/* Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Christopher Young Distributable under the terms of The "BSD New"" License that can be found in the LICENSE file, herein included as part of this header. gen_gdl90.go: Input demodulated UAT and 1090ES information, output GDL90. Heartbeat, ownship, status messages, stats collection. */ package main import ( "bufio" "compress/gzip" "encoding/hex" "encoding/json" "flag" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "log" "math" "os" "os/signal" "runtime" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "syscall" "time" "../uatparse" humanize "github.com/dustin/go-humanize" "github.com/ricochet2200/go-disk-usage/du" ) // https://www.faa.gov/nextgen/programs/adsb/Archival/ // https://www.faa.gov/nextgen/programs/adsb/Archival/media/GDL90_Public_ICD_RevA.PDF var debugLogf string // Set according to OS config. var dataLogFilef string // Set according to OS config. const ( configLocation = "/etc/stratux.conf" managementAddr = ":80" debugLog = "/var/log/stratux.log" dataLogFile = "/var/log/stratux.sqlite" //FlightBox: log to /root. debugLog_FB = "/root/stratux.log" dataLogFile_FB = "/var/log/stratux.sqlite" maxDatagramSize = 8192 maxUserMsgQueueSize = 25000 // About 10MB per port per connected client. UPLINK_BLOCK_DATA_BITS = 576 UPLINK_BLOCK_BITS = (UPLINK_BLOCK_DATA_BITS + 160) UPLINK_BLOCK_DATA_BYTES = (UPLINK_BLOCK_DATA_BITS / 8) UPLINK_BLOCK_BYTES = (UPLINK_BLOCK_BITS / 8) UPLINK_FRAME_BLOCKS = 6 UPLINK_FRAME_DATA_BITS = (UPLINK_FRAME_BLOCKS * UPLINK_BLOCK_DATA_BITS) UPLINK_FRAME_BITS = (UPLINK_FRAME_BLOCKS * UPLINK_BLOCK_BITS) UPLINK_FRAME_DATA_BYTES = (UPLINK_FRAME_DATA_BITS / 8) UPLINK_FRAME_BYTES = (UPLINK_FRAME_BITS / 8) // assume 6 byte frames: 2 header bytes, 4 byte payload // (TIS-B heartbeat with one address, or empty FIS-B APDU) UPLINK_MAX_INFO_FRAMES = (424 / 6) MSGTYPE_UPLINK = 0x07 MSGTYPE_BASIC_REPORT = 0x1E MSGTYPE_LONG_REPORT = 0x1F MSGCLASS_UAT = 0 MSGCLASS_ES = 1 LON_LAT_RESOLUTION = float32(180.0 / 8388608.0) TRACK_RESOLUTION = float32(360.0 / 256.0) GPS_TYPE_NMEA = 0x01 GPS_TYPE_UBX = 0x02 GPS_TYPE_SIRF = 0x03 GPS_TYPE_MEDIATEK = 0x04 GPS_TYPE_FLARM = 0x05 GPS_TYPE_GARMIN = 0x06 // other GPS types to be defined as needed ) var usage *du.DiskUsage var maxSignalStrength int var stratuxBuild string var stratuxVersion string // CRC16 table generated to use to work with GDL90 messages. var Crc16Table [256]uint16 // Current AHRS, pressure altitude, etc. var mySituation SituationData type WriteCloser interface { io.Writer io.Closer } type ReadCloser interface { io.Reader io.Closer } type msg struct { MessageClass uint TimeReceived time.Time Data string Products []uint32 Signal_amplitude int Signal_strength float64 ADSBTowerID string // Index in the 'ADSBTowers' map, if this is a parseable uplink message. uatMsg *uatparse.UATMsg } // Raw inputs. var MsgLog []msg // Time gen_gdl90 was started. var timeStarted time.Time type ADSBTower struct { Lat float64 Lng float64 Signal_strength_now float64 // Current RSSI (dB) Signal_strength_max float64 // all-time peak RSSI (dB) observed for this tower Energy_last_minute uint64 // Summation of power observed for this tower across all messages last minute Signal_strength_last_minute float64 // Average RSSI (dB) observed for this tower last minute Messages_last_minute uint64 } var ADSBTowers map[string]ADSBTower // Running list of all towers seen. (lat,lng) -> ADSBTower var ADSBTowerMutex *sync.Mutex // Construct the CRC table. Adapted from FAA ref above. func crcInit() { var i uint16 var bitctr uint16 var crc uint16 for i = 0; i < 256; i++ { crc = (i << 8) for bitctr = 0; bitctr < 8; bitctr++ { z := uint16(0) if (crc & 0x8000) != 0 { z = 0x1021 } crc = (crc << 1) ^ z } Crc16Table[i] = crc } } // Compute CRC. Adapted from FAA ref above. func crcCompute(data []byte) uint16 { ret := uint16(0) for i := 0; i < len(data); i++ { ret = Crc16Table[ret>>8] ^ (ret << 8) ^ uint16(data[i]) } return ret } func prepareMessage(data []byte) []byte { // Compute CRC before modifying the message. crc := crcCompute(data) // Add the two CRC16 bytes before replacing control characters. data = append(data, byte(crc&0xFF)) data = append(data, byte(crc>>8)) tmp := []byte{0x7E} // Flag start. // Copy the message over, escaping 0x7E (Flag Byte) and 0x7D (Control-Escape). for i := 0; i < len(data); i++ { mv := data[i] if (mv == 0x7E) || (mv == 0x7D) { mv = mv ^ 0x20 tmp = append(tmp, 0x7D) } tmp = append(tmp, mv) } tmp = append(tmp, 0x7E) // Flag end. return tmp } func makeLatLng(v float32) []byte { ret := make([]byte, 3) v = v / LON_LAT_RESOLUTION wk := int32(v) ret[0] = byte((wk & 0xFF0000) >> 16) ret[1] = byte((wk & 0x00FF00) >> 8) ret[2] = byte((wk & 0x0000FF)) return ret } func isDetectedOwnshipValid() bool { return stratuxClock.Since(OwnshipTrafficInfo.Last_seen) < 10*time.Second } func makeOwnshipReport() bool { gpsValid := isGPSValid() selfOwnshipValid := isDetectedOwnshipValid() if !gpsValid && !selfOwnshipValid { return false } curOwnship := OwnshipTrafficInfo msg := make([]byte, 28) // See p.16. msg[0] = 0x0A // Message type "Ownship". msg[1] = 0x01 // Alert status, address type. code, _ := hex.DecodeString(globalSettings.OwnshipModeS) if len(code) != 3 { // Reserved dummy code. msg[2] = 0xF0 msg[3] = 0x00 msg[4] = 0x00 } else { msg[2] = code[0] // Mode S address. msg[3] = code[1] // Mode S address. msg[4] = code[2] // Mode S address. } var tmp []byte if selfOwnshipValid { tmp = makeLatLng(curOwnship.Lat) msg[5] = tmp[0] // Latitude. msg[6] = tmp[1] // Latitude. msg[7] = tmp[2] // Latitude. tmp = makeLatLng(curOwnship.Lng) msg[8] = tmp[0] // Longitude. msg[9] = tmp[1] // Longitude. msg[10] = tmp[2] // Longitude. } else { tmp = makeLatLng(mySituation.Lat) msg[5] = tmp[0] // Latitude. msg[6] = tmp[1] // Latitude. msg[7] = tmp[2] // Latitude. tmp = makeLatLng(mySituation.Lng) msg[8] = tmp[0] // Longitude. msg[9] = tmp[1] // Longitude. msg[10] = tmp[2] // Longitude. } // This is **PRESSURE ALTITUDE** //FIXME: Temporarily removing "invalid altitude" when pressure altitude not available - using GPS altitude instead. // alt := uint16(0xFFF) // 0xFFF "invalid altitude." var alt uint16 var altf float64 if selfOwnshipValid { altf = float64(curOwnship.Alt) } else if isTempPressValid() { altf = float64(mySituation.Pressure_alt) } else { altf = float64(mySituation.Alt) //FIXME: Pass GPS altitude if PA not available. **WORKAROUND FOR FF** } altf = (altf + 1000) / 25 alt = uint16(altf) & 0xFFF // Should fit in 12 bits. msg[11] = byte((alt & 0xFF0) >> 4) // Altitude. msg[12] = byte((alt & 0x00F) << 4) if selfOwnshipValid || isGPSGroundTrackValid() { msg[12] = msg[12] | 0x09 // "Airborne" + "True Track" } msg[13] = byte(0x80 | (mySituation.NACp & 0x0F)) //Set NIC = 8 and use NACp from gps.go. gdSpeed := uint16(0) // 1kt resolution. if selfOwnshipValid && curOwnship.Speed_valid { gdSpeed = curOwnship.Speed } else if isGPSGroundTrackValid() { gdSpeed = uint16(mySituation.GroundSpeed + 0.5) } // gdSpeed should fit in 12 bits. msg[14] = byte((gdSpeed & 0xFF0) >> 4) msg[15] = byte((gdSpeed & 0x00F) << 4) verticalVelocity := int16(0x800) // ft/min. 64 ft/min resolution. //TODO: 0x800 = no information available. // verticalVelocity should fit in 12 bits. msg[15] = msg[15] | byte((verticalVelocity&0x0F00)>>8) msg[16] = byte(verticalVelocity & 0xFF) // Track is degrees true, set from GPS true course. groundTrack := float32(0) if selfOwnshipValid { groundTrack = float32(curOwnship.Track) } else if isGPSGroundTrackValid() { groundTrack = mySituation.TrueCourse } tempTrack := groundTrack + TRACK_RESOLUTION/2 // offset by half the 8-bit resolution to minimize binning error for tempTrack > 360 { tempTrack -= 360 } for tempTrack < 0 { tempTrack += 360 } trk := uint8(tempTrack / TRACK_RESOLUTION) // Resolution is ~1.4 degrees. //log.Printf("For groundTrack = %.2f°, tempTrack= %.2f, trk = %d (%f°)\n",groundTrack,tempTrack,trk,float32(trk)*TRACK_RESOLUTION) msg[17] = byte(trk) msg[18] = 0x01 // "Light (ICAO) < 15,500 lbs" if selfOwnshipValid { // Limit tail number to 7 characters. tail := curOwnship.Tail if len(tail) > 7 { tail = tail[:7] } // Copy tail number into message. for i := 0; i < len(tail); i++ { msg[19+i] = tail[i] } } // Create callsign "Stratux". msg[19] = 0x53 msg[20] = 0x74 msg[21] = 0x72 msg[22] = 0x61 msg[23] = 0x74 msg[24] = 0x75 msg[25] = 0x78 sendGDL90(prepareMessage(msg), false) return true } func makeOwnshipGeometricAltitudeReport() bool { if !isGPSValid() { return false } msg := make([]byte, 5) // See p.28. msg[0] = 0x0B // Message type "Ownship Geo Alt". alt := int16(mySituation.Alt / 5) // GPS Altitude, encoded to 16-bit int using 5-foot resolution msg[1] = byte(alt >> 8) // Altitude. msg[2] = byte(alt & 0x00FF) // Altitude. //TODO: "Figure of Merit". 0x7FFF "Not available". msg[3] = 0x00 msg[4] = 0x0A sendGDL90(prepareMessage(msg), false) return true } /* "SX" Stratux GDL90 message. http://hiltonsoftware.com/stratux/ for latest version (currently using V104) */ func makeStratuxStatus() []byte { msg := make([]byte, 29) msg[0] = 'S' msg[1] = 'X' msg[2] = 1 msg[3] = 1 // "message version". // Version code. Messy parsing to fit into four bytes. thisVers := stratuxVersion[1:] // Skip first character, should be 'v'. m_str := thisVers[0:strings.Index(thisVers, ".")] // Major version. mib_str := thisVers[strings.Index(thisVers, ".")