package nl.sikken.bertrik; /** * Configuration interface for the application. */ public interface ITtnHabBridgeConfig { /** * @return URL of the habitat server */ String getHabitatUrl(); /** * @return timeout (ms) for communication with the habitat server */ int getHabitatTimeout(); /** * @return the URL of the TTN MQTT server */ String getTtnMqttUrl(); /** * @return the application id of the TTN application */ String getTtnAppId(); /** * @return the application key of the TTN application */ String getTtnAppKey(); /** * @return the expiry time (seconds) of a gateway, i.e. the interval of listener information an telemetry uploads. */ int getTtnGwCacheExpiry(); /** * @return the payload encoding, can be "sodaq", "json", "cayenne" */ String getTtnPayloadEncoding(); }