BYOB4 (Snap) history --------------------- 110511 ------ * Scrolling by dragging * Scrolling by dragging velocity 110516 ------ * Autoscrolling 110518 ------ * Textures 110524 ------ * CommandSlotMorphs (%c) 110527 ------ * Templates * Padding for ScrollFrames 110530 ------ * C-slots only attach to blocks' tops (no longer also to bottoms) 110531 ------ * ReporterBlockMorphs 110628 ------ * World menu in every Morph's developersMenu * changed the standard to "sharp shadows" because of Firefox5 bug 110630 ------ * StringMorphs and TextMorph notify their parents of layout changes * TypeInSlotMorphs (round - %n - and rectangular - %s -) 110705 ------ * block specs 110706 ------ * BooleanSlotMorphs (%b) * Color mixing * contrast setting for SyntaxElementMorphs * exit confirmation 110707 ------ * BlockMorph color changing * entry field tabbing (Firefox and Opera only) * label multi-line wrapping for command blocks 110708 ------ * extrapolate blockSpec upon label part drop 110711 ------ * optional intra-block-label word wrap (flag) layout setting 110712 ------ * rectangular reporter layout * label mutli-line wrapping for reporters * user-definable label line breaks (%br) * font size customizable for individual menus * ArrowMorphs 110714 ------ * optional drop-down menu for type-in slots * read-only menus for type-in slots (%inst, %var, %lst, %obj, %eff, %dir, %cst, %snd, %key, %idx, %msg, %att, %fun, %typ) * global pixel color sensing * renamed TypeInSlotMorph to InputSlotMorph 110718 ------ * ColorSlotMorphs (%clr) * collision detection groundwork 110719 ------ * high-level documentation and code comments * optional blurred slot shades (off by default) 110720 ------ * HatBlocks 110721 ------ * scrollBarSize can now optionally be specified individually * block highlighting * specs for any-unevaluated and Boolean-unevaluated inputs 110722 ------ * stringField settable as numeric, supresses textual input * editable numeric input slots supress textual type-in * evaluation helper methods and properties * collision detection 110726 ------ * MultiArgMorphs (%mult%x) 110727 ------ * Morphic: fullBounds() now ignores hidden submorphs * MultiArgMorphs: Optional label and minimum inputs settings, '%inputs' * Morphic: simplified BoxMorph rendering * Same-colored (white), semi-transparent reporter drop feedbacks 110804 ------ * evaluator: ThreadManager, Process, StackFrame, VariableFrame 110810 ------ * nasciturus: objects, gui 110811 ------ * Morphic: broken rect fix for float-positioned Morphs * Blocks: straight bottom edges for stop-blocks * PenMorph: round line ends 110816 ------ * Morphic: SpeechBubbleMorphs and bubble help for menus/buttons 110817 ------ * Threads: evaluating reporters * showValue bubbles 110818 ------ * optimizations for menu bubble help and Blocks layout 110823 ------ * Sprite-scoped variables 110824 ------ * numerical virtual keyboard (pop-up-sliders - taken out again) * sliders now work with negative floor numbers * mouse wheel scroll events (thanks, Nathan!) 110826 ------ * TemplateSlotMorphs (%t, %mult%t, %scriptVars) * script variables * lockable inputs 110911 ------ * Morphic: PenMorph.setHeading() fixed 110912 ------ * Threads: renamed StackFrame to Context * Blocks: persistent input default values 110913 ------ * basic Lambda primitives * basic Lambda visualization (showBubble) 110914 ------ * c-slots in primitives are now static by default * basic THE BLOCK, CALL and REPORT 110919 ------ * formal parameters * recursion * closures 110922 ------ * implicit parameters 110923 ------ * error catching for block evaluation 110926 ------ * basic message broadcasting * thread forking (LAUNCH block) 110927 ------ * WAIT block 110928 ------ * GLIDE block 111006 ------ * force yield after timeout 111007 ------ * swooshy hat block tops (instead of circle segments) 111009 ------ * call/cc 111010 ------ * hybrid scope 111012 ------ * autolambdafying CSlotMorphs (C-shaped) and CommandSlotMorphs (inline) * Morphic: right mouse click emulation for Mac 111017 ------ * another take on continuations 111019 ------ * Morphic: scrolling speedup 111020 ------ * unevaluated FunctionSlotMorphs (%f) * autolambdafying ReporterSlotMorphs (%r, %p) 111021 ------ * GUI: CellMorphs (for stage watchers) 111025 ------ * GUI: WatcherMorphs * SHOW VARIABLE, HIDE VARIABLE blocks 111026 ------ * Blocks: empty choice for input drop down menus * automatic positioning of new watchers * watchers on temporary variables are deleted by HIDE VARIABLE block (not hidden) * HIDE VARIABLE with empty input deletes all watchers on temporary vars 111027 ------ * more extensive Error catching * slider for numerical text entries in "mobile mode" * bigger blocks in "mobile mode" 111031 ------ * new: widgets.js * PushButtons 111102 ------ * Morphic: StringMorph shadows 111103 ------ * widgets: ToggleMorphs (check boxes and radio buttons) * non-variable watchers * checkbox toggling for variable watchers 111108 ------ * Lists 111109 ------ * ListWatchers (basics) 111111 ------ * Morphic: visibleBounds() bug fix 111114 ------ * Morphic: fullImageClassic() for ListWatcherMorphs * Threads: MultiArgMorph now use Lists instead of JS-Arrays * List Blocks * GUI: adding/removing variables doesn't make the palette jump to the top * Blocks: list type slots 111115 ------ * Morphic: more tolerant grabbing * Lists: synchronized Watcher updating (speed-up) 111116 ------ * Lists: conservative watcher updating (speed-up) * GUI: logo pane and 'about' box 111118 ------ * Lists: watcher shows list range (speed-up, stability) 111121 ------ * Atomicity (WARP) * REPEAT UNTIL * WAIT UNTIL 111123 ------ * hybrid lists (arrayed and linked) * CONS and CDR 111124 ------ * layout optimization for dropped and snapping blocks (thanks, John!) * Equality testing for lists (thanks, Brian!) 111128 ------ * layout optimization merged into Morphic.js -> trackChanges 111129 ------ * Widgets: DialogBoxMorph basics 111130 ------ * Widgets: AlignmentMorphs * keyboard events for DialogBoxMorphs 111202 ------ * Widgets: InputFieldMorphs * Prompters based on DialogBoxes * Renaming of input templates * Morphic keyboard enhancements 111205 ------ * new primitives: MOUSE X, MOUSE Y, TIMER, RESET TIMER 111207 ------ * byob.js (CustomBlockDefinition, CustomCommandBlockMorph) 111209 ------ * BlockEditor basics for CustomCommandBlocks 111212 ------ * BlockDialogMorph (basics) * CustomReporterBlockMorph 111213 ------ * call/cc for lambdas and custom blocks 111214 ------ * feature: deleting block instances and custom block definitions 120106 ------ * InputSlotEditor basics * bigger tick for radio buttons * PushButtons redone for WebKIT 2 compatibility 120109 ------ * Morphic: single quote input for WebKIT 2 compatibility * BYOB: BlockInputFragmentMorphs 120115 ------ * BlockLabelPlaceHolderMorphs * BlockInputDialogMorph (short form) 120119 ------ * MOD, TRUE and FALSE reporter blocks * AND, OR, NOT reporter blocks * BROADCAST AND WAIT command block 120120 ------ * Morphic: question mark input for WebKIT 2 compatibility (does it break on Windows?) * Morphic: turtle tracks round endings for WebKIT 2 compatibility (cannot use closePath()) 120123 ------ * Threads: tail call elimination 120125 ------ * STORE: serializing, saving and loading projects, first pass, all by Nathan * HatBlock bezier curve fixed width * settings for AlignmentMorph regarding handling of hidden Morphs * GUI enhancements * input slot long form dialog variant outline * pointless filters in most FORINS in response to Nathan's derogatory comments :-) 120127 ------ * input slot long form dialog - basic (single) input types 120130 ------ * input slot long form dialog - multiple inputs * input slot long form dialog - default input values 120131 ------ * upvar GUI in input slot long form dialog (w/o upvar functionality) 120201 ------ * upvars in %var slot drop-down menu 120202 ------ * more primitives in Motion, Looks and Pen categories 120203 ------ * Morphic: horizontal mouse wheel scrolling (thanks for this fix, Nathan!) * more primitives in the Pen category 120206 ------ * Morphic: color specifiable in String() constructor * Widgets: ToggleButtonMorphs * Objects: block categories * GUI: tabbed palette mock-up (not yet within a real GUI) 120207 ------ * BYOB: categories (colors) for new custom blocks 120208 ------ * categories and block type editing for existing custom blocks 120209 ------ * Morphic: formatting capabilities for Menus and ListMorphs * Morphic: optional 'own properties' highlighting in the Inspector's "show" menu 120214 ------ * multiple sprites & lots of new stuff in all modules * Morphic: dragging optimization * Nathan's fixes to Morphic (shadow fix, mouse wheel fix) 120215 ------ * scriptable and programmable stage, selectable in the corral * stage watchers with "active", auto-updating object name labels * IF ON EDGE BOUNCE primitive, still buggy * GUI fixes, all frame morphs in the corral now reject object drops 120216 ------ * saving & loading, xml serialization, thanks, Nathan! 