+1:] // Minor and build version. tp := 0 // Build "type". mi_str := "" b_str := "" if strings.Index(mib_str, "rc") != -1 { tp = 3 mi_str = mib_str[0:strings.Index(mib_str, "rc")] b_str = mib_str[strings.Index(mib_str, "rc")+2:] } else if strings.Index(mib_str, "r") != -1 { tp = 2 mi_str = mib_str[0:strings.Index(mib_str, "r")] b_str = mib_str[strings.Index(mib_str, "r")+1:] } else if strings.Index(mib_str, "b") != -1 { tp = 1 mi_str = mib_str[0:strings.Index(mib_str, "b")] b_str = mib_str[strings.Index(mib_str, "b")+1:] } // Convert to strings. m, _ := strconv.Atoi(m_str) mi, _ := strconv.Atoi(mi_str) b, _ := strconv.Atoi(b_str) msg[4] = byte(m) msg[5] = byte(mi) msg[6] = byte(tp) msg[7] = byte(b) //TODO: Hardware revision. msg[8] = 0xFF msg[9] = 0xFF msg[10] = 0xFF msg[11] = 0xFF // Valid and enabled flags. // Valid/Enabled: GPS portion. if isGPSValid() { switch mySituation.Quality { case 1: // 1 = 3D GPS. msg[13] = 1 case 2: // 2 = DGPS (SBAS /WAAS). msg[13] = 2 default: // Zero. } } // Valid/Enabled: AHRS portion. if isAHRSValid() { msg[13] = msg[13] | (1 << 2) } // Valid/Enabled: Pressure altitude portion. if isTempPressValid() { msg[13] = msg[13] | (1 << 3) } // Valid/Enabled: CPU temperature portion. if isCPUTempValid() { msg[13] = msg[13] | (1 << 4) } // Valid/Enabled: UAT portion. if globalSettings.UAT_Enabled { msg[13] = msg[13] | (1 << 5) } // Valid/Enabled: ES portion. if globalSettings.ES_Enabled { msg[13] = msg[13] | (1 << 6) } // Ping provides ES and UAT if globalSettings.Ping_Enabled { msg[13] = msg[13] | (1 << 5) | (1 << 6) } // Valid/Enabled: GPS Enabled portion. if globalSettings.GPS_Enabled { msg[13] = msg[13] | (1 << 7) } // Valid/Enabled: AHRS Enabled portion. // msg[12] = 1 << 0 // Valid/Enabled: last bit unused. // Connected hardware: number of radios. msg[15] = msg[15] | (byte(globalStatus.Devices) & 0x3) // Connected hardware. // RY835AI: msg[15] = msg[15] | (1 << 2) // Number of GPS satellites locked. msg[16] = byte(globalStatus.GPS_satellites_locked) // Number of satellites tracked msg[17] = byte(globalStatus.GPS_satellites_tracked) // Number of UAT traffic targets. msg[18] = byte((globalStatus.UAT_traffic_targets_tracking & 0xFF00) >> 8) msg[19] = byte(globalStatus.UAT_traffic_targets_tracking & 0xFF) // Number of 1090ES traffic targets. msg[20] = byte((globalStatus.ES_traffic_targets_tracking & 0xFF00) >> 8) msg[21] = byte(globalStatus.ES_traffic_targets_tracking & 0xFF) // Number of UAT messages per minute. msg[22] = byte((globalStatus.UAT_messages_last_minute & 0xFF00) >> 8) msg[23] = byte(globalStatus.UAT_messages_last_minute & 0xFF) // Number of 1090ES messages per minute. msg[24] = byte((globalStatus.ES_messages_last_minute & 0xFF00) >> 8) msg[25] = byte(globalStatus.ES_messages_last_minute & 0xFF) // CPU temperature. v := uint16(float32(10.0) * globalStatus.CPUTemp) msg[26] = byte((v & 0xFF00) >> 8) msg[27] = byte(v & 0xFF) // Number of ADS-B towers. Map structure is protected by ADSBTowerMutex. ADSBTowerMutex.Lock() num_towers := uint8(len(ADSBTowers)) msg[28] = byte(num_towers) // List of ADS-B towers (lat, lng). for _, tower := range ADSBTowers { tmp := makeLatLng(float32(tower.Lat)) msg = append(msg, tmp[0]) // Latitude. msg = append(msg, tmp[1]) // Latitude. msg = append(msg, tmp[2]) // Latitude. tmp = makeLatLng(float32(tower.Lng)) msg = append(msg, tmp[0]) // Longitude. msg = append(msg, tmp[1]) // Longitude. msg = append(msg, tmp[2]) // Longitude. } ADSBTowerMutex.Unlock() return prepareMessage(msg) } /* "Stratux" GDL90 message. Message ID 0xCC. Byte1: p p p p p p GPS AHRS First 6 bytes are protocol version codes. Protocol 1: GPS on/off | AHRS on/off. */ func makeStratuxHeartbeat() []byte { msg := make([]byte, 2) msg[0] = 0xCC // Message type "Stratux". msg[1] = 0 if isGPSValid() { msg[1] = 0x02 } if isAHRSValid() { msg[1] = msg[1] | 0x01 } protocolVers := int8(1) msg[1] = msg[1] | byte(protocolVers<<2) return prepareMessage(msg) } func makeHeartbeat() []byte { msg := make([]byte, 7) // See p.10. msg[0] = 0x00 // Message type "Heartbeat". msg[1] = 0x01 // "UAT Initialized". if isGPSValid() { msg[1] = msg[1] | 0x80 } msg[1] = msg[1] | 0x10 //FIXME: Addr talkback. nowUTC := time.Now().UTC() // Seconds since 0000Z. midnightUTC := time.Date(nowUTC.Year(), nowUTC.Month(), nowUTC.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) secondsSinceMidnightUTC := uint32(nowUTC.Sub(midnightUTC).Seconds()) msg[2] = byte(((secondsSinceMidnightUTC >> 16) << 7) | 0x1) // UTC OK. msg[3] = byte((secondsSinceMidnightUTC & 0xFF)) msg[4] = byte((secondsSinceMidnightUTC & 0xFFFF) >> 8) // TODO. Number of uplink messages. See p.12. // msg[5] // msg[6] return prepareMessage(msg) } func relayMessage(msgtype uint16, msg []byte) { ret := make([]byte, len(msg)+4) // See p.15. ret[0] = byte(msgtype) // Uplink message ID. ret[1] = 0x00 //TODO: Time. ret[2] = 0x00 //TODO: Time. ret[3] = 0x00 //TODO: Time. for i := 0; i < len(msg); i++ { ret[i+4] = msg[i] } sendGDL90(prepareMessage(ret), true) } func heartBeatSender() { timer := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Second) timerMessageStats := time.NewTicker(2 * time.Second) for { select { case <-timer.C: // Turn on green ACT LED on the Pi. ioutil.WriteFile("/sys/class/leds/led0/brightness", []byte("1\n"), 0644) sendGDL90(makeHeartbeat(), false) sendGDL90(makeStratuxHeartbeat(), false) sendGDL90(makeStratuxStatus(), false) makeOwnshipReport() makeOwnshipGeometricAltitudeReport() // --- debug code: traffic demo --- // Uncomment and compile to display large number of artificial traffic targets /* numTargets := uint32(36) hexCode := uint32(0xFF0000) for i := uint32(0); i < numTargets; i++ { tail := fmt.Sprintf("DEMO%d", i) alt := float32((i*117%2000)*25 + 2000) hdg := int32((i * 149) % 360) spd := float64(50 + ((i*23)%13)*37) updateDemoTraffic(i|hexCode, tail, alt, spd, hdg) } */ // ---end traffic demo code --- sendTrafficUpdates() updateStatus() case <-timerMessageStats.C: // Save a bit of CPU by not pruning the message log every 1 second. updateMessageStats() } } } func updateMessageStats() { t := make([]msg, 0) m := len(MsgLog) UAT_messages_last_minute := uint(0) ES_messages_last_minute := uint(0) ADSBTowerMutex.Lock() defer ADSBTowerMutex.Unlock() // Clear out ADSBTowers stats. for t, tinf := range ADSBTowers { tinf.Messages_last_minute = 0 tinf.Energy_last_minute = 0 ADSBTowers[t] = tinf } for i := 0; i < m; i++ { if stratuxClock.Since(MsgLog[i].TimeReceived) < 1*time.Minute { t = append(t, MsgLog[i]) if MsgLog[i].MessageClass == MSGCLASS_UAT { UAT_messages_last_minute++ if len(MsgLog[i].ADSBTowerID) > 0 { // Update tower stats. tid := MsgLog[i].ADSBTowerID if _, ok := ADSBTowers[tid]; !ok { // First time we've seen the tower? Start tracking. var newTower ADSBTower newTower.Lat = MsgLog[i].uatMsg.Lat newTower.Lng = MsgLog[i].uatMsg.Lon newTower.Signal_strength_max = -999 // dBmax = 0, so this needs to initialize below scale ( << -48 dB) ADSBTowers[tid] = newTower } twr := ADSBTowers[tid] twr.Signal_strength_now = MsgLog[i].Signal_strength twr.Energy_last_minute += uint64((MsgLog[i].Signal_amplitude) * (MsgLog[i].Signal_amplitude)) twr.Messages_last_minute++ if MsgLog[i].Signal_strength > twr.Signal_strength_max { // Update alltime max signal strength. twr.Signal_strength_max = MsgLog[i].Signal_strength } ADSBTowers[tid] = twr } } else if MsgLog[i].MessageClass == MSGCLASS_ES { ES_messages_last_minute++ } } } MsgLog = t globalStatus.UAT_messages_last_minute = UAT_messages_last_minute globalStatus.ES_messages_last_minute = ES_messages_last_minute // Update "max messages/min" counters. if globalStatus.UAT_messages_max < UAT_messages_last_minute { globalStatus.UAT_messages_max = UAT_messages_last_minute } if globalStatus.ES_messages_max < ES_messages_last_minute { globalStatus.ES_messages_max = ES_messages_last_minute } // Update average signal strength over last minute for all ADSB towers. for t, tinf := range ADSBTowers { if tinf.Messages_last_minute == 0 || tinf.Energy_last_minute == 0 { tinf.Signal_strength_last_minute = -999 } else { tinf.Signal_strength_last_minute = 10 * (math.Log10(float64((tinf.Energy_last_minute / tinf.Messages_last_minute))) - 6) } ADSBTowers[t] = tinf } } // Check if CPU temperature is valid. Assume <= 0 is invalid. func isCPUTempValid() bool { return globalStatus.CPUTemp > 0 } /* cpuTempMonitor() reads the RPi board temperature every second and updates it in globalStatus. This is broken out into its own function (run as its own goroutine) because the RPi temperature monitor code is buggy, and often times reading this file hangs quite some time. */ func cpuTempMonitor() { timer := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Second) for { <-timer.C // Update CPUTemp. temp, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp") tempStr := strings.Trim(string(temp), "\n") t := float32(-99.0) if err == nil { tInt, err := strconv.Atoi(tempStr) if err == nil { if tInt > 1000 { t = float32(tInt) / float32(1000.0) } else { t = float32(tInt) // case where Temp is returned as simple integer } } } if t >= -99.0 { // Only update if valid value was obtained. globalStatus.CPUTemp = t } } } func updateStatus() { if mySituation.Quality == 2 { globalStatus.GPS_solution = "GPS + SBAS (WAAS)" } else if mySituation.Quality == 1 { globalStatus.GPS_solution = "3D GPS" } else if mySituation.Quality == 6 { globalStatus.GPS_solution = "Dead Reckoning" } else if mySituation.Quality == 0 { globalStatus.GPS_solution = "No Fix" } else { globalStatus.GPS_solution = "Unknown" } if !(globalStatus.GPS_connected) || !(isGPSConnected()) { // isGPSConnected looks for valid NMEA messages. GPS_connected is set by gpsSerialReader and will immediately fail on disconnected USB devices, or in a few seconds after "blocked" comms on ttyAMA0. satelliteMutex.Lock() Satellites = make(map[string]SatelliteInfo) satelliteMutex.Unlock() mySituation.Satellites = 0 mySituation.SatellitesSeen = 0 mySituation.SatellitesTracked = 0 mySituation.Quality = 0 globalStatus.GPS_solution = "Disconnected" globalStatus.GPS_connected = false } globalStatus.GPS_satellites_locked = mySituation.Satellites globalStatus.GPS_satellites_seen = mySituation.SatellitesSeen globalStatus.GPS_satellites_tracked = mySituation.SatellitesTracked globalStatus.GPS_position_accuracy = mySituation.Accuracy // Update Uptime value globalStatus.Uptime = int64(stratuxClock.Milliseconds) globalStatus.UptimeClock = stratuxClock.Time usage = du.NewDiskUsage("/") globalStatus.DiskBytesFree = usage.Free() } type WeatherMessage struct { Type string