Add emergency status to traffic msgs; additional UAT statistics; cleanup

Keith Tschohl 2017-02-13 03:37:51 +00:00
rodzic 950c0594bf
commit 318e883db5
1 zmienionych plików z 91 dodań i 50 usunięć

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@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ type TrafficInfo struct {
Speed_valid bool // set when speed report received.
Vvel int16 // feet per minute
Timestamp time.Time // timestamp of traffic message, UTC
PriorityStatus uint8 // Emergency or priority code as defined in GDL90 spec, DO-260B (Type 28 msg) and DO-282B
// Parameters starting at 'Age' are calculated from last message receipt on each call of sendTrafficUpdates().
// Mode S transmits position and track in separate messages, and altitude can also be
@ -348,6 +349,9 @@ func makeTrafficReportMsg(ti TrafficInfo) []byte {
msg[19+i] = c
//msg[27] is priority / emergency status per GDL90 spec (DO260B and DO282B are same codes)
msg[27] = ti.PriorityStatus << 4
return prepareMessage(msg)
@ -394,68 +398,107 @@ func parseDownlinkReport(s string, signalLevel int) {
// Extract parameters from Mode Status elements, if available.
if msg_type == 1 || msg_type == 3 {
// Determine UAT message version. This is needed for some capability decoding and is useful for debugging.
uat_version = (frame[23] >> 2) % 0x08
//log.Printf("%06X: UAT version %v\n",icao_addr,uat_version)
uat_version = (frame[23] >> 2) & 0x07
// Extract emitter category.
if msg_type == 1 || msg_type == 3 {
v := (uint16(frame[17]) << 8) | (uint16(frame[18]))
ti.Emitter_category = uint8((v / 1600) % 40)
// Decode callsign or Flight Plan ID (i.e. squawk code)
// If the CSID bit (byte 27, bit 7) is set to 1, all eight characters
// encoded in bytes 18-23 represent callsign.
// If the CSID bit is set to 0, the first four characters encoded in bytes 18-23
// represent the Mode A squawk code.
v := (uint16(frame[17]) << 8) | (uint16(frame[18]))
ti.Emitter_category = uint8((v / 1600) % 40)
csid := (frame[26] >> 1) & 0x01
// Decode callsign or Flight Plan ID (i.e. squawk code)
// If the CSID bit (byte 27, bit 7) is set to 1, all eight characters
// encoded in bytes 18-23 represent callsign.
// If the CSID bit is set to 0, the first four characters encoded in bytes 18-23
// represent the Mode A squawk code.
if csid == 1 { // decode as callsign
//log.Printf("CSID == 1. Decoding callsign.\n")
base40_alphabet := string("0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ..")
tail := ""
csid := (frame[26] >> 1) & 0x01
v := (uint16(frame[17]) << 8) | uint16(frame[18])
tail += string(base40_alphabet[(v/40)%40])
tail += string(base40_alphabet[v%40])
v = (uint16(frame[19]) << 8) | uint16(frame[20])
tail += string(base40_alphabet[(v/1600)%40])
tail += string(base40_alphabet[(v/40)%40])
tail += string(base40_alphabet[v%40])
v = (uint16(frame[21]) << 8) | uint16(frame[22])
tail += string(base40_alphabet[(v/1600)%40])
tail += string(base40_alphabet[(v/40)%40])
tail += string(base40_alphabet[v%40])
tail = strings.Trim(tail, " ")
ti.Tail = tail
//log.Printf("Callsign decoded as %s\n",tail)
if csid == 1 { // decode as callsign
base40_alphabet := string("0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ..")
