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angular.module('appControllers').controller('TrafficCtrl', TrafficCtrl); // get the main module contollers set
TrafficCtrl.$inject = ['$rootScope', '$scope', '$state', '$http', '$interval', 'craftService']; // Inject my dependencies
// create our controller function with all necessary logic
function TrafficCtrl($rootScope, $scope, $state, $http, $interval, craftService) {
$scope.$parent.helppage = 'plates/traffic-help.html';
$scope.data_list = [];
$scope.data_list_invalid = [];
$scope.$parent.esStyleColor = craftService.getTrafficSourceColor(1);
$scope.$parent.uatStyleColor = craftService.getTrafficSourceColor(2);
$scope.$parent.ognStyleColor = craftService.getTrafficSourceColor(4);
$scope.$parent.aisStyleColor = craftService.getTrafficSourceColor(5);
function utcTimeString(epoc) {
var time = "";
var val;
var d = new Date(epoc);
val = d.getUTCHours();
time += (val < 10 ? "0" + val : "" + val);
val = d.getUTCMinutes();
time += ":" + (val < 10 ? "0" + val : "" + val);
val = d.getUTCSeconds();
time += ":" + (val < 10 ? "0" + val : "" + val);
time += "Z";
return time;
function dmsString(val) {
return [0 | val,
'° ',
0 | (val < 0 ? val = -val : val) % 1 * 60,
"' ",
0 | val * 60 % 1 * 60,
// chop off seconds for space
function dmsString(val) {
var deg;
var min;
deg = 0 | val;
min = 0 | (val < 0 ? val = -val : val) % 1 * 60;
return [deg*deg < 100 ? "0" + deg : deg,
'° ',
min < 10 ? "0" + min : min,
"' "].join('');
function setAircraft(obj, new_traffic) {
new_traffic.icao_int = obj.Icao_addr;
new_traffic.isStratux = obj.IsStratux;
new_traffic.signal = obj.SignalLevel;
new_traffic.Last_source = obj.Last_source; // 1=ES, 2=UAT, 4=OGN, 8=AIS
new_traffic.Emitter_category = obj.Emitter_category;
//console.log('Emitter Category:' + obj.Emitter_category);
new_traffic.icao = obj.Icao_addr.toString(16).toUpperCase();
new_traffic.tail = obj.Tail;
if (!new_traffic.tail || new_traffic.tail.trim().length == 0)
new_traffic.tail = "[--N/A--]";
new_traffic.reg = obj.Reg;
if (!new_traffic.reg || new_traffic.reg.trim().length == 0)
new_traffic.reg = "[--N/A--]";
if (obj.Squawk == 0) {
new_traffic.squawk = "----";
} else {
new_traffic.squawk = obj.Squawk;
new_traffic.addr_type = obj.Addr_type; = dmsString(obj.Lat);
new_traffic.lon = dmsString(obj.Lng);
var n = Math.round(obj.Alt / 25) * 25;
new_traffic.alt = n.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
var s = Math.round(obj.Speed / 5) * 5;
if (obj.Speed_valid) {
new_traffic.speed = s.toString();
new_traffic.heading = Math.round(obj.Track / 5) * 5;
} else {
new_traffic.speed = "---";
new_traffic.heading = "---";
new_traffic.vspeed = Math.round(obj.Vvel / 100) * 100
var timestamp = Date.parse(obj.Timestamp);
new_traffic.time = utcTimeString(timestamp);
new_traffic.Age = obj.Age;
new_traffic.AgeLastAlt = obj.AgeLastAlt;
new_traffic.bearing = Math.round(obj.Bearing); // degrees true
new_traffic.dist = obj.Distance / 1852; // nautical miles
new_traffic.distEst = obj.DistanceEstimated / 1852;
new_traffic.trafficColor = craftService.getTransportColor(obj);
new_traffic.category = craftService.getCategory(obj);
if (new_traffic.TargetType === TARGET_TYPE_AIS) {
new_traffic.addr_symb = '\uD83D\uDEA2';
} else {
new_traffic.addr_symb ='\u2708'; // undefined, use aircraft as default
if (new_traffic.targettype > 3) {
new_traffic.addr_symb ='\ud83d\udce1';
// return new_aircraft;
function isSameAircraft(addr1, addrType1, addr2, addrType2) {
if (addr1 != addr2)
return false;
// Both aircraft have the same address and it is either an ICAO address for both,
// or a non-icao address for both.
