{% extends "emails/base.html" %} {% load mail_tags %} {% autoescape off %} {% block title %}{{settings.MAIN_DOMAIN}} - Password Reset Requested{% endblock title %} {% block subtitle %}{{settings.MAIN_DOMAIN}} - Password Reset Requested{% endblock subtitle %} {% block body_greeting %} {% email_body_content "Hi there," %} {% endblock body_greeting %} {% block body_content %} {% email_body_content "A password reset was requested for your account ({{reset.user.email}}) at {{Config.system.site_name}} (https://{{settings.MAIN_DOMAIN}})." %} {% email_body_content "To reset your password, go to this link:" %} {% endblock body_content %} {% block body_button %} {% email_button button_text="Reset Password" button_link="https://{{settings.MAIN_DOMAIN}}/auth/reset/{{reset.token}}/" %} {% endblock body_button %} {% block body_signature %} {% email_body_content "Thanks, Admins @{{settings.MAIN_DOMAIN}}" %} {% endblock body_signature %} {% block extra_footer %} {% email_footer "If this was not you, then please ignore this message - your password will not be reset if this link is not visited." %} {% endblock extra_footer %} {% endautoescape %}