// Copyright 2015 Mobilinkd LLC // All rights reserved. #ifndef INC_HDLCENCODER_HPP_ #define INC_HDLCENCODER_HPP_ #include "AFSKModulator.hpp" #include "HdlcFrame.hpp" #include "NRZI.hpp" #include "PTT.hpp" #include "GPIO.hpp" #include "KissHardware.hpp" #include "AudioInput.hpp" #include "DCD.h" #include "main.h" #include #include namespace mobilinkd { namespace tnc { namespace hdlc { using namespace mobilinkd::libafsk; struct Encoder { static const uint8_t FLAG = 0x7E; enum class state_type { STATE_IDLE, STATE_HEAD, STATE_FRAME, STATE_CRC_LOW, STATE_CRC_HIGH, STATE_TAIL, }; uint8_t tx_delay_; uint8_t tx_tail_; uint8_t p_persist_; uint8_t slot_time_; bool duplex_; state_type state_; int ones_; NRZI nrzi_; uint16_t crc_; osMessageQId input_; AFSKModulator* modulator_; volatile bool running_; bool send_delay_; // Avoid sending the preamble for back-to-back frames. Encoder(osMessageQId input, AFSKModulator* output) : tx_delay_(kiss::settings().txdelay), tx_tail_(kiss::settings().txtail) , p_persist_(kiss::settings().ppersist), slot_time_(kiss::settings().slot) , duplex_(kiss::settings().duplex), state_(state_type::STATE_IDLE) , ones_(0), nrzi_(), crc_() , input_(input), modulator_(output) , running_(false), send_delay_(true) {} void run() { running_ = true; send_delay_ = true; while (running_) { state_ = state_type::STATE_IDLE; osEvent evt = osMessageGet(input_, osWaitForever); if (evt.status == osEventMessage) { auto frame = (IoFrame*) evt.value.p; process(frame); // See if we have back-to-back frames. evt = osMessagePeek(input_, 0); if (evt.status != osEventMessage) { send_delay_ = true; if (!duplex_) { osMessagePut(audioInputQueueHandle, audio::DEMODULATOR, osWaitForever); } } } } } int tx_delay() const { return tx_delay_; } void tx_delay(int ms) { tx_delay_ = ms; } int tx_tail() const { return tx_tail_; } void tx_tail(int ms) { tx_tail_ = ms; } int slot_time() const { return slot_time_; } void slot_time(int value) { slot_time_ = value; } int p_persist() const { return p_persist_; } void p_persist(int value) { p_persist_ = value; } state_type status() const {return state_; } void stop() { running_ = false; } int rng_() const {return osKernelSysTick() & 0xFF;} /** * Do the p*persistent CSMA handling. In order to prevent resource * starvation, we drop any packets delayed by more than 5 seconds. * * 0. CSMA called. * 1. If the channel is open * 1a. Pick a random number between 0-255. * 1b. If it less than or equal to p, transmit the packet. * 2. Otherwise wait slot_time * 10 ms. * 2.b Go to step 1. * * In general, a p*persistent CSMA protocol should be adaptive. The * p value should be dynamically computed based on network load. In * practice, this is rather difficult to do with APRS because there * is no easy way to measure the collision rate. * * For APRS digipeaters, the slot_time and p values should be 0 and 255, * respectively. This is equivalent to 1-persistent CSMA. * * @pre The demodulator is running in order to detect the data carrier. * * @note For this to work, the demodulator must be left running * while CSMA is taking place in order to do carrier detection. * * @return true if OK to send, otherwise CSMA has timed out and * the packet should be dropped. */ bool do_csma() { // Wait until we can transmit. If we cannot transmit for 10s // drop the frame. Note that we cheat a bit by looking at the // state of the DCD_LED to determine if the channel is clear. if (dcd()) { // Channel is clear... send now. return true; } uint16_t counter = 0; while (counter < 10000) { osDelay(slot_time_); // We count on minimum delay = 1. counter += slot_time_; if (rng_() < p_persist_) { if (!dcd()) { // Channel is clear... send now. return true; } } } return false; } /** * Send the frame. If send_delay_ is set, we are sending the first * of potentially multiple frames. We must do two things in this case: * wait for the channel to clear and send the TX delay preamble. * Otherwise, we are sending a follow-on frame and can skip the * CSMA and preamble. The channel is ours and the begin/end frame * bytes are enough to delimit the frames. * * If CSMA fails (times out), the frame is dropped and the send_delay_ * flag is not cleared. This will cause CSMA and TX delay to be * attempted on the next frame. * * @pre either send_delay_ is false or the demodulator is running. We * expect that send_delay_ is false only when we have back-to-back * packets. * * @param frame */ void process(IoFrame* frame) { ones_ = 0; // Reset the ones count for each frame. frame->add_fcs(); if (send_delay_) { if (not do_csma()) { release(frame); return; } if (!duplex_) { osMessagePut(audioInputQueueHandle, audio::IDLE, osWaitForever); } send_delay(); send_delay_ = false; } for (auto c : *frame) send(c); release(frame); send_tail(); } void send_delay() { const size_t tmp = (tx_delay_ * 3) / 2; for (size_t i = 0; i != tmp; i++) { send_raw(FLAG); } } void send_fcs(uint16_t fcs) { uint8_t low = fcs & 0xFF; uint8_t high = (fcs >> 8) & 0xFF; send(low); send(high); } void send_tail() { send_raw(FLAG); } // No bit stuffing for PREAMBLE and TAIL void send_raw(uint8_t byte) { for (size_t i = 0; i != 8; i++) { uint8_t bit = byte & 1; modulator_->send(nrzi_.encode(bit)); byte >>= 1; } } void send(uint8_t byte) { for (size_t i = 0; i != 8; i++) { uint8_t bit = byte & 1; modulator_->send(nrzi_.encode(bit)); if (bit) { ++ones_; if (ones_ == 5) { modulator_->send(nrzi_.encode(0)); ones_ = 0; } } else { ones_ = 0; } byte >>= 1; } } }; }}} // mobilinkd::tnc::hdlc #endif // INC_HDLCENCODER_HPP_