package nl.sikken.bertrik.hab.habitat; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import; import; import java.time.Instant; import java.util.Base64; import java.util.Base64.Encoder; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import okhttp3.OkHttpClient; import retrofit2.Retrofit; import retrofit2.converter.jackson.JacksonConverterFactory; import retrofit2.converter.scalars.ScalarsConverterFactory; /** * Habitat uploader. * * Exchanges data with the habitat system. * Call to ScheduleXXX methods are non-blocking. * All actions run on a single background thread for simplicity. */ public final class HabitatUploader { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HabitatUploader.class); private final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); private final Encoder base64Encoder = Base64.getEncoder(); private final MessageDigest sha256; private final IHabitatRestApi restClient; /** * Creates an actual REST client. Can be used in the constructor. * * @param url the URL to connect to * @param timeout the connect and read timeout (ms) * @return a new REST client */ public static IHabitatRestApi newRestClient(String url, int timeout) { // create the REST client"Creating new habitat REST client with timeout {} for {}", timeout, url); OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder() .connectTimeout(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) .writeTimeout(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) .readTimeout(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) .build(); Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder() .baseUrl(url) .addConverterFactory(ScalarsConverterFactory.create()) .addConverterFactory(JacksonConverterFactory.create()) .client(client) .build(); return retrofit.create(IHabitatRestApi.class); } /** * Constructor. * * @param restClient the REST client used for uploading */ public HabitatUploader(IHabitatRestApi restClient) { try { this.sha256 = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { // this is fatal throw new IllegalStateException("No SHA-256 hash found", e); } this.restClient = restClient; } /** * Starts the uploader process. */ public void start() {"Starting habitat uploader");"Started habitat uploader"); } /** * Stops the uploader process. */ public void stop() {"Stopping habitat uploader"); executor.shutdown();"Stopped habitat uploader"); } /** * Schedules a new sentence to be sent to the HAB network. * * @param sentence the ASCII sentence * @param receivers list of listener that received this sentence * @param instant the current date/time */ public void schedulePayloadTelemetryUpload(String sentence, List receivers, Instant instant) {"Uploading for {} receivers: {}", receivers.size(), sentence.trim()); // encode sentence as raw bytes final byte[] bytes = sentence.getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII); // determine docId final String docId = createDocId(bytes); for (HabReceiver receiver : receivers) { // create Json final PayloadTelemetryDoc doc = new PayloadTelemetryDoc(instant, receiver.getCallsign(), bytes); final String json = doc.format(); // submit it to our processing thread executor.submit(() -> uploadPayloadTelemetry(docId, json)); } } /** * Performs the actual payload telemetry upload as a REST-like call towards habitat. * * @param docId the document id * @param json the JSON payload */ private void uploadPayloadTelemetry(String docId, String json) {"Upload payload telemetry doc {}: {}", docId, json); try { final String response = restClient.updateListener(docId, json).execute().body();"Result payload telemetry doc {}: {}", docId, response); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Caught exception: {}", e.getMessage()); } } /** * Creates the document id from the raw payload telemetry sentence. * * @param bytes the raw sentence * @return the document id */ private String createDocId(byte[] bytes) { final byte[] base64 = base64Encoder.encode(bytes); final byte[] hash = sha256.digest(base64); return DatatypeConverter.printHexBinary(hash).toLowerCase(Locale.US); } /** * Schedules new listener data to be sent to habitat. * * @param receiver the receiver data * @param instant the current date/time */ public void scheduleListenerDataUpload(HabReceiver receiver, Instant instant) { executor.submit(() -> uploadListener(receiver, instant)); } /** * Uploads listener data (information and telemetry) * * @param receiver the receiver/listener * @param instant the current date/time */ private void uploadListener(HabReceiver receiver, Instant instant) {"Upload listener data for {}", receiver); try { // get two uuids"Getting UUIDs for listener data upload..."); final UuidsList list = restClient.getUuids(2).execute().body(); final List uuids = list.getUuids(); if ((uuids != null) && (uuids.size() >= 2)) {"Got {} UUIDs", uuids.size()); // upload payload listener info"Upload listener info using UUID {}...", uuids.get(0)); final ListenerInformationDoc info = new ListenerInformationDoc(instant, receiver); final UploadResult infoResult = restClient.uploadDocument(uuids.get(0), info.format()).execute().body();"Result listener info: {}", infoResult); // upload payload telemetry"Upload listener telemetry using UUID {}...", uuids.get(1)); final ListenerTelemetryDoc telem = new ListenerTelemetryDoc(instant, receiver); final UploadResult telemResult = restClient.uploadDocument(uuids.get(1), telem.format()).execute().body();"Result listener telemetry: {}", telemResult); } else { LOG.warn("Did not receive UUIDs for upload"); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Caught WebServiceException: {}", e.getMessage()); } } }