120217 ------ * Morphic: introducing combined mouse-keyboard events * GUI: Project label 120221 ------ * user and development modes (shift-click on Snap! logo) * Open Project dialog (thanks, Nathan) * blocks caching for primitives and custom blocks * custom block prototype edits visible in the palette while editing * sprite duplication * custom block definition duplication and re-binding * the only sprite in the IDE is now deletable * primitive blocks for GHOST effect 120222 ------ * Morphic: Tabbing among input fields fix * Threads: REPORT primitive fix 120224 ------ * STOP BLOCK primitive * error catching turns off in development mode (on in user mode) 120226 ------ * primitive control structures adjusted to new REPORT rule 120229 ------ * global variables * hybrid lists CDR fix (thanks, Brian!) * debugging primitives (alert, console.log) in development mode * all libraries edited to conform to JsLint's latest petty rules ('else' after 'return') 120301 ------ * store.js: color slot and global vars patch (thanks, Nathan!) * blocks.js: bug fix for drop-down menus (wouldn't allow selecting empty) 120305 ------ * upvars * globals vars serialization fix * MultiArgs: shift-clicking on an arrow repeats action 3 times 120306 ------ * Morphic: prevent text edits from reversing * added "WITH INPUT LIST" variants for RUN/LAUNCH/CALL primitives - commented out * changed '%inputs' slot type to non-static (makes "w/input list" redundant) * Threads: fixed tail-call optimization induced bug in pushContext() * WHEN I AM CLICKED hat block (control) * WHEN KEY PRESSED hat block (control) * MOUSE DOWN? predicate (sensing) * KEY PRESSED? predicate (sensing) 120307 ------ * object collision detection (TOUCHING? predicate block for Sprites) * poly-key state detection 120308 ------ * Morphic: SpeechBubbleMorph orientation left/right * Threads: empty block definitions no longer raise an exception * SAY primitive command block for Sprites 120309 ------ * SAY _ FOR _ SECS primitive command block for Sprites * Morphic: thought bubble display variant of SpeechBubbleMorph * THINK and THINK FOR SECS primitive command blocks for Sprites * STAMP primitive command block for Sprites * ROUND, JOIN, LETTER OF, LENGTH OF, UNICODE OF and UNICODE AS LETTER primitive reporters 120313 ------ * Widgets: ToggleElementMorph, TabMorph * BlockEditor: Pictographic type buttons * IDE: Tabs for scripts/costumes/sounds 120314 ------ * JOIN becomes variadic (Jens isn't enthusiastic about it) * About text changed according to Mitch's suggestion * BYOB: JaggedBlockMorph * pictographic type buttons in the short form input dialog 120315 ------ * Morphic: colored shadows * Widgets: ToggleMorph with embedded toggle elements * pictographic slot type buttons in the long form input dialog * palette speedup * Error message when RUN/CALL/LAUNCHing a block w/o passing the expected no. of inputs * Illegal drops prevented in user mode (enabled in dev mode) 120316 ------ * long form input dialog speedup (pictograms are now plain pictures instead of Toggles) * Morphic: Morphs behind another one no longer receive mouseEnter/mouseLeave events * Blocks: ScriptPanes behind other Morphs no longer show drop target feedbacks 120319 ------ * THREADS: unevaluated inputs * Morphic: detect and respect minimum font size renderable * Morphic: text selection display fix for FF 120320 ------ * Morphic: droppedImage() event 120321 ------ * Costume, CostumeEditorMorph, CostumeIconMorph 120322 ------ * GUI: WardrobeMorph * Slider and ScrollFrame colors 120323 ------ * Morphic: handle multiple image file drops 120327 ------ * Costumes, first iteration 120328 ------ * Costumes: rotation center functionality 120329 ------ * Sprites: the rotation center now is the pen tip 120331 ------ * Stage: extra pen trail layer * Morphic: texture handling (eliminating canvas patterns b/c of Chrome problems) * Objects: motion precision fixes 120401 ------ * settings menu: touchscreen settings * thread safety option * store.js: Costumes & pen trails support. Thanks, Nathan! * context menus for watchers (thx, Nathan!) 120402 ------ * pressing the stop sign makes all speech bubbles disappear * null continuations now behave the same as STOP SCRIPT blocks 120403 ------ * minWidth property for SyntaxElements 120406 ------ * ASK/ANSWER for sprites 120403 ------ * ASK/ANSWER for the stage 120416 ------ * custom block prototype slot type and default value indicators * Sounds, first pass (thanks, Ian!) 120417 ------ * Snap! Build Your Own Blocks. Alpha 120420 ------ * Rings (basics) 120424 ------ * Rings (first pass completed) 120425 ------ * unringify menu item for Blocks * evaluator: variable setters can refer to variables by their reified getters 120430 ______ * zebra coloring (first pass) 120502 ------ * settings menu item for toggling zebra coloring * new thumbnail() for StageMorph * store.js: Fixes for local storage in local instance ("airplane saving") 120503 ------ * text- and object- type slots (and hints) * zebra coloring fixes for input slots with pull-down menus * costume flipping * rotation styles 120504 ------ * rotation style support for sprite "turtle" costume * rotation style buttons hidden for stage * export background-less pictures of scripts * sprite draggability control checkbox (in the IDE's sprite bar) 120507 ------ * reification: omit empty slots inside nested lambdas for implicit parameters * display fixes for rings inside rings * DISTANCE TO reporter block primitive in the sprite's sensing category 120509 ------ * exporting projects (holding the shift key URI-encodes the XML) 120514 ------ * Morphic: droppedText() event * GUI: opening project files via drag & drop * GUI: invoking the file dialog to open projects, import costumes and sounds * Threads: nested upvar fix * Threads: hybrid variable scope taken out (it's all lexical again for now) * Blocks/BYOB: zebra-coloring related fixes 120515 ------ * GUI: disabled file dialog for now due to some issues * Blocks/BYOB: Prototype block zebra coloring adjustment * Store: minor fixes in the blocks dictionary 120516 ------ * monadic OF primitive block in the operators category 120518 ------ * Morphic: better keystroke detection * new interpolating HTTP reporter in the sensor palette 120521 ------ * Pinch-Zoom for touchscreen devices * Virtual keyboard for touchscreen devices 120522 ------ * Morphic/Blocks: SlideBackToFormerSituation 120523 ------ * Morphic: single-touch-and-hold pops up the context menu * Morphic: pinch-zoom and virtual keyboard improvements 120525 ------ * late-binding custom blocks, changes in threads.js, byob.js and store.js (et al.) 120611 ------ * Morphic: auto-detect Chrome issue 90001 and set "useBlurredShadows" appropriately * Blocks: solid block highlighting (as in Scratch 1.4) when "useBlurredShadows == false" * GUI: Settings menu entry for blurred / solid shadows and highlights * Threads: Type checking, primitive in the operators category 120612 ------ * global custom blocks (first pass, no serialization yet) 120613 ------ * new module: xml.js, a simple XML DOM/encoder/parser for Morphic.js 120614 ------ * store.js: Global vars fix (xml.js deprecated) 120615 ------ * store.js: Stage vars (watchers) fix * store.js: Empty (bodiless) custom blocks fix * store.js: Global custom blocks support 120618 ------ * GUI: Screenshot feature * GUI, store.js: Error catching turned off in dev mode (for debugging store.js) * store.js: saving / loading of sprites' scale, draggability and rotation style * Morphic/GUI: Virtual keyboard support can be toggled (to hide caret in Opera etc.) * GUI, store.js: Saving / loading of "thread safety" setting * blocks caching limited to primitives * introducing palette caching 120619 ------ * store.js fixes for empty, non-editable input slots (e.g. list and boolean slots) * objects.js/byob.js fixes for editing recursive custom blocks 120620 ------ * Morphic/Blocks: More precise control over where reporters are dropped and snap * Morphic documentation update 120621 ------ * POINT TOWARDS and GO TO primitive command blocks in the motion category 120622 ------ * changed license to AGPL (all modules and documentation) 120625 ------ * objects fix: changing pen properties sometimes offsets the sprite * blocks: variable slots no longer accept reporter drops (Jens regrets but doesn't agree to auto-ringify dropped variable blobs at this stage of development) * blocks: better (yet) control over where reporters can be dropped * blocks fix: sometimes reporters cannot be dropped into slots in the block editor * threads: comparing strings (the = block) is now case-insensitive * threads/blocks: multi-args can now be eval'ed with variadic inputs * lists: equality testing fix for mixed