this.corner = 8; this.fixLayout(); this.fps = 1; }; CostumeIconMorph.prototype.createThumbnail = SpriteIconMorph.prototype.createThumbnail; CostumeIconMorph.prototype.createLabel = SpriteIconMorph.prototype.createLabel; // CostumeIconMorph stepping CostumeIconMorph.prototype.step = SpriteIconMorph.prototype.step; // CostumeIconMorph layout CostumeIconMorph.prototype.fixLayout = SpriteIconMorph.prototype.fixLayout; // CostumeIconMorph menu CostumeIconMorph.prototype.userMenu = function () { var menu = new MenuMorph(this); if (!(this.object instanceof Costume)) {return null; } menu.addItem("edit", "editCostume"); if (this.world().currentKey === 16) { // shift clicked menu.addItem( 'edit rotation point only...', 'editRotationPointOnly', null, new Color(100, 0, 0) ); } menu.addItem("rename", "renameCostume"); menu.addLine(); menu.addItem("duplicate", "duplicateCostume"); menu.addItem("delete", "removeCostume"); menu.addLine(); menu.addItem("export", "exportCostume"); return menu; }; CostumeIconMorph.prototype.editCostume = function () { if (this.object instanceof SVG_Costume) { this.object.editRotationPointOnly(this.world()); } else { this.object.edit( this.world(), this.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph) ); } }; CostumeIconMorph.prototype.editRotationPointOnly = function () { var ide = this.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph); this.object.editRotationPointOnly(this.world()); ide.hasChangedMedia = true; }; CostumeIconMorph.prototype.renameCostume = function () { var costume = this.object, wardrobe = this.parentThatIsA(WardrobeMorph), ide = this.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph); new DialogBoxMorph( null, function (answer) { if (answer && (answer !== costume.name)) { costume.name = wardrobe.sprite.newCostumeName( answer, costume ); costume.version = Date.now(); ide.hasChangedMedia = true; } } ).prompt( 'rename costume', costume.name, this.world() ); }; CostumeIconMorph.prototype.duplicateCostume = function () { var wardrobe = this.parentThatIsA(WardrobeMorph), ide = this.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph), newcos = this.object.copy(); newcos.name = wardrobe.sprite.newCostumeName(newcos.name); wardrobe.sprite.addCostume(newcos); wardrobe.updateList(); if (ide) { ide.currentSprite.wearCostume(newcos); } }; CostumeIconMorph.prototype.removeCostume = function () { var wardrobe = this.parentThatIsA(WardrobeMorph), idx = this.parent.children.indexOf(this), ide = this.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph); wardrobe.removeCostumeAt(idx - 2); if (ide.currentSprite.costume === this.object) { ide.currentSprite.wearCostume(null); } }; CostumeIconMorph.prototype.exportCostume = function () { if (this.object instanceof SVG_Costume) { window.open(this.object.contents.src); } else { // rastered Costume window.open(this.object.contents.toDataURL()); } }; // CostumeIconMorph drawing CostumeIconMorph.prototype.createBackgrounds = SpriteIconMorph.prototype.createBackgrounds; // CostumeIconMorph drag & drop CostumeIconMorph.prototype.prepareToBeGrabbed = function () { this.mouseClickLeft(); // select me this.removeCostume(); }; // TurtleIconMorph //////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* I am a selectable element in the SpriteEditor's "Costumes" tab, keeping a thumbnail of the sprite's or stage's default "Turtle" costume. */ // TurtleIconMorph inherits from ToggleButtonMorph (Widgets) // ... and copies methods from SpriteIconMorph TurtleIconMorph.prototype = new ToggleButtonMorph(); TurtleIconMorph.prototype.constructor = TurtleIconMorph; TurtleIconMorph.uber = ToggleButtonMorph.prototype; // TurtleIconMorph settings TurtleIconMorph.prototype.thumbSize = new Point(80, 60); TurtleIconMorph.prototype.labelShadowOffset = null; TurtleIconMorph.prototype.labelShadowColor = null; TurtleIconMorph.prototype.labelColor = new Color(255, 255, 255); TurtleIconMorph.prototype.fontSize = 9; // TurtleIconMorph instance creation: function TurtleIconMorph(aSpriteOrStage, aTemplate) { this.init(aSpriteOrStage, aTemplate); } TurtleIconMorph.prototype.init = function (aSpriteOrStage, aTemplate) { var colors, action, query, myself = this; if (!aTemplate) { colors = [ IDE_Morph.prototype.groupColor, IDE_Morph.prototype.frameColor, IDE_Morph.prototype.frameColor ]; } action = function () { // make my costume the current one var ide = myself.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph), wardrobe = myself.parentThatIsA(WardrobeMorph); if (ide) { ide.currentSprite.wearCostume(null); } if (wardrobe) { wardrobe.updateSelection(); } }; query = function () { // answer true if my costume is the current one var ide = myself.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph); if (ide) { return ide.currentSprite.costume === null; } return false; }; // additional properties: this.object = aSpriteOrStage; // mandatory, actually this.version = this.object.version; this.thumbnail = null; // initialize inherited properties: TurtleIconMorph.uber.init.call( this, colors, // color overrides, : [normal, highlight, pressed] null, // target - not needed here action, // a toggle function 'default', // label string query, // predicate/selector null, // environment null, // hint aTemplate // optional, for cached background images ); // override defaults and build additional components this.isDraggable = false; this.createThumbnail(); this.padding = 2; this.corner = 8; this.fixLayout(); }; TurtleIconMorph.prototype.createThumbnail = function () { var isFlat = MorphicPreferences.isFlat; if (this.thumbnail) { this.thumbnail.destroy(); } if (this.object instanceof SpriteMorph) { this.thumbnail = new SymbolMorph( 'turtle', this.thumbSize.y, this.labelColor, isFlat ? null : new Point(-1, -1), new Color(0, 0, 0) ); } else { this.thumbnail = new SymbolMorph( 'stage', this.thumbSize.y, this.labelColor, isFlat ? null : new Point(-1, -1), new Color(0, 0, 0) ); } this.add(this.thumbnail); }; TurtleIconMorph.prototype.createLabel = function () { var txt; if (this.label) { this.label.destroy(); } txt = new StringMorph( localize( this.object instanceof SpriteMorph ? 'Turtle' : 'Empty' ), this.fontSize, this.fontStyle, true, false, false, this.labelShadowOffset, this.labelShadowColor, this.labelColor ); this.label = new FrameMorph(); this.label.acceptsDrops = false; this.label.alpha = 0; this.label.setExtent(txt.extent()); txt.setPosition(this.label.position()); this.label.add(txt); this.add(this.label); }; // TurtleIconMorph layout TurtleIconMorph.prototype.fixLayout = SpriteIconMorph.prototype.fixLayout; // TurtleIconMorph drawing TurtleIconMorph.prototype.createBackgrounds = SpriteIconMorph.prototype.createBackgrounds; // TurtleIconMorph user menu TurtleIconMorph.prototype.userMenu = function () { var myself = this, menu = new MenuMorph(this, 'pen'), on = '\u25CF', off = '\u25CB'; if (this.object instanceof StageMorph) { return null; } menu.addItem( (this.object.penPoint === 'tip' ? on : off) + ' ' + localize('tip'), function () { myself.object.penPoint = 'tip'; myself.object.changed(); myself.object.drawNew(); myself.object.changed(); } ); menu.addItem( (this.object.penPoint === 'middle' ? on : off) + ' ' + localize( 'middle' ), function () { myself.object.penPoint = 'middle'; myself.object.changed(); myself.object.drawNew(); myself.object.changed(); } ); return menu; }; // WardrobeMorph /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // I am a watcher on a sprite's costume list // WardrobeMorph inherits from ScrollFrameMorph WardrobeMorph.prototype = new