/* Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Christopher Young Distributable under the terms of The "BSD New"" License that can be found in the LICENSE file, herein included as part of this header. traffic.go: Target management, UAT downlink message processing, 1090ES source input, GDL90 traffic reports. */ package main import ( "bufio" "encoding/hex" "encoding/json" "math" "net" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "time" ) //-0b2b48fe3aef1f88621a0856110a31c01105c4e6c4e6c40a9a820300000000000000;rs=7; /* HDR: MDB Type: 1 Address: 2B48FE (TIS-B track file address) SV: NIC: 6 Latitude: +41.4380 Longitude: -84.1056 Altitude: 2300 ft (barometric) N/S velocity: -65 kt E/W velocity: -98 kt Track: 236 Speed: 117 kt Vertical rate: 0 ft/min (from barometric altitude) UTC coupling: no TIS-B site ID: 1 MS: Emitter category: No information Callsign: unavailable Emergency status: No emergency UAT version: 2 SIL: 2 Transmit MSO: 38 NACp: 8 NACv: 1 NICbaro: 0 Capabilities: Active modes: Target track type: true heading AUXSV: Sec. altitude: unavailable */ const ( TRAFFIC_SOURCE_1090ES = 1 TRAFFIC_SOURCE_UAT = 2 ) type TrafficInfo struct { Icao_addr uint32 OnGround bool addr_type uint8 emitter_category uint8 Lat float32 Lng float32 Position_valid bool Alt int32 Track uint16 Speed uint16 Speed_valid bool Vvel int16 Tail string Last_seen time.Time Last_source uint8 } var traffic map[uint32]TrafficInfo var trafficMutex *sync.Mutex var seenTraffic map[uint32]bool // Historical list of all ICAO addresses seen. func cleanupOldEntries() { for icao_addr, ti := range traffic { if stratuxClock.Since(ti.Last_seen) > 60*time.Second { //FIXME: 60 seconds with no update on this address - stop displaying. delete(traffic, icao_addr) } } } func sendTrafficUpdates() { trafficMutex.Lock() defer trafficMutex.Unlock() cleanupOldEntries() for _, ti := range traffic { if ti.Position_valid { makeTrafficReport(ti) } } } // Send update to attached client. func registerTrafficUpdate(ti TrafficInfo) { if !ti.Position_valid { // Don't send unless a valid position exists. return } makeTrafficReport(ti) tiJSON, _ := json.Marshal(&ti) trafficUpdate.Send(tiJSON) } func makeTrafficReport(ti TrafficInfo) { msg := make([]byte, 28) // See p.16. msg[0] = 0x14 // Message type "Traffic Report". msg[1] = 0x10 | ti.addr_type // Alert status, address type. // ICAO Address. msg[2] = byte((ti.Icao_addr & 0x00FF0000) >> 16) msg[3] = byte((ti.Icao_addr & 0x0000FF00) >> 8) msg[4] = byte((ti.Icao_addr & 0x000000FF)) lat := float32(ti.Lat) tmp := makeLatLng(lat) msg[5] = tmp[0] // Latitude. msg[6] = tmp[1] // Latitude. msg[7] = tmp[2] // Latitude. lng := float32(ti.Lng) tmp = makeLatLng(lng) msg[8] = tmp[0] // Longitude. msg[9] = tmp[1] // Longitude. msg[10] = tmp[2] // Longitude. // Altitude: OK // GDL 90 Data Interface Specification examples: // where 1,000 foot offset and 25 foot resolution (1,000 / 25 = 40) // -1,000 feet 0x000 // 0 feet 0x028 // +1000 feet 0x050 // +101,350 feet 0xFFE // Invalid or unavailable 0xFFF // // Algo example at: https://play.golang.org/p/VXCckSdsvT // var alt int16 if ti.Alt < -1000 || ti.Alt > 101350 { alt = 0x0FFF } else { // output guaranteed to be between 0x0000 and 0x0FFE alt = int16((ti.Alt / 25) + 40) } msg[11] = byte((alt & 0xFF0) >> 4) // Altitude. msg[12] = byte((alt & 0x00F) << 4) msg[12] = byte(((alt & 0x00F) << 4) | 0x3) // True heading. if !ti.OnGround { msg[12] = msg[12] | 0x08 // Airborne. } msg[13] = 0x11 //FIXME. // Horizontal velocity (speed). msg[14] = byte((ti.Speed & 0x0FF0) >> 4) msg[15] = byte((ti.Speed & 0x000F) << 4) // Vertical velocity. vvel := ti.Vvel / 64 // 64fpm resolution. msg[15] = msg[15] | byte((vvel&0x0F00)>>8) msg[16] = byte(vvel & 0x00FF) // Track. trk := uint8(float32(ti.Track) / TRACK_RESOLUTION) // Resolution is ~1.4 degrees. msg[17] = byte(trk) msg[18] = ti.emitter_category // msg[19] to msg[26] are "call sign" (tail). for i := 0; i < len(ti.Tail) && i < 8; i++ { c := byte(ti.Tail[i]) if c != 20 && !