From e27439a6e1a113a64a2bb7578789c977b142bd74 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: brianharvey Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2020 15:30:57 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] Update colors.xml oops fixed a bug. --- libraries/colors.xml | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/libraries/colors.xml b/libraries/colors.xml index 375c86e4..26f267f5 100644 --- a/libraries/colors.xml +++ b/libraries/colors.xml @@ -1 +1 @@ -
grays={ 0 black #000000=0 1 gray7 #121212=1 2 gray14 #242424=2 3 gray21 #363636=3 4 gray28 #484848=4 5 gray36 #5c5c5c=5 6 gray43 #6d6d6d=6 7 gray50 #7f7f7f=7 8 gray57 #919191=8 9 gray64 #a3a3a3=9 10 gray71 #b5b5b5=10 11 gray78 #c8c8c8=11 12 gray85 #dadada=12 13 gray92 #ececec=13 14 white #ffffff=14 } pinks={ 15 deep pink #ff1493=15 16 hot pink #ff69b4=16 17 bright pink #ff007f=17 18 raspberry #e30b5d=18 19 amaranth #e52b50=19 } reds={ 20 red #ff0000=20 21 burgundy #900020=21 22 cherry #990000=22 23 dark candy apple red #a40000=23 24 sanguine #c00000=24 25 maroon #800000=25 26 crimson #c90016=26 27 Lists #d94d11=27 28 candy apple red #ff0800=28 29 coquelicot #ff3800=29 } browns={ 30 saddle brown #8b4513=30 31 chocolate #7b3f00=31 32 kobicha #6b4423=32 33 sepia #704214=33 34 chestnut #954535=34 35 dark brown #654321=35 36 brown #964b00=36 37 golden brown #996515=37 38 cinnamon #b87333=38 39 copper #d2691e=39 } oranges={ 40 orange #ff7f00=40 41 Pantone orange #ff5800=41 42 pumpkin #ff7518=42 43 Variables #f3761d=43 44 Spanish orange #e86100=44 45 burnt orange #cc5500=45 46 sinopia #cb410b=46 47 ochre #cc7722=47 48 carrot #ed9121=48 49 tangerine #f28500=49 } yellows={ 50 yellow #ffff00=50 51 Control #e6a822=51 52 dark goldenrod #b8860b=52 53 goldenrod #daa520=53 54 saffron #f4c430=54 55 sandstorm #ecd540=55 56 mustard #ffdb58=56 57 gold #ffd700=57 58 egg yolk #fee33e=58 59 rubber duck #fbe108=59 } greens={ 60 lime #00ff00=60 61 apple green #8db600=61 62 Operators #62c213=62 63 forest green #228b22=63 64 green #008000=64 65 dark green #006400=65 66 dark pastel green #03c03c=66 67 emerald #50c878=67 68 mint #3eb489=68 69 Pen #00a178=69 } cyans={ 70 aqua (cyan) #00ffff=70 71 dark cyan #008b8b=71 72 cerulean #007ba7=72 73 iceberg #71a6d2=73 74 Sensing #0494dc=74 75 teal #008080=75 76 light sky blue #87cefa=76 77 deep sky blue #00bfff=77 78 dodger blue #1e90ff=78 79 azure #007fff=79 } blues={ 80 blue #0000ff=80 81 midnight blue #191970=81 82 dark powder blue #003399=82 83 cobalt #0047ab=83 84 denim #1560bd=84 85 navy blue #000080=85 86 steel blue #4682b4=86 87 Motion #4a6cd4=87 88 cornflower #6495ed=88 89 slate blue #6a5acd=89 } purples={ 90 violet #8000ff=90 91 Looks #8f56e3=91 92 grape #6f2da8=92 93 indigo #4b0082=93 94 x11 purple #a020f0=94 95 magenta (fuchia) #ff00ff=95 96 dark orchid #9932cc=96 97 Sound #cf4ad9=97 98 purple #7f007f=98 99 dark magenta #8b008b=99 }colorcolor1001123
pt:altera a cor da tua caneta para vermelho _ , verde _ e azul _ (0 a 255) 25500
pt:altera a cor da caneta para matiz _ , saturação _ e brilho _ (0 a 1)
pt:a cor da caneta em RGB (vermelho, verde e azul; 0 a 255)
pt:a cor da caneta em HSV (matiz, saturação e brilho, 0 a 1)
