The Traffic page provides a list of all aircraft position reports received within the last 60 seconds. Each time a new aircraft is detected, it is added to the list. Each time a new report is received for an existing aircraft, the list is updated. If a valid position for an aircraft has not been received within the last 60 seconds, the aircraft is removed from the list.

For each aircraft, the list includes the following details:

Additionally, if 1090 MHz is enabled on the Settings page, most users will see reports from aircraft in the Basic Mode S and No-Position Messages table. These are targets that do not transmitting ADS-B position. Instead, Stratux is picking up altitude, squawk code, and occasionally velocity reports from non-ADS-B Mode S reports. These include air-to-air TCAS messages and radar interrogations, and typically make up the majority of all 1090 messages received.