/* Sprite */ // modified SpriteMorph turtlestitch functions SpriteMorph.prototype.categories = [ 'motion', 'control', 'sensing', 'operators', 'pen', 'variables', 'embroidery', 'lists', 'colors', 'other', ]; SpriteMorph.prototype.categories = [ 'motion', 'sensing', 'pen', 'embroidery', 'control', 'operators', 'variables', 'colors', 'other', 'lists', ]; SpriteMorph.prototype.blockColor = { motion : new Color(74, 108, 212), pen : new Color(0, 161, 120), looks : new Color(143, 86, 227), sound : new Color(207, 74, 217), embroidery : new Color(0,120,0), control : new Color(230, 168, 34), sensing : new Color(4, 148, 220), operators : new Color(98, 194, 19), variables : new Color(243, 118, 29), lists : new Color(217, 77, 17), other: new Color(150, 150, 150), colors : new Color(207, 74, 217), }; SpriteMorph.prototype.origInit = SpriteMorph.prototype.init; SpriteMorph.prototype.init = function(globals) { this.origInit(globals); this.scale = 0.1; this.hide(); this.lastJumped = false; this.turtle = null; this.isDown = true; this.cache = new Cache; this.color = StageMorph.prototype.defaultPenColor; this.stitchtype = 0; this.isRunning = false; this.stitchoptions = {}; this.costumes = new List(); this.costumes.type = 'costume'; this.costume = null; }; SpriteMorph.prototype.addStitch = function(x1, y1, x2, y2, angle=false ) { var stage = this.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); if (this.stitchLines === null) { this.stitchLines = new THREE.Group(); } color = new THREE.Color("rgb("+ Math.round(this.color.r) + "," + Math.round(this.color.g) + "," + Math.round(this.color.b) + ")" ); opacity = this.color.a; if (stage.isXRay) { color = new THREE.Color("rgb(255,255,255)"); opacity = 0.25; } var material = this.cache.findMaterial(color,opacity); if (!material) { material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: color, side:THREE.DoubleSide, opacity: opacity }); material.transparent = true; this.cache.addMaterial(material); } // render as line mesh /* if (false) { var geometry = this.cache.findGeometry('meshline', [x1,y1,x2,y2, color, this.color.a]); if (!geometry) { geometry = new THREE.Geometry(); geometry.vertices = [ new THREE.Vector3(x1, y1, 0.0), new THREE.Vector3(x2, y2, 0.0), ]; var g = new MeshLine(); g.setGeometry( geometry ); this.cache.addGeometry('meshline', g, [x1,y1,x2,y2, color, this.color.a]); } var material = new MeshLineMaterial( { useMap: false, color: new THREE.Color( color ), opacity: this.color.a * 1, resolution: new THREE.Vector2( stage.width(), stage.height() ), sizeAttenuation: true, lineWidth: stage.penSize/200, }); material.transparent = true; var mesh = new THREE.Mesh( g.geometry, material ); stage.myStitchLines.add(mesh); } */ // render as plain lines - OLD version /* if (false) { var geometry = this.cache.findGeometry('stitch', [x1,y1,x2,y2]); if (!geometry) { geometry = new THREE.Geometry(); geometry.vertices = [ new THREE.Vector3(x1, y1, 0.0), new THREE.Vector3(x2, y2, 0.0), ]; this.cache.addGeometry('stitch', geometry, [x1,y1,x2,y2]); } line = new THREE.Line(geometry, material); stage.myStitchLines.add(line); } */ // render as quads if (true) { var geometry = new THREE.Geometry(); var s = 2; var w = Math.sqrt((x2-x1) * (x2-x1) +(y2-y1) * (y2-y1)); w = Math.round((w + 0.00001) * 100) / 100; h = stage.penSize; if (stage.penSize <= 1) w = w; //- s; var geometry = this.cache.findGeometry('plane', [w, h]); if (!geometry) { geometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry( w, stage.penSize, 1, 1); this.cache.addGeometry('plane', geometry, [w, h]); } line = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material); line.translateX(x1 + (x2 - x1)/2); line.translateY(y1 + (y2 - y1)/2); //if (!angle) angle = this.heading; line.rotation.z = (90 - angle) * Math.PI / 180; stage.myStitchLines.add(line); } this.reRender(); }; SpriteMorph.prototype.addJumpLine = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) { var stage = this.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); if (this.jumpLines === null) { this.jumpLines = new THREE.Group(); } // just draw as basic lines - OLD Version if (false) { var material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial( { color: 0xff0000 } ); var geometry = new THREE.Geometry(); geometry.vertices = [ new THREE.Vector3(x1, y1, 0.0), new THREE.Vector3(x2, y2, 0.0), ]; line = new THREE.Line(geometry, material); stage.myJumpLines.add(line); } // draw as dashed smeshline if (true) { color = new THREE.Color("rgb(255,0,0)"); var geometry = this.cache.findGeometry('meshline', [x1,y1,x2,y2, color, 0.8]); if (!geometry) { geometry = new THREE.Geometry(); geometry.vertices = [ new THREE.Vector3(x1, y1, 0.0), new THREE.Vector3(x2, y2, 0.0), ]; var g = new MeshLine(); g.setGeometry( geometry ); this.cache.addGeometry('meshline', g, [x1,y1,x2,y2, color, this.color.a]); } var material = new MeshLineMaterial( { useMap: false, color: new THREE.Color( color ), opacity: 0.8, resolution: new THREE.Vector2( stage.width(), stage.height() ), sizeAttenuation: true, lineWidth: .003, dashArray: 0.06, dashOffset: 0, dashRatio: 0.35 }); material.transparent = true; var mesh = new THREE.Mesh( g.geometry, material ); mesh.visible = !StageMorph.prototype.hideJumps; stage.myJumpLines.add(mesh); } this.reRender(); }; SpriteMorph.prototype.addStitchPoint = function(x2, y2) { var stage = this.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); color = new THREE.Color("rgb(0,0,255)"); var material = this.cache.findMaterial( color, 1); if (!material) { material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: color, side:THREE.DoubleSide, opacity: 1 } ); material.transparent = true; this.cache.addMaterial(material); } if (this.myStitchPoints === null) { this.myStitchPoints = new THREE.Group(); } //normal = new THREE.Vector3( -(y2-y1), (x2-x1), 0); //normal = normal.normalize(); var d = 2; var geometry = this.cache.findGeometry('plane', [d, d]); if (!geometry) { geometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry( d, d, 1, 1); this.cache.addGeometry('plane', geometry, [d, d]); geometry.faces.push(new THREE.Face3(0, 1, 2)); geometry.faces.push(new THREE.Face3(0, 2, 3)); } line = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material); line.rotation.z = (45 - this.heading) * Math.PI / 180; line.position.set(x2,y2,0.01); line.visible = !StageMorph.prototype.hideStitches; //if (stage.penSize <= 1) stage.myStitchPoints.add(line); this.reRender(); }; SpriteMorph.prototype.addDensityPoint = function(x1, y1) { var stage = this.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); var geometry = this.cache.findGeometry('densityPoint', [3, 6,]); if (!geometry) { geometry = new THREE.CircleGeometry( 3, 6 ); geometry.vertices.shift(); this.cache.addGeometry('densityPoint', geometry, [3, 6,]); } var material = this.cache.findMaterial( 0xff0000, 1); if (!material) { material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0xff0000, opacity:1} ); this.cache.addMaterial(material); } var circle = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material ); circle.translateX(x1); circle.translateY(y1); circle.translateZ(0.03); circle.visible = !StageMorph.prototype.ignoreWarnings; stage.myDensityPoints.add(circle); this.reRender(); }; // STITCH settings SpriteMorph.prototype.stopRunning = function () { this.stitchtype = 0; this.isRunning = false; this.stitchoptions = {}; } SpriteMorph.prototype.runningStitch = function (length, autoadjust=true) { if (length > 0) { this.isRunning = true; this.stitchoptions = { length: length, autoadjust: autoadjust, } this.stitchtype = 0; } else { this.stitchtype = 0; this.stitchoptions = {}; } } SpriteMorph.prototype.beanStitch = function (length, autoadjust=true) { if (length > 0) { this.stitchtype = "bean"; this.isRunning = true; this.stitchoptions = { length: length, autoadjust: autoadjust } } else { this.stitchtype = 0; this.stitchoptions = {}; } } SpriteMorph.prototype.crossStitch = function (length, width=10, center=true, autoadjust=true) { if (length > 0 && width > 0) { this.stitchtype = "cross"; this.isRunning = true; this.stitchoptions = { length: length, autoadjust: autoadjust, width: width, center: center, } } } SpriteMorph.prototype.zigzagStitch = function (density, width=10, center=true, autoadjust=true) { if (density > 0 && width > 0) { this.stitchtype = "zigzag"; this.isRunning = true; this.stitchoptions = { center: center, autoadjust: autoadjust, width: width, length: density, } } } SpriteMorph.prototype.ZStitch = function (density, width=10, center=true, autoadjust=true) { if (density > 0 && width > 0) { this.stitchtype = "Z"; this.isRunning = true; this.stitchoptions = { center: center, autoadjust: autoadjust, width: width, length: density, } } } SpriteMorph.prototype.satinStitch = function (width=10, center=true, autoadjust=true) { if (width > 0) { this.stitchtype = "zigzag"; this.isRunning = true; this.stitchoptions = { autoadjust: true, width: width, length: 2, center: center, } } } SpriteMorph.prototype.tatamiStitch = function (width=100, interval=30, center=false, offset=0) { if (width > 0) { this.stitchtype = "tatami"; this.isRunning = true; this.stitchoptions = { autoadjust: true, width: width, length: 4, center: center, interval: Math.max(10,interval), offset: Math.min(offset,interval), segment_count: 0, } } } SpriteMorph.prototype.trimStitch = function (on = true) { var myself = this; var penState = myself.isDown; var runState = myself.isRunning; var stitchState = myself.stitchtype; myself.stitchtype = 0; myself.isDown = false; myself.isRunning = false; myself.forward(2); myself.forward(-4); myself.forward(2); myself.stitchtype = stitchState; myself.isDown = penState; myself.isRunning = runState; } SpriteMorph.prototype.jumpStitch = function (on = true) { var stage = this.