Merge pull request #249 from AvSquirrel/working

Networking improvements
cyoung 2016-02-15 11:02:59 -05:00
commit 0031ddc00c
4 zmienionych plików z 187 dodań i 31 usunięć

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@ -604,9 +604,25 @@ func heartBeatSender() {
sendGDL90(makeHeartbeat(), false)
sendGDL90(makeStratuxHeartbeat(), false)
sendGDL90(makeStratuxStatus(), false)
// sendGDL90(makeTrafficReport())
/* --- debug code: traffic demo* --- /
/* Uncomment and compile to display huge number of artificial traffic targets
numTargets := uint32(1000)
hexCode := uint32(0xFF0000)
for i := uint32(0); i < numTargets; i++ {
tail := fmt.Sprintf("DEMO%d", i)
alt := float32((i*117%2000)*25 + 2000)
hdg := float64((i * 37) % 360)
spd := float64(100 + ((i*7)%61)*13)
updateDemoTraffic(i|hexCode, tail, alt, spd, hdg)
/* ---end traffic demo code ---*/
case <-timerMessageStats.C:
@ -1000,22 +1016,30 @@ type settings struct {
type status struct {
Version string
Devices uint32
Connected_Users uint
UAT_messages_last_minute uint
uat_products_last_minute map[string]uint32
UAT_messages_max uint
ES_messages_last_minute uint
ES_messages_max uint
GPS_satellites_locked uint16
GPS_satellites_seen uint16
GPS_satellites_tracked uint16
GPS_connected bool
GPS_solution string
RY835AI_connected bool
Uptime int64
CPUTemp float32
Version string
Devices uint32
Connected_Users uint
UAT_messages_last_minute uint
uat_products_last_minute map[string]uint32
UAT_messages_max uint
ES_messages_last_minute uint
ES_messages_max uint
GPS_satellites_locked uint16
GPS_satellites_seen uint16
GPS_satellites_tracked uint16
GPS_connected bool
GPS_solution string
RY835AI_connected bool
Uptime int64
CPUTemp float32
NetworkDataMessagesSent uint64
NetworkDataMessagesSentNonqueueable uint64
NetworkDataBytesSent uint64
NetworkDataBytesSentNonqueueable uint64
NetworkDataMessagesSentLastSec uint64
NetworkDataMessagesSentNonqueueableLastSec uint64
NetworkDataBytesSentLastSec uint64
NetworkDataBytesSentNonqueueableLastSec uint64
var globalSettings settings
@ -1135,6 +1159,7 @@ func printStats() {
log.Printf("stats [started: %s]\n", humanize.RelTime(time.Time{}, stratuxClock.Time, "ago", "from now"))
log.Printf(" - CPUTemp=%.02f deg C, MemStats.Alloc=%s, MemStats.Sys=%s, totalNetworkMessagesSent=%s\n", globalStatus.CPUTemp, humanize.Bytes(uint64(memstats.Alloc)), humanize.Bytes(uint64(memstats.Sys)), humanize.Comma(int64(totalNetworkMessagesSent)))
log.Printf(" - UAT/min %s/%s [maxSS=%.02f%%], ES/min %s/%s\n, Total traffic targets tracked=%s", humanize.Comma(int64(globalStatus.UAT_messages_last_minute)), humanize.Comma(int64(globalStatus.UAT_messages_max)), float64(maxSignalStrength)/10.0, humanize.Comma(int64(globalStatus.ES_messages_last_minute)), humanize.Comma(int64(globalStatus.ES_messages_max)), humanize.Comma(int64(len(seenTraffic))))
log.Printf(" - Network data messages sent: %d total, %d nonqueueable. Network data bytes sent: %d total, %d nonqueueable.\n", globalStatus.NetworkDataMessagesSent, globalStatus.NetworkDataMessagesSentNonqueueable, globalStatus.NetworkDataBytesSent, globalStatus.NetworkDataBytesSentNonqueueable)
if globalSettings.GPS_Enabled {
log.Printf(" - Last GPS fix: %s, GPS solution type: %d using %d satellites (%d/%d seen/tracked), NACp: %d, est accuracy %.02f m\n", stratuxClock.HumanizeTime(mySituation.LastFixLocalTime), mySituation.quality, mySituation.Satellites, mySituation.SatellitesSeen, mySituation.SatellitesTracked, mySituation.NACp, mySituation.Accuracy)
log.Printf(" - GPS vertical velocity: %.02f ft/sec; GPS vertical accuracy: %v m\n", mySituation.GPSVertVel, mySituation.AccuracyVert)