linked/arrayed lists (thanks, Brian!) * LIST primitive with new, static input spec * store: stage watcher styles (small, large, slider) are now persistent thru save/re-load * objects: stage watcher slider min/max is now settable thru context menu * store: stage watcher slider min/max are now persistent through save/re-load 120626 ------ * blocks/threads fix: "any unevaluated" slots now reify their typed-in input values * byob/threads fix: custom block definition reification now ignores empty-slot bindings * GUI: copying scripts among sprites via drag & drop on corral icons (first rough version) 120627 ------ * blocks/store/objects/threads fix: STOP BLOCK gets converted to REPORT on save/reload * byob/GUI: new entry in the settings menu to always show input dialog in long form * blocks/GUI: new entry in the settings menu to prefer empty slots for reporter drops * blocks: in scripting areas rings and variable reporters can be nested inside each other * in general rings will not vanish on ring/var drop if already inside other rings * context menu help feature for blocks 120628 ------ * GUI: re-ordering costumes via drag & drop * GUI: copying costumes among sprites via drag & drop on corral icons 120629 ------ * Morphic: StringMorphs now have the option to visualize blanks (as colored dots) * Blocks: all input slots (in blocks) are now visualizing blanks * GUI: re-ordering sounds via drag & drop * GUI copying sounds among sprites via drag & drops on corral icons 120702 ------ * store fix: Newly loaded projects did not get keyboard events (now they do) * threads fix: Evaluating STOP ALL did not stop sounds (now it does) 120703 ------ * GUI: open a project from URL via #open:URL * GUI: run a project from data via #run:XML or from URL via #run:URL 120704 ------ * major refactoring of serialization (new xml.js, store.js) 120705 ------ * store: stage watchers monitoring lists remember their dimensions 120709 ------ * xml decoding fix * app mode, first rough pass (no stage scaling yet) 120710 ------ * app mode related adjustments to blocks.js, gui.js and threads.js * fix: line breaks in project notes are now preserved thru export/import (xml) 120711 ------ * app mode: arbitrary stage scaling (auto-resizes to fill the browser's client area) 120712 ------ * small stage mode (for bigger scripting area, e.g. in lectures or on mobiles) 120713 ------ * objects fix: zero values now show up in watchers (are no longer blank) * objects fix: dragged sprites now keep their correct relative stage coordinates * threads fix: dragged sprites are identifiable by running scripts 120716 ------ * Morphic scroll frames: customizable "growth" property, used in scripting panes * store: Sprites' visibility state gets persisted thru save/load * store: Watchers' visibility attribute format now same as sprites' (hidden="true") * BYOB fix: Custom block prototype rendering fix when opening a Block Editor instance * blocks fix: Predicate slots no longer turn into reporter slots upon save/load * blocks fix: made dropping reporters into empty slots easier when preferring empty slots 120717 ------ * costumes/sounds: omit filename suffixes when importing * costumes/sounds: rename via context menu * costumes: export via context menu * thumbnails: are now centered within their widgets 120718 ------ * fix: catch nil inputs in motion and looks primitives * fix: answer variable value Boolean false not as zero * GUI: window-reflow adjustments * store fix: Booleans retain their type thru save/load (not converted to Strings) * threads fix: using REPORT/STOP BLOCK inside a WARP block now stops warping 120719 ------ * graphic effects (currently only "ghost") for the stage * new feature: Pen trails collision detection * fix: Keystroke detection 120720 ------ * fix: textify zero and false values in JOIN primitive (don't skip) 120723 ------ * Color collision detection (first rough pass) 120724 ------ * Color collision detection & thumbnail adjustments and fixes, incl. helpscreens 120725 ------ * fix: SET PEN COLOR no longer offsets the sprite * settings menu: optional input sliders (for Android) 120726 ------ * REPORT primitive moved to STOP blocks in palette * graphical representation of Boolean values in watchers and bubbles * fix: empty numerical input slots evaluate to zero (thanks, Stephen!) 120728 ------ * speech bubble scaling * Boolean value representations in operator color (green) * eliminated "ring" type 120730 ------ * adjust REPORT / STOP BLOCK semantics (special case implicit C-shaped slot lambdas) 120731 ------ * lists fix: preserve zero/false values when assigned in list blocks * threads refactored (eliminated now redundant context.isInsideCustomBlock attribute) * blocks/byob: mutable formal parameters for custom block definitions and rings * threads: CHANGE VAR typecasting bug fixed 120801 ------ * JOIN can now have any number of input slots, and be CALLed with an input list 120802 ------ * threads: Invoking a lambda with empty input slots without arguments binds them to '' * blocks/gui/byob: MultiArg layout fix * "Clicking sound" option in the settings menu 120803 ------ * blocks fix: enable reporter drops on empty rings in "prefer empty slot drops" mode 120806 ------ * blocks: SymbolMorph replaces Unicode characters for "green flag" and "stop" signs * widgets: allow SymbolMorphs as button labels, new layout rule: minLabelExtent for buttons * gui: button layouts moved to minLabelExtent rule * fix: prevent drops on multi-arg arrows * SymbolMorphs for all items in the GUI's tool bar 120807 ------ * SymbolMorphs for object type slot and identifier, and for "new sprite" button * Verdana font preference for block labels (wider) * store fix: Watcher label for "answer" now survives save/load (Thanks, Tom!) 120808 ------ * Morphic, GUI, blocks, BYOB: More "gentle" font control (can be overridden by browser) * BYOB: new "Apply" button in the block editor (updates definition keeping editor open) * BYOB: editing custom block prototpyes preserves existing inputs in custom block instances 120809 ------ * Pause button: Pauses/resumes all currently active stage processes (scripts) * blocks: minor performance tweaks 120810 ------ * blocks: bug fix for input accessing in variable drop-downs * dev-mode reporter for STACK SIZE for tail-call-elimination monitoring 120813 ------ * dev-mode reporter for FRAMES for thread performance monitoring * minor refactoring of store.js to conform with the latest JSLint 120814 ------ * fix: disappearing and undraggable sprite bug (thanks, Kirk!) * widgets: ToggleMophs can now have two different labels/symbols to reflect their state * gui/blocks: switching symbols for all toggles, re-introducing the green flag symbol 120815 ------ * octagonal stop sign symbol * cache manifest * SWITCH TO COSTUME (-1) goes back one costume in the list & wraps around * Variable blobs can be renamed 120816 ------ * SNAP! Connection Strategy * OS-native File Dialog for importing projects, pictures, sounds (also for Safari 6) 120830 ------ * custom block definition export (disabled for now) * zebra-coloring fix (for Hummingbird-video bug) * any number of script vars possible 120910 ------ * exporting global custom blocks (beginning) * byob.js: BlockExportDialogMorph (beginning) 120911 ------ * exorting & importing global custom blocks 120912 ------ * serialization adjustments (app attribute in top-level XML node) * same-named custom block conflict detection and resolution * overloading of custom blocks with samed-named imported ones * cascaded block library support (block sets depending on each other) 120913 ------ * morphic.js: Refactoring to conform with JSHint's line breaking checks * new morphic.txt documentation version * new version of "Contributing to BYOB4" guideline with section on coding style * exporting & importing sprites 120914 ------ * store.js: fix for loading variables containing reporters and unevaluated inputs 120918 ------ * comments (non-sticky) * ScriptsMorph duplicating fix * block editor cleanUp fix (prototype hat always stays on top) * block editor persistence of free-floating objects (scripts, comments) 120919 ------ * store.js: minor fixes * gui.js: URL #open: feature now works with all importable resources (e.g. blocks) 120920 ------ * js: blocks, byob, morphic, objects, threads, widgets edited for latest JSLint 120924 ------ * threads.js fix for REPORT inside C-Slots (pop another frame under certain conditions) 120925 ------ * xml.js: escape tilde character to avoid file corruption thru 121002 ------ * basic localization mechanism, use settings menu to switch languages * German translation (for testing), #lang:de launches Snap! localized 121004 ------ * Morphic: triggering "reactToEdit" when text editing is terminated 121010 ------ * generalized localization hooks merged into Morphic.js and Widgets.js * Morphic: TextMorphs (multi-line strings) now support text shadows (used in widgets) 121015 ------ * Morphic: New "reactToKeystroke()" events are escalated when editing strings/texts * Blocks, Threads, Objects, Store: InputSlots now have localizable menu options * GUI, Locale, lang-de: localization re-organized (now considered complete for LTR) 121016 ------ * fixed clicking sound entry in the settings menu * input slots are now deselected on losing focus * fix: Cannot delete the only label part in a custom block prototype anymore * button acknowledgement label now spells 'OK' instead of 'Ok' * fix: Cannot create unnamed ('') variables anymore * fix: ScriptVariables' names' spaces are now normalized & can't be set to empty ('') * changed wording of "Import" tooltip * Thanks, Nathan, for spotting and reporting these bugs! * added localization for block definition deletion and about dialogs * edits in the sprite name field no longer need to be acknowledged by pressing * new file: Translation Guide (translating Snap.txt) 121017 ------ * Italian translation! Woohooo, thanks, Stefano! * added "unringify" to translator dictionary, thanks, Stefano! * fixed a require() bug in XML, thanks, Nathan! * fixed #run: URL switch. #run: is now officially supported! 