
404 wiersze
9.5 KiB

package main
import (
_ ""
type SituationData struct {
mu_GPS *sync.Mutex
// From GPS.
lastFixSinceMidnightUTC uint32
lat float32
lng float32
quality uint8
satellites uint16
accuracy float32 // Meters.
alt float32 // Feet.
alt_accuracy float32
lastFixLocalTime time.Time
trueCourse uint16
groundSpeed uint16
lastGroundTrackTime time.Time
mu_Attitude *sync.Mutex
// From BMP180 pressure sensor.
temp float64
pressure_alt float64
lastTempPressTime time.Time
// From MPU6050 accel/gyro.
pitch float64
roll float64
gyro_heading float64
lastAttitudeTime time.Time
var serialConfig *serial.Config
var serialPort *serial.Port
func initGPSSerial() bool {
serialConfig = &serial.Config{Name: "/dev/ttyACM0", Baud: 9600}
p, err := serial.OpenPort(serialConfig)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("serial port err: %s\n", err.Error())
return false
serialPort = p
return true
func processNMEALine(l string) bool {
x := strings.Split(l, ",")
if x[0] == "$GNVTG" { // Ground track information.
defer mySituation.mu_GPS.Unlock()
if len(x) < 10 {
return false
trueCourse := uint16(0)
if len(x[1]) > 0 {
tc, err := strconv.ParseFloat(x[1], 32)
if err != nil {
return false
trueCourse = uint16(tc)
//FIXME: Experimental. Set heading to true heading on the MPU6050 reader.
if myMPU6050 != nil && globalStatus.RY835AI_connected && globalSettings.AHRS_Enabled {
} else {
// No movement.
mySituation.trueCourse = 0
mySituation.groundSpeed = 0
mySituation.lastGroundTrackTime = time.Time{}
return true
groundSpeed, err := strconv.ParseFloat(x[5], 32) // Knots.
if err != nil {
return false
mySituation.trueCourse = uint16(trueCourse)
mySituation.groundSpeed = uint16(groundSpeed)
mySituation.lastGroundTrackTime = time.Now()
} else if x[0] == "$GNGGA" { // GPS fix.
if len(x) < 15 {
return false
defer mySituation.mu_GPS.Unlock()
// Timestamp.
if len(x[1]) < 9 {
return false
hr, err1 := strconv.Atoi(x[1][0:2])
min, err2 := strconv.Atoi(x[1][2:4])
sec, err3 := strconv.Atoi(x[1][4:6])
if err1 != nil || err2 != nil || err3 != nil {
return false
mySituation.lastFixSinceMidnightUTC = uint32((hr * 60 * 60) + (min * 60) + sec)
// Latitude.
if len(x[2]) < 10 {
return false
hr, err1 = strconv.Atoi(x[2][0:2])
minf, err2 := strconv.ParseFloat(x[2][2:10], 32)
if err1 != nil || err2 != nil {
return false
} = float32(hr) + float32(minf/60.0)
if x[3] == "S" { // South = negative. =
// Longitude.
if len(x[4]) < 11 {
return false
hr, err1 = strconv.Atoi(x[4][0:3])
minf, err2 = strconv.ParseFloat(x[4][3:11], 32)
if err1 != nil || err2 != nil {
return false
mySituation.lng = float32(hr) + float32(minf/60.0)
if x[5] == "W" { // West = negative.
mySituation.lng = -mySituation.lng
// Quality indicator.
q, err1 := strconv.Atoi(x[6])
if err1 != nil {
return false
mySituation.quality = uint8(q)
// Satellites.
sat, err1 := strconv.Atoi(x[7])
if err1 != nil {
return false
mySituation.satellites = uint16(sat)
// Accuracy.
hdop, err1 := strconv.ParseFloat(x[8], 32)
if err1 != nil {
return false
mySituation.accuracy = float32(hdop * 5.0) //FIXME: 5 meters ~ 1.0 HDOP?
// Altitude.
alt, err1 := strconv.ParseFloat(x[9], 32)
if err1 != nil {
return false
mySituation.alt = float32(alt * 3.28084) // Covnert to feet.
//TODO: Altitude accuracy.
mySituation.alt_accuracy = 0
// Timestamp.
mySituation.lastFixLocalTime = time.Now()
return true
func gpsSerialReader() {
defer serialPort.Close()
for globalSettings.GPS_Enabled && globalStatus.GPS_connected {
buf := make([]byte, 1024)
n, err := serialPort.Read(buf)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("gps serial read error: %s\n", err.Error())
globalStatus.GPS_connected = false
s := string(buf[:n])
x := strings.Split(s, "\n")
for _, l := range x {
globalStatus.GPS_connected = false
var i2cbus embd.I2CBus
var myBMP180 *bmp180.BMP180
var myMPU6050 *mpu6050.MPU6050
func readBMP180() (float64, float64, error) { // ºCelsius, Meters
temp, err := myBMP180.Temperature()
if err != nil {
return temp, 0.0, err
altitude, err := myBMP180.Altitude()
altitude = float64(1/0.3048) * altitude // Convert meters to feet.
if err != nil {
return temp, altitude, err
return temp, altitude, nil
func readMPU6050() (float64, float64, error) { //TODO: error checking.
