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Wrapper around HTTPX that provides some fedi-specific features.
The API is identical to httpx, but some features has been added:
* Fedi-compatible HTTP signatures
* Blocked IP ranges
(Because Y is next after X).
import asyncio
import ipaddress
import logging
import socket
import typing
from ssl import SSLCertVerificationError, SSLError
from types import EllipsisType
import httpx
from django.conf import settings
from httpx import RequestError
from httpx._types import TimeoutTypes, URLTypes
from idna.core import InvalidCodepoint
from .signatures import HttpSignature
__all__ = (
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class SigningActor(typing.Protocol):
An AP Actor with keys, that can sign requests.
Both :class:`users.models.identity.Identity`, and
:class:`users.models.system_actor.SystemActor` implement this protocol.
#: The private key used for signing, in PEM format
private_key: str
# This is pretty much part of the interface, but we don't need it when
# making requests.
# public_key: str
#: The URL we should use to advertise this key
public_key_id: str
class SignedAuth(httpx.Auth):
Handles signing the request.
# Doing it this way so we get automatic sync/async handling
requires_request_body = True
def __init__(self, actor: SigningActor):
self.actor = actor
def auth_flow(self, request: httpx.Request):
request, self.actor.private_key, self.actor.public_key_id
yield request
class BlockedIPError(Exception):
Attempted to make a request that might have hit a blocked IP range.
class IpFilterWrapperTransport(httpx.BaseTransport, httpx.AsyncBaseTransport):
def __init__(
blocked_ranges: list[ipaddress.IPv4Network | ipaddress.IPv6Network | str],
wrappee: httpx.BaseTransport,
self.blocked_ranges = blocked_ranges
self.wrappee = wrappee
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, *exc):
def close(self):
async def __aenter__(self):
await self.wrappee.__aenter__()
return self
async def __aexit__(self, *exc):
await self.wrappee.__aexit__(self, *exc)
async def aclose(self):
await self.wrappee.close()
def _request_to_addrinfo(self, request) -> tuple:
return (
request.url.port or request.url.scheme,
def _check_addrinfo(self, req: httpx.Request, ai: typing.Sequence[tuple]):
Compare an IP to the blocked ranges
addr: ipaddress._BaseAddress
for info in ai:
match info:
case (socket.AF_INET, _, _, _, (addr, _)):
addr = ipaddress.IPv4Address(addr)
case (socket.AF_INET6, _, _, _, (addr, _, _, _)):
addr = ipaddress.IPv6Address(addr) # TODO: Do we need the flowinfo?
case _:
for net in self.blocked_ranges:
if addr in net:
raise BlockedIPError(
"Attempted to make a connection to {addr} as {request.url.host} (blocked by {net})"
# It would have been nicer to do this at a lower level, so we know what
# IPs we're _actually_ connecting to, but:
# * That's really deep in httpcore and ughhhhhh
# * httpcore just passes the string hostname to the socket API anyway,
# and nobody wants to reimplement happy eyeballs, address fallback, etc
# * If any public name resolves to one of these ranges anyway, it's either
# misconfigured or malicious
def handle_request(self, request: httpx.Request) -> httpx.Response:
request, socket.getaddrinfo(*self._request_to_addrinfo(request))
return self.wrappee.handle_request(request)
async def handle_async_request(self, request: httpx.Request) -> httpx.Response:
await asyncio.get_running_loop().getaddrinfo(
return await self.wrappee.handle_await_request(request)
def _wrap_transport(
blocked_ranges: list[ipaddress.IPv4Network | ipaddress.IPv6Network | str]
| None
| EllipsisType,
Gets an (Async)Transport that blocks the given IP ranges
if blocked_ranges is ...:
blocked_ranges = settings.HTTP_BLOCKED_RANGES
if not blocked_ranges:
return transport
blocked_ranges = [
ipaddress.ip_network(net) if isinstance(net, str) else net
for net in typing.cast(typing.Iterable, blocked_ranges)
return IpFilterWrapperTransport(blocked_ranges, transport)
class BaseClient(httpx._client.BaseClient):
def __init__(
actor: SigningActor | None = None,
blocked_ranges: list[ipaddress.IPv4Network | ipaddress.IPv6Network | str]
| None
| EllipsisType = ...,
timeout: TimeoutTypes = settings.SETUP.REMOTE_TIMEOUT,
actor: Actor to sign requests as, or None to not sign requests.
blocked_ranges: IP address to refuse to connect to. Either a list of
Networks, None to disable the feature, or Ellipsis to
pull the Django setting.
if actor:
opts["auth"] = SignedAuth(actor)
self._blocked_ranges = blocked_ranges
super().__init__(timeout=timeout, **opts)
def _init_transport(self, *p, **kw):
transport = super()._init_transport(*p, **kw)
return _wrap_transport(self._blocked_ranges, transport)
def build_request(self, *pargs, **kwargs):
request = super().build_request(*pargs, **kwargs)
# GET requests get implicit accept headers added
if request.method == "GET" and "Accept" not in request.headers:
request.headers["Accept"] = "application/ld+json"
# TODO: Move this to __init__
request.headers["User-Agent"] = settings.TAKAHE_USER_AGENT
return request
# BaseClient before (Async)Client because __init__
class Client(BaseClient, httpx.Client):
def request(self, url: URLTypes, method: str, **params) -> httpx.Response:
Wraps some errors up nicer
response = super().request(
method, url, follow_redirects=method == "get", **params
except SSLError as invalid_cert:
# Not our problem if the other end doesn't have proper SSL
logger.info("Invalid cert on %s %s", url, invalid_cert)
raise SSLCertVerificationError(invalid_cert) from invalid_cert
except InvalidCodepoint as ex:
# Convert to a more generic error we handle
raise httpx.HTTPError(f"InvalidCodepoint: {str(ex)}") from None
return response
# Deliberately not doing the above to stream() because those use cases don't
# want that handling
def get(
self, url: URLTypes, *, accept: str | None = "application/ld+json", **params
accept: Accept header, set to None to get the open option
if accept:
params.setdefault("headers", {})["Accept"] = accept
return super().get(url, **params)
def post2(self, url: URLTypes, *, activity=None, **params):
Like .post() but:
* Adds activity which is like json but for activities
* Handles response errors a bit
if activity is not None:
params["json"] = activity
params.setdefault("headers", {}).setdefault(
"Content-Type", "application/activity+json"
response = self.post(url, **params)
if (
response.status_code >= 400
and response.status_code < 500
and response.status_code != 404
raise ValueError(
f"POST error to {url}: {response.status_code} {response.content!r}"
return response
class AsyncClient(BaseClient, httpx.AsyncClient):
# FIXME: Add the fancy methods the sync version has.
# (I'm being lazy because I don't think anyone's making async requests)