121018 ------ * minimal translation dict updates ('rename costume' and 'rename sound') 121019 ------ * the costumes tab now also displays the default "Turtle" icon symbols * fixed a small scoping bug in Morphic's touched event (thanks, Davide!) * new version of lang-it.js (thanks, Stefano!) 121022 ------ * Japanese(Kanji and Hiragana) translations! Woohooo, thanks, Kazuhiro Abe! * IF ON EDGE BOUNCE fix. Thanks, Stefano! * additional localization strings and snap.html fix, thanks, Kazuhiro Abe! * global / local watcher label fix. Thanks, Nathan! * Morphic: Text scrolling when editing. Thanks, Nathan and Stefano! * Morphic: Took out WorldMorph.trailsCanvas handling, thanks, Davide! * Morphic text rendering ascender space fix (+ adjustments mostly everywhere) 121023 ------ * added "Edit label fragment" to translator dictionary * minor fix in language changing mechanism * minor fix re. block rendering (hole erasing) b/c of new ascenders * minor fix re. dialog box rendering b/c of new ascenders * minor fix re. dialog box shadow rendering. Thanks, Brian, for spotting this! 121024 ------ * sprite sequence in corral can be ordered via drag & drop (& persists) 121025 ------ * Korean translation! Woohooo, thanks, Yunjae Jang! * Portuguese translation! Wohoo, thanks, Manuel Menezes de Sequeira! * Morphic optimizations in FrameMorph and InspectorMorph, thanks, Davide! * removed defunct "Open Projekt" entry in lang-de.js, thanks, Manuel! 121026 ------ * fix: Process inputOption() backward compatibility for localizable drop-down options 121029 ------ * Czech translation! Woohooo, thanks, Michael Moc! * translations now dynamically load and unload. Thanks, Nathan, for the hint! * Morphic now supports + a on Macs, thanks, Davide! 121030 ------ * Morphic: allow edited text scrolling to be disabled 121105 ------ * GUI, Objects: Pressing triggers the green flag, the red stop sign 121106 ------ * Morphic: Menu re-vamp, now supporting multi-line items, icons, and icon-text pairs 121107 ------ * Morphic: new slider edit event, updated documentation (text editing) * blocks, GUI: New "Execute on slider change" option for "live coding" 121109 ------ * Widgets: fixed minor rendering bugs for dialog boxes * GUI, Blocks: changed control bar layout, added cloud button (under construction...) * new module stub: cloud.js (likewise under construction) 121112 ------ * Simplified Chinese translation! Wohoo, thanks, 邓江华 ! 121114 ------ * first experimental Web Audio API version, sine-wave only. Thanks, Achal! * new blocks: TEMPO, REST FOR n BEATS, PLAY NOTE, CHANGE TEMPO, SET TEMPO * currently only fully supported by Safari 121115 ------ * WARP block moved up in Control palette (for better discoverability) 121116 ------ * Esperanto translation! Woohoooo, thanks Sebastian Cyprych! * a few additional localizable strings * store.js: "Obsolete!" Reporter fix, thanks, Nathan! * Morphic.js: support for dropped binary files * .ypr project loading, Whoa! Awesome, Nathan!! * French translation stub! Thanks, Jean-Jacques Valliet! 121119 ------ * blocks context menu: duplicate "this block only" feature * blocks context menu: relabel feature * blocks context menu: ringify / unringify misplacement fix * Morphic: MenuItem icon shadow dimension adjustments * store: fixes STOP ALL block spec * added some more translation strings * updated Korean translation 121120 ------ * major refactoring of blocks dict and blocks generation code * new "show all entry in the stage's context menu 121121 ------ * Morphic: fixed reactToEdit() event trigger -> fixes scrambled sprite names * Threads: hide / show variable watcher fix for watchers on globals * Threads: Process reentrancy fix for played notes in non-thread-safe mode * Store: global watcher load fix * Store: Sprite ordering fix for Safari * Objects / GUI / Blocks: fix for "relabel" 121122 ------ * Blocks: right click delete reporter fix (restores slot), thanks, Ryan! * Blocks: restore zero-value default fix * Objects Fix: Variable blobs become undraggable on save / load. Thanks, Ryan! * Morphic: enable all keys for text input (take out legacy browser support) * new "Animations" option in the settings menu * zooming the stage in & out now animates depending on the user's preference 121123 ------ * Blocks: C-Slot rendering fix (eliminate occasional transparent line) * Store, GUI: Beginnings of the Cloud data format (in progress...) 121127 ------ * Morphic: SpeechBubbleMorph shadow artefact fix * Morphic: Backtab support & entry field tabbing ("wrapping") fix * Objects: List watchers inside speech bubbles are resizable again * Store, GUI: Cloud data formats (separating media from program data) * Store: Fix for saved "obsolete" blocks (projects can be re-loaded) * new Operators primitive: IS IDENTICAL TO? * new translation string for new primitive * Simplified Chinese translation update * BYOB, Objects: global custom block refresh fix 121128 ------ * Morphic: Interactive Tooltips ("isClickable" and resizing support for SpeechBubbleMorphs) * Blocks: list watchers inside evaluation bubbles are now interactive * Store: The user-edited name for the stage is now persistent * Store: Cloud Data Format fix - mediaIDs are now independent of sprite sorting and layer * French translation update 121129 ------ * Store: Cloud Data Format now references media by its name, obliterating the need to re-save media when reordering wardrobes or jukeboxes, but relying on unique names (within each sprite or the stage) * Store: serializing / de-serializing of media in different receptacles * Morphic: CTR-Z / CMD-Z for undo in text input fields * Morphic: SHIFT-arrows selects text in input fields * Morphic: new global method sizeOf(object) returns number of keys * Morphic: redundant (quasi-inherited) code taken out of TextMorph * GUI: "hasChangedMedia" property for IDE_Morph (Cloud Data Format support) * GUI: When a sprite's current costume is deleted, it switches to the default one 121203 ------ * GUI, BYOB: tools module can be imported from the project menu * Morphic: enhancement for editing non-left-aligned texts * Morphic: minor text element fix for initial mouse down behavior * Lists, Objects: text elements in list watcher cells are now editable * Lists fix: comparing something with a non-existent list element no longer produces an infinite loop, thanks, Aleks, for reporting this! * dynamically load ypr.js when first needed * minor translation strings updates 121204 ------ * Morphic: text element mouse event propagation fix (list boxes) * Lists: Empty list element follow-up fix * Threads: Returning "undefined" to parent frame fix (caused type errors) 121205 ------ * Morphic: trigger "reactToEdit()" when tabbing among text fields * GUI: display tool's name when importing the module 121207 ------ * Blocks: Drop target feedback for comments (in preparation for sticky ones) * Objects: redraw turtle on pen color change, disable clicking on watchers 121208 ------ * Objects: SAY nothing bug fix. Thanks, Brian! 121210 ------ * Sticky comments (attachable to blocks in main scripting area) 121211 ------ * better alignment for sticky comments * cloud api work 121213 ------ * "elastic" anchor lines for sticky comments * cloud api work 121217 ------ * cloud api work * Morphic: auto-text selection fix * all modules: replaced tabs for spaces * "Clean up" now arranges sticky comments correctly 121219 ------ * Threads, Cloud: switched most XMLHttpRequests to asynchronous (except URL switches) * Morphic: Allow StringMorphs to hide their characters for password input * Widgets: Login-Prompter * cloud api work 130107 ------ * Slovenian translation!! Yay, thanks, Sasa!!! (Snap now supports a dozen languages!) * list-colored drop "halo" for variadic inputs * most modules: space / tab white space reformatting * help screens!! Thanks, Brian!!! * help screen API for custom blocks (currently only for the tools library) * importing libraries is now "silent", i.e. it doesn't show a dialog letting you select which blocks to import anymore. 