Add disk usage webUI warning.

Christopher Young 2016-04-12 10:59:07 -04:00
rodzic e8f8a27bc3
commit 23619fad1b
1 zmienionych plików z 8 dodań i 1 usunięć

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@ -1091,12 +1091,13 @@ func openReplay(fn string, compressed bool) (WriteCloser, error) {
func printStats() {
statTimer := time.NewTicker(30 * time.Second)
diskUsageWarning := false
for {
var memstats runtime.MemStats
log.Printf("stats [started: %s]\n", humanize.RelTime(time.Time{}, stratuxClock.Time, "ago", "from now"))
log.Printf(" - Disk bytes used = %s (%.1f %%), Disk bytes free = %s (%.1f %%) \n", humanize.Bytes(usage.Used()), 100*usage.Usage(), humanize.Bytes(usage.Free()), 100*(1-usage.Usage()))
log.Printf(" - Disk bytes used = %s (%.1f %%), Disk bytes free = %s (%.1f %%)\n", humanize.Bytes(usage.Used()), 100*usage.Usage(), humanize.Bytes(usage.Free()), 100*(1-usage.Usage()))
log.Printf(" - CPUTemp=%.02f deg C, MemStats.Alloc=%s, MemStats.Sys=%s, totalNetworkMessagesSent=%s\n", globalStatus.CPUTemp, humanize.Bytes(uint64(memstats.Alloc)), humanize.Bytes(uint64(memstats.Sys)), humanize.Comma(int64(totalNetworkMessagesSent)))
log.Printf(" - UAT/min %s/%s [maxSS=%.02f%%], ES/min %s/%s, Total traffic targets tracked=%s", humanize.Comma(int64(globalStatus.UAT_messages_last_minute)), humanize.Comma(int64(globalStatus.UAT_messages_max)), float64(maxSignalStrength)/10.0, humanize.Comma(int64(globalStatus.ES_messages_last_minute)), humanize.Comma(int64(globalStatus.ES_messages_max)), humanize.Comma(int64(len(seenTraffic))))
log.Printf(" - Network data messages sent: %d total, %d nonqueueable. Network data bytes sent: %d total, %d nonqueueable.\n", globalStatus.NetworkDataMessagesSent, globalStatus.NetworkDataMessagesSentNonqueueable, globalStatus.NetworkDataBytesSent, globalStatus.NetworkDataBytesSentNonqueueable)
@ -1104,6 +1105,12 @@ func printStats() {
log.Printf(" - Last GPS fix: %s, GPS solution type: %d using %d satellites (%d/%d seen/tracked), NACp: %d, est accuracy %.02f m\n", stratuxClock.HumanizeTime(mySituation.LastFixLocalTime), mySituation.Quality, mySituation.Satellites, mySituation.SatellitesSeen, mySituation.SatellitesTracked, mySituation.NACp, mySituation.Accuracy)
log.Printf(" - GPS vertical velocity: %.02f ft/sec; GPS vertical accuracy: %v m\n", mySituation.GPSVertVel, mySituation.AccuracyVert)
// Check if we're using more than 95% of the free space. If so, throw a warning (only once).
if !diskUsageWarning && usage.Usage() > 95.0 {
err_p := fmt.Errorf("Disk bytes used = %s (%.1f %%), Disk bytes free = %s (%.1f %%)", humanize.Bytes(usage.Used()), 100*usage.Usage(), humanize.Bytes(usage.Free()), 100*(1-usage.Usage()))
diskUsageWarning = true