
279 wiersze
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package main
import (
_ ""
// ""
var (
i2cbus embd.I2CBus
myPressureReader sensors.PressureReader
myIMUReader sensors.IMUReader
func initI2CSensors() {
i2cbus = embd.NewI2CBus(1)
globalStatus.PressureSensorConnected = initPressureSensor() // I2C temperature and pressure altitude.
log.Printf("AHRS Info: pressure sensor connected: %t\n", globalStatus.PressureSensorConnected)
globalStatus.IMUConnected = initIMU() // I2C accel/gyro/mag.
log.Printf("AHRS Info: IMU connected: %t\n", globalStatus.IMUConnected)
if !(globalStatus.PressureSensorConnected || globalStatus.IMUConnected) {
log.Println("AHRS Info: I2C bus closed")
if globalStatus.PressureSensorConnected {
go tempAndPressureSender()
log.Println("AHRS Info: monitoring pressure sensor")
func initPressureSensor() (ok bool) {
bmp, err := sensors.NewBMP280(&i2cbus, 100*time.Millisecond)
if err == nil {
myPressureReader = bmp
ok = true
log.Println("AHRS Info: Successfully initialized BMP280")
// TODO westphae: make bmp180.go to fit bmp interface
//for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
// myBMPX80 = bmp180.New(i2cbus)
// _, err := myBMPX80.Temperature() // Test to see if it works, since bmp180.New doesn't return err
// if err != nil {
// time.Sleep(250 * time.Millisecond)
// } else {
// globalStatus.PressureSensorConnected = true
// log.Println("AHRS Info: Successfully initialized BMP180")
// return nil
// }
log.Println("AHRS Info: couldn't initialize BMP280 or BMP180")
func initIMU() (ok bool) {
var err error
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
log.Printf("AHRS Info: attempt %d to connect to MPU9250\n", i)
myIMUReader, err = sensors.NewMPU9250()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("AHRS Info: attempt %d failed to connect to MPU9250\n", i)
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
} else {
log.Println("AHRS Info: Successfully connected MPU9250, running calibration")
myIMUReader.Calibrate(1, 5)
log.Println("AHRS Info: Successfully initialized MPU9250")
return true
//for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
// myIMUReader, err = sensors.NewMPU6050()
// if err != nil {
// log.Printf("AHRS Info: attempt %d failed to connect to MPU6050\n", i)
// time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
// } else {
// ok = true
// log.Println("AHRS Info: Successfully initialized MPU6050")
// return
// }
log.Println("AHRS Error: couldn't initialize MPU9250 or MPU6050")
func tempAndPressureSender() {
var (
temp float64
press float64
altLast float64
altitude float64
err error
dt float64 = 0.1
// Initialize variables for rate of climb calc
u := 5 / (5 + float64(dt)) // Use 5 sec decay time for rate of climb, slightly faster than typical VSI
if press, err = myPressureReader.Pressure(); err != nil {
log.Printf("AHRS Error: Couldn't read temp from sensor: %s", err)
altLast = CalcAltitude(press)
timer := time.NewTicker(time.Duration(1000*dt) * time.Millisecond)
for globalStatus.PressureSensorConnected {
// Read temperature and pressure altitude.
temp, err = myPressureReader.Temperature()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("AHRS Error: Couldn't read temperature from sensor: %s", err)
press, err = myPressureReader.Pressure()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("AHRS Error: Couldn't read pressure from sensor: %s", err)
// Update the Situation data.
mySituation.LastTempPressTime = stratuxClock.Time
mySituation.Temp = temp
altitude = CalcAltitude(press)
mySituation.Pressure_alt = altitude
// Assuming timer is reasonably accurate, use a regular ewma
mySituation.RateOfClimb = u*mySituation.RateOfClimb + (1-u)*(altitude-altLast)/(float64(dt)/60)
altLast = altitude
func sensorAttitudeSender() {
log.Println("AHRS Info: Setting up sensorAttitudeSender")
var (
roll, pitch, heading float64
t time.Time
s ahrs.AHRSProvider
m *ahrs.Measurement
bx, by, bz, ax, ay, az, mx, my, mz float64
mpuError, magError error
headingMag, slipSkid, turnRate, gLoad float64
errHeadingMag, errSlipSkid, errTurnRate, errGLoad error
m = ahrs.NewMeasurement()
//TODO westphae: remove this logging when finished testing, or make it optional in settings
logger := ahrs.NewSensorLogger(fmt.Sprintf("/var/log/sensors_%s.csv", time.Now().Format("20060102_150405")),
"T", "TS", "A1", "A2", "A3", "H1", "H2", "H3", "M1", "M2", "M3", "TW", "W1", "W2", "W3", "TA", "Alt",
"pitch", "roll", "heading", "mag_heading", "slip_skid", "turn_rate", "g_load", "T_Attitude")
defer logger.Close()
ahrswebListener, err := ahrsweb.NewKalmanListener()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("AHRS Error: couldn't start ahrswebListener: %s\n", err.Error())
// Need a 10Hz sampling freq
timer := time.NewTicker(100 * time.Millisecond) // ~10Hz update.
