* 2023-07-16 (2.7.17) - geometryBlocks and VectorAndFill library updates (Simon) - Chinese update (Simon) * 2023-05-10 (2.7.16) - backport app check * 2023-03-01 (2.7.15) - deactivate custom categories and hide blocks (microworld does not work yet) * 2023-02-20 (2.7.14) - bug fixed due to typo * 2023-02-14 (2.7.13) - bug fixed due to typo in change color * 2023-12-06 (2.7.12) - update cors-proxy url * 2023-12-01 - catch errors due to infinity * 2023-10-31 - fix a bug due to misspelling changeBrightness * 2023-10-29 (2.7.11) - gui update fixes scrolling issues (thanks Simon for PR) * 2023-10-07 (2.7.10) - fix labels, dimensions in new project * 2023-10-05 (2.7.9) - load project list without thumbnails (speed up, thumbnails only loads on select) - fix in reportURL - fix in new project - PRs from Simon's libarzes * 2022-08-25 (2.7.8) - don't do arc for zero (and another bug fix) * 2022-07-26 - remove double instances of makeablock * 2022-07-10 - update createCategories - fix saving project to cloud * 2022-07-09 (2.7.7) - upgrade to Snap7 - fix stage handle- * 2022-03-15 - decrease height of project dialog * 2022-02-24 - make background image half opacity - German translation update - load images!!! * 2022-02-21 - add arc blocks - show error with non positive degrees. fix bug in tatami - fix spelling and naming errors * 2022-01-03 - remove pickHue block (currently not working) - add spanish translation (thx José) * 2021-07-30 (snap6 branch/ 2.7 dev) - include turtle model definition and simplex font as javascript instead of loading from url as json (also works offline now!) * 2021-07-13 (snap6 branch/ 2.7 dev) - fix app mode? * 2021-07-12 (snap6 branch/ 2.7 dev) - revert back to three r97 (too many small bugs no big pros? (issue #93) - make fullscreen/appmode usable again * 2021-07-08 (snap6 branch/ 2.7 dev) - update and merge Snap 6.9.0 - update to Three r124 - remove tools library and merge Snap's new blocks (map, etc..) - remove unused three loaders and use min version for production bump version to 2.6.4 * 2021-07-07 merge Simon's updated Geometry library * 2021-05-26 fix error in color setup bump version to 2.6.3 dev * 2021-04-15 correction for Chinese translation (thanks Simon) * 2020-12-30 updates for Dutch translation (thanks Joek) * 2020-12-17 remove zero (tie) stitches from EXP export (Bernina support) bump version to 2.6.2 dev * 2020-12-10 don't add zero length (correction?) stitches * 2020-07-30 re-add tools.xml (needs cleanup and merge later)