
25 wiersze
869 B
Executable File

# Part of spindle
# See LICENSE file for copyright and license details
# NOTE: this script is rather hacky, in that you probably want to run it
# outside of the schroot set up for spindle...Ideally we'd be booting with an
# nbd rootfs anyway, so this is just a stopgap
set -ex
. ./common
[ "$1" ] || die "No image name given"
[ -b "$NBD_DEV" ] || die "nbd device '%s' does not exist. Try sudo modprobe nbd max_part=16" "$NBD_DEV"
dotask schroot -c spindle -- qemu-img create -f qed -b $1 nfs.qed
mkdir -p nfs_export
dotask sudo schroot -c spindle -- qemu-nbd --nocache -v -c /dev/nbd0 nfs.qed &
sleep 5
dotask sudo mount /dev/nbd0p2 nfs_export # have to do it outside of schroot!
NFS_PATH=$(readlink -m nfs_export)
dotask sudo exportfs -v -i -o async,rw,no_root_squash ":$NFS_PATH"
while true; do
sleep 60