ScrollFrameMorph(); WardrobeMorph.prototype.constructor = WardrobeMorph; WardrobeMorph.uber = ScrollFrameMorph.prototype; // WardrobeMorph settings // ... to follow ... // WardrobeMorph instance creation: function WardrobeMorph(aSprite, sliderColor) { this.init(aSprite, sliderColor); } WardrobeMorph.prototype.init = function (aSprite, sliderColor) { // additional properties this.sprite = aSprite || new SpriteMorph(); this.costumesVersion = null; this.spriteVersion = null; // initialize inherited properties WardrobeMorph.uber.init.call(this, null, null, sliderColor); // configure inherited properties this.fps = 2; this.updateList(); }; // Wardrobe updating WardrobeMorph.prototype.updateList = function () { var myself = this, x = this.left() + 5, y = this.top() + 5, padding = 4, oldFlag = Morph.prototype.trackChanges, oldPos = this.contents.position(), icon, template, txt, paintbutton; this.changed(); oldFlag = Morph.prototype.trackChanges; Morph.prototype.trackChanges = false; this.contents.destroy(); this.contents = new FrameMorph(this); this.contents.acceptsDrops = false; this.contents.reactToDropOf = function (icon) { myself.reactToDropOf(icon); }; this.addBack(this.contents); icon = new TurtleIconMorph(this.sprite); icon.setPosition(new Point(x, y)); myself.addContents(icon); y = icon.bottom() + padding; paintbutton = new PushButtonMorph( this, "paintNew", new SymbolMorph("brush", 15) ); paintbutton.padding = 0; paintbutton.corner = 12; paintbutton.color = IDE_Morph.prototype.groupColor; paintbutton.highlightColor = IDE_Morph.prototype.frameColor.darker(50); paintbutton.pressColor = paintbutton.highlightColor; paintbutton.labelMinExtent = new Point(36, 18); paintbutton.labelShadowOffset = new Point(-1, -1); paintbutton.labelShadowColor = paintbutton.highlightColor; paintbutton.labelColor = TurtleIconMorph.prototype.labelColor; paintbutton.contrast = this.buttonContrast; paintbutton.drawNew(); paintbutton.hint = "Paint a new costume"; paintbutton.setPosition(new Point(x, y)); paintbutton.fixLayout(); paintbutton.setCenter(icon.center()); paintbutton.setLeft(icon.right() + padding * 4); this.addContents(paintbutton); txt = new TextMorph(localize( "costumes tab help" // look up long string in translator )); txt.fontSize = 9; txt.setColor(SpriteMorph.prototype.paletteTextColor); txt.setPosition(new Point(x, y)); this.addContents(txt); y = txt.bottom() + padding; this.sprite.costumes.asArray().forEach(function (costume) { template = icon = new CostumeIconMorph(costume, template); icon.setPosition(new Point(x, y)); myself.addContents(icon); y = icon.bottom() + padding; }); this.costumesVersion = this.sprite.costumes.lastChanged; this.contents.setPosition(oldPos); this.adjustScrollBars(); Morph.prototype.trackChanges = oldFlag; this.changed(); this.updateSelection(); }; WardrobeMorph.prototype.updateSelection = function () { this.contents.children.forEach(function (morph) { if (morph.refresh) {morph.refresh(); } }); this.spriteVersion = this.sprite.version; }; // Wardrobe stepping WardrobeMorph.prototype.step = function () { if (this.costumesVersion !== this.sprite.costumes.lastChanged) { this.updateList(); } if (this.spriteVersion !== this.sprite.version) { this.updateSelection(); } }; // Wardrobe ops WardrobeMorph.prototype.removeCostumeAt = function (idx) { this.sprite.costumes.remove(idx); this.updateList(); }; WardrobeMorph.prototype.paintNew = function () { var cos = new Costume( newCanvas(), this.sprite.newCostumeName(localize('Untitled')) ), ide = this.