
736 wiersze
31 KiB

2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Program iq.py - spectrum displays from quadrature sampled IF data.
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Martin Ewing
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Contact the author by e-mail: aa6e@arrl.net
# Our goal is to display a zero-centered spectrum and waterfall on small
# computers, such as the BeagleBone Black or the Raspberry Pi,
# spanning up to +/- 48 kHz (96 kHz sampling) with input from audio card
# or +/- 1.024 MHz from RTL dongle.
# We use pyaudio, pygame, and pyrtlsdr Python libraries, which depend on
# underlying C/C++ libraries PortAudio, SDL, and rtl-sdr.
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
# 01-04-2014 Initial release (QST article 4/2014)
# 05-17-2014 Improvements for RPi timing, etc.
# Add REV, skip, sp_max/min, v_max/min options
# Note for directfb use (i.e. without X11/Xorg):
# User must be a member of the following Linux groups:
# adm dialout audio video input (plus user's own group, e.g., pi)
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
import sys,time, threading, os, subprocess
import pygame as pg
import numpy as np
import iq_dsp as dsp
import iq_wf as wf
import iq_opt as options
# Some colors in PyGame style
BLACK = ( 0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
GREEN = ( 0, 255, 0)
BLUE = ( 0, 0, 255)
RED = (255, 0, 0)
YELLOW = (192, 192, 0)
DARK_RED = (128, 0, 0)
LITE_RED = (255, 100, 100)
BGCOLOR = (255, 230, 200)
BLUE_GRAY= (100, 100, 180)
ORANGE = (255, 150, 0)
GRAY = (192, 192, 192)
# RGBA colors - with alpha
TRANS_YELLOW = (255,255,0,150)
# Adjust for best graticule color depending on display gamma, resolution, etc.
GRAT_COLOR = DARK_RED # Color of graticule (grid)
GRAT_COLOR_2 = WHITE # Color of graticule text
TRANS_OVERLAY = TRANS_YELLOW # for info overlay
TCOLOR2 = ORANGE # text color on info screen
INFO_CYCLE = 8 # Display frames per help info update
opt = options.opt # Get option object from options module
# print list of parameters to console.
print "identification:", opt.ident
print "source :", opt.source
print "waterfall :", opt.waterfall
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
print "rev i/q :", opt.rev_iq
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
print "sample rate :", opt.sample_rate
print "size :", opt.size
print "buffers :", opt.buffers
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
print "skipping :", opt.skip
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
print "hamlib :", opt.hamlib
print "hamlib rigtype:", opt.hamlib_rigtype
print "hamlib device :", opt.hamlib_device
print "rtl frequency :", opt.rtl_frequency
print "rtl gain :", opt.rtl_gain
print "pulse :", opt.pulse
print "fullscreen :", opt.fullscreen
print "hamlib intvl :", opt.hamlib_interval
print "cpu load intvl:", opt.cpu_load_interval
print "wf accum. :", opt.waterfall_accumulation
print "wf palette :", opt.waterfall_palette
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
print "sp_min, max :", opt.sp_min, opt.sp_max
print "v_min, max :", opt.v_min, opt.v_max
#print "max queue dept:", opt.max_queue
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
print "PCM290x lagfix:", opt.lagfix
if opt.lcd4:
print "LCD4 brightnes:", opt.lcd4_brightness
def quit_all():
""" Quit pygames and close std outputs somewhat gracefully.
Minimize console error messages.
class LED(object):
""" Make an LED indicator surface in pygame environment.
Does not include title
def __init__(self, width):
""" width = pixels width (& height)
colors = dictionary with color_values and PyGame Color specs
self.surface = pg.Surface((width, width))
self.wd2 = width/2
def get_LED_surface(self, color):
""" Set LED surface to requested color
Return square surface ready to blit
# Always make full-size black circle with no fill.
if color == None:
return self.surface
# Make inset filled color circle.
return self.surface
class Graticule(object):
""" Create a pygame surface with freq / power (dB) grid
and units.
