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Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Christopher Young
Distributable under the terms of The "BSD New" License
that can be found in the LICENSE file, herein included
as part of this header.
traffic.go: Target management, UAT downlink message processing, 1090ES source input, GDL90 traffic reports.
package main
import (
MDB Type: 1
Address: 2B48FE (TIS-B track file address)
NIC: 6
Latitude: +41.4380
Longitude: -84.1056
Altitude: 2300 ft (barometric)
N/S velocity: -65 kt
E/W velocity: -98 kt
Track: 236
Speed: 117 kt
Vertical rate: 0 ft/min (from barometric altitude)
UTC coupling: no
TIS-B site ID: 1
Emitter category: No information
Callsign: unavailable
Emergency status: No emergency
UAT version: 2
SIL: 2
Transmit MSO: 38
NACp: 8
NACv: 1
NICbaro: 0
Active modes:
Target track type: true heading
Sec. altitude: unavailable
const (
// Assign next type to UAT messages with address qualifier == 2
// (code corresponds to any UAT GBT targets with Mode S addresses.
// These will be displayed with the airplane icon on the traffic UI page.
// If we see a proper emitter category and NIC > 7, they'll be reassigned to TYPE_ADSR.
type TrafficInfo struct {
Icao_addr uint32
Reg string // Registration. Calculated from Icao_addr for civil aircraft of US registry.
Tail string // Callsign. Transmitted by aircraft.
Emitter_category uint8 // Formatted using GDL90 standard, e.g. in a Mode ES report, A7 becomes 0x07, B0 becomes 0x08, etc.
OnGround bool // Air-ground status. On-ground is "true".
Addr_type uint8 // UAT address qualifier. Used by GDL90 format, so translations for ES TIS-B/ADS-R are needed.
TargetType uint8 // types decribed in const above
SignalLevel float64 // Signal level, dB RSSI.
Squawk int // Squawk code
Position_valid bool //TODO: set when position report received. Unset after n seconds?
Lat float32 // decimal degrees, north positive
Lng float32 // decimal degrees, east positive
Alt int32 // Pressure altitude, feet
GnssDiffFromBaroAlt int32 // GNSS altitude above WGS84 datum. Reported in TC 20-22 messages
AltIsGNSS bool // Pressure alt = 0; GNSS alt = 1
NIC int // Navigation Integrity Category.
NACp int // Navigation Accuracy Category for Position.
Track uint16 // degrees true
Speed uint16 // knots
Speed_valid bool // set when speed report received.
Vvel int16 // feet per minute
Timestamp time.Time // timestamp of traffic message, UTC
PriorityStatus uint8 // Emergency or priority code as defined in GDL90 spec, DO-260B (Type 28 msg) and DO-282B
// Parameters starting at 'Age' are calculated from last message receipt on each call of sendTrafficUpdates().
// Mode S transmits position and track in separate messages, and altitude can also be
// received from interrogations.
Age float64 // Age of last valid position fix, seconds ago.
AgeLastAlt float64 // Age of last altitude message, seconds ago.
Last_seen time.Time // Time of last position update (stratuxClock). Used for timing out expired data.
Last_alt time.Time // Time of last altitude update (stratuxClock).
Last_GnssDiff time.Time // Time of last GnssDiffFromBaroAlt update (stratuxClock).
Last_GnssDiffAlt int32 // Altitude at last GnssDiffFromBaroAlt update.
Last_speed time.Time // Time of last velocity and track update (stratuxClock).
Last_source uint8 // Last frequency on which this target was received.
ExtrapolatedPosition bool //TODO: True if Stratux is "coasting" the target from last known position.
BearingDist_valid bool // set when bearing and distance information is valid
Bearing float64 // Bearing in degrees true to traffic from ownship, if it can be calculated. Units: degrees.
Distance float64 // Distance to traffic from ownship, if it can be calculated. Units: meters.
//FIXME: Rename variables for consistency, especially "Last_".
type dump1090Data struct {
Icao_addr uint32
DF int // Mode S downlink format.
CA int // Lowest 3 bits of first byte of Mode S message (DF11 and DF17 capability; DF18 control field, zero for all other DF types)
TypeCode int // Mode S type code
SubtypeCode int // Mode S subtype code
SBS_MsgType int // type of SBS message (used in "old" 1090 parsing)
SignalLevel float64 // Decimal RSSI (0-1 nominal) as reported by dump1090-mutability. Convert to dB RSSI before setting in TrafficInfo.
Tail *string
Squawk *int // 12-bit squawk code in octal format
Emitter_category *int
OnGround *bool
Lat *float32
Lng *float32
Position_valid bool
NACp *int
Alt *int
AltIsGNSS bool //
GnssDiffFromBaroAlt *int16 // GNSS height above baro altitude in feet; valid range is -3125 to 3125. +/- 3138 indicates larger difference.
Vvel *int16
Speed_valid bool
Speed *uint16
Track *uint16
Timestamp time.Time // time traffic last seen, UTC
type esmsg struct {
TimeReceived time.Time
Data string
var traffic map[uint32]TrafficInfo
var trafficMutex *sync.Mutex
var seenTraffic map[uint32]bool // Historical list of all ICAO addresses seen.
var OwnshipTrafficInfo TrafficInfo
func cleanupOldEntries() {
for icao_addr, ti := range traffic {
if stratuxClock.Since(ti.Last_seen) > 60*time.Second { // keep it in the database for up to 60 seconds, so we don't lose tail number, etc...
delete(traffic, icao_addr)
func sendTrafficUpdates() {
defer trafficMutex.Unlock()
// Summarize number of UAT and 1090ES traffic targets for reports that follow.