Location string Time string Data string LocaltimeReceived time.Time } // Send update to connected websockets. func registerADSBTextMessageReceived(msg string, uatMsg *uatparse.UATMsg) { x := strings.Split(msg, " ") if len(x) < 5 { return } var wm WeatherMessage if (x[0] == "METAR") || (x[0] == "SPECI") { globalStatus.UAT_METAR_total++ } if (x[0] == "TAF") || (x[0] == "TAF.AMD") { globalStatus.UAT_TAF_total++ } if x[0] == "WINDS" { globalStatus.UAT_TAF_total++ } if x[0] == "PIREP" { globalStatus.UAT_PIREP_total++ } wm.Type = x[0] wm.Location = x[1] wm.Time = x[2] wm.Data = strings.Join(x[3:], " ") wm.LocaltimeReceived = stratuxClock.Time // Send to weatherUpdate channel for any connected clients. weatherUpdate.SendJSON(wm) } func UpdateUATStats(ProductID uint32) { switch ProductID { case 0, 20: globalStatus.UAT_METAR_total++ case 1, 21: globalStatus.UAT_TAF_total++ case 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 81, 82, 83: globalStatus.UAT_NEXRAD_total++ // AIRMET and SIGMETS case 2, 3, 4, 6, 11, 12, 22, 23, 24, 26, 254: globalStatus.UAT_SIGMET_total++ case 5, 25: globalStatus.UAT_PIREP_total++ case 8: globalStatus.UAT_NOTAM_total++ case 413: // Do nothing in the case since text is recorded elsewhere return default: globalStatus.UAT_OTHER_total++ } } func parseInput(buf string) ([]byte, uint16) { //FIXME: We're ignoring all invalid format UAT messages (not sending to datalog). x := strings.Split(buf, ";") // Discard everything after the first ';'. s := x[0] if len(s) == 0 { return nil, 0 } msgtype := uint16(0) isUplink := false if s[0] == '+' { isUplink = true } var thisSignalStrength int if /*isUplink &&*/ len(x) >= 3 { // See if we can parse out the signal strength. ss := x[2] //log.Printf("x[2] = %s\n",ss) if strings.HasPrefix(ss, "ss=") { ssStr := ss[3:] if ssInt, err := strconv.Atoi(ssStr); err == nil { thisSignalStrength = ssInt if isUplink && (ssInt > maxSignalStrength) { // only look at uplinks; ignore ADS-B and TIS-B/ADS-R messages maxSignalStrength = ssInt } } else { //log.Printf("Error was %s\n",err.Error()) } } } if s[0] == '-' { parseDownlinkReport(s, int(thisSignalStrength)) } s = s[1:] msglen := len(s) / 2 if len(s)%2 != 0 { // Bad format. return nil, 0 } if isUplink && msglen == UPLINK_FRAME_DATA_BYTES { msgtype = MSGTYPE_UPLINK } else if msglen == 48 { // With Reed Solomon appended msgtype = MSGTYPE_LONG_REPORT } else if msglen == 34 { msgtype = MSGTYPE_LONG_REPORT } else if msglen == 18 { msgtype = MSGTYPE_BASIC_REPORT } else { msgtype = 0 } if msgtype == 0 { log.Printf("UNKNOWN MESSAGE TYPE: %s - msglen=%d\n", s, msglen) } // Now, begin converting the string into a byte array. frame := make([]byte, UPLINK_FRAME_DATA_BYTES) hex.Decode(frame, []byte(s)) var thisMsg msg thisMsg.MessageClass = MSGCLASS_UAT thisMsg.TimeReceived = stratuxClock.Time thisMsg.Data = buf thisMsg.Signal_amplitude = thisSignalStrength if thisSignalStrength > 0 { thisMsg.Signal_strength = 20 * math.Log10((float64(thisSignalStrength))/1000) } else { thisMsg.Signal_strength = -999 } thisMsg.Products = make([]uint32, 0) if msgtype == MSGTYPE_UPLINK { // Parse the UAT message. uatMsg, err := uatparse.New(buf) if err == nil { uatMsg.DecodeUplink() towerid := fmt.Sprintf("(%f,%f)", uatMsg.Lat, uatMsg.Lon) thisMsg.ADSBTowerID = towerid // Get all of the "product ids". for _, f := range uatMsg.Frames { thisMsg.Products = append(thisMsg.Products, f.Product_id) UpdateUATStats(f.Product_id) weatherRawUpdate.SendJSON(f) } // Get all of the text reports. textReports, _ := uatMsg.GetTextReports() for _, r := range textReports { registerADSBTextMessageReceived(r, uatMsg) } thisMsg.uatMsg = uatMsg } } MsgLog = append(MsgLog, thisMsg) logMsg(thisMsg) return frame, msgtype } var product_name_map = map[int]string{ 0: "METAR", 1: "TAF", 2: "SIGMET", 3: "Conv SIGMET", 4: "AIRMET", 5: "PIREP", 6: "Severe Wx", 7: "Winds Aloft", 8: "NOTAM", //"NOTAM (Including TFRs) and Service Status"; 9: "D-ATIS", //"Aerodrome and Airspace – D-ATIS"; 10: "Terminal Wx", //"Aerodrome and Airspace - TWIP"; 11: "AIRMET", //"Aerodrome and Airspace - AIRMET"; 12: "SIGMET", //"Aerodrome and Airspace - SIGMET/Convective SIGMET"; 13: "SUA", //"Aerodrome and Airspace - SUA Status"; 20: "METAR", //"METAR and SPECI"; 21: "TAF", //"TAF and Amended TAF"; 22: "SIGMET", //"SIGMET"; 23: "Conv SIGMET", //"Convective SIGMET"; 24: "AIRMET", //"AIRMET"; 25: "PIREP", //"PIREP"; 26: "Severe Wx", //"AWW"; 27: "Winds Aloft", //"Winds and Temperatures Aloft"; 51: "NEXRAD", //"National NEXRAD, Type 0 - 4 level"; 52: "NEXRAD", //"National NEXRAD, Type 1 - 8 level (quasi 6-level VIP)"; 53: "NEXRAD", //"National NEXRAD, Type 2 - 8 level"; 54: "NEXRAD", //"National NEXRAD, Type 3 - 16 level"; 55: "NEXRAD", //"Regional NEXRAD, Type 0 - low dynamic range"; 56: "NEXRAD", //"Regional NEXRAD, Type 1 - 8 level (quasi 6-level VIP)"; 57: "NEXRAD", //"Regional NEXRAD, Type 2 - 8 level"; 58: "NEXRAD", //"Regional NEXRAD, Type 3 - 16 level"; 59: "NEXRAD", //"Individual NEXRAD, Type 