VERSION="2.7.16" // get debug mode url = new URL(window.location.href); searchParams = new URLSearchParams(; var DEBUG = (searchParams.get("debug") == "true") // Force flat design IDE_Morph.prototype.setDefaultDesign = IDE_Morph.prototype.setFlatDesign; // ad some padding IDE_Morph.prototype.originalInit = IDE_Morph.prototype.init; IDE_Morph.prototype.init = function(isAutoFill) { this.originalInit(); this.padding = 1; /* this.droppedText( this.getURL(this.resourceURL('stitchcode/embroidery-library.xml')), 'Embroidery tools' ); */ //this.isAnimating = false; this.paletteWidth = 250; // initially same as logo width //MorphicPreferences.globalFontFamily = 'Sans, Helvetica, Arial'; = new BeetleCloud('/api', this); }; // change logo IDE_Morph.prototype.originalCreateLogo = IDE_Morph.prototype.createLogo; IDE_Morph.prototype.createLogo = function () { this.originalCreateLogo(); //if (MorphicPreferences.isFlat) { // we are always flat! this.logo.texture = ""; this.logo.fixLayout(); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.createPalette = function (forSearching) { // assumes that the logo pane has already been created // needs the categories pane for layout var myself = this; if (this.palette) { this.palette.destroy(); } if (forSearching) { this.palette = new ScrollFrameMorph( null, null, this.currentSprite.sliderColor ); // search toolbar (floating cancel button): /* commented out for now this.palette.toolBar = new PushButtonMorph( this, function () { myself.refreshPalette(); myself.palette.adjustScrollBars(); }, new SymbolMorph("magnifierOutline", 16) ); this.palette.toolBar.alpha = 0.2; this.palette.toolBar.padding = 1; // this.palette.toolBar.hint = 'Cancel'; this.palette.toolBar.labelShadowColor = new Color(140, 140, 140); this.palette.toolBar.fixLayout(); this.palette.toolBar.fixLayout(); this.palette.add(this.palette.toolBar); */ } else { this.palette = this.currentSprite.palette(this.currentCategory); } this.palette.isDraggable = false; this.palette.acceptsDrops = true; this.palette.enableAutoScrolling = false; this.palette.contents.acceptsDrops = false; this.palette.reactToDropOf = function (droppedMorph, hand) { if (droppedMorph instanceof DialogBoxMorph) {; } else if (droppedMorph instanceof SpriteMorph) { myself.removeSprite(droppedMorph); } else if (droppedMorph instanceof SpriteIconMorph) { droppedMorph.destroy(); myself.removeSprite(droppedMorph.object); } else if (droppedMorph instanceof CostumeIconMorph) { myself.currentSprite.wearCostume(null); droppedMorph.perish(); } else if (droppedMorph instanceof BlockMorph) { myself.stage.threads.stopAllForBlock(droppedMorph); if (hand && hand.grabOrigin.origin instanceof ScriptsMorph) { hand.grabOrigin.origin.clearDropInfo(); hand.grabOrigin.origin.lastDroppedBlock = droppedMorph; hand.grabOrigin.origin.recordDrop(hand.grabOrigin); } droppedMorph.perish(); } else { droppedMorph.perish(); } }; this.palette.contents.reactToDropOf = function (droppedMorph) { // for "undrop" operation if (droppedMorph instanceof BlockMorph) { droppedMorph.destroy(); } }; this.palette.setWidth(this.logo.width()); this.add(this.palette); return this.palette; }; IDE_Morph.prototype.resourceURLOrig = IDE_Morph.prototype.resourceURL; IDE_Morph.prototype.resourceURL = function () { var args =, 0); if (args[0] == "Backgrounds" || args[0] == "Examples") return 'stitchcode/' + args[0] + '/' + args[1]; else { return args.join('/'); } }; // Single Sprite mode, no corral and no tabs in the scripting area IDE_Morph.prototype.createCorralBar = nop; IDE_Morph.prototype.createCorral = nop; // build panes (do not add all) IDE_Morph.prototype.buildPanes = function () { this.createLogo(); this.createControlBar(); this.createCategories(); this.createPalette(); this.createSpriteBar(); this.createSpriteEditor(); this.createStage(); //this.createCorralBar(); //this.createCorral(); this.createStatusDisplay(); this.createStageHandle(); this.createPaletteHandle(); this.applySavedTurtleStitchSettings(); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.applySavedTurtleStitchSettings = function () { units = this.getSetting('units'), hidegrid = this.getSetting('hidegrid'); hidejumps = this.getSetting('hidejumps'); hideturtle = this.getSetting('hideturtle'); hidestitches = this.getSetting('hidestitches'); warnings = this.getSetting('ignoreWarning'); isImperial = this.getSetting('isImperial'); backgroundColor = this.getSetting('backgroundColor') defaultPenColor = this.getSetting('defaultPenColor') console.log("apply settings"); if(hidegrid) { this.stage.scene.grid.toggle(); //StageMorph.prototype.hideGrid = true; } else { StageMorph.prototype.hideGrid = false; } if(hidejumps) { //StageMorph.prototype.hideJumps = true; this.stage.renderer.toggleJumpLines() } else { StageMorph.prototype.hideJumps = false; } if(hideturtle) { this.stage.renderer.toggleTurtle() //StageMorph.prototype.hideTurtle = true; } else { StageMorph.prototype.hideTurtle = false; } if(hidestitches) { this.stage.renderer.toggleStitchPoints() //StageMorph.prototype.hideStitches = true; } else { StageMorph.prototype.hideStitches = false; } if(warnings) { this.stage.toggleIgnoreWarnings(); //StageMorph.prototype.ignoreWarnings = true; } else { StageMorph.prototype.ignoreWarnings = false; } if(isImperial) { this.stage.turtleShepherd.toggleMetric(); this.stage.scene.grid.draw(); this.stage.renderer.changed = true; } else { this.stage.turtleShepherd.sMetric = true; } if (backgroundColor) { this.stage.renderer.setBackgroundColorHex(backgroundColor); } else { this.stage.renderer.setBackgroundColorHex('#fffffff'); } if (defaultPenColor) { this.stage.renderer.setDefaultPenColorHex(defaultPenColor); this.currentSprite.setColor(StageMorph.prototype.defaultPenColor); } else { this.stage.renderer.setDefaultPenColorHex('#000000'); } } IDE_Morph.prototype.unitsMenu = function () { var menu = new MenuMorph(this), world =, pos = this.controlBar.turtlestitchButton.bottomLeft(), myself = this; menu.addItem( (true ? '\u2713 ' : ' ') + "pixel", function () { myself.setUnits("pixel"); } ); menu.addItem( (this.units === "millimeter" ? '\u2713 ' : ' ') + "millimeter", function () { myself.setUnits("millimeter"); } ); menu.addItem( (this.units === "inch" ? '\u2713 ' : ' ') + "inch", function () { myself.setUnits("inch"); } ); menu.popup(world, pos); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.setUnits = function (unit) { // TODO: } PaletteHandleMorph.prototype.init = function (target) { = target || null;; this.color = MorphicPreferences.isFlat ? new Color(125, 125, 125) : new Color(190, 190, 190); this.isDraggable = false; this.noticesTransparentClick = true; this.setExtent(new Point(12, 50)); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.origNewProject = IDE_Morph.prototype.newProject; IDE_Morph.prototype.newProject = function () { //this.origNewProject(); var project = new Project(); project.addDefaultScene(); this.source = ? 'cloud' : null; if (location.hash.substr(0, 6) !== '#lang:') { location.hash = ''; } this.openProject(project); StageMorph.prototype.dimensions = new Point(480, 360); StageMorph.prototype.hiddenPrimitives = {}; StageMorph.prototype.codeMappings = {}; StageMorph.prototype.codeHeaders = {}; StageMorph.prototype.enableCodeMapping = false; StageMorph.prototype.enableInheritance = true; StageMorph.prototype.enableSublistIDs = false; StageMorph.prototype.hideGrid = false; StageMorph.prototype.hideJumps = false; StageMorph.prototype.hideTurtle = false; StageMorph.prototype.hidestitches = false; StageMorph.prototype.ignoreWarnings = false; StageMorph.prototype.backgroundColor = new Color(255,255,255); StageMorph.prototype.penColor = new Color(255,255,255); SpriteMorph.prototype.useFlatLineEnds = false; // hide sprite this.stage.children[0].hide(); this.stage.clearAll(); this.stage.rotateTurtle(this.stage.children[0].heading); this.createStatusDisplay(); // clear stitch cache now (loading projects sends turtle move commands!) this.stage.clearAll(); this.stage.turtleShepherd.clear(); this.stage.reRender(); this.setProjectName(''); this.projectNotes = ''; this.createStageHandle(); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.openProject = function (project) { if (this.isAddingScenes) { project.scenes.itemsArray().forEach(scene => { = this.newSceneName(, scene); this.scenes.add(scene); }); } else { this.scenes = project.scenes; } this.switchToScene( project.currentScene ||, true, // refresh album null, // msg true // pause generic WHEN hat blocks ); this.createStageHandle(); this.flushBlocksCache(); this.refreshPalette(true); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.exportProject = function (name) { // Export project XML, saving a file to disk var menu, str; if (name) { name = this.setProjectName(name); this.scene.captureGlobalSettings(); try { menu = this.showMessage('Exporting'); project = new Project(this.scenes, this.scene); = this.projectName; project.notes = this.projectNotes; project.origName = this.origName; project.origCreator = this.origCreator; project.creator = this.creator; project.remixHistory = this.remixHistory; str = this.serializer.serialize( project ); this.saveXMLAs(str, name); menu.destroy(); this.recordSavedChanges(); this.showMessage('Exported!', 1); } catch (err) { if (Process.prototype.isCatchingErrors) { this.showMessage('Export failed: ' + err); } else { throw err; } } } }; IDE_Morph.prototype.origRawOpenProjectString = IDE_Morph.prototype.rawOpenProjectString; IDE_Morph.prototype.rawOpenProjectString = function (str) { this.origRawOpenProjectString(str); // hide sprite this.stage.children[0].hide(); this.stage.clearAll(); this.stage.rotateTurtle(this.stage.children[0].heading); this.createStatusDisplay(); // clear stitch cache now (loading projects sends turtle move commands!) this.stage.clearAll(); this.stage.turtleShepherd.clear(); this.stage.reRender(); }; /* TODO: remove sprite instead of hideing it? IDE_Morph.prototype.originalRemoveSprite = IDE_Morph.prototype.removeSprite; IDE_Morph.prototype.removeSprite = function (sprite) { var stage = sprite.