globalStatus.UAT_traffic_targets_tracking = 0
globalStatus.ES_traffic_targets_tracking = 0
for _, traf := range traffic {
switch traf.Last_source {
msgs := make([][]byte, 1)
if globalSettings.DEBUG && (stratuxClock.Time.Second()%15) == 0 {
log.Printf("List of all aircraft being tracked:\n")
code, _ := strconv.ParseInt(globalSettings.OwnshipModeS, 16, 32)
for icao, ti := range traffic { // ForeFlight 7.5 chokes at ~1000-2000 messages depending on iDevice RAM. Practical limit likely around ~500 aircraft without filtering.
if isGPSValid() {
// func distRect(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2 float64) (dist, bearing, distN, distE float64) {
dist, bearing := distance(float64(mySituation.GPSLatitude), float64(mySituation.GPSLongitude), float64(ti.Lat), float64(ti.Lng))
ti.Distance = dist
ti.Bearing = bearing
ti.BearingDist_valid = true
} else {
ti.Distance = 0
ti.Bearing = 0
ti.BearingDist_valid = false
ti.Age = stratuxClock.Since(ti.Last_seen).Seconds()
ti.AgeLastAlt = stratuxClock.Since(ti.Last_alt).Seconds()
// DEBUG: Print the list of all tracked targets (with data) to the log every 15 seconds if "DEBUG" option is enabled
if globalSettings.DEBUG && (stratuxClock.Time.Second()%15) == 0 {
s_out, err := json.Marshal(ti)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error generating output: %s\n", err.Error())
} else {
log.Printf("%X => %s\n", ti.Icao_addr, string(s_out))
// end of debug block
traffic[icao] = ti // write the updated ti back to the map
//log.Printf("Traffic age of %X is %f seconds\n",icao,ti.Age)
if ti.Age > 2 { // if nothing polls an inactive ti, it won't push to the webUI, and its Age won't update.
if ti.Position_valid && ti.Age < 6 { // ... but don't pass stale data to the EFB.
//TODO: Coast old traffic? Need to determine how FF, WingX, etc deal with stale targets.
logTraffic(ti) // only add to the SQLite log if it's not stale
if ti.Icao_addr == uint32(code) {
if globalSettings.DEBUG {
log.Printf("Ownship target detected for code %X\n", code)
// OwnshipTrafficInfo = ti
} else {
cur_n := len(msgs) - 1
if len(msgs[cur_n]) >= 35 {
// Batch messages into packets with at most 35 traffic reports
// to keep each packet under 1KB.
msgs = append(msgs, make([]byte, 0))
msgs[cur_n] = append(msgs[cur_n], makeTrafficReportMsg(ti)...)
for i := 0; i < len(msgs); i++ {
msg := msgs[i]
if len(msg) > 0 {
sendGDL90(msg, false)
// Send update to attached JSON client.
func registerTrafficUpdate(ti TrafficInfo) {
//logTraffic(ti) // moved to sendTrafficUpdates() to reduce SQLite log size
if !ti.Position_valid { // Don't send unless a valid position exists.
*/ // Send all traffic to the websocket and let JS sort it out. This will provide user indication of why they see 1000 ES messages and no traffic.
func isTrafficAlertable(ti TrafficInfo) bool {
// Set alert bit if possible and traffic is within some threshold
// TODO: Could be more intelligent, taking into account headings etc.
if !ti.BearingDist_valid {
// If not able to calculate the distance to the target, let the alert bit be set always.
return true
if ti.BearingDist_valid &&
ti.Distance < 3704 { // 3704 meters, 2 nm.
return true
return false
func makeTrafficReportMsg(ti TrafficInfo) []byte {
msg := make([]byte, 28)
// See p.16.
msg[0] = 0x14 // Message type "Traffic Report".
// Address type
msg[1] = ti.Addr_type
// Set alert if needed
if isTrafficAlertable(ti) {
// Set the alert bit. See pg. 18 of GDL90 ICD
msg[1] |= 0x10
// ICAO Address.
msg[2] = byte((ti.Icao_addr & 0x00FF0000) >> 16)
msg[3] = byte((ti.Icao_addr & 0x0000FF00) >> 8)
msg[4] = byte((ti.Icao_addr & 0x000000FF))
lat := float32(ti.Lat)
tmp := makeLatLng(lat)
msg[5] = tmp[0] // Latitude.
msg[6] = tmp[1] // Latitude.
msg[7] = tmp[2] // Latitude.
lng := float32(ti.Lng)
tmp = makeLatLng(lng)
msg[8] = tmp[0] // Longitude.
msg[9] = tmp[1] // Longitude.
msg[10] = tmp[2] // Longitude.
// Altitude: OK
// GDL 90 Data Interface Specification examples:
// where 1,000 foot offset and 25 foot resolution (1,000 / 25 = 40)
// -1,000 feet 0x000
// 0 feet 0x028
// +1000 feet 0x050
// +101,350 feet 0xFFE
// Invalid or unavailable 0xFFF
// Algo example at:
var alt int16
if ti.Alt < -1000 || ti.Alt > 101350 {
alt = 0x0FFF
} else {
// output guaranteed to be between 0x0000 and 0x0FFE
alt = int16((ti.Alt / 25) + 40)
msg[11] = byte((alt & 0xFF0) >> 4) // Altitude.
msg[12] = byte((alt & 0x00F) << 4)
// "m" field. Lower four bits define indicator bits:
// - - 0 0 "tt" (msg[17]) is not valid
// - - 0 1 "tt" is true track
// - - 1 0 "tt" is magnetic heading
// - - 1 1 "tt" is true heading
// - 0 - - Report is updated (current data)
// - 1 - - Report is extrapolated
// 0 - - - On ground
// 1 - - - Airborne
// Define tt type / validity
if ti.Speed_valid {
msg[12] = msg[12] | 0x01 // assume true track
if ti.ExtrapolatedPosition {
msg[12] = msg[12] | 0x04
if !ti.OnGround {
msg[12] = msg[12] | 0x08 // Airborne.