130108 ------ * Blocks: ArgLabelMorph. Dynamic labels for "kicked out" variadic inputs ("input list") * Dynamic input label support in BLOCKS, STORE, THREADS, BYOB, GUI and LOCALE * Blocks, BYOB: Zebra coloring fix for rings in grey blocks 130110 ------ * "input list:" (with colon) * Blocks: Drawn symbols for TURN RIGHT / LEFT * continuations tweaks * revert of "returning 'undefined' to parent frame fix" (121204), breaks call/cc * ScriptPane cleanUp tweak for attached comments 130111 ------ * Morphic: StringMorph leftClick event error catch 130115 ------ * Threads, Blocks: Continuations tweaks (enabling reporter - CATCH / THROW) 130116 ------ * Store, GUI: Cloud Data Format support * Lists: CONS fix for zero CAR value 130117 ------ * "Reference Manual" entry in the Snap! Menu * BYOB: Editing custom-block-prototypes only changes the prototype in the block editor (no longer every instance of the block), pressing OK or APPLY propagates changes to all block instances, pressing CANCEL does nothing (no longer reverts previously edited slots in instances back to their default state) 130118 ------ * new YPR version. Thanks, Nathan! * Blocks: fixed "sometimes list watchers can be dragged out of value feedback bubbles" * BYOB/Blocks: fixed restoring existing inputs and upvar names when editing custom blocks 130121 ------ * Threads: No more type coercion when setting a variable's value, instead only when incrementing it 130122 ------ * Symbols for local storage and for examples * Cannot evaluate to null or undefined within an argument -> use empty string instead 130123 ------ * Import / Export text files from variable watchers (context menu) * Max. size of displayed text in CellMorphs and value bubbles set to 500 characters 130125 ------ * Morphic: Better padding support for ScrollFrames * Morphic: Better resizing & re-rendering support for Menus and ListMorphs * Morphic: Inspection improvements for Menus and ListMorphs * Morphic: Text scrolling improvements (scrollCursorIntoView()) * Widgets: Rendering improvements for InputFields * BYOB: changed all 'Ok' occurrences to 'OK' * Threads, Lists: JOIN zero / false bug fix * GUI: new ProjectDialogMorph 130129 ------ * Cloud: persistent log-in and auto-log-in * GUI, Widgets: Cloud work... * Morphic: "pic..." generic exporting feature 130201 ------ * Blocks: Context-menu-delete fix for CommandBlocks inside C-Slots: userDestroy() * Morphic: Pen-redraw() optimization for warp() fix * Cloud: Dual-component project optimization * GUI: key now works with ProjectDialog 130202 ------ * Morphic, Objects, GUI, Store: "turtle costume pen" options (tip, middle) 130204 ------ * fast tracking, a.k.a. "Turbo Mode" 130205 ------ * Cloning, basic Scratch style, still *very* experimental 130205 ------ * Cloning collision detection refinements, still *very* experimental 130211 ------ * Fixed / Variable Frame Rate option in the settings menu (default is fixed, as in Scratch) 130213 ------ * GUI, Widgets: Cloud frontend complete * OF reporter block in the sensor palette (Scratch functionality, not yet BYOB) * CLONE block now takes sprite name or 'myself' as input, drop-down menu * FAST TRACKING renamed to TURBO MODE * unscheduled execution again made the default. * "Prefer smooth animations" setting, runs strictly scheduled at around 30 fps max. * scheduling mode saved in project data * Settings menu clean-up * Input slots in Hat blocks are now static (cannot receive reporters drops) 130214 ------ * clone drop-down menu fix (removed "close" entry) * auto switching to small stage mode if the window gets narrow. Commented out b/c I don't like it * changed costume name 'Turtle' to 'default' * link to s.b.e/tos.html in signup dialog * "Save project to disk" experimental feature (works currently only in Chrome) * RUN variable OF sprite fix 130215 ------ * Store: Sprites are now first class stored objects (can be "values"), needed for OF block * Blocks, GUI, Threads: "Turtle" and "Empty" costume names, gosh, Brian! * Threads: Error messages fix 130218 ------ * SVG_Costumes (partial) * Cloud work * scaling during WARP glitch fix 130221 ------ * Cloud work: Connect / Reconnect mechanism and password hashing "salt" * Exporting SVG_Costumes 130222 ------ * Objects: Fix for playNote distortion issue in Chrome 130225 ------ * Extended Signup dialog (COPPA-conforming, I hope) * Morphic: mouse click event bubbling for input fields * Widgets: Optional drop-downs for input fields 130227 ------ * Morphic: onNextStep and nextSteps() mechanism * GUI, Cloud: Ersatz-progress-bar-messages, using nextSteps() 130228 ------ * "Updating..." message while updating the cloud project list * Morphic: Clipboard "paste" text support (works currently only in Chrome) 130311 ------ * Czech translation update, thanks, Michael! * Morphic: "pic..." fix for scroll panes, thanks, Davide! * Morphic fix: Clicking on editable text once again moves the caret to the mouse cursor 130312 ------ * Threads: OR, AND are now special form primitives ("lazy") * Threads: fix for minor pen optimization glitch (catching the stage) * Lists, Objects: Resizing list watchers no longer makes them "tremble" 130313 ------ * Store: context receiver persistence fix (for reified scripts) * Threads: Execute reified blocks in the callee's context (not in the caller's) 130314 ------ * GUI: When logged into the Cloud, "cloud" becomes default in the project dialog * Store: local custom blocks can now store their definition receiver directly as value (avoiding turning them into "Obsolete!" blocks when re-opening the project), this is important for reified blocks assigned to variables elsewhere, and such for the part of OOP we can already do now. 130318 ------ * GUI, Blocks, BYOB, Widgets: Scaling Blocks and Scripts (shift-click on settings menu) * Widets: numerical prompts * GUI: #signup URL switch * Blocks: adjusting highlights when modifying active scripts 130319 ------ * Blocks: SyntaxElementMorph fixLayout() optimization for active highlights * Russian translation!! Yay, thanks, Svetlana Ptashnaya!! * Store, GUI, Blocks: Scaling support for Comments and serialization/deserialization * GUI: motd support: On startup Snap! looks for, if it exists it is shown in a dialog box * GUI: fix for #run: URL switch * GUI: cloudmsg support: cloud related notifications can be put into 130320 ------ * GUI: deactivated motd and cloudmsg mechanism for now (has some issues) * Updated Portuguese translation, thanks, Manuel! * Updated all translations for %keyHat and %msgHat specs * YPR: fixed turnLeft / turnRight swap bug 130321 ------ * Cloud: allow every XMLHttpRequest to transport cookies (withCredentials = true) 130322 ------ * Widgets: optional sliders and "lively" graphics for numerical prompters * Blocks, GUI: "Zoom blocks…" feature in the settings menu (no longer hidden) * Objects: numeric prompters for watcher's sliderMin/Max * translation updates * Objects: 'pic…' screenshot feature for the stage * GUI, Cloud: Fallback message support before showing an error 130325 ------ * Spanish translation! Yay, thanks, Victor Muratalla!! * Objects: Boolean value block representations are now translated, thanks, Victor, for the report * Simplified Chinese translation update, thanks 邓江华 !! 