0 - low dynamic range"; 60: "NEXRAD", //"Individual NEXRAD, Type 1 - 8 level (quasi 6-level VIP)"; 61: "NEXRAD", //"Individual NEXRAD, Type 2 - 8 level"; 62: "NEXRAD", //"Individual NEXRAD, Type 3 - 16 level"; 63: "NEXRAD Regional", //"Global Block Representation - Regional NEXRAD, Type 4 – 8 level"; 64: "NEXRAD CONUS", //"Global Block Representation - CONUS NEXRAD, Type 4 - 8 level"; 81: "Tops", //"Radar echo tops graphic, scheme 1: 16-level"; 82: "Tops", //"Radar echo tops graphic, scheme 2: 8-level"; 83: "Tops", //"Storm tops and velocity"; 101: "Lightning", //"Lightning strike type 1 (pixel level)"; 102: "Lightning", //"Lightning strike type 2 (grid element level)"; 151: "Lightning", //"Point phenomena, vector format"; 201: "Surface", //"Surface conditions/winter precipitation graphic"; 202: "Surface", //"Surface weather systems"; 254: "G-AIRMET", //"AIRMET, SIGMET: Bitmap encoding"; 351: "Time", //"System Time"; 352: "Status", //"Operational Status"; 353: "Status", //"Ground Station Status"; 401: "Imagery", //"Generic Raster Scan Data Product APDU Payload Format Type 1"; 402: "Text", 403: "Vector Imagery", //"Generic Vector Data Product APDU Payload Format Type 1"; 404: "Symbols", 405: "Text", 411: "Text", //"Generic Textual Data Product APDU Payload Format Type 1"; 412: "Symbols", //"Generic Symbolic Product APDU Payload Format Type 1"; 413: "Text", //"Generic Textual Data Product APDU Payload Format Type 2"; } func getProductNameFromId(product_id int) string { name, present := product_name_map[product_id] if present { return name } if product_id == 600 || (product_id >= 2000 && product_id <= 2005) { return "Custom/Test" } return fmt.Sprintf("Unknown (%d)", product_id) } type settings struct { UAT_Enabled bool ES_Enabled bool Ping_Enabled bool GPS_Enabled bool NetworkOutputs []networkConnection SerialOutputs map[string]serialConnection DisplayTrafficSource bool DEBUG bool ReplayLog bool PPM int OwnshipModeS string WatchList string DeveloperMode bool } type status struct { Version string Build string HardwareBuild string Devices uint32 Connected_Users uint DiskBytesFree uint64 UAT_messages_last_minute uint UAT_messages_max uint ES_messages_last_minute uint ES_messages_max uint UAT_traffic_targets_tracking uint16 ES_traffic_targets_tracking uint16 Ping_connected bool GPS_satellites_locked uint16 GPS_satellites_seen uint16 GPS_satellites_tracked uint16 GPS_position_accuracy float32 GPS_connected bool GPS_solution string GPS_detected_type uint Uptime int64 UptimeClock time.Time CPUTemp float32 NetworkDataMessagesSent uint64 NetworkDataMessagesSentNonqueueable uint64 NetworkDataBytesSent uint64 NetworkDataBytesSentNonqueueable uint64 NetworkDataMessagesSentLastSec uint64 NetworkDataMessagesSentNonqueueableLastSec uint64 NetworkDataBytesSentLastSec uint64 NetworkDataBytesSentNonqueueableLastSec uint64 UAT_METAR_total uint32 UAT_TAF_total uint32 UAT_NEXRAD_total uint32 UAT_SIGMET_total uint32 UAT_PIREP_total uint32 UAT_NOTAM_total uint32 UAT_OTHER_total uint32 PressureSensorConnected bool IMUConnected bool Errors []string } var globalSettings settings var globalStatus status func defaultSettings() { globalSettings.UAT_Enabled = true globalSettings.ES_Enabled = true globalSettings.GPS_Enabled = true //FIXME: Need to change format below. globalSettings.NetworkOutputs = []networkConnection{ {Conn: nil, Ip: "", Port: 4000, Capability: NETWORK_GDL90_STANDARD | NETWORK_AHRS_GDL90}, // {Conn: nil, Ip: "", Port: 49002, Capability: NETWORK_AHRS_FFSIM}, } globalSettings.DEBUG = false globalSettings.DisplayTrafficSource = false globalSettings.ReplayLog = false //TODO: 'true' for debug builds. globalSettings.OwnshipModeS = "F00000" globalSettings.DeveloperMode = false } func readSettings() { fd, err := os.Open(configLocation) if err != nil { log.Printf("can't read settings %s: %s\n", configLocation, err.Error()) defaultSettings() return } defer fd.Close() buf := make([]byte, 1024) count, err := fd.Read(buf) if err != nil { log.Printf("can't read settings %s: %s\n", configLocation, err.Error()) defaultSettings() return } var newSettings settings err = json.Unmarshal(buf[0:count], &newSettings) if err != nil { log.Printf("can't read settings %s: %s\n", configLocation, err.Error()) defaultSettings() return } globalSettings = newSettings log.Printf("read in settings.\n") } func addSystemError(err error) { globalStatus.Errors = append(globalStatus.Errors, err.Error()) } func saveSettings() { fd, err := os.OpenFile(configLocation, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC, os.FileMode(0644)) if err != nil { err_ret := fmt.Errorf("can't save settings %s: %s", configLocation, err.Error()) addSystemError(err_ret) log.Printf("%s\n", err_ret.Error()) return } defer fd.Close() jsonSettings, _ := json.Marshal(&globalSettings) fd.Write(jsonSettings) log.Printf("wrote settings.