// Position containment / navigational accuracy
msg[13] = ((byte(ti.NIC) << 4) & 0xF0) | (byte(ti.NACp) & 0x0F)
// Horizontal velocity (speed).
msg[14] = byte((ti.Speed & 0x0FF0) >> 4)
msg[15] = byte((ti.Speed & 0x000F) << 4)
// Vertical velocity.
vvel := ti.Vvel / 64 // 64fpm resolution.
msg[15] = msg[15] | byte((vvel&0x0F00)>>8)
msg[16] = byte(vvel & 0x00FF)
// Track.
trk := uint8(float32(ti.Track) / TRACK_RESOLUTION) // Resolution is ~1.4 degrees.
msg[17] = byte(trk)
msg[18] = ti.Emitter_category
// msg[19] to msg[26] are "call sign" (tail).
for i := 0; i < len(ti.Tail) && i < 8; i++ {
c := byte(ti.Tail[i])
if c != 20 && !((c >= 48) && (c <= 57)) && !((c >= 65) && (c <= 90)) && c != 'e' && c != 'u' && c != 'a' && c != 'r' && c != 't' { // See p.24, FAA ref.
c = byte(20)
msg[19+i] = c
//msg[27] is priority / emergency status per GDL90 spec (DO260B and DO282B are same codes)
msg[27] = ti.PriorityStatus << 4
return prepareMessage(msg)
// parseDownlinkReport decodes a UAT downlink message to extract identity, state vector, and mode status data.
// Decoded data is used to update a TrafficInfo object, keyed to the 24-bit ICAO code contained in the
// downlink message.
// Inputs are a checksum-verified hex string corresponding to the 18 or 34-byte UAT
// message, and an int representing UAT signal amplitude (0-1000).
func parseDownlinkReport(s string, signalLevel int) {
var ti TrafficInfo
s = s[1:]
frame := make([]byte, len(s)/2)
hex.Decode(frame, []byte(s))
// Extract header
msg_type := (uint8(frame[0]) >> 3) & 0x1f
addr_type := uint8(frame[0]) & 0x07
icao_addr := (uint32(frame[1]) << 16) | (uint32(frame[2]) << 8) | uint32(frame[3])
defer trafficMutex.Unlock()
// Retrieve previous information on this ICAO code.
if val, ok := traffic[icao_addr]; ok { // if we've already seen it, copy it in to do updates as it may contain some useful information like "tail" from 1090ES.
ti = val
//log.Printf("Existing target %X imported for UAT update\n", icao_addr)
} else {
//log.Printf("New target %X created for UAT update\n", icao_addr)
ti.Last_seen = stratuxClock.Time // need to initialize to current stratuxClock so it doesn't get cut before we have a chance to populate a position message
ti.Icao_addr = icao_addr
ti.ExtrapolatedPosition = false
thisReg, validReg := icao2reg(icao_addr)
if validReg {
ti.Reg = thisReg
ti.Tail = thisReg
ti.Addr_type = addr_type
var uat_version byte // sent as part of MS element, byte 24
// Extract parameters from Mode Status elements, if available.
if msg_type == 1 || msg_type == 3 {
// Determine UAT message version. This is needed for some capability decoding and is useful for debugging.
uat_version = (frame[23] >> 2) & 0x07
// Extract emitter category.
v := (uint16(frame[17]) << 8) | (uint16(frame[18]))
ti.Emitter_category = uint8((v / 1600) % 40)
// Decode callsign or Flight Plan ID (i.e. squawk code)
// If the CSID bit (byte 27, bit 7) is set to 1, all eight characters
// encoded in bytes 18-23 represent callsign.
// If the CSID bit is set to 0, the first four characters encoded in bytes 18-23
// represent the Mode A squawk code.
csid := (frame[26] >> 1) & 0x01
if csid == 1 { // decode as callsign
base40_alphabet := string("0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ..")
tail := ""
v := (uint16(frame[17]) << 8) | uint16(frame[18])
tail += string(base40_alphabet[(v/40)%40])
tail += string(base40_alphabet[v%40])
v = (uint16(frame[19]) << 8) | uint16(frame[20])
tail += string(base40_alphabet[(v/1600)%40])
tail += string(base40_alphabet[(v/40)%40])
tail += string(base40_alphabet[v%40])
v = (uint16(frame[21]) << 8) | uint16(frame[22])
tail += string(base40_alphabet[(v/1600)%40])
tail += string(base40_alphabet[(v/40)%40])
tail += string(base40_alphabet[v%40])
tail = strings.Trim(tail, " ")
ti.Tail = tail
} else if uat_version >= 2 { // decode as Mode 3/A code, if UAT version is at least 2
v := (uint16(frame[17]) << 8) | uint16(frame[18])
squawk_a := (v / 40) % 40
squawk_b := v % 40
v = (uint16(frame[19]) << 8) | uint16(frame[20])
squawk_c := (v / 1600) % 40
squawk_d := (v / 40) % 40
squawk := 1000*squawk_a + 100*squawk_b + 10*squawk_c + squawk_d
ti.Squawk = int(squawk)
ti.NACp = int((frame[25] >> 4) & 0x0F)
ti.PriorityStatus = (frame[23] >> 5) & 0x07
// Following section is future-use for debugging and / or additional status info on UAT traffic. Message parsing needs testing.