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); this.isDown = !on; if (on) { stage.turtle.material.color = new THREE.Color("rgb(255,0,0)"); stage.turtle.material.opacity = 0.3; } else { stage.turtle.material.color = new THREE.Color("rgb("+this.color.r + "," + this.color.g + "," + this.color.b + ")"); stage.turtle.material.opacity = 0.7; } this.reRender(); } SpriteMorph.prototype.tieStitch = function () { var myself = this; var penState = myself.isDown; var runState = myself.isRunning; var stitchState = myself.stitchtype; myself.stitchtype = 0; myself.isDown = true; myself.isRunning = false; myself.forward(2); myself.forward(-4); myself.forward(2); myself.stitchtype = stitchState; myself.isDown = penState; myself.isRunning = runState; } SpriteMorph.prototype.origForward = SpriteMorph.prototype.forward; SpriteMorph.prototype.forward = function (steps) { var dest, dist = steps; //* this.parent.scale || 0; stage = this.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); warn = false; oldx = this.xPosition(); oldy = this.yPosition(); if (dist >= 0) { dest = this.position().distanceAngle(dist, this.heading); } else { dest = this.position().distanceAngle(Math.abs(dist), (this.heading - 180)); } if (dist != 0) { if (dist < 0) { this.sign = -1; //this.sign is used to indicate whether the turtle would go forward or backward dist = Math.abs(dist); } else { this.sign = 1; } if ( this.isRunning && this.isDown) { if (this.stitchoptions.autoadjust) { var real_length = dist / Math.round(dist / this.stitchoptions.length); if (dist < this.stitchoptions.length) real_length = dist; this.forwardBy(dist, real_length); } else { this.forwardBy(dist, this.stitchoptions.length); } } else { this.doMoveForward(steps); // when not in running mode or pen is not down just go a straight line } } }; SpriteMorph.prototype.forwardByNr = function (totalsteps, steps) { stepsize = totalsteps / steps; this.forwardSegemensWithEndCheck(steps, stepsize) }; SpriteMorph.prototype.forwardBy = function (totalsteps, stepsize) { steps = Math.floor(totalsteps / stepsize); rest = totalsteps - (steps * stepsize); this.forwardSegemensWithEndCheck(steps, stepsize) if (rest > 0) { this.moveforward(rest); } }; SpriteMorph.prototype.arcRight = function (radius, degrees) { if (degrees > 0) { for (let n=0; n < Math.floor(degrees / 10.0); n++) { this.turn(5); this.forward(radius * 0.174532) this.turn(5) } if (degrees % 10 !== 0) { this.turn((degrees % 10)/2.0); this.forward((radius * 0.174532) / (10.0 / (degrees % 10))) this.turn((degrees % 10)/2.0 ) } } else if (degrees < 0) { this.arcLeft(radius, Math.abs(degrees)) } else { throw new Error('degrees must not be zero'); } }; SpriteMorph.prototype.arcLeft = function (radius, degrees) { if (degrees > 0) { for (let n=0; n < Math.floor(degrees / 10.0); n++) { this.turn(-5); this.forward(radius * 0.174532) this.turn(-5) } if (degrees % 10 !== 0) { this.turn(-((degrees % 10)/2.0)); this.forward((radius * 0.174532) / (10.0 / (degrees % 10))) this.turn(-((degrees % 10)/2.0)) } } else if (degrees < 0) { this.arcRight(radius, Math.abs(degrees)) } else { throw new Error('degrees must not be zero'); } }; SpriteMorph.prototype.forwardSegemensWithEndCheck = function(steps, stepsize) { for(i=0;i 0) this.doMoveForward(offset*this.sign); for(var i=0;i 0) this.doMoveForward(offset*this.sign); for(var i=0;i= 0) { dest = this.position().distanceAngle(dist, this.heading); } else { dest = this.position().distanceAngle(Math.abs(dist), (this.heading - 180)); } if (dist != 0) { this.setPosition(dest); // this is a quick hack but delaying the rerender seems to get rid of the // grey square that shows as a rendering error (still don't know where it // comes from ) // setTimeout(() => stage.reRender(), 10) var isFirst = this.parentThatIsA(StageMorph).turtleShepherd.isEmpty(); warn = stage.turtleShepherd.moveTo( oldx, oldy, this.xPosition(), this.yPosition(), this.isDown ); if (this.isDown) { this.addStitch(oldx, oldy, this.xPosition(), this.yPosition(), this.heading); this.addStitchPoint(this.xPosition(), this.yPosition()); if (warn && !stage.turtleShepherd.ignoreWarning) { this.addDensityPoint(this.xPosition(), this.yPosition()); } if (isFirst || this.lastJumped ) { this.addStitchPoint(oldx,oldy); } this.lastJumped = false; } else { this.addJumpLine(oldx, oldy, this.xPosition(), this.yPosition()); this.lastJumped = true; } stage.moveTurtle(this.xPosition(), this.yPosition()); } } SpriteMorph.prototype.origGotoXY = SpriteMorph.prototype.gotoXY; SpriteMorph.prototype.gotoXY = function (x, y, justMe, noShadow) { var stage = this.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); var dest; var oldx = this.xPosition(); var oldy = this.yPosition(); var oldheading = this.heading; var warn = false; if (!stage) {return; } x = !isFinite(+x) ? 0 : +x; y = !isFinite(+y) ? 0 : +y; var dest = new Point(x, y).subtract(new Point(this.xPosition(), this.yPosition())); var a = (x - this.xPosition()); var b = (y - this.yPosition()); var dist = Math.sqrt(a*a + b*b); if (a == 0 && b == 0) dist = 0; var deltaX = (x - this.xPosition()) * this.parent.scale; var deltaY = (y - this.yPosition()) * this.parent.scale; var angle = Math.abs(deltaX) < 0.0001 ? (deltaY < 0 ? 90 : 270) : Math.round( (deltaX >= 0 ? 0 : 180) - (Math.atan(deltaY / deltaX) * 57.2957795131),8 ); angle = angle + 90; //if (angle==-90) angle = 270; if ( Math.round(dist,5) <= 0.0001) { // jump in place - don't add / ignore //console.log("jump in place - don't add / ignore", this.isDown,this.xPosition(), this.yPosition(), dist); } else { if (this.stitchoptions.autoadjust) { real_length = 0; if ( Math.round(dist / this.stitchoptions.length) > 0) real_length = dist / Math.round(dist / this.stitchoptions.length); else real_length = dist if (dist < this.stitchoptions.length ) stepsize = dist; else stepsize = real_length; } else { stepsize = this.stitchoptions.length; } var steps = Math.floor(dist / stepsize); var rest = dist - (steps * stepsize); if ( this.isRunning && this.isDown && steps > 0 ) { rest = Math.round(rest,8); //stepsize = Math.round(stepsize,8); this.setHeading(angle); this.sign = 1; this.forwardSegemensWithEndCheck(steps, stepsize); if (steps == 0 && rest > 0 || x != this.xPosition() || y != this.yPosition()) { this.gotoXY(x,y); } } else { this.origGotoXY(x, y, justMe); // dont' stitch if is zero value length // - shoud we filter out all noShadows? // if (!noShadow && dist > 1) { if (dist > 1) { warn = this.parentThatIsA(StageMorph).turtleShepherd.moveTo( oldx, oldy, this.xPosition(), this.yPosition(), this.isDown ); } if (this.isDown) { this.addStitch(oldx, oldy, this.xPosition(), this.yPosition(), angle); this.addStitchPoint(this.xPosition(), this.yPosition()); if (warn && !stage.turtleShepherd.ignoreWarning) { this.addDensityPoint(this.xPosition(), this.yPosition()); } if (this.parentThatIsA(StageMorph).turtleShepherd.isEmpty() || this.lastJumped) this.addStitchPoint(oldx, oldy); this.lastJumped = false; } else { this.addJumpLine(oldx, oldy, this.xPosition(), this.yPosition()); this.lastJumped = true; } stage.moveTurtle(this.xPosition(), this.yPosition()); } this.setHeading(oldheading); } }; SpriteMorph.prototype.gotoXYBy = function (x, y, stepsize) { // this block is deprecated but keep it for compatibility stitchState = this.stitchtype; stitchLength = this.stitchoptions.length; runState = this.isRunning; this.isRunning = true; this.stitchtype = ""; this.stitchoptions.length = stepsize; this.autoadjust = false; this.gotoXY(x,y); this.stitchtype = stitchState; this.autoadjust = false; this.stitchoptions.length = stitchLength; this.isRunning = runState; }; SpriteMorph.prototype.gotoXYIn = function (x, y, steps) { var stage = this.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); var dest; if (!stage) {return; } x = !isFinite(+x) ? 0 : +x; y = !isFinite(+y) ? 0 : +y; var dest = new Point(x, y).subtract( new Point(this.xPosition(), this.yPosition())); var a = (x - this.xPosition()); var b = (y - this.yPosition()); var dist = Math.sqrt(a*a + b*b); if (a == 0 && b == 0) dist = 0; var deltaX = (x - this.xPosition()) * this.parent.scale; var deltaY = (y - this.yPosition()) * this.parent.scale; var angle = Math.abs(deltaX) < 0.001 ? (deltaY < 0 ? 90 : 270) : Math.round( (deltaX >= 0 ? 