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
input: options, pg font, graticule height, width, line color,
and text color
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
def __init__(self, opt, font, h, w, color_l, color_t):
self.opt = opt
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
self.sp_max = opt.sp_max #-20 # default max value (dB)
self.sp_min = opt.sp_min #-120 # default min value
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
self.font = font # font to use for text
self.h = h # height of graph area
self.w = w # width
self.color_l = color_l # color for lines
self.color_t = color_t # color for text
self.surface = pg.Surface((self.w, self.h))
def make(self):
""" Make or re-make the graticule.
Returns pygame surface
# yscale is screen units per dB
yscale = float(self.h)/(self.sp_max-self.sp_min)
# Define vertical dB scale - draw line each 10 dB.
for attn in range(self.sp_min, self.sp_max, 10):
yattn = ((attn - self.sp_min) * yscale) + 3.
yattnflip = self.h - yattn # screen y coord increases downward
# Draw a single line, dark red.
pg.draw.line(self.surface, self.color_l, (0, yattnflip),
(self.w, yattnflip))
# Render and blit the dB value at left, just above line
self.surface.blit(self.font.render("%3d" % attn, 1, self.color_t),
(5, yattnflip-12))
# add unit (dB) to topmost label
ww, hh = self.font.size("%3d" % attn)
self.surface.blit(self.font.render("dB", 1, self.color_t),
(5+ww, yattnflip-12))
# Define freq. scale - draw vert. line at convenient intervals
frq_range = float(self.opt.sample_rate)/1000. # kHz total bandwidth
xscale = self.w/frq_range # pixels/kHz x direction
srate2 = frq_range/2 # plus or minus kHz
# Choose the best tick that will work with RTL or sound cards.
for xtick_max in [ 800, 400, 200, 100, 80, 40, 20, 10 ]:
if xtick_max < srate2:
ticks = [ -xtick_max, -xtick_max/2, 0, xtick_max/2, xtick_max ]
for offset in ticks:
x = offset*xscale + self.w/2
pg.draw.line(self.surface, self.color_l, (x, 0), (x, self.h))
fmt = "%d kHz" if offset == 0 else "%+3d"
self.surface.blit(self.font.render(fmt % offset, 1, self.color_t),
(x+2, 0))
return self.surface
def set_range(self, sp_min, sp_max):
""" Set desired range for vertical scale in dB, min. and max.
0 dB is maximum theoretical response for 16 bit sampling.
Lines are always drawn at 10 dB intervals.
if not sp_max > sp_min:
print "Invalid dB scale setting requested!"
self.sp_max = sp_max
self.sp_min = sp_min
# THREAD: Hamlib, checking Rx frequency, and changing if requested.
if opt.hamlib:
import Hamlib
rigfreq_request = None
rigfreq = 7.0e6 # something reasonable to start
def updatefreq(interval, rig):
""" Read/set rig frequency via Hamlib.
Interval defines repetition time (float secs)
Return via global variable rigfreq (float kHz)
To be run as thread.
(All Hamlib I/O is done through this thread.)
global rigfreq, rigfreq_request
rigfreq = float(rig.get_freq()) * 0.001 # freq in kHz
while True: # forever!
# With KX3 @ 38.4 kbs, get_freq takes 100-150 ms to complete
# If a new vfo setting is desired, we will have rigfreq_request
# set to the new frequency, otherwise = None.
if rigfreq_request: # ordering of loop speeds up freq change
if rigfreq_request != rigfreq:
rigfreq_request = None
rigfreq = float(rig.get_freq()) * 0.001 # freq in kHz
# THREAD: CPU load checking, monitoring cpu stats.
cpu_usage = [0., 0., 0.]
def cpu_load(interval):
""" Check CPU user and system time usage, along with load average.
User & system reported as fraction of wall clock time in
global variable cpu_usage.
Interval defines sleep time between checks (float secs).