if globalSettings.DEBUG {
//declaration for mode status flags -- parse for debug logging
var status_sil byte
//var status_transmit_mso byte
var status_sda byte
var status_nacv byte
//var status_nicbaro byte
//var status_sil_supp byte
//var status_geom_vert_acc byte
//var status_sa_flag byte
var capability_uat_in bool
var capability_1090_in bool
//var capability_tcas bool
//var capability_cdti bool
//var opmode_tcas_active bool
//var opmode_ident_active bool
//var opmode_rec_atc_serv bool
// these are present in v1 and v2 messages
status_sil = frame[23] & 0x03
//status_transmit_mso = frame[24] >> 2
status_nacv = (frame[25] >> 1) & 0x07
//status_nicbaro = frame[25] & 0x01
// other status and capability bits are different between v1 and v2
if uat_version == 2 {
status_sda = frame[24] & 0x03
capability_uat_in = (frame[26] >> 7) != 0
capability_1090_in = ((frame[26] >> 6) & 0x01) != 0
//capability_tcas = ((frame[26] >> 5) & 0x01) != 0
//opmode_tcas_active = ((frame[26] >> 4) & 0x01) != 0
//opmode_ident_active = ((frame[26] >> 3) & 0x01) != 0
//opmode_rec_atc_serv = ((frame[26] >> 2) & 0x01) != 0
//status_sil_supp = frame[26] & 0x01
//status_geom_vert_acc = (frame[27] >> 6) & 0x03
//status_sa_flag = (frame[27] >> 5) & 0x01
} else if uat_version == 1 {
//capability_cdti = (frame[26] >> 7) != 0
//capability_tcas = ((frame[26] >> 6) & 0x01) != 0
//opmode_tcas_active = ((frame[26] >> 5) & 0x01) != 0
//opmode_ident_active = ((frame[26] >> 4) & 0x01) != 0
//opmode_rec_atc_serv = ((frame[26] >> 3) & 0x01) != 0
log.Printf("Supplemental UAT Mode Status for %06X: Version = %d; SIL = %d; SDA = %d; NACv = %d; 978 In = %v; 1090 In = %v\n", icao_addr, uat_version, status_sil, status_sda, status_nacv, capability_uat_in, capability_1090_in)
ti.NIC = int(frame[11] & 0x0F)
var power float64
if signalLevel > 0 {
power = 20 * (math.Log10(float64(signalLevel) / 1000)) // reported amplitude is 0-1000. Normalize to max = 1 and do amplitude dB calculation (20 dB per decade)
} else {
power = -999
//log.Printf("%s (%X) seen with amplitude of %d, corresponding to normalized power of %f.2 dB\n",ti.Tail,ti.Icao_addr,signalLevel,power)
ti.SignalLevel = power
if ti.Addr_type == 0 {
ti.TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_ADSB
} else if ti.Addr_type == 3 {
ti.TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_TISB
} else if ti.Addr_type == 6 {
ti.TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_ADSR
} else if ti.Addr_type == 2 {
ti.TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_TISB_S
if (ti.NIC >= 7) && (ti.Emitter_category > 0) { // If NIC is sufficiently high and emitter type is transmitted, we'll assume it's ADS-R.
ti.TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_ADSR
// This is a hack to show the source of the traffic on moving maps.
if globalSettings.DisplayTrafficSource {
type_code := " "
switch ti.TargetType {
type_code = "a"
type_code = "r"
type_code = "t"
if len(ti.Tail) == 0 {
ti.Tail = "u" + type_code
} else if len(ti.Tail) < 7 && ti.Tail[0] != 'e' && ti.Tail[0] != 'u' {
ti.Tail = "u" + type_code + ti.Tail
} else if len(ti.Tail) == 7 && ti.Tail[0] != 'e' && ti.Tail[0] != 'u' {
ti.Tail = "u" + type_code + ti.Tail[1:]
} else if len(ti.Tail) > 1 { // bounds checking
ti.Tail = "u" + type_code + ti.Tail[2:]
raw_lat := (uint32(frame[4]) << 15) | (uint32(frame[5]) << 7) | (uint32(frame[6]) >> 1)
raw_lon := ((uint32(frame[6]) & 0x01) << 23) | (uint32(frame[7]) << 15) | (uint32(frame[8]) << 7) | (uint32(frame[9]) >> 1)
lat := float32(0.0)
lng := float32(0.0)
position_valid := false
if /*(ti.NIC != 0) && */ (raw_lat != 0) && (raw_lon != 0) { // pass all traffic, and let the display determine if it will show NIC == 0. This will allow misconfigured or uncertified / portable emitters to be seen.
position_valid = true
lat = float32(raw_lat) * 360.0 / 16777216.0
if lat > 90 {
lat = lat - 180
lng = float32(raw_lon) * 360.0 / 16777216.0
if lng > 180 {
lng = lng - 360
ti.Position_valid = position_valid
if ti.Position_valid {
ti.Lat = lat
ti.Lng = lng
if isGPSValid() {
ti.Distance, ti.Bearing = distance(float64(mySituation.GPSLatitude), float64(mySituation.GPSLongitude), float64(ti.Lat), float64(ti.Lng))
ti.Last_seen = stratuxClock.Time
ti.ExtrapolatedPosition = false
raw_alt := (int32(frame[10]) << 4) | ((int32(frame[11]) & 0xf0) >> 4)
alt_geo := false // Default case (i.e. 'false') is barometric
alt := int32(0)
if raw_alt != 0 {
alt_geo = (uint8(frame[9]) & 1) != 0
alt = ((raw_alt - 1) * 25) - 1000
ti.Alt = alt
ti.AltIsGNSS = alt_geo
ti.Last_alt = stratuxClock.Time
// fmt.Printf("%d, %t, %f, %f, %t, %d\n", nic, position_valid, lat, lng, alt_geo, alt)
airground_state := (uint8(frame[12]) >> 6) & 0x03
// fmt.Printf("%d\n", airground_state)
ns_vel := int32(0) // int16 won't work. Worst case (supersonic), we need 26 bits (25 bits + sign) for root sum of squares speed calculation
ew_vel := int32(0)
track := uint16(0)
speed_valid := false
speed := uint16(0)
vvel := int16(0)
// vvel_geo := false
if airground_state == 0 || airground_state == 1 { // Subsonic. Supersonic.