for globalStatus.IMUConnected {
t = stratuxClock.Time
m.T = float64(t.UnixNano()/1000) / 1e6
_, bx, by, bz, ax, ay, az, mx, my, mz, mpuError, magError = myIMUReader.ReadRaw()
//TODO westphae: allow user configuration of this mapping from a file, plus UI modification
//m.B1, m.B2, m.B3 = +by, -bx, +bz // This is how the RY83XAI is wired up
//m.A1, m.A2, m.A3 = -ay, +ax, -az // This is how the RY83XAI is wired up
m.B1, m.B2, m.B3 = -bx, +by, -bz // This is how the OpenFlightBox board is wired up
m.A1, m.A2, m.A3 = -ay, +ax, +az // This is how the OpenFlightBox board is wired up
m.M1, m.M2, m.M3 = +mx, +my, +mz
m.SValid = mpuError == nil
m.MValid = magError == nil
if mpuError != nil {
log.Printf("AHRS Gyro/Accel Error, not using for this run: %s\n", mpuError.Error())
//TODO westphae: disconnect?
if magError != nil {
log.Printf("AHRS Magnetometer Error, not using for this run: %s\n", magError.Error())
m.MValid = false
m.WValid = t.Sub(mySituation.LastGroundTrackTime) < 500*time.Millisecond
if m.WValid {
m.W1 = mySituation.GroundSpeed * math.Sin(float64(mySituation.TrueCourse)*ahrs.Deg)
m.W2 = mySituation.GroundSpeed * math.Cos(float64(mySituation.TrueCourse)*ahrs.Deg)
if globalStatus.PressureSensorConnected {
m.W3 = mySituation.RateOfClimb * 3600 / 6076.12
} else {
m.W3 = float64(mySituation.GPSVertVel) * 3600 / 6076.12
// Run the AHRS calcs
if s == nil { // s is nil if we should (re-)initialize the Kalman state
log.Println("AHRS Info: initializing new simple AHRS")
s = ahrs.InitializeSimple(m, "")
// Debugging server:
if ahrswebListener != nil {
ahrswebListener.Send(s.GetState(), m)
// If we have valid AHRS info, then send
if s.Valid() {
roll, pitch, heading = s.CalcRollPitchHeading()
mySituation.Roll = roll / ahrs.Deg
mySituation.Pitch = pitch / ahrs.Deg
mySituation.Gyro_heading = heading / ahrs.Deg
if headingMag, errHeadingMag = myIMUReader.MagHeading(); errHeadingMag != nil {
log.Printf("AHRS MPU Error: %s\n", errHeadingMag.Error())
} else {
mySituation.Mag_heading = headingMag
if slipSkid, errSlipSkid = myIMUReader.SlipSkid(); errSlipSkid != nil {
log.Printf("AHRS MPU Error: %s\n", errSlipSkid.Error())
} else {
mySituation.SlipSkid = slipSkid
if turnRate, errTurnRate = myIMUReader.RateOfTurn(); errTurnRate != nil {
log.Printf("AHRS MPU Error: %s\n", errTurnRate.Error())
} else {
mySituation.RateOfTurn = turnRate
if gLoad, errGLoad = myIMUReader.GLoad(); errGLoad != nil {
log.Printf("AHRS MPU Error: %s\n", errGLoad.Error())
} else {
mySituation.GLoad = gLoad
mySituation.LastAttitudeTime = t
// makeFFAHRSSimReport() // simultaneous use of GDL90 and FFSIM not supported in FF 7.5.1 or later. Function definition will be kept for AHRS debugging and future workarounds.
} else {
s = nil
mySituation.LastAttitudeTime = time.Time{}
makeAHRSGDL90Report() // Send whether or not valid - the function will invalidate the values as appropriate
m.T, m.A1, m.A2, m.A3, m.B1, m.B2, m.B3, m.M1, m.M2, m.M3,
float64(mySituation.LastGroundTrackTime.UnixNano()/1000)/1e6, m.W1, m.W2, m.W3,
float64(mySituation.LastTempPressTime.UnixNano()/1000)/1e6, mySituation.Pressure_alt,
pitch/ahrs.Deg, roll/ahrs.Deg, heading/ahrs.Deg, headingMag, slipSkid, turnRate, gLoad,
log.Println("AHRS Info: Exited sensorAttitudeSender loop")
globalStatus.IMUConnected = false