\n") } func openReplay(fn string, compressed bool) (WriteCloser, error) { fp, err := os.OpenFile(fn, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND, 0666) if err != nil { log.Printf("Failed to open log file '%s': %s\n", fn, err.Error()) return nil, err } var ret WriteCloser if compressed { ret = gzip.NewWriter(fp) //FIXME: Close() on the gzip.Writer will not close the underlying file. } else { ret = fp } timeFmt := "Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 -0700 MST 2006" s := fmt.Sprintf("START,%s,%s\n", timeStarted.Format(timeFmt), time.Now().Format(timeFmt)) // Start time marker. ret.Write([]byte(s)) return ret, err } /* fsWriteTest(). Makes a temporary file in 'dir', checks for error. Deletes the file. */ func fsWriteTest(dir string) error { fn := dir + "/.write_test" err := ioutil.WriteFile(fn, []byte("test\n"), 0644) if err != nil { return err } err = os.Remove(fn) return err } func printStats() { statTimer := time.NewTicker(30 * time.Second) diskUsageWarning := false for { <-statTimer.C var memstats runtime.MemStats runtime.ReadMemStats(&memstats) log.Printf("stats [started: %s]\n", humanize.RelTime(time.Time{}, stratuxClock.Time, "ago", "from now")) log.Printf(" - Disk bytes used = %s (%.1f %%), Disk bytes free = %s (%.1f %%)\n", humanize.Bytes(usage.Used()), 100*usage.Usage(), humanize.Bytes(usage.Free()), 100*(1-usage.Usage())) log.Printf(" - CPUTemp=%.02f deg C, MemStats.Alloc=%s, MemStats.Sys=%s, totalNetworkMessagesSent=%s\n", globalStatus.CPUTemp, humanize.Bytes(uint64(memstats.Alloc)), humanize.Bytes(uint64(memstats.Sys)), humanize.Comma(int64(totalNetworkMessagesSent))) log.Printf(" - UAT/min %s/%s [maxSS=%.02f%%], ES/min %s/%s, Total traffic targets tracked=%s", humanize.Comma(int64(globalStatus.UAT_messages_last_minute)), humanize.Comma(int64(globalStatus.UAT_messages_max)), float64(maxSignalStrength)/10.0, humanize.Comma(int64(globalStatus.ES_messages_last_minute)), humanize.Comma(int64(globalStatus.ES_messages_max)), humanize.Comma(int64(len(seenTraffic)))) log.Printf(" - Network data messages sent: %d total, %d nonqueueable. Network data bytes sent: %d total, %d nonqueueable.\n", globalStatus.NetworkDataMessagesSent, globalStatus.NetworkDataMessagesSentNonqueueable, globalStatus.NetworkDataBytesSent, globalStatus.NetworkDataBytesSentNonqueueable) if globalSettings.GPS_Enabled { log.Printf(" - Last GPS fix: %s, GPS solution type: %d using %d satellites (%d/%d seen/tracked), NACp: %d, est accuracy %.02f m\n", stratuxClock.HumanizeTime(mySituation.LastFixLocalTime), mySituation.Quality, mySituation.Satellites, mySituation.SatellitesSeen, mySituation.SatellitesTracked, mySituation.NACp, mySituation.Accuracy) log.Printf(" - GPS vertical velocity: %.02f ft/sec; GPS vertical accuracy: %v m\n", mySituation.GPSVertVel, mySituation.AccuracyVert) } // Check if we're using more than 95% of the free space. If so, throw a warning (only once). if !diskUsageWarning && usage.Usage() > 95.0 { err_p := fmt.Errorf("Disk bytes used = %s (%.1f %%), Disk bytes free = %s (%.1f %%)", humanize.Bytes(usage.Used()), 100*usage.Usage(), humanize.Bytes(usage.Free()), 100*(1-usage.Usage())) addSystemError(err_p) diskUsageWarning = true } logStatus() } } var uatReplayDone bool func uatReplay(f ReadCloser, replaySpeed uint64) { defer f.Close() rdr := bufio.NewReader(f) curTick := int64(0) for { buf, err := rdr.ReadString('\n') if err != nil { break } linesplit := strings.Split(buf, ",") if len(linesplit) < 2 { // Blank line or invalid. continue } if linesplit[0] == "START" { // Reset ticker, new start. curTick = 0 } else { // If it's not "START", then it's a tick count. i, err := strconv.ParseInt(linesplit[0], 10, 64) if err != nil { log.Printf("invalid tick: '%s'\n", linesplit[0]) continue } thisWait := (i - curTick) / int64(replaySpeed) if thisWait >= 120000000000 { // More than 2 minutes wait, skip ahead. log.Printf("UAT skipahead - %d seconds.\n", thisWait/1000000000) } else { time.Sleep(time.Duration(thisWait) * time.Nanosecond) // Just in case the units change. } p := strings.Trim(linesplit[1], " ;\r\n") buf := fmt.Sprintf("%s;\n", p) o, msgtype := parseInput(buf) if o != nil && msgtype != 0 { relayMessage(msgtype, o) } curTick = i } } uatReplayDone = true } func openReplayFile(fn string) ReadCloser { fp, err := os.Open(fn) if err != nil { log.Printf("error opening '%s': %s\n", fn, err.Error()) os.Exit(1) return nil } var ret ReadCloser if strings.HasSuffix(fn, ".gz") { // Open as a compressed replay log, depending on the suffix. ret, err = gzip.NewReader(fp) if err != nil { log.Printf("error opening compressed log '%s': %s\n", fn, err.Error()) os.Exit(1) return nil } } else { ret = fp } return ret } var stratuxClock *monotonic var sigs = make(chan os.Signal, 1) // Signal catch channel (shutdown). // Graceful shutdown. func gracefulShutdown() { // Shut down SDRs. sdrKill() pingKill() // Shut down data logging. if dataLogStarted { closeDataLog() } //TODO: Any other graceful shutdown functions. // Turn off green ACT LED on the Pi. ioutil.WriteFile("/sys/class/leds/led0/brightness", []byte("0\n"), 0644) os.Exit(1) } func signalWatcher() { sig := <-sigs log.Printf("signal caught: %s - shutting down.