ti.OnGround = false
// N/S velocity.
ns_vel_valid := false
ew_vel_valid := false
raw_ns := ((int16(frame[12]) & 0x1f) << 6) | ((int16(frame[13]) & 0xfc) >> 2)
if (raw_ns & 0x3ff) != 0 {
ns_vel_valid = true
ns_vel = int32((raw_ns & 0x3ff) - 1)
if (raw_ns & 0x400) != 0 {
ns_vel = 0 - ns_vel
if airground_state == 1 { // Supersonic.
ns_vel = ns_vel * 4
// E/W velocity.
raw_ew := ((int16(frame[13]) & 0x03) << 9) | (int16(frame[14]) << 1) | ((int16(frame[15] & 0x80)) >> 7)
if (raw_ew & 0x3ff) != 0 {
ew_vel_valid = true
ew_vel = int32((raw_ew & 0x3ff) - 1)
if (raw_ew & 0x400) != 0 {
ew_vel = 0 - ew_vel
if airground_state == 1 { // Supersonic.
ew_vel = ew_vel * 4
if ns_vel_valid && ew_vel_valid {
if ns_vel != 0 || ew_vel != 0 {
//TODO: Track type
track = uint16((360 + 90 - (int16(math.Atan2(float64(ns_vel), float64(ew_vel)) * 180 / math.Pi))) % 360)
speed_valid = true
speed = uint16(math.Sqrt(float64((ns_vel * ns_vel) + (ew_vel * ew_vel))))
// Vertical velocity.
raw_vvel := ((int16(frame[15]) & 0x7f) << 4) | ((int16(frame[16]) & 0xf0) >> 4)
if (raw_vvel & 0x1ff) != 0 {
// vvel_geo = (raw_vvel & 0x400) == 0
vvel = ((raw_vvel & 0x1ff) - 1) * 64
if (raw_vvel & 0x200) != 0 {
vvel = 0 - vvel
} else if airground_state == 2 { // Ground vehicle.
ti.OnGround = true
raw_gs := ((uint16(frame[12]) & 0x1f) << 6) | ((uint16(frame[13]) & 0xfc) >> 2)
if raw_gs != 0 {
speed_valid = true
speed = ((raw_gs & 0x3ff) - 1)
raw_track := ((uint16(frame[13]) & 0x03) << 9) | (uint16(frame[14]) << 1) | ((uint16(frame[15]) & 0x80) >> 7)
//tt := ((raw_track & 0x0600) >> 9)
//FIXME: tt == 1 TT_TRACK. tt == 2 TT_MAG_HEADING. tt == 3 TT_TRUE_HEADING.
track = uint16((raw_track & 0x1ff) * 360 / 512)
// Dimensions of vehicle - skip.
ti.Track = track
ti.Speed = speed
ti.Vvel = vvel
ti.Speed_valid = speed_valid
if ti.Speed_valid {
ti.Last_speed = stratuxClock.Time
// fmt.Printf("ns_vel %d, ew_vel %d, track %d, speed_valid %t, speed %d, vvel_geo %t, vvel %d\n", ns_vel, ew_vel, track, speed_valid, speed, vvel_geo, vvel)
utc_coupled := false
tisb_site_id := uint8(0)
if (uint8(frame[0]) & 7) == 2 || (uint8(frame[0]) & 7) == 3 { //TODO: Meaning?
tisb_site_id = uint8(frame[16]) & 0x0f
} else {
utc_coupled = (uint8(frame[16]) & 0x08) != 0
// fmt.Printf("tisb_site_id %d, utc_coupled %t\n", tisb_site_id, utc_coupled)
ti.Timestamp = time.Now()
ti.Last_source = TRAFFIC_SOURCE_UAT
traffic[ti.Icao_addr] = ti
seenTraffic[ti.Icao_addr] = true // Mark as seen.
func esListen() {
for {
if !globalSettings.ES_Enabled && !globalSettings.Ping_Enabled {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) // Don't do much unless ES is actually enabled.
dump1090Addr := ""
inConn, err := net.Dial("tcp", dump1090Addr)
if err != nil { // Local connection failed.
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
rdr := bufio.NewReader(inConn)
for globalSettings.ES_Enabled || globalSettings.Ping_Enabled {
//log.Printf("ES enabled. Ready to read next message from dump1090\n")
buf, err := rdr.ReadString('\n')
//log.Printf("String read from dump1090\n")
if err != nil { // Must have disconnected?
buf = strings.Trim(buf, "\r\n")
// Log the message to the message counter in any case.
var thisMsg msg
thisMsg.MessageClass = MSGCLASS_ES
thisMsg.TimeReceived = stratuxClock.Time
thisMsg.Data = buf
MsgLog = append(MsgLog, thisMsg)
var eslog esmsg
eslog.TimeReceived = stratuxClock.Time
eslog.Data = buf
logESMsg(eslog) // log raw dump1090:30006 output to SQLite log
var newTi *dump1090Data
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(buf), &newTi)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("can't read ES traffic information from %s: %s\n", buf, err.Error())
if newTi.Icao_addr == 0x07FFFFFF { // used to signal heartbeat
if globalSettings.DEBUG {
log.Printf("No traffic last 60 seconds. Heartbeat message from dump1090: %s\n", buf)
continue // don't process heartbeat messages
if (newTi.Icao_addr & 0x01000000) != 0 { // bit 25 used by dump1090 to signal non-ICAO address
newTi.Icao_addr = newTi.Icao_addr & 0x00FFFFFF
if globalSettings.DEBUG {
log.Printf("Non-ICAO address %X sent by dump1090. This is typical for TIS-B.\n", newTi.Icao_addr)
icao := uint32(newTi.Icao_addr)
var ti TrafficInfo
// Retrieve previous information on this ICAO code.
