
176 wiersze
4.8 KiB
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2019-06-09 03:49:16 +00:00
// Copyright 2016-2019 Rob Riggs <>
// All rights reserved.
#include "HdlcDecoder.hpp"
#include "GPIO.hpp"
2019-06-09 03:49:16 +00:00
#include "Log.h"
namespace mobilinkd { namespace tnc { namespace hdlc {
2019-06-09 03:49:16 +00:00
NewDecoder::optional_result_type NewDecoder::operator()(bool input, bool pll_lock)
optional_result_type result = nullptr;
2019-06-09 03:49:16 +00:00
auto status = process(input, pll_lock);
if (status)
INFO("HDLC decode status = 0x%02x, bits = %d", int(status), int(report_bits));
2020-07-04 21:43:34 +00:00
if (can_pass(status) and packet->size() > 2)
2019-06-09 03:49:16 +00:00
result = packet;
packet = nullptr;
} else {
return result;
uint8_t NewDecoder::process(bool input, bool pll_lock)
uint8_t result_code = 0;
if (state == State::IDLE and not pll_lock) return result_code;
2019-06-09 03:49:16 +00:00
while (packet == nullptr) {
packet = ioFramePool().acquire();
if (!packet) osThreadYield();
2020-03-06 02:30:13 +00:00
if (pll_lock or dcd != DCD::ON) {
2019-06-09 03:49:16 +00:00
if (ones == 5) {
if (input) {
// flag byte
flag = 1;
} else {
// bit stuffing...
flag = 0;
ones = 0;
return result_code;
2020-03-06 02:30:13 +00:00
had_dcd |= pll_lock;
2019-06-09 03:49:16 +00:00
buffer >>= 1;
buffer |= (input * 128);
bits += 1; // Free-running until Sync byte.
if (input) {
} else {
ones = 0;
2019-06-09 03:49:16 +00:00
if (flag) {
switch (buffer) {
case 0x7E:
if (packet->size() > 2) {
// We have started decoding a packet.
2019-06-09 03:49:16 +00:00
report_bits = bits;
2020-03-06 02:30:13 +00:00
if (dcd == DCD::PARTIAL and not had_dcd) {
// 120 (136) bits per AX.25 section 3.9.
// Note we discard the flags.
2020-03-06 02:30:13 +00:00
result_code = STATUS_NO_CARRIER;
} else if (packet->ok()) {
// Not compliant with AX.25 section 3.9.
// We ignore byte alignment when FCS is OK.
result_code = STATUS_OK;
} else if (bits == 8) {
// Otherwise, if there is a CRC error but we are on
// an even byte boundary, flag a CRC error. This is
// used by the "pass all" rule.
// Must be byte-aligned per AX.25 section 3.9.
result_code = STATUS_CRC_ERROR;
} else {
// Extraneous bits mean we have a framing error.
// We should not pass this frame up the stack.
result_code = STATUS_FRAME_ERROR;
} else {
2019-06-09 03:49:16 +00:00
state = State::SYNC;
flag = 0;
bits = 0;
2020-03-06 02:30:13 +00:00
had_dcd = false;
2019-06-09 03:49:16 +00:00
case 0xFE:
if (packet->size()) {
result_code = STATUS_FRAME_ABORT;
state = State::IDLE;
flag = 0;
bits = 0;
/* pass */
return result_code;
switch (state)
2019-06-09 03:49:16 +00:00
case State::IDLE:
case State::SYNC:
if (bits == 8) { // 8th bit.
// Start of frame data.
state = State::RECEIVE;
bits = 0;
case State::RECEIVE:
if (bits == 8) { // 8th bit.
bits = 0;
} else {
// PLL unlocked.
// Note the rules here are the same as above.
report_bits = bits;
2020-03-06 02:30:13 +00:00
had_dcd = false;
if (packet->size() > 2)
2019-06-09 03:49:16 +00:00
2020-03-06 02:30:13 +00:00
if (packet->ok())
// Not compliant with AX.25 section 3.9.
// We ignore byte alignment when FCS is OK.
result_code = STATUS_OK;
else if (bits == 8)
// Must be byte-aligned per AX.25 section 3.9.
result_code = STATUS_CRC_ERROR;
result_code = STATUS_NO_CARRIER;
2019-06-09 03:49:16 +00:00
2020-03-06 02:30:13 +00:00
2019-06-09 03:49:16 +00:00
if (state != State::IDLE) {
buffer = 0;
flag = 0;
bits = 0;
state = State::IDLE;
return result_code;
2019-06-09 03:49:16 +00:00
}}} // mobilinkd::tnc::hdlc