angular.module('appControllers').controller('StatusCtrl', StatusCtrl); // get the main module contollers set StatusCtrl.$inject = ['$rootScope', '$scope', '$state', '$http', '$interval']; // Inject my dependencies // create our controller function with all necessary logic function StatusCtrl($rootScope, $scope, $state, $http, $interval) { $scope.$parent.helppage = 'plates/status-help.html'; function connect($scope) { if (($scope === undefined) || ($scope === null)) return; // we are getting called once after clicking away from the status page if (($scope.socket === undefined) || ($scope.socket === null)) { socket = new WebSocket(URL_STATUS_WS); $scope.socket = socket; // store socket in scope for enter/exit usage } $scope.ConnectState = "Disconnected"; socket.onopen = function (msg) { // $scope.ConnectStyle = "label-success"; $scope.ConnectState = "Connected"; }; socket.onclose = function (msg) { // $scope.ConnectStyle = "label-danger"; $scope.ConnectState = "Disconnected"; $scope.$apply(); delete $scope.socket; setTimeout(function() {connect($scope);}, 1000); }; socket.onerror = function (msg) { // $scope.ConnectStyle = "label-danger"; $scope.ConnectState = "Error"; $scope.$apply(); }; socket.onmessage = function (msg) { console.log('Received status update.') var status = JSON.parse( // Update Status $scope.Version = status.Version; $scope.Build = status.Build.substr(0, 10); $scope.Devices = status.Devices; $scope.Ping_connected = status.Ping_connected; $scope.Connected_Users = status.Connected_Users; $scope.UAT_messages_last_minute = status.UAT_messages_last_minute; $scope.UAT_messages_max = status.UAT_messages_max; $scope.ES_messages_last_minute = status.ES_messages_last_minute; $scope.ES_messages_max = status.ES_messages_max; $scope.GPS_satellites_locked = status.GPS_satellites_locked; $scope.GPS_satellites_tracked = status.GPS_satellites_tracked; $scope.GPS_satellites_seen = status.GPS_satellites_seen; $scope.GPS_solution = status.GPS_solution; $scope.GPS_position_accuracy = String(status.GPS_solution ? ", " + status.GPS_position_accuracy.toFixed(1) + " m" : " "); $scope.UAT_METAR_total = status.UAT_METAR_total; $scope.UAT_TAF_total = status.UAT_TAF_total; $scope.UAT_NEXRAD_total = status.UAT_NEXRAD_total; $scope.UAT_SIGMET_total = status.UAT_SIGMET_total; $scope.UAT_PIREP_total = status.UAT_PIREP_total; $scope.UAT_NOTAM_total = status.UAT_NOTAM_total; $scope.UAT_OTHER_total = status.UAT_OTHER_total; // Errors array. if (status.Errors.length > 0) { $scope.visible_errors = true; $scope.Errors = status.Errors; } var uptime = status.Uptime; if (uptime != undefined) { var up_d = parseInt((uptime/1000) / 86400), up_h = parseInt((uptime/1000 - 86400*up_d) / 3600), up_m = parseInt((uptime/1000 - 86400*up_d - 3600*up_h) / 60), up_s = parseInt((uptime/1000 - 86400*up_d - 3600*up_h - 60*up_m)); $scope.Uptime = String(up_d + "/" + ((up_h < 10) ? "0" + up_h : up_h) + ":" + ((up_m < 10) ? "0" + up_m : up_m) + ":" + ((up_s < 10) ? "0" + up_s : up_s)); } else { // $('#Uptime').text('unavailable'); } var boardtemp = status.CPUTemp; if (boardtemp != undefined) { /* boardtemp is celcius to tenths */ $scope.CPUTemp = String(boardtemp.toFixed(1) + 'C / ' + ((boardtemp * 9 / 5) + 32.0).toFixed(1) + 'F'); } else { // $('#CPUTemp').text('unavailable'); } $scope.$apply(); // trigger any needed refreshing of data }; } function setHardwareVisibility() { $scope.visible_uat = true; $scope.visible_es = true; $scope.visible_gps = true; $scope.visible_ahrs = true; // Simple GET request example (note: responce is asynchronous) $http.get(URL_SETTINGS_GET). then(function (response) { settings = angular.fromJson(; $scope.DeveloperMode = settings.DeveloperMode; $scope.visible_uat = settings.UAT_Enabled; $scope.visible_es = settings.ES_Enabled; $scope.visible_ping = settings.Ping_Enabled; if (settings.Ping_Enabled) { $scope.visible_uat = true; $scope.visible_es = true; } $scope.visible_gps = settings.GPS_Enabled; }, function (response) { // nop }); }; function getTowers() { // Simple GET request example (note: responce is asynchronous) $http.get(URL_TOWERS_GET). then(function (response) { var towers = angular.fromJson(; var cnt = 0; for (var key in towers) { if (towers[key].Messages_last_minute > 0) { cnt++; } } $scope.UAT_Towers = cnt; // $scope.$apply(); }, function (response) { $scope.raw_data = "error getting tower data"; }); }; // periodically get the tower list var updateTowers = $interval(function () { // refresh tower count once each 5 seconds (aka polling) getTowers(); }, (5 * 1000), 0, false); var clicks = 0; var clickSeconds = 0; var DeveloperModeClick = 0; var clickInterval = $interval(function () { if ((clickSeconds >= 3)) clicks=0; clickSeconds++; }, 1000); $state.get('home').onEnter = function () { // everything gets handled correctly by the controller }; $state.get('home').onExit = function () { if (($scope.socket !== undefined) && ($scope.socket !== null)) { $scope.socket.close(); $scope.socket = null; } $interval.cancel(updateTowers); }; $scope.VersionClick = function() { if (clicks==0) { clickSeconds = 0; } ++clicks; if ((clicks > 7) && (clickSeconds < 3)) { clicks=0; clickSeconds=0; DeveloperModeClick = 1; $http.get(URL_DEV_TOGGLE_GET); location.reload(); } } $scope.GetDeveloperModeClick = function() { return DeveloperModeClick; } // Status Controller tasks setHardwareVisibility(); connect($scope); // connect - opens a socket and listens for messages };