To be run as thread.
global cpu_usage
times_store = np.array(os.times())
# Will return: fraction usr time, sys time, and 1-minute load average
cpu_usage = [0., 0., os.getloadavg()[0]]
while True:
times = np.array(os.times())
dtimes = times - times_store # difference since last loop
usr = dtimes[0]/dtimes[4] # fraction, 0 - 1
sys = dtimes[1]/dtimes[4]
times_store = times
cpu_usage = [usr, sys, os.getloadavg()[0]]
# Screen setup parameters
if opt.lcd4: # setup for directfb (non-X) graphics
SCREEN_SIZE = (480,272) # default size for the 4" LCD (480x272)
# If we are root, we can set up LCD4 brightness.
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
brightness = str(min(100, max(0, opt.lcd4_brightness))) # validated string
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
# Find path of script (same directory as iq.py) and append brightness value
cmd = os.path.join( os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[0], "lcd4_brightness.sh") \
+ " %s" % brightness
# (The subprocess script is a no-op if we are not root.)
subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True) # invoke shell script
SCREEN_MODE = pg.FULLSCREEN if opt.fullscreen else 0
SCREEN_SIZE = (640, 512) if opt.waterfall \
else (640,310) # NB: graphics may not scale well
WF_LINES = 50 # How many lines to use in the waterfall
# Initialize pygame (pg)
# We should not use pg.init(), because we don't want pg audio functions.
# Define the main window surface
surf_main = pg.display.set_mode(SCREEN_SIZE, SCREEN_MODE)
w_main = surf_main.get_width()
# derived parameters
w_spectra = w_main-10 # Allow a small margin, left and right
w_middle = w_spectra/2 # mid point of spectrum
x_spectra = (w_main-w_spectra) / 2.0 # x coord. of spectrum on screen
h_2d = 2*SCREEN_SIZE[1]/3 if opt.waterfall \
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
else SCREEN_SIZE[1] # height of 2d spectrum display
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
h_2d -= 25 # compensate for LCD4 overscan?
y_2d = 20. # y position of 2d disp. (screen top = 0)
# NB: transform size must be <= w_spectra. I.e., need at least one
# pixel of width per data point. Otherwise, waterfall won't work, etc.
if opt.size > w_spectra:
for n in [1024, 512, 256, 128]:
if n <= w_spectra:
print "*** Size was reset from %d to %d." % (opt.size, n)
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
opt.size = n # Force size to be 2**k (ok, reasonable choice?)
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
chunk_size = opt.buffers * opt.size # No. samples per chunk (pyaudio callback)
chunk_time = float(chunk_size) / opt.sample_rate
myDSP = dsp.DSP(opt) # Establish DSP logic
# Surface for the 2d spectrum
surf_2d = pg.Surface((w_spectra, h_2d)) # Initialized to black
surf_2d_graticule = pg.Surface((w_spectra, h_2d)) # to hold fixed graticule
# define two LED widgets
led_urun = LED(10)
led_clip = LED(10)
# Waterfall geometry
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
h_wf = SCREEN_SIZE[1]/3 # Height of waterfall (3d spectrum)
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
y_wf = y_2d + h_2d # Position just below 2d surface
# Surface for waterfall (3d) spectrum
surf_wf = pg.Surface((w_spectra, h_wf))
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
pg.display.set_caption(opt.ident) # Title for main window
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
# Establish fonts for screen text.
lgfont = pg.font.SysFont('sans', 16)
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
lgfont_ht = lgfont.get_linesize() # text height
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
medfont = pg.font.SysFont('sans', 12)
medfont_ht = medfont.get_linesize()
smfont = pg.font.SysFont('mono', 9)
smfont_ht = smfont.get_linesize()
# Define the size of a unit pixel in the waterfall
wf_pixel_size = (w_spectra/opt.size, h_wf/WF_LINES)
# min, max dB for wf palette
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
v_min, v_max = opt.v_min, opt.v_max # lower/higher end (dB)
nsteps = 50 # number of distinct colors
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
if opt.waterfall:
# Instantiate the waterfall and palette data
mywf = wf.Wf(opt, v_min, v_max, nsteps, wf_pixel_size)
if opt.hamlib:
import Hamlib
# start up Hamlib rig connection
Hamlib.rig_set_debug (Hamlib.RIG_DEBUG_NONE)
rig = Hamlib.Rig(opt.hamlib_rigtype)
rig.set_conf ("rig_pathname",opt.hamlib_device)
rig.set_conf ("retry","5")
rig.open ()
# Create thread for Hamlib freq. checking.
# Helps to even out the loop timing, maybe.
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
hl_thread = threading.Thread(target=updatefreq,
args = (opt.hamlib_interval, rig))
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
hl_thread.daemon = True
print "Hamlib thread started."
print "Hamlib not requested."
