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Wrapper around HTTPX that provides some fedi-specific features.
The API is identical to httpx, but some features has been added:
* Fedi-compatible HTTP signatures
* Blocked IP ranges
(Because Y is next after X).
import asyncio
import ipaddress
import socket
import typing
from types import EllipsisType
import httpx
from django.conf import settings
from httpx._types import TimeoutTypes
from .signatures import HttpSignature
class SigningActor(typing.Protocol):
An AP Actor with keys, that can sign requests.
Both :class:`users.models.identity.Identity`, and
:class:`users.models.system_actor.SystemActor` implement this protocol.
#: The private key used for signing, in PEM format
private_key: str
# This is pretty much part of the interface, but we don't need it when
# making requests.
# public_key: str
#: The URL we should use to advertise this key
public_key_id: str
class SignedAuth(httpx.Auth):
Handles signing the request.
# Doing it this way so we get automatic sync/async handling
requires_request_body = True
def __init__(self, actor: SigningActor):
self.actor = actor
def auth_flow(self, request: httpx.Request):
request, self.actor.private_key, self.actor.public_key_id
yield request
class BlockedIPError(Exception):
Attempted to make a request that might have hit a blocked IP range.
class IpFilterWrapperTransport(httpx.BaseTransport, httpx.AsyncBaseTransport):
def __init__(
blocked_ranges: list[ipaddress.IPv4Network | ipaddress.IPv6Network | str],
wrappee: httpx.BaseTransport,
self.blocked_ranges = blocked_ranges
self.wrappee = wrappee
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, *exc):
def close(self):
async def __aenter__(self):
await self.wrappee.__aenter__()
return self
async def __aexit__(self, *exc):
await self.wrappee.__aexit__(self, *exc)
async def aclose(self):
await self.wrappee.close()
def _request_to_addrinfo(self, request) -> tuple:
return (
request.url.port or request.url.scheme,
def _check_addrinfo(self, req: httpx.Request, ai: typing.Sequence[tuple]):
Compare an IP to the blocked ranges
addr: ipaddress._BaseAddress
for info in ai:
match info:
case (socket.AF_INET, _, _, _, (addr, _)):
addr = ipaddress.IPv4Address(addr)
case (socket.AF_INET6, _, _, _, (addr, _, _, _)):
addr = ipaddress.IPv6Address(addr) # TODO: Do we need the flowinfo?
case _:
for net in self.blocked_ranges:
if addr in net:
raise BlockedIPError(
"Attempted to make a connection to {addr} as {request.url.host} (blocked by {net})"
# It would have been nicer to do this at a lower level, so we know what
# IPs we're _actually_ connecting to, but:
# * That's really deep in httpcore and ughhhhhh
# * httpcore just passes the string hostname to the socket API anyway,
# and nobody wants to reimplement happy eyeballs, address fallback, etc
# * If any public name resolves to one of these ranges anyway, it's either
# misconfigured or malicious
def handle_request(self, request: httpx.Request) -> httpx.Response:
request, socket.getaddrinfo(*self._request_to_addrinfo(request))
return super().handle_request(request)
async def handle_async_request(self, request: httpx.Request) -> httpx.Response:
await asyncio.get_running_loop().getaddrinfo(
return await super().handle_await_request(request)
def _wrap_transport(
blocked_ranges: list[ipaddress.IPv4Network | ipaddress.IPv6Network | str]
| None
| EllipsisType,
Gets an (Async)Transport that blocks the given IP ranges
if blocked_ranges is ...:
blocked_ranges = settings.HTTP_BLOCKED_RANGES
if not blocked_ranges:
return transport
blocked_ranges = [
ipaddress.ip_network(net) if isinstance(net, str) else net
for net in typing.cast(typing.Iterable, blocked_ranges)
return IpFilterWrapperTransport(blocked_ranges, transport)
class BaseClient(httpx._client.BaseClient):
def __init__(
actor: SigningActor | None = None,
blocked_ranges: list[ipaddress.IPv4Network | ipaddress.IPv6Network | str]
| None
| EllipsisType = ...,
timeout: TimeoutTypes = settings.SETUP.REMOTE_TIMEOUT,
actor: Actor to sign requests as, or None to not sign requests.
blocked_ranges: IP address to refuse to connect to. Either a list of
Networks, None to disable the feature, or Ellipsis to
pull the Django setting.
if actor:
opts["auth"] = SignedAuth(actor)
self._blocked_ranges = blocked_ranges
super().__init__(timeout=timeout, **opts)
def _init_transport(self, *p, **kw):
transport = super()._init_transport(*p, **kw)
return _wrap_transport(self._blocked_ranges, transport)
def build_request(self, *pargs, **kwargs):
request = super().build_request(*pargs, **kwargs)
# GET requests get implicit accept headers added
if request.method == "GET" and "Accept" not in request.headers:
request.headers["Accept"] = "application/ld+json"
# TODO: Move this to __init__
request.headers["User-Agent"] = settings.TAKAHE_USER_AGENT
return request
# BaseClient before (Async)Client because __init__
class Client(BaseClient, httpx.Client):
class AsyncClient(BaseClient, httpx.AsyncClient):