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); stage.scene.remove(sprite.beetle); stage.reRender(); this.originalRemoveSprite(sprite); }; */ // Create contol bar - (and add custom buttons) IDE_Morph.prototype.createControlBar = function () { // assumes the logo has already been created var padding = 4, button, stopButton, pauseButton, startButton, projectButton, settingsButton, steppingButton, stageSizeButton, zoomToFitButton, //largeStageSizeButton, appModeButton, cloudButton, upstitchButton, x, colors = [ this.groupColor, this.frameColor.darker(50), this.frameColor.darker(50) ], myself = this; if (this.controlBar) { this.controlBar.destroy(); } this.controlBar = new Morph(); //this.controlBar.color = this.frameColor; this.controlBar.color = new Color(250, 250, 250); this.controlBar.setHeight(this.logo.height()); // height is fixed this.controlBar.mouseClickLeft = function () {; }; this.add(this.controlBar); //smallStageButton button = new ToggleButtonMorph( null, //colors, myself, // the IDE is the target 'toggleStageSize', [ new SymbolMorph('smallStage', 14), new SymbolMorph('normalStage', 14) ], function () { // query return myself.isSmallStage; } ); button.corner = 12; button.color = colors[0]; button.highlightColor = colors[1]; button.pressColor = colors[2]; button.labelMinExtent = new Point(36, 18); button.padding = 0; button.labelShadowOffset = new Point(-1, -1); button.labelShadowColor = colors[1]; button.labelColor = this.buttonLabelColor; button.contrast = this.buttonContrast; // button.fixLayout(); // button.hint = 'stage size\nsmall & normal'; button.fixLayout(); button.refresh(); stageSizeButton = button; this.controlBar.add(stageSizeButton); this.controlBar.stageSizeButton = button; // for refreshing //appModeButton button = new ToggleButtonMorph( null, //colors, myself, // the IDE is the target 'toggleAppMode', [ new SymbolMorph('fullScreen', 14), new SymbolMorph('normalScreen', 14) ], function () { // query return myself.isAppMode; } ); button.corner = 12; button.color = colors[0]; button.highlightColor = colors[1]; button.pressColor = colors[2]; button.labelMinExtent = new Point(36, 18); button.padding = 0; button.labelShadowOffset = new Point(-1, -1); button.labelShadowColor = colors[1]; button.labelColor = this.buttonLabelColor; button.contrast = this.buttonContrast; // button.fixLayout(); // button.hint = 'app & edit\nmodes'; button.fixLayout(); button.refresh(); appModeButton = button; this.controlBar.add(appModeButton); this.controlBar.appModeButton = appModeButton; // for refreshing // zoomToFitButton //appModeButton button = new ToggleButtonMorph( null, //colors, this, // the IDE is the target 'zoomToFit', new SymbolMorph('zoomToFit', 14), function () { // query return false; } ); button.corner = 12; button.color = colors[0]; button.highlightColor = colors[1]; button.pressColor = colors[2]; button.labelMinExtent = new Point(36, 18); button.padding = 0; button.labelShadowOffset = new Point(-1, -1); button.labelShadowColor = colors[1]; button.labelColor = this.buttonLabelColor; button.contrast = this.buttonContrast; // button.fixLayout(); // button.hint = 'start green\nflag scripts'; button.fixLayout(); button.refresh(); zoomToFitButton = button; this.controlBar.add(zoomToFitButton); this.controlBar.zoomToFitButton = zoomToFitButton; // for refreshing //steppingButton button = new ToggleButtonMorph( null, //colors, myself, // the IDE is the target 'toggleSingleStepping', [ new SymbolMorph('footprints', 16), new SymbolMorph('footprints', 16) ], function () { // query return Process.prototype.enableSingleStepping; } ); button.corner = 12; button.color = colors[0]; button.highlightColor = colors[1]; button.pressColor = new Color(153, 255, 213); // button.pressColor = colors[2]; button.labelMinExtent = new Point(36, 18); button.padding = 0; button.labelShadowOffset = new Point(-1, -1); button.labelShadowColor = colors[1]; button.labelColor = this.buttonLabelColor; button.contrast = this.buttonContrast; // button.fixLayout(); button.hint = 'Visible stepping'; button.fixLayout(); button.refresh(); steppingButton = button; this.controlBar.add(steppingButton); this.controlBar.steppingButton = steppingButton; // for refreshing // stopButton button = new ToggleButtonMorph( null, // colors this, // the IDE is the target 'stopAllScripts', [ new SymbolMorph('octagon', 14), new SymbolMorph('square', 14) ], function () { // query return myself.stage ? myself.stage.enableCustomHatBlocks && myself.stage.threads.pauseCustomHatBlocks : true; } ); button.corner = 12; button.color = colors[0]; button.highlightColor = colors[1]; button.pressColor = colors[2]; button.labelMinExtent = new Point(36, 18); button.padding = 0; button.labelShadowOffset = new Point(-1, -1); button.labelShadowColor = colors[1]; button.labelColor = new Color(200, 0, 0); button.contrast = this.buttonContrast; // button.fixLayout(); // button.hint = 'stop\nevery-\nthing'; button.fixLayout(); button.refresh(); stopButton = button; this.controlBar.add(stopButton); this.controlBar.stopButton = stopButton; // for refreshing //pauseButton button = new ToggleButtonMorph( null, //colors, myself, // the IDE is the target 'togglePauseResume', [ new SymbolMorph('pause', 12), new SymbolMorph('pointRight', 14) ], function () { // query return myself.isPaused(); } ); button.corner = 12; button.color = colors[0]; button.highlightColor = colors[1]; button.pressColor = colors[2]; button.labelMinExtent = new Point(36, 18); button.padding = 0; button.labelShadowOffset = new Point(-1, -1); button.labelShadowColor = colors[1]; button.labelColor = new Color(255, 220, 0); button.contrast = this.buttonContrast; // button.fixLayout(); // button.hint = 'pause/resume\nall scripts'; button.fixLayout(); button.refresh(); pauseButton = button; this.controlBar.add(pauseButton); this.controlBar.pauseButton = pauseButton; // for refreshing // startButton button = new PushButtonMorph( this, 'pressStart', new SymbolMorph('flag', 14) ); button.corner = 12; button.color = colors[0]; button.highlightColor = colors[1]; button.pressColor = colors[2]; button.labelMinExtent = new Point(36, 18); button.padding = 0; button.labelShadowOffset = new Point(-1, -1); button.labelShadowColor = colors[1]; button.labelColor = new Color(0, 200, 0); button.contrast = this.buttonContrast; // button.fixLayout(); // button.hint = 'start green\nflag scripts'; button.fixLayout(); startButton = button; this.controlBar.add(startButton); this.controlBar.startButton = startButton; // steppingSlider slider = new SliderMorph( 61, 1, Process.prototype.flashTime * 100 + 1, 6, 'horizontal' ); slider.action = function (num) { Process.prototype.flashTime = (num - 1) / 100; myself.controlBar.refreshResumeSymbol(); }; slider.alpha = MorphicPreferences.isFlat ? 0.1 : 0.3; slider.setExtent(new Point(50, 14)); this.controlBar.add(slider); this.controlBar.steppingSlider = slider; // projectButton button = new PushButtonMorph( this, 'projectMenu', new SymbolMorph('file', 14) //'\u270E' ); button.corner = 12; button.color = colors[0]; button.highlightColor = colors[1]; button.pressColor = colors[2]; button.labelMinExtent = new Point(36, 18); button.padding = 0; button.labelShadowOffset = new Point(-1, -1); button.labelShadowColor = colors[1]; button.labelColor = this.buttonLabelColor; button.contrast = this.buttonContrast; // button.fixLayout(); // button.hint = 'open, save, & annotate project'; button.fixLayout(); projectButton = button; this.controlBar.add(projectButton); this.controlBar.projectButton = projectButton; // for menu positioning // settingsButton button = new PushButtonMorph( this, 'settingsMenu', new SymbolMorph('gears', 14) //'\u2699' ); button.corner = 12; button.color = colors[0]; button.highlightColor = colors[1]; button.pressColor = colors[2]; button.labelMinExtent = new Point(36, 18); button.padding = 0; button.labelShadowOffset = new Point(-1, -1); button.labelShadowColor = colors[1]; button.labelColor = this.buttonLabelColor; button.contrast = this.buttonContrast; // button.fixLayout(); // button.hint = 'edit settings'; button.fixLayout(); settingsButton = button; this.controlBar.add(settingsButton); this.controlBar.settingsButton = settingsButton; // for menu positioning // settingsButton button = new PushButtonMorph( this, 'turtlestitchMenu', new SymbolMorph('turtle', 14) //new Morph.fromImageURL('stitchcode/assets/turtles.png') //'\u2699' ); button.corner = 12; button.color = colors[0]; button.highlightColor = colors[1]; button.pressColor = colors[2]; button.labelMinExtent = new Point(36, 18); button.padding = 0; button.labelShadowOffset = new Point(-1, -1); button.labelShadowColor = colors[1]; button.labelColor = this.buttonLabelColor; button.contrast = this.buttonContrast; // button.fixLayout(); // button.hint = 'edit settings'; button.fixLayout(); button.rerender(); turtlestitchButton = button; this.controlBar.add(turtlestitchButton); this.controlBar.turtlestitchButton = turtlestitchButton; // for menu positioning this.controlBar.fixLayout(); this.controlBar.fixLayout = function () { x = this.right() - padding; [stopButton, pauseButton, startButton].forEach( function (button) { button.setCenter(; button.setRight(x); x -= button.width(); x -= padding; } ); x = Math.min( startButton.left() - (3 * padding + 2 * stageSizeButton.width()), myself.right() - StageMorph.prototype.dimensions.x * (myself.isSmallStage ? myself.stageRatio : 1) ); [stageSizeButton, appModeButton, zoomToFitButton].forEach( function (button) { x += padding; button.setCenter(; button.setLeft(x); x += button.width(); } ); slider.setCenter(; slider.setRight(stageSizeButton.left() - padding); steppingButton.setCenter(; steppingButton.setRight(slider.left() - padding); settingsButton.setCenter(; settingsButton.setLeft(this.left()); turtlestitchButton.setCenter(; turtlestitchButton.setLeft(settingsButton.right() + padding); projectButton.setCenter(; projectButton.setRight(settingsButton.left() - padding); this.refreshSlider(); this.updateLabel(); }; this.controlBar.refreshSlider = function () { if (Process.prototype.enableSingleStepping && !myself.isAppMode) { // slider.fixLayout(); slider.fixLayout();; } else { slider.hide(); } this.refreshResumeSymbol(); }; this.controlBar.refreshResumeSymbol = function () { var pauseSymbols; if (Process.prototype.enableSingleStepping && Process.prototype.flashTime > 0.5) { myself.stage.threads.pauseAll(myself.stage); pauseSymbols = [ new SymbolMorph('pause', 12), new SymbolMorph('stepForward', 14) ]; } else { pauseSymbols = [ new SymbolMorph('pause', 12), new SymbolMorph('pointRight', 14) ]; } pauseButton.labelString = pauseSymbols; pauseButton.createLabel(); pauseButton.fixLayout(); pauseButton.refresh(); }; this.controlBar.updateLabel = function () { var suffix = ? ' - ' + localize('development mode') : ''; if (this.label) { this.label.destroy(); } if (myself.isAppMode) { return; } this.label = new StringMorph( (myself.projectName || localize('untitled')) + suffix, 14, 'sans-serif', true, false, false, MorphicPreferences.isFlat ? null : new Point(2, 1), myself.frameColor.darker(myself.buttonContrast) ); this.label.color = myself.buttonLabelColor; // this.label.fixLayout(); this.label.fixLayout(); this.add(this.label); this.label.setCenter(; this.label.setLeft(this.turtlestitchButton.right() + padding); }; }; IDE_Morph.prototype.turtlestitchMenu = function () { var menu, stage = this.stage, world =, myself = this, pos = this.controlBar.settingsButton.bottomLeft(), shiftClicked = (world.currentKey === 16); function addPreference(label, toggle, test, onHint, offHint, hide) { var on = '\u2611 ', off = '\u2610 '; if (!hide || shiftClicked) { menu.addItem( (test ? on : off) + localize(label), toggle, test ? onHint : offHint, hide ? new Color(100, 0, 0) : null ); } } menu = new MenuMorph(this); //menu.addItem('Units...', 'unitsMenu'); //menu.addLine(); addPreference( 'Display dimension in Inch', function () { stage.turtleShepherd.toggleMetric(); stage.scene.grid.draw(); stage.renderer.changed = true; if (!stage.turtleShepherd.isMetric() ) { myself.saveSetting('isImperial', true); } else { myself.removeSetting('isImperial'); } }, !stage.turtleShepherd.isMetric() , 'uncheck to display dimensions in millimeters', 'check to show dimensions in inch', ); menu.addLine(); addPreference( 'Hide grid', function () { this.stage.scene.grid.toggle(); if (StageMorph.prototype.hideGrid) { myself.saveSetting('hidegrid', true); } else { myself.removeSetting('hidegrid'); } }, StageMorph.prototype.hideGrid, 'uncheck to show grid', 'check to hide grid', ); addPreference( 'Hide jump stitches', function () { this.stage.renderer.toggleJumpLines(); if (StageMorph.prototype.hideJumps) { myself.saveSetting('hidejumps', true); } else { myself.removeSetting('hidejumps'); } }, StageMorph.prototype.hideJumps , 'uncheck to show jump stitches', 'check to hide jump stitches' ); addPreference( 'Hide stitch points', function () { this.stage.renderer.toggleStitchPoints(); if (StageMorph.prototype.hideStitches) { myself.saveSetting('hidestitches', true); } else { myself.removeSetting('hidestitches'); } }, StageMorph.prototype.hideStitches, 'uncheck to show stitch points', 'check to hide stitch points' ); addPreference( 'Hide turtle', function () { this.stage.renderer.toggleTurtle(); if (StageMorph.prototype.hideTurtle) { myself.saveSetting('hideturtle', true); } else { myself.removeSetting('hideturtle'); } }, StageMorph.prototype.hideTurtle, 'uncheck to show turtle', 'check to hide turtle' ); addPreference( 'Ignore embroidery warnings', function () { this.stage.toggleIgnoreWarnings(); if (StageMorph.prototype.ignoreWarnings ) { myself.saveSetting('ignoreWarning', true); } else { myself.removeSetting('ignoreWarning'); } }, StageMorph.prototype.ignoreWarnings , 'uncheck to show embroidery specific warnings', 'check to ignore embroidery specific warnings' ); menu.addLine(); menu.addItem('Default background color...', 'userSetBackgroundColor'); menu.addItem('Default pen color...', 'userSetPenColor'); menu.addItem('Load a camera snapshot...', 'loadCameraSnapshot'); menu.addItem('Clear background image', 'clearStageBackground'); menu.popup(world, pos); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.toggleAppMode = function (appMode) { var world =, elements = [ this.logo, this.controlBar.projectButton, this.controlBar.settingsButton, this.controlBar.stageSizeButton, this.controlBar.steppingButton, this.controlBar.turtlestitchButton, //this.controlBar.largeStageSizeButton, this.spriteEditor, this.paletteHandle, this.stageHandle, this.palette, this.statusDisplay, this.categories ]; this.isAppMode = isNil(appMode) ? !this.isAppMode : appMode; if (this.isAppMode) { this.wasSingleStepping = Process.prototype.enableSingleStepping; if (this.wasSingleStepping) { this.toggleSingleStepping(); } this.setColor(this.appModeColor); this.controlBar.setColor(this.color); this.controlBar.appModeButton.refresh(); elements.forEach(e => e.hide() ); world.children.forEach(morph => { if (morph instanceof DialogBoxMorph) { morph.hide(); } }); if (world.keyboardFocus instanceof ScriptFocusMorph) { world.keyboardFocus.stopEditing(); } } else { if (this.wasSingleStepping && !Process.prototype.enableSingleStepping) { this.toggleSingleStepping(); } this.setColor(this.backgroundColor); this.controlBar.setColor(this.frameColor); elements.forEach(e => ); this.stage.setScale(1); // show all hidden dialogs world.children.forEach(morph => { if (morph instanceof DialogBoxMorph) {; } }); // prevent scrollbars from showing when morph appears world.allChildren().filter(c => c instanceof ScrollFrameMorph ).forEach(s => s.adjustScrollBars() ); // prevent rotation and draggability controls from // showing for the stage if (this.currentSprite === this.stage) { this.spriteBar.children.forEach(child => { if (child instanceof PushButtonMorph) { child.hide(); } }); } // update undrop controls this.currentSprite.scripts.updateToolbar(); } this.setExtent(; }; // IDE_Morph resizing IDE_Morph.prototype.setExtent = function (point) { var padding = new Point(430, 110), minExt, ext, maxWidth, minWidth, maxHeight, minRatio, maxRatio; // determine the minimum dimensions making sense for the current mode if (this.isAppMode) { if (this.isEmbedMode) { minExt = new Point(100, 100); } else { minExt = StageMorph.prototype.dimensions.add( this.controlBar.height() + 10 ); } } else { if (this.stageRatio > 1) { minExt = padding.add(StageMorph.prototype.dimensions); } else { minExt = padding.add( StageMorph.prototype.dimensions.multiplyBy(this.stageRatio) ); } } ext = point.max(minExt); // adjust stage ratio if necessary maxWidth = ext.x - (200 + this.spriteBar.tabBar.width() + (this.padding * 2)); minWidth = SpriteIconMorph.prototype.thumbSize.x * 3; maxHeight = (ext.y - SpriteIconMorph.prototype.thumbSize.y * 3.5); minRatio = minWidth / this.stage.dimensions.x; maxRatio = Math.min( (maxWidth / this.stage.dimensions.x), (maxHeight / this.stage.dimensions.y) ); this.stageRatio = Math.min(maxRatio, Math.max(minRatio, this.stageRatio)); // apply, ext); this.fixLayout(); } IDE_Morph.prototype.zoomToFit = function (appMode) {; } IDE_Morph.prototype.aboutTurtleStitch = function () { var dlg, aboutTxt, pic, world =; aboutTxt = 'TurtleStich! ' + VERSION + '\n\n' + 'Copyright \u24B8 2022 Michael Aschauer\n\n' + 'TurtleStitch is developed by OSEDA - Association for\n' + 'Development of Open Source Software in Education, Design\n' + 'and Art and - Visionary Embroidery.\n\n' + 'The project has been sponsored by netidee Open Innovation\n' + '(Internet Foundation Austria) and kickstarter crowdfunding.\n\n' + 'TurtleStich is based on Snap!\n\n' dlg = new DialogBoxMorph(); dlg.inform(localize('About TurtleStitch'), localize(aboutTxt), world, this.logo.cachedTexture); btn1 = dlg.addButton(this.aboutSnap, 'About Snap!...' ); btn2 = dlg.addButton( function () {'', 'TurtleStitchWebsite'); }, 'TurtleStitch Website', ); dlg.fixLayout(); }; // create status display (inspired by beetleblocks) IDE_Morph.prototype.createStatusDisplay = function () { var frame, padding = 1, myself = this, elements = [], stage = this.stage; if (this.statusDisplay) { this.statusDisplay.destroy(); } this.statusDisplay = new Morph(); this.statusDisplay.color = this.groupColor; this.add(this.statusDisplay); frame = new ScrollFrameMorph(null, null, this.sliderColor); frame.acceptsDrops = false; frame.contents.acceptsDrops = false; frame.alpha = 0; this.statusDisplay.frame = frame; this.statusDisplay.add(frame); this.statusDisplay.fixLayout = function () { this.setLeft(myself.stage.left()); this.setTop(myself.stage.bottom() + padding); this.setWidth(myself.stage.width()); this.setHeight(myself.height() - myself.stage.height() - myself.controlBar.height() - padding); this.frame.setExtent(this.extent()); this.arrangeContents(); this.refresh(); }; this.statusDisplay.arrangeContents = function () { var x = this.left() + padding, y = + padding, max = this.right() - padding, start = x, middle = (max - start) / 2 + start; this.frame.contents.children.forEach(function (element) { element.setPosition(new Point(x, y)); x += element.width(); if (element instanceof ToggleMorph) { x+= element.label.width() + 2; } if (element.newLines) { y += 14 * element.newLines; x = start; } if (element.newColumn) { if (element.columns) { x = ((max - start) / element.columns) * element.newColumn + start; } else { x = middle; } } }); this.frame.contents.adjustBounds(); }; this.statusDisplay.addElement = function (element) { if (typeof element == 'string') { if (element == '-') { element = new Morph(); element.setHeight(1); element.setWidth(this.width()); element.setColor(new Color(200, 200, 200)); element.newLines = 0.5; element.flush = true; } else { element = new StringMorph(localize(element), 