
95 wiersze
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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
from luma.core.interface.serial import i2c
from luma.oled.device import ssd1306, sh1106
from luma.core.render import canvas
from PIL import ImageDraw, ImageFont, Image
import urllib2
import json
import time
from daemon import runner
class StratuxScreen():
def __init__(self):
self.stdin_path = '/dev/null'
self.stdout_path = '/var/log/stratux-screen.log'
self.stderr_path = '/var/log/stratux-screen.log'
self.pidfile_path = '/var/run/'
self.pidfile_timeout = 5
def run(self):
font2 = ImageFont.truetype('/etc/stratux-screen/CnC_Red_Alert.ttf', 12)
serial = i2c(port=1, address=0x3c)
oled = ssd1306(serial)
with canvas(oled) as draw:
logo ='/etc/stratux-screen/stratux-logo-64x64.bmp')
draw.bitmap((32, 0), logo, fill=1)
n = 0
while 1:
response = urllib2.urlopen('http://localhost/getStatus')
getStatusHTML =
getStatusData = json.loads(getStatusHTML)
CPUTemp = getStatusData["CPUTemp"]
uat_current = getStatusData["UAT_messages_last_minute"]
uat_max = getStatusData["UAT_messages_max"]
es_current = getStatusData["ES_messages_last_minute"]
es_max = getStatusData["ES_messages_max"]
response = urllib2.urlopen('http://localhost/getTowers')
getTowersHTML =
getTowersData = json.loads(getTowersHTML)
NumTowers = 0
for towerLatLng in getTowersData:
print getTowersData[towerLatLng]["Messages_last_minute"]
if (getTowersData[towerLatLng]["Messages_last_minute"] > 0):
NumTowers += 1
with canvas(oled) as draw:
pad = 2 # Two pixels on the left and right.
text_margin = 25
# UAT status.
draw.text((50, 0), "UAT", font=font2, fill=255)
# "Status bar", 2 pixels high.
status_bar_width_max = oled.width - (2 * pad) - (2 * text_margin)
status_bar_width = 0
if uat_max > 0:
status_bar_width = int((float(uat_current) / uat_max) * status_bar_width_max)
draw.rectangle((pad + text_margin, 14, pad + text_margin + status_bar_width, 20), outline=255, fill=255) # Top left, bottom right.
# Draw the current (left) and max (right) numbers.
draw.text((pad, 14), str(uat_current), font=font2, fill=255)
draw.text(((2*pad) + text_margin + status_bar_width_max, 14), str(uat_max), font=font2, fill=255)
# ES status.
draw.text((44, 24), "1090ES", font=font2, fill=255)
status_bar_width = 0
if es_max > 0:
status_bar_width = int((float(es_current) / es_max) * status_bar_width_max)
draw.rectangle((pad + text_margin, 34, pad + text_margin + status_bar_width, 40), outline=255, fill=255) # Top left, bottom right.
# Draw the current (left) and max (right) numbers.
draw.text((pad, 34), str(es_current), font=font2, fill=255)
draw.text(((2*pad) + text_margin + status_bar_width_max, 34), str(es_max), font=font2, fill=255)
# Other stats.
seq = (n / 5) % 2
t = ""
if seq == 0:
t = "CPU: %0.1fC, Towers: %d" % (CPUTemp, NumTowers)
if seq == 1:
t = "GPS Sat: %d/%d/%d" % (getStatusData["GPS_satellites_locked"], getStatusData["GPS_satellites_seen"], getStatusData["GPS_satellites_tracked"])
if getStatusData["GPS_solution"] == "3D GPS + SBAS":
t = t + " SBAS"
#print t
draw.text((pad, 45), t, font=font2, fill=255)
n = n+1
stratuxscreen = StratuxScreen()
daemon_runner = runner.DaemonRunner(stratuxscreen)