130402 ------ * Japanese translations update, thanks, Kazuhiro Abe! * Content-type support for Cloud backend * sharing / unsharing projects support and GUI * the Block Editor now allows anchored comments * duplicating a block / script / sprite now also duplicates anchored comments * deleting a block / script now also deletes anchored comments 130403 ------ * YPR converter fix: No more text area in upper left corner of the Snap! IDE * Blocks, BYOB, Store: PrototypeHatBlocks in the BlockEditor accept anchored comments 130404 ------ * loading shared projects in presentation mode, exporting URL for shared projects * Selecting "Help" for a custom block now pops up the comment attached to its definition's prototype hat, if any * BYOB fix for detaching comments from prototype hat blocks 130405 ------ * renaming variable blobs now features a drop-down with reachable variable names and a picture of the block to be renamed 130408 ------ * Cloud, GUI: Sharing / Unsharing projects finalization * Lists: Adjust initial list watcher size to blocks' zoom scale * Portuguese and Italian translations update, thanks, Manuel and Stefano! * GUI fix: switch to edit mode and tab to scripts when loading a project, * Objects: new feature (hidden in shift-clicked stage context menu): turn pen trails into new costume 130409 ------ * various formatting and encoding normalizations * Morphic: Formatting options for Triggers and MenuItems (and ListItems): bold, italic * Morphic: ListMorph (items) manipulation capabilites * GUI: display shared project names bold typed in the project dialog * GUI: Feedback msg when sharing / unsharing projects * GUI: Shield (hide) IDE while opening a shared project for presentation * GUI: Support for debugging shared projects 130410 ------ * Fixes for type casting and dragging dialogs by buttons, thanks, Nathan! * Fix for loading shared projects in different formats (cloud data and plain project data) 130411 ------ * Morphic: virtual keyboard enhancements (see Morphic.js) * GUI: disabled localStorage (as in I9 running locally) no longer prevents Snap! from loading 130412 ------ * Lists: fix for typecasting bug in CONTAINS * BYOB: Tooltips for custom block templates (sitting in the palette): mousing over a custom block in the palette pops up its definition hat comment in a comment-colored speech bubble * GUI: Sharing/Unsharing/Deleting now available in all version of the project dialog 130415 ------ * Blocks: place sticky comments on World layer on dragging their anchor block 130416 ------ * Cloud, GUI: additional dev settings 130417 ------ * Blocks: "scripts pic" option in the ScriptsMorph's userMenu lets you export a picture of all scripts (including comments) 130418 ------ * plenty of bug fixes from Nathan. Yay, you go!! 130419 ------ * German translation update for "scripts pic" feature 130421 ------ * using the percent character in variable names is now safe (fixes Github issue #65) * Morphic: added Doubleclick support, example: inspectors * GUI: Double clicking a project in the project dialog performs the dialog's action on it (open / save) 130422 ------ * GUI: Double clicking support for cloud side of project dialog 130423 ------ * Lists, Objects: Circularity no longer breaks watchers * Widgets: Multiple Dialogs of the same kind are prevented except for a few (e.g. BlockEditor). Thanks for this fix, Nathan! (and for the many little UI things you've fixed as well) * German translation update 130424 ------ * Widgets, BYOB, GUI: prevent multiple block editors on the same block definition, allow multiple dialogs on different objects, handle dialog instances in DialogBoxMorph.prototype 130425 ------ * Objects, Blocks, GUI, Store: Hide primitives feature * Morphic: Introducing World.stamp as reference in multi-World setups * Widgets: restore multi-dialog restrictions for multi-world setups * Translation update for "hide primitives" feature 130426 ------ * Morphic: ensure unique World stamps * Blocks: symbols for paint editor 130427 ------ * Blocks: paint bucket symbol * highlight adjustments when merging scripts (#70) 130429 ------ * Blocks: symbols for solid rectangles and circles 130430 ------ * Objects: Costume shrink-wrapping * Morphic: Allow triggers to be dragged if so specified (#83) * GUI: select dragged costume * Blocks: eraser symbol for paint editor * Morphic: ScrollFrame scrollY() fix (fixes #24) 130506 ------ * Reset Password feature (frontend only) 130510 ------ * Reset Password via e-mailed link (frontend only) 130514 ------ * paint.js: Paint editor, first version, contributed by Kartik Chandra, Yay!! * Threads, Objects, Blocks: Broadcast & message enhancements: When I receive , and getLastMessage reporter + watcher 130515 ------ * Objects: Costume shrinkWrap adjustments * Morphic: Flat design preference introduced (default is off) * Widgets: preparing for "flat GUI skins" 130516 ------ * "flat" GUI design preference (in the settings menu) 130517 ------ * GUI: user preferences (settings) are now made persistent in localStorage 130604 ------ * Morphic: Prevent undesired native dragstart events (introduced in Chrome 27) 130605 ------ * Objects: fix for hiding 'getLastAnswer' and 'getTimer' primitives 130606 ------ * BYOB: Newly created custom reporters now have an initial default REPORT block as definition body * Morphic: focus World canvas on mouse down (otherwise prevent default) 130618 ------ * Code mapping (generating textual code from blocks), first iteration 130619 ------ * Store: persisting code mappings in project and block library files 130620 ------ * GUI: add code mapping preference to persistent settings * Blocks, BYOB, Lists, Objects: "flat" design enhancements for blocks and watchers * Blocks: Multi-line input slots (TextSlotMorphs - %mlt) * Objects: doMapCode() primitive now uses a multi-line input slot 130621 ------ * Morphic, Blocks: "flat" design fix: Handle manually "unshadowed" StringMorphs * Objects, Blocks: %code input slot - multi-line, monospaced, type-in slot for code mappings 130624 ------ * Objects, Blocks: pretty printing for mapped code, now supporting Python mappings 130625 ------ * Widgets, Blocks: code mapping dialog input is now multi-line monospaced 130626 ------ * GUI: fixed #100 saving costumes to the cloud 130627 ------ * Objects: fixed speech bubble scaling when sprite is not onstage (reported in the forums) 130628 ------ * Morphic, GUI: improved importing costumes by dragging in pictures from other web pages 130702 ------ * Objects: took out "security margin" in Costume's shrinkWrap() method b/c Chrome no longer needs it -> fixed empty costume bug when drawing over the paint editor's bounds * GUI: Import libraries feature (in the project menu) 130704 ------ * Codification (text code mapping and block header support) 130705 ------ * Blocks: fixed CommentMorph hiding/showing bug when switching to / from presentation mode 130708 ------ * Store: fixed serialization placement-bug for sprites 130709 ------ * Objects, Blocks, Threads: Collapsed codification primitives (code, header) into a single block * Blocks: Added isEmptySlot() to BooleanArgMorph (thanks, Brian, for the bug report!) 130710 ------ * GUI: Reset hidden primitives and code mappings upon loading a new project 130711 ------ * Blocks: fixed occasional flickering in scripting areas (caused by deleted feedback morphs, a bug that surfaced in Chrome 28 on OSX and may be due to a possible Chrome GC issue) * Blocks: preserve nested blocks in the scripting area when replacing a variadic input list with another input ("kick out" the nested blocks instead of "swallowing" them) * Blocks, Threads: new floor() function in monadic math reporter's drop-down 130712 ------ * Blocks: Pipette symbol * Paint: Pipette tool 130713 ------ * Paint: fixed pipette tool for floodfill 130715 ------ * Objects: increased palette's vertical growth by scrollBarSize * Objects, Blocks, Threads: experimental text-function primitive (hidden, shown only in dev mode) 130724 ------ * Dutch translation, yay!! Thanks, Frank Sierens 130730 ------ * Blocks: Made it harder to drop reporters on the variadic input per se (as opposed to into one of its slots) in (default) "prefer empty slot drops" setting * Blocks, Threads, Objects: PAUSE primitive command block * GUI: fixed #104 (storing a cloud project under another name causes media loss) 130731 ------ * Blocks, Threads, Objects: experimental text SPLIT primitive in the operators category 130801 ------ * Blocks, Threads: "whitespace" & other options in SPLIT reporter's dropdown * Blocks: Italicize editable input options (e.g. for the SPLT block) * Blocks: Undrop Reporters feature (in script areas' context menus) 130802 ------ * Blocks: Undrop Reporters feature tweaks * Blocks: Undrop Comments feature * Blocks: Undrop Commands feature * German translation update (for Undrop feature) 130805 ------ * Polish translation, yay!! Thanks, Witek Kranas! * Morphic: mouseEnterDragging fix 130807 ------ * Objects, GUI: Sprite Nesting preliminaries * Objects: Fixed stage costume scaling & misplacing bug. Thanks, Josh, for the report! * Objects, GUI: Sprite Nesting GUI * Objects: Nested Sprite Motion 130808 ------ * Objects: Nested Sprite Scaling * Objects: Nested Sprite Rotation * Objects: Nested Sprite synchronous / independent rotation * Dutch translation update, thanks, Sjoerd Dirk Meijer! 130809 ------ * GUI: Nested Sprite Rotation style buttons on corral icons * Store, Objects: Nested Sprite saving / loading 130810 ------ * Objects, GUI: Nestable Sprites fixes * German translation update 130812 ------ * Objects, Threads: Nestable Sprites Collision Detection & fixes * Dutch translation update 130814 ------ * Traditional Chinese translation, yay!! thanks, Chu-Ching-Huang! 