Process.prototype.proxy = ''; Process.prototype.enableJS = true; Process.prototype.reportMouseX = function () { var stage, world; if (this.homeContext.receiver) { stage = this.homeContext.receiver.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); if (stage) { world =; if (world) { return ( (world.hand.position().x - / / stage.scale * 2 + ); } } } return 0; }; Process.prototype.reportMouseY = function () { var stage, world; if (this.homeContext.receiver) { stage = this.homeContext.receiver.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); if (stage) { world =; if (world) { return ( ( - world.hand.position().y) / / stage.scale * 2 + ); } } } return 0; }; Process.prototype.zoomToFit = function() { stage = this.homeContext.receiver.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); if (stage) {; } } Process.prototype.reportPi = function (min, max) { return Math.PI; }; // Process URI retrieval (interpolated) Process.prototype.reportURL = function (url) { var response; if (!this.httpRequest) { // use the location protocol unless the user specifies otherwise if (url.indexOf('//') < 0 || url.indexOf('//') > 8) { if (location.protocol === 'file:') { // allow requests from locally loaded sources url = 'https://' + url; } else { url = location.protocol + '//' + url; } } this.httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url, true); // cache-control, commented out for now // added for Snap4Arduino but has issues with local robot servers // this.httpRequest.setRequestHeader('Cache-Control', 'max-age=0'); this.httpRequest.send(null); if (this.context.isCustomCommand) { // special case when ignoring the result, e.g. when // communicating with a robot to control its motors this.httpRequest = null; return null; } } else if (this.httpRequest.readyState === 4) { response = this.httpRequest.responseText; this.httpRequest = null; return response; } this.pushContext('doYield'); this.pushContext(); }; Process.prototype.reportProxiedURL = function (url) { return this.reportURL(this.proxy + '/' + url); }; Process.prototype.origReportDistanceTo = Process.prototype.reportDistanceTo; Process.prototype.reportDistanceTo = function (name) { var thisObj = this.blockReceiver(); if (thisObj && this.inputOption(name) === 'mouse-pointer') { return new Point(thisObj.xPosition(), thisObj.yPosition()).distanceTo(new Point(this.reportMouseX(), this.reportMouseY())); } else { return this.origReportDistanceTo(name); } } Process.prototype.origDoGotoObject = Process.prototype.doGotoObject; Process.prototype.doGotoObject = function (name) { var thisObj = this.blockReceiver(), stage; if (thisObj && this.inputOption(name) === 'random position') { stage = thisObj.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); if (stage) { thisObj.gotoXY( this.reportBasicRandom(stage.reportX(stage.left()), stage.reportX(stage.right())), this.reportBasicRandom(stage.reportY(, stage.reportY(stage.bottom())) ); } } else { this.origDoGotoObject(name); } }; Process.prototype.reportRandomPosition = function () { var thisObj = this.blockReceiver(), stage; if (thisObj) { stage = thisObj.parentThatIsA(StageMorph); return new List([this.reportBasicRandom(stage.reportX(stage.left()), stage.reportX(stage.right())), this.reportBasicRandom(stage.reportY(, stage.reportY(stage.bottom()))]); } };