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@ -124,14 +124,20 @@ func sendToAllConnectedClients(msg networkMessage) {
// Send non-queueable messages immediately, or discard if the client is in sleep mode.
if sleepFlag {
if !sleepFlag {
netconn.numOverflows = 0 // Reset the overflow counter whenever the client is not sleeping so that we're not penalizing future sleepmodes.
netconn.numOverflows = 0 // Reset the overflow counter whenever the client is not sleeping so that we're not penalizing future sleepmodes.
if !msg.queueable {
if sleepFlag {
netconn.Conn.Write(msg.msg) // Write immediately.
globalStatus.NetworkDataBytesSent += uint64(len(msg.msg))
globalStatus.NetworkDataBytesSentNonqueueable += uint64(len(msg.msg))
} else {
// Queue the message if the message is "queueable".
if len(netconn.messageQueue) >= maxUserMsgQueueSize { // Too many messages queued? Drop the oldest.
@ -144,14 +150,22 @@ func sendToAllConnectedClients(msg networkMessage) {
netconn.messageQueue = netconn.messageQueue[s:]
netconn.messageQueue = append(netconn.messageQueue, msg.msg)
netconn.messageQueue = append(netconn.messageQueue, msg.msg) // each netconn.messageQueue is therefore an array (well, a slice) of formatted GDL90 messages
outSockets[k] = netconn
// Just returns the number of DHCP leases for now.
// Returns the number of DHCP leases and prints queue lengths
func getNetworkStats() uint {
for _, netconn := range outSockets {
queueBytes := 0
for _, msg := range netconn.messageQueue {
queueBytes += len(msg)
log.Printf("On %s:%d, Queue length = %d messages / %d bytes\n", netconn.Ip, netconn.Port, len(netconn.messageQueue), queueBytes)
ret := uint(len(dhcpLeases))
globalStatus.Connected_Users = ret
return ret
@ -217,11 +231,49 @@ func messageQueueSender() {
if len(netconn.messageQueue) > 0 && !isSleeping(k) && !isThrottled(k) {
averageSendableQueueSize += float64(len(netconn.messageQueue)) // Add num sendable messages.
tmpConn := netconn
var queuedMsg []byte
// Combine the first 256 entries in netconn.messageQueue to avoid flooding wlan0 with too many IOPS.
// Need to play nice with non-queued messages, so this limits the number of entries to combine.
// UAT uplink block is 432 bytes, so transmit block size shouldn't be larger than 108 KiB. 10 Mbps per device would therefore be needed to send within a 100 ms window.
mqDepth := len(netconn.messageQueue)
if mqDepth > 256 {
mqDepth = 256
for j := 0; j < mqDepth; j++ {
queuedMsg = append(queuedMsg, netconn.messageQueue[j]...)
for j, _ := range netconn.messageQueue {
queuedMsg = append(queuedMsg, netconn.messageQueue[j]...)
tmpConn.messageQueue = tmpConn.messageQueue[1:]
outSockets[k] = tmpConn
globalStatus.NetworkDataBytesSent += uint64(len(queuedMsg))
//netconn.messageQueue = [][]byte{}
if mqDepth < len(netconn.messageQueue) {
netconn.messageQueue = netconn.messageQueue[mqDepth:]
} else {
netconn.messageQueue = [][]byte{}
outSockets[k] = netconn
tmpConn := netconn
globalStatus.NetworkDataBytesSent += uint64(len(tmpConn.messageQueue[0]))
tmpConn.messageQueue = tmpConn.messageQueue[1:]
outSockets[k] = tmpConn
@ -355,6 +407,29 @@ func sleepMonitor() {
func networkStatsCounter() {
timer := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Second)
var previousNetworkMessagesSent, previousNetworkBytesSent, previousNetworkMessagesSentNonqueueable, previousNetworkBytesSentNonqueueable uint64
for {
globalStatus.NetworkDataMessagesSentLastSec = globalStatus.NetworkDataMessagesSent - previousNetworkMessagesSent
globalStatus.NetworkDataBytesSentLastSec = globalStatus.NetworkDataBytesSent - previousNetworkBytesSent
globalStatus.NetworkDataMessagesSentNonqueueableLastSec = globalStatus.NetworkDataMessagesSentNonqueueable - previousNetworkMessagesSentNonqueueable
globalStatus.NetworkDataBytesSentNonqueueableLastSec = globalStatus.NetworkDataBytesSentNonqueueable - previousNetworkBytesSentNonqueueable
// debug option. Uncomment to log per-second network statistics. Useful for debugging WiFi instability.
//log.Printf("Network data messages sent: %d total, %d last second. Network data bytes sent: %d total, %d last second.\n", globalStatus.NetworkDataMessagesSent, globalStatus.NetworkDataMessagesSentLastSec, globalStatus.NetworkDataBytesSent, globalStatus.NetworkDataBytesSentLastSec)
previousNetworkMessagesSent = globalStatus.NetworkDataMessagesSent
previousNetworkBytesSent = globalStatus.NetworkDataBytesSent
previousNetworkMessagesSentNonqueueable = globalStatus.NetworkDataMessagesSentNonqueueable
previousNetworkBytesSentNonqueueable = globalStatus.NetworkDataBytesSentNonqueueable
func initNetwork() {
messageQueue = make(chan networkMessage, 1024) // Buffered channel, 1024 messages.
outSockets = make(map[string]networkConnection)
@ -364,4 +439,5 @@ func initNetwork() {
go monitorDHCPLeases()
go messageQueueSender()
go sleepMonitor()
go networkStatsCounter()

