{% load static %} {% load activity_tags %}
{% include "identity/_identity_banner.html" with identity=post.author %}
{% if post.summary %} {% if config_identity.expand_linked_cws %}
{% else %}
{% endif %} {{ post.summary }}
{% endif %}
{{ post.safe_content_local }} {% if post.attachments.exists %}
{% for attachment in post.attachments.all %} {% if attachment.is_image %} {{ attachment.name|default:'(no description)' }} {% elif attachment.is_video %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% for attachment in post.attachments.all %} {% if not attachment.is_image and not attachment.is_video %}
{{ attachment.file_display_name }}
{% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if post.edited %}
Edited {{ post.edited | timedeltashort }} ago
{% endif %} {% if request.identity %} {% endif %}