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50 KiB

Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Christopher Young
Distributable under the terms of The "BSD New" License
that can be found in the LICENSE file, herein included
as part of this header.
gen_gdl90.go: Input demodulated UAT and 1090ES information, output GDL90. Heartbeat,
ownship, status messages, stats collection.
package main
import (
humanize ""
var logDirf string // Directory for all logging
var debugLogf string // Set according to OS config.
var dataLogFilef string // Set according to OS config.
const (
configLocation = "/etc/stratux.conf"
managementAddr = ":80"
logDir = "/var/log/"
debugLogFile = "stratux.log"
dataLogFile = "stratux.sqlite"
//FlightBox: log to /root.
logDir_FB = "/root/"
wifiConfigLocation = "/etc/hostapd/hostapd.user"
maxDatagramSize = 8192
maxUserMsgQueueSize = 25000 // About 10MB per port per connected client.
// assume 6 byte frames: 2 header bytes, 4 byte payload
// (TIS-B heartbeat with one address, or empty FIS-B APDU)
LON_LAT_RESOLUTION = float32(180.0 / 8388608.0)
TRACK_RESOLUTION = float32(360.0 / 256.0)
GPS_TYPE_UBX9 = 0x09
GPS_TYPE_UBX8 = 0x08
GPS_TYPE_UBX7 = 0x07
GPS_TYPE_UBX6 = 0x06
// other GPS types to be defined as needed
var logFileHandle *os.File
var usage *du.DiskUsage
var maxSignalStrength int
var stratuxBuild string
var stratuxVersion string
var product_name_map = map[int]string{
0: "METAR",
1: "TAF",
2: "SIGMET",
3: "Conv SIGMET",
4: "AIRMET",
5: "PIREP",
6: "Severe Wx",
7: "Winds Aloft",
8: "NOTAM", //"NOTAM (Including TFRs) and Service Status";
9: "D-ATIS", //"Aerodrome and Airspace – D-ATIS";
10: "Terminal Wx", //"Aerodrome and Airspace - TWIP";
11: "AIRMET", //"Aerodrome and Airspace - AIRMET";
12: "SIGMET", //"Aerodrome and Airspace - SIGMET/Convective SIGMET";
13: "SUA", //"Aerodrome and Airspace - SUA Status";
20: "METAR", //"METAR and SPECI";
21: "TAF", //"TAF and Amended TAF";
22: "SIGMET", //"SIGMET";
23: "Conv SIGMET", //"Convective SIGMET";
24: "AIRMET", //"AIRMET";
25: "PIREP", //"PIREP";
26: "Severe Wx", //"AWW";
27: "Winds Aloft", //"Winds and Temperatures Aloft";
51: "NEXRAD", //"National NEXRAD, Type 0 - 4 level";
52: "NEXRAD", //"National NEXRAD, Type 1 - 8 level (quasi 6-level VIP)";
53: "NEXRAD", //"National NEXRAD, Type 2 - 8 level";
54: "NEXRAD", //"National NEXRAD, Type 3 - 16 level";
55: "NEXRAD", //"Regional NEXRAD, Type 0 - low dynamic range";
56: "NEXRAD", //"Regional NEXRAD, Type 1 - 8 level (quasi 6-level VIP)";
57: "NEXRAD", //"Regional NEXRAD, Type 2 - 8 level";
58: "NEXRAD", //"Regional NEXRAD, Type 3 - 16 level";
59: "NEXRAD", //"Individual NEXRAD, Type 0 - low dynamic range";
60: "NEXRAD", //"Individual NEXRAD, Type 1 - 8 level (quasi 6-level VIP)";
61: "NEXRAD", //"Individual NEXRAD, Type 2 - 8 level";
62: "NEXRAD", //"Individual NEXRAD, Type 3 - 16 level";
63: "NEXRAD Regional", //"Global Block Representation - Regional NEXRAD, Type 4 – 8 level";
64: "NEXRAD CONUS", //"Global Block Representation - CONUS NEXRAD, Type 4 - 8 level";
81: "Tops", //"Radar echo tops graphic, scheme 1: 16-level";
82: "Tops", //"Radar echo tops graphic, scheme 2: 8-level";
83: "Tops", //"Storm tops and velocity";
101: "Lightning", //"Lightning strike type 1 (pixel level)";
102: "Lightning", //"Lightning strike type 2 (grid element level)";
151: "Lightning", //"Point phenomena, vector format";
201: "Surface", //"Surface conditions/winter precipitation graphic";
202: "Surface", //"Surface weather systems";
254: "G-AIRMET", //"AIRMET, SIGMET: Bitmap encoding";
351: "Time", //"System Time";
352: "Status", //"Operational Status";
353: "Status", //"Ground Station Status";
401: "Imagery", //"Generic Raster Scan Data Product APDU Payload Format Type 1";
402: "Text",
403: "Vector Imagery", //"Generic Vector Data Product APDU Payload Format Type 1";
404: "Symbols",
405: "Text",
411: "Text", //"Generic Textual Data Product APDU Payload Format Type 1";
412: "Symbols", //"Generic Symbolic Product APDU Payload Format Type 1";
413: "Text", //"Generic Textual Data Product APDU Payload Format Type 2";
// CRC16 table generated to use to work with GDL90 messages.
var Crc16Table [256]uint16
// Current AHRS, pressure altitude, etc.
var mySituation SituationData
type WriteCloser interface {
type ReadCloser interface {
type msg struct {
MessageClass uint
TimeReceived time.Time
Data string
Products []uint32
Signal_amplitude int
Signal_strength float64
ADSBTowerID string // Index in the 'ADSBTowers' map, if this is a parseable uplink message.
uatMsg *uatparse.UATMsg
// Raw inputs.
var MsgLog []msg
// Time gen_gdl90 was started.
var timeStarted time.Time
type ADSBTower struct {
Lat float64
Lng float64
Signal_strength_now float64 // Current RSSI (dB)
Signal_strength_max float64 // all-time peak RSSI (dB) observed for this tower
Energy_last_minute uint64 // Summation of power observed for this tower across all messages last minute
Signal_strength_last_minute float64 // Average RSSI (dB) observed for this tower last minute
Messages_last_minute uint64
var ADSBTowers map[string]ADSBTower // Running list of all towers seen. (lat,lng) -> ADSBTower
var ADSBTowerMutex *sync.Mutex
// Construct the CRC table. Adapted from FAA ref above.
func crcInit() {
var i uint16
var bitctr uint16
var crc uint16
for i = 0; i < 256; i++ {
crc = (i << 8)
for bitctr = 0; bitctr < 8; bitctr++ {
z := uint16(0)
if (crc & 0x8000) != 0 {
z = 0x1021
crc = (crc << 1) ^ z
Crc16Table[i] = crc
// Compute CRC. Adapted from FAA ref above.
func crcCompute(data []byte) uint16 {
ret := uint16(0)
for i := 0; i < len(data); i++ {
ret = Crc16Table[ret>>8] ^ (ret << 8) ^ uint16(data[i])
return ret
func prepareMessage(data []byte) []byte {
// Compute CRC before modifying the message.
crc := crcCompute(data)
// Add the two CRC16 bytes before replacing control characters.
data = append(data, byte(crc&0xFF))
data = append(data, byte(crc>>8))
tmp := []byte{0x7E} // Flag start.