0 : 180) - (Math.atan(deltaY / deltaX) * 57.2957795131) ); this.setHeading(angle + 90); if (dist > 0) { var stepsize = dist / steps; this.sign = 1; this.forwardSegemensWithEndCheck(steps,stepsize); } }; SpriteMorph.prototype.pointTowards = function (x, y) { var stage = this.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); var dest; if (!stage) {return; } x = !isFinite(+x) ? 0 : +x; y = !isFinite(+y) ? 0 : +y; var deltaX = (x - this.xPosition()) * this.parent.scale; var deltaY = (y - this.yPosition()) * this.parent.scale; var angle = Math.abs(deltaX) < 0.001 ? (deltaY < 0 ? 90 : 270) : Math.round( (deltaX >= 0 ? 0 : 180) - (Math.atan(deltaY / deltaX) * 57.2957795131) ); this.setHeading(angle + 90); }; SpriteMorph.prototype.drawText = function (text, size) { size = Math.max(21, size); return this.drawTextScale(text, size/21.0, false); } SpriteMorph.prototype.drawTextDev = function (text, size, trim) { size = Math.max(21, size); return this.drawTextScale(text, size/21.0, trim); } SpriteMorph.prototype.drawTextScale = function (text, scale, trim) { var stage = this.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); var dest; var myself = this; if (!stage) {return; } function doAJump(x, y) { var penState = myself.isDown; myself.isDown = false; if (trim) { myself.gotoXY(x+2, y+2); myself.gotoXY(x-2, y-2); myself.gotoXY(x, y); } else { myself.gotoXY(x, y); } //lf.gotoXY(x+2, y+2); //myself.gotoXY(x, y); myself.isDown = penState; } if (stage.fonts) { heading = this.heading; vx = Math.cos(radians(this.heading - 90)); vy = Math.sin(radians(this.heading - 90)); nx = Math.cos(radians(this.heading )); ny = Math.sin(radians(this.heading )); if (!isNaN(text)) { text = text.toString() } for(var i in text) { var index = text.charCodeAt(i) - 33; var x = this.xPosition(); var y = this.yPosition(); var maxx = 0, maxy = 0; var nextIsPenUp = false; if (stage.fonts[text[i]]){ if (this.isRunning) coords = stage.fonts[text[i]]["stitch"]; else { lines = stage.fonts[text[i]]["orig"]; coords = []; for (var j=0; j 360) { // wrap the hue n = (n < 0 ? 360 : 0) + n % 360; } hsv[0] = n / 360; this.setColorHSV(hsv[0],hsv[1],hsv[2]); }; SpriteMorph.prototype.changeHue = function (delta) { this.setHue(this.getHue() + (+delta || 0)); }; SpriteMorph.prototype.getBrightness = function () { return this.color.hsv()[2] * 100; }; SpriteMorph.prototype.setBrightness = function (num) { var hsv = this.color.hsv(); hsv[2] = Math.max(Math.min(+num || 0, 100), 0) / 100; // shade doesn't wrap this.setColorHSV(hsv[0],hsv[1],hsv[2]); }; SpriteMorph.prototype.changeBrightness = function (delta) { this.setBrightness(this.getBrightness() + (+delta || 0)); }; SpriteMorph.prototype.setSaturation = function (num) { var hsv = this.color.hsv(); hsv[1] = Math.max(Math.min(+num || 0, 100), 0) / 100; // shade doesn't wrap this.setColorHSV(hsv[0],hsv[1],hsv[2]); }; SpriteMorph.prototype.getSaturation = function () { return this.color.hsv()[1] * 100; }; SpriteMorph.prototype.changeSaturation= function (delta) { this.setSaturation(this.getSaturation() + (+delta || 0)); }; SpriteMorph.prototype.setHSB = function (channel, value) { // Hue is cyclic, while saturation, brightness and opacity are clipped between 0 and 100 if (channel == 'hue') { this.setHue(Math.abs(value + 360) % 360); } else if (channel == 'saturation') { this.setSaturation(Math.max(Math.min(value, 100), 0)); } else if (channel == 'brightness') { this.setBrightness(Math.max(Math.min(value, 100), 0)); } }; SpriteMorph.prototype.getHSB = function (channel, value) { if (channel == 'hue') { return this.getHue(); } if (channel == 'saturation') { return this.getSaturation(); } if (channel == 'brightness') { return this.getBrightness(); } }; SpriteMorph.prototype.changeHSB = function (channel, value) { if (channel == 'hue') { return this.changeHue(value); } else if (channel == 'saturation') { return this.changeSaturation(value); } else if (channel == 'brightness') { return this.changeBrightnes(value); } }; SpriteMorph.prototype.setOpacity = function (value) { value = Math.max(Math.min(value, 100), 0); this.color.a = value / 100; this.setColor(this.color); }; SpriteMorph.prototype.getOpacity = function (value) { return this.color.a * 100; }; SpriteMorph.prototype.changeOpacity= function (delta) { this.setOpacity(this.getOpacity() + (+delta || 0)); }; SpriteMorph.prototype.setColorHex = function (hex) { var a = this.color.a; // Expand shorthand form (e.g. "03F") to full form (e.g. "0033FF") var shorthandRegex = /^#?([a-f\d])([a-f\d])([a-f\d])$/i; hex = hex.replace(shorthandRegex, function(m, r, g, b) { return r + r + g + g + b + b; }); var result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex); if (result) { r = parseInt(result[1], 16); g = parseInt(result[2], 16); b = parseInt(result[3], 16); this.setColor(new Color(r, g, b, a)); } else { // silently ignore } }; SpriteMorph.prototype.getColorRGB = function (){ return new List([this.color.r, this.color.g, this.color.b]); } SpriteMorph.prototype.getColorHex = function (){ return new String("#" + ((1 << 24) + (Math.round(this.color.r) << 16) + (Math.round(this.color.g) << 8) + Math.round(this.color.b)).toString(16).slice(1)); } SpriteMorph.prototype.getColorHSV = function (){ return new List(this.color.hsv()); } // PEN UP DOWN // SpriteMorph.prototype.isPenDown = function (){ return this.isDown; } SpriteMorph.prototype.getPenSize = function (){ return this.penSize(); } SpriteMorph.prototype.setSize = function (size) { var stage = this.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); if (!isNaN(size)) { this.size = Math.min(Math.max(+size, 0.0001), 1000); } stage.setPenSize(this.size); stage.turtleShepherd.setPenSize(this.size); }; SpriteMorph.prototype.drawLine = function (start, dest) {}; SpriteMorph.prototype.origSilentGotoXY = SpriteMorph.prototype.silentGotoXY; SpriteMorph.prototype.silentGotoXY = function (x, y, justMe) { this.origSilentGotoXY(x,y,justMe); }; SpriteMorph.prototype.origClear = SpriteMorph.prototype.clear; SpriteMorph.prototype.clear = function () { this.origClear(); this.parentThatIsA(StageMorph).clearAll(); this.parentThatIsA(StageMorph).turtleShepherd.clear(); this.parentThatIsA(StageMorph).renderer.changed = true ; }; SpriteMorph.prototype.reRender = function () { this.parentThatIsA(StageMorph).renderer.changed = true ; //this.hide(); this.changed(); }; // Single Sprite mode SpriteMorph.prototype.origDrawNew = SpriteMorph.prototype.drawNew; SpriteMorph.prototype.drawNew = function () { this.origDrawNew(); }; SpriteMorph.prototype.wait = function(millis) { var date = new Date(); var curDate = null; do { curDate = new Date(); } while(curDate-date < millis); } //SpriteMorph.prototype.thumbnail = function (extentPoint) {}; //SpriteMorph.prototype.drawNew = function () { this.hide() } // THREE additions THREE.Object3D.prototype.addLineToPointWithColor = function (point, color, thickness) { return this.addLineFromPointToPointWithColor(new THREE.Vector3(), point, color, thickness) }; THREE.Object3D.prototype.addLineFromPointToPointWithColor = function (originPoint, destinationPoint, color, thickness) { geometry = new THREE.Geometry(); geometry.vertices.push(originPoint); geometry.vertices.push(destinationPoint); var lineMaterial = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({ color: color, linewidth: (thickness ? thickness : 1) }); var line = new THREE.Line(geometry, lineMaterial); this.add(line); return line; }; SpriteMorph.prototype.resetAll = function () { var myself = this; myself.stitchtype = 0; myself.stitchoptions = {}; myself.isRunning = false; myself.setColor(StageMorph.prototype.defaultPenColor); myself.parentThatIsA(StageMorph).setPenSize(1); myself.scale = 0.1; myself.gotoXY(0,0); myself.setHeading(90); myself.clear(); myself.rerender(); myself.isDown = true; } SpriteMorph.prototype.resetStitchSettings = function () { var myself = this; myself.stitchoptions = {} myself.stitchtype = 0; myself.isRunning = false; } // Block specs SpriteMorph.prototype.originalInitBlocks = SpriteMorph.prototype.initBlocks; SpriteMorph.prototype.initBlocks = function () { var myself = this; this.originalInitBlocks(); this.blocks.reportProxiedURL = { type: 'reporter', spec: 'proxied URL %s', category: 'sensing', defaults: ["snap.berkley.edu"] } // sprite movements this.blocks.resetAll = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'command', spec: 'reset', category: 'control' }; this.blocks.forwardBy = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'command', category: 'motion', spec: 'move %n steps by %n steps', defaults: [100,10] }; this.blocks.forwardByNr = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'command', category: 'motion', spec: 'move %n steps in %n', defaults: [100,10] }; this.blocks.gotoXYBy = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'command', category: 'motion', spec: 'go to x: %n y: %n by %n', defaults: [0, 0, 10] }; this.blocks.gotoXYIn = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'command', category: 'motion', spec: 'go to x: %n y: %n in %n', defaults: [0, 0, 10] }; this.blocks.arcRight = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'command', category: 'motion', spec: 'arc $turnRight radius: %n degrees: %n ', defaults: [50, 30] }; this.blocks.arcLeft = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'command', category: 'motion', spec: 'arc $turnLeft radius: %n degrees: %n ', defaults: [50, 30] }; this.blocks.pointTowards = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'command', category: 'motion', spec: 'point towards x: %n y: %n', defaults: [0, 0] }; this.blocks.drawTextScale = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'command', category: 'motion', spec: 'draw text: %s scale: %n', defaults: ["hello", 2] }; this.blocks.drawText = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'command', category: 'motion', spec: 'draw text %s with size %n', defaults: ["hello", 21] }; this.blocks.drawTextDev = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'command', category: 'motion', spec: 'draw text %s with size %n trim %b', defaults: ["hello", 2, true] }; this.blocks.getTextLength = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'reporter', category: 'motion', spec: 'text length of %s with size %n', defaults: ["hello", 21] }; this.blocks.reportRandomPosition = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'reporter', category: 'motion', spec: 'random position', }; // pen blocks this.blocks.isPenDown = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'predicate', category: 'pen', spec: 'pen down?', }; this.blocks.getPenSize = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'reporter', category: 'pen', spec: 'pen size', }; // pen color blocks this.blocks.setColor = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'command', category: 'colors', spec: 'set color to %clr' }; this.blocks.setColorRGB = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'command', category: 'colors', spec: 'set color to RGB %n %n %n', defaults: [0, 255, 0] }; this.blocks.setColorHex = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'command', category: 'colors', spec: 'set color to hex %s', defaults: ['#ff0000'] }; this.blocks.setColorHSV = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'command', category: 'colors', spec: 'set color to HSV %n %n %n', defaults: [0.3, 0.7, 0.6] }; this.blocks.setOpacity = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'command', category: 'pen', spec: 'set opacity to %n', defaults: [100] }; this.blocks.changeOpacity = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'command', category: 'pen', spec: 'change opacity by %n', defaults: [10] }; this.blocks.getOpacity = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'reporter', category: 'pen', spec: 'opacity', }; this.blocks.getColorRGB = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'reporter', category: 'colors', spec: 'RGB color', }; this.blocks.getColorHSV = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'reporter', category: 'colors', spec: 'HSV color', }; this.blocks.getColorHex = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'reporter', category: 'colors', spec: 'hex color', }; // color this.blocks.pickHue = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'command', spec: 'set color by hue %huewheel', category: 'colors' }; this.blocks.setHSB = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'command', spec: 'set %hsb to %n', category: 'colors', defaults: ['hue', 50] }; this.blocks.changeHSB = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'command', spec: 'change %hsb by %n', category: 'colors', defaults: ['hue', 10] }; this.blocks.getHSB = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'reporter', spec: 'color: %hsb', category: 'colors' }; // Embroidery blocks this.blocks.stopRunning = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'command', spec: 'stop running', category: 'embroidery', }; this.blocks.runningStitch = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'command', spec: 'running stitch by %n steps', category: 'embroidery', defaults: [10] }; this.blocks.beanStitch = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'command', spec: 'triple run by %n', category: 'embroidery', defaults: [10] }; this.blocks.crossStitch = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'command', spec: 'cross stitch in %n by %n center %b', category: 'embroidery', defaults: [10, 10, true] }; this.blocks.zigzagStitch = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'command', spec: 'zigzag with density %n width %n center %b', category: 'embroidery', defaults: [20, 20, true] }; this.blocks.ZStitch = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'command', spec: 'Z-stitch with density %n width %n center %b', category: 'embroidery', defaults: [20, 10, true] }; this.blocks.satinStitch = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'command', spec: 'satin stitch with width %n center %b', category: 'embroidery', defaults: [20, true] }; this.blocks.tatamiStitch = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'command', spec: 'tatami stitch width %n interval %n center %b', category: 'embroidery', defaults: [100, 40, true] }; this.blocks.tieStitch = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'command', spec: 'tie stitch', category: 'embroidery', }; this.blocks.jumpStitch = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'command', spec: 'jump stitch %b', category: 'embroidery', defaults: [true] }; this.blocks.trimStitch = { only: SpriteMorph, type: 'command', spec: 'trim', category: 'embroidery', }; // more blocks this.blocks.zoomToFit = { type: 'command', spec: 'zoom to fit', category: 'other' }; this.blocks.reportPi = { type: 'reporter', category: 'operators', spec: 'PI', }; }; SpriteMorph.prototype.initBlocks(); // SpriteMorph block templates SpriteMorph.prototype.blockTemplates = function (category) { var blocks = [], myself = this, varNames, button, cat = category || 'motion', txt, inheritedVars = this.inheritedVariableNames(); function block(selector) { if (StageMorph.prototype.hiddenPrimitives[selector]) { return null; } var newBlock = SpriteMorph.prototype.blockForSelector(selector, true); newBlock.isTemplate = true; return newBlock; } function variableBlock(varName) { var newBlock = SpriteMorph.prototype.variableBlock(varName); newBlock.isDraggable = false; newBlock.isTemplate = true; if (contains(inheritedVars, varName)) { newBlock.ghost(); } return newBlock; } function watcherToggle(selector) { if (StageMorph.prototype.hiddenPrimitives[selector]) { return null; } var info = SpriteMorph.prototype.blocks[selector]; return new ToggleMorph( 'checkbox', this, function () { myself.toggleWatcher( selector, localize(info.spec), myself.blockColor[info.category] ); }, null, function () { return myself.showingWatcher(selector); }, null ); } function variableWatcherToggle(varName) { return new ToggleMorph( 'checkbox', this, function () { myself.toggleVariableWatcher(varName); }, null, function () { return myself.showingVariableWatcher(varName); }, null ); } function helpMenu() { var menu = new MenuMorph(this); menu.addItem('help...', 'showHelp'); return menu; } function addVar(pair) { var ide; if (pair) { if (myself.isVariableNameInUse(pair[0], pair[1])) { myself.inform('that name is already in use'); } else { ide = myself.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph); myself.addVariable(pair[0], pair[1]); if (!myself.showingVariableWatcher(pair[0])) { myself.toggleVariableWatcher(pair[0], pair[1]); } ide.flushBlocksCache('variables'); // b/c of inheritance ide.refreshPalette(); } } } if (cat === 'motion') { blocks.push(block('forward')); //blocks.push(block('forwardByNr')); //blocks.push(block('forwardBy')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('turn')); blocks.push(block('turnLeft')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('setHeading')); blocks.push(block('doFaceTowards')); blocks.push(block('pointTowards')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('gotoXY')); //blocks.push(block('gotoXYIn')); //blocks.push(block('gotoXYBy')); blocks.push(block('doGotoObject')); blocks.push(block('reportRandomPosition')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('arcRight')); blocks.push(block('arcLeft')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('changeXPosition')); blocks.push(block('setXPosition')); blocks.push(block('changeYPosition')); blocks.push(block('setYPosition')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('drawText')); blocks.push(block('getTextLength')) blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('bounceOffEdge')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(watcherToggle('xPosition')); blocks.push(block('xPosition')); blocks.push(watcherToggle('yPosition')); blocks.push(block('yPosition')); blocks.push(watcherToggle('direction')); blocks.push(block('direction')); } else if (cat === 