angular.module('appControllers').controller('SettingsCtrl', SettingsCtrl); // get the main module contollers set SettingsCtrl.$inject = ['$rootScope', '$scope', '$state', '$location', '$window', '$http']; // Inject my dependencies // create our controller function with all necessary logic function SettingsCtrl($rootScope, $scope, $state, $location, $window, $http) { $scope.$parent.helppage = 'plates/settings-help.html'; var toggles = ['UAT_Enabled', 'ES_Enabled', 'Ping_Enabled', 'GPS_Enabled', 'DisplayTrafficSource', 'DEBUG', 'ReplayLog']; var settings = {}; for (i = 0; i < toggles.length; i++) { settings[toggles[i]] = undefined; } $scope.update_files = ''; function loadSettings(data) { settings = angular.fromJson(data); // consider using angular.extend() $scope.rawSettings = angular.toJson(data, true); $scope.visible_serialout = false; if ((settings.SerialOutputs !== undefined) && (settings.SerialOutputs !== null) && (settings.SerialOutputs['/dev/serialout0'] !== undefined)) { $scope.Baud = settings.SerialOutputs['/dev/serialout0'].Baud; $scope.visible_serialout = true; } $scope.UAT_Enabled = settings.UAT_Enabled; $scope.ES_Enabled = settings.ES_Enabled; $scope.Ping_Enabled = settings.Ping_Enabled; $scope.GPS_Enabled = settings.GPS_Enabled; $scope.DisplayTrafficSource = settings.DisplayTrafficSource; $scope.DEBUG = settings.DEBUG; $scope.ReplayLog = settings.ReplayLog; $scope.PPM = settings.PPM; $scope.WatchList = settings.WatchList; $scope.OwnshipModeS = settings.OwnshipModeS; $scope.DeveloperMode = settings.DeveloperMode; } function getSettings() { // Simple GET request example (note: responce is asynchronous) $http.get(URL_SETTINGS_GET). then(function (response) { loadSettings(; // $scope.$apply(); }, function (response) { $scope.rawSettings = "error getting settings"; for (i = 0; i < toggles.length; i++) { settings[toggles[i]] = false; } }); }; function setSettings(msg) { // Simple POST request example (note: responce is asynchronous) $, msg). then(function (response) { loadSettings(; // $scope.$apply(); }, function (response) { $scope.rawSettings = "error setting settings"; for (i = 0; i < toggles.length; i++) { settings[toggles[i]] = false; } }); } getSettings(); $scope.$watchGroup(toggles, function (newValues, oldValues, scope) { var newsettings = {} var dirty = false; for (i = 0; i < newValues.length; i++) { if ((newValues[i] !== undefined) && (settings[toggles[i]] !== undefined)) { if (newValues[i] !== settings[toggles[i]]) { settings[toggles[i]] = newValues[i]; newsettings[toggles[i]] = newValues[i]; dirty = true; }; } } if (dirty) { // console.log(angular.toJson(newsettings)); setSettings(angular.toJson(newsettings)); } }); $scope.updateppm = function () { settings["PPM"] = 0 if (($scope.PPM !== undefined) && ($scope.PPM !== null) && ($scope.PPM !== settings["PPM"])) { settings["PPM"] = parseInt($scope.PPM); newsettings = { "PPM": settings["PPM"] }; // console.log(angular.toJson(newsettings)); setSettings(angular.toJson(newsettings)); } }; $scope.updateBaud = function () { settings["Baud"] = 0 if (($scope.Baud !== undefined) && ($scope.Baud !== null) && ($scope.Baud !== settings["Baud"])) { settings["Baud"] = parseInt($scope.Baud); newsettings = { "Baud": settings["Baud"] }; // console.log(angular.toJson(newsettings)); setSettings(angular.toJson(newsettings)); } }; $scope.updatewatchlist = function () { if ($scope.WatchList !== settings["WatchList"]) { settings["WatchList"] = ""; if ($scope.WatchList !== undefined) { settings["WatchList"] = $scope.WatchList.toUpperCase(); } newsettings = { "WatchList": settings["WatchList"] }; // console.log(angular.toJson(newsettings)); setSettings(angular.toJson(newsettings)); } }; $scope.updatemodes = function () { if ($scope.OwnshipModeS !== settings["OwnshipModeS"]) { settings["OwnshipModeS"] = $scope.OwnshipModeS.toUpperCase(); newsettings = { "OwnshipModeS": $scope.OwnshipModeS.toUpperCase() }; // console.log(angular.toJson(newsettings)); setSettings(angular.toJson(newsettings)); } }; $scope.postShutdown = function () { $window.location.href = "/"; $location.path('/home'); $ then(function (response) { // do nothing // $scope.$apply(); }, function (response) { // do nothing }); }; $scope.postReboot = function () { $window.location.href = "/"; $location.path('/home'); $ then(function (response) { // do nothing // $scope.$apply(); }, function (response) { // do nothing }); }; $scope.setUploadFile = function (files) { $scope.update_files = files; $scope.$apply(); } $scope.resetUploadFile = function () { $scope.update_files = ''; $scope.$apply(); } $scope.uploadFile = function () { var fd = new FormData(); //Take the first selected file var file = $scope.update_files[0]; // check for empty string if (file === undefined || file === null) { alert ("update file not selected") return; } var filename =; // check for expected file naming convention var re = /^update.*\.sh$/; if (!re.exec(filename)) { alert ("file does not appear to be an update") return; } fd.append("update_file", file); $, fd, { withCredentials: true, headers: { 'Content-Type': undefined }, transformRequest: angular.identity }).success(function (data) { alert("success. wait 60 seconds and refresh home page to verify new version."); window.location.replace("/"); }).error(function (data) { alert("error"); }); }; };