// Copy the message over, escaping 0x7E (Flag Byte) and 0x7D (Control-Escape).
for i := 0; i < len(data); i++ {
mv := data[i]
if (mv == 0x7E) || (mv == 0x7D) {
mv = mv ^ 0x20
tmp = append(tmp, 0x7D)
tmp = append(tmp, mv)
tmp = append(tmp, 0x7E) // Flag end.
return tmp
func makeLatLng(v float32) []byte {
ret := make([]byte, 3)
wk := int32(v)
ret[0] = byte((wk & 0xFF0000) >> 16)
ret[1] = byte((wk & 0x00FF00) >> 8)
ret[2] = byte((wk & 0x0000FF))
return ret
func isDetectedOwnshipValid() bool {
return stratuxClock.Since(OwnshipTrafficInfo.Last_seen) < 10*time.Second
func makeOwnshipReport() bool {
gpsValid := isGPSValid()
selfOwnshipValid := isDetectedOwnshipValid()
if !gpsValid && !selfOwnshipValid {
return false
curOwnship := OwnshipTrafficInfo
msg := make([]byte, 28)
// See p.16.
msg[0] = 0x0A // Message type "Ownship".
// Retrieve ICAO code from settings
code, _ := hex.DecodeString(globalSettings.OwnshipModeS)
// Ownship Target Identify (see of GDL-90 Specifications)
// First half of byte is 0 for Alert type of 'No Traffic Alert'
// Second half of byte is 0 for traffic type 'ADS-B with ICAO'
// Send 0x01 by default, unless ICAO is set, send 0x00
if (len(code) == 3 && code[0] != 0xF0 && code[0] != 0x00) {
msg[1] = 0x00 // ADS-B Out with ICAO
msg[2] = code[0] // Mode S address.
msg[3] = code[1] // Mode S address.
msg[4] = code[2] // Mode S address.
} else {
msg[1] = 0x01 // ADS-B Out with self-assigned code
// Reserved dummy code.
msg[2] = 0xF0
msg[3] = 0x00
msg[4] = 0x00
var tmp []byte
if selfOwnshipValid {
tmp = makeLatLng(curOwnship.Lat)
msg[5] = tmp[0] // Latitude.
msg[6] = tmp[1] // Latitude.
msg[7] = tmp[2] // Latitude.
tmp = makeLatLng(curOwnship.Lng)
msg[8] = tmp[0] // Longitude.
msg[9] = tmp[1] // Longitude.
msg[10] = tmp[2] // Longitude.
} else {
tmp = makeLatLng(mySituation.GPSLatitude)
msg[5] = tmp[0] // Latitude.
msg[6] = tmp[1] // Latitude.
msg[7] = tmp[2] // Latitude.
tmp = makeLatLng(mySituation.GPSLongitude)
msg[8] = tmp[0] // Longitude.
msg[9] = tmp[1] // Longitude.
msg[10] = tmp[2] // Longitude.
alt := uint16(0xFFF) // 0xFFF "invalid altitude."
validAltf := false
var altf float64
if selfOwnshipValid {
altf = float64(curOwnship.Alt)
validAltf = true
} else if isTempPressValid() {
altf = float64(mySituation.BaroPressureAltitude)
validAltf = true
if validAltf {
altf = (altf + 1000) / 25
alt = uint16(altf) & 0xFFF // Should fit in 12 bits.
msg[11] = byte((alt & 0xFF0) >> 4) // Altitude.
msg[12] = byte((alt & 0x00F) << 4)
if selfOwnshipValid || isGPSGroundTrackValid() {
msg[12] = msg[12] | 0x09 // "Airborne" + "True Track"
msg[13] = byte(0x80 | (mySituation.GPSNACp & 0x0F)) //Set NIC = 8 and use NACp from gps.go.
gdSpeed := uint16(0) // 1kt resolution.
if selfOwnshipValid && curOwnship.Speed_valid {
gdSpeed = curOwnship.Speed
} else if isGPSGroundTrackValid() {
gdSpeed = uint16(mySituation.GPSGroundSpeed + 0.5)
// gdSpeed should fit in 12 bits.
msg[14] = byte((gdSpeed & 0xFF0) >> 4)
msg[15] = byte((gdSpeed & 0x00F) << 4)
verticalVelocity := int16(0x800) // ft/min. 64 ft/min resolution.
//TODO: 0x800 = no information available.
// verticalVelocity should fit in 12 bits.
msg[15] = msg[15] | byte((verticalVelocity&0x0F00)>>8)
msg[16] = byte(verticalVelocity & 0xFF)
// Track is degrees true, set from GPS true course.
groundTrack := float32(0)
if selfOwnshipValid {
groundTrack = float32(curOwnship.Track)
} else if isGPSGroundTrackValid() {
groundTrack = mySituation.GPSTrueCourse
tempTrack := groundTrack + TRACK_RESOLUTION/2 // offset by half the 8-bit resolution to minimize binning error
for tempTrack > 360 {
tempTrack -= 360
for tempTrack < 0 {
tempTrack += 360
trk := uint8(tempTrack / TRACK_RESOLUTION) // Resolution is ~1.4 degrees.
//log.Printf("For groundTrack = %.2f°, tempTrack= %.2f, trk = %d (%f°)\n",groundTrack,tempTrack,trk,float32(trk)*TRACK_RESOLUTION)
msg[17] = byte(trk)
msg[18] = 0x01 // "Light (ICAO) < 15,500 lbs"
if selfOwnshipValid {
// Limit tail number to 7 characters.
tail := curOwnship.Tail
if len(tail) > 7 {
tail = tail[:7]
// Copy tail number into message.
for i := 0; i < len(tail); i++ {
msg[19+i] = tail[i]
myReg := "Stratux" // Default callsign.
