import re from datetime import date, timedelta import urlman from asgiref.sync import sync_to_async from django.db import models from django.utils import timezone from core.html import strip_html from core.models import Config from stator.models import State, StateField, StateGraph, StatorModel class HashtagStates(StateGraph): outdated = State(try_interval=300, force_initial=True) updated = State(externally_progressed=True) outdated.transitions_to(updated) updated.transitions_to(outdated) @classmethod async def handle_outdated(cls, instance: "Hashtag"): """ Computes the stats and other things for a Hashtag """ from time import time from .post import Post start = time() posts_query = Post.objects.local_public().tagged_with(instance) total = await posts_query.acount() today = total_today = await posts_query.filter( created__gte=today, created__lte=today + timedelta(days=1), ).acount() total_month = await posts_query.filter( created__year=today.year, created__month=today.month, ).acount() total_year = await posts_query.filter( created__year=today.year, ).acount() if total: if not instance.stats: instance.stats = {} instance.stats.update( { "total": total, today.isoformat(): total_today, today.strftime("%Y-%m"): total_month, today.strftime("%Y"): total_year, } ) instance.stats_updated = await sync_to_async( print(f"Updated hashtag {instance.hashtag} in {time() - start:.5f} seconds") return cls.updated class HashtagQuerySet(models.QuerySet): def public(self): public_q = models.Q(public=True) if Config.system.hashtag_unreviewed_are_public: public_q |= models.Q(public__isnull=True) return self.filter(public_q) def hashtag_or_alias(self, hashtag: str): return self.filter( models.Q(hashtag=hashtag) | models.Q(aliases__contains=hashtag) ) class HashtagManager(models.Manager): def get_queryset(self): return HashtagQuerySet(self.model, using=self._db) def public(self): return self.get_queryset().public() def hashtag_or_alias(self, hashtag: str): return self.get_queryset().hashtag_or_alias(hashtag) class Hashtag(StatorModel): # Normalized hashtag without the '#' hashtag = models.SlugField(primary_key=True, max_length=100) # Friendly display override name_override = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True, blank=True) # Should this be shown in the public UI? public = models.BooleanField(null=True) # State of this Hashtag state = StateField(HashtagStates) # Metrics for this Hashtag stats = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) # Timestamp of last time the stats were updated stats_updated = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True) # List of other hashtags that are considered similar aliases = models.JSONField(null=True, blank=True) created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) updated = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) objects = HashtagManager() class urls(urlman.Urls): admin = "/admin/hashtags/" admin_edit = "{admin}{self.hashtag}/" timeline = "/tags/{self.hashtag}/" hashtag_regex = re.compile(r"\B#([a-zA-Z0-9(_)]+\b)(?!;)") def save(self, *args, **kwargs): self.hashtag = self.hashtag.lstrip("#") if self.name_override: self.name_override = self.name_override.lstrip("#") return super().save(*args, **kwargs) @property def display_name(self): return self.name_override or self.hashtag def __str__(self): return self.display_name def usage_months(self, num: int = 12) -> dict[date, int]: """ Return the most recent num months of stats """ if not self.stats: return {} results = {} for key, val in self.stats.items(): parts = key.split("-") if len(parts) == 2: year = int(parts[0]) month = int(parts[1]) results[date(year, month, 1)] = val return dict(sorted(results.items(), reverse=True)[:num]) def usage_days(self, num: int = 7) -> dict[date, int]: """ Return the most recent num days of stats """ if not self.stats: return {} results = {} for key, val in self.stats.items(): parts = key.split("-") if len(parts) == 3: year = int(parts[0]) month = int(parts[1]) day = int(parts[2]) results[date(year, month, day)] = val return dict(sorted(results.items(), reverse=True)[:num]) @classmethod def hashtags_from_content(cls, content) -> list[str]: """ Return a parsed and sanitized of hashtags found in content without leading '#'. """ hashtag_hits = cls.hashtag_regex.findall(strip_html(content)) hashtags = sorted({tag.lower() for tag in hashtag_hits}) return list(hashtags) def to_mastodon_json(self): return { "name": self.hashtag, "url": self.urls.view.full(), "history": [], }