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph), myself = this; cos.edit(this.world(), ide, true, null, function () { myself.sprite.addCostume(cos); myself.updateList(); if (ide) { ide.currentSprite.wearCostume(cos); } }); }; // Wardrobe drag & drop WardrobeMorph.prototype.wantsDropOf = function (morph) { return morph instanceof CostumeIconMorph; }; WardrobeMorph.prototype.reactToDropOf = function (icon) { var idx = 0, costume = icon.object, top = icon.top(); icon.destroy(); this.contents.children.forEach(function (item) { if (item instanceof CostumeIconMorph && item.top() < top - 4) { idx += 1; } }); this.sprite.costumes.add(costume, idx + 1); this.updateList(); icon.mouseClickLeft(); // select }; // SoundIconMorph /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* I am an element in the SpriteEditor's "Sounds" tab. */ // SoundIconMorph inherits from ToggleButtonMorph (Widgets) // ... and copies methods from SpriteIconMorph SoundIconMorph.prototype = new ToggleButtonMorph(); SoundIconMorph.prototype.constructor = SoundIconMorph; SoundIconMorph.uber = ToggleButtonMorph.prototype; // SoundIconMorph settings SoundIconMorph.prototype.thumbSize = new Point(80, 60); SoundIconMorph.prototype.labelShadowOffset = null; SoundIconMorph.prototype.labelShadowColor = null; SoundIconMorph.prototype.labelColor = new Color(255, 255, 255); SoundIconMorph.prototype.fontSize = 9; // SoundIconMorph instance creation: function SoundIconMorph(aSound, aTemplate) { this.init(aSound, aTemplate); } SoundIconMorph.prototype.init = function (aSound, aTemplate) { var colors, action, query; if (!aTemplate) { colors = [ IDE_Morph.prototype.groupColor, IDE_Morph.prototype.frameColor, IDE_Morph.prototype.frameColor ]; } action = function () { nop(); // When I am selected (which is never the case for sounds) }; query = function () { return false; }; // additional properties: this.object = aSound; // mandatory, actually this.version = this.object.version; this.thumbnail = null; // initialize inherited properties: SoundIconMorph.uber.init.call( this, colors, // color overrides, : [normal, highlight, pressed] null, // target - not needed here action, // a toggle function this.object.name, // label string query, // predicate/selector null, // environment null, // hint aTemplate // optional, for cached background images ); // override defaults and build additional components this.isDraggable = true; this.createThumbnail(); this.padding = 2; this.corner = 8; this.fixLayout(); this.fps = 1; }; SoundIconMorph.prototype.createThumbnail = function () { var label; if (this.thumbnail) { this.thumbnail.destroy(); } this.thumbnail = new Morph(); this.thumbnail.setExtent(this.thumbSize); this.add(this.thumbnail); label = new StringMorph( this.createInfo(), '16', '', true, false, false, this.labelShadowOffset, this.labelShadowColor, new Color(200, 200, 200) ); this.thumbnail.add(label); label.setCenter(new Point(40, 15)); this.button = new PushButtonMorph( this, 'toggleAudioPlaying', (this.object.previewAudio ? 'Stop' : 'Play') ); this.button.drawNew(); this.button.hint = 'Play sound'; this.button.fixLayout(); this.thumbnail.add(this.button); this.button.setCenter(new Point(40, 40)); }; SoundIconMorph.prototype.createInfo = function () { var dur = Math.round(this.object.audio.duration || 0), mod = dur % 60; return Math.floor(dur / 60).toString() + ":" + (mod < 10 ? "0" : "") + mod.toString(); }; SoundIconMorph.prototype.toggleAudioPlaying = function () { var myself = this; if (!this.object.previewAudio) { //Audio is not playing this.button.labelString = 'Stop'; this.button.hint = 'Stop sound'; this.object.previewAudio = this.object.play(); this.object.previewAudio.addEventListener('ended', function () { myself.audioHasEnded(); }, false); } else { //Audio is currently playing this.button.labelString = 'Play'; this.button.hint = 'Play sound'; this.object.previewAudio.pause(); this.object.previewAudio.terminated = true; this.object.previewAudio = null; } this.button.createLabel(); }; SoundIconMorph.prototype.audioHasEnded = function () { this.button.trigger(); this.button.mouseLeave(); }; SoundIconMorph.prototype.createLabel = SpriteIconMorph.prototype.createLabel; // SoundIconMorph stepping /* SoundIconMorph.prototype.step = SpriteIconMorph.prototype.step; */ // SoundIconMorph layout SoundIconMorph.prototype.fixLayout = SpriteIconMorph.prototype.fixLayout; // SoundIconMorph menu SoundIconMorph.prototype.userMenu = function () { var menu = new MenuMorph(this); if (!