tail := ""
} else if uat_version >= 2 { // decode as Mode 3/A code, if UAT version is at least 2
//log.Printf("CSID == 0. Decoding Mode 3/A code.\n")
v := (uint16(frame[17]) << 8) | uint16(frame[18])
squawk_a := (v / 40) % 40
squawk_b := v % 40
v = (uint16(frame[19]) << 8) | uint16(frame[20])
squawk_c := (v / 1600) % 40
squawk_d := (v / 40) % 40
squawk := 1000*squawk_a + 100*squawk_b + 10*squawk_c + squawk_d
ti.Squawk = int(squawk)
//log.Printf("Mode 3/A decoded as %d\n",squawk)
v := (uint16(frame[17]) << 8) | uint16(frame[18])
tail += string(base40_alphabet[(v/40)%40])
tail += string(base40_alphabet[v%40])
v = (uint16(frame[19]) << 8) | uint16(frame[20])
tail += string(base40_alphabet[(v/1600)%40])
tail += string(base40_alphabet[(v/40)%40])
tail += string(base40_alphabet[v%40])
v = (uint16(frame[21]) << 8) | uint16(frame[22])
tail += string(base40_alphabet[(v/1600)%40])
tail += string(base40_alphabet[(v/40)%40])
tail += string(base40_alphabet[v%40])
tail = strings.Trim(tail, " ")
ti.Tail = tail
} else if uat_version >= 2 { // decode as Mode 3/A code, if UAT version is at least 2
v := (uint16(frame[17]) << 8) | uint16(frame[18])
squawk_a := (v / 40) % 40
squawk_b := v % 40
v = (uint16(frame[19]) << 8) | uint16(frame[20])
squawk_c := (v / 1600) % 40
squawk_d := (v / 40) % 40
squawk := 1000*squawk_a + 100*squawk_b + 10*squawk_c + squawk_d
ti.Squawk = int(squawk)
ti.NACp = int((frame[25] >> 4) & 0x0F)
ti.PriorityStatus = (frame[23] >> 5) & 0x07
// OK.
// fmt.Printf("%d, %d, %06X\n", msg_type, ti.Addr_type, ti.Icao_addr)
// Following section is future-use for debugging and / or additional status info on UAT traffic. Message parsing needs testing.
//declaration for mode status flags -- parse for debug logging
var status_sil byte
//var status_transmit_mso byte
var status_sda byte
//var status_nacv byte
//var status_nicbaro byte
//var status_sil_supp byte
//var status_geom_vert_acc byte
//var status_sa_flag byte
var capability_uat_in bool
var capability_1090_in bool
//var capability_tcas bool
//var capability_cdti bool
//var opmode_tcas_active bool
//var opmode_ident_active bool
//var opmode_rec_atc_serv bool
// these are present in v1 and v2 messages
status_sil = frame[23] & 0x03
//status_transmit_mso = frame[24] >> 2
//status_nacv = (frame[25] >> 1) & 0x07
//status_nicbaro = frame[25] & 0x01
// other status and capability bits are different between v1 and v2
if uat_version == 2 {
status_sda = frame[24] & 0x03
capability_uat_in = (frame[26] >> 7) != 0
capability_1090_in = ((frame[26] >> 6) & 0x01) != 0
//capability_tcas = ((frame[26] >> 5) & 0x01) != 0
//opmode_tcas_active = ((frame[26] >> 4) & 0x01) != 0
//opmode_ident_active = ((frame[26] >> 3) & 0x01) != 0
//opmode_rec_atc_serv = ((frame[26] >> 2) & 0x01) != 0
//status_sil_supp = frame[26] & 0x01
//status_geom_vert_acc = (frame[27] >> 6) & 0x03
//status_sa_flag = (frame[27] >> 5) & 0x01
} else if uat_version == 1 {
//capability_cdti = (frame[26] >> 7) != 0
//capability_tcas = ((frame[26] >> 6) & 0x01) != 0
//opmode_tcas_active = ((frame[26] >> 5) & 0x01) != 0
//opmode_ident_active = ((frame[26] >> 4) & 0x01) != 0
//opmode_rec_atc_serv = ((frame[26] >> 3) & 0x01) != 0
log.Printf("Additional UAT mode status for %06X: Version = %d; SIL = %d; SDA = %d; 978 In = %v; 1090 In = %v\n",icao_addr,uat_version,status_sil,status_sda,capability_uat_in,capability_1090_in)
ti.NIC = int(frame[11] & 0x0F)
if (msg_type == 1) || (msg_type == 3) { // Since NACp is passed with normal UATreports, no need to use our ES hack.
ti.NACp = int((frame[25] >> 4) & 0x0F)
var power float64
if signalLevel > 0 {
power = 20 * (math.Log10(float64(signalLevel) / 1000)) // reported amplitude is 0-1000. Normalize to max = 1 and do amplitude dB calculation (20 dB per decade)
@ -625,7 +668,6 @@ func parseDownlinkReport(s string, signalLevel int) {
ti.Last_speed = stratuxClock.Time
// fmt.Printf("ns_vel %d, ew_vel %d, track %d, speed_valid %t, speed %d, vvel_geo %t, vvel %d\n", ns_vel, ew_vel, track, speed_valid, speed, vvel_geo, vvel)
@ -639,7 +681,6 @@ func parseDownlinkReport(s string, signalLevel int) {
// fmt.Printf("tisb_site_id %d, utc_coupled %t\n", tisb_site_id, utc_coupled)
ti.Timestamp = time.Now()