12, null, true); } if (element.hidden) { element.setColor(new Color(0,0,0,0)); } }; this.frame.contents.add(element); this.fixLayout(); }; this.statusDisplay.refresh = function () { this.frame.contents.children.forEach(function (element) { if (element.hasOwnProperty('update')) { element.update(); element.changed(); // element.fixLayout(); element.fixLayout(); element.changed(); }; }); }; this.statusDisplay.acceptsDrops = function () { return false; }; this.statusDisplay.watchers = function (leftPos) { /* answer an array of all currently visible watchers. If leftPos is specified, filter the list for all shown or hidden watchers whose left side equals the given border (for automatic positioning) */ return this.children.filter(function (morph) { if (morph instanceof WatcherMorph) { if (leftPos) { return morph.left() === leftPos; } return morph.isVisible; } return false; }); }; this.statusDisplay.step = function() { // update watchers current =; elapsed = current - this.lastWatcherUpdate; leftover = (1000 / this.watcherUpdateFrequency) - elapsed; if (leftover < 1) { this.watchers().forEach(function (w) { w.update(); }); this.lastWatcherUpdate =; } }; this.statusDisplay.lastWatcherUpdate =; this.statusDisplay.watcherUpdateFrequency = 250; var space = new Morph(); space.alpha = 0; space.newLines = 0.5; elements.push(space); elements.push(' Stitches : '); element = new StringMorph(); element.update = function () { this.text = (stage.turtleShepherd.getStepCount()).toString()+ " "; }; element.columns = 3; element.newColumn = 1; elements.push(element); elements.push('Jumps : '); element = new StringMorph(); element.update = function () { this.text = (stage.turtleShepherd.getJumpCount()).toString()+ " "; }; element.columns = 3; element.newColumn = 2; elements.push(element); elements.push('Size : '); element = new StringMorph(); element.update = function () { this.text = (stage.turtleShepherd.getDimensions()); }; element.newLines = 1; elements.push(element); element.newLines = 1; elements.push('-'); // too long elements.push(' '); element = new StringMorph(); element.color = new Color(255, 0, 0); element.update = function () { this.text = "" + (stage.turtleShepherd.getTooLongStr()); }; element.columns = 2; element.newColumn = 1; elements.push(element); // density warning elements.push(''); element = new StringMorph(); element.color = new Color(255, 0, 0); element.update = function () { this.text = "" + (stage.turtleShepherd.getDensityWarningStr()); }; element.columns = 2; element.newColumn = 2; elements.push(element); // density warning elements.push(''); element = new StringMorph(""); element.newLines = 2; elements.push(element); var zoomInButton = new PushButtonMorph( null, function () {; stage.renderer.changed = true; }, '+' ); elements.push(zoomInButton); var zoomOutButton = new PushButtonMorph( null, function () {; stage.renderer.changed = true; }, ' - ' ); elements.push(zoomOutButton); var resetCameraButton = new PushButtonMorph( null, function () {; }, 'Reset View' ); elements.push(resetCameraButton); resetCameraButton.columns = 4; resetCameraButton.newColumn = 2; var XRayButton = new ToggleMorph( 'checkbox', null, function () { if (stage.isXRay) { myself.showMessage("turn off X-RAY ..."); window.setTimeout( function() { stage.turnXRayOff(); myself.showMessage("ok.",0.4); myself.XRayButton.refresh(); }, 250); } else { myself.showMessage("rendering X-RAY ..."); window.setTimeout( function() { stage.turnXRayOn(); myself.showMessage("ok.", 0.4); myself.XRayButton.refresh(); } ,250); } }, 'X-Ray', function () { return stage.getIsXRay(); }); elements.push(XRayButton); myself.XRayButton = XRayButton; XRayButton.columns = 4; XRayButton.newColumn = 3; var toggleTurboButton = new ToggleMorph( 'checkbox', null, function () { myself.toggleFastTracking(); }, 'Turbo mode', function () { return stage.isFastTracked; }); toggleTurboButton.newLines = 2; elements.push(toggleTurboButton); var fitScreenButton = new PushButtonMorph( null, function () {; }, 'Zoom to fit' ); elements.push(fitScreenButton); fitScreenButton.newLines = 3; elements.push('-'); var downloadSVGButton = new PushButtonMorph( null, function () { myself.downloadSVG(); }, 'Export as SVG' ); downloadSVGButton.columns = 6; downloadSVGButton.newColumn = 2; elements.push(downloadSVGButton); var ignoreColorsButton = new ToggleMorph( 'checkbox', null, function () { stage.turtleShepherd.toggleIgnoreColors(); }, 'Ignore colors during export', function () { return stage.turtleShepherd.getIgnoreColors(); }); ignoreColorsButton.newLines = 1.7; elements.push(ignoreColorsButton); /* hide for now var downloadDXFButton = new PushButtonMorph( null, function () { myself.downloadDXF(); }, 'Export as DXF' ); downloadDXFButton.newLines = 1.7; elements.push(downloadDXFButton); */ var downloadEXPButton = new PushButtonMorph( null, function () { myself.downloadEXP(); }, 'Export as Melco/EXP' ); downloadEXPButton.newLines = 1.7; elements.push(downloadEXPButton); var downloadDSTButton = new PushButtonMorph( null, function () { myself.downloadDST(); }, 'Export as Tajima/DST' ); downloadDSTButton.newLines = 2.7; elements.push(downloadDSTButton); if (DEBUG) { elements.push(' DEBUG MODE: true'); element = new StringMorph(""); element.newLines = 1.2; elements.push(element); elements.push(' RENDERER: '); element = new StringMorph(); element.update = function () { this.text = stage.renderer_status_msg; }; element.newLines = 1; elements.push(element); elements.push(' '); } elements.forEach(function(each) { myself.statusDisplay.addElement(each); }); }; // fix layout custom function IDE_Morph.prototype.fixLayout = function (situation) { // situation is a string, i.e. // 'selectSprite' or 'refreshPalette' or 'tabEditor' var padding = this.padding, maxPaletteWidth; Morph.prototype.trackChanges = false; if (situation !== 'refreshPalette') { // controlBar this.controlBar.setPosition(this.logo.topRight()); this.controlBar.setWidth(this.right() - this.controlBar.left()); this.controlBar.fixLayout(); // categories this.categories.setLeft(this.logo.left()); this.categories.setTop(this.logo.bottom()+1); this.categories.setWidth(this.paletteWidth); } // palette this.palette.setLeft(this.logo.left()); this.palette.setTop(this.categories.bottom()); this.palette.setHeight(this.bottom() -; this.palette.setWidth(this.paletteWidth); if (situation !== 'refreshPalette') { // stage if (this.isAppMode) { this.stage.setScale(Math.floor(Math.min( (this.width() - padding * 2) / this.stage.dimensions.x, (this.height() - this.controlBar.height() * 2 - padding * 2) / this.stage.dimensions.y ) * 10) / 10); this.stage.setCenter(; } else { this.stage.setScale(this.isSmallStage ? this.stageRatio : 1); this.stage.setTop(this.logo.bottom() + padding); this.stage.setRight(this.right()); maxPaletteWidth = this.width() - this.stage.width() - this.spriteBar.tabBar.width() - (this.padding * 2); if (this.paletteWidth > maxPaletteWidth) { this.paletteWidth = maxPaletteWidth; this.fixLayout(); } this.stageHandle.fixLayout(); this.paletteHandle.fixLayout(); } if (this.spriteEditor.isVisible) { this.spriteEditor.setLeft(this.paletteWidth + padding); this.spriteEditor.setTop(this.logo.bottom() + padding); this.spriteEditor.setExtent(new Point( //this.spriteBar.width(), Math.max(0, this.stage.left() - padding - this.spriteEditor.left()), this.bottom() - )); } this.statusDisplay.fixLayout(); } Morph.prototype.trackChanges = true; this.changed(); }; // SVG export IDE_Morph.prototype.downloadSVG = function() { svgStr = this.stage.turtleShepherd.toSVG(); blob = new Blob([svgStr], {type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8'}); saveAs(blob, (this.projectName ? this.projectName : 'turtlestitch') + '.svg'); }; // DXF export IDE_Morph.prototype.downloadDXF = function() { dxfStr = this.stage.turtleShepherd.toDXF(); blob = new Blob([dxfStr]); saveAs(blob, (this.projectName ? this.projectName : 'turtlestitch') + '.dxf'); }; // EXP export IDE_Morph.prototype.downloadEXP = function() { expUintArr = this.stage.turtleShepherd.toEXP(); blob = new Blob([expUintArr], {type: 'application/octet-stream'}); saveAs(blob, (this.projectName ? this.projectName : 'turtlestitch') + '.exp'); }; // DST export IDE_Morph.prototype.downloadDST = function() { var name = this.projectName ? this.projectName : 'turtlestitch'; expUintArr = this.stage.turtleShepherd.toDST(name); blob = new Blob([expUintArr], {type: 'application/octet-stream'}); saveAs(blob, name + '.dst'); }; // PNG export IDE_Morph.prototype.downloadPNG = function() { var name = this.projectName ? this.projectName : 'turtlestitch'; dataURL = this.stage.turtleShepherd.toPNG(name); var binary = atob( dataURL.substr( dataURL.indexOf(',') + 1 ) ), i = binary.length, view = new Uint8Array(i); while (i--) { view[i] = binary.charCodeAt(i); } blob = new Blob([view], {type: 'image/png'}); saveAs(blob, name + '.png'); }; /* IDE_Morph.prototype.setProjectName = function (string) { if (string.replace(/['"]/g, '') != this.projectName || SnapCloud.username != this.creator) { this.remixHistory = this.creator + ":" + this.projectName + ";" + this.remixHistory this.origName = this.projectName; } this.origName = this.projectName; this.origCreator = SnapCloud.username != this.creator ? this.creator : SnapCloud.username; this.creator = SnapCloud.username ? SnapCloud.username : "anonymous"; this.projectName = string.replace(/['"]/g, ''); // filter quotation marks this.hasChangedMedia = true; this.controlBar.updateLabel(); }; */ IDE_Morph.prototype.setProjectName = function (string) { var projectScene =, name = this.newSceneName(string, projectScene); if (name !