130817 ------ * Norwegian translation, yay!! thanks, Olav Marschall! * "Dynamic" library list, thanks, Brian 130916 ------ * new Danish translation, yay!! thanks, Morten and Hanne! * new Greek translation, yay!! thanks, Ino! * Portuguese translation update, thanks, Manuel! * French translation update, * Norwegian translation update * threads: minor custom block evaluation scope fix * paint: flood fill freeze fix, thanks for the contribution, Kartik! * objects: new SPLIT primitive reporter * German translation update for new SPLIT primitive and delimiter options * GUI: getPublicProject adjustments (lowercase username) * GUI: prompt() - invocation fixes (null-choices) * GUI: synchronous URL fetching simplifications for libraries and example projects * GUI: fixed #115 - prevent loading several instances of the same block definition 130917 ------ * Cloud: encodeDict() fix and new parseDict() method - used for accessing shared projects * GUI: fixed #119, #149 (accessing a shared projects requires lowercasing the username) * Portuguese translation update for SPLIT block, thanks, Manuel! * Store, Objects: prevent costumes from being drawn while they are loading, fixes parts of #154 130918 ------ * Objects, GUI: prevent costumes with CORS-tainted canvases, expected to fix #155, #154, #151, #148, #147, #127 for future projects * BYOB: Prevent local custom blocks in global custom block definitions, fixes #167 for future projects 130919 * Objects: fixed #169 (sprites are sometimes off-placed when the project is loaded) * Objects, GUI: fixed #146 (filter out empty costumes) 130920 ------ * Morphic: fixed #172, Rectangle.amountToTranslateWithin() for IF ON EDGE, BOUNCE 130930 ------ * Blocks: fixed #186 (can't duplicate blocks with anchored comments) 131001 ------ * Objects: smooth numerical values displayed in watchers 131004 ------ * Threads: Type-check the SPLIT block's input before eval'ing it * Objects: Prevent watcher cells from growing wider as their contents becomes taller * Objects: Keep watchers onstage when hiding/showing them, fixes #195 * BYOB, GUI, locale: New preference setting for plain block prototype labels 131008 ------ * Lists: fixed type-issue for linked list indices (thanks, Nate, for reporting it!) * Threads, Objects: experimental MAP primitive reporter in lists category, visible in dev mode * Blocks: fixed #199 (can't delete reporter with attached comment via context menu) 131009 ------ * Theads: added a variant for linked lists to the experimental MAP primitive reporter 131010 ------ * Cloud: added "sanity check" to cloud-saving mechanism that errors if the serialized project data is corrupt and cannot be parsed as XML, addresses #203, #200, #171 131014 ------ * Morphic: Condense damage list by merging overlapping dirty rectangles, thanks, Craxic! * Objects: Increase maximum clone count from 128 to 300 * Portuguese translation update, thanks, Manuel!! 131015 ------ * Morphic: further condense damage list by merging nearby rectangles, thanks, Craxic! 131017 ------ * Threads: fixed #213 - Empty else block breaks return to caller 131025 ------ * Blocks: enable Costumes as Symbols and Symbols as custom block label parts * BYOB: Symbol selection menu for BlockLabelFragmentMorphs * Portuguese translation update * Widgets: enable Symbols in InputField drop down menus * BYOB: enable Symbols in InputSlotDialog Morph’s drop down menu 131104 ------ * GUI: filter quotation marks from project names (for backend index) * BYOB: only show symbol menu for label fragments * BYOB: customizable drop-down menus for input slots (experimental, commented out) 131107 ------ * GUI, Cloud: transmission integrity check 131112 ------ * Blocks, BYOB, Store: customizable drop-down menus for input slots * Objects: fixed wrong NaN display for variable watchers * Blocks: left-align multi-line text in value-bubbles * Portuguese translation update, thanks, Manuel! 131115 ------ * Blocks, BYOB, Store: „read-only“ option for editable custom block input slots * BYOB, Blocks: custom block input slots reverting to default now show their default value * Blocks: fixed read-only input slot coloring glitch, thanks Bernat, for reporting it! * Objects: fixed #231 (watcher-display of Booleans) 131122 ------ * Morphic: Don’t trigger events for eclipsed morphs (whose parent-chain contains a hidden morph) * Blocks: Prevent „hide“ menu option for non-palette template blocks * new Catalan translation! Yay, thanks, Bernat Romagosa Carrasquer!! 131126 ------ * Cloud: fixed #125 (encode email address when signing up), thanks, Nathan! * Threads: fixed #207 (stricter comparison of strings vs. numbers). Some edge cases remain, such as empty string equals zero and disregarding trailing / leading blanks. These are intentional. Please don’t nitpick and spare me the fundamentalism :-) * Threads: fixed #245 (consistently auto-convert empty strings to zeroes) * Localization and Portuguese translation updates, thanks, Manuel! * Catalan translation update, thanks, Bernat!! * Threads: Text comparisons are now case-sensitive („fixes“ #175) * Threads: fixed #179 - don’t identify primitive (static) C-Slots as implicit formal parameters * Threads: fixed #249 - preserve variable value types with edge cases (empty string, Boolean false) * Threads: fixed #133 - preserve edge-cased argument types (empty string, Boolean false) * Fixed issue #244 (relabelling now preserves empty input slots), thanks, Nathan! 131204 ------ * Threads: handle text comparisons case-insensitive (again) * Lists: harmonize equality testing and List CONTAINS testing * French translation update, thanks, Martin! * Threads: fixed #261 (less tolerant null-value-to-number-coercion) 131205 ------ * Threads: fixed literal-to-non-literal zero-value comparison bug * Objects: fixed #264 (mapped to green-flag instead of ) 131211 ------ * Threads: accept lists as inputs to the green (text) LENGTH OF reporter 131212 ------ * Objects, Morphic: fixed #277, #279 (blitting null-canvasses fails) 131219 ------ * Objects: stage watchers for „mouse x“ and „mouse y“ sensing reporters. Thanks, Michael! * Store: fixed saving/loading/localisation of new mouse coordinate stage watchers 140108 ------ * Threads, Blocks, Objects: The FOR reporter’s first input now also accepts blocks and scripts („rings“), and reports a copy that is bound to the sprite indicated by the second input. This lets you „zombify“ (or remote-control) sprites (and create custom TELL and ASK blocks) * Blocks: initial support for „sensing“ sprite-only custom block definitions, commented out for now * Paint: Add mouseLeaveDragging() event behavior, thanks, Kartik, for this fix! * Objects: Only shrink-wrap sprite costumes, thanks, Kartik, for this fix! * Threads: Added xhr-headers to HTTP block, thanks, Tim! * Threads, Blocks, Objects: Added StopOthers primitive, thanks, Kartik! * Added „all but this option“ to StopOthers primitive, fixed the implementation * Updated German translation with new strings 140109 ------ * Objects: Mechanism for migrating blocks in existing projects to newer versions * Blocks, Objects, Threads: Collapse old STOP primitives into a single one with a dropdown of options * German translation update for new (migrated) STOP block * Morphic: Fixed updateReferences() (how could nobody notice so long?!) * XML: resolved unexpected assignment expressions (conform to the latest JSLint quibbles) * validated all source files against the latest JSLint version 140110 ------ * Threads: Revert pull request #295 (xhr-headers), breaks existing installations * BYOB: Fixed #292 (pulldowns loose lines when exported as library) * BYOB: Fixed #291 (readonly custom menus become non-readonly when block is edited) 140203 ------ * Threads: Fixed #313. “Block of sprite” now works for interpolated (“timed”) blocks and for reporters (i.e. SAY FOR, THINK FOR, GLIDE, ASK etc.) * Morphic: replace deprecated DOM “body” references with “documentElement” 140204 ------ * GUI: Import costumes and backgrounds from the project menu, thanks, Brian, for the changeset! * GUI: Import sounds from the project menu, thanks, Brian, for the changeset! * Objects, Store, GUI: Flat line end option in the settings menu, saved with the project * German translation update * Objects: Enable playing sounds and notes on Firefox, thanks, Dean Brettle, for this fix!! * Update Portuguese translation, thanks, Manuel! * Update French translation, thanks, grego! 140205 ------ * Objects, Paint: One-stop-shopping for stage dimensions (changing the stage dimensions in line 3720 of objects.js takes care of everything) 140211 ------ * GUI: Set stage dimensions arbitrarily (new entries in the settings menu when holding shift) * Store: Saving & Loading for arbitrary stage dimensions in the project data * new Date block, thanks, Michael!!! 