if val, ok := traffic[icao]; ok { // if we've already seen it, copy it in to do updates
ti = val
//log.Printf("Existing target %X imported for ES update\n", icao)
} else {
//log.Printf("New target %X created for ES update\n",newTi.Icao_addr)
ti.Last_seen = stratuxClock.Time // need to initialize to current stratuxClock so it doesn't get cut before we have a chance to populate a position message
ti.Last_alt = stratuxClock.Time // ditto.
ti.Icao_addr = icao
ti.ExtrapolatedPosition = false
ti.Last_source = TRAFFIC_SOURCE_1090ES
thisReg, validReg := icao2reg(icao)
if validReg {
ti.Reg = thisReg
ti.Tail = thisReg
if newTi.SignalLevel > 0 {
ti.SignalLevel = 10 * math.Log10(newTi.SignalLevel)
} else {
ti.SignalLevel = -999
// generate human readable summary of message types for debug
//TODO: Use for ES message statistics?
var s1 string
if newTi.DF == 17 {
s1 = "ADS-B"
if newTi.DF == 18 {
s1 = "ADS-R / TIS-B"
if newTi.DF == 4 || newTi.DF == 20 {
s1 = "Surveillance, Alt. Reply"
if newTi.DF == 5 || newTi.DF == 21 {
s1 = "Surveillance, Ident. Reply"
if newTi.DF == 11 {
s1 = "All-call Reply"
if newTi.DF == 0 {
s1 = "Short Air-Air Surv."
if newTi.DF == 16 {
s1 = "Long Air-Air Surv."
//log.Printf("Mode S message from icao=%X, DF=%02d, CA=%02d, TC=%02d (%s)\n", ti.Icao_addr, newTi.DF, newTi.CA, newTi.TypeCode, s1)
// Altitude will be sent by dump1090 for ES ADS-B/TIS-B (DF=17 and DF=18)
// and Mode S messages (DF=0, DF = 4, and DF = 20).
ti.AltIsGNSS = newTi.AltIsGNSS
if newTi.Alt != nil {
ti.Alt = int32(*newTi.Alt)
ti.Last_alt = stratuxClock.Time
if newTi.GnssDiffFromBaroAlt != nil {
ti.GnssDiffFromBaroAlt = int32(*newTi.GnssDiffFromBaroAlt) // we can estimate pressure altitude from GNSS height with this parameter!
ti.Last_GnssDiff = stratuxClock.Time
ti.Last_GnssDiffAlt = ti.Alt
// Position updates are provided only by ES messages (DF=17 and DF=18; multiple TCs)
if newTi.Position_valid { // i.e. DF17 or DF18 message decoded successfully by dump1090
valid_position := true
var lat, lng float32
if newTi.Lat != nil {
lat = float32(*newTi.Lat)
} else { // dump1090 send a valid message, but Stratux couldn't figure it out for some reason.
valid_position = false
//log.Printf("Missing latitude in DF=17/18 airborne position message\n")
if newTi.Lng != nil {
lng = float32(*newTi.Lng)
} else { //
valid_position = false
//log.Printf("Missing longitude in DF=17 airborne position message\n")
if valid_position {
ti.Lat = lat
ti.Lng = lng
if isGPSValid() {
ti.Distance, ti.Bearing = distance(float64(mySituation.GPSLatitude), float64(mySituation.GPSLongitude), float64(ti.Lat), float64(ti.Lng))
ti.BearingDist_valid = true
ti.Position_valid = true
ti.ExtrapolatedPosition = false
ti.Last_seen = stratuxClock.Time // only update "last seen" data on position updates
if newTi.Speed_valid { // i.e. DF17 or DF18, TC 19 message decoded successfully by dump1090
valid_speed := true
var speed, track uint16
if newTi.Track != nil {
track = uint16(*newTi.Track)
} else { // dump1090 send a valid message, but Stratux couldn't figure it out for some reason.
valid_speed = false
//log.Printf("Missing track in DF=17/18 TC19 airborne velocity message\n")
if newTi.Speed != nil {
speed = uint16(*newTi.Speed)
} else { //
valid_speed = false
//log.Printf("Missing speed in DF=17/18 TC19 airborne velocity message\n")
if newTi.Vvel != nil {
ti.Vvel = int16(*newTi.Vvel)
} else { // we'll still make the message without a valid vertical speed.
//log.Printf("Missing vertical speed in DF=17/18 TC19 airborne velocity message\n")
if valid_speed {
ti.Track = track
ti.Speed = speed
ti.Speed_valid = true
ti.Last_speed = stratuxClock.Time // only update "last seen" data on position updates
} else if ((newTi.DF == 17) || (newTi.DF == 18)) && (newTi.TypeCode == 19) { // invalid speed on velocity message only
ti.Speed_valid = false
// Determine NIC (navigation integrity category) from type code and subtype code
if ((newTi.DF == 17) || (newTi.DF == 18)) && (newTi.TypeCode >= 5 && newTi.TypeCode <= 22) && (newTi.TypeCode != 19) {
nic := 0 // default for unknown or missing NIC
switch newTi.TypeCode {
case 0, 8, 18, 22:
nic = 0
case 17:
nic = 1
case 16:
if newTi.SubtypeCode == 1 {
nic = 3
} else {
nic = 2
case 15:
nic = 4
case 14:
nic = 5
case 13:
nic = 6
case 12:
nic = 7
case 11:
if newTi.SubtypeCode == 1 {
nic = 9
} else {
nic = 8
case 10, 21:
nic = 10
case 9, 20:
nic = 11
ti.NIC = nic
if (ti.NACp < 7) && (ti.NACp < ti.NIC) {
ti.NACp = ti.NIC // initialize to NIC, since NIC is sent with every position report, and not all emitters report NACp.
if newTi.NACp != nil {
ti.NACp = *newTi.NACp
if newTi.Emitter_category != nil {
ti.Emitter_category = uint8(*newTi.Emitter_category) // validate dump1090 on live traffic
if newTi.Squawk != nil {
ti.Squawk = int(*newTi.Squawk) // only provided by Mode S messages, so we don't do this in parseUAT.