'looks') { blocks.push(block('doSwitchToCostume')); blocks.push(block('doWearNextCostume')); blocks.push(watcherToggle('getCostumeIdx')); blocks.push(block('getCostumeIdx')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('doSayFor')); blocks.push(block('bubble')); blocks.push(block('doThinkFor')); blocks.push(block('doThink')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('changeEffect')); blocks.push(block('setEffect')); blocks.push(block('clearEffects')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('changeScale')); blocks.push(block('setScale')); blocks.push(watcherToggle('getScale')); blocks.push(block('getScale')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('show')); blocks.push(block('hide')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('comeToFront')); blocks.push(block('goBack')); // for debugging: /////////////// if (this.world().isDevMode) { blocks.push('-'); txt = new TextMorph(localize( 'development mode \ndebugging primitives:' )); txt.fontSize = 9; txt.setColor(this.paletteTextColor); blocks.push(txt); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('reportCostumes')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('log')); blocks.push(block('alert')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('doScreenshot')); } ///////////////////////////////// } else if (cat === 'sound') { blocks.push(block('playSound')); blocks.push(block('doPlaySoundUntilDone')); blocks.push(block('doStopAllSounds')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('doRest')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('doPlayNote')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('doChangeTempo')); blocks.push(block('doSetTempo')); blocks.push(watcherToggle('getTempo')); blocks.push(block('getTempo')); // for debugging: /////////////// if (this.world().isDevMode) { blocks.push('-'); txt = new TextMorph(localize( 'development mode \ndebugging primitives:' )); txt.fontSize = 9; txt.setColor(this.paletteTextColor); blocks.push(txt); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('reportSounds')); } } else if (cat === 'pen') { blocks.push(block('clear')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('down')); blocks.push(block('up')); blocks.push(block('isPenDown')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('setSize')); blocks.push(block('changeSize')); blocks.push(block('getPenSize')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('setOpacity')); blocks.push(block('changeOpacity')); blocks.push(block('getOpacity')); } else if (cat === 'embroidery') { blocks.push(block('clear')); blocks.push(block('stopRunning')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('runningStitch')); blocks.push(block('beanStitch')); blocks.push(block('crossStitch')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('zigzagStitch')); blocks.push(block('ZStitch')); blocks.push(block('satinStitch')); blocks.push(block('tatamiStitch')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('jumpStitch')); blocks.push(block('tieStitch')); blocks.push(block('trimStitch')); } else if (cat === 'other') { blocks.push(block('zoomToFit')); } else if (cat === 'colors') { blocks.push(block('setColor')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('setColorRGB')); blocks.push(block('setColorHSV')); blocks.push(block('setColorHex')); blocks.push(block('getColorRGB')); blocks.push(block('getColorHSV')); blocks.push(block('getColorHex')); blocks.push('-'); // disable (does not work after upgrade to Snap 7) // blocks.push(block('pickHue')); blocks.push(block('setHSB')); blocks.push(block('changeHSB')); blocks.push(block('getHSB')); } else if (cat === 'control') { blocks.push(block('resetAll')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('receiveGo')); blocks.push(block('receiveKey')); blocks.push(block('receiveInteraction')); blocks.push(block('receiveCondition')); blocks.push(block('receiveMessage')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('doBroadcast')); blocks.push(block('doBroadcastAndWait')); blocks.push(block('doSend')); blocks.push(watcherToggle('getLastMessage')); blocks.push(block('getLastMessage')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('doWarp')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('doWait')); blocks.push(block('doWaitUntil')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('doForever')); blocks.push(block('doRepeat')); blocks.push(block('doUntil')); blocks.push(block('doFor')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('doIf')); blocks.push(block('doIfElse')); blocks.push(block('reportIfElse')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('doReport')); blocks.push(block('doStopThis')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('doRun')); blocks.push(block('fork')); blocks.push(block('evaluate')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('doTellTo')); blocks.push(block('reportAskFor')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('doCallCC')); blocks.push(block('reportCallCC')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('receiveOnClone')); blocks.push(block('createClone')); blocks.push(block('newClone')); blocks.push(block('removeClone')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('doPauseAll')); } else if (cat === 'sensing') { blocks.push(block('reportTouchingObject')); blocks.push(block('reportTouchingColor')); blocks.push(block('reportColorIsTouchingColor')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('doAsk')); blocks.push(watcherToggle('getLastAnswer')); blocks.push(block('getLastAnswer')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(watcherToggle('reportMouseX')); blocks.push(block('reportMouseX')); blocks.push(watcherToggle('reportMouseY')); blocks.push(block('reportMouseY')); blocks.push(block('reportMouseDown')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('reportKeyPressed')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('reportDistanceTo')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('doResetTimer')); blocks.push(watcherToggle('getTimer')); blocks.push(block('getTimer')); blocks.push('-'); if (SpriteMorph.prototype.enableFirstClass) { blocks.push(block('reportGet')); } blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('reportURL')); blocks.push(block('reportProxiedURL')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('reportIsFastTracking')); blocks.push(block('doSetFastTracking')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('reportDate')); blocks.push('-'); // for debugging: /////////////// if (this.world().isDevMode) { blocks.push('-'); txt = new TextMorph(localize( 'development mode \ndebugging primitives:' )); txt.fontSize = 9; txt.setColor(this.paletteTextColor); blocks.push(txt); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(watcherToggle('reportThreadCount')); blocks.push(block('reportThreadCount')); blocks.push(block('colorFiltered')); blocks.push(block('reportStackSize')); blocks.push(block('reportFrameCount')); } } else if (cat === 'operators') { blocks.push(block('reifyScript')); blocks.push(block('reifyReporter')); blocks.push(block('reifyPredicate')); blocks.push('#'); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('reportSum')); blocks.push(block('reportDifference')); blocks.push(block('reportProduct')); blocks.push(block('reportQuotient')); blocks.push(block('reportPower')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('reportModulus')); blocks.push(block('reportRound')); blocks.push(block('reportMonadic')); blocks.push(block('reportPi')); blocks.push(block('reportRandom')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('reportLessThan')); blocks.push(block('reportEquals')); blocks.push(block('reportGreaterThan')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('reportAnd')); blocks.push(block('reportOr')); blocks.push(block('reportNot')); blocks.push(block('reportBoolean')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('reportJoinWords')); blocks.push(block('reportTextSplit')); blocks.push(block('reportLetter')); blocks.push(block('reportStringSize')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('reportUnicode')); blocks.push(block('reportUnicodeAsLetter')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('reportIsA')); blocks.push(block('reportIsIdentical')); if (Process.prototype.enableJS) { blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('reportJSFunction')); if (Process.prototype.enableCompiling) { blocks.push(block('reportCompiled')); } } // for debugging: /////////////// if (this.world().isDevMode) { blocks.push('-'); txt = new TextMorph(localize( 'development mode \ndebugging primitives:' )); txt.fontSize = 9; txt.setColor(this.paletteTextColor); blocks.push(txt); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('reportTypeOf')); blocks.push(block('reportTextFunction')); } ///////////////////////////////// } else if (cat === 'variables') { button = new PushButtonMorph( null, function () { new VariableDialogMorph( null, addVar, myself ).prompt( 'Variable name', null, myself.world() ); }, 'Make a variable' ); button.userMenu = helpMenu; button.selector = 'addVariable'; button.showHelp = BlockMorph.prototype.showHelp; blocks.push(button); if (this.deletableVariableNames().length > 0) { button = new PushButtonMorph( null, function () { var menu = new MenuMorph( myself.deleteVariable, null, myself ); myself.deletableVariableNames().forEach(name => menu.addItem( name, name, null, null, null, null, null, null, true // verbatim - don't translate ) ); menu.popUpAtHand(myself.world()); }, 'Delete a variable' ); button.userMenu = helpMenu; button.selector = 'deleteVariable'; button.showHelp = BlockMorph.prototype.showHelp; blocks.push(button); } blocks.push('-'); varNames = this.reachableGlobalVariableNames(true); if (varNames.length > 0) { varNames.forEach(name => { blocks.push(variableWatcherToggle(name)); blocks.push(variableBlock(name)); }); blocks.push('-'); } varNames = this.allLocalVariableNames(true); if (varNames.length > 0) { varNames.forEach(name => { blocks.push(variableWatcherToggle(name)); blocks.push(variableBlock(name, true)); }); blocks.push('-'); } blocks.push(block('doSetVar')); blocks.push(block('doChangeVar')); blocks.push(block('doShowVar')); blocks.push(block('doHideVar')); blocks.push(block('doDeclareVariables')); // inheritance: if (StageMorph.prototype.enableInheritance) { blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('doDeleteAttr')); } /////////////////////////////// blocks.push('='); blocks.push(block('reportNewList')); blocks.push(block('reportNumbers')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('reportCONS')); blocks.push(block('reportListItem')); blocks.push(block('reportCDR')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('reportListAttribute')); blocks.push(block('reportListIndex')); blocks.push(block('reportListContainsItem')); blocks.push(block('reportListIsEmpty')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('reportMap')); blocks.push(block('reportKeep')); blocks.push(block('reportFindFirst')); blocks.push(block('reportCombine')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('doForEach')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('reportConcatenatedLists')); blocks.push(block('reportReshape')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('doAddToList')); blocks.push(block('doDeleteFromList')); blocks.push(block('doInsertInList')); blocks.push(block('doReplaceInList')); // for debugging: /////////////// if (this.world().isDevMode) { blocks.push('-'); txt = new TextMorph(localize( 'development mode \ndebugging primitives:' )); txt.fontSize = 9; txt.setColor(this.paletteTextColor); blocks.push(txt); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('doShowTable')); } ///////////////////////////////// if (StageMorph.prototype.enableCodeMapping) { blocks.push(block('doMapCodeOrHeader')); blocks.push(block('doMapValueCode')); blocks.push(block('doMapListCode')); blocks.push('-'); blocks.push(block('reportMappedCode')); } } return blocks; }; SpriteMorph.prototype.bounceOffEdge = function () { // taking nested parts into account var stage = this.parentThatIsA(StageMorph), dirX, dirY; if (!stage) {return null; } dirX = Math.cos(radians(this.heading - 90)); dirY = -(Math.sin(radians(this.heading - 90))); if (this.xPosition() < stage.reportX(stage.left())) { dirX = Math.abs(dirX); } if (this.xPosition() > stage.reportX(stage.right())) { dirX = -(Math.abs(dirX)); } if (this.yPosition() > stage.reportY(stage.top())) { dirY = -(Math.abs(dirY)); } if (this.yPosition() < stage.reportY(stage.bottom())) { dirY = Math.abs(dirY); } this.setHeading(degrees(Math.atan2(-dirY, dirX)) + 90); }; // ######################################################################## /* STAGE */ // ######################################################################## // StageMorph StageMorph.prototype.originalDestroy = StageMorph.prototype.destroy; StageMorph.prototype.destroy = function () { var myself = this; this.clearAll(); this.children.forEach(function (eachSprite) { myself.removeChild(eachSprite); }); this.originalDestroy(); }; StageMorph.prototype.originalInit = StageMorph.prototype.init; StageMorph.prototype.init = function (globals) { var myself = this; console.log("init stage"); this.turtleShepherd = new TurtleShepherd(); this.turtleShepherd.ignoreWarning = StageMorph.prototype.ignoreWarnings; this.turtleShepherd.setDefaultColor(StageMorph.prototype.defaultPenColor); this.originalInit(globals); this.initScene(); this.initRenderer(); this.initCamera(); this.fonts = null; this.stepcounter = 0; this.isXRay = false; this.hasBackgroundImage = false // load customized fonts based on Hershey's fonts. /* function loadFont(callback) { var xobj = new XMLHttpRequest(); xobj.overrideMimeType("application/json"); xobj.open('GET', 'stitchcode/fonts/simplex.json', true); xobj.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xobj.readyState == 4 && xobj.status == "200") { callback(xobj.responseText); } }; xobj.send(null); } if (!this.fonts) { loadFont(function(response) { myself.fonts = JSON.parse(response); }); } */ myself.fonts = font_simplex; this.scene.grid.draw(); this.myObjects = new THREE.Object3D(); this.myStitchPoints = new THREE.Object3D(); this.myDensityPoints = new THREE.Object3D(); this.myStitchLines = new THREE.Object3D(); this.myJumpLines = new THREE.Object3D(); this.scene.add(this.myObjects); this.scene.add(this.myStitchPoints); this.scene.add(this.myDensityPoints); this.scene.add(this.myStitchLines); this.scene.add(this.myJumpLines); this.initTurtle(); }; StageMorph.prototype.initScene = function () { var myself = this; this.scene = new THREE.Scene(); this.scene.grid = {}; this.scene.grid.defaultColor = 0xe0e0e0; this.scene.grid.interval = new Point(5, 5); console.log("init scene"); // Grid this.scene.grid.draw = function () { console.log("draw grid"); //var color = this.lines ? this.lines[0].material.color : this.defaultColor; var color = 0xf6f6f6; var color2 = 0xe0e0e0; if (this.lines) { this.lines.forEach(function (eachLine){ myself.scene.remove(eachLine); }); } this.lines = []; c = 2.54; if (myself.turtleShepherd.isMetric()) { this.interval = new Point(5, 5); limit = this.interval.x * 50; } else { this.interval = new Point(Math.round(5 * c), Math.round(5 * c)); limit = Math.round(this.interval.x * 50 * c); } for (x = -limit / this.interval.x; x <= limit / this.interval.x; x++) { p1 = new THREE.Vector3(x * this.interval.x, -limit, 0); p2 = new THREE.Vector3(x * this.interval.x, limit, 0); l = myself.scene.addLineFromPointToPointWithColor(p1, p2, color); l.visible = !StageMorph.prototype.hideGrid; this.lines.push(l); } for (y = -limit / this.interval.y; y <= limit / this.interval.y; y++) { p1 = new THREE.Vector3(-limit, y * this.interval.y, 0); p2 = new THREE.Vector3(limit, y * this.interval.y, 0); l = myself.scene.addLineFromPointToPointWithColor(p1, p2, color); l.visible = !StageMorph.prototype.hideGrid; this.lines.push(l); } if (myself.turtleShepherd.isMetric()) limit = this.interval.x * 200; else limit = Math.round(this.interval.x * 200 * c); for (x = -limit/10 / this.interval.x; x <= limit/10 / this.interval.x; x++) { p1 = new THREE.Vector3(x * this.interval.x * 10, -limit,0); p2 = new THREE.Vector3(x * this.interval.x* 10, limit,0); l = myself.scene.addLineFromPointToPointWithColor(p1, p2, color2); l.visible = !StageMorph.prototype.hideGrid; this.lines.push(l); } for (y = -limit/10 / this.interval.y; y <= limit/10 / this.interval.y ; y++) { p1 = new THREE.Vector3(-limit, y * this.interval.y * 10, 0); p2 = new THREE.Vector3(limit, y * this.interval.y * 10, 0); l = myself.scene.addLineFromPointToPointWithColor(p1, p2, color2); l.visible = !StageMorph.prototype.hideGrid; this.lines.push(l); } myself.reRender(); }; this.scene.grid.setInterval = function (aPoint) { this.interval = aPoint; this.draw(); }; this.scene.grid.setColor = function (color) { this.lines.forEach(function (eachLine) { eachLine.material.color.setHex(color); }); }; this.scene.grid.toggle = function () { StageMorph.prototype.hideGrid = !StageMorph.prototype.hideGrid; this.lines.forEach(function (line){ line.visible = !StageMorph.prototype.hideGrid; }); myself.reRender(); }; }; StageMorph.prototype.clearAll = function () { /*for (var i = this.myObjects.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this.myObjects.remove(this.myObjects.children[i]); }*/ for (i = this.myStitchPoints.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this.myStitchPoints.remove(this.myStitchPoints.children[i]); } for (i = this.myDensityPoints.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this.myDensityPoints.remove(this.myDensityPoints.children[i]); } for (i = this.myStitchLines.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this.myStitchLines.remove(this.myStitchLines.children[i]); } for (i = this.myJumpLines.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this.myJumpLines.remove(this.myJumpLines.children[i]); } this.renderer.clear(); }; StageMorph.prototype.initRenderer = function () { var myself = this; console.log("set up renderer"); if(!this.renderer) { if (Detector.webgl) { this.