angular.module('appControllers').controller('WeatherCtrl', WeatherCtrl); // get the main module contollers set WeatherCtrl.$inject = ['$rootScope', '$scope', '$state', '$http', '$interval']; // Inject my dependencies // create our controller function with all necessary logic function WeatherCtrl($rootScope, $scope, $state, $http, $interval) { var CONF_WATCHLIST = "KBOS KATL KORD KLAX"; // we default to 4 major airports var MAX_DATALIST = 10; $scope.$parent.helppage = 'plates/weather-help.html'; $scope.data_list = []; $scope.watch_list = []; $scope.data_count = 0; $scope.watch_count = 0; function updateWatchList() { $scope.watching = CONF_WATCHLIST; // Simple GET request example (note: responce is asynchronous) $http.get(URL_SETTINGS_GET). then(function (response) { settings = angular.fromJson(; $scope.watching = settings.WatchList.toUpperCase(); }, function (response) { // nop }); }; function inList(word, sentence) { // since the watch list is just one long string, we cheat and see if the word in anywhere in the 'sentence' if ((sentence) && (word)) { return sentence.includes(word); } return false; } function parseFlightCondition(msg, body) { if ((msg !== "METAR") && (msg !== "SPECI")) return ""; // check the visibility: a value preceeding 'SM' which is either a fraction or a whole number // we don't care what value of fraction since anything below 1SM is LIFR // BTW: now I know why no one wants to parse METARs - ther can be spaces in the numbers ARGH // test for special case of 'X X/X' var exp = new RegExp("([0-9]) ([0-9])/([0-9])SM"); var match = exp.exec(body); if ((match !== null) && (match.length === 4)) { visability = parseInt(match[1]) + (parseInt(match[2]) / parseInt(match[3])); } else { exp = new RegExp("([0-9/]{1,5}?)SM"); match = exp.exec(body); if (match === null) return ""; // the only way we have 3 or more characters is if the '/' is present which means we need to do extra checking if (match[1].length === 3) return "LIFR"; // do we have a usable visability distance var visability = parseInt(match[1]); if (visability === 0) return ""; } // ceiling is at either the BKN or OVC layer exp = new RegExp("BKN([0-9]{3})"); match = exp.exec(body); if (match === null) { exp = new RegExp("OVC([0-9]{3})"); match = exp.exec(body); } var ceiling = 999; if (match !== null) ceiling = parseInt(match[1]); if ((visability > 5) && (ceiling > 30)) return "VFR"; if ((visability >= 3) && (ceiling >= 10)) return "MVFR"; if ((visability >= 1) && (ceiling >= 5)) return "IFR"; return "LIFR"; } function deltaTimeString(epoc) { var time = ""; var val; var d = new Date(epoc); val = d.getUTCDate() - 1; // we got here by subtrracting two dates so we have a delta, not a day of month if (val > 0) time += (val < 10 ? "0" + val : "" + val) + "d "; val = d.getUTCHours(); if (val > 0) { time += (val < 10 ? "0" + val : "" + val) + "h "; } else { if (time.length > 0) time += "00h "; } val = d.getUTCMinutes(); time += (val < 10 ? "0" + val : "" + val) + "m "; // ADS-B weather is only accurate to minutes // val = d.getUTCSeconds(); // time += (val < 10 ? "0" + val : "" + val) + "s"; return time; } function parseShortDatetime(sdt) { var d = new Date(); var s = String(sdt); if (s.length < 7) return 0; d.setUTCDate(parseInt(s.substring(0, 2))); d.setUTCHours(parseInt(s.substring(2, 4))); if (s.length > 7) { // TAF datetime range d.setUTCMinutes(0); } else { d.setUTCMinutes(parseInt(s.substring(4, 6))); } d.setUTCSeconds(0); d.setUTCMilliseconds(0); return d; } function setDataItem(obj, data_item) { if (obj.Type === "TAF.AMD") { data_item.type = "TAF"; data_item.update = true; } else { data_item.type = obj.Type; data_item.update = false; } data_item.flight_condition = parseFlightCondition(obj.Type, obj.Data); data_item.location = obj.Location; s = obj.Time; // data_item.time = s.substring(0, 2) + '-' + s.substring(2, 4) + ':' + s.substring(4, 6) + 'Z'; // we may not get an accurate base time on the stratux device so we use the device time as our base // var dNow = new Date(obj.LocaltimeReceived); var dNow = new Date(); var dThen = parseShortDatetime(obj.Time); data_item.age = dThen.getTime(); var diff_ms = Math.abs(dThen - dNow); // If time is more than two days away, don't attempt to display data age. if (diff_ms > (1000*60*60*24*2)) { data_item.time = "?"; } else if (dThen > dNow) { data_item.time = deltaTimeString(dThen - dNow) + " from now"; } else { data_item.time = deltaTimeString(dNow - dThen) + " old"; } // data_item.received = utcTimeString(obj.LocaltimeReceived); = obj.Data; } function connect($scope) { if (($scope === undefined) || ($scope === null)) return; // we are getting called once after clicking away from the status page if (($scope.socket === undefined) || ($scope.socket === null)) { socket = new WebSocket(URL_WEATHER_WS); $scope.socket = socket; // store socket in scope for enter/exit usage } $scope.ConnectState = "Disconnected"; socket.onopen = function (msg) { // $scope.ConnectStyle = "label-success"; $scope.ConnectState = "Connected"; }; socket.onclose = function (msg) { // $scope.ConnectStyle = "label-danger"; $scope.ConnectState = "Disconnected"; $scope.$apply(); setTimeout(connect, 1000); }; socket.onerror = function (msg) { // $scope.ConnectStyle = "label-danger"; $scope.ConnectState = "Problem"; $scope.$apply(); }; socket.onmessage = function (msg) { console.log('Received data_list update.'); $scope.raw_data = angular.toJson(, true); var message = JSON.parse(; // we need to use an array so AngularJS can perform sorting; it also means we need to loop to find an aircraft in the data_list set var found = false; if (inList(message.Location, $scope.watching)) { for (var i = 0, len = $scope.watch_list.length; i < len; i++) { if (($scope.watch_list[i].type === message.Type) && ($scope.watch_list[i].location === message.Location)) { setDataItem(message, $scope.watch_list[i]); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { var new_data_item = {}; setDataItem(message, new_data_item); $scope.watch_list.unshift(new_data_item); // add to start of array } } // add to scrolling data_list { var new_data_item = {}; setDataItem(message, new_data_item); $scope.data_list.unshift(new_data_item); // add to start of array if ($scope.data_list.length > MAX_DATALIST) $scope.data_list.pop(); // remove last from array } $scope.data_count = $scope.data_list.length; $scope.watch_count = $scope.watch_list.length; $scope.$apply(); }; } // perform cleanup every 5 minutes var clearStaleMessages = $interval(function () { // remove stale data = anything more than 30 minutes old var dirty = false; var cutoff = - (30 * 60 * 1000); for (var i = len = $scope.watch_list.length; i > 0; i--) { if ($scope.watch_list[i - 1].age < cutoff) { $scope.watch_list.splice(i - 1, 1); dirty = true; } } if (dirty) { $scope.raw_data = ""; $scope.$apply(); } }, (5 * 60 * 1000), 0, false); $state.get('weather').onEnter = function () { // everything gets handled correctly by the controller updateWatchList(); }; $state.get('weather').onExit = function () { // disconnect from the socket if (($scope.socket !== undefined) && ($scope.socket !== null)) { $scope.socket.close(); $scope.socket = null; } // stop stale message cleanup $interval.cancel(clearStaleMessages); }; // Weather Controller tasks updateWatchList(); connect($scope); // connect - opens a socket and listens for messages };