NIC & NACp from @AvSquirrel.

Christopher Young 2015-09-30 13:36:31 -04:00
rodzic 94876edd40
commit aafcd4892c
2 zmienionych plików z 35 dodań i 4 usunięć

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@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ func makeOwnshipReport() bool {
msg[12] = msg[12] | 0x0B // "Airborne" + "True Heading"
msg[13] = 0xBB // NIC and NACp.
msg[13] = byte(0x80 | (mySituation.NACp & 0x0F)) //Set NIC = 8 and use NACp from ry835ai.go.
gdSpeed := uint16(0) // 1kt resolution.
if isGPSGroundTrackValid() {
@ -239,6 +239,15 @@ func makeOwnshipReport() bool {
msg[18] = 0x01 // "Light (ICAO) < 15,500 lbs"
// Create callsign "Stratux".
msg[19] = 0x53
msg[20] = 0x74
msg[21] = 0x72
msg[22] = 0x61
msg[23] = 0x74
msg[24] = 0x75
msg[25] = 0x78
sendGDL90(prepareMessage(msg), false)
return true
@ -737,7 +746,7 @@ func printStats() {
log.Printf("stats [up since: %s]\n", humanize.Time(timeStarted))
log.Printf(" - CPUTemp=%.02f deg C, MemStats.Alloc=%s, MemStats.Sys=%s, totalNetworkMessagesSent=%s\n", globalStatus.CPUTemp, humanize.Bytes(uint64(memstats.Alloc)), humanize.Bytes(uint64(memstats.Sys)), humanize.Comma(int64(totalNetworkMessagesSent)))
log.Printf(" - UAT/min %s/%s [maxSS=%.02f%%], ES/min %s/%s\n", humanize.Comma(int64(globalStatus.UAT_messages_last_minute)), humanize.Comma(int64(globalStatus.UAT_messages_max)), float64(maxSignalStrength)/10.0, humanize.Comma(int64(globalStatus.ES_messages_last_minute)), humanize.Comma(int64(globalStatus.ES_messages_max)))
log.Printf(" - Total traffic targets tracked=%s, last GPS fix: %s\n", humanize.Comma(int64(len(seenTraffic))), humanize.Time(mySituation.LastFixLocalTime))
log.Printf(" - Total traffic targets tracked=%s, last GPS fix: %s, GPS solution type: %d, NACp: %d, est accuracy %.02f m\n", humanize.Comma(int64(len(seenTraffic))), humanize.Time(mySituation.LastFixLocalTime), mySituation.quality, mySituation.NACp, mySituation.Accuracy)

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@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ type SituationData struct {
quality uint8
Satellites uint16
Accuracy float32 // Meters.
NACp uint8 // NACp categories are defined in AC 20-165A
Alt float32 // Feet.
alt_accuracy float32
LastFixLocalTime time.Time
@ -266,7 +267,7 @@ func processNMEALine(l string) bool {
if err1 != nil {
return false
mySituation.quality = uint8(q)
mySituation.quality = uint8(q) // 1 = 3D GPS; 2 = DGPS (SBAS /WAAS)
// Satellites.
sat, err1 := strconv.Atoi(x[7])
@ -280,7 +281,28 @@ func processNMEALine(l string) bool {
if err1 != nil {
return false
mySituation.Accuracy = float32(hdop * 5.0) //FIXME: 5 meters ~ 1.0 HDOP?
if mySituation.quality == 2 {
mySituation.Accuracy = float32(hdop * 4.0) //Estimate for WAAS / DGPS solution
} else {
mySituation.Accuracy = float32(hdop * 8.0) //Estimate for 3D non-WAAS solution
// NACp estimate.
if mySituation.Accuracy < 3 {
mySituation.NACp = 11
} else if mySituation.Accuracy < 10 {
mySituation.NACp = 10
} else if mySituation.Accuracy < 30 {
mySituation.NACp = 9
} else if mySituation.Accuracy < 92.6 {
mySituation.NACp = 8
} else if mySituation.Accuracy < 185.2 {
mySituation.NACp = 7
} else if mySituation.Accuracy < 555.6 {
mySituation.NACp = 6
} else {
mySituation.NACp = 0
// Altitude.
alt, err1 := strconv.ParseFloat(x[9], 32)