/* Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Christopher Young Distributable under the terms of The "BSD New" License that can be found in the LICENSE file, herein included as part of this header. datalog.go: Log stratux data as it is received. Bucket data into timestamp time slots. */ package main import ( "database/sql" "errors" "fmt" _ "github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3" "log" "os" "reflect" "strconv" "strings" "time" ) const ( LOG_TIMESTAMP_RESOLUTION = 250 * time.Millisecond ) type StratuxTimestamp struct { id int64 Time_type_preference int // 0 = stratuxClock, 1 = gpsClock, 2 = gpsClock extrapolated via stratuxClock. StratuxClock_value time.Time GPSClock_value time.Time // The value of this is either from the GPS or extrapolated from the GPS via stratuxClock if pref is 1 or 2. It is time.Time{} if 0. PreferredTime_value time.Time StartupID int64 } // 'startup' table creates a new entry each time the daemon is started. This keeps track of sequential starts, even if the // timestamp is ambiguous (units with no GPS). This struct is just a placeholder for an empty table (other than primary key). type StratuxStartup struct { id int64 Fill string } var dataLogStarted bool var dataLogReadyToWrite bool var stratuxStartupID int64 var dataLogTimestamps []StratuxTimestamp var dataLogCurTimestamp int64 // Current timestamp bucket. This is an index on dataLogTimestamps which is not necessarily the db id. /* checkTimestamp(). Verify that our current timestamp is within the LOG_TIMESTAMP_RESOLUTION bucket. Returns false if the timestamp was changed, true if it is still valid. This is where GPS timestamps are extrapolated, if the GPS data is currently valid. */ func checkTimestamp() bool { thisCurTimestamp := dataLogCurTimestamp if stratuxClock.Since(dataLogTimestamps[thisCurTimestamp].StratuxClock_value) >= LOG_TIMESTAMP_RESOLUTION { var ts StratuxTimestamp ts.id = 0 ts.Time_type_preference = 0 // stratuxClock. ts.StratuxClock_value = stratuxClock.Time ts.GPSClock_value = time.Time{} ts.PreferredTime_value = stratuxClock.Time // Extrapolate from GPS timestamp, if possible. if isGPSClockValid() && thisCurTimestamp > 0 { // Was the last timestamp either extrapolated or GPS time? last_ts := dataLogTimestamps[thisCurTimestamp] if last_ts.Time_type_preference == 1 || last_ts.Time_type_preference == 2 { // Extrapolate via stratuxClock. timeSinceLastTS := ts.StratuxClock_value.Sub(last_ts.StratuxClock_value) // stratuxClock ticks since last timestamp. extrapolatedGPSTimestamp := last_ts.PreferredTime_value.Add(timeSinceLastTS) // Re-set the preferred timestamp type to '2' (extrapolated time). ts.Time_type_preference = 2 ts.PreferredTime_value = extrapolatedGPSTimestamp ts.GPSClock_value = extrapolatedGPSTimestamp } } dataLogTimestamps = append(dataLogTimestamps, ts) dataLogCurTimestamp = int64(len(dataLogTimestamps) - 1) return false } return true } type SQLiteMarshal struct { FieldType string Marshal func(v reflect.Value) string } func boolMarshal(v reflect.Value) string { b := v.Bool() if b { return "1" } return "0" } func intMarshal(v reflect.Value) string { return strconv.FormatInt(v.Int(), 10) } func uintMarshal(v reflect.Value) string { return strconv.FormatUint(v.Uint(), 10) } func floatMarshal(v reflect.Value) string { return strconv.FormatFloat(v.Float(), 'f', 10, 64) } func stringMarshal(v reflect.Value) string { return v.String() } func notsupportedMarshal(v reflect.Value) string { return "" } func structCanBeMarshalled(v reflect.Value) bool { m := v.MethodByName("String") if m.IsValid() && !m.IsNil() { return true } return false } func structMarshal(v reflect.Value) string { if structCanBeMarshalled(v) { m := v.MethodByName("String") in := make([]reflect.Value, 0) ret := m.Call(in) if len(ret) > 0 { return ret[0].String() } } return "" } var sqliteMarshalFunctions = map[string]SQLiteMarshal{ "bool": {FieldType: "INTEGER", Marshal: boolMarshal}, "int": {FieldType: "INTEGER", Marshal: intMarshal}, "uint": {FieldType: "INTEGER", Marshal: