/* Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Christopher Young Distributable under the terms of The "BSD New" License that can be found in the LICENSE file, herein included as part of this header. network.go: Client networking routines, DHCP lease monitoring, queue management, ICMP monitoring. */ package main import ( "github.com/tarm/serial" "golang.org/x/net/icmp" "golang.org/x/net/ipv4" "io/ioutil" "log" "math" "math/rand" "net" "os" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "time" ) type networkMessage struct { msg []byte msgType uint8 queueable bool ts time.Time } type networkConnection struct { Conn *net.UDPConn Ip string Port uint32 Capability uint8 messageQueue [][]byte // Device message queue. MessageQueueLen int // Length of the message queue. For debugging. /* Sleep mode/throttle variables. "sleep mode" is actually now just a very reduced packet rate, since we don't know positively when a client is ready to accept packets - we just assume so if we don't receive ICMP Unreachable packets in 5 secs. */ LastUnreachable time.Time // Last time the device sent an ICMP Unreachable packet. nextMessageTime time.Time // The next time that the device is "able" to receive a message. numOverflows uint32 // Number of times the queue has overflowed - for calculating the amount to chop off from the queue. SleepFlag bool // Whether or not this client has been marked as sleeping - only used for debugging (relies on messages being sent to update this flag in sendToAllConnectedClients()). FFCrippled bool } type serialConnection struct { DeviceString string Baud int serialPort *serial.Port } var messageQueue chan networkMessage var outSockets map[string]networkConnection var dhcpLeases map[string]string var pingResponse map[string]time.Time // Last time an IP responded to an "echo" response. var netMutex *sync.Mutex // netMutex needs to be locked before accessing dhcpLeases, pingResponse, and outSockets and calling isSleeping() and isThrottled(). var totalNetworkMessagesSent uint32 const ( NETWORK_GDL90_STANDARD = 1 NETWORK_AHRS_FFSIM = 2 NETWORK_AHRS_GDL90 = 4 dhcp_lease_file = "/var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases" dhcp_lease_dir = "/var/lib/dhcp" extra_hosts_file = "/etc/stratux-static-hosts.conf" ) var dhcpLeaseDirectoryLastTest time.Time // Last time fsWriteTest() was run on the DHCP lease directory. // Read the "dhcpd.leases" file and parse out IP/hostname. func getDHCPLeases() (map[string]string, error) { // Do a write test. Even if we are able to read the file, it may be out of date because there's a fs write issue. // Only perform the test once every 5 minutes to minimize writes. if stratuxClock.Since(dhcpLeaseDirectoryLastTest) >= 5*time.Minute { err := fsWriteTest(dhcp_lease_dir) if err != nil { addSingleSystemErrorf("fs-write", "Write error on '%s', your EFB may have issues receiving weather and traffic.", dhcp_lease_dir) } dhcpLeaseDirectoryLastTest = stratuxClock.Time } dat, err := ioutil.ReadFile(dhcp_lease_file) ret := make(map[string]string) if err != nil { return ret, err } lines := strings.Split(string(dat), "\n") open_block := false block_ip := "" for _, line := range lines { spaced := strings.Split(line, " ") if len(spaced) > 2 && spaced[0] == "lease" { open_block = true block_ip = spaced[1] } else if open_block && len(spaced) >= 4 && spaced[2] == "client-hostname" { hostname := strings.TrimRight(strings.TrimLeft(strings.Join(spaced[3:], " "), "\""), "\";") ret[block_ip] = hostname open_block = false } else if open_block && strings.HasPrefix(spaced[0], "}") { // No hostname. open_block = false ret[block_ip] = "" } } // Add IP's set through the settings page if globalSettings.StaticIps != nil { for _, ip := range globalSettings.StaticIps { ret[ip] = "" } } // Added the ability to have static IP hosts stored in /etc/stratux-static-hosts.conf dat2, err := ioutil.ReadFile(extra_hosts_file) if err != nil { return ret, nil } iplines := strings.Split(string(dat2), "\n") block_ip2 := "" for _, ipline := range iplines { spacedip := strings.Split(ipline, " ") if len(spacedip) == 2 { // The ip is in block_ip2 block_ip2 = spacedip[0] // the hostname is here ret[block_ip2] = spacedip[1] } } return ret, nil } /* isSleeping(). Check if a client identifier 'ip:port' is in either a sleep or active state. ***WARNING***: netMutex must be locked before calling this function. */ func isSleeping(k string) bool { if globalSettings.NoSleep == true { return false } ipAndPort := strings.Split(k, ":") // No ping response. Assume disconnected/sleeping device. if lastPing, ok := pingResponse[ipAndPort[0]]; !ok || stratuxClock.Since(lastPing) > (10*time.Second) { return true } if stratuxClock.Since(outSockets[k].LastUnreachable) < (5 * time.Second) { return true } return false } /* isThrottled(). Checks if a client identifier 'ip:port' is throttled. Throttle mode is for testing port open and giving some start-up time to the app. Throttling is 0.1% data rate for first 15 seconds. ***WARNING***: netMutex must be locked before calling this function. */ func isThrottled(k string) bool { return (rand.Int()%1000 != 0) && stratuxClock.Since(outSockets[k].LastUnreachable) < (15*time.Second) } func sendToAllConnectedClients(msg networkMessage) { if (msg.msgType & NETWORK_GDL90_STANDARD) != 0 { // It's a GDL90 message. Send to serial output channel (which may or may not cause something to happen). serialOutputChan <- msg.msg networkGDL90Chan <- msg.msg } netMutex.Lock() defer netMutex.Unlock() for k, netconn := range outSockets { sleepFlag := isSleeping(k) netconn.SleepFlag = sleepFlag outSockets[k] = netconn // Check if this port is able to accept the type of message we're sending. if (netconn.Capability & msg.msgType) == 0 { continue } // Send non-queueable messages immediately, or discard if the client is in sleep mode. if !sleepFlag { netconn.numOverflows = 0 // Reset the overflow counter whenever the client is not sleeping so that we're not penalizing future sleepmodes. } if !msg.queueable { if sleepFlag { continue } netconn.Conn.Write(msg.msg) // Write immediately. totalNetworkMessagesSent++ globalStatus.NetworkDataMessagesSent++ globalStatus.NetworkDataMessagesSentNonqueueable++ globalStatus.NetworkDataBytesSent += uint64(len(msg.msg)) globalStatus.NetworkDataBytesSentNonqueueable += uint64(len(msg.msg)) } else { // Queue the message if the message is "queueable". if len(netconn.messageQueue) >= maxUserMsgQueueSize { // Too many messages queued? Drop the oldest. log.Printf("%s:%d - message queue overflow.\n", netconn.Ip, netconn.Port) netconn.numOverflows++ s := 2 * netconn.numOverflows // Double the amount we chop off on each overflow. if int(s) >= len(netconn.messageQueue) { netconn.messageQueue = make([][]byte, 0) } else { netconn.messageQueue = netconn.messageQueue[s:] } } netconn.messageQueue = append(netconn.messageQueue, msg.msg) // each netconn.messageQueue is therefore an array (well, a slice) of formatted GDL90 messages outSockets[k] = netconn } } } var serialOutputChan chan []byte var networkGDL90Chan chan []byte func networkOutWatcher() { for { ch := <-networkGDL90Chan gdl90Update.SendJSON(ch) } } // Monitor serial output channel, send to serial port. func serialOutWatcher() { // Check every 30 seconds for a serial output device. serialTicker := time.NewTicker(30 * time.Second) serialDev := "/dev/serialout0" //FIXME: This is temporary. Only one serial output device for now. for { select { case <-serialTicker.C: if _, err := os.Stat(serialDev); !os.IsNotExist(err) { // Check if the device file exists. var thisSerialConn serialConnection // Check if we need to start handling a new device. if val, ok := globalSettings.SerialOutputs[serialDev]; !ok { newSerialOut := serialConnection{DeviceString: serialDev, Baud: 38400} log.Printf("detected new serial output, setting up now: %s. Default baudrate 38400.