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ antialias: true, alpha: true, canvas: this.penTrails() }); console.log("webgl enabled"); this.renderer_status_msg = "webgl enabled"; } else { console.log("webgl unavailable. fallback to canvas (SLOW!)"); this.renderer_status_msg = "webgl unavailable. fallback to canvas (SLOW!)"; this.renderer = new THREE.CanvasRenderer( {canvas: this.penTrails()}); } this.renderer.setBackgroundColor = function(color) { StageMorph.prototype.backgroundColor = color; myself.turtleShepherd.setBackgroundColor(color); myself.renderer.setClearColor( new THREE.Color("rgba("+color.r + "," + color.g + "," + color.b + ")"), myself.hasBackgroundImage ? 0.0 : 1); myself.reRender(); } this.renderer.setBackgroundColor(StageMorph.prototype.backgroundColor); this.renderer.changed = false; this.renderer.showingAxes = true; this.renderer.isParallelProjection = true; } this.renderer.toggleJumpLines = function () { StageMorph.prototype.hideJumps = !StageMorph.prototype.hideJumps; myself.myJumpLines.children.forEach(function (eachObject) { eachObject.visible = !StageMorph.prototype.hideJumps }); myself.reRender(); }; this.renderer.toggleStitchPoints = function () { StageMorph.prototype.hideStitches = !StageMorph.prototype.hideStitches; myself.myStitchPoints.children.forEach(function (eachObject) { eachObject.visible = !StageMorph.prototype.hideStitches; }); myself.reRender(); }; this.renderer.toggleTurtle = function () { StageMorph.prototype.hideTurtle = !StageMorph.prototype.hideTurtle; myself.turtle.visible = !StageMorph.prototype.hideTurtle; myself.reRender(); }; this.renderer.setBackgroundColorHex = function(hex) { // Expand shorthand form (e.g. "03F") to full form (e.g. "0033FF") var shorthandRegex = /^#?([a-f\d])([a-f\d])([a-f\d])$/i; hex = hex.replace(shorthandRegex, function(m, r, g, b) { return r + r + g + g + b + b; }); var result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex); if (result) { r = parseInt(result[1], 16); g = parseInt(result[2], 16); b = parseInt(result[3], 16); StageMorph.prototype.backgroundColor = new Color(r, g, b); myself.turtleShepherd.setBackgroundColor(StageMorph.prototype.backgroundColor); myself.renderer.setBackgroundColor(StageMorph.prototype.backgroundColor); } myself.reRender(); } this.renderer.setDefaultPenColorHex = function(hex) { // Expand shorthand form (e.g. "03F") to full form (e.g. "0033FF") var shorthandRegex = /^#?([a-f\d])([a-f\d])([a-f\d])$/i; hex = hex.replace(shorthandRegex, function(m, r, g, b) { return r + r + g + g + b + b; }); var result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex); if (result) { r = parseInt(result[1], 16); g = parseInt(result[2], 16); b = parseInt(result[3], 16); StageMorph.prototype.defaultPenColor = new Color(r, g, b); myself.turtleShepherd.setDefaultColor(StageMorph.prototype.defaultPenColor); } myself.reRender(); } }; StageMorph.prototype.render = function (ctx) { if (this.costume) { ctx.save(); ctx.fillStyle = this.color.toString(); ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.width(), this.height()); ctx.scale(this.scale, this.scale); ctx.drawImage( this.costume.contents, (this.width() / this.scale - this.costume.width()) / 2, (this.height() / this.scale - this.costume.height()) / 2 ); this.cachedImage = this.applyGraphicsEffects(this.cachedImage); ctx.restore(); this.version = Date.now(); // for observer optimization } this.renderThree() }; StageMorph.prototype.renderThree = function () { this.renderer.render(this.scene, this.camera); }; StageMorph.prototype.renderCycle = function () { if (this.renderer.changed) { this.renderThree(); this.changed(); this.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph).statusDisplay.refresh(); this.renderer.changed = false; // this is a hack but it seems to be need for a clear render! // setTimeout(()=> this.changed(), 5) } // this.render(); // this.changed(); } StageMorph.prototype.reRender = function () { this.renderer.changed = true; this.rerender() }; StageMorph.prototype.initCamera = function () { var myself = this, threeLayer; if (this.scene.camera) { this.scene.remove(this.camera); } var createCamera = function () { threeLayer = document.createElement('div'); if (myself.renderer.isParallelProjection) { var zoom = myself.camera ? myself.camera.zoomFactor : 82, width = Math.max(myself.width(), 480), height = Math.max(myself.height(), 360); myself.camera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera( width / - zoom, width / zoom, height / zoom, height / - zoom, 0.1, 10000); } else { myself.camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(60, 480/360); } // We need to implement zooming ourselves for parallel projection myself.camera.zoomIn = function () { this.zoomFactor /= 1.1; this.applyZoom(); }; myself.camera.zoomOut = function () { this.zoomFactor *= 1.1; this.applyZoom(); }; myself.camera.getZoom = function () { return this.zoomFactor; }; myself.camera.applyZoom = function () { var zoom = myself.camera ? myself.camera.zoomFactor : 2; let width = Math.max(myself.width(), 480); let height = Math.max(myself.height(), 360); this.left = width /myself.scale/ - zoom; this.right = width/myself.scale / zoom; this.top = height /myself.scale/ zoom; this.bottom = height /myself.scale/ - zoom; this.updateProjectionMatrix(); }; myself.camera.reset = function () { myself.controls = new THREE.OrbitControls(this, threeLayer); myself.controls.addEventListener('change', function (event) { myself.renderThree(); }); if (myself.renderer.isParallelProjection) { this.zoomFactor = 1.7; this.applyZoom(); this.position.set(0,0,10); } else { this.position.set(0,0,10); } myself.controls.update(); myself.reRender(); }; myself.camera.fitScene = function () { var boundingBox = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(myself.myStitchLines), boundingSphere = boundingBox.getBoundingSphere(), center = boundingSphere.center, distance = boundingSphere.radius; if(distance > 0) { var width = Math.max(myself.width(), 480), height = Math.max(myself.height(), 360); this.zoomFactor = Math.max(width / distance, height / distance) * 0.90; this.applyZoom(); this.position.set(center.x, center.y, 10); myself.controls.center.set(center.x, center.y, 10); myself.controls.update(); myself.reRender(); } }; }; createCamera(); this.scene.add(this.camera); this.camera.reset(); }; StageMorph.prototype.initTurtle = function() { var myself = this; var geometry = new THREE.Geometry(); var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0x000000, opacity:0.7,side:THREE.DoubleSide, transparent:true } ); this.turtle = new THREE.Mesh(new THREE.Geometry(), material); if (typeof this.turtle.loaded === 'undefined') { var loader = new THREE.JSONLoader(); //var loader = new THREE.LegacyJSONLoader(); // for new version! /* loader.load('stitchcode/assets/turtle.json', function ( geometry, materials ) { //var material = materials[ 0 ]; this.turtle = new THREE.Mesh(geometry,material); this.turtle.scale.set(4, 4, 4); this.turtle.position.z = 0.02; this.turtle.rotation.x = 90 * Math.PI / 180; this.turtle.rotation.y = 270 * Math.PI / 180; //this.turtle.material.color = new THREE.Color("rgb(1,0,0)" ); myself.turtle = this.turtle; myself.turtle.visible = !StageMorph.prototype.hideTurtle; myself.renderer.changed = true; myself.myObjects.add(this.turtle); this.turtle.loaded = true; }, // onProgress callback function ( xhr ) { //console.log( (xhr.loaded / xhr.total * 100) + '% loaded' ); }, // onError callback function( err ) { console.log( 'error loading turtle shape' ); } */ var model = loader.parse( turtle_model ); this.turtle = new THREE.Mesh(model.geometry, model.materials[0]); this.turtle.scale.set(4, 4, 4); this.turtle.position.z = 0.02; this.turtle.rotation.x = 90 * Math.PI / 180; this.turtle.rotation.y = 270 * Math.PI / 180; //this.turtle.material.color = new THREE.Color("rgb(1,0,0)" ); myself.turtle = this.turtle; myself.turtle.visible = !StageMorph.prototype.hideTurtle; myself.renderer.changed = true; myself.myObjects.add(this.turtle); this.turtle.loaded = true; } this.penSize = 1; }; StageMorph.prototype.moveTurtle = function(x, y) { this.turtle.position.x = x; this.turtle.position.y = y; }; StageMorph.prototype.setPenSize = function(s) { this.penSize = s; }; StageMorph.prototype.rotateTurtle = function(h) { this.turtle.rotation.y = (-h) * Math.PI / 180; this.renderer.changed = true; }; StageMorph.prototype.originalStep = StageMorph.prototype.step; StageMorph.prototype.step = function () { this.originalStep(); if (!(this.isFastTracked && this.threads.processes.length)) { this.renderCycle(); } else { if (this.stepcounter % 12 == 0) { this.renderCycle(); } }; this.stepcounter++; }; StageMorph.prototype.referencePos = null; StageMorph.prototype.mouseScroll = function (y, x) { if (this.renderer.isParallelProjection) { if (y > 0) { this.camera.zoomOut(); } else if (y < 0) { this.camera.zoomIn(); } } else { if (y > 0) { this.controls.dollyOut(); } else if (y < 0) { this.controls.dollyIn(); } this.controls.update(); } this.renderer.changed = true; }; StageMorph.prototype.mouseDownLeft = function (pos) { this.referencePos = pos; }; StageMorph.prototype.mouseDownRight = function (pos) { this.referencePos = pos; }; StageMorph.prototype.mouseMove = function (pos, button) { if (this.referencePos === null) { return }; var factor = this.renderer.isParallelProjection ? 