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// Package mpu6050 allows interfacing with InvenSense mpu6050 barometric pressure sensor. This sensor
// has the ability to provided compensated temperature and pressure readings.
package mpu6050
import (
const (
pollDelay = 98 * time.Millisecond // ~10Hz
// MPU6050 represents a InvenSense MPU6050 sensor.
type MPU6050 struct {
Poll time.Duration
started bool
pitch float64
roll float64
// Calibration variables.
calibrated bool
pitch_history []float64
roll_history []float64
pitch_resting float64
roll_resting float64
// For tracking heading (mixing GPS track and the gyro output).
heading float64 // Current heading.
gps_track float64 // Last reading directly from the gyro for comparison with current heading.
gps_track_valid bool
heading_correction float64
quit chan struct{}
// New returns a handle to a MPU6050 sensor.
func New() *MPU6050 {
n := &MPU6050{Poll: pollDelay}
return n
func (d *MPU6050) StartUp() error {
mpu_sample_rate := 10 // 10 Hz read rate of hardware IMU
yaw_mix_factor := 0 // must be zero if no magnetometer
mpu.InitMPU(mpu_sample_rate, yaw_mix_factor)
d.pitch_history = make([]float64, 0)
d.roll_history = make([]float64, 0)
d.started = true
return nil
func (d *MPU6050) calibrate() {
//TODO: Error checking to make sure that the histories are extensive enough to be significant.
//TODO: Error checking to do continuous calibrations.
pitch_adjust := float64(0)
for _, v := range d.pitch_history {
pitch_adjust = pitch_adjust + v
pitch_adjust = pitch_adjust / float64(len(d.pitch_history))
d.pitch_resting = pitch_adjust
roll_adjust := float64(0)
for _, v := range d.roll_history {
roll_adjust = roll_adjust + v
roll_adjust = roll_adjust / float64(len(d.roll_history))
d.roll_resting = roll_adjust
log.Printf("calibrate: pitch %f, roll %f\n", pitch_adjust, roll_adjust)
d.calibrated = true
func normalizeHeading(h float64) float64 {
for h < float64(0.0) {
h = h + float64(360.0)
for h >= float64(360.0) {
h = h - float64(360.0)
return h
func (d *MPU6050) getMPUData() {
pr, rr, hr, err := mpu.ReadMPU()
// Convert from radians to degrees.
pitch := float64(pr) * (float64(180.0) / math.Pi)
roll := float64(-rr) * (float64(180.0) / math.Pi)
heading := float64(hr) * (float64(180.0) / math.Pi)
if heading < float64(0.0) {
heading = float64(360.0) + heading
if err == nil {
d.pitch = pitch
d.roll = roll
// Heading is raw value off the IMU. Without mag compass fusion, need to apply correction bias.
// Amount of correction is set by ResetHeading() -- doesn't necessarily have to be based off GPS.
d.heading = normalizeHeading((heading - d.heading_correction))
} else {
// log.Printf("mpu6050.calculatePitchAndRoll(): mpu.ReadMPU() err: %s\n", err.Error())
// Temperature returns the current temperature reading.
func (d *MPU6050) PitchAndRoll() (float64, float64) {
return (d.pitch - d.pitch_resting), (d.roll - d.roll_resting)
func (d *MPU6050) Heading() float64 {
return d.heading
func (d *MPU6050) Run() {
go func() {
d.quit = make(chan struct{})
timer := time.NewTicker(d.Poll)
// calibrateTimer := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Minute)
for {
select {
case <-timer.C:
// case <-calibrateTimer.C:
// d.calibrate()
// calibrateTimer.Stop()
case <-d.quit:
// Set heading from a known value (usually GPS true heading).
func (d *MPU6050) ResetHeading(newHeading float64, gain float64) {
if gain < 0.001 { // sanitize our inputs!
gain = 0.001
} else if gain > 1 {
gain = 1
old_hdg := d.heading // only used for debug log report
//newHeading = float64(30*time.Now().Minute()) // demo input for testing
newHeading = normalizeHeading(newHeading) // sanitize the inputs
// By applying gain factor, this becomes a 1st order function that slowly converges on solution.
// Time constant is poll rate over gain. With gain of 0.1, convergence to +/-2 deg on a 180 correction difference is about 4 sec; 0.01 converges in 45 sec.
hdg_corr_bias := float64(d.heading - newHeading) // desired adjustment to heading_correction
if hdg_corr_bias > 180 {
hdg_corr_bias = hdg_corr_bias - 360
} else if hdg_corr_bias < -180 {
hdg_corr_bias = hdg_corr_bias + 360
hdg_corr_bias = hdg_corr_bias * gain
d.heading_correction = normalizeHeading(d.heading_correction + hdg_corr_bias)
log.Printf("Adjusted heading. Old: %f Desired: %f Adjustment: %f New: %f\n", old_hdg, newHeading, hdg_corr_bias, d.heading-hdg_corr_bias)
// Close.
func (d *MPU6050) Close() {
if d.quit != nil {
d.quit <- struct{}{}