== { = name; projectScene.stage.version =; this.recordUnsavedChanges(); if (projectScene === this.scene) { this.controlBar.updateLabel(); } } if (string.replace(/['"]/g, '') != this.projectName || SnapCloud.username != this.creator) { this.remixHistory = this.creator + ":" + this.projectName + ";" + this.remixHistory this.origName = this.projectName; } this.origName = this.projectName; this.origCreator = SnapCloud.username != this.creator ? this.creator : SnapCloud.username; this.creator = SnapCloud.username ? SnapCloud.username : "anonymous"; this.projectName = string.replace(/['"]/g, ''); this.controlBar.updateLabel(); return name; }; IDE_Morph.prototype.createSpriteBar = function () { // assumes that the categories pane has already been created var rotationStyleButtons = [], thumbSize = new Point(45, 45), nameField, padlock, thumbnail, tabCorner = 15, tabColors = this.tabColors, tabBar = new AlignmentMorph('row', -tabCorner * 2), tab, symbols = ['\u2192', '\u21BB', '\u2194'], labels = ['don\'t rotate', 'can rotate', 'only face left/right'], myself = this; if (this.spriteBar) { this.spriteBar.destroy(); } this.spriteBar = new Morph(); this.spriteBar.color = this.frameColor; //this.add(this.spriteBar); function addRotationStyleButton(rotationStyle) { var colors = myself.rotationStyleColors, button; button = new ToggleButtonMorph( colors, myself, // the IDE is the target function () { if (myself.currentSprite instanceof SpriteMorph) { myself.currentSprite.rotationStyle = rotationStyle; myself.currentSprite.changed(); myself.currentSprite.fixLayout(); myself.currentSprite.changed(); } rotationStyleButtons.forEach(function (each) { each.refresh(); }); }, symbols[rotationStyle], // label function () { // query return myself.currentSprite instanceof SpriteMorph && myself.currentSprite.rotationStyle === rotationStyle; }, null, // environment localize(labels[rotationStyle]) ); button.corner = 8; button.labelMinExtent = new Point(11, 11); button.padding = 0; button.labelShadowOffset = new Point(-1, -1); button.labelShadowColor = colors[1]; button.labelColor = myself.buttonLabelColor; button.fixLayout(); button.refresh(); rotationStyleButtons.push(button); button.setPosition(myself.spriteBar.position().add(2)); button.setTop( + ((rotationStyleButtons.length - 1) * (button.height() + 2)) ); myself.spriteBar.add(button); if (myself.currentSprite instanceof StageMorph) { button.hide(); } return button; } addRotationStyleButton(1); addRotationStyleButton(2); addRotationStyleButton(0); this.rotationStyleButtons = rotationStyleButtons; thumbnail = new Morph(); thumbnail.setExtent(thumbSize); thumbnail.image = this.currentSprite.thumbnail(thumbSize); thumbnail.setPosition( rotationStyleButtons[0].topRight().add(new Point(5, 3)) ); this.spriteBar.add(thumbnail); thumbnail.fps = 3; thumbnail.step = function () { if (thumbnail.version !== myself.currentSprite.version) { thumbnail.image = myself.currentSprite.thumbnail(thumbSize); thumbnail.changed(); thumbnail.version = myself.currentSprite.version; } }; nameField = new InputFieldMorph(; nameField.setWidth(100); // fixed dimensions nameField.contrast = 90; nameField.setPosition(thumbnail.topRight().add(new Point(10, 3))); this.spriteBar.add(nameField); nameField.fixLayout(); nameField.accept = function () { var newName = nameField.getValue(); myself.currentSprite.setName( myself.newSpriteName(newName, myself.currentSprite) ); nameField.setContents(; }; this.spriteBar.reactToEdit = nameField.accept; // padlock padlock = new ToggleMorph( 'checkbox', null, function () { myself.currentSprite.isDraggable = !myself.currentSprite.isDraggable; }, localize('draggable'), function () { return myself.currentSprite.isDraggable; } ); padlock.label.isBold = false; padlock.label.setColor(this.buttonLabelColor); padlock.color = tabColors[2]; padlock.highlightColor = tabColors[0]; padlock.pressColor = tabColors[1]; padlock.tick.shadowOffset = MorphicPreferences.isFlat ? new Point() : new Point(-1, -1); padlock.tick.shadowColor = new Color(); // black padlock.tick.color = this.buttonLabelColor; padlock.tick.isBold = false; padlock.tick.fixLayout(); padlock.setPosition(nameField.bottomLeft().add(2)); padlock.fixLayout(); this.spriteBar.add(padlock); if (this.currentSprite instanceof StageMorph) { padlock.hide(); } // tab bar tabBar.tabTo = function (tabString) { var active; myself.currentTab = tabString; this.children.forEach(function (each) { each.refresh(); if (each.state) {active = each; } }); active.refresh(); // needed when programmatically tabbing myself.createSpriteEditor(); myself.fixLayout('tabEditor'); }; tab = new TabMorph( tabColors, null, // target function () {tabBar.tabTo('scripts'); }, localize('Scripts'), // label function () { // query return myself.currentTab === 'scripts'; } ); tab.padding = 3; tab.corner = tabCorner; tab.edge = 1; tab.labelShadowOffset = new Point(-1, -1); tab.labelShadowColor = tabColors[1]; tab.labelColor = this.buttonLabelColor; tab.fixLayout(); tab.fixLayout(); tabBar.add(tab); tab = new TabMorph( tabColors, null, // target function () {tabBar.tabTo('costumes'); }, localize('Costumes'), // label function () { // query return myself.currentTab === 'costumes'; } ); tab.padding = 3; tab.corner = tabCorner; tab.edge = 1; tab.labelShadowOffset = new Point(-1, -1); tab.labelShadowColor = tabColors[1]; tab.labelColor = this.buttonLabelColor; tab.fixLayout(); tab.fixLayout(); tabBar.add(tab); tab = new TabMorph( tabColors, null, // target function () {tabBar.tabTo('sounds'); }, localize('Sounds'), // label function () { // query return myself.currentTab === 'sounds'; } ); tab.padding = 3; tab.corner = tabCorner; tab.edge = 1; tab.labelShadowOffset = new Point(-1, -1); tab.labelShadowColor = tabColors[1]; tab.labelColor = this.buttonLabelColor; tab.fixLayout(); tab.fixLayout(); tabBar.add(tab); tabBar.fixLayout(); tabBar.children.forEach(function (each) { each.refresh(); }); this.spriteBar.tabBar = tabBar; this.spriteBar.add(this.spriteBar.tabBar); this.spriteBar.fixLayout = function () { this.tabBar.setLeft(this.left()); this.tabBar.setBottom(this.bottom()); }; }; IDE_Morph.prototype.createCategories = function () { var myself = this, categorySelectionAction = this.scene.unifiedPalette ? scrollToCategory : changePalette, categoryQueryAction = this.scene.unifiedPalette ? queryTopCategory : queryCurrentCategory; if (this.categories) { this.categories.destroy(); } this.categories = new Morph(); this.categories.color = this.groupColor; this.categories.bounds.setWidth(this.paletteWidth); this.categories.buttons = []; this.categories.refresh = function () { this.buttons.forEach(cat => { cat.refresh(); if (cat.state) { cat.scrollIntoView(); } }); }; this.categories.refreshEmpty = function () { var dict = myself.currentSprite.emptyCategories(); dict.variables = dict.variables || dict.lists || dict.other; this.buttons.forEach(cat => { if (dict[cat.category]) { cat.enable(); } else { cat.disable(); } }); }; function changePalette(category) { return () => { myself.currentCategory = category; myself.categories.buttons.forEach(each => each.refresh() ); myself.refreshPalette(true); }; } function scrollToCategory(category) { return () => myself.scrollPaletteToCategory(category); } function queryCurrentCategory(category) { return () => myself.currentCategory === category; } function queryTopCategory(category) { return () => myself.topVisibleCategoryInPalette() === category; } function addCategoryButton(category) { var labelWidth = 75, colors = [ myself.frameColor, myself.frameColor.darker(MorphicPreferences.isFlat ? 5 : 50), SpriteMorph.prototype.blockColor[category] ], button; button = new ToggleButtonMorph( colors, myself, // the IDE is the target categorySelectionAction(category), category[0].toUpperCase().concat(category.slice(1)), // label categoryQueryAction(category), // query null, // env null, // hint labelWidth, // minWidth true // has preview ); button.category = category; button.corner = 8; button.padding = 2; button.labelShadowOffset = new Point(0,0); button.labelShadowColor = colors[1]; button.labelColor = myself.buttonLabelColor; if (MorphicPreferences.isFlat) { button.labelPressColor = WHITE; } button.fixLayout(); button.refresh(); myself.categories.add(button); myself.categories.buttons.push(button); return button; } function addCustomCategoryButton(category, color) { var labelWidth = 168, colors = [ myself.frameColor, myself.frameColor.darker(MorphicPreferences.isFlat ? 5 : 50), color ], button; button = new ToggleButtonMorph( colors, myself, // the IDE is the target categorySelectionAction(category), category, // label categoryQueryAction(category), // query null, // env null, // hint labelWidth, // minWidth true // has preview ); button.category = category; button.corner = 8; button.padding = 0; button.labelShadowOffset = new Point(-1, -1); button.labelShadowColor = colors[1]; button.labelColor = myself.buttonLabelColor; if (MorphicPreferences.isFlat) { button.labelPressColor = WHITE; } button.fixLayout(); button.refresh(); myself.categories.add(button); myself.categories.buttons.push(button); return button; } function fixCategoriesLayout() { var buttonWidth = myself.categories.children[0].width(), buttonHeight = myself.categories.children[0].height(), more = SpriteMorph.prototype.customCategories.size, border = 10, xPadding = 5, yPadding = 3, l = myself.categories.left(), t =, scroller, row, col, i; myself.categories.children.forEach((button, i) => { row = i < 8 ? i % 4 : i - 4; col = (i < 4 || i > 7) ? 