size color fair hue transparency X11/W3C name (3D color spaces)={ fair HSL={ fair hue fair saturation (HSL) fair lightness fair HSL vector } fair HSV={ fair hue fair saturation (HSV) fair value (brightness) fair HSV vector } HSL={ hue saturation (HSL) lightness HSL vector } HSV={ hue saturation (HSV) value (brightness) HSV vector } RGB (0-255)={ red green blue RGB vector RGB hex } }255100We have to do this last test to rule out the vector options, which aren't numbers; their code makes three recursive calls and we catch range issues then.sizehueHSLHSV✐ fair?falsesaturation (HSV)value (brightness)transparencyred✐ last set asRGB✐ fair?falsegreen✐ last set asRGB✐ fair?falseblue✐ last set asRGB✐ fair?falsefair huevalue100color3.6index1index-1scale1255fromto1newHSVHSL✐ fair?truefair huecolorColorcolor300index15scale15grayscale15255fromto12✐ last set ascolor✐ fair?falsesaturation (HSL)lightnessfair saturation (HSV)22✐ last set asHSV✐ fair?truefair value (brightness)33✐ last set asHSV✐ fair?truefair saturation (HSL)✐ last set asHSL2222✐ fair?truefair lightness✐ last set asHSL3333✐ fair?truefair HSL vectorfair HSV vectorHSL vectorHSV vectorRGB vectorRGB hex01566red1612green1634blue1656X11/W3C nameX11/W3C namevaluetruex11w3c44partial matches4matchhead matchesSUBSET throws here if it handles a unique match
size crayon color fair hue transparency X11/W3C name (3D color spaces)={ fair HSL={ fair hue fair saturation (HSL) fair lightness fair HSL vector } fair HSV={ fair hue fair saturation (HSV) fair value (brightness) fair HSV vector } HSL={ hue saturation (HSL) lightness HSL vector } HSV={ hue saturation (HSV) value (brightness) HSV vector } RGB (0-255)={ red green blue RGB vector RGB hex } }huesaturation (HSV)value (brightness)transparencyRGB vectorredgreenblueRGB hexHSV vectorHSL vectorsaturation (HSL)lightnesscolorfair huenot setfair saturation (HSL)not setfair lightnessnot setfair HSL vectornot setfair saturation (HSV)2not setfair value (brightness)3not setfair HSV vectornot setcrayonnot setX11/W3C namenot set
size crayon color fair hue transparency (3D color spaces)={ fair HSL={ fair hue fair saturation (HSL) fair lightness fair HSL vector } fair HSV={ fair hue fair saturation (HSV) fair value (brightness) fair HSV vector } HSL={ hue saturation (HSL) lightness HSL vector } HSV={ hue saturation (HSV) value (brightness) HSV vector } RGB (0-255)={ red green blue RGB vector RGB hex } }crayonRGB hexI don't know how to handle
pt:lança o erro _
Reports the part of the first string up to the first instance of the second string inside it. If the second string isn't found, reports the entire first string.
pt:o texto de _ antes de _
If input is TRUE, comparisons made by functions in the string library will be case-independent (so "FOO" = "foo"). This is the default. If input is FALSE, comparisons will be exact.
pt:altera comparações ignorando distinção minúsculas/maiúsculas para _
de:fange _ _ ca:agafa _ _ es:atrapar _ _ fr:attrape _ _ pt:captura _ _ cont3
de:wirf _ ca:llança _ es:lanzar _ fr:lance _ pt:lança _ catchtag
de:ignoriere _ ca:ignora _ es:ignorar _ fr:ignore _ pt:ignora _
This block creates new variables on the selected scope: global (for all sprites), sprite (for this sprite only) or script (only for that blocks stack) with the names given (in 'names' list). If there is already a variable with that name in that scope, it does nothing: no errors and no overwrites.
pt:cria as variáveis _ _ ca:crea les _ variables _ es:crear las _ variables _ de:erstellen _ var _ globalglobal sprite scripteach itemvar ide = this.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph); ide.flushBlocksCache('variables'); // b/c of inheritance ide.refreshPalette();
This block reports "true" if there is a variable with this given name (input slot) in that context. It can be a global, sprite or script variable. Otherwise it reports "false".
pt:a variável _ existe ca:existeix la variable _ ? es:existe la variable _ ? de:existiert var _ ?