\n", sig.String()) gracefulShutdown() } func main() { // Catch signals for graceful shutdown. signal.Notify(sigs, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM) go signalWatcher() stratuxClock = NewMonotonic() // Start our "stratux clock". // Set up mySituation, do it here so logging JSON doesn't panic mySituation.mu_GPS = &sync.Mutex{} mySituation.mu_GPSPerf = &sync.Mutex{} mySituation.mu_Attitude = &sync.Mutex{} mySituation.mu_Pressure = &sync.Mutex{} // Set up status. globalStatus.Version = stratuxVersion globalStatus.Build = stratuxBuild globalStatus.Errors = make([]string, 0) //FlightBox: detect via presence of /etc/FlightBox file. if _, err := os.Stat("/etc/FlightBox"); !os.IsNotExist(err) { globalStatus.HardwareBuild = "FlightBox" debugLogf = debugLog_FB dataLogFilef = dataLogFile_FB } else { // if not using the FlightBox config, use "normal" log file locations debugLogf = debugLog dataLogFilef = dataLogFile } //FIXME: All of this should be removed by 08/01/2016. // Check if Raspbian version is <8.0. Throw a warning if so. vt, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/etc/debian_version") if err == nil { vtS := strings.Trim(string(vt), "\n") vtF, err := strconv.ParseFloat(vtS, 32) if err == nil { if vtF < 8.0 { var err_os error if globalStatus.HardwareBuild == "FlightBox" { err_os = fmt.Errorf("You are running an old Stratux image that can't be updated fully and is now deprecated. Visit https://www.openflightsolutions.com/flightbox/image-update-required for further information.") } else { err_os = fmt.Errorf("You are running an old Stratux image that can't be updated fully and is now deprecated. Visit http://stratux.me/ to update using the latest release image.") } addSystemError(err_os) } else { // Running Jessie or better. Remove some old init.d files. // This made its way in here because /etc/init.d/stratux invokes the update script, which can't delete the init.d file. os.Remove("/etc/init.d/stratux") os.Remove("/etc/rc2.d/S01stratux") os.Remove("/etc/rc6.d/K01stratux") } } } // replayESFilename := flag.String("eslog", "none", "ES Log filename") replayUATFilename := flag.String("uatlog", "none", "UAT Log filename") replayFlag := flag.Bool("replay", false, "Replay file flag") replaySpeed := flag.Int("speed", 1, "Replay speed multiplier") stdinFlag := flag.Bool("uatin", false, "Process UAT messages piped to stdin") flag.Parse() timeStarted = time.Now() runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.NumCPU()) // redundant with Go v1.5+ compiler // Duplicate log.* output to debugLog. fp, err := os.OpenFile(debugLogf, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND, 0666) if err != nil { err_log := fmt.Errorf("Failed to open '%s': %s", debugLogf, err.Error()) addSystemError(err_log) log.Printf("%s\n", err_log.Error()) } else { defer fp.Close() mfp := io.MultiWriter(fp, os.Stdout) log.SetOutput(mfp) } log.Printf("Stratux %s (%s) starting.\n", stratuxVersion, stratuxBuild) ADSBTowers = make(map[string]ADSBTower) ADSBTowerMutex = &sync.Mutex{} MsgLog = make([]msg, 0) crcInit() // Initialize CRC16 table. sdrInit() pingInit() initTraffic() // Read settings. readSettings() // Disable replay logs when replaying - so that messages replay data isn't copied into the logs. // Override after reading in the settings. if *replayFlag == true { log.Printf("Replay file %s\n", *replayUATFilename) globalSettings.ReplayLog = true } if globalSettings.DeveloperMode == true { log.Printf("Developer mode set\n") } //FIXME: Only do this if data logging is enabled. initDataLog() // Start the AHRS sensor monitoring. initI2CSensors() // Start the GPS external sensor monitoring. initGPS() // Start appropriate AHRS calc, depending on whether or not we have an IMU connected if globalStatus.IMUConnected { log.Println("AHRS Info: IMU connected - starting sensorAttitudeSender") go sensorAttitudeSender() } else { log.Println("AHRS Info: IMU not connected - starting gpsAttitudeSender") go gpsAttitudeSender() } // Start the heartbeat message loop in the background, once per second. go heartBeatSender() // Start the management interface. go managementInterface() // Initialize the (out) network handler. initNetwork() // Start printing stats periodically to the logfiles. go printStats() // Monitor RPi CPU temp. go cpuTempMonitor() reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin) if *replayFlag == true { fp := openReplayFile(*replayUATFilename) playSpeed := uint64(*replaySpeed) log.Printf("Replay speed: %dx\n", playSpeed) go uatReplay(fp, playSpeed) for { time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) if uatReplayDone { //&& esDone { return } } } else if *stdinFlag == true { for { buf, err := reader.ReadString('\n') if err != nil { log.Printf("lost stdin.\n") break } o, msgtype := parseInput(buf) if o != nil && msgtype != 0 { relayMessage(msgtype, o) } } } else { // wait indefinitely select {} } }