# Create thread for cpu load monitor
lm_thread = threading.Thread(target=cpu_load, args = (opt.cpu_load_interval,))
lm_thread.daemon = True
print "CPU monitor thread started."
# Create graticule providing 2d graph calibration.
mygraticule = Graticule(opt, smfont, h_2d, w_spectra, GRAT_COLOR, GRAT_COLOR_2)
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
sp_min, sp_max = sp_min_def, sp_max_def = opt.sp_min, opt.sp_max
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
mygraticule.set_range(sp_min, sp_max)
surf_2d_graticule = mygraticule.make()
# Pre-formatx "static" text items to save time in real-time loop
# Useful operating parameters
parms_msg = "Fs = %d Hz; Res. = %.1f Hz;" \
" chans = %d; width = %d px; acc = %.3f sec" % \
(opt.sample_rate, float(opt.sample_rate)/opt.size, opt.size, w_spectra,
wparms, hparms = medfont.size(parms_msg)
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
parms_matter = pg.Surface((wparms, hparms) )
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
parms_matter.blit(medfont.render(parms_msg, 1, TCOLOR2), (0,0))
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
print "Update interval = %.2f ms" % float(1000*chunk_time)
# Initialize input mode, RTL or AF
# This starts the input stream, so place it close to start of main loop.
if opt.source=="rtl": # input from RTL dongle
import iq_rtl as rtl
dataIn = rtl.RTL_In(opt)
elif opt.source=='audio': # input from audio card
import iq_af as af
mainqueueLock = af.queueLock # queue and lock only for soundcard
dataIn = af.DataInput(opt)
print "unrecognized mode"
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
run_flag = True # set false to suspend for help screen etc.
info_phase = 0 # > 0 --> show info overlay
info_counter = 0
tloop = 0.
t_last_data = 0.
nframe = 0
t_frame0 = time.time()
led_overflow_ct = 0
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
startqueue = True
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
while True:
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
nframe += 1 # keep track of loop count FWIW
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
# Each time through the main loop, we reconstruct the main screen
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
surf_main.fill(BGCOLOR) # Erase with background color
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
# Each time through this loop, we receive an audio chunk, containing
# multiple buffers. The buffers have been transformed and the log power
# spectra from each buffer will be provided in sp_log, which will be
# plotted in the "2d" graph area. After a number of log spectra are
# displayed in the "2d" graph, a new line of the waterfall is generated.
# Line of text with receiver center freq. if available
if opt.hamlib:
msg = "%.3f kHz" % rigfreq # take current rigfreq from hamlib thread
elif opt.source=='rtl':
msg = "%.3f MHz" % (dataIn.rtl.get_center_freq()/1.e6)
if opt.hamlib or (opt.source=='rtl'):
# Center it and blit just above 2d display
ww, hh = lgfont.size(msg)
surf_main.blit(lgfont.render(msg, 1, BLACK, BGCOLOR),
(w_middle + x_spectra - ww/2, y_2d-hh))
# show overflow & underrun indicators (for audio, not rtl)
if opt.source=='audio':
if af.led_underrun_ct > 0: # underflow flag in af module
sled = led_urun.get_LED_surface(RED)
af.led_underrun_ct -= 1 # count down to extinguish
sled = led_urun.get_LED_surface(None) #off!
msg = "Buffer underrun"
ww, hh = medfont.size(msg)
ww1 = SCREEN_SIZE[0]-ww-10
surf_main.blit(medfont.render(msg, 1, BLACK, BGCOLOR), (ww1, y_2d-hh))
surf_main.blit(sled, (ww1-15, y_2d-hh))
if myDSP.led_clip_ct > 0: # overflow flag
sled = led_clip.get_LED_surface(RED)
myDSP.led_clip_ct -= 1
sled = led_clip.get_LED_surface(None) #off!