// Use icao2reg() results for ownship tail number, if available.
if len(code) == 3 {
uintIcao := uint32(code[0])<<16 | uint32(code[1])<<8 | uint32(code[2])
regFromIcao, regFromIcaoValid := icao2reg(uintIcao)
if regFromIcaoValid {
// Valid "decoded" registration. Use this for the reg.
myReg = regFromIcao
// Truncate registration to 8 characters.
if len(myReg) > 8 {
myReg = myReg[:8]
// Write the callsign.
for i := 0; i < len(myReg); i++ {
msg[19+i] = myReg[i]
sendGDL90(prepareMessage(msg), false)
return true
func makeOwnshipGeometricAltitudeReport() bool {
if !isGPSValid() {
return false
msg := make([]byte, 5)
// See p.28.
msg[0] = 0x0B // Message type "Ownship Geo Alt".
alt := int16(mySituation.GPSAltitudeMSL / 5) // GPS Altitude, encoded to 16-bit int using 5-foot resolution
msg[1] = byte(alt >> 8) // Altitude.
msg[2] = byte(alt & 0x00FF) // Altitude.
//TODO: "Figure of Merit". 0x7FFF "Not available".
msg[3] = 0x00
msg[4] = 0x0A
sendGDL90(prepareMessage(msg), false)
return true
"SX" Stratux GDL90 message. for latest version (currently using V104)
func makeStratuxStatus() []byte {
msg := make([]byte, 29)
msg[0] = 'S'
msg[1] = 'X'
msg[2] = 1
msg[3] = 1 // "message version".
// Version code. Messy parsing to fit into four bytes.
thisVers := stratuxVersion[1:] // Skip first character, should be 'v'.
m_str := thisVers[0:strings.Index(thisVers, ".")] // Major version.
mib_str := thisVers[strings.Index(thisVers, ".")+1:] // Minor and build version.
tp := 0 // Build "type".
mi_str := ""
b_str := ""
if strings.Index(mib_str, "rc") != -1 {
tp = 3
mi_str = mib_str[0:strings.Index(mib_str, "rc")]
b_str = mib_str[strings.Index(mib_str, "rc")+2:]
} else if strings.Index(mib_str, "r") != -1 {
tp = 2
mi_str = mib_str[0:strings.Index(mib_str, "r")]
b_str = mib_str[strings.Index(mib_str, "r")+1:]
} else if strings.Index(mib_str, "b") != -1 {
tp = 1
mi_str = mib_str[0:strings.Index(mib_str, "b")]
b_str = mib_str[strings.Index(mib_str, "b")+1:]
// Convert to strings.
m, _ := strconv.Atoi(m_str)
mi, _ := strconv.Atoi(mi_str)
b, _ := strconv.Atoi(b_str)
msg[4] = byte(m)
msg[5] = byte(mi)
msg[6] = byte(tp)
msg[7] = byte(b)
//TODO: Hardware revision.
msg[8] = 0xFF
msg[9] = 0xFF
msg[10] = 0xFF
msg[11] = 0xFF
// Valid and enabled flags.
// Valid/Enabled: GPS portion.
if isGPSValid() {
switch mySituation.GPSFixQuality {
case 1: // 1 = 3D GPS.
msg[13] = 1
case 2: // 2 = DGPS (SBAS /WAAS).
msg[13] = 2
default: // Zero.
// Valid/Enabled: AHRS portion.
if isAHRSValid() {
msg[13] = msg[13] | (1 << 2)
// Valid/Enabled: Pressure altitude portion.
if isTempPressValid() {
msg[13] = msg[13] | (1 << 3)
// Valid/Enabled: CPU temperature portion.
if isCPUTempValid(globalStatus.CPUTemp) {
msg[13] = msg[13] | (1 << 4)
// Valid/Enabled: UAT portion.
if globalSettings.UAT_Enabled {
msg[13] = msg[13] | (1 << 5)
// Valid/Enabled: ES portion.
if globalSettings.ES_Enabled {
msg[13] = msg[13] | (1 << 6)
// Ping provides ES and UAT
if globalSettings.Ping_Enabled {
msg[13] = msg[13] | (1 << 5) | (1 << 6)
// Valid/Enabled: GPS Enabled portion.
if globalSettings.GPS_Enabled {
msg[13] = msg[13] | (1 << 7)
// Valid/Enabled: AHRS Enabled portion.
if globalSettings.IMU_Sensor_Enabled {
msg[12] = 1 << 0
// Valid/Enabled: last bit unused.
// Connected hardware: number of radios.
msg[15] = msg[15] | (byte(globalStatus.Devices) & 0x3)
// Connected hardware: IMU (spec really says just RY835AI, could revise for other IMUs
if globalStatus.IMUConnected {
msg[15] = msg[15] | (1 << 2)
// Number of GPS satellites locked.
msg[16] = byte(globalStatus.GPS_satellites_locked)
// Number of satellites tracked
msg[17] = byte(globalStatus.GPS_satellites_tracked)
// Number of UAT traffic targets.
msg[18] = byte((globalStatus.UAT_traffic_targets_tracking & 0xFF00) >> 8)
msg[19] = byte(globalStatus.UAT_traffic_targets_tracking & 0xFF)
// Number of 1090ES traffic targets.
msg[20] = byte((globalStatus.ES_traffic_targets_tracking & 0xFF00) >> 8)
msg[21] = byte(globalStatus.ES_traffic_targets_tracking & 0xFF)
// Number of UAT messages per minute.
msg[22] = byte((globalStatus.UAT_messages_last_minute & 0xFF00) >> 8)
msg[23] = byte(globalStatus.UAT_messages_last_minute & 0xFF)
// Number of 1090ES messages per minute.
msg[24] = byte((globalStatus.ES_messages_last_minute & 0xFF00) >> 8)
msg[25] = byte(globalStatus.ES_messages_last_minute & 0xFF)
// CPU temperature.
v := uint16(float32(10.0) * globalStatus.CPUTemp)
msg[26] = byte((v & 0xFF00) >> 8)
msg[27] = byte(v & 0xFF)
// Number of ADS-B towers. Map structure is protected by ADSBTowerMutex.
num_towers := uint8(len(ADSBTowers))
msg[28] = byte(num_towers)
// List of ADS-B towers (lat, lng).
for _, tower := range ADSBTowers {
tmp := makeLatLng(float32(tower.Lat))
msg = append(msg, tmp[0]) // Latitude.
msg = append(msg, tmp[1]) // Latitude.
msg = append(msg, tmp[2]) // Latitude.
tmp = makeLatLng(float32(tower.Lng))
msg = append(msg, tmp[0]) // Longitude.
msg = append(msg, tmp[1]) // Longitude.
msg = append(msg, tmp[2]) // Longitude.
return prepareMessage(msg)
"Stratux" GDL90 message.
Message ID 0xCC.
Byte1: p p p p p p GPS AHRS
First 6 bytes are protocol version codes.
Protocol 1: GPS on/off | AHRS on/off.
func makeStratuxHeartbeat() []byte {
msg := make([]byte, 2)
msg[0] = 0xCC // Message type "Stratux".
msg[1] = 0
if isGPSValid() {
msg[1] = 0x02
if isAHRSValid() {
msg[1] = msg[1] | 0x01
protocolVers := int8(1)
msg[1] = msg[1] | byte(protocolVers<<2)
return prepareMessage(msg)
ForeFlight "ID Message".