\n", serialDev) if globalSettings.SerialOutputs == nil { globalSettings.SerialOutputs = make(map[string]serialConnection) } globalSettings.SerialOutputs[serialDev] = newSerialOut saveSettings() thisSerialConn = newSerialOut } else { thisSerialConn = val } // Check if we need to open the connection now. if thisSerialConn.serialPort == nil { cfg := &serial.Config{Name: thisSerialConn.DeviceString, Baud: thisSerialConn.Baud} p, err := serial.OpenPort(cfg) if err != nil { log.Printf("serialout port (%s) err: %s\n", thisSerialConn.DeviceString, err.Error()) break // We'll attempt again in 30 seconds. } else { log.Printf("opened serialout: Name: %s, Baud: %d\n", thisSerialConn.DeviceString, thisSerialConn.Baud) } // Save the serial port connection. thisSerialConn.serialPort = p globalSettings.SerialOutputs[serialDev] = thisSerialConn } } case b := <-serialOutputChan: if val, ok := globalSettings.SerialOutputs[serialDev]; ok { if val.serialPort != nil { _, err := val.serialPort.Write(b) if err != nil { // Encountered an error in writing to the serial port. Close it and set Serial_out_enabled. log.Printf("serialout (%s) port err: %s. Closing port.\n", val.DeviceString, err.Error()) val.serialPort.Close() val.serialPort = nil globalSettings.SerialOutputs[serialDev] = val } } } } } } // Returns the number of DHCP leases and prints queue lengths. func getNetworkStats() { netMutex.Lock() defer netMutex.Unlock() var numNonSleepingClients uint for k, netconn := range outSockets { queueBytes := 0 for _, msg := range netconn.messageQueue { queueBytes += len(msg) } if globalSettings.DEBUG { log.Printf("On %s:%d, Queue length = %d messages / %d bytes\n", netconn.Ip, netconn.Port, len(netconn.messageQueue), queueBytes) } ipAndPort := strings.Split(k, ":") if len(ipAndPort) != 2 { continue } ip := ipAndPort[0] if pingRespTime, ok := pingResponse[ip]; ok { // Don't count the ping time if it is the same as stratuxClock epoch. // If the client has responded to a ping in the last 15 minutes, count it as "connected" or "recent". if !pingRespTime.Equal(time.Time{}) && stratuxClock.Since(pingRespTime) < 15*time.Minute { numNonSleepingClients++ } } } globalStatus.Connected_Users = numNonSleepingClients } // See who has a DHCP lease and make a UDP connection to each of them. func refreshConnectedClients() { netMutex.Lock() defer netMutex.Unlock() validConnections := make(map[string]bool) t, err := getDHCPLeases() if err != nil { log.Printf("getDHCPLeases(): %s\n", err.Error()) return } dhcpLeases = t // Client connected that wasn't before. for ip, hostname := range dhcpLeases { for _, networkOutput := range globalSettings.NetworkOutputs { ipAndPort := ip + ":" + strconv.Itoa(int(networkOutput.Port)) if _, ok := outSockets[ipAndPort]; !ok { log.Printf("client connected: %s:%d (%s).\n", ip, networkOutput.Port, hostname) addr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", ipAndPort) if err != nil { log.Printf("ResolveUDPAddr(%s): %s\n", ipAndPort, err.Error()) continue } outConn, err := net.DialUDP("udp", nil, addr) if err != nil { log.Printf("DialUDP(%s): %s\n", ipAndPort, err.Error()) continue } newq := make([][]byte, 0) outSockets[ipAndPort] = networkConnection{Conn: outConn, Ip: ip, Port: networkOutput.Port, Capability: networkOutput.Capability, messageQueue: newq} } validConnections[ipAndPort] = true } } // Client that was connected before that isn't. for ipAndPort, conn := range outSockets { if _, ok := validConnections[ipAndPort]; !ok { log.Printf("removed connection %s.\n", ipAndPort) conn.Conn.Close() delete(outSockets, ipAndPort) } } } func messageQueueSender() { secondTimer := time.NewTicker(15 * time.Second) // getNetworkStats(). queueTimer := time.NewTicker(100 * time.Millisecond) var lastQueueTimeChange time.Time // Reevaluate send frequency every 5 seconds. for { select { case msg := <-messageQueue: sendToAllConnectedClients(msg) case <-queueTimer.C: netMutex.Lock() averageSendableQueueSize := float64(0.0) for k, netconn := range outSockets { if len(netconn.messageQueue) > 0 && !isSleeping(k) && !isThrottled(k) { averageSendableQueueSize += float64(len(netconn.messageQueue)) // Add num sendable messages. var queuedMsg []byte // Combine the first 256 entries in netconn.messageQueue to avoid flooding wlan0 with too