uintMarshal}, "float": {FieldType: "REAL", Marshal: floatMarshal}, "string": {FieldType: "TEXT", Marshal: stringMarshal}, "struct": {FieldType: "STRING", Marshal: structMarshal}, "notsupported": {FieldType: "notsupported", Marshal: notsupportedMarshal}, } var sqlTypeMap = map[reflect.Kind]string{ reflect.Bool: "bool", reflect.Int: "int", reflect.Int8: "int", reflect.Int16: "int", reflect.Int32: "int", reflect.Int64: "int", reflect.Uint: "uint", reflect.Uint8: "uint", reflect.Uint16: "uint", reflect.Uint32: "uint", reflect.Uint64: "uint", reflect.Uintptr: "notsupported", reflect.Float32: "float", reflect.Float64: "float", reflect.Complex64: "notsupported", reflect.Complex128: "notsupported", reflect.Array: "notsupported", reflect.Chan: "notsupported", reflect.Func: "notsupported", reflect.Interface: "notsupported", reflect.Map: "notsupported", reflect.Ptr: "notsupported", reflect.Slice: "notsupported", reflect.String: "string", reflect.Struct: "struct", reflect.UnsafePointer: "notsupported", } func makeTable(i interface{}, tbl string, db *sql.DB) { val := reflect.ValueOf(i) fields := make([]string, 0) for i := 0; i < val.NumField(); i++ { kind := val.Field(i).Kind() fieldName := val.Type().Field(i).Name sqlTypeAlias := sqlTypeMap[kind] // Check that if the field is a struct that it can be marshalled. if sqlTypeAlias == "struct" && !structCanBeMarshalled(val.Field(i)) { continue } if sqlTypeAlias == "notsupported" || fieldName == "id" { continue } sqlType := sqliteMarshalFunctions[sqlTypeAlias].FieldType s := fieldName + " " + sqlType fields = append(fields, s) } // Add the timestamp_id field to link up with the timestamp table. if tbl != "timestamp" && tbl != "startup" { fields = append(fields, "timestamp_id INTEGER") } tblCreate := fmt.Sprintf("CREATE TABLE %s (id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, %s)", tbl, strings.Join(fields, ", ")) _, err := db.Exec(tblCreate) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("ERROR: %s\n", err.Error()) } } /* bulkInsert(). Reads insertBatch and insertBatchIfs. This is called after a group of insertData() calls. */ func bulkInsert(tbl string, db *sql.DB) (res sql.Result, err error) { if _, ok := insertString[tbl]; !ok { return nil, errors.New("no insert statement") } batchVals := insertBatchIfs[tbl] numColsPerRow := len(batchVals[0]) maxRowBatch := int(999 / numColsPerRow) // SQLITE_MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER = 999. // log.Printf("table %s. %d cols per row. max batch %d\n", tbl, numColsPerRow, maxRowBatch) for len(batchVals) > 0 { // timeInit := time.Now() i := int(0) // Variable number of rows per INSERT statement. stmt := "" vals := make([]interface{}, 0) querySize := uint64(0) // Size of the query in bytes. for len(batchVals) > 0 && i < maxRowBatch && querySize < 750000 { // Maximum of 1,000,000 bytes per query. if len(stmt) == 0 { // The first set will be covered by insertString. stmt = insertString[tbl] querySize += uint64(len(insertString[tbl])) } else { addStr := ", (" + strings.Join(strings.Split(strings.Repeat("?", len(batchVals[0])), ""), ",") + ")" stmt += addStr querySize += uint64(len(addStr)) } for _, val := range batchVals[0] { querySize += uint64(len(val.(string))) } vals = append(vals, batchVals[0]...) batchVals = batchVals[1:] i++ } // log.Printf("inserting %d rows to %s. querySize=%d\n", i, tbl, querySize) res, err = db.Exec(stmt, vals...) // timeBatch := time.Since(timeInit) // debug // log.Printf("SQLite: bulkInserted %d rows to %s. Took %f msec to build and insert query. querySize=%d\n", i, tbl, 1000*timeBatch.Seconds(), querySize) // debug if err != nil { log.Printf("sqlite INSERT error: '%s'\n", err.Error()) return } } // Clear the buffers. delete(insertString, tbl) delete(insertBatchIfs, tbl) return } /* insertData(). Inserts an arbitrary struct into an SQLite table. Inserts the timestamp first, if its 'id' is 0. */ // Cached 'VALUES' statements. Indexed by table name. var insertString map[string]string // INSERT INTO tbl (col1, col2, ...) VALUES(?, ?, ...). Only for one value. var