Sends device information to ForeFlight.
func makeFFIDMessage() []byte {
msg := make([]byte, 39)
msg[0] = 0x65 // Message type "ForeFlight".
msg[1] = 0 // ID message identifier.
msg[2] = 1 // Message version.
// Serial number. Set to "invalid" for now.
for i := 3; i <= 10; i++ {
msg[i] = 0xFF
devShortName := "Stratux" // Temporary. Will be populated in the future with other names.
if len(devShortName) > 8 {
devShortName = devShortName[:8] // 8 chars.
copy(msg[11:], devShortName)
devLongName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", stratuxVersion, stratuxBuild)
if len(devLongName) > 16 {
devLongName = devLongName[:16] // 16 chars.
copy(msg[19:], devLongName)
msg[38] = 0x01 // Capabilities mask. MSL altitude for Ownship Geometric report.
return prepareMessage(msg)
func makeHeartbeat() []byte {
msg := make([]byte, 7)
// See p.10.
msg[0] = 0x00 // Message type "Heartbeat".
msg[1] = 0x01 // "UAT Initialized".
if isGPSValid() {
msg[1] = msg[1] | 0x80
msg[1] = msg[1] | 0x10 //FIXME: Addr talkback.
// "Maintenance Req'd". Add flag if there are any current critical system errors.
if len(globalStatus.Errors) > 0 {
msg[1] = msg[1] | 0x40
nowUTC := time.Now().UTC()
// Seconds since 0000Z.
midnightUTC := time.Date(nowUTC.Year(), nowUTC.Month(), nowUTC.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
secondsSinceMidnightUTC := uint32(nowUTC.Sub(midnightUTC).Seconds())
msg[2] = byte(((secondsSinceMidnightUTC >> 16) << 7) | 0x1) // UTC OK.
msg[3] = byte((secondsSinceMidnightUTC & 0xFF))
msg[4] = byte((secondsSinceMidnightUTC & 0xFFFF) >> 8)
// TODO. Number of uplink messages. See p.12.
// msg[5]
// msg[6]
return prepareMessage(msg)
func relayMessage(msgtype uint16, msg []byte) {
ret := make([]byte, len(msg)+4)
// See p.15.
ret[0] = byte(msgtype) // Uplink message ID.
ret[1] = 0x00 //TODO: Time.
ret[2] = 0x00 //TODO: Time.
ret[3] = 0x00 //TODO: Time.
for i := 0; i < len(msg); i++ {
ret[i+4] = msg[i]
sendGDL90(prepareMessage(ret), true)
func blinkStatusLED() {
timer := time.NewTicker(100 * time.Millisecond)
ledON := false
for {
if ledON {
ioutil.WriteFile("/sys/class/leds/led0/brightness", []byte("0\n"), 0644)
} else {
ioutil.WriteFile("/sys/class/leds/led0/brightness", []byte("1\n"), 0644)
ledON = !ledON
func heartBeatSender() {
timer := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Second)
timerMessageStats := time.NewTicker(2 * time.Second)
ledBlinking := false
for {
select {
case <-timer.C:
// Green LED - always on during normal operation.
// Blinking when there is a critical system error (and Stratux is still running).
if len(globalStatus.Errors) == 0 { // Any system errors?
if !globalStatus.NightMode { // LED is off by default (/boot/config.txt.)
// Turn on green ACT LED on the Pi.
ioutil.WriteFile("/sys/class/leds/led0/brightness", []byte("1\n"), 0644)
} else if !ledBlinking {
// This assumes that system errors do not disappear until restart.
go blinkStatusLED()
ledBlinking = true
sendGDL90(makeHeartbeat(), false)
sendGDL90(makeStratuxHeartbeat(), false)
sendGDL90(makeStratuxStatus(), false)
sendGDL90(makeFFIDMessage(), false)
// --- debug code: traffic demo ---
// Uncomment and compile to display large number of artificial traffic targets
numTargets := uint32(36)
hexCode := uint32(0xFF0000)
for i := uint32(0); i < numTargets; i++ {
tail := fmt.Sprintf("DEMO%d", i)
alt := float32((i*117%2000)*25 + 2000)
hdg := int32((i * 149) % 360)
spd := float64(50 + ((i*23)%13)*37)
updateDemoTraffic(i|hexCode, tail, alt, spd, hdg)
// ---end traffic demo code ---
case <-timerMessageStats.C:
// Save a bit of CPU by not pruning the message log every 1 second.
func updateMessageStats() {
t := make([]msg, 0)
m := len(MsgLog)
UAT_messages_last_minute := uint(0)
ES_messages_last_minute := uint(0)
defer ADSBTowerMutex.Unlock()
// Clear out ADSBTowers stats.
for t, tinf := range ADSBTowers {
tinf.Messages_last_minute = 0
tinf.Energy_last_minute = 0
ADSBTowers[t] = tinf
for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
if stratuxClock.Since(MsgLog[i].TimeReceived) < 1*time.Minute {
t = append(t, MsgLog[i])
if MsgLog[i].MessageClass == MSGCLASS_UAT {
if len(MsgLog[i].ADSBTowerID) > 0 { // Update tower stats.
tid := MsgLog[i].ADSBTowerID
if _, ok := ADSBTowers[tid]; !ok { // First time we've seen the tower? Start tracking.
var newTower ADSBTower
newTower.Lat = MsgLog[i].uatMsg.Lat
newTower.Lng = MsgLog[i].uatMsg.Lon
newTower.Signal_strength_max = -999 // dBmax = 0, so this needs to initialize below scale ( << -48 dB)
ADSBTowers[tid] = newTower
twr := ADSBTowers[tid]
twr.Signal_strength_now = MsgLog[i].Signal_strength
twr.Energy_last_minute += uint64((MsgLog[i].Signal_amplitude) * (MsgLog[i].Signal_amplitude))
if MsgLog[i].Signal_strength > twr.Signal_strength_max { // Update alltime max signal strength.
twr.Signal_strength_max = MsgLog[i].Signal_strength
ADSBTowers[tid] = twr
} else if MsgLog[i].MessageClass == MSGCLASS_ES {
MsgLog = t
globalStatus.UAT_messages_last_minute = UAT_messages_last_minute
globalStatus.ES_messages_last_minute = ES_messages_last_minute
// Update "max messages/min" counters.
if globalStatus.UAT_messages_max < UAT_messages_last_minute {
globalStatus.UAT_messages_max = UAT_messages_last_minute
if globalStatus.ES_messages_max < ES_messages_last_minute {
globalStatus.ES_messages_max = ES_messages_last_minute
// Update average signal strength over last minute for all ADSB towers.