(this.object instanceof Sound)) { return null; } menu.addItem('rename', 'renameSound'); menu.addItem('delete', 'removeSound'); return menu; }; SoundIconMorph.prototype.renameSound = function () { var sound = this.object, ide = this.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph), myself = this; (new DialogBoxMorph( null, function (answer) { if (answer && (answer !== sound.name)) { sound.name = answer; sound.version = Date.now(); myself.createLabel(); // can be omitted once I'm stepping myself.fixLayout(); // can be omitted once I'm stepping ide.hasChangedMedia = true; } } )).prompt( 'rename sound', sound.name, this.world() ); }; SoundIconMorph.prototype.removeSound = function () { var jukebox = this.parentThatIsA(JukeboxMorph), idx = this.parent.children.indexOf(this); jukebox.removeSound(idx); }; SoundIconMorph.prototype.createBackgrounds = SpriteIconMorph.prototype.createBackgrounds; SoundIconMorph.prototype.createLabel = SpriteIconMorph.prototype.createLabel; // SoundIconMorph drag & drop SoundIconMorph.prototype.prepareToBeGrabbed = function () { this.removeSound(); }; // JukeboxMorph ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* I am JukeboxMorph, like WardrobeMorph, but for sounds */ // JukeboxMorph instance creation JukeboxMorph.prototype = new ScrollFrameMorph(); JukeboxMorph.prototype.constructor = JukeboxMorph; JukeboxMorph.uber = ScrollFrameMorph.prototype; function JukeboxMorph(aSprite, sliderColor) { this.init(aSprite, sliderColor); } JukeboxMorph.prototype.init = function (aSprite, sliderColor) { // additional properties this.sprite = aSprite || new SpriteMorph(); this.costumesVersion = null; this.spriteVersion = null; // initialize inherited properties JukeboxMorph.uber.init.call(this, null, null, sliderColor); // configure inherited properties this.acceptsDrops = false; this.fps = 2; this.updateList(); }; // Jukebox updating JukeboxMorph.prototype.updateList = function () { var myself = this, x = this.left() + 5, y = this.top() + 5, padding = 4, oldFlag = Morph.prototype.trackChanges, icon, template, txt; this.changed(); oldFlag = Morph.prototype.trackChanges; Morph.prototype.trackChanges = false; this.contents.destroy(); this.contents = new FrameMorph(this); this.contents.acceptsDrops = false; this.contents.reactToDropOf = function (icon) { myself.reactToDropOf(icon); }; this.addBack(this.contents); txt = new TextMorph(localize( 'import a sound from your computer\nby dragging it into here' )); txt.fontSize = 9; txt.setColor(SpriteMorph.prototype.paletteTextColor); txt.setPosition(new Point(x, y)); this.addContents(txt); y = txt.bottom() + padding; this.sprite.sounds.asArray().forEach(function (sound) { template = icon = new SoundIconMorph(sound, template); icon.setPosition(new Point(x, y)); myself.addContents(icon); y = icon.bottom() + padding; }); Morph.prototype.trackChanges = oldFlag; this.changed(); this.updateSelection(); }; JukeboxMorph.prototype.updateSelection = function () { this.contents.children.forEach(function (morph) { if (morph.refresh) {morph.refresh(); } }); this.spriteVersion = this.sprite.version; }; // Jukebox stepping /* JukeboxMorph.prototype.step = function () { if (this.spriteVersion !