insertBatchIfs map[string][][]interface{} func insertData(i interface{}, tbl string, db *sql.DB, ts_num int64) int64 { val := reflect.ValueOf(i) keys := make([]string, 0) values := make([]string, 0) for i := 0; i < val.NumField(); i++ { kind := val.Field(i).Kind() fieldName := val.Type().Field(i).Name sqlTypeAlias := sqlTypeMap[kind] if sqlTypeAlias == "notsupported" || fieldName == "id" { continue } v := sqliteMarshalFunctions[sqlTypeAlias].Marshal(val.Field(i)) keys = append(keys, fieldName) values = append(values, v) } // Add the timestamp_id field to link up with the timestamp table. if tbl != "timestamp" && tbl != "startup" { keys = append(keys, "timestamp_id") if dataLogTimestamps[ts_num].id == 0 { //FIXME: This is somewhat convoluted. When insertData() is called for a ts_num that corresponds to a timestamp with no database id, // then it inserts that timestamp via the same interface and the id is updated in the structure via the below lines // (dataLogTimestamps[ts_num].id = id). dataLogTimestamps[ts_num].StartupID = stratuxStartupID insertData(dataLogTimestamps[ts_num], "timestamp", db, ts_num) // Updates dataLogTimestamps[ts_num].id. } values = append(values, strconv.FormatInt(dataLogTimestamps[ts_num].id, 10)) } if _, ok := insertString[tbl]; !ok { // Prepare the statement. tblInsert := fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES(%s)", tbl, strings.Join(keys, ","), strings.Join(strings.Split(strings.Repeat("?", len(keys)), ""), ",")) insertString[tbl] = tblInsert } // Make the values slice into a slice of interface{}. ifs := make([]interface{}, len(values)) for i := 0; i < len(values); i++ { ifs[i] = values[i] } insertBatchIfs[tbl] = append(insertBatchIfs[tbl], ifs) if tbl == "timestamp" || tbl == "startup" { // Immediate insert always for "timestamp" and "startup" table. res, err := bulkInsert(tbl, db) // Bulk insert of 1, always. if err == nil { id, err := res.LastInsertId() if err == nil && tbl == "timestamp" { // Special handling for timestamps. Update the timestamp ID. ts := dataLogTimestamps[ts_num] ts.id = id dataLogTimestamps[ts_num] = ts } return id } } return 0 } type DataLogRow struct { tbl string data interface{} ts_num int64 } var dataLogChan chan DataLogRow var shutdownDataLog chan bool var shutdownDataLogWriter chan bool var dataLogWriteChan chan DataLogRow func dataLogWriter(db *sql.DB) { dataLogWriteChan = make(chan DataLogRow, 10240) shutdownDataLogWriter = make(chan bool) // The write queue. As data comes in via dataLogChan, it is timestamped and stored. // When writeTicker comes up, the queue is emptied. writeTicker := time.NewTicker(10 * time.Second) rowsQueuedForWrite := make([]DataLogRow, 0) for { select { case r := <-dataLogWriteChan: // Accept timestamped row. rowsQueuedForWrite = append(rowsQueuedForWrite, r) case <-writeTicker.C: // for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ { // logSituation() // } timeStart := stratuxClock.Time nRows := len(rowsQueuedForWrite) if globalSettings.DEBUG { log.Printf("Writing %d rows\n", nRows) } // Write the buffered rows. This will block while it is writing. // Save the names of the tables affected so that we can run bulkInsert() on after the insertData() calls. tblsAffected := make(map[string]bool) // Start transaction. tx, err := db.Begin() if err != nil { log.Printf("db.Begin() error: %s\n", err.Error()) break // from select {} } for _, r := range rowsQueuedForWrite { tblsAffected[r.tbl] = true insertData(r.data, r.tbl, db, r.ts_num) } // Do the bulk inserts. for tbl, _ := range tblsAffected { bulkInsert(tbl, db) } // Close the transaction. tx.Commit() rowsQueuedForWrite = make([]DataLogRow, 0) // Zero the queue. timeElapsed := stratuxClock.Since(timeStart) if globalSettings.DEBUG { rowsPerSecond := float64(nRows) / float64(timeElapsed.Seconds()) log.Printf("Writing finished. %d rows in %.2f seconds (%.1f rows per second).\n", nRows, float64(timeElapsed.Seconds()), rowsPerSecond) } if timeElapsed.Seconds() > 10.0 { log.Printf("WARNING! SQLite logging is behind. Last write took %.1f seconds.