for t, tinf := range ADSBTowers {
if tinf.Messages_last_minute == 0 || tinf.Energy_last_minute == 0 {
tinf.Signal_strength_last_minute = -999
} else {
tinf.Signal_strength_last_minute = 10 * (math.Log10(float64((tinf.Energy_last_minute / tinf.Messages_last_minute))) - 6)
ADSBTowers[t] = tinf
func updateStatus() {
if mySituation.GPSFixQuality == 2 {
globalStatus.GPS_solution = "GPS + SBAS (WAAS)"
} else if mySituation.GPSFixQuality == 1 {
globalStatus.GPS_solution = "3D GPS"
} else if mySituation.GPSFixQuality == 6 {
globalStatus.GPS_solution = "Dead Reckoning"
} else if mySituation.GPSFixQuality == 0 {
globalStatus.GPS_solution = "No Fix"
} else {
globalStatus.GPS_solution = "Unknown"
if !(globalStatus.GPS_connected) || !(isGPSConnected()) { // isGPSConnected looks for valid NMEA messages. GPS_connected is set by gpsSerialReader and will immediately fail on disconnected USB devices, or in a few seconds after "blocked" comms on ttyAMA0.
Satellites = make(map[string]SatelliteInfo)
mySituation.GPSSatellites = 0
mySituation.GPSSatellitesSeen = 0
mySituation.GPSSatellitesTracked = 0
mySituation.GPSFixQuality = 0
globalStatus.GPS_solution = "Disconnected"
globalStatus.GPS_connected = false
globalStatus.GPS_satellites_locked = mySituation.GPSSatellites
globalStatus.GPS_satellites_seen = mySituation.GPSSatellitesSeen
globalStatus.GPS_satellites_tracked = mySituation.GPSSatellitesTracked
globalStatus.GPS_position_accuracy = mySituation.GPSHorizontalAccuracy
// Update Uptime value
globalStatus.Uptime = int64(stratuxClock.Milliseconds)
globalStatus.UptimeClock = stratuxClock.Time
usage = du.NewDiskUsage("/")
globalStatus.DiskBytesFree = usage.Free()
fileInfo, err := logFileHandle.Stat()
if err == nil {
globalStatus.Logfile_Size = fileInfo.Size()
var ahrsLogSize int64
ahrsLogFiles, _ := ioutil.ReadDir("/var/log")
for _, f := range ahrsLogFiles {
if v, _ := filepath.Match("sensors_*.csv", f.Name()); v {
ahrsLogSize += f.Size()
globalStatus.AHRS_LogFiles_Size = ahrsLogSize
type WeatherMessage struct {
Type string
Location string
Time string
Data string
LocaltimeReceived time.Time
// Send update to connected websockets.
func registerADSBTextMessageReceived(msg string, uatMsg *uatparse.UATMsg) {
x := strings.Split(msg, " ")
if len(x) < 5 {
var wm WeatherMessage
if (x[0] == "METAR") || (x[0] == "SPECI") {
if (x[0] == "TAF") || (x[0] == "TAF.AMD") {
if x[0] == "WINDS" {
if x[0] == "PIREP" {
wm.Type = x[0]
wm.Location = x[1]
wm.Time = x[2]
wm.Data = strings.Join(x[3:], " ")
wm.LocaltimeReceived = stratuxClock.Time
// Send to weatherUpdate channel for any connected clients.
func UpdateUATStats(ProductID uint32) {
switch ProductID {
case 0, 20:
case 1, 21:
case 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 81, 82, 83:
case 2, 3, 4, 6, 11, 12, 22, 23, 24, 26, 254:
case 5, 25:
case 8:
case 413:
// Do nothing in the case since text is recorded elsewhere
func parseInput(buf string) ([]byte, uint16) {
//FIXME: We're ignoring all invalid format UAT messages (not sending to datalog).
x := strings.Split(buf, ";") // Discard everything after the first ';'.
s := x[0]
if len(s) == 0 {
return nil, 0
msgtype := uint16(0)
isUplink := false
if s[0] == '+' {
isUplink = true
var thisSignalStrength int
if /*isUplink &&*/ len(x) >= 3 {
// See if we can parse out the signal strength.
ss := x[2]
//log.Printf("x[2] = %s\n",ss)
if strings.HasPrefix(ss, "ss=") {
ssStr := ss[3:]
if ssInt, err := strconv.Atoi(ssStr); err == nil {
thisSignalStrength = ssInt
if isUplink && (ssInt > maxSignalStrength) { // only look at uplinks; ignore ADS-B and TIS-B/ADS-R messages
maxSignalStrength = ssInt
} else {
//log.Printf("Error was %s\n",err.Error())
if s[0] == '-' {
parseDownlinkReport(s, int(thisSignalStrength))
s = s[1:]
msglen := len(s) / 2
if len(s)%2 != 0 { // Bad format.
return nil, 0
if isUplink && msglen == UPLINK_FRAME_DATA_BYTES {
} else if msglen == 48 {
// With Reed Solomon appended
} else if msglen == 34 {
} else if msglen == 18 {
} else {
msgtype = 0
if msgtype == 0 {
log.Printf("UNKNOWN MESSAGE TYPE: %s - msglen=%d\n", s, msglen)
// Now, begin converting the string into a byte array.
frame := make([]byte, UPLINK_FRAME_DATA_BYTES)
hex.Decode(frame, []byte(s))
var thisMsg msg
thisMsg.MessageClass = MSGCLASS_UAT
thisMsg.TimeReceived = stratuxClock.Time
thisMsg.Data = buf
thisMsg.Signal_amplitude = thisSignalStrength
if thisSignalStrength > 0 {
thisMsg.Signal_strength = 20 * math.Log10((float64(thisSignalStrength))/1000)
} else {
thisMsg.Signal_strength = -999
thisMsg.Products = make([]uint32, 0)
if msgtype == MSGTYPE_UPLINK {
// Parse the UAT message.
uatMsg, err := uatparse.New(buf)
if err == nil {
towerid := fmt.Sprintf("(%f,%f)", uatMsg.Lat, uatMsg.Lon)
thisMsg.ADSBTowerID = towerid
// Get all of the "product ids".
for _, f := range uatMsg.Frames {
thisMsg.Products = append(thisMsg.Products, f.Product_id)
// Get all of the text reports.