// Set the target type. DF=18 messages are sent by ground station, so we look at CA
// (repurposed to Control Field in DF18) to determine if it's ADS-R or TIS-B.
if newTi.DF == 17 {
ti.TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_ADSB
ti.Addr_type = 0
} else if newTi.DF == 18 {
if newTi.CA == 6 {
ti.TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_ADSR
ti.Addr_type = 2
} else if newTi.CA == 2 { // 2 = TIS-B with ICAO address, 5 = TIS-B without ICAO address
ti.TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_TISB
ti.Addr_type = 2
} else if newTi.CA == 5 {
ti.TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_TISB
ti.Addr_type = 3
if newTi.OnGround != nil { // DF=11 messages don't report "on ground" status so we need to check for valid values.
ti.OnGround = bool(*newTi.OnGround)
if (newTi.Tail != nil) && ((newTi.DF == 17) || (newTi.DF == 18)) { // DF=17 or DF=18, Type Code 1-4
ti.Tail = *newTi.Tail
ti.Tail = strings.Trim(ti.Tail, " ") // remove extraneous spaces
// This is a hack to show the source of the traffic on moving maps.
if globalSettings.DisplayTrafficSource {
type_code := " "
switch ti.TargetType {
type_code = "a"
type_code = "r"
type_code = "t"
if len(ti.Tail) == 0 {
ti.Tail = "e" + type_code
} else if len(ti.Tail) < 7 && ti.Tail[0] != 'e' && ti.Tail[0] != 'u' {
ti.Tail = "e" + type_code + ti.Tail
} else if len(ti.Tail) == 7 && ti.Tail[0] != 'e' && ti.Tail[0] != 'u' {
ti.Tail = "e" + type_code + ti.Tail[1:]
} else if len(ti.Tail) > 1 { // bounds checking
ti.Tail = "e" + type_code + ti.Tail[2:]
if newTi.DF == 17 || newTi.DF == 18 {
ti.Last_source = TRAFFIC_SOURCE_1090ES // only update traffic source on ADS-B messages. Prevents source on UAT ADS-B targets with Mode S transponders from "flickering" every time we get an altitude or DF11 update.
ti.Timestamp = newTi.Timestamp // only update "last seen" data on position updates
s_out, err := json.Marshal(ti)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error generating output: %s\n", err.Error())
} else {
log.Printf("%X (DF%d) => %s\n", ti.Icao_addr, newTi.DF, string(s_out))
traffic[ti.Icao_addr] = ti // Update information on this ICAO code.
seenTraffic[ti.Icao_addr] = true // Mark as seen.
updateDemoTraffic creates / updates a simulated traffic target for demonstration / debugging
purpose. Target will circle clockwise around the current GPS position (if valid) or around
KOSH, once every five minutes.
Inputs are ICAO 24-bit hex code, tail number (8 chars max), relative altitude in feet,
groundspeed in knots, and bearing offset from 0 deg initial position.
Traffic on headings 150-240 (bearings 060-150) is intentionally suppressed from updating to allow
for testing of EFB and webUI response. Additionally, the "on ground" flag is set for headings 240-270,
and speed invalid flag is set for headings 135-150 to allow testing of response to those conditions.
func updateDemoTraffic(icao uint32, tail string, relAlt float32, gs float64, offset int32) {
var ti TrafficInfo
// Retrieve previous information on this ICAO code.
if val, ok := traffic[icao]; ok { // if we've already seen it, copy it in to do updates
ti = val
//log.Printf("Existing target %X imported for ES update\n", icao)
} else {
//log.Printf("New target %X created for ES update\n",newTi.Icao_addr)
ti.Last_seen = stratuxClock.Time // need to initialize to current stratuxClock so it doesn't get cut before we have a chance to populate a position message
ti.Icao_addr = icao
ti.ExtrapolatedPosition = false
hdg := float64((int32(stratuxClock.Milliseconds/1000)+offset)%720) / 2
// gs := float64(220) // knots
radius := gs * 0.2 / (2 * math.Pi)
x := radius * math.Cos(hdg*math.Pi/180.0)
y := radius * math.Sin(hdg*math.Pi/180.0)
// default traffic location is Oshkosh if GPS not detected
lat := 43.99
lng := -88.56
if isGPSValid() {
lat = float64(mySituation.GPSLatitude)
lng = float64(mySituation.GPSLongitude)
traffRelLat := y / 60
traffRelLng := -x / (60 * math.Cos(lat*math.Pi/180.0))
ti.Icao_addr = icao
ti.OnGround = false
ti.Addr_type = uint8(icao % 4) // 0 == ADS-B; 1 == reserved; 2 == TIS-B with ICAO address; 3 == TIS-B without ICAO address; 6 == ADS-R
if ti.Addr_type == 1 { // reassign "reserved value" to ADS-R
ti.Addr_type = 6
if ti.Addr_type == 0 {
ti.TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_ADSB
} else if ti.Addr_type == 3 {
ti.TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_TISB
} else if ti.Addr_type == 6 {
ti.TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_ADSR
} else if ti.Addr_type == 2 {
ti.TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_TISB_S
if (ti.NIC >= 7) && (ti.Emitter_category > 0) { // If NIC is sufficiently high and emitter type is transmitted, we'll assume it's ADS-R.