65 / this.camera.zoomFactor : this.controls.object.position.length() / 10, deltaX = (pos.x - this.referencePos.x), deltaY = (pos.y - this.referencePos.y); this.referencePos = pos; if (button === 'right' || this.world().currentKey === 16 || button === 'left') { // shiftClicked this.controls.panLeft(deltaX / this.dimensions.x / this.scale * 15 * factor); this.controls.panUp(deltaY / this.dimensions.y / this.scale * 10 * factor); } else { var horzAngle = deltaX / (this.dimensions.x * this.scale) * 360; var vertAngle = deltaY / (this.dimensions.y * this.scale) * 360; this.controls.rotateLeft(radians(horzAngle)); this.controls.rotateUp(radians(vertAngle)); } this.controls.update(); this.reRender(); }; StageMorph.prototype.mouseLeave = function () { this.referencePos = null; }; // StageMorph Mouse Coordinates StageMorph.prototype.reportMouseX = function () { var world = this.world(); if (world) { return ((world.hand.position().x - this.center().x) / this.scale) / this.camera.zoomFactor * 2 + this.controls.center.x; } return 0; }; StageMorph.prototype.reportMouseY = function () { var world = this.world(); if (world) { return ((this.center().y - world.hand.position().y) / this.scale) / this.camera.zoomFactor * 2 + this.controls.center.y; } return 0; }; StageMorph.prototype.turnXRayOn = function () { this.isXRay = true; for (i = this.myStitchLines.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this.myStitchLines.remove(this.myStitchLines.children[i]); } stitches = this.turtleShepherd.getStitchesAsArr(); this.renderer.setClearColor(new THREE.Color("rgb(0,0,0)"), this.hasBackgroundImage ? 0.0 : 1); if (!StageMorph.prototype.hideGrid) this.scene.grid.toggle(); if (!StageMorph.prototype.hideStitches) this.renderer.toggleStitchPoints(); if (!StageMorph.prototype.hideJumps) this.renderer.toggleJumpLines(); if (!StageMorph.prototype.hideTurtle) this.renderer.toggleTurtle(); for (i =0; i < stitches.length; i++) { stitch = stitches[i]; var deltaX = stitch[1][0] - stitch[0][0]; var deltaY = stitch[1][1] - stitch[0][1]; var angle = Math.abs(deltaX) < 0.000 ? (deltaY < 0 ? 90 : 270) : Math.round( (deltaX >= 0 ? 0 : 180) - (Math.atan(deltaY / deltaX) * 57.2957795131),8 ) + 90; //if (angle == 270 ) angle = 0; this.children[0].addStitch(stitch[0][0], stitch[0][1], stitch[1][0], stitch[1][1], angle) } this.renderer.changed = true; } StageMorph.prototype.turnXRayOff = function () { this.isXRay = false; for (i = this.myStitchLines.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this.myStitchLines.remove(this.myStitchLines.children[i]); } stitches = this.turtleShepherd.getStitchesAsArr(); this.renderer.setClearColor( new THREE.Color( "rgb("+ StageMorph.prototype.backgroundColor.r + "," + StageMorph.prototype.backgroundColor.g + "," + StageMorph.prototype.backgroundColor.b + ")"), this.hasBackgroundImage ? 0.0 : 1 ); for (i =0; i < stitches.length; i++) { stitch = stitches[i]; this.children[0].color = stitch[2]; var deltaX = stitch[1][0] - stitch[0][0]; var deltaY = stitch[1][1] - stitch[0][1]; var angle = Math.abs(deltaX) < 0.000 ? (deltaY < 0 ? 90 : 270) : Math.round( (deltaX >= 0 ? 0 : 180) - (Math.atan(deltaY / deltaX) * 57.2957795131),8 ) + 90; this.children[0].addStitch(stitch[0][0], stitch[0][1], stitch[1][0], stitch[1][1], angle) } ide = this.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph); if (ide.hideGrid != StageMorph.prototype.hideGrid) this.scene.grid.toggle(); if (ide.hideStitches != StageMorph.prototype.hideStitches) this.renderer.toggleStitchPoints(); if (ide.hidejumps != StageMorph.prototype.hideJumps) this.renderer.toggleJumpLines(); if (ide.hideTurtle != StageMorph.prototype.hideTurtle) this.renderer.toggleTurtle(); this.renderer.changed = true; } StageMorph.prototype.getIsXRay = function () { return this.isXRay; } StageMorph.prototype.clearPenTrails = nop; StageMorph.prototype.penTrails = function () { if (!this.trailsCanvas) { this.trailsCanvas = newCanvas(this.dimensions, true); } return this.trailsCanvas; }; // StageMorph drawing StageMorph.prototype.originalDrawOn = StageMorph.prototype.drawOn; StageMorph.prototype.drawOn = function (ctx, rect) { // If the scale is lower than 1, we reuse the original method, // otherwise we need to modify the renderer dimensions // we do not need to render the original canvas anymore because // we have removed sprites and backgrounds var rectangle, area, delta, src, w, h, sl, st; if (!this.isVisible) { return null; } /* if (this.scale < 1) { return this.originalDrawOn(aCanvas, aRect); }*/ // costume, if any, and background color StageMorph.uber.drawOn.call(this, ctx, rect); rectangle = rect || this.bounds; area = rectangle.intersect(this.bounds).round(); if (area.extent().gt(new Point(0, 0))) { delta = this.position().neg(); src = area.copy().translateBy(delta).round(); ctx.globalAlpha = this.alpha; sl = src.left(); st = src.top(); w = Math.min(src.width(), area.width() - sl); h = Math.min(src.height(), area.height() - st); if (w < 1 || h < 1) { return null; } // we only draw pen trails! ctx.save(); try { ctx.drawImage( this.penTrails(), sl, st, w, h, area.left(), area.top(), w, h ); } catch (err) { // sometimes triggered only by Firefox console.log(err); } ctx.restore(); } }; StageMorph.prototype.originalSetScale = StageMorph.prototype.setScale; StageMorph.prototype.setScale = function (number) { this.scaleChanged = true; this.originalSetScale(number); this.camera.aspect = this.extent().x / this.extent().y; this.camera.updateProjectionMatrix(); this.renderer.setSize(this.extent().x, this.extent().y); this.renderer.changed = true; }; // Contextual menu StageMorph.prototype.userMenu = function () { var ide = this.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph), menu = new MenuMorph(this), shiftClicked = this.world().currentKey === 16, myself = this; if (ide && ide.isAppMode) { menu.hide(); return menu; } menu.addItem( 'pic...', function () { window.open(myself.fullImageClassic().toDataURL()); }, 'open a new window\nwith a picture of the scene' ); return menu; }; StageMorph.prototype.toggleIgnoreWarnings = function () { StageMorph.prototype.ignoreWarnings = !StageMorph.prototype.ignoreWarnings; this.turtleShepherd.ignoreWarning = StageMorph.prototype.ignoreWarnings; }; StageMorph.prototype.reportX = function (x) { return (x - this.center().x) / this.camera.zoomFactor / this.scale * 2 + this.controls.center.x; }; StageMorph.prototype.reportY = function (y) { return (this.center().y - y) / this.camera.zoomFactor / this.scale * 2 + this.controls.center.y; }; // Caches var Cache; Cache.prototype = {}; Cache.prototype.constructor = Cache; Cache.uber = Object.prototype; function Cache () { this.init(); }; Cache.prototype.init = function () { this.materials = []; this.geometries = { stitch: [], stitchPoint: [], densityPoint: [], circle: [], plane: [], meshline: [] }; }; Cache.prototype.clear = function () { this.init(); }; Cache.prototype.addMaterial = function (material) { this.materials.push(material); }; Cache.prototype.findMaterial = function (color, opacity) { return detect( this.materials, function (each) { return each.color.r == color.r && each.color.g == color.g && each.color.b == color.b && each.opacity == opacity; }); }; Cache.prototype.addGeometry = function (type, geometry, params) { this.geometries[type].push({ params: params, geometry: geometry }); }; Cache.prototype.findGeometry = function (type, params) { var geometry = detect( this.geometries[type], function (each) { return (each.params.length === params.length) && each.params.every(function (element, index) { return element === params[index]; }) }); if (geometry) { return geometry.geometry; } else { return null; } }; StageMorph.prototype.clearStageBackground = function() { var myself = this; /* var wardrobe = this.parentThatIsA(WardrobeMorph), idx = this.parent.children.indexOf(this), off = CamSnapshotDialogMorph.prototype.enableCamera ? 3 : 2, ide = this.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph); wardrobe.removeCostumeAt(idx - off); // ignore paintbrush and camera buttons if (ide.currentSprite.costume === this.object) { ide.currentSprite.wearCostume(null); } */ myself.shadowAttribute('costumes'); for(var i=0; i < myself.costumes.length(); i++) { myself.costumes.remove(0); } myself.wearCostume(null); myself.hasBackgroundImage = false; myself.renderer.setClearColor( new THREE.Color( "rgb("+ StageMorph.prototype.backgroundColor.r + "," + StageMorph.prototype.backgroundColor.g + "," + StageMorph.prototype.backgroundColor.b + ")"), myself.hasBackgroundImage ? 0.5 : 1 ); myself.hasChangedMedia = true; }; StageMorph.prototype.loadCameraSnapshot = function() { var myself = this; var ide = this.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph); var camDialog, sprite = this; camDialog = new CamSnapshotDialogMorph( ide, sprite, nop, costume => { ide.loadAsBackgroundOrData(costume, 'snapshot') }); camDialog.key = 'camera'; camDialog.popUp(this.world()); };