msg = "Pulse clip"
ww, hh = medfont.size(msg)
surf_main.blit(medfont.render(msg, 1, BLACK, BGCOLOR), (25, y_2d-hh))
surf_main.blit(sled, (10, y_2d-hh))
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
if opt.source=='rtl': # Input from RTL-SDR dongle
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
iq_data_cmplx = dataIn.ReadSamples(chunk_size)
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
if opt.rev_iq: # reverse spectrum?
iq_data_cmplx = np.imag(iq_data_cmplx)+1j*np.real(iq_data_cmplx)
2014-05-19 00:56:40 +00:00
#time.sleep(0.05) # slow down if fast PC
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
stats = [ 0, 0] # for now...
else: # Input from audio card
# In its separate thread, a chunk of audio data has accumulated.
# When ready, pull log power spectrum data out of queue.
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
my_in_data_s = dataIn.get_queued_data() # timeout protected
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
# Convert string of 16-bit I,Q samples to complex floating
iq_local = np.fromstring(my_in_data_s,dtype=np.int16).astype('float32')
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
re_d = np.array(iq_local[1::2]) # right input (I)
im_d = np.array(iq_local[0::2]) # left input (Q)
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
# The PCM290x chip has 1 lag offset of R wrt L channel. Fix, if needed.
if opt.lagfix:
im_d = np.roll(im_d, 1)
# Get some stats (max values) to monitor gain settings, etc.
stats = [int(np.amax(re_d)), int(np.amax(im_d))]
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
if opt.rev_iq: # reverse spectrum?
iq_data_cmplx = np.array(im_d + re_d*1j)
else: # normal spectrum
iq_data_cmplx = np.array(re_d + im_d*1j)
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
sp_log = myDSP.GetLogPowerSpectrum(iq_data_cmplx)
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
if opt.source=='rtl': # Boost rtl spectrum (arbitrary amount)
sp_log += 60 # RTL data were normalized to +/- 1.
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
yscale = float(h_2d)/(sp_max-sp_min) # yscale is screen units per dB
# Set the 2d surface to background/graticule.
surf_2d.blit(surf_2d_graticule, (0, 0))
# Draw the "2d" spectrum graph
sp_scaled = ((sp_log - sp_min) * yscale) + 3.
ylist = list(sp_scaled)
ylist = [ h_2d - x for x in ylist ] # flip the y's
lylist = len(ylist)
xlist = [ x* w_spectra/lylist for x in xrange(lylist) ]
# Draw the spectrum based on our data lists.
pg.draw.lines(surf_2d, WHITE, False, zip(xlist,ylist), 1)
# Place 2d spectrum on main surface
surf_main.blit(surf_2d, (x_spectra, y_2d))
if opt.waterfall:
# Calculate the new Waterfall line and blit it to main surface
nsum = opt.waterfall_accumulation # 2d spectra per wf line
mywf.calculate(sp_log, nsum, surf_wf)
surf_main.blit(surf_wf, (x_spectra, y_wf+1))
if info_phase > 0:
# Assemble and show semi-transparent overlay info screen
# This takes cpu time, so don't recompute it too often. (DSP & graphics
# are still running.)
info_counter = ( info_counter + 1 ) % INFO_CYCLE
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
if info_counter == 1:
# First time through, and every INFO_CYCLE-th time thereafter.
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
# Some button labels to show at right of LCD4 window
# Add labels for LCD4 buttons.
place_buttons = False
if opt.lcd4 or (w_main==480):
place_buttons = True
button_names = [ " LT", " RT ", " UP", " DN", "ENT" ]
button_vloc = [ 20, 70, 120, 170, 220 ]
button_surfs = []
for bb in button_names:
button_surfs.append(medfont.render(bb, 1, WHITE, BLACK))