global✐ last set as✐ fair?✐ color scale✐ HSL✐ last crayon✐ last X11✐ raw HSL✐ raw HSV✐ last set asRGB✐ fair?false✐ raw HSV0100100
\ No newline at end of file +
grays={ 0 black #000000=0 1 gray7 #121212=1 2 gray14 #242424=2 3 gray21 #363636=3 4 gray28 #484848=4 5 gray36 #5c5c5c=5 6 gray43 #6d6d6d=6 7 gray50 #7f7f7f=7 8 gray57 #919191=8 9 gray64 #a3a3a3=9 10 gray71 #b5b5b5=10 11 gray78 #c8c8c8=11 12 gray85 #dadada=12 13 gray92 #ececec=13 14 white #ffffff=14 } pinks={ 15 deep pink #ff1493=15 16 hot pink #ff69b4=16 17 bright pink #ff007f=17 18 raspberry #e30b5d=18 19 amaranth #e52b50=19 } reds={ 20 red #ff0000=20 21 burgundy #900020=21 22 cherry #990000=22 23 dark candy apple red #a40000=23 24 sanguine #c00000=24 25 maroon #800000=25 26 crimson #c90016=26 27 Lists #d94d11=27 28 candy apple red #ff0800=28 29 coquelicot #ff3800=29 } browns={ 30 saddle brown #8b4513=30 31 chocolate #7b3f00=31 32 kobicha #6b4423=32 33 sepia #704214=33 34 chestnut #954535=34 35 dark brown #654321=35 36 brown #964b00=36 37 golden brown #996515=37 38 cinnamon #b87333=38 39 copper #d2691e=39 } oranges={ 40 orange #ff7f00=40 41 Pantone orange #ff5800=41 42 pumpkin #ff7518=42 43 Variables #f3761d=43 44 Spanish orange #e86100=44 45 burnt orange #cc5500=45 46 sinopia #cb410b=46 47 ochre #cc7722=47 48 carrot #ed9121=48 49 tangerine #f28500=49 } yellows={ 50 yellow #ffff00=50 51 Control #e6a822=51 52 dark goldenrod #b8860b=52 53 goldenrod #daa520=53 54 saffron #f4c430=54 55 sandstorm #ecd540=55 56 mustard #ffdb58=56 57 gold #ffd700=57 58 egg yolk #fee33e=58 59 rubber duck #fbe108=59 } greens={ 60 lime #00ff00=60 61 apple green #8db600=61 62 Operators #62c213=62 63 forest green #228b22=63 64 green #008000=64 65 dark green #006400=65 66 dark pastel green #03c03c=66 67 emerald #50c878=67 68 mint #3eb489=68 69 Pen #00a178=69 } cyans={ 70 aqua (cyan) #00ffff=70 71 dark cyan #008b8b=71 72 cerulean #007ba7=72 73 iceberg #71a6d2=73 74 Sensing #0494dc=74 75 teal #008080=75 76 light sky blue #87cefa=76 77 deep sky blue #00bfff=77 78 dodger blue #1e90ff=78 79 azure #007fff=79 } blues={ 80 blue #0000ff=80 81 midnight blue #191970=81 82 dark powder blue #003399=82 83 cobalt #0047ab=83 84 denim #1560bd=84 85 navy blue #000080=85 86 steel blue #4682b4=86 87 Motion #4a6cd4=87 88 cornflower #6495ed=88 89 slate blue #6a5acd=89 } purples={ 90 violet #8000ff=90 91 Looks #8f56e3=91 92 grape #6f2da8=92 93 indigo #4b0082=93 94 x11 purple #a020f0=94 95 magenta (fuchia) #ff00ff=95 96 dark orchid #9932cc=96 97 Sound #cf4ad9=97 98 purple #7f007f=98 99 dark magenta #8b008b=99 }colorcolor1001123
pt:altera a cor da tua caneta para vermelho _ , verde _ e azul _ (0 a 255) 25500
pt:altera a cor da caneta para matiz _ , saturação _ e brilho _ (0 a 1)
pt:a cor da caneta em RGB (vermelho, verde e azul; 0 a 255)
pt:a cor da caneta em HSV (matiz, saturação e brilho, 0 a 1)
size color fair hue transparency X11/W3C name (3D color spaces)={ fair HSL={ fair hue fair saturation (HSL) fair lightness fair HSL vector } fair HSV={ fair hue fair saturation (HSV) fair value (brightness) fair HSV vector } HSL={ hue saturation (HSL) lightness HSL vector } HSV={ hue saturation (HSV) value (brightness) HSV vector } RGB (0-255)={ red green blue RGB vector RGB hex } }255100We have to do this last test to rule out the vector options, which aren't numbers; their code makes three recursive calls and we catch range issues then.sizehueHSLHSV✐ fair?falsesaturation (HSV)value (brightness)transparencyred✐ last