textReports, _ := uatMsg.GetTextReports()
for _, r := range textReports {
registerADSBTextMessageReceived(r, uatMsg)
thisMsg.uatMsg = uatMsg
MsgLog = append(MsgLog, thisMsg)
return frame, msgtype
func getProductNameFromId(product_id int) string {
name, present := product_name_map[product_id]
if present {
return name
if product_id == 600 || (product_id >= 2000 && product_id <= 2005) {
return "Custom/Test"
return fmt.Sprintf("Unknown (%d)", product_id)
type settings struct {
UAT_Enabled bool
ES_Enabled bool
Ping_Enabled bool
GPS_Enabled bool
BMP_Sensor_Enabled bool
IMU_Sensor_Enabled bool
NetworkOutputs []networkConnection
SerialOutputs map[string]serialConnection
DisplayTrafficSource bool
DEBUG bool
ReplayLog bool
AHRSLog bool
IMUMapping [2]int // Map from aircraft axis to sensor axis: accelerometer
SensorQuaternion [4]float64 // Quaternion mapping from sensor frame to aircraft frame
C, D [3]float64 // IMU Accel, Gyro zero bias
PPM int
OwnshipModeS string
WatchList string
DeveloperMode bool
GLimits string
StaticIps []string
WiFiSSID string
WiFiChannel int
WiFiSecurityEnabled bool
WiFiPassphrase string
WiFiSmartEnabled bool // "Smart WiFi" - disables the default gateway for iOS.
NoSleep bool
type status struct {
Version string
Build string
HardwareBuild string
Devices uint32
Connected_Users uint
DiskBytesFree uint64
UAT_messages_last_minute uint
UAT_messages_max uint
ES_messages_last_minute uint
ES_messages_max uint
UAT_traffic_targets_tracking uint16
ES_traffic_targets_tracking uint16
Ping_connected bool
UATRadio_connected bool
GPS_satellites_locked uint16
GPS_satellites_seen uint16
GPS_satellites_tracked uint16
GPS_position_accuracy float32
GPS_connected bool
GPS_solution string
GPS_detected_type uint
Uptime int64
UptimeClock time.Time
CPUTemp float32
CPUTempMin float32
CPUTempMax float32
NetworkDataMessagesSent uint64
NetworkDataMessagesSentNonqueueable uint64
NetworkDataBytesSent uint64
NetworkDataBytesSentNonqueueable uint64
NetworkDataMessagesSentLastSec uint64
NetworkDataMessagesSentNonqueueableLastSec uint64
NetworkDataBytesSentLastSec uint64
NetworkDataBytesSentNonqueueableLastSec uint64
UAT_METAR_total uint32
UAT_TAF_total uint32
UAT_NEXRAD_total uint32
UAT_SIGMET_total uint32
UAT_PIREP_total uint32
UAT_NOTAM_total uint32
UAT_OTHER_total uint32
Errors []string
Logfile_Size int64
AHRS_LogFiles_Size int64
BMPConnected bool
IMUConnected bool
NightMode bool // For turning off LEDs.
var globalSettings settings
var globalStatus status
func defaultSettings() {
globalSettings.UAT_Enabled = true
globalSettings.ES_Enabled = true
globalSettings.GPS_Enabled = true
globalSettings.IMU_Sensor_Enabled = true
globalSettings.BMP_Sensor_Enabled = true
//FIXME: Need to change format below.
globalSettings.NetworkOutputs = []networkConnection{
{Conn: nil, Ip: "", Port: 4000, Capability: NETWORK_GDL90_STANDARD | NETWORK_AHRS_GDL90},
// {Conn: nil, Ip: "", Port: 49002, Capability: NETWORK_AHRS_FFSIM},
globalSettings.DEBUG = false
globalSettings.DisplayTrafficSource = false
globalSettings.ReplayLog = false //TODO: 'true' for debug builds.
globalSettings.AHRSLog = false
globalSettings.IMUMapping = [2]int{-1, 0}
globalSettings.OwnshipModeS = "F00000"
globalSettings.DeveloperMode = false
globalSettings.StaticIps = make([]string, 0)
globalSettings.NoSleep = false
func readSettings() {
fd, err := os.Open(configLocation)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("can't read settings %s: %s\n", configLocation, err.Error())
defer fd.Close()
buf := make([]byte, 1024)
count, err := fd.Read(buf)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("can't read settings %s: %s\n", configLocation, err.Error())
var newSettings settings
err = json.Unmarshal(buf[0:count], &newSettings)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("can't read settings %s: %s\n", configLocation, err.Error())
globalSettings = newSettings
log.Printf("read in settings.\n")
func addSystemError(err error) {
globalStatus.Errors = append(globalStatus.Errors, err.Error())
var systemErrsMutex *sync.Mutex
var systemErrs map[string]string
func addSingleSystemErrorf(ident string, format string, a ...interface{}) {
if _, ok := systemErrs[ident]; !ok {
// Error hasn't been thrown yet.
systemErrs[ident] = fmt.Sprintf(format, a...)
globalStatus.Errors = append(globalStatus.Errors, systemErrs[ident])
log.Printf("Added critical system error: %s\n", systemErrs[ident])
// Do nothing on this call if the error has already been thrown.
func saveSettings() {
fd, err := os.OpenFile(configLocation, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC, os.FileMode(0644))
if err != nil {
addSingleSystemErrorf("save-settings", "can't save settings %s: %s", configLocation, err.Error())
defer fd.Close()
jsonSettings, _ := json.Marshal(&globalSettings)
log.Printf("wrote settings.\n")
func readWiFiUserSettings() {
fd, err := os.Open(wifiConfigLocation)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("can't read wifi settings %s: %s\n", wifiConfigLocation, err.Error())
defer fd.Close()
// Default values
globalSettings.WiFiSSID = "stratux"
globalSettings.WiFiChannel = 8
globalSettings.WiFiSecurityEnabled = false
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(fd)
var line []string
for scanner.Scan() {
line = strings.SplitN(scanner.Text(), "=", 2)
switch line[0] {
case "ssid":
globalSettings.WiFiSSID = line[1]
case "channel":
globalSettings.WiFiChannel, _ = strconv.Atoi(line[1])
case "wpa_passphrase":
globalSettings.WiFiPassphrase = line[1]
globalSettings.WiFiSecurityEnabled = true
func saveWiFiUserSettings() {
fd, err := os.OpenFile(wifiConfigLocation, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC, os.FileMode(0644))
if err != nil {
err_ret := fmt.Errorf("can't save settings %s: %s", wifiConfigLocation, err.Error())
log.Printf("%s\n", err_ret.Error())
defer fd.Close()
writer := bufio.NewWriter(fd)
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "ssid=%s\n", globalSettings.WiFiSSID)
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "channel=%d\n", globalSettings.WiFiChannel)
fmt.Fprint(writer, "\n")
if globalSettings.WiFiSecurityEnabled {
fmt.Fprint(writer, "auth_algs=1\nwpa=3\nwpa_key_mgmt=WPA-PSK\nwpa_pairwise=TKIP\nrsn_pairwise=CCMP\n")
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "wpa_passphrase=%s\n", globalSettings.WiFiPassphrase)
// "Smart WiFi". Just use one of two pre-made dhcpd config files.
dhcpd_config := "/etc/dhcp/dhcpd-not_smart.conf"
if globalSettings.WiFiSmartEnabled {
dhcpd_config = "/etc/dhcp/dhcpd-smart.conf"
os.Symlink(dhcpd_config, "/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf")
func openReplay(fn string, compressed bool) (WriteCloser, error) {
fp, err := os.OpenFile(fn, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND, 0666)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to open log file '%s': %s\n", fn, err.Error())
return nil, err
var ret WriteCloser
if compressed {
ret = gzip.NewWriter(fp) //FIXME: Close() on the gzip.Writer will not close the underlying file.