== this.sprite.version) { this.updateSelection(); } }; */ // Jukebox ops JukeboxMorph.prototype.removeSound = function (idx) { this.sprite.sounds.remove(idx); this.updateList(); }; // Jukebox drag & drop JukeboxMorph.prototype.wantsDropOf = function (morph) { return morph instanceof SoundIconMorph; }; JukeboxMorph.prototype.reactToDropOf = function (icon) { var idx = 0, costume = icon.object, top = icon.top(); icon.destroy(); this.contents.children.forEach(function (item) { if (item.top() < top - 4) { idx += 1; } }); this.sprite.sounds.add(costume, idx); this.updateList(); }; // StageHandleMorph //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // I am a horizontal resizing handle for a StageMorph // StageHandleMorph inherits from Morph: StageHandleMorph.prototype = new Morph(); StageHandleMorph.prototype.constructor = StageHandleMorph; StageHandleMorph.uber = Morph.prototype; // StageHandleMorph instance creation: function StageHandleMorph(target) { this.init(target); } StageHandleMorph.prototype.init = function (target) { this.target = target || null; HandleMorph.uber.init.call(this); this.color = MorphicPreferences.isFlat ? IDE_Morph.prototype.groupColor : new Color(190, 190, 190); this.isDraggable = false; this.noticesTransparentClick = true; this.setExtent(new Point(12, 50)); }; // StageHandleMorph drawing: StageHandleMorph.prototype.drawNew = function () { this.normalImage = newCanvas(this.extent()); this.highlightImage = newCanvas(this.extent()); this.drawOnCanvas( this.normalImage, this.color ); this.drawOnCanvas( this.highlightImage, MorphicPreferences.isFlat ? new Color(245, 245, 255) : new Color(100, 100, 255), this.color ); this.image = this.normalImage; this.fixLayout(); }; StageHandleMorph.prototype.drawOnCanvas = function ( aCanvas, color, shadowColor ) { var context = aCanvas.getContext('2d'), l = aCanvas.height / 8, w = aCanvas.width / 6, r = w / 2, x, y, i; context.lineWidth = w; context.lineCap = 'round'; y = aCanvas.height / 2; context.strokeStyle = color.toString(); x = aCanvas.width / 12; for (i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) { if (i > 0) { context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x, y - (l - r)); context.lineTo(x, y + (l - r)); context.stroke(); } x += (w * 2); l *= 2; } if (shadowColor) { context.strokeStyle = shadowColor.toString(); x = aCanvas.width / 12 + w; l = aCanvas.height / 8; for (i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) { if (i > 0) { context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x, y - (l - r)); context.lineTo(x, y + (l - r)); context.stroke(); } x += (w * 2); l *= 2; } } }; // StageHandleMorph layout: StageHandleMorph.prototype.fixLayout = function () { if (!this.target) {return; } var ide = this.target.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph); this.setTop(this.target.top() + 10); this.setRight(this.target.left()); if (ide) {ide.add(this); } // come to front }; // StageHandleMorph stepping: StageHandleMorph.prototype.step = null; StageHandleMorph.prototype.mouseDownLeft = function (pos) { var world = this.world(), offset = this.right() - pos.x, myself = this, ide = this.target.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph); if (!this.target) { return null; } ide.isSmallStage = true; ide.controlBar.stageSizeButton.refresh(); this.step = function () { var newPos, newWidth; if (world.hand.mouseButton) { newPos = world.hand.bounds.origin.x + offset; newWidth = myself.target.right() - newPos; ide.stageRatio = newWidth / myself.target.dimensions.x; ide.setExtent(world.extent()); } else { this.step = null; ide.isSmallStage = !(ide.stageRatio === 1); ide.controlBar.stageSizeButton.refresh(); } }; }; // StageHandleMorph events: StageHandleMorph.prototype.mouseEnter = function () { this.image = this.highlightImage; this.changed(); }; StageHandleMorph.prototype.mouseLeave = function () { this.image = this.normalImage; this.changed(); };