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Executable File

# This script is called by via qemu
set -ex
mount -t proc proc /proc
cd /root/stratux
# Make sure that the upgrade doesn't restart services in the chroot..
mkdir /root/fake
ln -s /bin/true /root/fake/initctl
ln -s /bin/true /root/fake/invoke-rc.d
ln -s /bin/true /root/fake/restart
ln -s /bin/true /root/fake/start
ln -s /bin/true /root/fake/stop
ln -s /bin/true /root/fake/start-stop-daemon
ln -s /bin/true /root/fake/service
ln -s /bin/true /root/fake/deb-systemd-helper
ln -s /bin/true /root/fake/deb-systemd-invoke
# Fake a proc FS for raspberrypi-sys-mods_20170519_armhf... Extend me as needed
mkdir -p /proc/sys/vm/
apt update
apt clean
PATH=/root/fake:$PATH apt install --yes libjpeg62-turbo-dev libconfig9 rpi-update dnsmasq git cmake \
libusb-1.0-0-dev build-essential autoconf libtool i2c-tools libfftw3-dev libncurses-dev python3-serial jq ifplugd iptables libttspico-utils
# Downgrade to older brcm wifi firmware - the new one seems to be buggy in AP+Client mode
# see
# TODO: disabled again. The old version seems to be even less reliable and drops a lot of packets for some clients on the pi4.
#dpkg -i firmware-brcm80211_20190114-1+rpt4_all.deb
#rm firmware-brcm80211_20190114-1+rpt4_all.deb
#apt-mark hold firmware-brcm80211
# try to reduce writing to SD card as much as possible, so they don't get bricked when yanking the power cable
# Disable swap...
systemctl disable dphys-swapfile
apt purge -y dphys-swapfile
apt autoremove -y
apt clean
#echo y | rpi-update
systemctl enable ssh
systemctl disable dnsmasq # we start it manually on respective interfaces
systemctl disable hciuart
systemctl disable triggerhappy
systemctl disable wpa_supplicant
systemctl disable systemd-timesyncd # We sync time with GPS. Make sure there is no conflict if we have internet connection
systemctl disable resize2fs_once
systemctl disable apt-daily.timer
systemctl disable apt-daily-upgrade.timer
systemctl disable man-db.timer
# Run DHCP on eth0 when cable is plugged in
sed -i -e 's/INTERFACES=""/INTERFACES="eth0"/g' /etc/default/ifplugd
# Generate ssh key for all installs. Otherwise it would have to be done on each boot, which takes a couple of seconds
ssh-keygen -A -v
systemctl disable regenerate_ssh_host_keys
# This is usually done by the console-setup service that takes quite long of first boot..
cd /root/stratux
cp image/bashrc.txt /root/.bashrc
source /root/.bashrc
# Prepare librtlsdr. The one shipping with buster uses usb_zerocopy, which is extremely slow on newer kernels, so
# we manually compile the osmocom version that disables zerocopy by default..
cd /root/
rm -rf rtl-sdr
git clone
cd rtl-sdr
git checkout 1261fbb285297da08f4620b18871b6d6d9ec2a7b # Aug. 23, 2023
cp rtl-sdr.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
mkdir build && cd build
make -j1
make install
cd /root/
rm -r rtl-sdr
cd /root
rm -rf kalibrate-rtl
git clone
cd kalibrate-rtl
make -j8
make install
cd /root && rm -rf kalibrate-rtl
# Prepare wiringpi for ogn trx via GPIO
cd /root && git clone
cd WiringPi && WIRINGPI_SUDO="" ./build
cd /root && rm -r WiringPi
# Debian seems to ship with an invalid pkgconfig for librtlsdr.. fix it:
#sed -i -e 's/prefix=/prefix=\/usr/g' /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/pkgconfig/librtlsdr.pc
#sed -i -e 's/libdir=/libdir=${prefix}\/lib\/arm-linux-gnueabihf/g' /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/pkgconfig/librtlsdr.pc
# Install golang
cd /root
wget -O- | tar xz
# Compile stratux
cd /root/stratux
make clean
make -j8
# Now also prepare the update file..
cd /root/stratux/selfupdate
mv /root/stratux/work/update-*.sh /root/
rm -r /root/stratux/work
cd /root/stratux
rm -r /root/go_path/* # safe space again..
make install
rm -rf /root/.cache
##### Some device setup - copy files from image directory ####
cd /root/stratux/image
cp -f motd /etc/motd
#network default config. TODO: can't we just implement gen_gdl90 -write_network_settings or something to generate them from template?
cp -f stratux-dnsmasq.conf /etc/dnsmasq.d/stratux-dnsmasq.conf
cp -f wpa_supplicant_ap.conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant_ap.conf
cp -f interfaces /etc/network/interfaces
#sshd config
cp -f sshd_config /etc/ssh/sshd_config
#debug aliases
cp -f stxAliases.txt /root/.stxAliases
#rtl-sdr setup
cp -f rtl-sdr-blacklist.conf /etc/modprobe.d/
#system tweaks
cp -f modules.txt /etc/modules
#boot settings
cp -f config.txt /boot/firmware/
#Create default pi password as in old times, and disable initial user creation
systemctl disable userconfig
echo "pi:raspberry" | chpasswd
#rootfs overlay stuff
cp -f overlayctl init-overlay /sbin/
overlayctl install
# init-overlay replaces raspis initial partition size growing.. Make sure we call that manually (see init-overlay script)
touch /var/grow_root_part
mkdir -p /overlay/robase # prepare so we can bind-mount root even if overlay is disabled
# So we can import network settings if needed
touch /boot/firmware/.stratux-first-boot
#startup scripts
cp -f rc.local /etc/rc.local
# Optionally mount /dev/sda1 as /var/log - for logging to USB stick
echo -e "\n/dev/sda1 /var/log auto defaults,nofail,noatime,x-systemd.device-timeout=1ms 0 2" >> /etc/fstab
#disable serial console, disable rfkill state restore, enable wifi on boot
sed -i /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt -e "s/console=serial0,[0-9]\+ /systemd.restore_state=0 rfkill.default_state=1 /"
sed -i 's/quiet//g' /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt
#Set the keyboard layout to US.
sed -i /etc/default/keyboard -e "/^XKBLAYOUT/s/\".*\"/\"us\"/"
# Legacy stratux.conf path so it can be found easily..
ln -s /boot/firmware/stratux.conf /boot/stratux.conf
# Set hostname
echo "stratux" > /etc/hostname
sed -i /etc/hosts -e "s/raspberrypi/stratux/g"
# Clean up source tree - we don't need it at runtime
rm -r /root/stratux
# Uninstall packages we don't need, clean up temp stuff
rm -rf /root/go /root/go_path /root/.cache
PATH=/root/fake:$PATH apt autoremove --purge --yes alsa-ucm-conf alsa-topology-conf bluez bluez-firmware cifs-utils cmake cmake-data \
v4l-utils rsync pigz pi-bluetooth cpp zlib1g-dev network-manager apparmor autotools-dev automake autoconf build-essential gcc-12 \
git mkvtoolnix gdb
apt clean
rm -rf /var/cache/apt
rm -r /root/fake
umount /proc