\n", float64(timeElapsed.Seconds())) dataLogCriticalErr := fmt.Errorf("WARNING! SQLite logging is behind. Last write took %.1f seconds.\n", float64(timeElapsed.Seconds())) addSystemError(dataLogCriticalErr) } case <-shutdownDataLogWriter: // Received a message on the channel to initiate a graceful shutdown, and to command dataLog() to shut down log.Printf("datalog.go: dataLogWriter() received shutdown message with rowsQueuedForWrite = %d\n", len(rowsQueuedForWrite)) shutdownDataLog <- true return } } log.Printf("datalog.go: dataLogWriter() shutting down\n") } func dataLog() { dataLogStarted = true log.Printf("datalog.go: dataLog() started\n") dataLogChan = make(chan DataLogRow, 10240) shutdownDataLog = make(chan bool) dataLogTimestamps = make([]StratuxTimestamp, 0) var ts StratuxTimestamp ts.id = 0 ts.Time_type_preference = 0 // stratuxClock. ts.StratuxClock_value = stratuxClock.Time ts.GPSClock_value = time.Time{} ts.PreferredTime_value = stratuxClock.Time dataLogTimestamps = append(dataLogTimestamps, ts) dataLogCurTimestamp = 0 // Check if we need to create a new database. createDatabase := false if _, err := os.Stat(dataLogFilef); os.IsNotExist(err) { createDatabase = true log.Printf("creating new database '%s'.\n", dataLogFilef) } db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", dataLogFilef) if err != nil { log.Printf("sql.Open(): %s\n", err.Error()) } defer func() { db.Close() dataLogStarted = false //close(dataLogChan) log.Printf("datalog.go: dataLog() has closed DB in %s\n", dataLogFilef) }() _, err = db.Exec("PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL") if err != nil { log.Printf("db.Exec('PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL') err: %s\n", err.Error()) } _, err = db.Exec("PRAGMA synchronous=OFF") if err != nil { log.Printf("db.Exec('PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL') err: %s\n", err.Error()) } //log.Printf("Starting dataLogWriter\n") // REMOVE -- DEBUG go dataLogWriter(db) // Do we need to create the database? if createDatabase { makeTable(StratuxTimestamp{}, "timestamp", db) makeTable(mySituation, "mySituation", db) makeTable(globalStatus, "status", db) makeTable(globalSettings, "settings", db) makeTable(TrafficInfo{}, "traffic", db) makeTable(msg{}, "messages", db) makeTable(esmsg{}, "es_messages", db) makeTable(Dump1090TermMessage{}, "dump1090_terminal", db) makeTable(gpsPerfStats{}, "gps_attitude", db) makeTable(StratuxStartup{}, "startup", db) } // The first entry to be created is the "startup" entry. stratuxStartupID = insertData(StratuxStartup{}, "startup", db, 0) dataLogReadyToWrite = true //log.Printf("Entering dataLog read loop\n") //REMOVE -- DEBUG for { select { case r := <-dataLogChan: // When data is input, the first step is to timestamp it. // Check if our time bucket has expired or has never been entered. checkTimestamp() // Mark the row with the current timestamp ID, in case it gets entered later. r.ts_num = dataLogCurTimestamp // Queue it for the scheduled write. dataLogWriteChan <- r case <-shutdownDataLog: // Received a message on the channel to complete a graceful shutdown (see the 'defer func()...' statement above). log.Printf("datalog.go: dataLog() received shutdown message\n") return } } log.Printf("datalog.go: dataLog() shutting down\n") close(shutdownDataLog) } /* setDataLogTimeWithGPS(). Create a timestamp entry using GPS time. */ func setDataLogTimeWithGPS(sit SituationData) { if isGPSClockValid() { var ts StratuxTimestamp // Piggyback a GPS time update from this update. ts.id = 0 ts.Time_type_preference = 1 // gpsClock. ts.StratuxClock_value = stratuxClock.Time ts.GPSClock_value = sit.GPSTime ts.PreferredTime_value = sit.GPSTime dataLogTimestamps = append(dataLogTimestamps, ts) dataLogCurTimestamp = int64(len(dataLogTimestamps) - 1) } } /* logSituation(), logStatus(), ... pass messages from other functions to the logging engine. These are only read into `dataLogChan` if the Replay Log is toggled on, and if the log system is ready to accept writes. */ func