1 : 2; button.setPosition(new Point( l + (col * xPadding + ((col - 1) * buttonWidth)), t + ((row + 1) * yPadding + (row * buttonHeight) + border) + (i > 9 ? border + 2 : 0) )); }); if (more > 6) { scroller = new ScrollFrameMorph(null, null, myself.sliderColor); scroller.setColor(myself.groupColor); scroller.acceptsDrops = false; scroller.contents.acceptsDrops = false; scroller.setPosition( new Point(0, myself.categories.children[8].top()) ); scroller.setWidth(myself.paletteWidth); scroller.setHeight(buttonHeight * 6 + yPadding * 5); for (i = 0; i < more; i += 1) { scroller.addContents(myself.categories.children[8]); } myself.categories.add(scroller); myself.categories.scroller = scroller; myself.categories.setHeight( (4 + 1) * yPadding + 4 * buttonHeight + 6 * (yPadding + buttonHeight) + border + 2 + 2 * border ); } else { myself.categories.setHeight( (4 + 1) * yPadding + 5 * buttonHeight + (more ? (more * (yPadding + buttonHeight) + border + 2) : 0) + 2 * border ); } } SpriteMorph.prototype.categories.forEach(cat => { if (!contains(['lists', 'aa'], cat)) { addCategoryButton(cat); } }); // sort alphabetically Array.from( SpriteMorph.prototype.customCategories.keys() ).sort().forEach(name => addCustomCategoryButton( name, SpriteMorph.prototype.customCategories.get(name) ) ); fixCategoriesLayout(); this.add(this.categories); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.projectMenu = function () { var menu, myself = this, world =, pos = this.controlBar.projectButton.bottomLeft(), graphicsName = this.currentSprite instanceof SpriteMorph ? 'Costumes' : 'Backgrounds', shiftClicked = (world.currentKey === 16); // Utility for creating Costumes, etc menus. // loadFunction takes in two parameters: a file URL, and a canonical name function createMediaMenu(mediaType, loadFunction) { return function () { var names = this.getMediaList(mediaType), mediaMenu = new MenuMorph( myself, localize('Import') + ' ' + localize(mediaType) ); names.forEach(function (item) { mediaMenu.addItem(, function () {loadFunction(item.file,; }, ); }); mediaMenu.popup(world, pos); }; } menu = new MenuMorph(this); menu.addItem('Notes...', 'editNotes'); menu.addLine(); menu.addItem('New', 'createNewProject'); menu.addItem('Open...', 'openProjectsBrowser'); menu.addItem( 'Import...', function () { var inp = document.createElement('input'); if (myself.filePicker) { document.body.removeChild(myself.filePicker); myself.filePicker = null; } inp.type = 'file'; = "transparent"; = "transparent"; = "none"; = "none"; = "absolute"; = "0px"; = "0px"; = "0px"; = "0px"; inp.addEventListener( "change", function () { document.body.removeChild(inp); myself.filePicker = null; world.hand.processDrop(inp.files); }, false ); document.body.appendChild(inp); myself.filePicker = inp;; }, 'file menu import hint' // looks up the actual text in the translator ); menu.addLine(); menu.addItem('Save', "save"); menu.addItem('Save As...', 'saveProjectsBrowser'); //menu.addItem('Save to Disk', 'saveToDisk'); menu.addLine(); menu.addItem( 'Export as SVG', function() { myself.downloadSVG(); }, 'Export current drawing as SVG Vector file' ); menu.addItem( 'Export as DXF', function() { myself.downloadDXF(); }, 'Export current drawing as DXF file' ); menu.addItem( 'Export as PNG', function() { myself.downloadPNG(); }, 'Export current drawing as PNG image Vector file' ); menu.addItem( 'Export as Melco/EXP', function() { myself.downloadEXP(); }, 'Export current drawing as EXP/Melco Embroidery file' ); menu.addItem( 'Export as Tajima/DST', function() { myself.downloadDST(); }, 'Export current drawing as DST/Tajima Embroidery file' ); if (DEBUG) { menu.addItem( 'Export to Embroidery service', function() { myself.uploadOrder(); }, 'Export to\'s embroidery service' ); } menu.addLine(); if (shiftClicked) { menu.addItem( 'Export all scripts as pic...', function () {myself.exportScriptsPicture(); }, 'show a picture of all scripts\nand block definitions', new Color(100, 0, 0) ); } menu.addItem( 'Export project...', () => { var pn = this.getProjectName(); if (pn) { this.exportProject(pn); } else { this.prompt( 'Export Project As...', name => this.exportProject(name), null, 'exportProject' ); } }, 'save project data as XML\nto your downloads folder' ); if (this.stage.globalBlocks.length) { menu.addItem( 'Export blocks...', function () {myself.exportGlobalBlocks(); }, 'show global custom block definitions as XML' + '\nin a new browser window' ); menu.addItem( 'Unused blocks...', function () {myself.removeUnusedBlocks(); }, 'find unused global custom blocks' + '\nand remove their definitions' ); } menu.addItem( 'Export summary...', function () {myself.exportProjectSummary(); }, 'open a new browser browser window\n with a summary of this project' ); if (shiftClicked) { menu.addItem( 'Export summary with drop-shadows...', function () {myself.exportProjectSummary(true); }, 'open a new browser browser window' + '\nwith a summary of this project' + '\nwith drop-shadows on all pictures.' + '\nnot supported by all browsers', new Color(100, 0, 0) ); menu.addItem( 'Export all scripts as pic...', function () {myself.exportScriptsPicture(); }, 'show a picture of all scripts\nand block definitions', new Color(100, 0, 0) ); } menu.addLine(); menu.addItem( 'Libraries...', function() { if (location.protocol === 'file:') { myself.importLocalFile(); return; } myself.getURL( myself.resourceURL('libraries', 'LIBRARIES'), function (txt) { var libraries = myself.parseResourceFile(txt); new LibraryImportDialogMorph(myself, libraries).popUp(); } ); }, 'Select categories of additional blocks to add to this project.' ); menu.addLine(); if (shiftClicked) { menu.addItem( 'Cloud url...', 'setCloudURL', null, new Color(100, 0, 0) ); menu.addLine(); } if (!SnapCloud.username) { menu.addItem( 'Login', function () {'/login'); } ); menu.addItem( 'Create an account', function () {'/signup'); } ); menu.addItem( 'Reset Password...', function () {'/forgot_password'); } ); } else { menu.addItem( localize('Logout') + ' / ' + SnapCloud.username, 'logout' ); } if (shiftClicked) { menu.addLine(); menu.addItem( 'export project media only...', function () { if (myself.projectName) { myself.exportProjectMedia(myself.projectName); } else { myself.prompt('Export Project As...', function (name) { myself.exportProjectMedia(name); }, null, 'exportProject'); } }, null, this.hasChangedMedia ? new Color(100, 0, 0) : new Color(0, 100, 0) ); menu.addItem( 'export project without media...', function () { if (myself.projectName) { myself.exportProjectNoMedia(myself.projectName); } else { myself.prompt('Export Project As...', function (name) { myself.exportProjectNoMedia(name); }, null, 'exportProject'); } }, null, new Color(100, 0, 0) ); menu.addItem( 'export project as cloud data...', function () { if (myself.projectName) { myself.exportProjectAsCloudData(myself.projectName); } else { myself.prompt('Export Project As...', function (name) { myself.exportProjectAsCloudData(name); }, null, 'exportProject'); } }, null, new Color(100, 0, 0) ); menu.addLine(); menu.addItem( 'open shared project from cloud...', function () { myself.prompt('Author nameā€¦', function (usr) { myself.prompt('Project name...', function (prj) { var id = 'Username=' + encodeURIComponent(usr.toLowerCase()) + '&ProjectName=' + encodeURIComponent(prj); myself.showMessage( 'Fetching project\nfrom the cloud...' ); SnapCloud.getPublicProject( id, function (projectData) { var msg; if (!Process.prototype.isCatchingErrors) { 'data:text/xml,' + projectData ); } myself.nextSteps([ function () { msg = myself.showMessage( 'Opening project...' ); }, function () {nop(); }, // yield (Chrome) function () { myself.rawOpenCloudDataString( projectData ); }, function () { msg.destroy(); } ]); }, myself.cloudError() ); }, null, 'project'); }, null, 'project'); }, null, new Color(100, 0, 0) ); } menu.popup(world, pos); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.snapMenu = function () { var menu, world =; menu = new MenuMorph(this); menu.addItem('About TurtleStitch...', 'aboutTurtleStitch'); menu.addItem('About Snap!...', 'aboutSnap'); menu.addLine(); menu.addItem( 'Reference manual', function () {'help/SnapManual.pdf', 'SnapReferenceManual'); } ); menu.addItem( 'TurtleStitch Web Site', function () {'', 'TurtleStitchWebsite'); } ); menu.addItem( 'Snap! website', function () {'', 'SnapWebsite'); } ); menu.addItem( 'Download source', function () { '', 'Turtlestitchsource' ); } ); if (world.isDevMode) { menu.addLine(); menu.addItem( 'Switch back to user mode', 'switchToUserMode', 'disable deep-Morphic\ncontext menus' + '\nand show user-friendly ones', new Color(0, 100, 0) ); } else if (world.currentKey === 16) { // shift-click menu.addLine(); menu.addItem( 'Switch to dev mode', 'switchToDevMode', 'enable Morphic\ncontext menus\nand inspectors,' + '\nnot user-friendly!', new Color(100, 0, 0) ); } menu.popup(world, this.logo.bottomLeft()); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.originalCreateSpriteEditor = IDE_Morph.prototype.createSpriteEditor; IDE_Morph.prototype.createSpriteEditor = function(){ this.originalCreateSpriteEditor(); this.spriteEditor.color = new Color(240, 240, 240); this.currentSprite.scripts.color = new Color(240, 240, 240); this.spriteEditor.mouseEnterDragging = nop; this.spriteEditor.contents.mouseEnterDragging =nop; }; /* CORRAL BAR */ // Single Sprite mode, no corral and no tabs in the scripting area IDE_Morph.prototype.createCorralBar = nop; IDE_Morph.prototype.createCorral = nop; IDE_Morph.prototype.selectSprite = function (sprite) { this.currentSprite = sprite; this.createPalette(); this.createSpriteEditor(); this.fixLayout('selectSprite'); this.currentSprite.scripts.fixMultiArgs(); }; // Addressing #54: Stage occasionally goes blank IDE_Morph.prototype.originalRefreshPalette = IDE_Morph.prototype.refreshPalette; IDE_Morph.prototype.refreshPalette = function (shouldIgnorePosition) { this.originalRefreshPalette(shouldIgnorePosition); this.stage.reRender(); }; // Language IDE_Morph.prototype.originalSetLanguage = IDE_Morph.prototype.setLanguage; IDE_Morph.prototype.setLanguage = function(lang, callback) { var myself = this; myself.originalSetLanguage(lang, function () { var translation = document.getElementById('bb-language'), src = 'stitchcode/locales/lang-' + lang + '.js', myInnerSelf = this; if (translation) { document.head.removeChild(translation); } if (lang === 'en') { return this.reflectLanguage('en', callback); } translation = document.createElement('script'); = 'bb-language'; translation.onload = function () { myInnerSelf.reflectLanguage(lang, callback); }; document.head.appendChild(translation); translation.src = src; }); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.setStageExtent = function (aPoint) { var myself = this, world =, ext = aPoint.max(new Point(480, 180)); function zoom() { myself.step = function () { var delta = ext.subtract( StageMorph.prototype.dimensions ).divideBy(2); if (delta.abs().lt(new Point(5, 5))) { StageMorph.prototype.dimensions = ext; delete myself.step; } else { StageMorph.prototype.dimensions = StageMorph.prototype.dimensions.add(delta); } myself.stage.setExtent(StageMorph.prototype.dimensions); myself.stage.clearPenTrails(); myself.fixLayout(); this.setExtent(world.extent()); this.stage.initCamera(); }; } this.stageRatio = 1; this.isSmallStage = false; this.controlBar.stageSizeButton.refresh(); this.setExtent(world.extent()); if (this.isAnimating) { zoom(); } else { StageMorph.prototype.dimensions = ext; this.stage.setExtent(StageMorph.prototype.dimensions); this.stage.clearPenTrails(); this.fixLayout(); this.setExtent(world.extent()); } this.stage.initCamera(); }; DialogBoxMorph.prototype.promptOrder = function ( title, tosURL, tosLabel, prvURL, prvLabel, PUBCheckBoxLabel, TOSCheckBoxLabel, world, pic, msg ) { var usr = new InputFieldMorph(), bmn, agreeTOS = true, agreePUB = true, chk_tos, chk_pub, mCol = new AlignmentMorph('column', 1), yCol = new AlignmentMorph('column', 1), lnk = new AlignmentMorph('row', 1), bdy = new AlignmentMorph('column', this.padding), myself = this; function labelText(string) { return new TextMorph( localize(string), 10, null, // style false, // bold null, // italic null, // alignment null, // width null, // font name MorphicPreferences.isFlat ? null : new Point(1, 1), new Color(255, 255, 255) // shadowColor ); } function linkButton(label, url) { var btn = new PushButtonMorph( myself, function () {; }, ' ' + localize(label) + ' ' ); btn.fontSize = 10; btn.corner = myself.buttonCorner; btn.edge = myself.buttonEdge; btn.outline = myself.buttonOutline; btn.outlineColor = myself.buttonOutlineColor; btn.outlineGradient = myself.buttonOutlineGradient; btn.padding = myself.buttonPadding; btn.contrast = myself.buttonContrast; // btn.fixLayout(); btn.fixLayout(); return btn; } bdy.setColor(this.color); mCol.alignment = 'left'; mCol.setColor(this.color); yCol.alignment = 'left'; yCol.setColor(this.color); if (msg) { bdy.add(labelText(msg)); } if (tosURL || prvURL) { bdy.add(lnk); } if (tosURL) { lnk.add(linkButton(tosLabel, tosURL)); } if (prvURL) { lnk.add(linkButton(prvLabel, prvURL)); } if (PUBCheckBoxLabel) { chk_pub = new ToggleMorph( 'checkbox', this, function () {agreePUB = !agreePUB; }, // action, PUBCheckBoxLabel, function () {return agreePUB; } //query ); chk_pub.edge = this.buttonEdge / 2; chk_pub.outline = this.buttonOutline / 2; chk_pub.outlineColor = this.buttonOutlineColor; chk_pub.outlineGradient = this.buttonOutlineGradient; chk_pub.contrast = this.buttonContrast; // chk_pub.fixLayout(); chk_pub.fixLayout(); bdy.add(chk_pub); } if (TOSCheckBoxLabel) { chk_tos = new ToggleMorph( 'checkbox', this, function () {agreeTOS = !agreeTOS; }, // action, TOSCheckBoxLabel, function () {return agreeTOS; } //query ); chk_tos.edge = this.buttonEdge / 2; chk_tos.outline = this.buttonOutline / 2; chk_tos.outlineColor = this.buttonOutlineColor; chk_tos.outlineGradient = this.buttonOutlineGradient; chk_tos.contrast = this.buttonContrast; // chk_tos.fixLayout(); chk_tos.fixLayout(); bdy.add(chk_tos); } mCol.fixLayout(); yCol.fixLayout(); lnk.fixLayout(); bdy.fixLayout(); this.labelString = title; this.createLabel(); if (pic) {this.setPicture(pic); } this.addBody(bdy); // mCol.fixLayout(); // yCol.fixLayout(); bdy.fixLayout(); this.addButton('ok', 'OK'); this.addButton('cancel', 'Cancel'); this.fixLayout(); // this.fixLayout(); this.fixLayout(); function validInputs() { function indicate(morph, string) { var bubble = new SpeechBubbleMorph(localize(string)); bubble.isPointingRight = false; // bubble.fixLayout(); bubble.popUp( world, morph.leftCenter().subtract(new Point(bubble.width() + 2, 0)) ); if (morph.edit) { morph.edit(); } } if (!agreeTOS) { indicate(chk_tos, 'please agree to\nthe TOS'); return false; } return true; } this.accept = function () { if (validInputs()) {; } }; this.getInput = function () { return { choice_pub: agreePUB }; }; this.reactToChoice = function () { }; this.reactToChoice(); // initialize e-mail label if (!this.key) { this.key = 'order'; } this.popUp(world); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.uploadOrder = function () { var myself = this, world =; if (window.location.hostname.endsWith("localhost")) { SHOP_URL = 'http://shop.stitchcode.localhost/ext.php'; } else { SHOP_URL = ''; } if (myself.stage.turtleShepherd.hasSteps()) { new DialogBoxMorph( this, function(userdata) { expUintArr = this.stage.turtleShepherd.toDST(); blob_dst = new Blob([expUintArr], {type: 'application/octet-stream'}); expUintArr = this.stage.turtleShepherd.toEXP(); blob_exp = new Blob([expUintArr], {type: 'application/octet-stream'}); var fd = new FormData; var name = (this.projectName ? this.projectName : 'turtlestitch') fd.append('public', userdata.choice_pub); fd.append('filename', name + ".dst"); fd.append('projectname', name); fd.append('source', 'turtlestitch'); fd.append('url', window.location.href); fd.append('dstfile', blob_dst, name + ".dst"); fd.append('expfile', blob_exp, name + ".exp"); if (SnapCloud.username) fd.append('username', SnapCloud.username); var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.onreadystatechange = function () { if (request.readyState === 4) { if (request.responseText) { try { var response = JSON.parse(request.responseText); if (!response.error) { new DialogBoxMorph().informWithLink( 'Upload success', 'Your embroidery was successully uploaded.\n\n Procceed to order opening a new window.\n' + 'If it does not open automatically, click here:' , response.url, world);; } } catch(e) { new DialogBoxMorph().inform( 'Upload Error', 'Sorry. There was an Error during upload: \n' + request.responseText, world); } } else { new DialogBoxMorph().inform( 'Upload Error', 'Sorry. There was an Error during upload: \n' + request.responseText + "\n" + request.status + ' - ' + request.statusText, world); } } }; //url = url + ((/\?x=/).test(url) ? "&" : "?") + (new Date()).getTime();'POST', SHOP_URL, true); request.send(fd); }, // fntion this ).promptOrder( 'Upload Order', '', 'Terms of Service...', '', '', 'Upload project as public (domain)', 'I have read and agree\nto the Terms of Service', world, null, //new SymbolMorph("turtle"), //icon null // msg ); } else { new DialogBoxMorph().inform( 'Upload Error', 'No stitches to upload, please (re)generate a drawing first!', world); } }; DialogBoxMorph.prototype.informWithLink = function ( title, textString, url, world, pic ) { var lnk = new AlignmentMorph('row', 1); var txt = new TextMorph( textString, this.fontSize, this.fontStyle, true, false, 'center', null, null, MorphicPreferences.isFlat ? null : new Point(1, 1), new Color(255, 255, 255) ), bdy = new AlignmentMorph('column', this.padding), myself = this; function linkButton(label, url) { var btn = new PushButtonMorph( myself, function () {; }, ' ' + localize(label) + ' ' ); btn.fontSize = 10; btn.corner = myself.buttonCorner; btn.edge = myself.buttonEdge; btn.outline = myself.buttonOutline; btn.outlineColor = myself.buttonOutlineColor; btn.outlineGradient = myself.buttonOutlineGradient; btn.padding = myself.buttonPadding; btn.contrast = myself.buttonContrast; // btn.fixLayout(); btn.fixLayout(); return btn; } if (!this.key) { this.key = 'inform' + title + textString; } this.labelString = title; this.createLabel(); if (pic) {this.setPicture(pic); } if (textString) { bdy.add(txt) } if (url) { lnk.add(linkButton(url, url)); bdy.add(lnk); } bdy.fixLayout(); this.addBody(bdy); this.addButton('ok', 'OK'); // this.fixLayout(); this.fixLayout(); this.popUp(world); }; ProjectDialogMorph.prototype.installCloudProjectList = function (pl) { this.projectList = pl[0] ? pl : []; this.projectList.sort((x, y) => x.projectname.toLowerCase() < y.projectname.toLowerCase() ? -1 : 1 ); this.listField.destroy(); this.listField = new ListMorph( this.projectList, this.projectList.length > 0 ? (element) => {return element.projectname || element; } : null, [ // format: display shared project names bold [ 'bold', proj => proj.ispublic ], [ 'italic', proj => proj.ispublished ] ], () => this.ok() ); this.fixListFieldItemColors(); this.listField.fixLayout = nop; this.listField.edge = InputFieldMorph.prototype.edge; this.listField.fontSize = InputFieldMorph.prototype.fontSize; this.listField.typeInPadding = InputFieldMorph.prototype.typeInPadding; this.listField.contrast = InputFieldMorph.prototype.contrast; this.listField.render = InputFieldMorph.prototype.render; this.listField.drawRectBorder = InputFieldMorph.prototype.drawRectBorder; this.listField.action = (item) => { if (item === undefined) {return; } if (this.nameField) { this.nameField.setContents(item.projectname || ''); } if (this.task === 'open' || this.task === 'add') { this.notesText.text = item.notes || ''; this.notesText.rerender(); this.notesField.contents.adjustBounds(); this.preview.texture = ''; this.preview.rerender(); // we ask for the thumbnail when selecting a project null, // username is implicit item.projectname, thumbnail => { this.preview.texture = thumbnail; this.preview.cachedTexture = null; this.preview.rerender(); }); new SpeechBubbleMorph(new TextMorph( localize('last changed') + '\n' + item.updated + item.ispublic + item.Public, null, null, null, null, 'center' )).popUp(, this.preview.rightCenter().add(new Point(2, 0)) ); } if (item.ispublic) { this.shareButton.hide();; } else { this.unshareButton.hide();; } this.buttons.fixLayout(); this.fixLayout(); this.publishButton.hide(); this.edit(); }; this.body.add(this.listField); if (this.task === 'open' || this.task === 'add') { this.recoverButton.hide(); this.tagsField.hide(); this.tagsLabelField.hide(); this.unshareButton.hide(); this.shareButton.hide(); this.unpublishButton.hide(); }; this.buttons.fixLayout(); this.fixLayout(); if (this.task === 'open' || this.task === 'add') { this.clearDetails(); } }; /* ProjectDialogMorph.prototype.installCloudProjectList = function (pl) { var myself = this; this.projectList = pl || []; this.projectList.sort(function (x, y) { return x.ProjectName.toLowerCase() < y.ProjectName.toLowerCase() ? -1 : 1; }); this.listField.destroy(); this.listField = new ListMorph( this.projectList, this.projectList.length > 0 ? function (element) { return element.ProjectName || element; } : null, [ // format: display shared project names bold [ 'bold', function (proj) {return proj.Public === 'true'; } ] ], function () {myself.ok(); } ); this.fixListFieldItemColors(); this.listField.fixLayout = nop; this.listField.edge = InputFieldMorph.prototype.edge; this.listField.fontSize = InputFieldMorph.prototype.fontSize; this.listField.typeInPadding = InputFieldMorph.prototype.typeInPadding; this.listField.contrast = InputFieldMorph.prototype.contrast; // this.listField.fixLayout = InputFieldMorph.prototype.fixLayout; this.listField.drawRectBorder = InputFieldMorph.prototype.drawRectBorder; this.listField.action = function (item) { if (item === undefined) {return; } if (myself.nameField) { myself.nameField.setContents(item.ProjectName || ''); } if (myself.task === 'open') { myself.notesText.text = item.Notes || ''; // myself.notesText.fixLayout(); myself.notesText.fixLayout(); myself.notesField.contents.adjustBounds(); myself.preview.texture = item.Thumbnail || null; myself.preview.cachedTexture = null; // myself.preview.fixLayout(); myself.preview.fixLayout(); (new SpeechBubbleMorph(new TextMorph( localize('last changed') + '\n' + item.Updated, null, null, null, null, 'center' ))).popUp(, myself.preview.rightCenter().add(new Point(2, 0)) ); } if (item.Public === 'true') { myself.shareButton.hide();; } else { myself.unshareButton.hide();; } myself.buttons.fixLayout(); myself.fixLayout(); myself.edit(); }; this.body.add(this.listField);; this.unshareButton.hide();; this.buttons.fixLayout(); this.fixLayout(); if (this.task === 'open') { this.clearDetails(); } }; */ ProjectDialogMorph.prototype.fixLayoutOrig = ProjectDialogMorph.prototype.fixLayout; ProjectDialogMorph.prototype.initOrig = ProjectDialogMorph.prototype.init; ProjectDialogMorph.prototype.saveProjectOrig = ProjectDialogMorph.prototype.saveProject; ProjectDialogMorph.prototype.fixLayout = function () { this.fixLayoutOrig(); var th = fontHeight(this.titleFontSize) + this.titlePadding * 2, thin = this.padding / 2, oldFlag = Morph.prototype.trackChanges; if (this.preview) { this.preview.setHeight(310); } if (this.body && this.tagsField) { this.notesLabelField.setTop(this.preview.bottom() + thin); this.notesLabelField.setLeft(this.preview.left() + 1); this.notesField.setTop(this.notesLabelField.bottom()); this.notesField.setLeft(this.preview.left()); this.notesField.setHeight(this.body.bottom() - this.notesLabelField.bottom() - this.notesLabelField.height() - thin); this.tagsLabelField.setTop(this.notesField.bottom() + thin); this.tagsLabelField.setLeft(this.notesField.left() + 1); this.tagsField.setTop(this.notesField.bottom() + 2); this.tagsField.setLeft(this.tagsLabelField.right()); this.tagsField.setWidth(this.notesField.width() - this.tagsLabelField.width() - 1); } this.changed(); } ProjectDialogMorph.prototype.init = function (ide, task) { this.initOrig (ide, task); this.tagsText = "Tags?"; } ProjectDialogMorph.prototype.saveProjectOrig = ProjectDialogMorph.prototype.saveProject; ProjectDialogMorph.prototype.saveProject = function () { this.ide.tags = this.tagsField.contents().text.text; this.saveProjectOrig(); }; StageMorph.prototype.backgroundColor = new Color(255,255,255); StageMorph.prototype.defaultPenColor = new Color(0,0,0,1); IDE_Morph.prototype.userSetBackgroundColor = function () { new DialogBoxMorph( this, function (value) { this.stage.renderer.setBackgroundColorHex(value); if (value != '#ffffff') this.saveSetting('backgroundColor', value); else { this.removeSetting('backgroundColor'); } }, this ).prompt( "Default background color", new String("#" + ((1 << 24) + (Math.round(StageMorph.prototype.backgroundColor.r) << 16) + (Math.round(StageMorph.prototype.backgroundColor.g) << 8) + Math.round(StageMorph.prototype.backgroundColor.b)).toString(16).slice(1)),, null, // pic null, // choices null, // read only false // numeric ); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.userSetPenColor = function () { new DialogBoxMorph( this, function (value) { this.stage.renderer.setDefaultPenColorHex(value); this.currentSprite.setColor(StageMorph.prototype.defaultPenColor); if (value != '#000000') this.saveSetting('defaultPenColor', value); else { this.removeSetting('defaultPenColor'); } }, this ).prompt( "Default pen color", new String("#" + ((1 << 24) + (Math.round(StageMorph.prototype.defaultPenColor.r) << 16) + (Math.round(StageMorph.prototype.defaultPenColor.g) << 8) + Math.round(StageMorph.prototype.defaultPenColor.b)).toString(16).slice(1)),, null, // pic null, // choices null, // read only false // numeric ); }; IDE_Morph.prototype.loadCameraSnapshot = function () { this.stage.loadCameraSnapshot() }; IDE_Morph.prototype.clearStageBackground = function () { this.stage.clearStageBackground() }; IDE_Morph.prototype.droppedImage = function (aCanvas, name) { var myself = this; var stage = this.stage; var costume = new Costume( aCanvas, this.stage.newCostumeName( name ? name.split('.')[0] : '' // up to period ) ); if (costume.isTainted()) { this.inform( 'Unable to import this image', 'The picture you wish to import has been\n' + 'tainted by a restrictive cross-origin policy\n' + 'making it unusable for costumes in Snap!. \n\n' + 'Try downloading this picture first to your\n' + 'computer, and import it from there.' ); return; } this.loadAsBackgroundOrData(costume, name) } IDE_Morph.prototype.loadAsBackgroundOrData = function (costume, name) { var myself = this; var stage = this.stage; var dlg, world =; dlg = new DialogBoxMorph(); dlg.labelString = localize('Import Image'); dlg.createLabel();c var txt = new TextMorph( localize('Import Image as Background or as data table into a variable?'), dlg.fontSize, dlg.fontStyle, true, false, 'center', null, null, MorphicPreferences.isFlat ? null : new Point(1, 1), WHITE ); dlg.addBody(txt); btn1 = dlg.addButton( function () { stage.addCostume(costume); stage.wearCostume(costume); stage.hasBackgroundImage = true; stage.renderer.setClearColor( new THREE.Color( "rgb("+ StageMorph.prototype.backgroundColor.r + "," + StageMorph.prototype.backgroundColor.g + "," + StageMorph.prototype.backgroundColor.b + ")"), stage.hasBackgroundImage ? 0.5 : 1 ); myself.hasChangedMedia = true; myself.recordUnsavedChanges(); this.destroy(); }, 'As background' ); btn2 = dlg.addButton( function () { myself.rawOpenImageData(costume.rasterized().pixels(), name) this.destroy(); }, 'As data', ); dlg.fixLayout(); dlg.popUp(world); } IDE_Morph.prototype.loadSVG = function (anImage, name) { var costume = new SVG_Costume(anImage, name); var stage = this.stage; this.stage.addCostume(costume); this.stage.wearCostume(costume); this.stage.hasBackgroundImage = true; this.stage.renderer.setClearColor( new THREE.Color( "rgb("+ StageMorph.prototype.backgroundColor.r + "," + StageMorph.prototype.backgroundColor.g + "," + StageMorph.prototype.backgroundColor.b + ")"), stage.hasBackgroundImage ? 0.0 : 1 ); this.hasChangedMedia = true; }; IDE_Morph.prototype.droppedAudio = function (anAudio, name) { // ignore }; IDE_Morph.prototype.rawOpenImageData = function (data, name) { var data, vName, dlg, globals = this.currentSprite.globalVariables(); function newVarName(name) { var existing = globals.names(), ix = name.indexOf('\('), stem = (ix < 0) ? name : name.substring(0, ix), count = 1, newName = stem; while (contains(existing, newName)) { count += 1; newName = stem + '(' + count + ')'; } return newName; } vName = newVarName(name || 'data'); globals.addVar(vName); globals.setVar(vName, data); this.currentSprite.toggleVariableWatcher(vName, false); // global this.flushBlocksCache('variables'); this.currentCategory = 'variables'; this.categories.children.forEach(each => each.refresh() ); this.refreshPalette(true); if (data instanceof List) { dlg = new TableDialogMorph(data); dlg.labelString = localize(dlg.labelString) + ': ' + vName; dlg.createLabel(); dlg.popUp(; } }; // ------ // override switch to scene without touching albums or corrals IDE_Morph.prototype.switchToScene = function ( scene, refreshAlbum, msg, pauseHats ) { var appMode = this.isAppMode; if (!scene || !scene.stage) { return; } this.siblings().filter( morph => !morph.nag ).forEach( morph => morph.destroy() ); this.scene.captureGlobalSettings(); this.scene = scene; this.globalVariables = scene.globalVariables; this.stage.destroy(); this.add(scene.stage); this.stage = scene.stage; this.sprites = scene.sprites; if (pauseHats) { this.stage.pauseGenericHatBlocks(); } // this.createCorral(!refreshAlbum); // keep scenes this.selectSprite(this.scene.currentSprite, true); // this.corral.album.updateSelection(); this.fixLayout(); scene.applyGlobalSettings(); this.toggleAppMode(appMode); this.controlBar.stopButton.refresh(); = this.stage; if (msg) { this.stage.fireChangeOfSceneEvent(msg); } }; IDE_Morph.prototype.openProjectName = function (name) { var str; if (name) { this.showMessage('opening project\n' + name); this.setProjectName(name); str = localStorage['-snap-project-' + name]; this.openProjectString(str); } }; StageHandleMorph.prototype.init = function (target) { = target || null;; this.color = MorphicPreferences.isFlat ? new Color(125, 125, 125) : new Color(190, 190, 190); this.isDraggable = false; this.noticesTransparentClick = true; this.setExtent(new Point(12, 50)); }; // backport from Snap 8 IDE_Morph.prototype.inform = function (title, message) { return new DialogBoxMorph().inform( title, localize(message), ); };