((c >= 48) && (c <= 57)) && !((c >= 65) && (c <= 90)) && c != 'e' && c != 'u' { // See p.24, FAA ref. c = byte(20) } msg[19+i] = c } sendGDL90(prepareMessage(msg), false) } func parseDownlinkReport(s string) { var ti TrafficInfo s = s[1:] frame := make([]byte, len(s)/2) hex.Decode(frame, []byte(s)) // Header. msg_type := (uint8(frame[0]) >> 3) & 0x1f // Extract emitter category. if msg_type == 1 || msg_type == 3 { v := (uint16(frame[17]) << 8) | (uint16(frame[18])) ti.emitter_category = uint8((v / 1600) % 40) } icao_addr := (uint32(frame[1]) << 16) | (uint32(frame[2]) << 8) | uint32(frame[3]) trafficMutex.Lock() defer trafficMutex.Unlock() if curTi, ok := traffic[icao_addr]; ok { // Retrieve the current entry, as it may contain some useful information like "tail" from 1090ES. ti = curTi } ti.Icao_addr = icao_addr ti.addr_type = uint8(frame[0]) & 0x07 // OK. // fmt.Printf("%d, %d, %06X\n", msg_type, ti.addr_type, ti.Icao_addr) nic := uint8(frame[11]) & 15 //TODO: Meaning? raw_lat := (uint32(frame[4]) << 15) | (uint32(frame[5]) << 7) | (uint32(frame[6]) >> 1) raw_lon := ((uint32(frame[6]) & 0x01) << 23) | (uint32(frame[7]) << 15) | (uint32(frame[8]) << 7) | (uint32(frame[9]) >> 1) lat := float32(0.0) lng := float32(0.0) position_valid := false if nic != 0 || raw_lat != 0 || raw_lon != 0 { position_valid = true lat = float32(raw_lat) * 360.0 / 16777216.0 if lat > 90 { lat = lat - 180 } lng = float32(raw_lon) * 360.0 / 16777216.0 if lng > 180 { lng = lng - 360 } } ti.Lat = lat ti.Lng = lng ti.Position_valid = position_valid raw_alt := (int32(frame[10]) << 4) | ((int32(frame[11]) & 0xf0) >> 4) // alt_geo := false // Barometric if not geometric. alt := int32(0) if raw_alt != 0 { // alt_geo = (uint8(frame[9]) & 1) != 0 alt = ((raw_alt - 1) * 25) - 1000 } ti.Alt = alt //OK. // fmt.Printf("%d, %t, %f, %f, %t, %d\n", nic, position_valid, lat, lng, alt_geo, alt) airground_state := (uint8(frame[12]) >> 6) & 0x03 //OK. // fmt.Printf("%d\n", airground_state) ns_vel := int16(0) ew_vel := int16(0) track := uint16(0) speed_valid := false speed := uint16(0) vvel := int16(0) // vvel_geo := false if airground_state == 0 || airground_state == 1 { // Subsonic. Supersonic. // N/S velocity. ns_vel_valid := false ew_vel_valid := false raw_ns := ((int16(frame[12]) & 0x1f) << 6) | ((int16(frame[13]) & 0xfc) >> 2) if (raw_ns & 0x3ff) != 0 { ns_vel_valid = true ns_vel = ((raw_ns & 0x3ff) - 1) if (raw_ns & 0x400) != 0 { ns_vel = 0 - ns_vel } if airground_state == 1 { // Supersonic. ns_vel = ns_vel * 4 } } // E/W velocity. raw_ew := ((int16(frame[13]) & 0x03) << 9) | (int16(frame[14]) << 1) | ((int16(frame[15] & 0x80)) >> 7) if (raw_ew & 0x3ff) != 0 { ew_vel_valid = true ew_vel = (raw_ew & 0x3ff) - 1 if (raw_ew & 0x400) != 0 { ew_vel = 0 - ew_vel } if airground_state == 1 { // Supersonic. ew_vel = ew_vel * 4 } } if ns_vel_valid && ew_vel_valid { if ns_vel != 0 && ew_vel != 0 { //TODO: Track type track = uint16((360 + 90 - (int16(math.Atan2(float64(ns_vel), float64(ew_vel)) * 180 / math.Pi))) % 360) } speed_valid = true speed = uint16(math.Sqrt(float64((ns_vel * ns_vel) + (ew_vel * ew_vel)))) } // Vertical velocity. raw_vvel := ((int16(frame[15]) & 