set asRGB✐ fair?falsegreen✐ last set asRGB✐ fair?falseblue✐ last set asRGB✐ fair?falsefair huevalue100color3.6index1index-1scale1255fromto1newHSVHSL✐ fair?truefair huecolorColorcolor300index15scale15grayscale15255fromto12✐ last set ascolor✐ fair?falsesaturation (HSL)lightnessfair saturation (HSV)22✐ last set asHSV✐ fair?truefair value (brightness)33✐ last set asHSV✐ fair?truefair saturation (HSL)✐ last set asHSL2222✐ fair?truefair lightness✐ last set asHSL3333✐ fair?truefair HSL vectorfair HSV vectorHSL vectorHSV vectorRGB vectorRGB hex01566red1612green1634blue1656X11/W3C nameX11/W3C namevaluetruex11w3c44partial matches4matchhead matchesSUBSET throws here if it handles a unique match
size crayon color fair hue transparency X11/W3C name (3D color spaces)={ fair HSL={ fair hue fair saturation (HSL) fair lightness fair HSL vector } fair HSV={ fair hue fair saturation (HSV) fair value (brightness) fair HSV vector } HSL={ hue saturation (HSL) lightness HSL vector } HSV={ hue saturation (HSV) value (brightness) HSV vector } RGB (0-255)={ red green blue RGB vector RGB hex } }huesaturation (HSV)value (brightness)transparencyRGB vectorredgreenblueRGB hexHSV vectorHSL vectorsaturation (HSL)lightnesscolorfair huenot setfair saturation (HSL)not setfair lightnessnot setfair HSL vectornot setfair saturation (HSV)2not setfair value (brightness)3not setfair HSV vectornot setcrayonnot setX11/W3C namenot set
size crayon color fair hue transparency (3D color spaces)={ fair HSL={ fair hue fair saturation (HSL) fair lightness fair HSL vector } fair HSV={ fair hue fair saturation (HSV) fair value (brightness) fair HSV vector } HSL={ hue saturation (HSL) lightness HSL vector } HSV={ hue saturation (HSV) value (brightness) HSV vector } RGB (0-255)={ red green blue RGB vector RGB hex } }crayonRGB hexI don't know how to handle
pt:lança o erro _
Reports the part of the first string up to the first instance of the second string inside it. If the second string isn't found, reports the entire first string.
pt:o texto de _ antes de _
If input is TRUE, comparisons made by functions in the string library will be case-independent (so "FOO" = "foo"). This is the default. If input is FALSE, comparisons will be exact.
pt:altera comparações ignorando distinção minúsculas/maiúsculas para _
de:fange _ _ ca:agafa _ _ es:atrapar _ _ fr:attrape _ _ pt:captura _ _ cont3
de:wirf _ ca:llança _ es:lanzar _ fr:lance _ pt:lança _ catchtag
de:ignoriere _ ca:ignora _ es:ignorar _ fr:ignore _ pt:ignora _
This block creates new variables on the selected scope: global (for all sprites), sprite (for this sprite only) or script (only for that blocks stack) with the names given (in 'names' list). If there is already a variable with that name in that scope, it does nothing: no errors and no overwrites.
pt:cria as variáveis _ _ ca:crea les _ variables _ es:crear las _ variables _ de:erstellen _ var _ globalglobal sprite scripteach itemvar ide = this.parentThatIsA(IDE_Morph); ide.flushBlocksCache('variables'); // b/c of inheritance ide.refreshPalette();
This block reports "true" if there is a variable with this given name (input slot) in that context. It can be a global, sprite or script variable. Otherwise it reports "false".
pt:a variável _ existe ca:existeix la variable _ ? es:existe la variable _ ? de:existiert var _ ?
global✐ last set as✐ fair?✐ color scale✐ HSL✐ last crayon✐ last X11✐ raw HSL✐ raw HSV✐ last set asRGB✐ fair?false✐ raw HSV0100100
\ No newline at end of file