# Help info will be placed toward top of window.
# Info comes in 4 phases (0 - 3), cycle among them with <return>
if info_phase == 1:
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
"(R) Reset display; (Q) Quit program",
"Change upper plot dB limit: (U) increase; (u) decrease",
"Change lower plot dB limit: (L) increase; (l) decrease",
"Change WF palette upper limit: (B) increase; (b) decrease",
"Change WF palette lower limit: (D) increase; (d) decrease" ]
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
if opt.source=='rtl' or opt.hamlib:
lines.append("Change rcvr freq: (rt arrow) increase; (lt arrow) decrease")
lines.append(" Use SHIFT for bigger steps")
lines.append("RETURN - Cycle to next Help screen")
elif info_phase == 2:
"UP - upper screen level +10 dB",
"DOWN - upper screen level -10 dB",
"RIGHT - lower screen level +10 dB",
"LEFT - lower screen level -10 dB",
"RETURN - Cycle to next Help screen" ]
elif info_phase == 3:
"UP - upper threshold INCREASE",
"DOWN - upper threshold DECREASE",
"RIGHT - lower threshold INCREASE",
"LEFT - lower threshold DECREASE",
"RETURN - Cycle Help screen OFF" ]
lines = [ "Invalid info phase!"] # we should never arrive here.
info_phase = 0
wh = (0, 0)
for il in lines: # Find max line width, height
wh = map(max, wh, medfont.size(il))
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
help_matter = pg.Surface((wh[0]+24, len(lines)*wh[1]+15) )
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
for ix,x in enumerate(lines):
help_matter.blit(medfont.render(x, 1, TCOLOR2), (20,ix*wh[1]+15))
# "Live" info is placed toward bottom of window...
# Width of this surface is a guess. (It should be computed.)
live_surface = pg.Surface((430,48), 0)
# give live sp_min, sp_max, v_min, v_max
msg = "dB scale min= %d, max= %d" % (sp_min, sp_max)
live_surface.blit(medfont.render(msg, 1, TCOLOR2), (10,0))
if opt.waterfall:
# Palette adjustments info
msg = "WF palette min= %d, max= %d" % (v_min, v_max)
live_surface.blit(medfont.render(msg, 1, TCOLOR2), (200, 0))
live_surface.blit(parms_matter, (10,16))
if opt.source=='audio':
msg = "ADC max I:%05d; Q:%05d" % (stats[0], stats[1])
live_surface.blit(medfont.render(msg, 1, TCOLOR2), (10, 32))
# Show the live cpu load information from cpu_usage thread.
msg = "Load usr=%3.2f; sys=%3.2f; load avg=%.2f" % \
(cpu_usage[0], cpu_usage[1], cpu_usage[2])
live_surface.blit(medfont.render(msg, 1, TCOLOR2), (200, 32))
# Blit newly formatted -- or old -- screen to main surface.
if place_buttons: # Do we have rt hand buttons to place?
for ix, bb in enumerate(button_surfs):
surf_main.blit(bb, (449, button_vloc[ix]))
surf_main.blit(help_matter, (20,20))
# Check for pygame events - keyboard, etc.
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
# Note: A key press is not recorded as a PyGame event if you are
# connecting via SSH. In that case, use --sp_min/max and --v_min/max
# command line options to set scales.
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
for event in pg.event.get():
if event.type == pg.QUIT:
elif event.type == pg.KEYDOWN:
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
if info_phase <= 1: # Normal op. (0) or help phase 1 (1)
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
# We usually want left or right shift treated the same!
shifted = event.mod & (pg.KMOD_LSHIFT | pg.KMOD_RSHIFT)
if event.key == pg.K_q:
elif event.key == pg.K_u: # 'u' or 'U' - chg upper dB
if shifted: # 'U' move up
if sp_max < 0:
sp_max += 10
else: # 'u' move dn
if sp_max > -130 and sp_max > sp_min + 10:
sp_max -= 10
mygraticule.set_range(sp_min, sp_max)
surf_2d_graticule = mygraticule.make()
elif event.key == pg.K_l: # 'l' or 'L' - chg lower dB
if shifted: # 'L' move up lower dB
if sp_min < sp_max -10:
sp_min += 10
else: # 'l' move down lower dB
if sp_min > -140:
sp_min -= 10
mygraticule.set_range(sp_min, sp_max)
surf_2d_graticule = mygraticule.make()
elif event.key == pg.K_b: # 'b' or 'B' - chg upper pal.