0x7f) << 4) | ((int16(frame[16]) & 0xf0) >> 4) if (raw_vvel & 0x1ff) != 0 { // vvel_geo = (raw_vvel & 0x400) == 0 vvel = ((raw_vvel & 0x1ff) - 1) * 64 if (raw_vvel & 0x200) != 0 { vvel = 0 - vvel } } } else if airground_state == 2 { // Ground vehicle. ti.OnGround = true raw_gs := ((uint16(frame[12]) & 0x1f) << 6) | ((uint16(frame[13]) & 0xfc) >> 2) if raw_gs != 0 { speed_valid = true speed = ((raw_gs & 0x3ff) - 1) } raw_track := ((uint16(frame[13]) & 0x03) << 9) | (uint16(frame[14]) << 1) | ((uint16(frame[15]) & 0x80) >> 7) //tt := ((raw_track & 0x0600) >> 9) //FIXME: tt == 1 TT_TRACK. tt == 2 TT_MAG_HEADING. tt == 3 TT_TRUE_HEADING. track = uint16((raw_track & 0x1ff) * 360 / 512) // Dimensions of vehicle - skip. } ti.Track = track ti.Speed = speed ti.Vvel = vvel ti.Speed_valid = speed_valid //OK. // fmt.Printf("ns_vel %d, ew_vel %d, track %d, speed_valid %t, speed %d, vvel_geo %t, vvel %d\n", ns_vel, ew_vel, track, speed_valid, speed, vvel_geo, vvel) /* utc_coupled := false tisb_site_id := uint8(0) if (uint8(frame[0]) & 7) == 2 || (uint8(frame[0]) & 7) == 3 { //TODO: Meaning? tisb_site_id = uint8(frame[16]) & 0x0f } else { utc_coupled = (uint8(frame[16]) & 0x08) != 0 } */ //OK. // fmt.Printf("tisb_site_id %d, utc_coupled %t\n", tisb_site_id, utc_coupled) ti.Last_source = TRAFFIC_SOURCE_UAT ti.Last_seen = stratuxClock.Time // Parse tail number, if available. if msg_type == 1 || msg_type == 3 { // Need "MS" portion of message. base40_alphabet := string("0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRTSUVWXYZ ..") tail := "" v := (uint16(frame[17]) << 8) | uint16(frame[18]) tail += string(base40_alphabet[(v/40)%40]) tail += string(base40_alphabet[v%40]) v = (uint16(frame[19]) << 8) | uint16(frame[20]) tail += string(base40_alphabet[(v/1600)%40]) tail += string(base40_alphabet[(v/40)%40]) tail += string(base40_alphabet[v%40]) v = (uint16(frame[21]) << 8) | uint16(frame[22]) tail += string(base40_alphabet[(v/1600)%40]) tail += string(base40_alphabet[(v/40)%40]) tail += string(base40_alphabet[v%40]) tail = strings.Trim(tail, " ") ti.Tail = tail } if globalSettings.DEBUG { // This is a hack to show the source of the traffic in ForeFlight. if len(ti.Tail) == 0 || (len(ti.Tail) != 0 && len(ti.Tail) < 8 && ti.Tail[0] != 'U') { ti.Tail = "u" + ti.Tail } } traffic[ti.Icao_addr] = ti registerTrafficUpdate(ti) seenTraffic[ti.Icao_addr] = true // Mark as seen. } func esListen() { for { if !globalSettings.ES_Enabled { time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) // Don't do much unless ES is actually enabled. continue } dump1090Addr := "" inConn, err := net.Dial("tcp", dump1090Addr) if err != nil { // Local connection failed. time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) continue } rdr := bufio.NewReader(inConn) for globalSettings.ES_Enabled { buf, err := rdr.ReadString('\n') if err != nil { // Must have disconnected? break } buf = strings.Trim(buf, "\r\n") //log.Printf("%s\n", buf) replayLog(buf, MSGCLASS_ES) // Log the raw message. x := strings.Split(buf, ",") if len(x) < 22 { continue } icao := x[4] icaoDecf, err := strconv.ParseInt(icao, 16, 32) if err != nil { continue } // Log the message after we've determined that it at least meets some requirements on the fields. var thisMsg msg thisMsg.MessageClass = MSGCLASS_ES thisMsg.TimeReceived = stratuxClock.Time thisMsg.Data = []byte(buf) MsgLog = append(MsgLog, thisMsg) // Begin to parse the message. icaoDec := uint32(icaoDecf) trafficMutex.Lock() // Retrieve previous information on this ICAO code. var ti TrafficInfo if val, ok := traffic[icaoDec]; ok { ti = val } ti.Icao_addr = icaoDec //FIXME: Some stale information will be renewed. valid_change := true if x[1] == "3" { // ES airborne position message. DF17 BDS 0,5. //MSG,3,111,11111,AC2BB7,111111,2015/07/28,03:59:12.363,2015/07/28,03:59:12.353,,5550,,,42.35847,-83.42212,,,,,,0 //MSG,3,111,11111,A5D007,111111, , , , ,,35000,,,42.47454,-82.57433,,,0,0,0,0 alt := x[11] lat := x[14] lng := x[15] if len(alt) == 0 || len(lat) == 0 || len(lng) == 0 { //FIXME. valid_change = false } altFloat, err := strconv.ParseFloat(alt, 32) if err != nil { // log.Printf("err parsing alt (%s): %s\n", alt, err.Error()) valid_change = false } latFloat, err := strconv.ParseFloat(lat, 32) if err != nil { // log.Printf("err parsing lat (%s): %s\n", lat, err.Error()) valid_change = false } lngFloat, err := strconv.ParseFloat(lng, 32) if err != nil { // log.Printf("err parsing lng (%s): %s\n", lng, err.Error()) valid_change = false } //log.Printf("icao=%s, icaoDec=%d, alt=%s, lat=%s, lng=%s\n", icao, icaoDec, alt, lat, lng) if valid_change { ti.Alt = int32(altFloat) ti.Lat = float32(latFloat) ti.Lng = float32(lngFloat) ti.Position_valid = true } } if x[1] == "4" { // ES airborne velocity message. DF17 BDS 0,9. // MSG,4,111,11111,A3B557,111111,2015/07/28,06:13:36.417,2015/07/28,06:13:36.398,,,414,278,,,-64,,,,,0 // MSG,4,111,11111,ABE287,111111,2016/01/03,19:44:43.440,2016/01/03,19:44:43.401,,,469,88,,,0,,,,,0 speed := x[12] track := x[13] vvel := x[16] if len(speed) == 0 || len(track) == 0 || len(vvel) == 0 { valid_change = false } speedFloat, err := strconv.ParseFloat(speed, 32) if err != nil { // log.Printf("err parsing speed (%s): %s\n", speed, err.Error()) valid_change = false } trackFloat, err := strconv.ParseFloat(track, 32) if err != nil { // log.Printf("err parsing track (%s): %s\n", track, err.Error()) valid_change = false } vvelFloat, err := strconv.ParseFloat(vvel, 32) if err != nil { // log.Printf("err parsing vvel (%s): %s\n", vvel, err.Error()) valid_change = false } //log.Printf("icao=%s, icaoDec=%d, vel=%s, hdg=%s, vr=%s\n", icao, icaoDec, vel, hdg, vr) if valid_change { ti.Speed = uint16(speedFloat) ti.Track = uint16(trackFloat) ti.Vvel = int16(vvelFloat) ti.Speed_valid = true } } if x[1] == "1" { // ES identification and category. DF17 BDS 0,8. // MSG,1,,,%02X%02X%02X,,,,,,%s,,,,,,,,0,0,0,0 tail := x[10] if len(tail) == 0 { valid_change = false } if valid_change { ti.Tail = tail } } if x[1] == "5" { // Surveillance alt message. DF4, DF20. // MSG,5,,,%02X%02X%02X,,,,,,,%d,,,,,,,%d,%d,%d,%d // MSG,5,111,11111,AB5F1B,111111,2016/01/03,04:43:52.028,2016/01/03,04:43:52.006,,13050,,,,,,,0,,0,0 alt := x[11] altFloat, err := strconv.ParseFloat(alt, 32) if len(alt) != 0 && err == nil { ti.Alt = int32(altFloat) } } // Update "last seen" (any type of message, as long as the ICAO addr can be parsed). ti.Last_source = TRAFFIC_SOURCE_1090ES ti.Last_seen = stratuxClock.Time ti.addr_type = 0 //FIXME: ADS-B with ICAO address. Not recognized by ForeFlight. ti.emitter_category = 0x01 //FIXME. "Light" // This is a hack to show the source of the traffic in ForeFlight. ti.Tail = strings.Trim(ti.Tail, " ") if globalSettings.DEBUG { if len(ti.Tail) == 0 || (len(ti.Tail) != 0 && len(ti.Tail) < 8 && ti.Tail[0] != 'E') { ti.Tail = "e" + ti.Tail } } traffic[icaoDec] = ti // Update information on this ICAO code. registerTrafficUpdate(ti) seenTraffic[icaoDec] = true // Mark as seen. trafficMutex.Unlock() } } } func initTraffic() { traffic = make(map[uint32]TrafficInfo) seenTraffic = make(map[uint32]bool) trafficMutex = &sync.Mutex{} go esListen() }