diff --git a/libraries/LIBRARIES b/libraries/LIBRARIES index 91fb5e9d..80fac1e4 100644 --- a/libraries/LIBRARIES +++ b/libraries/LIBRARIES @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ iteration-composition.xml Iteration, composition Traditional loop constructs (while, until, etc.) plus the Lisp "named let" (a generalization of FOR) plus functional iteration (repeated invocation of a function) and function composition. list-utilities.xml List utilities Some standard functions on lists (reverse, sort, etc.) colors.xml Colors and Crayons Incorporates the former crayon and set RGB libraries. Implements fair hues (more orange, less green, adds brown) and a linear color scale including grayscale and fair-hue-based shades. +crayons.xml Crayons Just the crayons, without the rest of the colors library. Fast and simple. bignumbers.xml Bignums, rationals, complex #s The full Scheme numeric tower. "USE BIGNUMS " to enable. cases.xml Multi-branched conditional Like "switch" in C-like languages or "cond" in Lisp. Thanks to Nathan Dinsmore for inventing the idea of a separate block for each branch! try-catch.xml Catch errors Run a script; if an error happens, instead of stopping the script with a red halo, run another script to handle the error. Also includes a block to cause an error with a message given as input. Also includes a block to create a script variable and give it a value. diff --git a/libraries/crayons.xml b/libraries/crayons.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7396311d --- /dev/null +++ b/libraries/crayons.xml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Sets the pen color to one of 100 preselected colors, like a box of 100 crayons. The colors have names that are meant to be evocative. They are organized in families, more or less corresponding to spectral (rainbow) colors; the input slot has a two-level menu in which you can hover over a family name to see the colors of that family, each including a crayon number and an RGB value. See Appendix A of the Snap! Reference Manual for more details.
grays={ 0 black #000000=0 1 gray7 #121212=1 2 gray14 #242424=2 3 gray21 #363636=3 4 gray28 #484848=4 5 gray36 #5c5c5c=5 6 gray43 #6d6d6d=6 7 gray50 #7f7f7f=7 8 gray57 #919191=8 9 gray64 #a3a3a3=9 10 gray71 #b5b5b5=10 11 gray78 #c8c8c8=11 12 gray85 #dadada=12 13 gray92 #ececec=13 14 white #ffffff=14 } pinks={ 15 deep pink #ff1493=15 16 hot pink #ff69b4=16 17 bright pink #ff007f=17 18 raspberry #e30b5d=18 19 amaranth #e52b50=19 } reds={ 20 red #ff0000=20 21 burgundy #900020=21 22 cherry #990000=22 23 dark candy apple red #a40000=23 24 sanguine #c00000=24 25 maroon #800000=25 26 crimson #c90016=26 27 Lists #d94d11=27 28 candy apple red #ff0800=28 29 coquelicot #ff3800=29 } browns={ 30 saddle brown #8b4513=30 31 chocolate #7b3f00=31 32 kobicha #6b4423=32 33 sepia #704214=33 34 chestnut #954535=34 35 dark brown #654321=35 36 brown #964b00=36 37 golden brown #996515=37 38 cinnamon #b87333=38 39 copper #d2691e=39 } oranges={ 40 orange #ff7f00=40 41 Pantone orange #ff5800=41 42 pumpkin #ff7518=42 43 Variables #f3761d=43 44 Spanish orange #e86100=44 45 burnt orange #cc5500=45 46 sinopia #cb410b=46 47 ochre #cc7722=47 48 carrot #ed9121=48 49 tangerine #f28500=49 } yellows={ 50 yellow #ffff00=50 51 Control #e6a822=51 52 dark goldenrod #b8860b=52 53 goldenrod #daa520=53 54 saffron #f4c430=54 55 sandstorm #ecd540=55 56 mustard #ffdb58=56 57 gold #ffd700=57 58 egg yolk #fee33e=58 59 rubber duck #fbe108=59 } greens={ 60 lime #00ff00=60 61 apple green #8db600=61 62 Operators #62c213=62 63 forest green #228b22=63 64 green #008000=64 65 dark green #006400=65 66 dark pastel green #03c03c=66 67 emerald #50c878=67 68 mint #3eb489=68 69 Pen #00a178=69 } cyans={ 70 aqua (cyan) #00ffff=70 71 dark cyan #008b8b=71 72 cerulean #007ba7=72 73 iceberg #71a6d2=73 74 Sensing #0494dc=74 75 teal #008080=75 76 light sky blue #87cefa=76 77 deep sky blue #00bfff=77 78 dodger blue #1e90ff=78 79 azure #007fff=79 } blues={ 80 blue #0000ff=80 81 midnight blue #191970=81 82 dark powder blue #003399=82 83 cobalt #0047ab=83 84 denim #1560bd=84 85 navy blue #000080=85 86 steel blue #4682b4=86 87 Motion #4a6cd4=87 88 cornflower #6495ed=88 89 slate blue #6a5acd=89 } purples={ 90 violet #8000ff=90 91 Looks #8f56e3=91 92 grape #6f2da8=92 93 indigo #4b0082=93 94 x11 purple #a020f0=94 95 magenta (fuchia) #ff00ff=95 96 dark orchid #9932cc=96 97 Sound #cf4ad9=97 98 purple #7f007f=98 99 dark magenta #8b008b=99 }123
Takes three inputs for red, green, and blue values, each between 0 and 255. 0,0,0 is black; 255,255,255 is white. 255,255,0 is yellow, and so on. The SET PEN block in this library lets you set individual red, green, or blue without changing the others, lets you provide a list of three RGB color components, and lets you provide a six-digit hexadecimal number, the form in which RGB color values are usually found online. See Appendix A of the Snap! Reference Manual for details.
pt:altera a cor da tua caneta para vermelho _ , verde _ e azul _ (0 a 255) 25500
Creates a bunch of global variables. For internal use by Color library.
global✐ last crayon✐ crayon colors
pt:lança o erro _
This block creates new variables on the selected scope: global (for all sprites), sprite (for this sprite only) or script (only for that blocks stack) with the names given (in 'names' list). If there is already a variable with that name in that scope, it does nothing: no errors and no overwrites.
pt:cria as variáveis _ _ ca:crea les _ variables _ es:crear las _ variables _ de:erstellen _ var _ globalglobal sprite script
This block reports "true" if there is a variable with this given name (input slot) in that context. It can be a global, sprite or script variable. Otherwise it reports "false".
pt:a variável _ existe ca:existeix la variable _ ? es:existe la variable _ ? de:existiert var _ ? err_reset
pt:o texto multilinha _
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