ti.TargetType = TARGET_TYPE_ADSR
ti.Emitter_category = 1
ti.Lat = float32(lat + traffRelLat)
ti.Lng = float32(lng + traffRelLng)
ti.Distance, ti.Bearing = distance(float64(lat), float64(lng), float64(ti.Lat), float64(ti.Lng))
ti.BearingDist_valid = true
ti.Position_valid = true
ti.ExtrapolatedPosition = false
ti.Alt = int32(mySituation.GPSAltitudeMSL + relAlt)
ti.Track = uint16(hdg)
ti.Speed = uint16(gs)
if hdg >= 240 && hdg < 270 {
ti.OnGround = true
if hdg > 135 && hdg < 150 {
ti.Speed_valid = false
} else {
ti.Speed_valid = true
ti.Vvel = 0
ti.Tail = tail // "DEMO1234"
ti.Timestamp = time.Now()
ti.Last_seen = stratuxClock.Time
ti.Last_alt = stratuxClock.Time
ti.Last_speed = stratuxClock.Time
ti.NACp = 8
ti.NIC = 8
//ti.Age = math.Floor(ti.Age) + hdg / 1000
ti.Last_source = 1
if icao%5 == 1 { // make some of the traffic look like it came from UAT
ti.Last_source = 2
if hdg < 150 || hdg > 240 {
// now insert this into the traffic map...
defer trafficMutex.Unlock()
traffic[ti.Icao_addr] = ti
seenTraffic[ti.Icao_addr] = true
icao2reg() : Converts 24-bit Mode S addresses to N-numbers and C-numbers.
Input: uint32 representing the Mode S address. Valid range for
translation is 0xA00001 - 0xADF7C7, inclusive.
Values outside the range A000001-AFFFFFF or C00001-C3FFFF
are flagged as foreign.
Values between ADF7C8 - AFFFFF are allocated to the United States,
but are not used for aicraft on the civil registry. These could be
military, other public aircraft, or future use.
Values between C0CDF9 - C3FFFF are allocated to Canada,
but are not used for aicraft on the civil registry. These could be
military, other public aircraft, or future use.
string: String containing the decoded tail number (if decoding succeeded),
"NON-NA" (for non-US / non Canada allocation), and "US-MIL" or "CA-MIL" for non-civil US / Canada allocation.
bool: True if the Mode S address successfully translated to an
N number. False for all other conditions.
func icao2reg(icao_addr uint32) (string, bool) {
// Initialize local variables
base34alphabet := string("ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789")
nationalOffset := uint32(0xA00001) // default is US
tail := ""
nation := ""
// Determine nationality
if (icao_addr >= 0xA00001) && (icao_addr <= 0xAFFFFF) {
nation = "US"
} else if (icao_addr >= 0xC00001) && (icao_addr <= 0xC3FFFF) {
nation = "CA"
} else {
//TODO: future national decoding.
return "NON-NA", false
if nation == "CA" { // Canada decoding
// First, discard addresses that are not assigned to aircraft on the civil registry
if icao_addr > 0xC0CDF8 {
//fmt.Printf("%X is a Canada aircraft, but not a CF-, CG-, or CI- registration.\n", icao_addr)
return "CA-MIL", false
nationalOffset := uint32(0xC00001)
serial := int32(icao_addr - nationalOffset)
// Fifth letter
e := serial % 26
// Fourth letter
d := (serial / 26) % 26
// Third letter
c := (serial / 676) % 26 // 676 == 26*26
// Second letter
b := (serial / 17576) % 26 // 17576 == 26*26*26
b_str := "FGI"
//fmt.Printf("B = %d, C = %d, D = %d, E = %d\n",b,c,d,e)
tail = fmt.Sprintf("C-%c%c%c%c", b_str[b], c+65, d+65, e+65)
if nation == "US" { // FAA decoding
// First, discard addresses that are not assigned to aircraft on the civil registry
if icao_addr > 0xADF7C7 {
//fmt.Printf("%X is a US aircraft, but not on the civil registry.\n", icao_addr)
return "US-MIL", false
serial := int32(icao_addr - nationalOffset)
// First digit
a := (serial / 101711) + 1
// Second digit
a_remainder := serial % 101711
b := ((a_remainder + 9510) / 10111) - 1
// Third digit
b_remainder := (a_remainder + 9510) % 10111
c := ((b_remainder + 350) / 951) - 1
// This next bit is more convoluted. First, figure out if we're using the "short" method of
// decoding the last two digits (two letters, one letter and one blank, or two blanks).
// This will be the case if digit "B" or "C" are calculated as negative, or if c_remainder
// is less than 601.
c_remainder := (b_remainder + 350) % 951
var d, e int32
if (b >= 0) && (c >= 0) && (c_remainder > 600) { // alphanumeric decoding method
d = 24 + (c_remainder-601)/35
e = (c_remainder - 601) % 35
} else { // two-letter decoding method
if (b < 0) || (c < 0) {
c_remainder -= 350 // otherwise " " == 350, "A " == 351, "AA" == 352, etc.
d = (c_remainder - 1) / 25
e = (c_remainder - 1) % 25
if e < 0 {
d -= 1
e += 25
a_char := fmt.Sprintf("%d", a)
var b_char, c_char, d_char, e_char string
if b >= 0 {
b_char = fmt.Sprintf("%d", b)
if b >= 0 && c >= 0 {
c_char = fmt.Sprintf("%d", c)
if d > -1 {
d_char = string(base34alphabet[d])
if e > 0 {
e_char = string(base34alphabet[e-1])
tail = "N" + a_char + b_char + c_char + d_char + e_char
return tail, true
func initTraffic() {
traffic = make(map[uint32]TrafficInfo)
seenTraffic = make(map[uint32]bool)
trafficMutex = &sync.Mutex{}
go esListen()