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2013-03-15 11:54:24 +00:00
<img src="https://raw.github.com/neopoly/tagcloud/master/examples/rabbit.png" alt="Example of TagCloud" title="TagCloud" align="right" height="400"/>
# TagCloud
Tag clouds are very popular but seem to look always the same. TagCloud allows you to generate tag cloud images which base on an input word list and a shape image. It will try to fill the shape with the provided words and thereby choose a font size according to the weights.
Shapes can be provided a simple image files which have a clear foreground shape. You also can configure the colors which are used randomly for the words in the tag cloud.
This project bases on the impressive work of [Processing](http://processing.org) and [WordCram](http://wordcram.org). The generated images are inspired by the examples at [Tagxedo](http://www.tagxedo.com).
## Installation
a) Clone this repository and build the jar, e.g.
$ ant -f tagcloud.xml
b) Or use a prebuild tagcloud.jar from `/build`
2. Place the jar in an directory and provide the following files (Sample can be used from this project root directory):
- tagcloud.jar
- input.txt The input file containing the words and weights
- shape.png The shape file
- config.properties The configuration for the generation process (see sample in repository)
## Usage
Provide a `input.txt` with an entry per line in the following format: `WORD,COUNT`. The `WORD` should not contain any `,` as this is used as a separator.
### Example: input.txt
acceptation, 5.0
acceptance, 1.0
appreciation, 2.0
recognition, 3.0
compliment, 1.0
acknowledgement, 1.5
praise, 6.3
You also must provide a `shape.png` image. It should have a white background and a black foreground. The image dimensions should match the configured result dimensions (see `config.properties`).
### Example: shape.png
<img src="https://raw.github.com/neopoly/tagcloud/master/examples/rabbit-shape.png" alt="Example of shape.png" title="Example of shape.png" height="400" border="1"/>
Your directory should also include a `config.properties` file for the generation process. See the included file as an example.
Now you can start the generation process with:
$ java -jar tagcloud.jar
Per default the generated image will be written to `out.png`. TIFF, TARGA, JPEG, and PNG format are supported by determine the extension of the configure output file.
**Headless:** This project uses Processing which cannot be run without a frame buffer. The `-D java.awt.headless=true` trick doesn't work. In the project repository a simple shell script is included with can be used to generate an image on headless machines using `Xvfb`.
* Allow configuration with command line arguments
## License
TagCloud is distributed under MIT license. See [LICENSE](https://raw.github.com/neopoly/tagcloud/master/LICENSE) for details.
The official Processing.org's jars, used as dependencies, are distributed under LGPL and their code can be found on http://processing.org/
The official WordCram's jars, also used as dependencies, are distributes under Apache License and their code can be found on http://wordcram.org