// 1 = non-icao, everything else = icao
if ((addrType1 == 1 && addrType2 == 1) || (addrType1 != 1 && addrType2 != 1))
return true;
function connect($scope) {
if (($scope === undefined) || ($scope === null))
return; // we are getting called once after clicking away from the status page
if (($scope.socket === undefined) || ($scope.socket === null)) {
socket = new WebSocket(URL_TRAFFIC_WS);
$scope.socket = socket; // store socket in scope for enter/exit usage
$scope.ConnectState = "Disconnected";
socket.onopen = function (msg) {
// $scope.ConnectStyle = "label-success";
$scope.ConnectState = "Connected";
socket.onclose = function (msg) {
// $scope.ConnectStyle = "label-danger";
$scope.ConnectState = "Disconnected";
setTimeout(connect, 1000);
socket.onerror = function (msg) {
// $scope.ConnectStyle = "label-danger";
$scope.ConnectState = "Problem";
socket.onmessage = function (msg) {
//console.log('Received traffic update.')
var message = JSON.parse(;
$scope.raw_data = angular.toJson(, true);
// we need to use an array so AngularJS can perform sorting; it also means we need to loop to find an aircraft in the traffic set
var validIdx = -1;
var invalidIdx = -1;
for (var i = 0, len = $scope.data_list.length; i < len; i++) {
if (isSameAircraft($scope.data_list[i].icao_int, $scope.data_list[i].addr_type, message.Icao_addr, message.Addr_type)) {
setAircraft(message, $scope.data_list[i]);
validIdx = i;
for (var i = 0, len = $scope.data_list_invalid.length; i < len; i++) {
if (isSameAircraft($scope.data_list_invalid[i].icao_int, $scope.data_list_invalid[i].addr_type, message.Icao_addr, message.Addr_type)) {
setAircraft(message, $scope.data_list_invalid[i]);
invalidIdx = i;
if ((validIdx < 0) && (message.Position_valid)) {
var new_traffic = {};
setAircraft(message, new_traffic);
$scope.data_list.unshift(new_traffic); // add to start of valid array.
if ((invalidIdx < 0) && (!message.Position_valid)) {
var new_traffic = {};
setAircraft(message, new_traffic);
$scope.data_list_invalid.unshift(new_traffic); // add to start of invalid array.
// Handle the negative cases of those above - where an aircraft moves from "valid" to "invalid" or vice-versa.
if ((validIdx >= 0) && !message.Position_valid) {
// Position is not valid any more. Remove from "valid" table.
$scope.data_list.splice(validIdx, 1);
if ((invalidIdx >= 0) && message.Position_valid) {
// Position is now valid. Remove from "invalid" table.
$scope.data_list_invalid.splice(invalidIdx, 1);
var getClock = $interval(function () {
then(function (response) {
globalStatus = angular.fromJson(;
var tempClock = new Date(Date.parse(globalStatus.Clock));
var clockString = tempClock.toUTCString();
$scope.Clock = clockString;
var tempUptimeClock = new Date(Date.parse(globalStatus.UptimeClock));
var uptimeClockString = tempUptimeClock.toUTCString();
$scope.UptimeClock = uptimeClockString;
var tempLocalClock = new Date;
$scope.LocalClock = tempLocalClock.toUTCString();
$scope.SecondsFast = (tempClock-tempLocalClock)/1000;
$scope.GPS_connected = globalStatus.GPS_connected;
}, function (response) {
// nop
}, 500, 0, false);
// perform cleanup every 10 seconds
var clearStaleTraffic = $interval(function () {
// remove stale aircraft = anything more than cutoff seconds without a position update
// Clean up "valid position" table.
for (var i = $scope.data_list.length; i > 0; i--) {
if (craftService.isTrafficAged($scope.data_list[i - 1])) {
$scope.data_list.splice(i - 1, 1);
// Clean up "invalid position" table.
for (var i = $scope.data_list_invalid.length; i > 0; i--) {
if (craftService.isTrafficAged($scope.data_list_invalid[i - 1]) || craftService.isTrafficAged2($scope.data_list_invalid[i - 1], 'AgeLastAlt')) {
$scope.data_list_invalid.splice(i - 1, 1);
}, (1000 * 10), 0, false);
$state.get('traffic').onEnter = function () {
// everything gets handled correctly by the controller
$state.get('traffic').onExit = function () {
// disconnect from the socket
if (($scope.socket !== undefined) && ($scope.socket !== null)) {
$scope.socket = null;
// stop stale traffic cleanup
// Traffic Controller tasks
connect($scope); // connect - opens a socket and listens for messages