140213 ------ * GUI, Store: constrain minimum stage size to 480 x 180 * GUI: Fixed #322, #324 * Widgets: new “promptVector” dialog box feature * GUI: Use new vector prompter for stage dimensions * German translation update 140331 ------ * Objects: experimental “wardrobe” and “jukebox” reporters in dev mode * Blocks, Objects: display costume thumbnails in speech/thought/value bubbles and watcher cells * Objects: let “switch to costume” block accept actual costume objects (in addition to names and numbers) 140430 ------ * new Finnish translation, yay! Thanks, Jouni! * new Brazilian Portuguese translation, yay! Thanks, Aldo! * Russian translation update * Portuguese translation update * additional localisations, thanks, Manuel! * text-encoding fix for exporting variable contents, thanks, Blob! * set turbo mode block fix, thanks, Michael and Nathan! * enable storage and retrieval of first-class costumes in both file formats 140502 ------ * error message when trying to import a non-text file into a variable, thanks, Nate! * fixed #407 (custom-block coloring w/ zebra off) 140520 ------ * Morphic: Prevent default action for ctrl-/cmd-key event * Snap.html: Focus the world canvas on startup, so Snap reacts to keyboard events right away * Threads: new Variable data structure, for refactoring upvar references, not yet used anywhere * Objects, GUI: Search Blocks, feature. Thanks, Kyle, for architecting and designing this!!! * Objects, GUI: Keyboard-shortcuts for opening (cmd-o), saving (cmd-s) projects and for finding blocks (cmd-f) 140526 ------ * Objects: Fixed #445 (minor search + zoom issues) * Localization additions and Portuguese translation update, thanks, Manuel! * GUI, cloud: Show last-changed-timestamp when opening cloud projects 140604 ------ * Blocks: refactor “script pics” feature * BYOB: new scriptsPicture() method for custom block definitions * GUI: new (hidden) feature: “Export all scripts as pic” (including custom block refs) * Graphic effects!!! Yay, thanks, Yuan! * Bug fixes from Nathan, yay, thanks, Nathan!! * German translation update * Paint Editor transforms, yay, thanks, Kartik!! 140605 ------ * Objects: stop replacing the empty string with the number zero in watchers * Threads: initialize new variables with zero (instead of null) * Objects: fixed #465 * Objects: fixed #457 140605 ------ * Objects: gracefully hide & show the stage, fixed #281 * Objects: add hide and show blocks to the stage’s “looks” category * Objects: added more relabelling options to SAY and THINK variants * Blocks, objects: enable relabelling blocks with C-Slots * Blocks: enable relabelling blocks across categories * Objects: more relabelling options for SAY, THINK, ASK * BYOB, Blocks: relabelling custom blocks (experimental) 140623 ------ * Morphic: Inspector enhancements (dynamic property update, keyboard shortcuts) * GUI: update visibility of share/unshare buttons, Thanks, Kunal! 140706 ------ * Blocks: add “ringify” to every context menu that already has “unringify” 140708 ------ * Threads: show error messages for custom blocks (propagating to the script’s top block) * Threads: adjust to Doug Crockford’s latest infuriating nitpickings in JSLint * GUI: show username in ‘logout’ entry of cloud menu * GUI, Objects: fixed scrolling glitch in the palette, thanks, Kunal! * GUI, Objects: add keyboard shortcut for “new project”: ctr-n * revert changes made for JSLint’s sake after the issue was fixed in JSLint * Blocks: change “delete” behavior in context menus to only delete this particular blocks (and reconnect the next block to the previous one) * fixed #490 140711 ------ * Morphic: keyboard shortcut ctrl/cmd-shift-a for ‘@‘ * Morphic: allow directly editing properties in inspector widgets * Blocks: change the color of the %pause symbol to be more yellowish * Threads: fixed #506, thanks @haritop, for both the report and for providing the fix!! * GUI: fixed #412 (incomplete sprite-removal) * GUI: fixed #507 (limit persistent block zoom to 12x), thanks Michael! * Morphic, GUI, Objects: fixed #508 (don’t popup empty menus), thanks Michael! 140717 ------ * new translation into Bangla (Bengali)!!! Yay, thanks, Mokter!! * Lists: make internal list ops iterative (instead of recursive), thanks, Brian! * Objects, Blocks: new feature (hidden in dev mode): Save screenshot, thanks, Viraj! * GUI: Use new mechanism for unique costume names on imported costumes as well 140718 ------ * Lists: incorporate Brian’s adhoc fixes, thanks, Brian! * GUI: Use new mechanism for unique costume names on the paint editor, renamed costumes and costumes dragged and dropped onto sprite icons * add “letter” option to the split block’s list of delimiters, Thanks, Michael! * update German translation 140721 ------ * fixed #518 140722 ------ * Objects, Threads: fixed #521 (deleting variable watchers by dropping them on the palette results in wrong ones to be created when showing them again) 140723 ------ * Objects: Scale down oversized images to current stage dimensions. Thanks, Dan, for reporting this! 140724 ------ * Objects: fixed “lost sprites bug” - ensure duplicated sprites keep wearing their current costume through save and re-load * GUI, Objects: improve unique sprite- and costume names * Threads: Display “empty” Contexts (e.g. continuations) as empty rings 140725 ------ * Objects, Threads: new “JavaScript function” primitive. Go figure… * GUI: updated Credits 140728 ------ * Lists: fixed "Load Failed Type Error Cannot read property 'isLinked' of null" * Threads: enable “JS function” block to create custom control structures and HOFs 140729 ------ * fixed #526, thanks, Bernat, for reporting it! * Objects, GUI: duplicate and clone nested sprites * GUI, Store: export and import nested sprites * Objects: double clicking on a sprite in the stage selects it in the IDE * Objects: added ‘move’ option to the sprite context menu, lets the user move (nested) sprites in edit mode without changing their layering, and also sprites marked “undraggable” * updated Portuguese translation, thanks, Manuel! * updated German translation * Morphic: fixed #497 (prevent bubble shadows from getting cut-off) * Blocks: keep result-bubbles within the enclosing scripting pane 140730 ------ * Objects: propagate HIDE and SHOW to nested sprite parts * GUI: propagate DELETE to nested sprite parts * Blocks, Threads: export script pic with result bubble (shift-context-menu of reporter scripts) * updated Portuguese translation, thanks, Manuel! 140813 ------ * Threads, Blocks: enable Zombiefication of JS-Functions * Morphic: Fix #563 (Paste into Chrome), thanks, @Muon, for the hint! 140917 ------ * Threads, Objects, Store: Refactor variables handling, introducing Variable objects, all functionality stays the same 140918 ------ * Threads: fixed #174, replace UpvarReferences with references to Variable objects, fixes upvar scope issues 140922 ------ * Blocks: Make upvars mutable * GUI: fixed #585 (sprite name conflict with stage). Thanks, Michael, for the report! 140929 ------ * Threads: fixed #591 fully copy local variables for sprite duplicates and (Scratch-like) clones * Portuguese translation update, thanks, Manuel! * fixed #590 (Russian translation syntax glitches) Thanks @alexf2000 ! * Paint: flood fill issue fixed, thanks, Kartik! 140930 ------ * Objects: fixed #593 match broadcast numbers with event hat blocks containing strings that can be parsed as numbers * BYOB: allow percent symbols in custom block texts (fix #361), thanks, @Gubolin!! * Morphic: allow negative min/max values for sliders (fix #285), thanks, @Gubolin!! * Objects: fixed #378 (disable context menus for boolean representations) * Blocks: fixed #584 141001 ------ * Threads: workaround for some REPORT issues * Objects: fixed #599 (disable IDE keyboard shortcuts in presentation mode) * Blocks: correctly display symbol for %obj type input slots in the prototype template * Portuguese translation update, thanks, Manuel! 141002 ------ * GUI: New feature - minimal stage mode (shift-click on small-stage button) 141006 ------ * GUI, Objects: fixed #604. Thanks, @Gubolin! 141008 ------ * Objects: fixed #608, #610 141106 ------ * Morphic: Enable mouseMove events with right button pressed 141114 ------ * Threads, Store: Fix reporting out of nested custom C-shaped blocks 141117 ------ * Threads, Blocks: Treat REPORT blocks inside custom command definitions as STOP THIS BLOCK / IGNORE INPUTS 141120 ------ * Lists: Fixed #642 avoid “freezing” when calling CONS on non-list/null * Threads: Fixed #364 avoid “freezing” when calling LAUNCH on empty ring * Threads: Added optional “onComplete” callback to Process, thanks, @bromagosa! * GUI: Set Default Save location to Cloud on load, thanks, @cycomachead! * GUI: Updated the “About” Dialog with a mention of support from CDG (SAP Labs) * BYOB: Percent sign fix for block labels, thanks, @natashasandy! * Threads: fix ‘line’ option in ‘split’ block for Windows files, thanks, @brianharvey! * Morphic: fix slider range 1, thanks, @tonychenr ! * translation update, thanks, Manuel! 141121 ------ * Threads, Blocks: Fix STOP THIS BLOCK’s lexical awareness 1411213 ------- * Threads: Fix “stop this block” primitive for tail-call-elimination 1411214 ------- * Threads: Fixed #318 * Objects: Fixed #416 * Objects: Fixed #372 * Threads: Fixed #644 * Store: Fixed #34 * Threads: Fixed #131