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@ -1114,7 +1114,7 @@ func attitudeReaderSender() {
// Send, if valid.
// if isGPSGroundTrackValid(), etc.
// makeFFAHRSSimReport() // simultaneous use of GDL90 and FFSIM not supported in FF 7.5.1 or later. Function definition will be kept for AHRS debugging and future workarounds.

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@ -104,11 +104,16 @@ func sendTrafficUpdates() {
defer trafficMutex.Unlock()
for _, ti := range traffic {
var msg []byte
for _, ti := range traffic { // TO-DO: Limit number of aircraft in traffic message. ForeFlight chokes at ~1000-2000 messages depending on iDevice RAM. Practical limit likely around 500-1000 aircraft
if ti.Position_valid {
msg = append(msg, makeTrafficReportMsg(ti)...)
if len(msg) > 0 {
sendGDL90(msg, false)
// Send update to attached client.
@ -121,7 +126,7 @@ func registerTrafficUpdate(ti TrafficInfo) {
func makeTrafficReport(ti TrafficInfo) {
func makeTrafficReportMsg(ti TrafficInfo) []byte {
msg := make([]byte, 28)
// See p.16.
msg[0] = 0x14 // Message type "Traffic Report".
@ -200,7 +205,7 @@ func makeTrafficReport(ti TrafficInfo) {
msg[19+i] = c
sendGDL90(prepareMessage(msg), false)
return prepareMessage(msg)
func parseDownlinkReport(s string) {
@ -567,6 +572,56 @@ func esListen() {
updateDemoTraffic creates / updates a simulated traffic target for demonstration / debugging
purpose. Target will circle clockwise around the current GPS position (if valid) or around
KOSH, once every five minutes.
Inputs are ICAO 24-bit hex code, tail number (8 chars max), relative altitude in feet,
groundspeed in knots, and bearing offset from 0 deg initial position.
func updateDemoTraffic(icao uint32, tail string, relAlt float32, gs float64, offset float64) {
var ti TrafficInfo
hdg := float64((stratuxClock.Milliseconds/1000)%360) + offset
// gs := float64(220) // knots
radius := gs * 0.1 / (2 * math.Pi)
x := radius * math.Cos(hdg*math.Pi/180.0)
y := radius * math.Sin(hdg*math.Pi/180.0)
// default traffic location is Oshkosh if GPS not detected
lat := 43.99
lng := -88.56
if isGPSValid() {
lat = float64(mySituation.Lat)
lng = float64(mySituation.Lng)
traffRelLat := y / 60
traffRelLng := -x / (60 * math.Cos(lat*math.Pi/180.0))
ti.Icao_addr = icao
ti.OnGround = false
ti.addr_type = 0
ti.emitter_category = 1
ti.Lat = float32(lat + traffRelLat)
ti.Lng = float32(lng + traffRelLng)
ti.Position_valid = true
ti.Alt = int32(mySituation.Alt + relAlt)
ti.Track = uint16(hdg)
ti.Speed = uint16(gs)
ti.Speed_valid = true
ti.Vvel = 0
ti.Tail = tail // "DEMO1234"
ti.Last_seen = stratuxClock.Time
ti.Last_source = 1
// now insert this into the traffic map...
defer trafficMutex.Unlock()
traffic[ti.Icao_addr] = ti
seenTraffic[ti.Icao_addr] = true
func initTraffic() {
traffic = make(map[uint32]TrafficInfo)
seenTraffic = make(map[uint32]bool)