} else {
ret = fp
timeFmt := "Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 -0700 MST 2006"
s := fmt.Sprintf("START,%s,%s\n", timeStarted.Format(timeFmt), time.Now().Format(timeFmt)) // Start time marker.
return ret, err
Makes a temporary file in 'dir', checks for error. Deletes the file.
func fsWriteTest(dir string) error {
fn := dir + "/.write_test"
err := ioutil.WriteFile(fn, []byte("test\n"), 0644)
if err != nil {
return err
err = os.Remove(fn)
return err
func printStats() {
statTimer := time.NewTicker(30 * time.Second)
for {
var memstats runtime.MemStats
log.Printf("stats [started: %s]\n", humanize.RelTime(time.Time{}, stratuxClock.Time, "ago", "from now"))
log.Printf(" - Disk bytes used = %s (%.1f %%), Disk bytes free = %s (%.1f %%)\n", humanize.Bytes(usage.Used()), 100*usage.Usage(), humanize.Bytes(usage.Free()), 100*(1-usage.Usage()))
log.Printf(" - CPUTemp=%.02f [%.02f - %.02f] deg C, MemStats.Alloc=%s, MemStats.Sys=%s, totalNetworkMessagesSent=%s\n", globalStatus.CPUTemp, globalStatus.CPUTempMin, globalStatus.CPUTempMax, humanize.Bytes(uint64(memstats.Alloc)), humanize.Bytes(uint64(memstats.Sys)), humanize.Comma(int64(totalNetworkMessagesSent)))
log.Printf(" - UAT/min %s/%s [maxSS=%.02f%%], ES/min %s/%s, Total traffic targets tracked=%s", humanize.Comma(int64(globalStatus.UAT_messages_last_minute)), humanize.Comma(int64(globalStatus.UAT_messages_max)), float64(maxSignalStrength)/10.0, humanize.Comma(int64(globalStatus.ES_messages_last_minute)), humanize.Comma(int64(globalStatus.ES_messages_max)), humanize.Comma(int64(len(seenTraffic))))
log.Printf(" - Network data messages sent: %d total, %d nonqueueable. Network data bytes sent: %d total, %d nonqueueable.\n", globalStatus.NetworkDataMessagesSent, globalStatus.NetworkDataMessagesSentNonqueueable, globalStatus.NetworkDataBytesSent, globalStatus.NetworkDataBytesSentNonqueueable)
if globalSettings.GPS_Enabled {
log.Printf(" - Last GPS fix: %s, GPS solution type: %d using %d satellites (%d/%d seen/tracked), NACp: %d, est accuracy %.02f m\n", stratuxClock.HumanizeTime(mySituation.GPSLastFixLocalTime), mySituation.GPSFixQuality, mySituation.GPSSatellites, mySituation.GPSSatellitesSeen, mySituation.GPSSatellitesTracked, mySituation.GPSNACp, mySituation.GPSHorizontalAccuracy)
log.Printf(" - GPS vertical velocity: %.02f ft/sec; GPS vertical accuracy: %v m\n", mySituation.GPSVerticalSpeed, mySituation.GPSVerticalAccuracy)
sensorsOutput := make([]string, 0)
if globalSettings.IMU_Sensor_Enabled {
sensorsOutput = append(sensorsOutput, fmt.Sprintf("Last IMU read: %s", stratuxClock.HumanizeTime(mySituation.AHRSLastAttitudeTime)))
if globalSettings.BMP_Sensor_Enabled {
sensorsOutput = append(sensorsOutput, fmt.Sprintf("Last BMP read: %s", stratuxClock.HumanizeTime(mySituation.BaroLastMeasurementTime)))
if len(sensorsOutput) > 0 {
log.Printf("- " + strings.Join(sensorsOutput, ", ") + "\n")
// Check if we're using more than 95% of the free space. If so, throw a warning (only once).
if usage.Usage() > 0.95 {
addSingleSystemErrorf("disk-space", "Disk bytes used = %s (%.1f %%), Disk bytes free = %s (%.1f %%)", humanize.Bytes(usage.Used()), 100*usage.Usage(), humanize.Bytes(usage.Free()), 100*(1-usage.Usage()))
var uatReplayDone bool
func uatReplay(f ReadCloser, replaySpeed uint64) {
defer f.Close()
rdr := bufio.NewReader(f)
curTick := int64(0)
for {
buf, err := rdr.ReadString('\n')
if err != nil {
linesplit := strings.Split(buf, ",")
if len(linesplit) < 2 { // Blank line or invalid.
if linesplit[0] == "START" { // Reset ticker, new start.
curTick = 0
} else { // If it's not "START", then it's a tick count.
i, err := strconv.ParseInt(linesplit[0], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("invalid tick: '%s'\n", linesplit[0])
thisWait := (i - curTick) / int64(replaySpeed)
if thisWait >= 120000000000 { // More than 2 minutes wait, skip ahead.
log.Printf("UAT skipahead - %d seconds.\n", thisWait/1000000000)
} else {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(thisWait) * time.Nanosecond) // Just in case the units change.
p := strings.Trim(linesplit[1], " ;\r\n")
buf := fmt.Sprintf("%s;\n", p)
o, msgtype := parseInput(buf)
if o != nil && msgtype != 0 {
relayMessage(msgtype, o)
curTick = i
uatReplayDone = true
func openReplayFile(fn string) ReadCloser {
fp, err := os.Open(fn)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("error opening '%s': %s\n", fn, err.Error())
return nil
var ret ReadCloser
if strings.HasSuffix(fn, ".gz") { // Open as a compressed replay log, depending on the suffix.
ret, err = gzip.NewReader(fp)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("error opening compressed log '%s': %s\n", fn, err.Error())
return nil
} else {
ret = fp
return ret
var stratuxClock *monotonic
var sigs = make(chan os.Signal, 1) // Signal catch channel (shutdown).
// Graceful shutdown. Do everything except for kill the process.
func gracefulShutdown() {
// Shut down SDRs.
// Shut down data logging.
if dataLogStarted {
//TODO: Any other graceful shutdown functions.