isDataLogReady() bool { return dataLogReadyToWrite } func logSituation() { if globalSettings.ReplayLog && isDataLogReady() { dataLogChan <- DataLogRow{tbl: "mySituation", data: mySituation} } } func logStatus() { if globalSettings.ReplayLog && isDataLogReady() { dataLogChan <- DataLogRow{tbl: "status", data: globalStatus} } } func logSettings() { if globalSettings.ReplayLog && isDataLogReady() { dataLogChan <- DataLogRow{tbl: "settings", data: globalSettings} } } func logTraffic(ti TrafficInfo) { if globalSettings.ReplayLog && isDataLogReady() { dataLogChan <- DataLogRow{tbl: "traffic", data: ti} } } func logMsg(m msg) { if globalSettings.ReplayLog && isDataLogReady() { dataLogChan <- DataLogRow{tbl: "messages", data: m} } } func logESMsg(m esmsg) { if globalSettings.ReplayLog && isDataLogReady() { dataLogChan <- DataLogRow{tbl: "es_messages", data: m} } } func logGPSAttitude(gpsPerf gpsPerfStats) { if globalSettings.ReplayLog && isDataLogReady() { dataLogChan <- DataLogRow{tbl: "gps_attitude", data: gpsPerf} } } func logDump1090TermMessage(m Dump1090TermMessage) { if globalSettings.DEBUG && globalSettings.ReplayLog && isDataLogReady() { dataLogChan <- DataLogRow{tbl: "dump1090_terminal", data: m} } } func initDataLog() { //log.Printf("dataLogStarted = %t. dataLogReadyToWrite = %t\n", dataLogStarted, dataLogReadyToWrite) //REMOVE -- DEBUG insertString = make(map[string]string) insertBatchIfs = make(map[string][][]interface{}) go dataLogWatchdog() //log.Printf("datalog.go: initDataLog() complete.\n") //REMOVE -- DEBUG } /* dataLogWatchdog(): Watchdog function to control startup / shutdown of data logging subsystem. Called by initDataLog as a goroutine. It iterates once per second to determine if globalSettings.ReplayLog has toggled. If logging was switched from off to on, it starts datalog() as a goroutine. If the log is running and we want it to stop, it calls closeDataLog() to turn off the input channels, close the log, and tear down the dataLog and dataLogWriter goroutines. */ func dataLogWatchdog() { for { if !dataLogStarted && globalSettings.ReplayLog { // case 1: sqlite logging isn't running, and we want to start it log.Printf("datalog.go: Watchdog wants to START logging.\n") go dataLog() } else if dataLogStarted && !globalSettings.ReplayLog { // case 2: sqlite logging is running, and we want to shut it down log.Printf("datalog.go: Watchdog wants to STOP logging.\n") closeDataLog() } //log.Printf("Watchdog iterated.\n") //REMOVE -- DEBUG time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) //log.Printf("Watchdog sleep over.\n") //REMOVE -- DEBUG } } /* closeDataLog(): Handler for graceful shutdown of data logging goroutines. It is called by by dataLogWatchdog(), gracefulShutdown(), and by any other function (disk space monitor?) that needs to be able to shut down sqlite logging without corrupting data or blocking execution. This function turns off log message reads into the dataLogChan receiver, and sends a message to a quit channel ('shutdownDataLogWriter`) in dataLogWriter(). dataLogWriter() then sends a message to a quit channel to 'shutdownDataLog` in dataLog() to close *that* goroutine. That function sets dataLogStarted=false once the logfile is closed. By waiting for that signal, closeDataLog() won't exit until the log is safely written. This prevents data loss on shutdown. */ func closeDataLog() { //log.Printf("closeDataLog(): dataLogStarted = %t\n", dataLogStarted) //REMOVE -- DEBUG dataLogReadyToWrite = false // prevent any new messages from being sent down the channels log.Printf("datalog.go: Starting data log shutdown\n") shutdownDataLogWriter <- true // defer close(shutdownDataLogWriter) // ... and close the channel so subsequent accidental writes don't stall execution log.Printf("datalog.go: Waiting for shutdown signal from dataLog()") for dataLogStarted { //log.Printf("closeDataLog(): dataLogStarted = %t\n", dataLogStarted) //REMOVE -- DEBUG time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond) } log.Printf("datalog.go: Data log shutdown successful.\n") }