many IOPS. // Need to play nice with non-queued messages, so this limits the number of entries to combine. // UAT uplink block is 432 bytes, so transmit block size shouldn't be larger than 108 KiB. 10 Mbps per device would therefore be needed to send within a 100 ms window. mqDepth := len(netconn.messageQueue) if mqDepth > 256 { mqDepth = 256 } for j := 0; j < mqDepth; j++ { queuedMsg = append(queuedMsg, netconn.messageQueue[j]...) } /* for j, _ := range netconn.messageQueue { queuedMsg = append(queuedMsg, netconn.messageQueue[j]...) } */ netconn.Conn.Write(queuedMsg) totalNetworkMessagesSent++ globalStatus.NetworkDataMessagesSent++ globalStatus.NetworkDataBytesSent += uint64(len(queuedMsg)) //netconn.messageQueue = [][]byte{} if mqDepth < len(netconn.messageQueue) { netconn.messageQueue = netconn.messageQueue[mqDepth:] } else { netconn.messageQueue = [][]byte{} } outSockets[k] = netconn /* tmpConn := netconn tmpConn.Conn.Write(tmpConn.messageQueue[0]) totalNetworkMessagesSent++ globalStatus.NetworkDataMessagesSent++ globalStatus.NetworkDataBytesSent += uint64(len(tmpConn.messageQueue[0])) tmpConn.messageQueue = tmpConn.messageQueue[1:] outSockets[k] = tmpConn */ } netconn.MessageQueueLen = len(netconn.messageQueue) outSockets[k] = netconn } if stratuxClock.Since(lastQueueTimeChange) >= 5*time.Second { var pd float64 if averageSendableQueueSize > 0.0 && len(outSockets) > 0 { averageSendableQueueSize = averageSendableQueueSize / float64(len(outSockets)) // It's a total, not an average, up until this point. pd = math.Max(float64(1.0/750.0), float64(1.0/(4.0*averageSendableQueueSize))) // Say 250ms is enough to get through the whole queue. } else { pd = float64(0.1) // 100ms. } if globalSettings.DEBUG { log.Printf("Average sendable queue is %v messages. Changing queue timer to %f seconds\n", averageSendableQueueSize, pd) } queueTimer.Stop() queueTimer = time.NewTicker(time.Duration(pd*1000000000.0) * time.Nanosecond) lastQueueTimeChange = stratuxClock.Time } netMutex.Unlock() case <-secondTimer.C: getNetworkStats() } } } func sendMsg(msg []byte, msgType uint8, queueable bool) { messageQueue <- networkMessage{msg: msg, msgType: msgType, queueable: queueable, ts: stratuxClock.Time} } func sendGDL90(msg []byte, queueable bool) { sendMsg(msg, NETWORK_GDL90_STANDARD, queueable) } func monitorDHCPLeases() { timer := time.NewTicker(30 * time.Second) for { select { case <-timer.C: refreshConnectedClients() } } } func icmpEchoSender(c *icmp.PacketConn) { timer := time.NewTicker(5 * time.Second) for { <-timer.C netMutex.Lock() // Collect IPs. ips := make(map[string]bool) for k, _ := range outSockets { ipAndPort := strings.Split(k, ":") ips[ipAndPort[0]] = true } // Send to all IPs. for ip, _ := range ips { wm := icmp.Message{ Type: ipv4.ICMPTypeEcho, Code: 0, Body: &icmp.Echo{ ID: os.Getpid() & 0xffff, Seq: 1, Data: []byte("STRATUX"), }, } wb, err := wm.Marshal(nil) if err != nil { log.Printf("couldn't send ICMP Echo: %s\n", err.Error()) continue } if _, err := c.WriteTo(wb, &net.IPAddr{IP: net.ParseIP(ip)}); err != nil { log.Printf("couldn't send ICMP Echo: %s\n", err.Error()) continue } totalNetworkMessagesSent++ } netMutex.Unlock() } } // Monitor clients going in/out of sleep mode via ICMP unreachable packets. func sleepMonitor() { c, err := icmp.ListenPacket("ip4:icmp", "") if err != nil { log.Printf("error listening for udp - sending data to all ports for all connected clients. err: %s", err) return } go icmpEchoSender(c) defer c.Close() for { buf := make([]byte, 1500) n, peer, err := c.ReadFrom(buf) if err != nil { log.Printf("%s\n", err.Error()) continue } msg, err := icmp.ParseMessage(1, buf[:n]) if err != nil { continue } ip := peer.String() // Look for echo replies, mark it as received. if msg.Type == ipv4.ICMPTypeEchoReply { netMutex.Lock() pingResponse[ip] = stratuxClock.Time netMutex.Unlock() continue // No further processing needed. } // Only deal with ICMP Unreachable packets (since that's what iOS and Android seem to be sending whenever the apps are not available). if msg.Type != ipv4.ICMPTypeDestinationUnreachable { continue } // Packet parsing. mb, err := msg.Body.Marshal(1) if err != nil { continue } if len(mb) < 28 { continue } // The unreachable port. port := (uint16(mb[26]) << 8) | uint16(mb[27]) ipAndPort := ip + ":" + strconv.Itoa(int(port)) netMutex.Lock() p, ok := outSockets[ipAndPort] if !ok { // Can't do anything, the client isn't even technically connected. netMutex.Unlock() continue } p.LastUnreachable = stratuxClock.Time outSockets[ipAndPort] = p netMutex.Unlock() } } func networkStatsCounter() { timer := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Second) var previousNetworkMessagesSent, previousNetworkBytesSent, previousNetworkMessagesSentNonqueueable, previousNetworkBytesSentNonqueueable uint64 for { <-timer.C globalStatus.NetworkDataMessagesSentLastSec = globalStatus.NetworkDataMessagesSent - previousNetworkMessagesSent globalStatus.NetworkDataBytesSentLastSec = globalStatus.NetworkDataBytesSent - previousNetworkBytesSent globalStatus.NetworkDataMessagesSentNonqueueableLastSec = globalStatus.NetworkDataMessagesSentNonqueueable - previousNetworkMessagesSentNonqueueable globalStatus.NetworkDataBytesSentNonqueueableLastSec = globalStatus.NetworkDataBytesSentNonqueueable - previousNetworkBytesSentNonqueueable // debug option. Uncomment to log per-second network statistics. Useful for debugging WiFi instability. //log.Printf("Network data messages sent: %d total, %d last second. Network data bytes sent: %d total, %d last second.\n", globalStatus.NetworkDataMessagesSent, globalStatus.NetworkDataMessagesSentLastSec, globalStatus.NetworkDataBytesSent, globalStatus.NetworkDataBytesSentLastSec) previousNetworkMessagesSent = globalStatus.NetworkDataMessagesSent previousNetworkBytesSent = globalStatus.NetworkDataBytesSent previousNetworkMessagesSentNonqueueable = globalStatus.NetworkDataMessagesSentNonqueueable previousNetworkBytesSentNonqueueable = globalStatus.NetworkDataBytesSentNonqueueable } } /* ffMonitor(). Watches for "i-want-to-play-ffm-udp", "i-can-play-ffm-udp", and "i-cannot-play-ffm-udp" UDP messages broadcasted on port 50113. Tags the client, issues a warning, and disables AHRS GDL90 output. */ func ffMonitor() { addr := net.UDPAddr{Port: 50113, IP: net.ParseIP("")} conn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", &addr) if err != nil { log.Printf("ffMonitor(): error listening on port 50113: %s\n", err.Error()) return } defer conn.Close() for { buf := make([]byte, 1024) n, addr, err := conn.ReadFrom(buf) ipAndPort := strings.Split(addr.String(), ":") ip := ipAndPort[0] if err != nil { log.Printf("err: %s\n", err.Error()) return } // Got message, check if it's in the correct format. if n < 3 || buf[0] != 0xFF || buf[1] != 0xFE { continue } s := string(buf[2:n]) s = strings.Replace(s, "\x00", "", -1) ffIpAndPort := ip + ":4000" netMutex.Lock() p, ok := outSockets[ffIpAndPort] if !ok { // Can't do anything, the client isn't even technically connected. netMutex.Unlock() continue } if strings.HasPrefix(s, "i-want-to-play-ffm-udp") || strings.HasPrefix(s, "i-can-play-ffm-udp") || strings.HasPrefix(s, "i-cannot-play-ffm-udp") { p.FFCrippled = true //FIXME: AHRS output doesn't need to be disabled globally, just on the ForeFlight client IPs. addSingleSystemErrorf("ff-warn", "Stratux is not supported by your EFB app. Your EFB app is known to regularly make changes that cause compatibility issues with Stratux. See the README for a list of apps that officially support Stratux.") } outSockets[ffIpAndPort] = p netMutex.Unlock() } } func initNetwork() { messageQueue = make(chan networkMessage, 1024) // Buffered channel, 1024 messages. serialOutputChan = make(chan []byte, 1024) // Buffered channel, 1024 GDL90 messages. networkGDL90Chan = make(chan []byte, 1024) outSockets = make(map[string]networkConnection) pingResponse = make(map[string]time.Time) netMutex = &sync.Mutex{} refreshConnectedClients() go monitorDHCPLeases() go messageQueueSender() go sleepMonitor() go networkStatsCounter() go serialOutWatcher() go networkOutWatcher() }