if shifted:
if v_max < -10:
v_max += 10
if v_max > v_min + 20:
v_max -= 10
elif event.key == pg.K_d: # 'd' or 'D' - chg lower pal.
if shifted:
if v_min < v_max - 20:
v_min += 10
if v_min > -130:
v_min -= 10
elif event.key == pg.K_r: # 'r' or 'R' = reset levels
sp_min, sp_max = sp_min_def, sp_max_def
mygraticule.set_range(sp_min, sp_max)
surf_2d_graticule = mygraticule.make()
if opt.waterfall:
v_min, v_max = mywf.reset_range()
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
# Note that LCD peripheral buttons are Right, Left, Up, Down
# arrows and "Enter". (Same as keyboard buttons)
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
elif event.key == pg.K_RIGHT: # right arrow + freq
if opt.source=='rtl':
finc = 100e3 if shifted else 10e3
dataIn.rtl.center_freq = dataIn.rtl.get_center_freq()+finc
else: # audio mode
if opt.hamlib:
finc = 1.0 if shifted else 0.1
rigfreq_request = rigfreq + finc
print "Rt arrow ignored, no Hamlib"
elif event.key == pg.K_LEFT: # left arrow - freq
if opt.source=='rtl':
finc = -100e3 if shifted else -10e3
dataIn.rtl.center_freq = dataIn.rtl.get_center_freq()+finc
else: # audio mode
if opt.hamlib:
finc = -1.0 if shifted else -0.1
rigfreq_request = rigfreq + finc
print "Lt arrow ignored, no Hamlib"
elif event.key == pg.K_UP:
print "Up"
elif event.key == pg.K_DOWN:
print "Down"
elif event.key == pg.K_RETURN:
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
info_phase += 1 # Jump to phase 1 or 2 overlay
info_counter = 0 # (next time)
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
# We can have an alternate set of keyboard (LCD button) responses
# for each "phase" of the on-screen help system.
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
elif info_phase == 2: # Listen for info phase 2 keys
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
# Showing 2d spectrum gain/offset adjustments
# Note: making graticule is moderately slow.
# Do not repeat range changes too quickly!
if event.key == pg.K_UP:
if sp_max < 0:
sp_max += 10
mygraticule.set_range(sp_min, sp_max)
surf_2d_graticule = mygraticule.make()
elif event.key == pg.K_DOWN:
if sp_max > -130 and sp_max > sp_min + 10:
sp_max -= 10
mygraticule.set_range(sp_min, sp_max)
surf_2d_graticule = mygraticule.make()
elif event.key == pg.K_RIGHT:
if sp_min < sp_max -10:
sp_min += 10
mygraticule.set_range(sp_min, sp_max)
surf_2d_graticule = mygraticule.make()
elif event.key == pg.K_LEFT:
if sp_min > -140:
sp_min -= 10
mygraticule.set_range(sp_min, sp_max)
surf_2d_graticule = mygraticule.make()
elif event.key == pg.K_RETURN:
info_phase = 3 if opt.waterfall \
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
else 0 # Next is phase 3 unless no WF.
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
info_counter = 0
2014-05-18 00:33:52 +00:00
elif info_phase == 3: # Listen for info phase 3 keys
2014-05-01 17:50:42 +00:00
# Showing waterfall pallette adjustments
# Note: recalculating palette is quite slow.
# Do not repeat range changes too quickly! (1 per second max?)
if event.key == pg.K_UP:
if v_max < -10:
v_max += 10
elif event.key == pg.K_DOWN:
if v_max > v_min + 20:
v_max -= 10
elif event.key == pg.K_RIGHT:
if v_min < v_max - 20:
v_min += 10
elif event.key == pg.K_LEFT:
if v_min > -130:
v_min -= 10
elif event.key == pg.K_RETURN:
info_phase = 0 # Turn OFF overlay
info_counter = 0
# Finally, update display for user
# End of main loop