// Turn off green ACT LED on the Pi.
ioutil.WriteFile("/sys/class/leds/led0/brightness", []byte("0\n"), 0644)
// Close log file handle, open new one.
func handleSIGHUP() {
fp, err := os.OpenFile(debugLogf, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND, 0666)
if err != nil {
addSingleSystemErrorf(debugLogf, "Failed to open '%s': %s", debugLogf, err.Error())
} else {
// Keep the logfile handle for later use
logFileHandle = fp
mfp := io.MultiWriter(fp, os.Stdout)
log.Printf("signal caught: SIGHUP, handled.\n")
func signalWatcher() {
for {
sig := <-sigs
if sig == syscall.SIGHUP {
} else {
log.Printf("signal caught: %s - shutting down.\n", sig.String())
func clearDebugLogFile() {
if logFileHandle != nil {
_, err := logFileHandle.Seek(0, 0)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Could not seek to the beginning of the logfile\n")
} else {
err2 := logFileHandle.Truncate(0)
if err2 != nil {
log.Printf("Could not truncate the logfile\n")
log.Printf("Logfile truncated\n")
func main() {
// Catch signals for graceful shutdown.
signal.Notify(sigs, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGHUP)
go signalWatcher()
stratuxClock = NewMonotonic() // Start our "stratux clock".
// Set up mySituation, do it here so logging JSON doesn't panic
mySituation.muGPS = &sync.Mutex{}
mySituation.muGPSPerformance = &sync.Mutex{}
mySituation.muAttitude = &sync.Mutex{}
mySituation.muBaro = &sync.Mutex{}
mySituation.muSatellite = &sync.Mutex{}
// Set up system error tracking.
systemErrsMutex = &sync.Mutex{}
systemErrs = make(map[string]string)
// Set up status.
globalStatus.Version = stratuxVersion
globalStatus.Build = stratuxBuild
globalStatus.Errors = make([]string, 0)
//FlightBox: detect via presence of /etc/FlightBox file.
if _, err := os.Stat("/etc/FlightBox"); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
globalStatus.HardwareBuild = "FlightBox"
logDirf = logDir_FB
} else { // if not using the FlightBox config, use "normal" log file locations
logDirf = logDir
//Merlin: detect presence of /etc/Merlin file.
if _, err := os.Stat("/etc/Merlin"); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
globalStatus.HardwareBuild = "Merlin"
debugLogf = filepath.Join(logDirf, debugLogFile)
dataLogFilef = filepath.Join(logDirf, dataLogFile)
//FIXME: All of this should be removed by 08/01/2016.
// Check if Raspbian version is <8.0. Throw a warning if so.
vt, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/etc/debian_version")
if err == nil {
vtS := strings.Trim(string(vt), "\n")
vtF, err := strconv.ParseFloat(vtS, 32)
if err == nil {
if vtF < 8.0 {
if globalStatus.HardwareBuild == "FlightBox" {
addSingleSystemErrorf("deprecated-image", "You are running an old Stratux image that can't be updated fully and is now deprecated. Visit for further information.")
} else {
addSingleSystemErrorf("deprecated-image", "You are running an old Stratux image that can't be updated fully and is now deprecated. Visit to update using the latest release image.")
} else {
// Running Jessie or better. Remove some old init.d files.
// This made its way in here because /etc/init.d/stratux invokes the update script, which can't delete the init.d file.
// replayESFilename := flag.String("eslog", "none", "ES Log filename")
replayUATFilename := flag.String("uatlog", "none", "UAT Log filename")
replayFlag := flag.Bool("replay", false, "Replay file flag")
replaySpeed := flag.Int("speed", 1, "Replay speed multiplier")
stdinFlag := flag.Bool("uatin", false, "Process UAT messages piped to stdin")
cpuprofile := flag.String("cpuprofile", "", "write cpu profile to file")
timeStarted = time.Now()
runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.NumCPU()) // redundant with Go v1.5+ compiler
// Start CPU profile, if requested.
if *cpuprofile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(*cpuprofile)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Writing CPU profile to: %s\n", *cpuprofile)
// Duplicate log.* output to debugLog.
fp, err := os.OpenFile(debugLogf, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND, 0666)
if err != nil {
addSingleSystemErrorf(debugLogf, "Failed to open '%s': %s", debugLogf, err.Error())
} else {
defer fp.Close()
// Keep the logfile handle for later use
logFileHandle = fp
mfp := io.MultiWriter(fp, os.Stdout)
log.Printf("Stratux %s (%s) starting.\n", stratuxVersion, stratuxBuild)
ADSBTowers = make(map[string]ADSBTower)
ADSBTowerMutex = &sync.Mutex{}
MsgLog = make([]msg, 0)
// Start the management interface.
go managementInterface()
crcInit() // Initialize CRC16 table.
// Read settings.
// Disable replay logs when replaying - so that messages replay data isn't copied into the logs.
// Override after reading in the settings.
if *replayFlag == true {
log.Printf("Replay file %s\n", *replayUATFilename)
globalSettings.ReplayLog = false
if globalSettings.DeveloperMode == true {
log.Printf("Developer mode set\n")
//FIXME: Only do this if data logging is enabled.
// Start the AHRS sensor monitoring.
// Start the GPS external sensor monitoring.
// Start the heartbeat message loop in the background, once per second.
go heartBeatSender()
// Initialize the (out) network handler.
// Start printing stats periodically to the logfiles.
go printStats()
// Monitor RPi CPU temp.
globalStatus.CPUTempMin = invalidCpuTemp
globalStatus.CPUTempMax = invalidCpuTemp
go cpuTempMonitor(func(cpuTemp float32) {
globalStatus.CPUTemp = cpuTemp
if isCPUTempValid(cpuTemp) && ((cpuTemp < globalStatus.CPUTempMin) || !isCPUTempValid(globalStatus.CPUTempMin)) {
globalStatus.CPUTempMin = cpuTemp
if isCPUTempValid(cpuTemp) && ((cpuTemp > globalStatus.CPUTempMax) || !isCPUTempValid(globalStatus.CPUTempMax)) {
globalStatus.CPUTempMax = cpuTemp
// Start reading from serial UAT radio.
reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
if *replayFlag == true {
fp := openReplayFile(*replayUATFilename)
playSpeed := uint64(*replaySpeed)
log.Printf("Replay speed: %dx\n", playSpeed)
go uatReplay(fp, playSpeed)
for {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
if uatReplayDone {
//&& esDone {
} else if *stdinFlag == true {
for {
buf, err := reader.ReadString('\n')
if err != nil {
log.Printf("lost stdin.\n")
o, msgtype := parseInput(buf)
if o != nil && msgtype != 0 {
relayMessage(msgtype, o)
} else {
// wait indefinitely
select {}