pitch, roll := myMPU6050.PitchAndRoll()
return pitch, roll, nil
func initBMP180() error {
myBMP180 = bmp180.New(i2cbus) //TODO: error checking.
return nil
func initMPU6050() error {
myMPU6050 = mpu6050.New(i2cbus) //TODO: error checking.
return nil
func initI2C() error {
i2cbus = embd.NewI2CBus(1) //TODO: error checking.
return nil
// Unused at the moment. 5 second update, since read functions in bmp180 are slow.
func tempAndPressureReader() {
timer := time.NewTicker(5 * time.Second)
for globalStatus.RY835AI_connected && globalSettings.AHRS_Enabled {
// Read temperature and pressure altitude.
temp, alt, err_bmp180 := readBMP180()
// Process.
if err_bmp180 != nil {
log.Printf("readBMP180(): %s\n", err_bmp180.Error())
globalStatus.RY835AI_connected = false
} else {
mySituation.temp = temp
mySituation.pressure_alt = alt
mySituation.lastTempPressTime = time.Now()
globalStatus.RY835AI_connected = false
func makeFFAHRSSimReport() {
s := fmt.Sprintf("XATTStratux,%f,%f,%f", mySituation.gyro_heading, mySituation.pitch, mySituation.roll)
sendMsg([]byte(s), NETWORK_AHRS_FFSIM, false)
func makeAHRSGDL90Report() {
msg := make([]byte, 16)
msg[0] = 0x4c
msg[1] = 0x45
msg[2] = 0x01
msg[3] = 0x00
pitch := int16(float64(mySituation.pitch) * float64(10.0))
roll := int16(float64(mySituation.roll) * float64(10.0))
hdg := uint16(float64(mySituation.gyro_heading) * float64(10.0)) //TODO.
slip_skid := int16(float64(0) * float64(10.0)) //TODO.
yaw_rate := int16(float64(0) * float64(10.0)) //TODO.
g := int16(float64(1.0) * float64(10.0)) //TODO.
// Roll.
msg[4] = byte((roll >> 8) & 0xFF)
msg[5] = byte(roll & 0xFF)
// Pitch.
msg[6] = byte((pitch >> 8) & 0xFF)
msg[7] = byte(pitch & 0xFF)
// Heading.
msg[8] = byte((hdg >> 8) & 0xFF)
msg[9] = byte(hdg & 0xFF)
// Slip/skid.
msg[10] = byte((slip_skid >> 8) & 0xFF)
msg[11] = byte(slip_skid & 0xFF)
// Yaw rate.
msg[12] = byte((yaw_rate >> 8) & 0xFF)
msg[13] = byte(yaw_rate & 0xFF)
// "G".
msg[14] = byte((g >> 8) & 0xFF)
msg[15] = byte(g & 0xFF)
sendMsg(prepareMessage(msg), NETWORK_AHRS_GDL90, false)
func attitudeReaderSender() {
timer := time.NewTicker(100 * time.Millisecond) // ~10Hz update.
for globalStatus.RY835AI_connected && globalSettings.AHRS_Enabled {
// Read pitch and roll.
pitch, roll, err_mpu6050 := readMPU6050()
if err_mpu6050 != nil {
log.Printf("readMPU6050(): %s\n", err_mpu6050.Error())
globalStatus.RY835AI_connected = false
} else {
mySituation.pitch = pitch
mySituation.roll = roll
mySituation.gyro_heading = myMPU6050.Heading() //FIXME. Experimental.
mySituation.lastAttitudeTime = time.Now()
// Send, if valid.
// if isGPSGroundTrackValid(), etc.
globalStatus.RY835AI_connected = false
func isGPSValid() bool {
return time.Since(mySituation.lastFixLocalTime).Seconds() < 15
func isGPSGroundTrackValid() bool {
return time.Since(mySituation.lastGroundTrackTime).Seconds() < 15
func isAHRSValid() bool {
return time.Since(mySituation.lastAttitudeTime).Seconds() < 1 // If attitude information gets to be over 1 second old, declare invalid.
func isTempPressValid() bool {
return time.Since(mySituation.lastTempPressTime).Seconds() < 15
func initAHRS() error {
if err := initI2C(); err != nil { // I2C bus.
return err
if err := initBMP180(); err != nil { // I2C temperature and pressure altitude.
return err
if err := initMPU6050(); err != nil { // I2C accel/gyro.
return err
globalStatus.RY835AI_connected = true
go attitudeReaderSender()
go tempAndPressureReader()
return nil
func pollRY835AI() {
timer := time.NewTicker(10 * time.Second)
for {
// GPS enabled, was not connected previously?
if globalSettings.GPS_Enabled && !globalStatus.GPS_connected {
globalStatus.GPS_connected = initGPSSerial() // via USB for now.
if globalStatus.GPS_connected {
go gpsSerialReader()
// RY835AI I2C enabled, was not connected previously?
if globalSettings.AHRS_Enabled && !globalStatus.RY835AI_connected {
err := initAHRS()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("initAHRS(): %s\ndisabling AHRS sensors.\n", err.Error())
globalStatus.RY835AI_connected = false
func initRY835AI() {
mySituation.mu_GPS = &sync.Mutex{}
mySituation.mu_Attitude = &sync.Mutex{}
go pollRY835AI()